Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department DEPARTMENT: Engineering Technology June 2013 YEAR: 2012-2013 A. DEPARTMENT SERVICES/ACTIVITIES REPORT IN 2012-13 1. Department-sponsored services (fall and spring semesters combined) Area of Service Technology Academy Tutoring Center (Fall, Spring) On-Line Exam Tutoring for ET-110 (Fall, Spring) Technology Academy Lecture Series (Fall, Spring) Voice over Internet Protocol” (VoIP) - Robert Packer Careers in Information Technology – Brian Toyota LabView Professors Hamid Namdar & Danny Mangra Android Applications Programming – Steve Trowbridge College After QCC – Dane Burkett Windows 8 - Jerry Sitbon Jeopardy Challenge - Professor Jeffery Schwartz Robotics Laboratory (Fall, Spring, Summer) Trip to Queens Botanical Gardens (Fall) Trip/Tour of Sungard 777 Carlstadt Type III/IV Data Center (Spring) Engineering Technology Student-Faculty Get-Together & Advisement (Fall) Mechanical Technology Go-Cart Project (Fall, Spring) Tau Alpha Pi National Technical Honor Society Meetings (Fall, Spring) Tau Alpha Pi National Technical Honor Society Induction Ceremony (Spring) CSTEP Internship Program (Fall, Spring, Summer) Technology Fee Internship Program (Fall. Spring, Summer) Open Computer and Laboratory Room Hours (Fall, Spring) (Available to all QCC Students but predominately ET Students) Student Tutoring (by Technology Academy Students & Tau Alpha Pi Students (Fall, Spring) IEEE Club (Fall, Spring) Robotics Club (Fall, Spring) Number Served 950 Students 40 Students 400 Students 25 Students 15 Students 20 Students 90 Students 10 Students 15 Students 15 Students 20 Students 20 Students 1000 Students 250 Students 30 Students 35 Students 1 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 Amateur (HAM) Radio Club (Fall, Spring Mechanical Engineering Technology Club Architecture Club New Media/Computer Games Club (Fall, Spring) Soldering Workshop (Fall) Robotics Workshop (Summer) Resume Writing Workshop (Fall) Engineering Technology Department Student Information Guide (Fall, Spring, Summer) Engineering Technology Department Website (Fall, Spring, Summer) Additional ET410/420 Project Lab Open Hours (Fall, Spring) Open Computer Lab Hours (Fall, Spring Open Electronics Laboratory Hours ET, CT, & TT Student Information Sessions (Fall, Spring) New Media Student Information Sessions (Fall, Spring) Engineering Science Student Information Sessions (Fall, Spring) 5 Students 15 Students 20 Students 25 Students 25 Students 15 Students 5 Students 1000 Students 1000 Students 40 Students 1000 Students 400 Students 50 Students 30 Students 50 Students Area of service (for example): a department-run learning laboratory (not laboratories for which students register as part of their courses), the reference desk or reserve area of the Library, department tutoring program, etc. (Note: Do not report courses or laboratories for which students register.) 2. Department-sponsored faculty/staff development activities Type of Activity and Topic Engineering Technology Academy Lecture - Voice over Internet Protocol” (VoIP) – Robert Packer (Organized & Presented) Engineering Technology Academy Lecture - Careers in Information Technology – Brian Toyota, Sungard Inc. (Organized & Presented) Engineering Technology Academy Lecture - LabView Professors Hamid Namdar & Danny Mangra (Organized & Presented) Engineering Technology Academy Lecture Android Applications Programming – Steve Trowbridge (Organized & Presented) Date October 3, 2012 Number Attending 30 October 24, 2012 35 November 28, 2012 40 February 20, 2013 30 2 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Engineering Technology Academy Lecture – College After QCC – Dane Burkett, (Organized & Presented) Engineering Technology Academy Lecture - Windows 8 - Jerry Sitbon (Organized & Presented) Engineering Technology Academy Lecture - Jeopardy Challenge - Professor Jeffery Schwartz (Organized & Presented) Engineering Technology Academy Lecture - Jeopardy Challenge - Professor Jeffery Schwartz (Organized & Presented) Engineering Technology Department Student Information Sessions (Fall), Asser & Stigliano, (Organized, Presented & Attended) Engineering Technology Department Student Information Sessions (Spring), Asser & Stigliano, (Organized, Presented & Attended) Grainger Scholarship Award Ceremony for Jose Alvarez & Luis Solares– S. Asser (Organized & Presented) Verizon Next Step Final Accreditation Ceremony, Asser & Tsoukias (Organized, Presented, & Attended) Verizon Next Step Orientation, Asser & Tsoukias (Organized, Presented, & Attended) Verizon Next Step Faculty Institute Conference, Sitbon, Stigliano, Namdar, Stark (Attended) Verizon Next Step Faculty Institute Conference, Sitbon, Windows 8 (Presented & Attended) Verizon Next Step Program Coordinator’s Meeting, Asser (Attended) Verizon Next Step Program Coordinator’s Meeting, Asser (Attended) Verizon Next Step Program Curriculum Meeting, Namdar, Stark (Attended) Course Technology Faculty Development Demonstration – Books on Website/Custom June 2013 April 24, 2013 March 20, 2013 November 14, 2012 40 25 65 May 1, 2013 70 October 10, 2012 30 March 13, 2013 35 December 5, 2012 May 23, 2013 May 30, 2013 June 3-5, 2013 June 4, 2013 40 October 2223, 2012 April 15-16, 2013 January 1113, 2013 November 100 35 200 45 30 30 50 30 3 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Books ETAC of ABET Program Evaluation – Asser – Penn State Berks Campus, Reading, PA (Evaluator) ETAC of ABET Assessment Workshop and Conference – Namdar – Baltimore, Md. ETAC of ABET Symposium – Davis, Namdar – Portland Oregon Machine Shop Expo – Goldenberg, Hunter – Boston, Mass. QCC Honors Conference, S, Asser, V. Stigliano, H. Namdar J. Buoncora, Metaxas, Sitbon, Mangra (Mentor & Attended) Columbia Undergraduate Research Symposium , J. Buoncora, (Mentor & Attended) CSTEP Honors Ceremony Stigliano, Metaxas, Sitbon, (Attended) New York State Engineering Technology Conference – Drini, Metaxas, Davis Merlinda Drini - “ Routing Decision of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks with Link-Lifetime” Metaxas - “Integrating Hardware and Software In Project Based Learning” (Presented and Attended) New York State Engineering Technology Conference – Metaxas, Davis Davis -“A New Approach, Placing Sustainability Within Reach” Metaxas – “Using Software to Enhance Student Learning” (Presented and Attended) National Resource Center for Materials Technology Education – Davis “Manual Drafting Provides the Upper Hand in Acquiring the Designer’s Skill Using CAD” (Presented and Attended) AIAA Young Professions, Students & Educators Conference – DiZinno "A Strongly Implicit Method for the Solution of Transient Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems" (Presented and Attended) 51st Annual Aerospace Sciences Meeting – DiZinno "A Strongly Implicit Method for the Solution of Transient Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems" (Presented and Attended) June 2013 7, 2012 December 1-4, 2012 October 25, 2012 April 10, 2013 April 22-23, 2013 May 3, 2013 10 150 275 400 100 March 31, 2013 May 15, 2013 October 25, 2012 200 April 18, 2013 200 November 5, 2012 250 November 2012 350 January 2013 250 75 200 4 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 Note: Faculty and staff development activities (grants, presentations, exhibitions, performances, publications, instructional improvement activities, laboratory development, curriculum development, etc.) INSTRUCTIONS: For each activity, please indicate 1. whether department members organized the activities or gave presentations or both 2. the topic and type of activity and name of organizer/presenter, if applicable 3. the date (if not the exact date, indicate the month) 4. the number attending the event B. COURSE CHANGES IN 2012-13 INSTRUCTIONS: For each course that changed, indicate: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. whether the course is new, revised, or deleted the course number the course title the semester the change was approved at the Academic Senate for revised courses, in the Comments section, describe the type of change(s)—i.e., course title, description, pre/corequisites, credits, hours, designation New, revised, or deleted New New New Course number ET-725 ET 570 ET-575 New New New ET 821 ET-830 ET-841 New ET842 New ET-843 Course title Semester approved Comments Computer Network Security Fall, 2012 Fall, 2012 Fall, 2012 Pathways Course Pathways Course Pathways Course Fall, 2012 Fall, 2012 Fall, 2012 Pathways Course Pathways Course Pathways Course Spring, 2013 Pathways Course Fall, 2012 Pathways Course Creating Smartphone Apps Introduction to C++ Programming Design and Implementation Computers in the Modern Society Technology and Society The Science of Energy and Power in the Modern World Energy Production and Conservation for a Sustainable World The Role of Energy in Society 5 Queensborough Community College New ET-880 Revised MT-122 Revised MT-125 Revised Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 Science and Technology In Modern Life Manufacturing Processes Fall, 2012 Pathways Course Spring, 2013 Spring, 2013 MT-219 Metallurgy and Materials Laboratory Surveying and Layouts Pre/Co-requisites & Course Description Course Description Revised MT-293 Parametric Computer Aided Design Spring, 2013 Revised MT-341 Applied Mechanics Spring, 2013 Revised Revised MT-453 MT-484 Piping Systems Construction Methods Spring, 2013 Spring, 2013 Revised MT-486 Architectural Design II Spring, 2013 Revised MT-488 Computer Aided Design I Spring, 2013 Revised MT-489 Computer Aided Design II Spring, 2013 Revised MT-490 Advanced Architectural Modeling Spring, 2013 Revised MT 492 Introduction to Virtual Automation Spring, 2013 Revised MT-500 Principles of CAD Management Spring, 2013 Revised MT-513 Thermo-Fluid Systems Spring, 2013 Revised Revised MT-514 MT-900 Revised ET-991, Thermo-Fluid Systems Laboratory Spring, 2013 Cooperative Education/Design Spring, 2013 Projects in Engineering Technology Cooperative Education in Spring, 2013 Spring, 2013 Pre/Co-requisites & Course Description Pre/Co-requisites, Course Description, Title Pre/Co-requisites, Course Description, Hours Course Description, Hours Pre/Co-requisites, Course Description, Title Pre/Co-requisites, Course Description, Title, Hours Pre/Co-requisites, Course Description, Title Course Description, Title, Hours Pre/Co-requisites, Course Description, Title Pre/Co-requisites & Course Description Pre/Co-requisites & Course Description Pre/Co-requisites & Course Description Course Description Title, Course Description Title 6 Queensborough Community College 992, 993 Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 Engineering Technology C. PROGRAM CHANGES IN 2012-13 Program Program change* Comments Renamed/Modified Effective Date (Semester and year) Fall, 2013 AAS in New Media Technology AS Engineering Science Modified Fall, 2013 approved by CUNY Board approved by CUNY Board *Key: (a)=initiated, (b)=closed, (c)=renamed, (d)=modified INSTRUCTIONS: Use the full title of the program, i.e. A.A. in Visual and Performing Arts. Indicate whether the program change is initiated, closed, renamed, or modified. (If a new program has been approved by the CUNY Board (or is expected to be approved by June 2013), use fall 2013 as the effective date.) Describe the exact status (i.e., proposal submitted to CUNY Board; approved by CUNY Board; etc.) in the Comments. D. DEPARTMENT CHANGES IN 2012-13 Type (see menu below) Equipment Equipment Equipment Description of Change Tech Fee New Computers T-13, T18, T-19, S-317. New Oscilloscopes T-21 Four New Grinder/Polishers Reason for Change Date/Semester Four Years Old Spring, 2013 Upgrade of old equipment in Electronics Laboratory Upgrade of equipment more than 25 years old Fall, 2012 Fall, 2012 Evaluation of Change* Laboratory Computers are up to date- improved performance Equipment is up to date and functioning well Equipment is up to date and functioning well 7 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Equipment Belt Grinder Equipment ANSYS Software Equipment June 2013 Upgrade of equipment more than 25 years old Course Update Fall, 2012 Equipment is up to date and functioning well Fall, 2012 AutoCad Software Upgrade to Latest Revision Fall, 2012 Equipment MultiSym Software Upgrade to Latest Revision Fall, 2012 Equipment Network Analyzers for ET-704, ET-741, ET742, ET743 Laboratory exercise improvement Digital Multimeters for S-116 Student exposure to advanced topics Fall, 2012 Upgrade of old equipment in Electric Circuits Laboratory Widescreen SmartBoard with integrated projector and sound Replacement of old workbenches Fall, 2012 Students are being exposed to advanced and current topics. Students are being exposed to advanced and current topics. Students are being exposed to advanced and current topics. Students are being exposed to advanced and current topics. Equipment is up to date and functioning well. Equipment is up to date and functioning well Equipment Equipment T-14 SmartBoard and Whiteboards Facilities/Space T-13 Laboratory Refurbishment – New Workbenches, SmartBoard, Chairs, etc. Redesign of Server Increased amount of Room and Office Computer Server Space Equipment Facilities/Space Fall, 2012 Improved classroom presentation and display tools. Spring, 2013 N/A Spring, 2013 N/A 8 Queensborough Community College Facilities/Space Year-end Report – Teaching Department Computer Network Connection to T-02 Strength of Materials and Metallurgy Lab Use of Computers and Internet in Strength of Materials and Metallurgy Courses. Student exposure to advanced topics. Personnel or organizational John Buoncora, change Lecturer with CCE. Spring, 2013 June 2013 Students are being exposed to advanced and current topics. Network is up to date and functioning well. Fall, 2012 *Please note that, if change has been too recent to evaluate, you may indicate NA. MENU Type of change Personnel or organizational change Facilities/space Equipment Other Description New hires, retirees, resignations, promotions, department name changes, etc Renovations or development of office space or new facilities (i.e., computer laboratories) Acquisition of new or disposition of old equipment Other changes affecting the department not included above and including interactions with other departments E. DEPARTMENT ASSESSMENT IN 2012-13 1. Departmental procedures for conducting assessment The fundamental elements of standard 14 (assessment of student learning) of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education include: clearly articulated statements of expected student learning outcomes…at all levels (institution, degree/program, course) and for all programs that aim to foster student learning and development; a documented, organized, and sustained assessment process to evaluate and improve student learning; evidence that student learning assessment information is shared and discussed with appropriate constituents and is used to improve teaching and learning. Describe below the department’s ongoing procedures for assessing student learning and using assessment results to improve teaching and learning. In your description, please explain how the department fulfills each of the Middle States fundamental elements above. The Engineering Technology Department has implemented a comprehensive assessment plan, which satisfies ETAC of ABET standards, and has been assessing its courses and program outcomes for the past five years. The assessment program utilizes multiple direct and indirect measures of assessment. The assessment program was developed and 9 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 implemented after extensive research into the study of assessment. Program outcomes for each of the ETAC of ABET a-i objectives were developed by the Department Assessment Committee and approved by the department faculty, industrial advisory committee and the Office of Academic Affairs. Program outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to demonstrate by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire in their matriculation through their Engineering Technology Program at Queensborough Community College. The Engineering Technology Department conducts regular assessment of student achievement for program outcomes. The results of this assessment process are summarized and posted on the Engineering Technology Department website ( ) for the Electronic Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, and the Mechanical Engineering Technology Program in a Continuous Improvement Plan Report. The Continuous Improvement Plan further documents that changes have been implemented in order to better meet our outcome goals. The Continuous Improvement plan lists all of the program outcomes and defines which courses in the curriculum are used to assess each outcome. Each program outcome is assessed by evaluating student performance on a variety of tasks (performance indicators). The Continuous Improvement Plan Form details the findings for each Program Outcome. The specific tasks are evaluated using descriptive rubrics and points are assigned for the quality of student performance in respect to the program outcome. The results are entered into a spreadsheet assessment grid which averages in a manner similar to the way the college calculates grade point average (GPA). The totals for all of the outcomes are averaged in the same way. The Excel spreadsheet is referred to as the assessment grid and is used to demonstrate that the program outcomes are being met. This sophisticated Excel spreadsheet measures and calculates quality point averages automatically for each item being considered in the following manner: E (Excellent) receives three (3) quality points G (Good), receives two (2) quality points M (Marginal), receives one (1) quality point U (Unsatisfactory) receives zero (0) or no quality points. The number of quality points is then multiplied by the number of students receiving a score and divided by the total number of students evaluated. 10 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 This process, which is similar to the way most colleges calculate grade point average, gives a type of average which can be used to evaluate the achievement of the program outcomes. The score range is as follows: below 1.00 indicates that the criterion is not being met. between 1.00 and 2.00 indicates that the criterion is being met but that improvements should be considered and implemented. greater that 2.00 indicates that the criterion is being met and that improvements may not be necessary. A summary sheet averages and totals all of the program outcome scores to indicate whether or not the outcomes are being met. The continuous improvement form then summarizes the findings for each outcome. 2a. Departmental participation in self-study/program review during 2012-2013, if applicable Program(s) reviewed: (GIVE FULL TITLE, i.e., A.A.S. in Digital Art and Design) External Agency or Reviewers: (GIVE NAME OF AGENCY OR NAME OF REVIEWER[S]) Date of site visit Preparations for ABET (External Agency) Review on October 6-8, 2013 A.A.S. in Computer Engineering Technology A.A.S. in Electronic Engineering Technology A.A.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology Major conclusions of self-study All nine criteria are discussed in detail in the Self-Study Reports (CT,ET, & MT) Major conclusions of external reviewers Not Available at This Time Resulting action plan Not Available at This Time 11 Queensborough Community College 2b. Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 Program review follow-up Action item from program review Timeline for completion Accomplishments during current year N/A 3. Course assessment Courses assessed (list individually) Relevant QCC Educational Objectives Reference Reference Engineering Engineering Technology Technology Department ABET Department ABET Continuous Continuous Improvement Improvement Plan, Plan, Course Course Assessment Assessment Grids Grids and Rubrics and Rubrics Available at Relevant Curricular Objectives (cite both curriculum and objectives) Evaluation of Assessment Results Action plan Reference Engineering Technology Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Reference Engineering Technology Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Reference Engineering Technology Department ABET Continuous Improvement Plan, Course Assessment Grids and Rubrics Username: engtech Password:6207 12 Queensborough Community College 4. Year-end Report – Teaching Department June 2013 Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations (if applicable, please use the table below) Data Source Results Action plan Certification exams ET-481, A+ Certification, 6 students were certified this year. Encourage more students to take the exam and finds ways to reduce the cost of the exam for students ET-710 Certified Internet Webmaster Certification, 3 students certified this year Encourage more students to take the exam and finds ways to reduce the cost of the exam for students Students have had excellent results finding jobs and internships. LIRR, Metro North, KEPCO Power Supplies and Donnelly Mechanical recently hired a number of graduates and has been recruiting our graduates. MTA, Con Ed, Areoflex, and Verizon have also hired graduates. MTA selected a number of our students for their Internship Program. USDOJ also selected students for internships. Survey responses were satisfactory. Student Survey responses were satisfactory Faculty have been working on improving student retention and enrollment. Student clubs have been more active. Outside speakers. Technology Academy, Improved Advisement, Student/Faculty Get-together. Employer/alumni surveys, including graduation and placement survey Student surveys (current students) Revise Survey Questions 13 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Advisory Board recommendations 5. June 2013 Increase student engagement in the laboratory and practical building and testing skills. Implement more building projects into laboratory courses. ET-110, ET-210, ET320, and ET350 lab exercises have been revised. ET410/420 Project Course revised. Create student workshop for laboratory skills. Soldering workshop was very successful. Create/maintain a website with Assessment information Assessment website has been created and is currently being maintained Other assessment activity F. DEPARTMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Goals/objectives for 2012-2013 (Please indicate [Yes or No] if the objectives were part of the College’s Strategic Plan for 2012-2013.) Departmental goals/objectives 2012/2013 Prepare for ABET Accreditation 2013 Evaluation. Create Self-Study Report for CT, ET, and MT programs. Continue to maintain, revise and implement the department assessment program and assess program outcomes Strategic Plan Y/N Y Evaluation of achievement Resulting action plan ABET Self-Study Reports for ET, CT, and MT were completed and submitted on time. ETAC of ABET evaluation visit scheduled for October 68, 2013. Assessment reports and website prepared, updated and maintained. 14 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Continue to maintain, revise and implement the department assessment program and evaluate program outcomes. Y Assessment of all program learning outcomes continues. All rubrics and samples of student work for all outcomes have been evaluated and reviewed. Maintain Assessment website access to assessment data for faculty and Industrial Advisory Committee review Y The assessment website has been developed and is operational at Implement the proposed merger of the ECET and MT/DD Departments. Develop a new program of study and courses which incorporates the strengths of both departments. Y Develop and Implement new courses for CUNY Pathways Initiative. Y Departments have been successfully merged. The Computerized Architecture program is being revised into a program which will utilize the strengths of ET, CT, and MT faculty. Seven new courses were developed and submitted in support of the Pathways Initiative. Four courses were approved by the CUNY Pathways committees. Upgrade and replace aging computing equipment Y Faculty and Student ability to implement new software into courses has been vastly improved. New computers in -13, T-18, T-19, S-317. New SmartBoard installed in T-14. June 2013 Specific changes are noted on the department continuous improvement plan. Continue to implement and summarize the assessment of outcomes next year. Continue to post all results on the website every semester. Submit new revised program to Curriculum Committee and Academic Senate for approval. Continue to develop additional new Pathways courses. Revise and resubmit courses which were not approved. Department Tech Fee Implementation Plan Revised 15 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Upgrade and replace aging laboratory equipment Y Continue to implement and build Freshman STEM Academy to provide improved and intensified support services. Participate in the development of orientation program, summer program, and provide tutoring, information sessions, and advisement. Strengthen and develop better student/faculty relationships. Y Continue to implement, maintain and administer Verizon Next Step Program for the Corporate Specific AAS in Telecommunications Technology Degree in accordance to Next Step Program Guidelines. Y Evaluate and implement new courses and curricula and continue to update courses Y Faculty and Student ability to perform laboratory experiments has improved . Electronics laboratory has been upgraded with new oscilloscopes, new instrumentation equipment and new computers. Mechanical laboratories upgraded with new finishing, grinding and testing equipment. Prof. Kueper will continue as Faculty Coordinator. Active participation in all STEM events and activities. Students are progressing well. Many have received awards and honors. Retention and graduation rates for technology students are increasing. Verizon will be phasing out and discontinuing the program. Program continues to function well. QCC continues to be an active participant in Next Step. Relationship between union, Verizon, Next Step is excellent. Eight new courses were developed and approved by the Academic Senate including a new course on Network Security. June 2013 Continue to upgrade at least one laboratory per year. Continue to Implement and Expand next year. Continue to offer program next year and during the phase-out. Continue to offer these courses and build course enrollment. 16 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Increase the number of student projects and presentation 2. Y June 2013 Student projects and presentations at conferences have increased. Students participated at QCC, CCNY, NYCCT, Columbia, CSTEP, and Career Pathways events. Many won awards and honors. Continue to encourage faculty to work with students on projects. Continue to encourage student conference participation. Goals/objectives for 2013-2014 (Explain how these goals/objectives align with the College’s goals and Strategic Plan for 2013-2014) Departmental goals/objectives 2013-2014 Complete 2013 ABET Accreditation Process – Evaluation and Visit. Continue to maintain, revise and implement the department assessment program and evaluate program outcomes Mission/Strategic Plan Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Planned method of evaluation ETAC of ABET Program Evaluators Findings and Final Report. Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Outcomes Assessment Summary Reports. Maintain Assessment website access to assessment data for faculty and Industrial Advisory Committee review Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Revise and update the Computerized Architecture program of study and courses to incorporate the strengths of ET and MT faculty and staff. Possibly rename the program “Architecture and Building Technologies” with articulation into both the Architecture and Environmental Control programs at NYCCT. Implement new courses for CUNY Pathways Initiative and revise and resubmit coursed which were not approved. Upgrade and replace aging computing equipment Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Post all assessment data, rubrics, and continuous improvement plan on assessment website. Faculty satisfaction and increased activity and involvement in college activities. Update of the Computerized Architecture Program to be more typical of Architecture Programs at other colleges. Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Implementation and course offering of Pathways Courses. Strengthen, Update, and Student and Faculty Satisfaction 17 Queensborough Community College Year-end Report – Teaching Department Develop Academic Programs June 2013 Surveys. The replacement of old computers (4 years old) and the addition of new computers in laboratories. Student and Faculty Satisfaction Surveys. The refurbishment and upgrading of at least one laboratory. Upgrade and replace aging laboratory equipment Student and Faculty Satisfaction Surveys. The refurbishment and upgrading of at least one laboratory. Continue to implement and build Freshman STEM Academy to provide improved and intensified support services. Participate in the development of orientation program, summer program, and provide tutoring, information sessions, and advisement. Strengthen and develop better student/faculty relationships. Continue to maintain and administer Verizon Next Step Program for the Corporate Specific AAS in Telecommunications Technology Degree in accordance to Next Step Program Guidelines. Support program phase-out. Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Retention and pass rates for the number of students completing first and second semester courses. Enrollment numbers Number of technology graduates Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Maintain retention, and graduation rates. Increase the number of student projects and presentation Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Strengthen, Update, and Develop Academic Programs Number of students presenting projects and papers at conferences. Implement 3-D modules into appropriate courses and design a 3-D Printing Laboratory as part of an Advanced Manufacturing Initiative. Student and Faculty use of 3-D Printers. 18