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This paper is a revision of CORE Discussion Paper #7716, June 1977. * Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. t Research partially conducted as a fellow at the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), Universite Catholique de Louvain, and supported, in part, by the U.S. Army Research Office contract DAAG29-76-C-0064 and by the U.S. Office of Naval Research contract N00014-75-C-0556. ·L Abstract We study the set of admissible (pareto-optimal) points of a closed convex set X when preferences are described by a convex, but not necessarily closed, cone. Assuming that the preference cone is strictly supported and making mild assumptions about the recession directions of X, we (i) extend a representation theorem of Arrow, Barankin and Blackwell by showing that all admissible points are either limit points of certain "strictly admissible" alternatives or translations of such limit points by rays in the closure of the preference cone, and (ii) show that the set of strictly admissible points is connected, as is the full set of admissible points. Relaxing the convexity assumption imposed upon X, we also consider local properties of admissible points in terms of Kuhn-Tucker type characterizations. We specify necessary and sufficient conditions for an element of X to be a Kuhn-Tucker point, conditions which, in addition, provide local characterizations of strictly admissible points. I I. INTRODUCTION Formal approaches to decision making almost always pre- sume that an underlying preference relation governs choices from available alternatives. Rich theories now go far toward either characterizing or computing solutions that are in some sense "optimal". Mathematical programming techniques predom- nate when preferences can be embodi-edoin a real valued utility function (Debreu [1], ditions. See also Bowen [2] discusses appropriate con- [3] and Arrow and Hahn [4, page Multi-attribute utility theory (Keeney and Raiffa [5]) 106]). pro- vides one means for considering multi-objective situations which involve several, possibly conflicting, criteria. In summarizing methods for studying multi-objective decision making, Mac Crimmon [6] has classified approaches as weighting methods, including statistical analysis; ination techniques; sequential elim- mathematical programming procedures; and special proximity methods. Although these theories have made impressive contributions to decision making, they have yet to resolve a number of issues that are fundamental to both descriptive and o prescriptive theory. For arbitrary preference relations, still little is known, and possibly can be said, about such an essential concept as admissible alternatives, also called - 2 - nondominated, efficient, or pareto-optimal alternatives. Even when a convex cone , the set of points x+ {x +p : p P} specifying those alternatives preferred to x, describes preferences, admissible points have not been characterized completely. Is the set of admissible points connected ? Are there representation theorems which characterize admissible points ? What are local haracterizations of admissible points ? Can the notion of admissible points be exploited within the context of solving mathematical programs ? In this paper, we consider several of these issues. In Section 2, we introduce notation and concepts to be used throughout the paper. The next section considers global characterizations of admissible points, including existence. We show that the sets of admissible and strictly admissible points are both connected when is convex, nonzero (ii) p E F} the set (i) F {p is nonempty, (iii) + the preference cone E R n s + · p > 0 for all the set of available alternatives X is convex and closed, and of :p P (iv) some element makes an obtuse angle with every direction of reces- sion of X. In this section, we also present a representation theorem which partially characterizes admissible points. This result says that "all limit points of admissible points can be expressed as 'strictly' admissible alternatives or as a translation of such limit points by certain rays in the - 3 - closure of the preference characterization of approximations. cone Tucker characterizations Our analysis possible extensions and These the properties restrictions set of y. Later Geoffrion y, studied economic Simon is several preferred to y, of papers properties and and Titus results [20] [9], Kuhn [11]). or suggested Smale and [13], and to [16], [17] x y, [14], problems. More of recently by cones as here, this paper. [21] have the that computational aspects related Wan and/or that is defined by [12], vector maximization literature, linear most notably polyhedral considered preferences defined including in that we consider here under various in a series certain nonlinear [15] x is statistics (Koopmans either proved on the problem structure, x is an outgrowth [8]), economic planning available alternatives preference Yu in The final convex analysis (Gale, Kuhn and Tucker fundamental contributions many of x and linear applications. This approach Arrow, Barankin and Blackwell [10]), of local to the usual Kuhn- 1950 in mathematical and nonlinear programming and Tucker are related is based upon results of of work conducted around [71, in terms of nonlinear programming. and mathematical programming. (Wald Section 4 considers admissible points These results section discusses ". and [18], In Rand studied local the [19], properties ----- ------------111 - 4 - of admissible points ogy. A number from the viewpoint of other papers of differential (Charnes and topol- [22], Ecker Cooper ., and Kouada [23], [24], Evans Geoffrion, Dyer and Feinberg and Yu and Zeleny mining and investigating admissible have [30]) [25], and Steuer Philip [27], treated Gal [28], Sachtman points, primarily for ' Applications include ical equilibrium the concept of [31], and many others dominance maximizing utility vectors [34], as cone risk-return trade-offs risk sharing and suggested in are varied planning [4],[11], mathemat- in economic [41,% [32], [33], selection of efficiency statistics 29], algorithms for deter- linear problems. and [26], [36] in exchange in portfolio group decisions and the collection [35], [37]. a 2. PRELIMINARIES Throughout nontrivial, n-vector x cone , say i.e., FP {0}, is preferred denoted x We our discussion, we x -y, y + P -- that a point {y+ y to cone let in R an n-vector when x y P be . We y a nonempty and say that an with respect to the and p: p eP}. is admissible for the cone P over a - 5 - given set to y; X when that yE X A(X) denote x contains no points preferred ) = {y}. the Frequently, Then X is, x n (y+ Let and y set of all the cone when x y P and admissible points is y in X. he nonnegative orthant x * y, and R n admissibility is commonly called Pareto-optimality. As a useful variant of this P example, the preference cone Pk= {0} U (...,Xkyk+l In this 'n) " case the preference is given by E Rn: all Xi > and ( relation compares only ' the O k). first k components of any vector. The preference problem of of k zEZ zE Z, is arises "optimizing" a vector called efficient satisfying If x k from the vector maximization f(z) = (fl(z),f2(z),..., real valued criteria over a subset least one xEX cone f(z) in this problem if f(z) with of R n-k there the inequality . is A point no strict point in at component. X = {x = (y,z) E R n : z E Z is admissible with respect = (y,i), Z fk(z)) y tion problem. = f () By and this z is to and y the cone efficient f(z)}, Pk if then a point and only if in the vector maximiza- construction, we have expressed, and can 6 - - defined by - z study, the preference order f(z), in terms of a cone preference f(z) f(Z), f(z) Pk in an enlarged space. that both closed and nonclosed These examples suggest preference cones might be studied profitably since both arise in practice. Many properties of admissible points depend upon the separation of the sets P is a nonzero n-vector x p p p ·y P) (y+ since convex are X and by a hyperplane. X and n X p such that *(y + for all p) = {y}. xE X That and we may reexpress p E F, p a nonzero vector of (2.1) there is, p E P. (2.1) p p > 0 Because the right-most inequality can be restated as for all For any such a separation is possible whenever y, admissible point y+ P by saying that contained in the positive polar there is cone P defined by P P + + E n + with the property that p y 0 for all p E '} solves the optimization problem max {p . x : xE X}. The positive polar cone is closed and convex without any assumption on P. (2.2) - There for is a point a partial y to be P If this or that set converse to Let P defined by {p E R is is : p only at p e P if y y > 0 for : p In this for .+ E P) x -y implies that solve (2.2). y does not sible points 2.1 admissible if max {p4 some p p : An it e Ps p = 0} that the any strict Ps factis · (x -y) and > 0 defines intersects converse support a simple con- x y (i e., x * that these special admis- definition y : A(X) is strictly the maximization problem .x: xE X} E PF. Any other admissible point is said to be nonstrict. We let in X. AS(X) denote the set of y, and, therefore, We distinguish admissible point solves (any supported + p in the following Definition for that p E P}. is strictly x admissible. This sequence of observing set of strict terminology, (2.2) require any all nonzero P that {xE R solves is necessary condition the a strictly supported cone then , denote S nonempty we say the origin). states othat 1PF .p a supporting hyperplane P this admissible, which does not convexity assumptions. supports of 7 - strictly admissible points ----------·I--- C·-U-cl-rr-r Ulc Y II-LIIIL- WIIIU.- - 8 - Most of our subsequent results require that preference cones be strictly supported. When this condition is equivalent containing no lines. P is closed and convex, to it being pointed, that is In an appendix, we extend this charac- terization in order to interpret the strictly supported con- dition directly in terms of the underlying preference cone whenever P is convex. The following characterizatiofi .isoa consequence of this development. Proposition 2.1. Let be a convex cone in R n . P is supP+ ported strictly if and only if the relative interior of is contained in P. S As an example, if or P1 > 0 =P {p E R and \ {0}, 3 : p1 P2 > 0}, P = {p then (pIP P2 = cl P R 3 : (!'P 2'P 3E) and the relative interior of > 0, P 2 > 0 and = p3 = 0 , : n{p + 3 3 )=(,O,O) = 0}, is the set + a strict subset of Remark 2.1 Throughout the remainder of this paper we frequently apply elementary results of convex analysis without reference. We also translate many properties of polar cones usually formulated in terms of the (negative) polar of any set denoted by S - {y ERn :y x g O for all ments concerning the positive polar S+ xE S} S, into state- of S. Standard texts - 9- in convex analysis (Rockafellar [38], Stoer and Witzgal [39]) discuss those results that we use. In addition to the notation introduced earlier in this section, we let RC(X) set, ri(S), let cl(S), denote the recession cone of a convex and -S {x :- xE S} denote closure, relative interior, and negative of any set the S, let S\T denote the set 'theoretic difference of two sets and T. We adopt Rockafellar's the origin in RC(X), [38] terminology by and S including but by defining direction of recessions as only the nonzero elements of this cone. Finally, we use the Euclidean norm to define the open and closed unit balls in 3. Rn GLOBAL CHARACTERIZATIONS When the set of available alternatives closed and the preference cone strictly, the admissible set erties : it is connected support to P X is convex and is convex and supported A(X) has important global (see Theorem 3.4) prop- if some strict P makes an obtuse angle with every direction of recession of X, and admissible points it can be characterized in terms of strictly (see Theorem 3.1) of X belongs to the closure of P. if no direction of recession - Before sider the 3.1 establishing - 10 these properties, existence of admissible we briefly con- points. Existence Yu is [15] has compact fices) and or- if P or X. conditions the interior of he problem tion for some of observed that p He EP . not FP+ max {p is nonempty is nonempty x : xE X} if either ( that A(X) $ S may be X suf- has a unique Neither condition requires also notes are A(X) solf- convexity empty when these satisfied. o -The following of admissible ily bounded, propositions characterize points sets supported Proposition 3.1. cone and let X and only if both P : x E X, and If If any be a strictly a nonempty closed the origin is and the recession Proof yEX so no but not point necessarare defined supported closed convex convex set. the only element cone of x X ) RC(X) = {0}, Then contained A(X) in X. O E P n RC(X) theno> x + y y P convex, closed convex cones. Let be closed and of alternatives when preferences by strictly if for the existence ) (x + X for any is admissible. then (y + ) ([38], Thm. 8.4). Consequently, X is for compact any p s for E P S - there is max {p sible an optimal solution 11 - z to · x :x E (y + P) n X}. The in (y+ admissible P) in X X, with for z + p E (y + P) n X is point respect if to To obtain a dual version of Proposition 3.2. X P. (II) Consequently, P if and only if FP set this convex whenever is a polyhedron. any p 0E if and in and is any closed, then and alternative P nRC(X) Then exactly X is nonempty 0. Moreover, (I) o valid : of admissible points (II), Alternatives set. 0. g alternative Proof: supported closed {0} convex cone, not necessarily X then proposition, we note be a closed n RC(X)* (b) admis- z. strictly rnRC(X)* the z + pE X, P be a nRC(X) * 'P strictly It also must be and one of the following alternatives is (I) is the alternative. (a) Let convex cone and let 0 z to 0 E P p preferred the followiig theorem of the optimization problem (II) (II) ps E s AS(X) * n RC(X ~ implies that cannot s strictly supported both be ) must implies AS(X) valid satisfy since - + p Pp Ps > Since O 0 Ps*P and 0. RC(X) that is, real number and all and is p of F+ s S that a closed shows Since 0 for all so p + that one Since, P+ +. is 2 if alternative (II) u (I) P ++ thus = P and. (II) y RC(X) s inequality inequality > 0 u. p and is uE P n RC(X) always satisfied. is nonempty is not satisfied, A(X) * ~ if if is valid. the final assertions of the proposition, con- the optimization problem max x: p p+E P+ . w s xE X} z E A If (3.1) (X), we can select this problem. Therefore implying Closure 2 and the previous proposition, A(X) and only solves and a the recession cone right most E FP Consequently, (I) -where n 5 alternative sider for all The left most since P for all if prove O. closed. The and only To uE R a limit point of of alternaotives by they can be origin is , 8 = . = u-ps = RC(X), convex set > P s nRC(X) u-y < B the uE RC(X) s + that is a nonzero vector in. RC(X) u- p+ that there satisfying contained implies So suppose are nonempty convex sets, S separated; - + and PF 12 Ps E RC(X) that of P and Ps Y that is not required for Every point of sition 2.1, ri (PF) P + is a limit C P C P s p s so that O0 for all P+ S this point of RC(X) z y E RC(X) * 0. conclusion. P + , since, by Propo- . - _ __.I_ I_ _ _I - Ps E F If y E RC(X) for all that n RC (X) there is 13 - and X is polyhedral, then implying, by linear programming a solution to problem (3.1). p .y 0 theory, This solution is strictly admissible. i The following examples is closed verses is to required for part (b) of the show that the hypothesis these propositions last proposition and that P that con- are not possible. O Example and 3. 1. P let Let = X = {(x (xi ,x )E)R 2 I ,x 2 :x 1 0 IR2 :x x > 1< and x2 2 ) < 0 and P x2 , x > 0) U I > O, X2 > (O,O)).} I :X) r- I X III X 1 Figure 3.1 IP nRC(X) = + Then p IP P (- ,0)E is not RC(X) * valid. part {(} of the S closed or In addition, (b) and No Admissible Points + = S cone {01 PF nRC(X) and A(X) = and neither of nRC(X) = 0 the converse last proposition to . The preference the conditions for A(X) to be empty is the first assertion in is violated. I__ 1____ ______ O} I - Example 3.2. Let those points in the be = {(0,A,0) : RC(X) Then space 12> and 3 )E R is the line {(X,X 2 ,3) 0 xl- x 2 E 3 > x = O0 x :x 3 A(1,1,0), A(X) = {(x,x,x 2 3) the sub- is 3 {( ,XX i.e., x I < x 2 +1}. and 2 for 0 and ~ ° n A3 >>1 }. 2 XE R; RC(X) = except the x2-axis, ) 3 : 2X ° 2 3 A1 ~> 0, ~ : x1 +x 2 = 0}; P= A 3 > 01 and 3 xl plane not on R3 in the positive orthant > 0} u {(XI X = {(xlx2x Let 14 - 3 3) :X, E R: x 3 = 0 and x3 Xl--=X2}X2 I 1 0 2. x 1 X1 7 III J . 121 .. a "I X3 Figure 3.2 Proposition 3.2 Requires P this instance, or (II) of Proposition 3.2 that A(X) when X closed and is not In is valid. $ 0 does not necessarily is polyhedral, unless P to be Closed- neither alternative The example also (I) shows imply alternative II even is closed. 15 - - 3.2 Representation [8] have Arrow, Barankin and Blackwell = R points whenever all preference Example X, as with vertex illustrated of strictly admissible The is convex and compact. this property is x3 =0}. Let x3 and (X A2 ) 0} in Figure 3.3, not valid for = P2 2 P {} U{( which "ignores" 1 , , 2 2 points on the points is the the interior of entire the arc KS, arc, but line segment the 3) : AS(X) X2 X1 Figure 3.3 A(X) consists admissible points xa cl AS(X) O 2> ± (0,0,1). the closure of KV 2 0 33 ) in : x2 + X2 1 2 {x E the direction strictly admissible points set of cone be a truncated and circular base V = (0,1) and include that every cones. and The and X that 3.3 Let R n example shows following point is a limit admissible point shown of those these also - Observe those that points in the direction closure of next X admissible (0,0,1), result, which points more general X. cone P2 that shows upon following result of but not example the arc KS by in place P2 to the itself. Our hypothesis, extends the representation by permitting and by coones their are this observation characterizes under very general preference We build in this a direction which blongs Barankin and Blackwell Arrow, points translations which are the preference admissible of the 16 - relaxing compactness clever proof techniques using the von Neumann minimax of the theorem. 0 Lemma 3.1. Let Rn satisfying (ii) RC(C) n D u * v that for some u : The Rockafellar exists if lemma E C u [38, is a of saddlepoint on and · v u f (v) u By .v for for the C. u E C and al a theorem due for their vE ri(D) recession over their domain in vED. to theorem a saddlepoint this uv recession over -u-v C x D E D v specialization of the functions gv(u) {0}. Theorem 37.6]. common direction of functions = 0} has a u.v Proof nonempty closed convex sets in b C n RC(D) = the function sense D and the conditions (i) Then C o u E ri(C) domain have no A direction -- D have no and the common direction of recession ~---- -~- ----- y - for f (v) is a nonzero Therefore, the recession u .y -< 0 all the functions for of recessioh impossible if to 3.1. strictly is x to inequalities C = have no -y. condition X {0}. belongs to common satisfies {0}. Similarly, common direction v < 0 for be a closed convex set, - no 0. all vE D yERC(C) are is (ii). and suppose Then any point =x u.y let be a o that xE A(X) can be written as p AS(X) cl and either p = 0 or p belongs cl P\F. : Proof We first establish preliminary results the proof. Let 3 RC(D) vE ri(D) supported convex cone, x where is, yE RC(D) satisfy simultaneously whenever Let RC(X) = cl P if no nonzero that satisfying for. uri(C) have U for the nonzero, which Theorem f (v) uE C; gv(u) - element of. RC(D) functions direction of 17 B be the closed unit ball in to Rn be used and in let 3 Several choices are possible. We may, in fact, choose polyhedral cones for the S.. Let B denote the open unit ball in j=1,2,..., let F. be a finite set of points in with the property that hull H of [ri(P ) u{0}]n B ° The convex is polyhedral and, so then, is the cone S. that it generates [38, Cor.19.7.1]. Any in F. Q and for each -balls about these points cover Q. {0}UF UF2 u...UF of a simplex in Rn xEQ belongs to the interior Q whose dimension equals that of Q. For some j, points are close enough to the vertices of this simplex so that xEH.. ThereforeU {H. : j > 1}3 = Q and the union of the Sj's is ri(+ )U 3~~~~~~~~~ {0}. 18 - - cl + P = 1~+ + ) = ri ri( cl P = P whose union is Sj CS j+) (i.e., cones S.. j j>1 n RC(X) = {O} integer J, S + (B nS finite T. sets x let RC(Z) = RC(X). where conditions which we there (i) E X, zj t E T < z - t j 3.1 lemma j < z t > z .t zj . s> valid as-well. S 0 > 0 and .t to for Tj and ) = T. reduce and i s compact, T. Since let i Is convex and C = Z, to RC(Z) for each T j = {(0} J satisfying for all Z Z Therefore, zj E Z and X in Then with above. the z -= 0 belongs The definitions of are x E X}. established previously. are points x + as of (ii) and convex =S.. for some is defined z-t Since 4 T. We apply Lemma J are nonempty, any admissible point be : z =x -x Z = {z E R J O contrary to hypothesis. for j =1,2,..., S. n B In addition, and compact. Now, - so is RC(X)1 is closed, X intersection property [since The j j > J. Otherwise, j which implies by the for all (B ncl P) n (B nRC(X)) * {0}, that Then some positive for that Note ) U (0}. ri(P whenever (Bn RC(X)) * {0} ) convex and increasing be nonempty, closed, Sj for j =1,2,..., z E Z, t e T (3.2) and all imply for all . tET that sE S j the inequalities (3.3) - is 4 ri ( ) u{O}, the inequalities p + E ri(P +),p quently, j} if for all j sufficiently z -x -x is a limit point of p because z cl P. Therefore, x gives =x x z Ecl A j = x (X). -x any limit satisfies 0 But x tj Consequently, [x - x solves > x] max {tJ-x : and x ji A s ( X) the strictly To {zj point because a as (x = 0 the sequence or z the ---^-- {z . E cl P \ j } j This theorem [x -x ]0 if with x E X. for all is a limit point of {xj} we must shotw that Suppose ,to Euclidean norms increases. x XJ As we ha,ve the sequence the contrary, of the z that must grow noted previously, 1--111.1_ -------II P -x0) gives limit point. j to tj EP + . Thus contains wi tho out bound belongs and E X} the proof, the t he sequence then , any Conse- this condition,, since, admissible points Then z z (3.2) complete it doies not. large. () conclusion of the t x j=1,2,... A(X). fulfills , expression * for that for 0 x with either - z representation If chosen from was Eri * ++ =P x p O0 for all Sj imply > o then ri (F (3.3) ·z ++ to the increasing sets the union of Beca tuse - 19 *---1--- .I-VIC--UUCr--_ .- - 20 - for each j ++ p e ri (P+), sufficiently + ' > 0 cl P contrary to hypothesis, 0 and hence and p + ri ( e 0 for all our assumption to the ). Therefore ([38], y ERC(X) = RC(Z) that is untenable. P is closed, or P RC(X) limit point contains no Zi . · p any limit point y for all and )= = j+ then for y P yE ri (P z'} jl z large. But Zi jl sequence p the Thm.8.2), sequence U O When the preference P RC(X) * {0} cone A(X) M = and fills the hypothesis of the characterization simplifies Corollary 3.1. Let X A is a Example 3.4. Example 3.3. ful- to o : Then P be every admis- limit point of strictly admissible points. to Example 3.3 shows the that might not be valid when {0}. Y be Then if P Let the half-line from admissible points We which be a closed convex set and let slight modification n RC(X) {0} the representation of Theorem 3.1 cl = theorem. In either case, a strictly supported closed convex cone. sible point either should V is the cone generated by = P2, the passing through K. The set of set of in V+ Y is strictly empty, however. emphasize that _ admissible X- V ---- the previous I'-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-^1~~~~~'-- "I----------- results do not 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I~~~~~~~-I -' ---- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - an example show by Blackwell that points expressed as shows Exampl.e As 3.5 in Example P= {(0,X,0) : Let X the be : X = {(XlX2,0) in ,Every point is X 2 in R 3 following example let as in Theorem 3.4 - p E clA (X) P 3) is admissible. be defined by XII 0 2 0 and A 3 > O}. given by x> on the line x x X 1 X2'X > 0, admissible and strictly 3.2, 0u triangle x = even when admissible, need not be a limit point of strictly that admissible. The points need not be admissible - completely. Arrow, Barankin admissible points characterize and 21 and xl +x 2 segment 2 < 1}. x satisfying every point x in X + x2 = 1 can be written as x = x for some -p sible. The xI = 3.3 x2 E x E cl P \P; and admissible points and x +x 2 = are but not every point the points in X is admis- on the lines 1. Connectedness When parametric X is a polyhedron analysis and P is a polyhedral in linear programming shows that cone, A(X) is - 22 - connected (see, for example, Koopmans [30] for related results). [11], or Yu and Zeleny To study the connectedness of A(X) in a more general setting, we also use a parametrization of a mathematical programming objective function. We first set some additional notation. Let p(l) n and + (l-8)p(O). et be any points in p(6) = p(l) solutions to R for each X(6) 0 e p(O) and 1, let denote the set of optimal the optimization problem v(e) = sup {p(6).x : xEX} (3.4) 0 for a given set X, generic element of Berge not necessarily convex; x(o) denotes a X(8). [40] discusses several properties of parametric optimization problems which encompass results for this prob- lem. See also Hildenbrand and Kirman [41], whose introductory description of parametric analysis is formulated to include the following result. Let X be an arbitrary closed subset of E n and assume Lemma 3.2. that the solution set compact for all X(8) O0 6 to problem (3.4) is nonempty and 1. Then the point to set mapping 8 - X(e) is upper semi-continuous; that is, if G is an open set in real number !e -e' I 6. R n containing 6 >0 such that X(e), 0 < 8 <1 and then there is a X(') C G whenever 0 <8' I and 23 - - Using this lemma, we first consider the set of strictly admissible points. Theorem 3.2. Let be a strictly supported convex cone, let X be a given subset of Rn, and suppose that the solution set to the optimization problem max {p compact and connected for ech .x :x X} is nonempty, p+ E P+. Then A (X) is connected. O Proof that G : Suppose to the contrary that there are disjoint open sets is, As(X) ° 0 x(O) EG 5, H n A S(X) s A * and 0 A implies and that p(l) E P so that for p(8) E P = 0 X(O) C G + (-e)p(O). (3.5) and I, e' = above, Since the is nonempty x(8) strictly p(O) E P solves as set of optimal and connected, contained in H. solutions each X(8) In particular, X(I) C H. sup e :0 < By the previous lemma, either The definition of (3.5) as contained in G or and Let with E X} is defined X(8) to problem is either H ., max {p(( 3).x : p(I) and connected there are vectors 5 p(O) = G is not (X) C GU Ho. Let (X). and x(l) EH nAs(X). admissible points where AS(X) G or H. But tion. For if X(8') C G, <I1 and X(e) CG for e'> O. Now either then X(') assumption X(e) C G O < e < }. must be contained in leads for all to every a contradic8 e + 6 - 24 - and some 6 > 0 and if by Lemma 3.2, contrary to the definition of 8'; X(8') C H, then by Lemma 3.2 again, X(e) C H 8 > 8'-6 and some Therefore, 6 >0 contrary to the definition of our assumption that is untenable and for every AS(X) '. is not connected U the theorem has been proven. The following version of this theorem is probably more useful in applications. Theorem 3.3. Let P be a strictly supported convex cone, let X be a closed convex set, and suppose that Then AS(X) Note some +om + , sup {P necessarily + n RC (X) S the condition on.+ p+ <0 * cone of X. That is, lem n RC(X) S + . S is connected. that Ps E - P every element y in the solution set · x :x EX} all, for states that for S to the recession the optimization prob- must be bounded for some, but not strict supports ps to P. This weakening of the hypothesis of Theorem 3.2 is offset by the stronger assumption that X is convex. With slight modifications, the proof of Theorem 3.2 proves Theorem 3.3 as well. Without loss of generality, we may select x(1) in the proof as - p(l)E RC(X) of Lemma 3.2. the solution to . Then we invoke max {p(l).x :xE X} the following result (Observe that each solution set --- -- instead X(e), 0 I- - - where e ---------------------- I, _.---rr---rrrrr*pC - 25 - to problem (3.5) is convex and hence connected.) Lemma 3.3. Let X be a closed convex set in in. tion set X(8) to the problem = sup {([p(l) v(e) is nonempty for e)p(O)] + (1- to set mapping strict - X(e) lemma When X is of -this X} is to theorem I < Then and the point is upper semi-continuous. proved in Appendix B. compact, RC(X) = support xx: e = 0 and nonempty and compact for e = 1 . X(8) is nonempty and compact for all This Assume that the soZu- RC(X); {0} and every point i n consequently the hypothesis - is valid whenever P is strictly is . s a nRC(X) S $ supported. Therefore, we have Corollary 3.2. Let be a strictly supported convex cone and P let X be convex and compact. addition, P Proof is closed or : As we have connected. Whenever is connected. By connected set since Then P\{0} just noted, is open, P\{0} is open, P+ is is connected. If, in then A(X) Theorem 3.3 shows Corollary 3.1, it AS(X) contained = P whenever P in and is the closure A(X) and contains The next two examples show that is connected. that AS(X) so A(X) = A(X) closed of is the A(X) is connected A (X). the "strictly ___I____II supported" _ ______II__ __ - 26 - condition imposed upon P in this corollary is indispensible, - P as is the condition Example s n RC(X)4 * 0 of Theorem 3.3. s 3.6. Let X be the closed unit ball in P = {(0,X)E 2 :X R}. 12 and le-t R is closed and convex, but P+ = 0. Then P ·. Since S the only admissible points are (-1,0) and (1,0), A(X) is not connected. ~~x3Let S = f(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ) E FR :x 1 =0, X 3 g O and ~~~3 Example 3.7. 3 : 3- I < x 2 0} and let T be the halfline {(1,0,) 0 O}. Define X, which is closed ( [38], Cor. 9.8. 1 ) , as the .bao :egative negative combinations be generated by nontrivial non- P hull of S amd T and let p of convex OS p(0) = (-1,0,0) and pII) = (1,-1,0). Since the third component of every element of PF is zero, a point in X is strictly admissible if and only if it belongs to y+ T for some point y that is strictly admissible set obtained by projecting X onto the The solutions - x 2 axis. to problem (3.5) are S X(e) x in the = if =0 l T U T T (O I , 0) if 8=1. x2 th '%2 I fx / I 4 Alternatives X .l I 3 (0,-1) Al ---3 Projection on xl-x 2 Plane Figure 3.4 - In this case, RC(X) = S + - RC(X) S = S and To show that 27 - {(Xix 2,x 3 A (X) = S U T A(X) is let requires £(y) additional £(y) i and < }, is not connected. connected without assuming the underlying preference cone is open, 3 ) ER P is closed argument. denote the For or that P\ {O} that n yE R, any vector subspace generated by y, and its orthogonal subspace. Lemma 3.4. Let Suppose that max {p P and p belongs to -x : xE X}. alent (ii) (iii) and that y solves Then the following conditions are equiv- y E A(X) yEA(X) where : Suppose tion of = X X y is admissible in y, p = 0; p that sequently, y p can be violated and Corollary that z = y+ (y+ is, p EC(p+ ) to y p E X + p p if and 3.3. X z is not chosen (y +(p ) ) £(p ) ) with respe ct to ) PI.(p p P . : (i) Proof n X be a cone and arbitrary set in for only if y. p E P. p p and z-E (y +.C(p + respect to admissible with be nonzero, some But By defini- since ) p )X. p Con- r, that if and only if condition (iii) is violated. Let p+ E P+ \P+ and let y 0, condition is, (ii) is U solve the problem -- - -- -r*-rr*rr-n S - 28 - max {p. p x: xE X}. contained in Proof : Apply p EP fn (p Then either belongs to lemma, the + Corollary 3.4. Let for aZl z E X problem max {(p Proof A(X) p let :x EX} that for some any point U . + . S A X : X = {x to -x > p + y z to the A(X). (X) C A(X) and, by Lemma 3.3, U to A(X). the representation for proving p Then any solution belongs to y beloongs and noting boundary of E P S belongs These results connected, y + p E X or + E P, let .x y X, ingredients p and : Since A(X) = A(X) the boundary of P. the previous ) y that without requiring the set P theorem 3.1 of admissible to be provide points closed or P\ {0} is to be open. Theorem 3.4. Let P be a let X be a closed convex Then is connected. A(X) Proof : We use k =1, A(X) is the theorem sion less Note, strictly supported convex cone and set satisfying - S n RC(X)+ induction on the dimension k of an interval and is valid for than k first, and all hence closed that X has that no connected, S X. 0. Whenever so assume that convex sets with dimen- dimension k. generality is lost by assuming that - 29 X has full that dimension. the origin belongs and only if it containing X. belongs to the if and orthogonal + pL ps esis of - P the theorem of + solutions nected, and (ii) admissible points to some this cl A in X the set (i) + RC(X)s has O and > n L). A(X). EP if Ps E P s + and pi - (P L , p +4 = y PL , n L S p EP n y L L)s < is 0O and 0. the hypoth- we may assume Then y . Let problem. that X If and (i) , is connected. A(X) (ii). will solves X denote (X) nA(X) ni ( in X Since A(X) the set of X is con- then by Theorem 3.3 together with y EA(X) was the chosen be connected as'well. establish Since the X CX, + C RC(X) that x in X with Consequently, in L and p Consequently, we will conditions (i.e., + + is valid Q if + p PL E L that strictly admissible points arbitrarily, implies + L E RC(X)s Rn linear subspace s where shows p = PL .x: xE X} for set of in is admissible any necessary, Rk. optimal the it P of L, + *p ps and + Let y be any element of p the smallest + PL f[RC(X)rn -Q then is an element max is connected admissibility if + = subspace is Q in L, only + as + Thus Then X if + + yERC(X), X. Moreover, expressing L. E RC(X)s nonempty as to The definition of Pn + suppose, by translation is connected A(X) respect to -s For - theorem by verifying RC(X) C RC(X) and + . Therefore dimension less than k, - P the + RC(X) * and, inductive hypothesis ___1_1 _II__ __ _1 _ since implies ·_ X o - 30 - that A(X) is condition (i) connected. is + p condition let x S Corollary 3.4, x x p Ecl P\ P. + 0 max (p 4. = x , cl Pn RC(X) would -p = {0} satisfy + p + x is + . x x 0 EA(X). Since (any q .x: xX} 0 p + x 4 q and Thus x 0 p >0) and can be repre- either _ - + -P + n RC(X) s s p pp + p x or 4 and 4 + - As q Ecl A (X) and = p * p < ps -Ps . x: xE X}. (ii) where Therefore = p x tion max{p + 0 the representation theorem 3.1 applies. sented as and O By . p E cl P rn RC(X) PS solve + RC(X) s s and (ii), + EF S + P5 - 3.4, A(X)m X =A(X) satisfied. To establish for some By Lemma *x a result, ,and x so x A(X) E X and cl A(X) x solves and condi- satisfied. i LOCAL CHARACTERIZATIONS Studying properties of an underlying set by applying convex analysis to approximations ring and fruitful adopt this is defined the not necessarily x to form an assuming that convex. By approximating approximation that the set has been a recurIn this section we set of alternatives X intersection of a convex set to X, ity in X via the approximation. We hypotheses, the theme in optimization. viewpoint, as of C with a set D, D at a given point we investigate admissibil- show, with appropriate strict admissibility in X is equivalent to - 31 - admissibility in the approximation. We also establish a Kuhn-Tucker theory in the setting of cone dominance, which the Kuhn-Tucker theory of nonlinear when specialized,becomes programming. 4.1 General Setting at If, x if L(x) - x - -{(x in addition, D C L(x0 ), 0 D at x . A support to a canonical approximation to L(x ) Let us call a set D x) : x E L(x )} is a closed cone. we say that at x 0 is L(x° ) a polyhedron. In this case, L(x ) In many applications the set is a support to iO said to be finite if it D > 0, i =l,...,m}. two canonical approximations to D predominate in the optimization literature. When each function Vh.(x 0 ), with gradient x O D at x is defined by a system of nonlinear inequalities, D = {x :hi(x) differentiable at is is the intersection of a finite number of half-spaces, each supporting In this case, D hi(x) is then 1 L(xo ) = {xE Rn :Vh i(x ° ) (x and when each function s. at x (i.e., ) h.(x) 1 s + for o o ) all for all x xE R (4.1) n)o ), inequality then {xE Rn: si(x-x 0 ) > 0 for all i with hi(x 0 ) =0}. 11 =0} is concave with supergradient satisfies the "supergradient" s(1 11 = o) > 0 for all i with hi(x h.(x) h (x ) + s. (x -x ) L(x) -x (4.2) __L____1__^ _-·-QCUIIIL.---^-_L-I -----·--- . _._-·----·-·-·----·-e - --- CDIII----I··IIIU----r----- - 32 When the functions h i(x) are both differentiable and concave, the (4.1) and (4.2) coincide. finite supports As a preview of the results to be presented in this section, 2 1 2 < 1, x 1 + x2 > 0, x2 0 R2 Let C = Rn, X = D = {x we begin with the following example. 2 = R. and let is (0,1) Then, x admissible for the cone I over X, but not over the linear approxi(4.1) to X at x mation 0 while'x 1 1/2) is strictly admissible = (1//2-, over X as well as over its linear approximation (4.1) at x . formalize these observations. remainder of this section we will Our first result relates admissibility L(x ) in to strict admissibility in D. We will apply some simple, but useful, observations concerning admissible points in cones. Q Lemma 4.1. P and Let suppose that (ii) and (iii) Proof x x 0 E A(x : Conclusions A(x 0 + Y) = ~ with part A(x x ° EAS(x 0 + Y) of definitions. If and Y be closed convex cones in Rn and 0 + Y) 0 + Y) = g, if and only if P+ n y*+ + Y) x whenever (i) and x A(x or (ii) , E , EA(x0 + Y) are immediate consequences 0 A (xo + Y), then P YY = by the definition (ii) by Proposition 3.2. This observation coupled U (i) establishes conclusion (iii). In the next two propositions we assume X = C nD that C= R n in of X. P be a strictly supported closed con- Proposition 4.1. Let vex cone and let x E X C R. x0 x P is supported strictly. Then for any (i) either Then is admissible in some support In the x E A (X) if and only if L(x0 ) to X at x. 33 \ Proof : Whenever x is str-i-ctly admissible, + problem L(x max ) = If x in .x S since for p < some ·x S } support x X C L(x ), that implies x is = V = (0,1,1) examp-les. Then and x or X even though L(x ° ) = Y is the R 2 and support x is L(x O 3.4 show that the is _ it is X and Y X to X at it is Although closedness in both of as R , + admissible L(x°) in this + let would be a support is in these these 0 x +Y sets and that whenever x is in every support L(x X be support. } 2 square in ) : x 1} x is a = (1,1), the support chosen in of °) the unit In fact, to X 0 for which x of are worth noting. {x = ((Xl, . X <o 4+ *x 1p • p · x Ps E P+ L(x ). admissi- in either the strictly admissible point o r -Rn in at x. this point. For example, . to X at x be defined admissible a support to = R ) Proposition. Let the proposition depends upon knowledge O+ and x the definition of strict conclusion does not state {x at x is not strictly admissible not admissible ) = set AS (X). let strictly admissible to X at X L(x Certain features of Proposition 4.1 First, The strictly admissible necessary in the previous lemma and 0 the + E P p supports in some previous lemma, x Examples 3.3 and x solves L(x ). is admissible then by the bility + .x: x E X Rn {x admissible But {p it the proof of a strict support + maximizes Ps x More useful over X. that depends only upon local ---- ·----- -- -- ---- I information f--- -- ----------- ----- L1111-- ·- _ - 0 at x., and 34 - such as the supports specified in expressions (4.1) (4:2). Our next results delineate a wide class of prob- lems where such supports are possible. Proposition 4.2. Let P be a strictly supported closed con- vex cone and let X be a polyhedron. Then every admissible point x point x E X is strictly admissible in the support X is strictly admissible. Moreover, any admissible defined by (4.1) with Proof : Let h(x) D= X. a x - b. 1 1. for i 1,2,...,m affine functions defining X and suppose that L(x ) that admissible denote linear- x E A(X) and is defined by (4.1).. We first note that x in L(x ), "~xO> n( L(x° ) e8 0, satisfies (x L(x ° ) + for otherwise some o ). But then ai y a i b. z z x b. and y -- x 0 + is belongs to 0 (z-x), where a i ·x o = b.. for all indices i with 1 Choosing a .x e small enough, a .y > b. > b. as well. Therefore, y E X, y contradicting Since x x i with and yE x + , x E A(X). is admissible in closed convex cone, x E A quently for every L(x ) (L(x )), and L(x ) - x is a by Lemma 4.1, and conse- x E A(X). Previously, Evans and Steuer A(X) = AS(X) [25] have shown that when , as well as X, is polyhedral. _1_1_ ·___ ____ _ I___ __ ___ ___ - 35 - We next consider instances when X x0 is X = Cn D, admissible in strictly is If nonpolyhedral. then it solves the optimization problem Max p .(x xECCnD s for some p + + P S L(x) ° ) -x = is {yE Rn: to X > 0 objective function in ED 0 a support at x °) -x removes ' ] with example, we (4.1), O0 for all I L(x ) - x is a u E]Rm : u = X-7h(x) = A-h(x0 ) = 0} h(x ) i with = . In this case, the the linear approximation to (4.3). Recalling the usual x u E [L(x defined by (4.4) Lagrangian function of with respect L(x ), (4.4) hi(xo)y Lemma, some vector for this 0 Replacing D by L(x ) and, by Farkas' call to the cone terminology of nonlinear programming x P a Kuhn-Tucker point and support L(x ) in C X = to D at x D , and Max xEC for (4.3) + u) · (x -x ). (p Note that when if ) constraints and gives from the Sup xEC for 0 "dualizing" with respect and L(x . S -x (p + u) (x - x) = 0 some "Kuhn-Tucker" multipliers for Ps E + 5 and 0 multipliers 0"Kuhn-Tucker" uE [L(x ) ----- -----·^--- --------- ------I*---C-·--------- - x '-CICI*··-CTCI- - 36 - The following proposition characterizes such Kuhn-Tucker points x0 .Proposition 4.3. to the cone is a Kuhn-Tucker point in X with respect L(x °) and support to D at if and only if x the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) x0 is strictly admissible in x solves v = max (ii) {p · (x - x) + for some p for this p S where : x EC L(x )} + E P s and , :u E [L(x ° ) -x 0 ] v = min {v(u) v(u) = sup {(p + u) (x -x 0 ) : x EC}. Proof : The validity of conditions (i) and (ii) O - v for some = max u E [L(x ) -x versely, if x u E [L(x ° ) -xO] , + u) (x - x) S so x p : x E C} is a Kuhn-Tucker point. Con- and u, then , u-(x- x ) p+ > 0 and (x -x x ECn L(x ). v < v(u) = 0. Since v = v(u) = 0 {(p4 implies that is a Kuhn-Tucker point with associated Kuhn- Tucker multipliers whenever that is, C nL(x°); x v(u) = 0. consequently ) (x -x These ) < inequalities ECn L(x ), Since v(u) imply that v > 0. Therefore, satisfies conditions (i) and (ii). _Llli______L__ypyspI _ _ __(_ __ U - 37 - ri(C) nL(x° ) $ ~, ([38], tion the duality condition 28.2.2). In particular, Cor. (ii) is polyhedral, as in L(x ) Whenever if or (4.1) (ii) (4.2), and is fulfilled C = Rn then condi- and we may sharpen proposition becomes superfluous 4.1 by specifying necessary conditions for strict admissibilof easily computed supports. ity in terms let P be a strictly supported convex cone, Let Corollary 4.1. x ERn : h.(x) > 0, i= 1,2,...,m}, X = D = and assume that each constraint-function h. is differentiable at a strictly admissible point x0 solving max {(p Ps where . qualification4, .x : x Then, x (4.5) X} if problem (4.5) satisfies any constraint is strictly admissible support in the L(x °) defined by. (4.1). Corollary 4.2. let X = C D Let P be a strictly supported convex cone and where C is a convex set and D = {xe n : hi(x) 0, i = 1,2,...,m} is defined by concave functions. Then, if X satisfies the Slater condition for some x E C, x hi(x ) > 0 for i 1,2,...,m is strictly admissible in the support defined by (4.2). Conditions, like linear independence of the vectors Vhi(x ) for indices i with hi(x o ) = 0, that ensure that'x ° satisfies the Kuhn-Tucker conditions of nonlinear programming for problem (4.5). ·_·._ ___ ____ ____ ____ I_ - 38 - 4.2 The Vector Maximization Problem To illustrate the previous results in-a somewhat more concrete setting, let us consider the vector optimization problem introduced in Section 2 with a criterion-function f(z) = (fl(z), = {(y,z) Let X is defined by Z 2,...,m}. let h(z) hn(z)) Let denote ... ,fk(z)) and : z E Z and E R e = {(y,z) the : y n z E = , R : hi(z) z E C}. subvector of h(z) = s {((,y) k E x If each of the functions entiable, ing to to P Note, = : X > 0 and n-k f.(z) and As we in this 0}. is differ- h.(z) correspond- then the linear approximation to X at x (4.1) becomes y < vn f(z) L(xO) -x 0 = (yz)E Since ..., = (f(z), z0 ) is admissible in X with respect to the preference cone ! = Ike that = 0. D, is efficient in the vector maximization problem if and only if x case, h 2 (z), (hl(z), Z i = 1, 0, > For any z restricted to those components with hi(z) noted in Section 2, z0 that and suppose y < f(z)} C n D where D n-k alternatives Z c g a set of ny admissible point must admissible satisfy in L(x 0 ) y (y = Vf(z) ,z ) z and Vh.(z0 ) z e L(x ) in x = (y z 0. with respect ,z ) is strictly e whenever it solves v = max{ X Vf(z° ) · (z-z 0) : zEC and V h(z).(z-z 0 ) > 0} --- ---- ·-- ----- · 1- (4.6) I---L-·-----·l---i-C11I- - 39 - for some positive k-vector X. As we have noted previously, Farkas' Lemma implies the polar to the polyhedral cone [L(x)-x] = (u,u E :u L(x ) - x = is given by X and u for some Therefore, 0o (y 0 ,z ) is a Kuhn-Tucker point that AVf(z +jVh O and X (z Q0}. if it solves max {[XVf(z 0°) +~ Vhz)] · (z- z) + (a yERk X) (y-y )} zE C for ,sofe positive k-vector a. The value ofothis optimization problem is + point, or z unless a =X. Thus, (f(z ),)z 0 ) is a Kuhn-Tucker is a Kuhn-Tucker point in the vector maximization problem, whenever max {[XVf(z ) + zEC Vh(z)]-(z -z)} = 0 (4.7) for some positive k-vector X. Note that for z to be a Kuhn-Tucker point to the vector maximization problem requires a choice of positive weights X for the vector criterion function f(z) so that z is a Kuhn- Tucker point to the nonlinear program max {(Xf(z) : z'E C Proposition 4.3 shows and h(z) > 0}. (4.8) that necessary and sufficient conditions ____ ______CI____IC_____jr_ I-LIII·-r-·ry--lrru--·IL-Ur·-ULIUWUI o z be a Kuhn-Tucker to first order (ii) the linear within the objective weights so that unaltered. That (i) are of constraints as well a duality of the solves z, and choice of the problem are the incorporated can be remains associated with that guaranteeing certain solutions o (4.8) at to to Kuhn-Tucker points conditixon (ii) z (i) function by an appropriate imation inherits as that (4.6) the optimal value is, a regularity point approximation (4.6) inequality -CUlill-P·IL-I--'-·L 40 - - for C--i- approx- a linear from a nonlinear program, condition guaranteeing dualization linear approximation problem. o When the vector maximization problem becomes k= 1 to value normalized ditions. for the the with positive (see, seem [43] McCormick the duality dition first stated related of results this required. not [44] Magnanti the context in presents to have condition is unpublished report, 42]). example, Mangasarian the [46] and C= Rn In a section of an introduced context Fiacco fact when the nonlinear programming. in of the of nonlinear conditions qualification for con- duality conditions regularity and characterizing Kuhn-Tucker points subsume all programming scalar X the usual Kuhn-Tucker to 1, reduces Consequently, numerous constraint and (4.8), condition linear program and a non- duality Halkin con- [45] of nonlinear program- derived first order necessary ming. More recently, Robinson conditions for a general vector optimization program in infinite dimensions by studying multivalued maps. preference orderings in the image of certain - 41 - When specialized to the vector maximization problem, Corollary 4.1 be strictly admissible x that = z (i.e., solves problem (4.8) or, is strictly admissible in X) (f(z ),z ) is admissible (f(z),z ) dition is equivalent to z 0 Vf(z ). L(x ). in being efficient ZLL M {z E ]n-k -k: Vh (z o )-(z-z o ) > O} vector criterion to then a necessary condition for z dition is fulfilled, equivalently and the regularity con- C = that if shows is The last con- in to the with respect z. Therefore efficiency in the linear approximation to the vector optimization problem is necessary for strict admissibility in the problem itself. Remark 4.1. These results are related to the notion of proper efficiency introduced by Geoffrion [12] Kuhn and Tucker [10]). 0 By definition, z (see also a is a proper effi- cient point in the vector maximization problem if there is a M > 0 with the property that for every scalar fi(z) index i satisfying fi(z) fj(z ) - the inequality > f.(zo) 1 z E Z and each 1 f (z) - f(z) is valid for some index j such that f.(z) < f(z°). As Geoffrion shows, whenever Z is a convex set and each funcf(z) tion of is of z for j =1,2,...,k equivalent to z is equivalent to z is concave, proper efficiency soling problem (4.8 solving problem (4.8) for some for some ___ XO. X>0. ___ __ - 42 - As we this last is equivalent condition ) ,z ) being strictly admissible in X. If (f(z then, if noted, have our comment made restate z is proble m and z EZ the , we is fulfilled, efficient point in Z L then with (4.9) o the to respect also note We might condition (4.9) crite rion vector that f(.) if that implies Vf(z and h(.) in the vector maximization problem. To lem fies (4.6) the for f our because conditions then concave, this establish solves z . Therefore (4.7) hypothesis, concavity are that k-vector some positive Kuhn-Tucker implies (4.9) condition that we note )-z. a proper efficient point is z may, vector maximization the regularity condition is a proper n C= R to this remark as : just prior strictly admissible in to with z CER solves fact, prob- 0 z satis- and, the Lagrangean maximization max zE Since, by {Xf (z) + definition, iih*(z problem equals Xf(z ), optimization problem proper h (z)}. n -k efficient SHere we use the programming. point and ) = 0 · the since z E Z, max {Xf(z) : h(z) > in the to this solve the optimal value it must 0} and hence be a vec tor maximization problem. standard weak duality argument of nonlinear - 43 We should point-out, point let z terion h (z) in stance, ) 2 O 2 - and the regularity not admissible that a proper efficient condition (4.9). As an example, the vector maximization problem with cri- f(z) = = though, need not satisfy = (0,0) z - in = 2 and 2 h 2 (z) constraints 2- z condition fails ZL = 2 ( 0 In since : Z2 this in- the origin is 0} O In a recent paper Borwein topological spaces, [47] several results local characterizations presents, for intimately of efficient points. more general related to our He defines a point 0 z E Z to be'proper efficient with respect cone S if z ({y f(z), : y = is efficient and the tangent cone z E Z - S) In implies this notion of proper efficiency the absence of convexity, while under convexity assumptions ([47], convexity, theorem 2). This equating L(x ) - x to the set = f(z ) intersects at y the origin. valent to a closed convex strict efficiency ([47], theorem 1) these definitions last result shows with the S only at are equi- that, with tangent cone fulfills the support condition guaranteed by proposition 4.1. 5. DISCUSSION In the previous sections we have studied perties of admissible points with respect to structural proa convex cone. Our results provide global characterizations of admissible points - 44 - in terms of strictly admissible points and local characterizations in terms of linear approximations. We have also shown, with appropriate hypotheses imposed upon the problem structure, that the sets of admissible and strictly admissible points are both connected. In this section, we briefly discuss a few potential extensions and applications. First, we might comment.on the frequently evoked assumption that the underlying preference cone is strictly supported. According to Proposition A.1, this assumption rules out "grass is greener" preferences in which each of two alternatives is preferred to More generally, it does not permit the other. and y> situations in which xy converging to y. points y x for j = 1,2,... for some As an example, lexicographic orderings define preference cones that are not strictly supported. Whenever underlying preferences are described by a closed convex indifference cone y> x), the set = 2 belongs I then (i.e., y p E if and only if This cone is strictly supported for if the lineality space of cl 0 = p - x + : 0> x} describes a strictly sup- x ported preference cone. p E l p + P or 0OX p, E cl , i.e., -p E cl a contradiction. We should emphasize, however, that even though this construction provides strictly supported cones, our development does not presume the existence of any "weak" preference relation>.. - 45 - There are several ways in which our results might be extended. Replacing the preference cone P by a convex set C or, more generally, by a family of convex sets Cx, C x denoting the set of points preferred to x, would add possibilities for broader applications. Another line of investigation would be to retain our hypothesis and to see what additional assumptions might lead to stronger conclusions. and Hahn 4] show that if I = {x For example, Arrow R: x = 0 or all xi > O} then the following restrictions on the (convex) set of alterna- tives X (i) (ii) (iii) 0 belongs X nR to the interior of X; is compact; free disposal, i.e., x-y whenever x imply that A(X) n simplex. and X for any y E n E X n is homeomorphic to an (n-l)-dimensional This substantial strengthening of connectedness is possible, with similar hypothesis, for other convex cones as well. In general, it may be that the set A(X) is homeomorphic to a union of simplices with some special structure. In a paper not yet available to us, Naccache [48] initiated investigations of another nature. has He studies sta- bility of the set of admissible points with respect to perturbations in X and of A(X), . He has also studied connectedness but with assumptions that may be related to free disposal. ___ _ __ __ _ _ I_ _I _____ - 46 - There are a number of ways in which the structural properties discussed in this paper and these extensions aid deConsider, for example, the vector optimization cision making. In practice, it is convenient to generate strictly problem. admissible points by solving k max { Z J.l Xfj(z) : z E (5.1) Z (5.1) with positive weights Xj associated with the criterion funcBy varying the weights, decision makers can generate tions. all strictly admissible points, or by choosing a sequence of positive weights appropriately they might move toward some admissible point that is "best" with respect to some auxiliary criterion (see, for example, Considering, as before, [27]). the vector maximization poblem in terms of the set X = {(y,z) = k' E n : y we see from the admissible point (y (y and z Z} and the preference representation theorem = f(z ), that cone every z ) is a limit point of s8lutions = f(z ), z ) to (5.1) or a translation of such limit points by vectors k R f(z) the image f(.) (O,z) cl k\ k. That is, "in the space of efficient points is contained in the clo- sure of the image of the proper efficient points" (see Geoffrion 6 [12]) . In this context, that the solutions to the representation theorem 3.1 shows (5.1) delineate all potential values 6 n RC(X) = {O} of Some assumption such as the hypothesis cl For example, let Theorem 3.1 is required for this statement. V and Y be defined as in example 3.4, let Z = V + Y and let fl(z) = 1 and f 2 (z) = z 2 . The efficient set is the halfline Every from V passing through the point K (see Figure 3.1). efficient point is non-proper, though, so that the statement is not valid in this instance. - 47 - of the criterion function when evaluated at efficient points; connectedness of the admissible points shows that to move from any (proper) efficient point to another, we can restrict ourselves to local movements among (proper) efficient points only, such as local changes in the coefficients Xj of (5.1). We would expect similar benefits from the structural properties of admissible points in general, especially when solving for strictly admissible points is attractive computationally. One applications of admissibility that might be explored profitably concerns the optimization of monotonic functions h(x), where, say, h(x) is strictly increasing in each component x. of the vector x. In this instance, any optimal solu- tion to the problem max {h(x) : x X} n E IR+ is admissible for X with respect to This observation suggests that optimization algorithms might restrict their search to the admissible points A(X), especially once any algorithm first identifies a point in this set. Do mathematical programming algorithms have this property? The answer, at least in terms of the simplex method is no. the example, max subject to 2xI + x2 4x 1 + 7x 2 > 18 x1 + x1 2x 2 0O,x 2 < 5 0 __ __ _ _ _II _I__ In - 48 - the admissible a = (1;2) and the the segment joining solution c = b = same phenomenon. In simplex method iteration. enhanced Starting [361, of the admis- once the it an admissible point, admissible point at Our understanding from we have never ob- these examples, first-encountered always generated an (5,0). points In a number of experi- (4.5,0). conducted on larger problems served this the the simplex method moves off a, to the point sible set line optimal the extreme point ments is set the each successive simplex method might be if we would explain this behavior. 0 6. APPENDIX A The following, ize the Recall of rather intuitive, propositions character- strictly supported condition for a convex cone. that lineality space L of any cone C the lines contained Proposition A.1. in C, Let L i.e., L = C be closure of the convex cone the is the (-C). lineality space for the is . Then- supported strictly if and only if p nL = {0}. Proof : Let denote the orthogonally complementary to Then L. L cl P = L G (cl P r L i set ) is a direct -- - -I----1--- subspace sum representa- - ------ CII---·L - 49 - tion, and Now p for all = L1 n (cl PF (cl P) I+ E L s whenever p S L)+ L E P $ p nL. Consequently, p . + + C (cl P) - + and p S *p = P nL = (01 To establish the converse, note that since is convex, closed and pointed, has full dimension ([38], to the interior of nonzero L and all nonzero P = and p y ·p > 0 must satisfy for some y p for all y = YL L ). If PLE L and > 0. (YL + y that pEP of and F P n L = that is, F is is a strict I y L = p > {0}, E (cl P p {0} with implies 0 for then n ), that supported strictly. any point contained in both L +) (cl P + yI = some nonzero Therefore p E P; )p The proof of this proposition shows FPL = {01, y p > 0 for all I we note , p E(cl PL + P y (cl F n L ) .L E L y Cor.14.6.1). Any point y belonging nL ). Expressing y as I YL E (cl , n L ) its positive polar i. p E (cl cl P n L support to that whenever L and the interior P. We next establish the converse to this statement. Proposition A.2. Let L be the lineality space for the closure of the convex cone P. Then ri(P +) C P+ if and only -5 if Ln p 4 C ri(P SL L {0}. = ) Moreover, and, if cl Pn consequently, ri ( L = P n L ) =P , then if and only if = F = (0}. ---·--------- ^- -· -------.- ____ __ - Proof 50 - cl P = L 0 (cl F n L ) : Let + tation. Then (cl P)+ = intersects L ri ( (cl sum represenJ. and, since L L ) has a nonempty interior I which L ) + = L + is a subspace and (cl P nL) be a direct I. L = {(0 By the remark preceding the proposition, implies that F P+ and S ri(P LP + ) C +. Conversely, P to the relative boundary of EL pi EPnwhich we scale satisfies {pJ }j>I + ) C P+ then L = P and let y belong . Then there are vectors converging to y satisfying sequence ri(F = {0} bythe previous proposition. Finally, suppose that. cl PFL yi if pi yj < 0 for some to unit norm. Any limit point p of the belongs to cl y- p < 0. Consequently, y L= n L + F + and S c F P + S- and ri(++ C ri(P ). When combined, these propositions establish Proposition 2.1 of the text. Note Proposition 2.1 shows that that the illustration following ri(PF) P s is possible. --- \II~~----- -------- ·-- I'II-~-" - 7. APPENDIX 51 - B We prove for lemma required the continuity Theorem 3.3, namely Lemma set the solution to v(c) is to set : Let y < any y be 0. X(6) e - mapping all Consequently, + (I -)p(O)] on the xEX} = 1. Then Since X(O) p(O) y < 0 is and the is the case < e < 6} X(e) [, proof is nonempty and if, at 1] - for = For compact. is upper 0 < e I1. show that this 0. some = 0, X(e) for any we must at is bounded. semi-continuous 0 the mapping interval to complete indeed U {X() :0 a : and the point of X. compact, y < mapping is upper semi-continuous , x O <8 < 1 all recession direction implying that semi-continuous is not upper ] Therefore 0 <8e This )p(O) upper semi-continuous. is According to Lemma 3.2, S6 (1- is nonempty and [ep(I) for that Assume . and nonempty and compact for = 0 nonempty and X(1) p(l) + nonempty and compact for X(e) is R the problem sup { [ep() = nonempty for Proof closed convex set in Let X be a 3.3. if 6 >0, the set the mapping then there - X(e) is an open 1. Ir I·--Lr-r-n·aLI --·--ih- - 52 - set G containing X(O) e8 >0 numbers approaching p(e j ) ·x any and points limit point x 0. > p(e) (such a x E X(6j)\ G for some real Since -x for all xE X limit point eventually lie in the bounded set satisfies x G S ) exists to the since the x j sequence {xi}j> and 1 I ao x p(0) But then x > E X(O)\ G, al xEX. for p(0).x contradicting Therefore to establish the X(O) C G. theorem we only need 0 to show c that S i-s bounded for some suppose, by translation 6 >0. For fiotational if necessary, that simplicity O E X(O). Then by definition p(O) for any x(e) x(9) E X(e), [ep(I) implying, Now (1), (I X() are - if ,0 S 0 E X, x(3) > >- 0. is unbounded Since Since (1) that and points x(0) approach + A. {x(eJ) 0 < e < I. + (1 -e)p(O)] from p p(O). x(O) = 0 (2) for every E X( 0 <6 < 1, then there ) whose Euclidean norms 0 EX, any limit point y to X. the sequence / Xj}j>l is a direction of recession of X. But the inequality (2) impli-es that p(l).y > 0, contradicting the - hypothesis that bounded for some X(1) 6> 0 53 - is bounded. Consequently, S and the proof is complete. must be U Acknowledgements We are indebted to Arjang Assad for several helpful discussions and to Andrzej Wieczorek for his careful reading of an earlier version of this paper. _.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Il - 54 - REFERENCES 1. Debreu, G., "Representation of a Preference Ordering by a Numerical Function", Decision Processes, R.M. Thrall, C.H. Coombs and R.L. Davis (Eds.), Wiley, New York, pp. 159-166, 1954. 2. Debreu, G., Theory of Value, John Wiley and York, 1959. 3. Bowen, R., "A New Proof of a Theorem in Utility Theory", International Economic Review, Vol.9, p. 374, 1968. 4. Arrow, K.J. and Hahn, F.H., General Competitive Equilibrium, Holden-Day, San Francisco, 1971. 5. Keeney, R. and Raiffa, H., Decisions with Multiple Objectives : Preferences and Value Trade-offs, Wiley, New York, 1976. 6. 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