: :a-:S~~~c-~~,~~- ~B ~W~:~~F7 ·::;::--:'~- i:- ; :r:`:-small_~ :-.:::::-: ~i~ !~~eR~~:Ns.R~~n~~AE ---Da e ;·:.· .- ": ·1-. . : Ij .· ·; :· - ·:.-·.· ·. ;'·J: · · - .·r-t I)· ·-: :.· 'i .!· i;· ;· :'· :· ·:: -, .. ·.' i.--,,:-·· -· r-- b.- i. i· i. :··-- > MASSACHUSETTSBl~~~~i~ INSTITUT .OF~0TcHNOLOGY ' A METHOD FOR THE PARAMETRIC CENTER PROBLEM, WITH A STRICTLY MONOTONE POLYNOMIAL-TIME ALGORITHM FOR LINEAR PROGRAMMING by Robert M. Freund and Kok-Choon Tan OR 192-89 March, 1989 v r Abstract Given a system of linear inequalities and equalities Ax b + dt and Mx = g + ht where the right-hand-sides (RHS) are parametrically deformed over the scalar t , the parametric center problem is to trace the parametric family of approximate solutions (t) to the center problems P(t) , where m P(t) is the problem: maximize ln (bi + dit - Aix) subject to Ax < b + dt i=l and Mx = g + ht . We present an algorithm for tracing the parametric family of solutions (t) over the given range t E [ t, t] . At each iterate of the algorithm, the value of the parameter t is strictly increased and a Newton step is taken. The sequence of values of t exhibit the following geometric rate of change: If tk and tk+1 are two successive values of the parameter t generated by the algorithm, then either (tk+l - TMIN) (tk - TMIN)(1 + 121m) (TMAX - tk ' ) < (TMAX - tk)( 1 ) where TMIN (TMAX) is a lower 128m) (upper) bound on the smallest (largest) value of t for which Ax < b + dt, Mx = g + ht has a solution. Thus the iterates exhibit either linear growth away from TMIN or linear convergence toward TMAX , with a rate of change 1 of 128m , where m is the number of inequality constraints. or When applied to the linear programming problem, the algorithm is an O(mL) iteration algorithm for linear programming, that strictly improves the primal objective value at each iteration, and requires no dual feasible solution (or even dual feasibility) to start. After O(mL) iterations, the algorithm either detects primal unboundedness or produces an interior solution that can be rounded to an optimal solution to the linear program. Key Words: Newton step, center, linear program, interior-point algorithm. I Introduction Given a system of Ax < b and k m linear inequalities in equations in center of the system Rn of the form (A, b, M g) Rn of the form Mx = g, the (analytic) is the optimal solution to the convex program: m P: A in (bi - Aix) maximize i=l s.t. Ax < b Mx= g where (Ai, bi ) respectively. denotes ith (See Sonnevend [12, 13] . (x e Rn Ax < b, Mx = g ) system rowof (A, b, M g) , A and ith component of b, Assuming is nonemepty and bounded, the center of the denoted , is uniquely defined. The computation of points near the center and their properties are important for interior point algorithms for linear programming and extensions, see Karmarkar [6],Renegar [11], Megiddo [8], Kojima et. al. [7], Vaidya [16], Monteiro and Adler [10], Mehrotra and Sun [9], Jarre [5], Barnes et. al. [1], and Todd and Ye [14], among others. Algorithms for finding the center are presented in Censor and Lent [2] , Vaidya [15] , and [4] This study is concerned with the parametric analysis of the family of centers as the right-hand-side varies parametrically. (RHS) (b, g) of the system (A, b, M, g) We define the parametric center problem (PCP) be the problem of tracing the paramitric family of optimal solutions the problems: 1 xt to to P(t): , in (bi + dit - Aix) maximize i=l s.t. Ax < b + dt Mx= g + ht d e Rm (where interval t E [,t] and , t, t and varies over a given t are given), as h e Rk algorithm for generating a piecewise-linear function the property that We present an are finite or infinite. x(t): [] is an approximation to the center x (t) is an approximate solution to P(t), as the approximate path of solutions. t is varied. Rn - with (t) x (t) , i.e., We refer to (t) as (The sense of the approximation and its properties are defined in Section 3.) The algorithm starts with an approximate solution P(t) center problem t = tk t t = t . at t = tk+1 is chosen as to solve for x ( tk + ). where The path guaranteed increase in (TMAX - t1) is P(tk) tk+1 > t k ( t) t and a Newton step is performed is then extended for at each iteration. In particular, tk)(i where -128m) (upper) bound on the smallest (largest) value of t is The next value of t e [tk, tk+1 ] or Mx = g + ht , has a solution. TMIN (TMAX) t __ is a lower for which Thus the iterate values of demonstrate either geometric growth away from 2 can be tk+1 (tk+1 - TMIN) > (tk - TMIN)(1 + 1) < (TMAX - Ax < b + dt , (tk) . t The important feature of the algorithm is the by linear interpolation. chosen so that either k , the value of At iteration and the approximate center for to the ( t) TMIIN or geometric contraction toward TMAX , with a rate of change of 1 128m (where m is the number of inequality constraints). This algorithm can be applied to solve the linear programming problem in a new way. LP: Suppose we wish to solve the linear problem maximize cT x s.t. Ax < b Then we can use the algorithm for PCP to solve for the path of centers of the system LP(t): maximize I In (bi - Aix) i=l s.t. Ax < b cx= t as t is increased. This yields a new "central-trajectory-following" algorithm for linear programming that differs from other central-trajectory methods in two ways. First, it is a strictly monotone algorithm for linear programming, i.e., an algorithm that strictly increases the objective function value of the primal at each iteration, unlike other central-trajectory-following algorithms. Second, it requires no prior information or bound on the optimal objective value, and will process a linear program that is unbounded in the primal objective value (i.e., dual infeasible), unlike other centraltrajectory methods. However, the complexity of the algorithm is iterations, as opposed to (where O(~:w L) O(mL) for most other central-trajectory methods L is the bit-size of the problem instance) and so has an inferior 3 complexity bound (by v ff) . Perhaps it is the strict monotonicity of the primal objective value in the algorithm that is responsible for the inferior complexity bound. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the main results regarding the parametric center problem and we present the algorithm for tracing the approximate parametric path of centers. The remaining three sections are devoted to proofs of the results of Section 2. notation and preliminary results. Section 3 presents Section 4 contains an analysis of one step of the algorithm and presents. the results on the use of Newton's method. Section 5 contains the results regarding bounds on feasible values of are generated by the algorithm. 4 ------ t that 2. The Parametric Center Problem Given a system of Ax < b P: Rn of the form Mx = g , the (analytic) center of the system and equations referred to as linear inequalities in m (A, b, M, g) is the optimal solution to the program maximize A In (bi - Aix) i=l s.t. Ax< b Mx = g (see Sonnevend [12, 13] .) Suppose x (RHS) as the right-hand-side center P . is the unique solution to varies parametrically. Our interest lies in tracing the of the system (A, b, M, g) In particular, we are interested in generating the x t to the problems parametric family of optimal solutions m P'(t): A in (bi + dit - Aix) maximize i=l (2.1) Ax < b + dt, s.t Mx + g + ht In this section, we present an algorithm for generating a piecewise-linear path of solutions and as t x(t) such that x(t) is close to ^xt in a suitable measure, is varied strictly monotonically over a prespecified range. First note that there is no loss of generality in assuming that the equations Mx = g + ht are not present. without loss of generality that kxk and is nonsingular. lM = [B, N] To see this, we can assume is a By suitably partitioning 5 kxn matrix where A = [C, D] and B is x = (y, z) , we can eliminate the y variables to obtain the equivalent problem m maximize , In ( i + d-it - i=l iz ) s.t. where b = b - CB 1g , A = D - CB1N , straightforward to show that solves P'(t), solves zt and d = d - CB-'lh P"(t) if and only if Yt = B 1 (g + ht - N2) where . It is X"t = (, We thus can concentrate on the more convenient problem P(t): maximize , n (bi + dit - Aix) (2.2) i=l s.t. Let X = Suppose (x Ax < b xt Rn Ax < b ) is the center of st = b + dt - Axt, Because and let P (t) + dt . and Xt = (x E Rn Ax < b + dt ) . Xt , i.e., Xt solves P (t) . St = diag(st) is a convex program, xt solves P (t) the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (K-K-T) conditions are satisfied at where e if and only if x , namely st = b + dt - Axt > 0 (2.3a) eT S t A = 0 (2.3b) is the vector of ones of appropriate dimension. We assume that our initial value of of Let Xt = x e R n I Ax<b) t is t = 0 , is nonemllpty and bounded. 6 and the interior In this case, it is ) straightforward to show that X, will be bounded for all values of t . Then T will be an open interval, and it is T = (t I int Xt * 0} . Let straightforward to extend the analysis in Megiddo [8] to show that the path of parametric centers Let 1: t - is continuous and differentiable. t, t e T , TMAX = sup (te T TMIN = inf (te T) . and Itis also tt TMAX = + straightforward to show that if d = Ar for some of translations of Xt if and only TMIN = -° r e R n , in which case the sets Xt by the translation vector We therefore assume tr . are just a family does not lie in the column range of d throughout this paper that TMIN > -oo , or this case, either and TMAX < + In or both. , - A . The algorithm presented in this section will trace a piecewise-linear x (t) path that is "dose" to the parametric center path At each iteration the value of measure. Furthermore, at each t . algorithm is strictly monotone in the parameter least one of two ways, as follows. in a suitable is strictly increased; thus the t iteration, the magnitude of the increase in xt is bounded (from below) in at t Suppose is the current value of tk t Then at the next iteration the algorithm will produce either a finite lower bound UB LB is produced, then tk+1 _ tk > i.e., TMIN 1 128m or a finite upper bound tk+ , (UB - tk), (TMAX - tk+l) <(1 -128 will satisfy (t k +l - tk) > geometrically, i.e., (tk+1 the new value of so that 1 -TMIN) (tk - LB) , >(I + If so that 7 If will satisfy decreases geometrically, LB isproduced,then (t - )(tk - TMIN) 12 8mn orboth. TMAX, t, (TMAX - t) (TNIAX - tk) . 128m UB TMIN) grows t+' At least one of the above two bounds must be satisfied. Note that in either of the two cases the geometric rate of change of t relative to a bound is at least 1, where m is the number of inequality constraints. 128m Given a linear program in the form: LP: cT x maximize x s.t. as the following equivalent problem LP we can reformulate LP: Ax < b maximize x, t s.t. t Ax < b + Ot cTx = 0 + t Thus an algorithm that traces the parametric path of centers to the above system for strictly increasing values of algorithm for solving will be a strictly monotone t The application of the parametric center LP . problem algorithm to linear programming is presented at the end of this section, and is an O(mL) iteration algorithm for linear programming. 2.1 Properties of the Parametric Center For St = b + dt - Axt , and let space of that let t e (TMIN, TMAX), St A , i.e., d = St ut + Art indicator function ut ut L- for some f(t) as xt be the center of be the projection of A (ASt rt E R n f(t) = eT u t , 8 AThen A) AA T Xt , and let St d onto the range St d We now define the path and note immediately that note eTSt A = since d , f(t) = eTut = eTSt t) eTSt=e= by (2.3). , f (t) = eT St d Therefore an alternative equivalent definition of f (t) is follows. It is obvious that is as f(t) The motivation for considering the path indicator function is the optimal objective value of the TMAX following linear programming problem: TMAX = maximize x, t LP: t Ax - dt < b s.t. Suppose for a given value of st = b + dt - At , and P (t) , let solution to any feasible solution (x, t) to - be the xt Then for St = diag(Ot) . LP ° - 1^-1 f (t) f (t) < 0 . Let that t 1 f (t) f(t- _ I [-m + tf(t)3 f(t) TMAX < t - whereby ( f(t) f(t) > 0 Similarly, if Now suppose that for a given value of Let be the center of the system t' -t. = diag~b + dt~ - Aj;;) St = diag(b + dt*-At*) . (t, t*) whereby if both that TMIN TMIN X and TMAX TMAX t* , that t- m f(t) f(t*) = O Ax < b + dt* , and let T--I e Tt eTS d = 0 e St A = 0 and is the center of the system and > TMIN t , say (A, -d) (x, t) < b , from (2.3). X = ((x, t)E Rn+ l I Ax - dt < b Thus the set particular Then , are finite. are finite. If is bounded from below (above) in 9 We say TIIN t . is bounded, and in X (TMAX) is bounded in t is finite, we say Note that if X is bounded in t , f (t*) = eT S t. d then 0, t , the value of to be on the upper path if f (t) < 0 , 0 . which yields is guaranteed to exist. Returning to the path indicator f (t) t f(t) defined earlier, we define xt and to be on the lower path if The intuition behind this definition is provided in the next two propositions. Proposition 2.1 The path indicator function decreasing for t e (TMIN, TMAX) Proof: The K-K-T conditions of eTSt Let t and respectively. and A it unless A = 0 P(t) and require that At +t st and xt at t , Then differentiating the above expressions yields st St A = 0 t + st = d . ^-1 f (t) =e u = eT eT St d , -2t f'(t) = -stSt d =-t St (A t + st = 0 , in which case out by the assumption that d t) = d = A it . -St -2 < t < 0 , But this last possibility is ruled does not lie in the column range of 10 I = b + dt. be the vector of derivatives of Furthermore, since then f(t) = eTut is strictly A . m 2.2 ODP~ter and Lower Paths) ProDosition P e and -low rooir (i) (ii) TMAX and t ER such that are both finite if and only if there exists and f(t) = O, f(t) > 0 for all t f(t) < 0 for all t e (t, TMAX); is finite and TMAX all (iii) TMIN TMIN f(t) < 0 if and only if -_00 = for t < TMAX ; is finite and TMIN all (TMIN, t), TMAX = if and only if f (t) > 0 0 for t > TMIN These three cases are illustrated in Figure 1, (a), (b) and (c). Proof: center of and so TMIN f(t) = O, (i) We have seen earlier that if = ((x, t) IAx- dt X TMAX and b) then (t', That being the case, X are both finite. Conversely, if TMIN are both finite, then the center (x*, t*) of X , is the t) is bounded TMAX and which is the solution to the problem maximize x, t s.t. exists uniquely. and Ax - dt<b The K-K-T conditions for eT St d = 0 I i.e., St = diag(st) . In (bi + dit - Aix) i=1 f(t*) = 0, P° where require that st' = b + dt* - Ax' The rest follows from Proposition 2.1. 11 eT St' A =0 and t - ..LfVIAA -C( r .0 t 1\L/ t (t) /LA\ r i kJ) I Ir -1 .1 MIN x Figure I (a) 12 = 0 - n U t TMAX (^ ,,t) X ) = ( x, t) I Ax-dt b) x Figure 1 (b) 13 t 1 f(t)<O I 'I' MIN x Figure 1 (c) 14 _ __ I (ii) Suppose is finite and TMAX We have seen earlier that f(t) > 0 implies f() < 0 . f(t) = 0 But, from (i),if contradiction. then Thus, f(i) < 0 . is finite. TMAX then . TMIN is finite. Thus, is finite, which is a TMIN Conversely, if Consequently, if Let t < TMAX TMIN = - f () < f (t) < 0 for all for some t , t < TMAX then follows from (i). TMIN = - The proof of (iii) is similar to (ii). 2.2 Algorithm PCP Before presenting the algorithm for the parametric center problem, we introduce some more notation and the main improvement theorem. Recall that and Xt X = x Rr ,Ax < b} = (x X Rn We assume that X is bounded for all Ax < b + dt) . is bounded, and so t . Let Iv A has full column rank and denote the Euclidean norm. If M Xt is a symmetric positive-definite matrix, wedenote I y-zlIM = let xe intX where (Y-Z)TM(y - z) . be given, let = b-Ax, S = diag(S) . We say that IIX- XlIQ(x) < 1/21 . Let and let be the center of X, Q(R) = ATS2 A, is close to the center of X if The motivation for this criterion of closeness to the center will be apparent from the following theorem, which also serves as a basis for the PCP (Parametric Center Problem) algorithm. 15 Let int X Suppose x Theorem 2.1 (Improvement Theorem). =(X I Ax < b) , S = diag () , and Q = ATS-2 A . Suppose where x is the center of the system (A, b) . Define = b-A IIx - XIIQ < 211, [I = S-1 A (A T -2 A)- A T -l] - (projection of s-' d) d r = (A T -2 A) -1 AT -2 d (translation) a= =11a 8o11~11 (step length) Furthermore, define Sa = b+Suca-AZ ! S = diag () = -(AT S§2 A)1 ATS XNEW = X (New approximate center) q + ar < 211 . where Then IIXNEW-XaI = AT--EW2 SNEW A (A, b + ad), and Q = A In this theorem, x X . u The vectors so that + d = A + Su , Xa is the center of the system where SNEW = diag(b + ad - A XNEW). - and . r The increase in and so a t from 'Ar + u , S-ld = are defined and satisfy t = 0 I il ·. Because d • Ar to t = o is for any is vwell-defined. The Newton step 16 of x is given and is assumed to be close to the center defined next, and is a function of reRn, I1ul > 0 (Newton step) e 4 is then defined using the modified slacks (the Newton step) and x, q theorem, , and xNE (a translation vector). F will be suitably close to NEw is composed, using , According to the the center of Xa . This theorem will be proved in Section 4. The increase in t I iUll · is a function of from t = 0 is given as 1/llI U l However, the fact that makes good intuitive sense. is the minimum (least-square) distance of lies very close to the range space of A , is small. Then changing the RHS by by a r Il l and then changing the i.e., d = S+ RHS by only "most of d " lies outside of the range space of RHS ad is shifting the shape of X I ill Ar , d and so If Iu is the same as translating a Su . Then because I ul I is large, then is small, we can take a big step. If, however, of The quantity i = 1,...,m . Suppose 1/ i, ad is c from the column range of d in the weighted norm with weights A, which , Ideally, we would like this increase to be as large as possible, to speed algorithmic convergence. proportional to a = 80 X A , so that a change in the substantially, not just translating the polyhedron. Thus, the step we can take will be smaller. However, as the next theorem indicates, the value of important bounds on the values of show that if a Recall that is small, so is f (t) , TMAX TMAX or and TMIN , [I Iu also gives and thus will TMIN the path indicator function, gives important information about the boundedness/unboundedness of the path of centers xt in both directions, according to Proposition 2.2. 17 Theorem 2.2 (Bounds on and T AX Under the conditions and TM!N). definitions of Theorem 2.1, (i) if et/llIll > 1/20, then (ii) if eTu/IIlUll < -1/20, then (iii) if e / I1uII - I < 1/20, TMIN LB TMAX < UB LB - then TMIN and TMAX < UB - 22Ym(m+1) + 1 2111ll 22Ym(m+1) + 1 2111 llII 1.6fm(m-1) + .6 IIll 1.6Vm(m-1) + .6 . III" This theorem will be proved in Section 5. Note that either (i), (ii), or (iii) must be satisfied, so that either a finite lower bound on or a finite upper bound on TMIN course of increasing t t = 0 from to TMAX t = ca, is produced in the or both are produced. Case (i) corresponds to being (approximately) on the lower path at i.e., f(0) > 0 path, i.e,. Case (ii) corresponds to being (approximately) on the upper f(0) < 0 close to the center of Case (iii) corresponds to is increased from f(0) = 0, so that (, 0) is X° . Note also that these bounds are t t=0, t = 0 one or both bounds is at least to 0(m/ IiTII) Thus, even though the ratio of a t = -= 1/8011llII 1 Therefore repeated increases in 128m to t using the methodology of Theorem 2.1 will result in either geometric growth 18 in the quantity with a growth rate of at least t - TMIN , geometric contraction in the quantity at least (Geometric Change \___________ __ ___ in__ Prorosition 11 __ _ ________ 2.3 ___ m 2 . where tNEW = a, 1 ) I or with a contraction rate of as the next proposition indicates. (1 - 1m) ' Suppose TMAX - t , (1 + t Relative to TuiNA 1_···_ or TAY). · 114-1-r With the notation XOLD a are defined as in Theorem 2.1, then and XNEW - X, tOLD = 0 either (i) (tNEW - TMIN)> (ii) (TMAX- tNEW) < (1 ( + 1128 m)( tLD- TMIN) 12;8m)(TMAX , or - tOLD) Suppose a lower bound, either or LB , is generated through 2 Theorem 2.2. Notice that LB < LB if m so in either case, Proof: TMIN > LB = -(1.6 (tNEW - TMIN) = tOLD - TM IN tNEW m(m- 1) + .6)/ I11l 2>- 1.6m /I11 u + 1 -TMIN >-(8oI1i - 1.6m )1 IIu II +1 = Thus 1+ 1 128m · A parallel analysis demonstrates (ii) if an upper bound is generated. U Now let us return to our initial interest - to trace the parametric center path xt for the program ranges in an interval P (t) . t E [t, t] Suppose we want to trace the path as where 19 t >t . t Suppose we are given a point (Such a point can be found by X. that lies close to the center of x using the algorithm in Vaidya [15] or in [4] .) The following algorithm, denoted for Parametric Center PCP Problem, is an iterative algorithm that invokes Theorems 2.1 and 2.2. At Step 0, initial lower and upper bounds are set to their extreme values. initial value of is chosen as t t =I , and the counter -x is set, as is the r RHS . are computed as defined in Theorem 2.1. which is the increase in close to the center of P(tk + a) , X + (tk+'l) = and bounds on TMIN and returns to Step 1. x(t) is then computed; , i.e., xNEW approximately solves t e [t k , tk + TMAX a , is ] = [tk, tk +l] , x(tk) = using In Step 4, the current are updated, in accordance with Theorem t kf l t . If so, it stops. If not, it The output of the algorithm is the piecewise-linear path and the incremental values of t, namely PCP (Parametric Center Problem) Input: A Rmxn , b, d Step 0 (Initialization) UB=+oo, and In Step 3, a piecewise-linear path Algorithm Set tk xNE- x-Ew In Step 5, the algorithm checks if 2.2. In Step 2, the constant as endpoints and interpolating. NEW is In Step 1, the values point, according to Theorem 2.1. is defined in the range x(t) t at the iteration, is defined as in Theorem 2.1. t "close-to-center" The next (for the The current value of number of iterations) is set equal to zero. The current value k The LB=-o, Rm t° , t ..., t k , , t , t , x k=O, t ° =t, 20 x=x , RHS=b+dt. Step 1 Set (Projection of d) s = RHS-Ax, Compute S = diag () . u = [I - s A (AT -2 AI AT -1] S d; r = (AT S-2 Arl AT S-2 d Step 2 (Compute Step Length and Compute New Approximate Center) Set 80 lull' Sa = RHS + S - A 4 = - (AT S 2 A) 1 AT XNEW = Step 3 e + ar + q (Extend Piecewise-Linear Path) Set tk+l =tk + a. For tk< t < tk+ l Step 4 , Sa = diag(s,); , define t) = - +[(t ](XNEW - X) (Update Lower and Uvrer Bounds) · ' a . (i) if eT U/1III > 1/20, ·* L~~~~~~ * then ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LB = max LB, tk 21 (22 mm-- im+ 1Y+)/( 1+ )/22 1 111ul) ; II (ii) if eT/ < - 1/20, then UB = min UB, tk+(221m(m+l)+ 1)/(211iu ll) (iii) if jeTU/[IIj < 1/20 ,thenLB = max(LB, tk-(1.6/mm-l)+.6)/Iull} and UB = min (UB, tk +(1.6 Vm (m-1) + .6)/1ull } Step5 tk + <t, If set RHS = RHS+da , k = k+l, x- = XNEW, and go to Step 1. If tk+1 t, STOP. 2.3 Algorithmic Performance According to Theorem 2.1, if for each k = 1, 2, ..., x (tk) x is close to the center of will be close to the center of break points of the piecewise-linear path parameterized center. Lemma 2.4 (t) X X t , then Thus the " will be near the Furthermore, we will prove in Section 4: For all values of t generated by algorithm near the center Xt, inthesensethat Q = ATSt2 A , and st = b +dt-A(t), II (t) - x kQ tl PCP , .585 , (t) is where St = diag(st). . We are now ready to discuss the performance of the algorithm. According to Proposition 2.3, we obtain at each iteration either a geometric decrease in the gap the gap t - TMIN . TMAX - t at each iteration, or a geometric increase in We thus can measure algorithmic performance according to the change in TMAX - t , or t - TMIN , on whether we are approximating the upper path path (f(t) > 0) , or both. or both, depending (f (t) < 0) , the lower Suppose that in the course of running algorithm 22 ; PCP , that a lower bound on is never generated. TMIN Then all iterates will satisfy criterion (ii) or (iii) at Step 4, so that all iterates will generate an upper bound, and all iterates will lie approximately on the upper path. Lemma 2.5 (Algorithm Performance Based Only on or if no iterates of the algorithm TMIN = - bound on then the sequence of TMIN , TMAX- tk < (1i )(T In particular, if K = t values generate a lower will satisfy t < TMAX , the algorithm will stop after at most t) / (TMAX- t)l1 iterations. Under the hypothesis of the lemma, the algorithm must satisfy either criterion (ii) or (iii) at Step 4. Thus, by Proposition 2.3, (1 - 128 ) (TMAX Lemma. Then If - tk) . t < TMAX, ln(TMAX-t K let TMAX- tk < K = F128mln ((TMAX-t)/(TMAX-t) )l ) < Kln(1 < -(In TMAX - tk+ < Thus we obtain the geometric decrease of the < -K(i Thus, If MAX-t) l28m ln ((TMAX- Proof: PCP TMAX) + In (TMAx-t) l )+ lnn (TMAx-t) ((TMAX - t)/(TMAX-t ))) + In (TMAX - t) TMAX- t, whereby stop. tk t. Thus the algorithm will U 23 Suppose instead that none of the iterates of the algorithm generate an upper bound at Step 4. Analogous to Lemma 2.5 we have: Lemma 2.6 (Algorithm Performance Based Only on TMTN) or if none of the iterates of algorithm TMAX PCP at Step 4, then the sequence of tk-TMiN > 1 + 128m(*t(I -TMiN If TMAX = + ° generate an upper bound on t values will satisfy ) In particular, the algorithm will stop after K = r128m n ((- T IN)/TMIN ))1 iterations. We next examine the case when the algorithm generates both upper and lower bounds. We first need the following result, which will be proved in Section 5. Lemma 2.7 If criterion (ii) of Step 4 of the algorithm PCP is satisfied at iteration k, then in all subsequent iterations, criteria (ii) or (iii) of Step 4 will be satisfied. The significance of Lemma 2.7 is as follows: if at iteration k an upper bound is generated, then an upper bound is generated at every subsequent iteration. Lemma 2.8 algorithm (Algorithm Performance Based on Lower and Upper Bounds) If the PCP generates both lower and upper bounds, then there is some 24 such that for iterate j for all k >j j , the algorithm generates lower bounds only and the algorithm generates upper bounds, and k < j, (i) for all (ii) for all k > j, Furthermore, if K= k tk -TMIN TMAX-t t < TMAX , 2 5 6 mln(TMAX - k (1 + 1) k(I-TMIN 128m) < (1 (TMAX-t) then the algorithm will stop after at most TMIN) - 128m In (t-TMIN) -128m In (TMAX-t) +2 iterations. Proof: The existence of j is guaranteed by Lemma 2.7. The geometric convergence rates are then a consequence of Proposition 2.3. suppose t < TMAX , and let K be as defined above. note that .5 (n (t - TMIN) + In (TMAX - t)) < In TMAX - TMIN 2 from the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality. K 128m 1 Thus, n( -TMIN)+ 128m In (TMAX- t) - 128m In (TMAX - ) - 128m In (t - TMIN) 25 Let Finally, t = tj , and - TMIN TM 128m In tkTIN) - -t 128 m In TMAX \TMAX-t) According to Lemma 2.5, with 128m In t - TMIN t replaced by t >i after at most iterations. t replaced by Furthermore, according to Lemma 2.6, with K after at most t , tj+1 , tk t iterations. . 2.4 A Strictly Monotone Algorithm for Linear Programming that requires O (mL) iterations. Suppose we wish to solve the problem maximize LP: A s. t. where t = x, T x e R n+ 1 , A'ERmx(n+l) and eliminating one of the < b , b E Rm and (n+1) Upon setting variables of , LP is easily transformed to the form maximize LP: x, t Ax < b + dt S. t. where x £ R n, A E R m xn transformation of the data algorithm PCP b E R' , and the data (A, b, ) . to trace the path (t) Ax < b + dt . 26 (A, b) We can sol,ve LP are a linear by using the of center to the parametric problem x, e R n Suppose is a given starting point for which (x ° , t) = (x °, cTxo) satisfies the starting criterion of the algorithm namely Q° < 2x -xt°l and Q = A' T(S path x(t) for where 21 A . so = b+dt - A xo > O Then we can use algorithm t E [to, TAX) where = [cTx,z*) objective value of the linear program PCP LP . z PCP S = diag(s °) to generate the is the optimal The sequence of values of tk k = 0,...,, will be strictly increasing, according to Theorem 2.1, i.e., the objective value will be strictly increasing at each iteration. total number of bits in a binary encoding of LP . Let L be the In order to evaluate the algorithm's complexity, we consider three cases. Case (i): The linear program is unbounded. never generate a finite upper bound on After k = O(mL) iterations, 2 L , and we can conclude that In this case, the algorithm will TMAX , which equals infinity. t > (to - TMIN)(1 + 128m) LP is unbounded. Case (ii): The linear program is bounded and indicator function at t = to , is negative. f(to) , the value of the path This being the case, the algorithm will always generate upper bounds, and after O(mL) (z* - tk) < (z* - to) is less than (1 - will exceed 2 , iterations, herebv xt) canbe rounded to an optimal solution, see Karmarkar [6]. Case (iii): The linear program is bounded and can show as in case (i) that after otherwise the LP k = O(mL) would be unbounded. 27 f (to) > 0 . In this case, one iterations, that f(tk) < 0 , for Furthermore, after an additional k = O (mL) iterations, we will obtain via case (ii) that we can round to an optimal solution. Thus, after iterations, we can round to an O(mL) optimal solution. Note that in either of the three cases, that algorithm process LP after O (mL) PCP will (by detecting unboundedness or producing an optimal solution) iterations. This algorithm falls into the class of central-trajectory based algorithms, but is inferior in that the bound of O(mL) iterations is worse than the bound of O(lfi-L) iterations for algorithms such as Renegar [11] or Vaidya [16] that trace the (weighted) center of the system Ax < b cx 2 6 as 8 O (I is increased, or to the bound of iterations for algorithms L) based on barrier penalty methods that trace the solution to m maximize cT x + £ n si i=l s.t. Ax+s = b , s>O see Monteiro and Adler [10], among others. All three methods follow the same path in their idealized version. Yet the latter two obtain convergence in superior to our algorithm. O (Vi L) iterations, which is However, these other algorithms do not guarantee strict improvement in the objective value, (but do guarantee strict improvement in the duality gap). In contrast, our algorithm will guarantee strict improvement in the objective function of 28 (z' -cT X)/128m at each iteration. Perhaps it is the implicit imposition of the strict improvement in objective value that increases the iteration bound by a factor of Furthermore, our algorithm does not assume that Instead, our algorithm will detect unboundedness of LP O ( ff ) . is bounded. LP directly. As a final note, note that our algorithm can be used to mimic Renegar's algorithm [11], tracing the center of Ax <b -cx < -t as PCP t is increased. Thus, Renegar's set-up is a special case of the problem we are considering. However, we see no way to cast problem (2.2) as a special case of the set-up used by Renegar [11]; we allow all RHS values to vary simultaneously, which is apparently more general than in his work [11]. The remainder of the paper is devoted to proofs of the results presented in this section. preliminaries. algorithm In Section 3, we present notation and Section 4 contains an analysis of a single step of the PCP , and contains proofs of Theorem 2.1 and Lemma 2.4. Section 5 contains an analysis of bounds generated by the algorithm, and contains proofs of Theorems 2.2 and Lemma 2.7 29 Notation and Preliminary Results 3. In this section we present notation and some preliminary results that will be used in the proofs of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 and in subsequent analysis. Notation and Translations 3.1 For a vector matrix 1IMl v , I NI I M , IlviI denotes the Euclidean norm, and for a denotes the usual matrix norm, i. e., = sup 11Mv1l/IllVI v•:0 Note that if If M M {]M1 is a diagonal matrix, = max miil i is a positive definite matrix, the M-norm of v is Iv IIM = vTMv PM: = I-M (TM) The matrix 1 denotes the orthogonal projection MT matrix which projects onto the null space of MT Let Qt(x; u) the negative of the Hessian of the function m ft(x; u): = X n (bi + tui - Aix), where u e Rm is a given vector i=1 parameter. Let A (x): = diag(b- Ax) T- Then and Qt (x; u) = A T A t (; tu) \ Q(x) = AT At (x; u): = diag (b + tu - Ax) . When -2 (x) A . 30 t = 0 , e denote denote Let t (u) Ax < b + tu , and let denote the center of the system denote the center of the system Suppose d = u + Ar Ax < b . for some At (x; d) = At (x - tr; u) observe that Rm u and r Rn RHS by d and by u tr , in that simply corresponds to a translation of the inequality system by R n I Ax < b+td} = (x E Rn We Qt (x; d) = Qt (x - tr; u) and hence Thus, the difference between modifying the ({x x b + tu} + tr Ax The following Lemma is therefore obvious. Lemma 3.1: (i) Suppose t (d) = (ii) xx - Xt (iii) max d = u + Ar for some u E Rm and r E R n . Then t (u) + tr , (d)| Qt(Zt(d);d) = t I Ax b + td (x - tr) - Xt (u) Qt(Xt(u);u) for any for some x = max t xE R n , Ax< b + tu for some In the sequel, we shall be working with appropriate choices of and rER instead of d . , u E Rm As we shall see in Section 5, this in fact is central to the construction of the proof of Theorem 2.2. u E Rm For the appropriate where convenient and the context is clear, we let At(x): = At(x; u), A () and = A((), 31 St = t (U) , = b-Ax , x .l S = diag (-) and s b diag () , st = b + tu - A , A-X St = diag(st) . We also will abbreviate Qt (x; u) by Qt (x). The next Lemma presents some basic inequalities. It is essentially Proposition 7.2 of [4] with some simple extensions. Q(x) = AT E Rn Suppose Lemma 3.2: -2 satisfies and let xe R n such that IIx-IIQ(5) Then for any A. s = b - Ax > O < 1, we have (i) > 0 , = b-A (ii) II A- 1 (x) A (z) = IS- (iii) lIA- 1 ()A and for any (iv) = ()I v I I IQ() < 1sI Sll 1 1-6 <1+6 , Rn 1 1- 8 lv (V) 11 VIIQ(X) < (1+a)l 3.2 < HQ(-) where = AT -2 A , and Q () VIQ(x) . Eauivalent Measures of Closeness In this study, we measure how close a point thesystem Ax < b with the norm I IX - IIQ() 32 _ x is to the center x We shall also make of use of a different measure of closeness to x that was introduced in [4 , and we will show a certain equivalence of the two measures. Define Q = 1 ATs-2 A, y=y(R) = m m AT S e (3.1a) (m - )yT Q y and y = y(x)= (3.lb) 1 -yT Q y Note that Q Ax < b. Then Let Q(X) = y(R) = 0 denote the center of the system andso is used to measure the closeness of Lemma 3.3 Let ([4]). h > 0 Proof: I -x x In [4], the scalar to the center 7 = Y(x) x . be the center of the system Ax < b . be a given parameter. Suppose Y = Y(X) Then Let y())= 0 . l < g 2 Q() in ( +h)) h (m - l) where g(c) = 1- (c + h 2 (1 + -(xal)2+ 2) (1 - hy) 2 Follows from the proof Lemma 7.2 of [4] with weights w = (1/m)e. . We shall say that Corollary 3.1: If x is approximately centered if y(x) < .0072 )/2. then 33 il X- y(x) < .0072 Q(x) < 1/21 . Proof: Let h = .03 and IIX-XIJ2 Q(X) < we have Substituting for ca = m m-1 h and 7y, In (1 + h) Then from Lemma 3.3, h (1 - hy) 2 and noting m >2 gives the desired result. Therefore, for appropriate values of h , approximately centered implies is close to the center by our criterion, IIX thatis Q() - Lemma 3.4: the system < 1/21 . Suppose x (e.g., Next, we show the converse implication. X X1IQ(X) < 6 < 1/2 where x is the center of Ax < b. Then = (x) < a + 2f2 , Proof: Let = b - Ax From Lemma= of and 62 2(1 - ) (1 - 26) xwhere s = b-Ax x-xQ(2.1 From Lemma 2.1 of [ 4], with weights I 1-6 ,, From Lemma 3.2, II-x iln Si In 'S- M--~ U i=l Z 34 iQ(X) < 61 - < 1. 1-6 = (1/mn)e , m i=1 X is h = .03 ) I where - 1-6 < 1 . . On the other hand, from (2.4) of [4], m 2 (mml1Ž in si i= 7= (x) . i=l Therefore, Thus, where -,J,/ + 2) 2 a =(a > (1 + - a= 2(1-c) - Y< a + where , 2y). a = a2 2(1 - a) 62 2 (1 - . )(1 - 26)' Finally, we present some elementary inequalities. Lemma 3.5: (i) For all (ii) For all Proof: Since Assume Note that m-1 +9 2 m 2 > 0, F < Let Q, y < £ , implies and Y be defined as in (3.1) . (m - 1)yT Q - y yT Q-1 V I F implies (m - - 1) yT Q-1 V _ (m 9 . whereby To prove (ii), note that (i) £ < £ /( 1-) yT Q-1 y = 1 - yT Q-1 y m-1' < m-1 +y follows immediately. (m - 1) T Q- y < e implies £ U -1) 35 2 . Analysis of One Iteration of the Algorithm 4. In this section, we analyze one iteration of the algorithm and prove the First, we show that Improvement Theorem (Theorem 2.1) and Lemma 2.4. if Itl is small then the two centers ^x and are sufficiently close to xt each other with respect to some appropriate norm (so that Newton's method, when applied, will converge). Theorem 4.1: denote the center of the inequality system and let xt u^ () u . = - b Ax < b + tu . Let Itl < 1/(76 11 1) . Suppose 11- Then XtQ t() < 1/12 The proof makes use of Lemma 3.3 of the previous section. We want Proof: = y(R) to show that the quantity note that T A y ATA (^) AT y()A: -1 () e = 0 Ie (2)e -AT Ax < (b + tu) y and (see (2.3)), and so for the system = T A-l [A e ' is Q . First Ax < (b + tu), - ( x) e (XAT(x)(t u) TA-1 1 xA-, = 1 AT Also, for the system We begin by giving expressions for sufficiently small. = Ax denote the center of the inequality system Let LQQ ( Q= ,) Q Alson At (x)(t u), by definition of AT At 2 (X,)A n-M 36 u- above. and so , yT Q-1 y = l (t )T At () A (AT At () A) T A AZ ()(t because the eliminated matrix is a projection matrix. y = (X) yT Q-1 y (m - 1) 1 It - 1~tQ1-Corollary 4.1: 1 5,775 Hence and y < .0132 . 2h2 (1 + 2) . '12J (1 - hy)2 Under the conditions of Theorem 4.1, ) < 1/I1 - Xt Follows from Lemma 3.2(iv). . Furthermore, using Lemma 3.2(ii), the following corollary is immediate. Corollary 4.2: Let d Rm 2 h = 1/18 IIX- Proof: < 1-lu] 1 - yT Q-1 y Thus, from Lemma 3.3 with - 112 ) < 1 ||t-1 Suppose I -XI Q) be given and define < 1/21 u: = PA 37 Sd . Let xt denote the center of the inequality system Suppose It 1 Then 8011u11ll t A- 1 (x)Su Ax < b + t S u . < 1/76 and X XtIIQ,(^,~t < 1/11 Proof: Let and u = Su u^ = A-1(x)S , u = A () u . Note then that so that Iu from Lemma 3.2(ii). It[ < A-1(x)S l 201 u-11, Thus, 1 < 21 . 80 from Theorem we 4.1, have 20 Hence, from Theorem 4.1, we have I 1 <_ 1 8011u11 - 7611 uII -X tIlIQt(X) < 1/12 , llx-xtllQ,(^X,) < 1/11 4.1, and by Corollary . We next use a theorem of Renegar [11] which gives the region and rate of convergence of Newton's method for our problem. Theorem 4.2 (Renegar [11]): x E int Xt = {(x e R n £ = x - Assume Ax < b + tul t IQt (t) < 1 w here X. and is the center of the system Ax < (b + tu). 38 Let , st = b+ut-A Qt = AT Then 2 and St = diag (t) xt = x-Qt 1 where ( x ) AT -St ee ,, where A. |xt-xtIQ (1 + 6)2 t (Xt) . -E We are now ready to prove the Improvement Theorem. For the reader's convenience, we restate the theorem before proving it. Theorem 2.1 (Improvement Theorem): 1.~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose xe int X = x I Ax<b} Define U: = P-S-1A satisfies 1 Further, define 8011 = I XEW - ; S, : = diag(s) ); (A T S--2 A) -1 ATS IQa(Ew) 1/21 (step length) . e (Ne-wton step); (Nelw approximate center) . x-\w: = x + q + c.r Then < (translation vector of system) ; so,: = b + cc S u - A -: |Q(X) (projection of S'-1 d) S-'d r: = (AT S-2 A)-1 A T S-2 d a: = IX - 1'/Il 39 Proof: First note that d = u + Ar, I (dl Qa ((d); NEw - and Xa = X (U) that Q () II xa - x (d), Qa (x) < 1/22, . Lemma 4.1: Under the conditions of Theorem 2.1, define Let inequality system Ax ] tE [O, where which, by Theorem 4.2, implies < .033 < 1/22 as in Theorem 2.1. = XNEW In Lemma 4.1 (iii) below we (u); u) . = Qa ( Qa (ca) X xa - E: = I X- XaIIQ(() < .1462, show that, (u) I lQ (x(u); u) it suffices to show that 6 = 1/22 ), and a Hence, by Lemma 3.2 (iv) (with + where Xa = IIxa - d) = u = Su . Thus by Lemma 3.1, where u = Su, let b +ut and let and u,r, denote the center of the xt Qt(x) = Qt(x;u) For all I (i) 1II VQ(X) - 10 76 (ii) I vIIQt( ) - (iii) I x - t 12~ IQ,(~' lvllQ(xt) i7 I v I IQ(;) ; for all v E R for all v E R n ;and • .1462 Proof: From Corollary 4.2, wve have lt A- (x)u 176 andc < 76 1 - X; 1I() < 1/11 (4.1) Thus, by Lemma 3.2(ii) andl (iii) .... ) III ) IA1 (xt)At () 12 11 and A ( ) Al ( 40 < 11 10) ' (4.2) Also, A-t ()A bi - Ai x max i bi + t ui- Ai ()= max i I +t+ t u) bi- Ai _ 1-l because I t A- () 1 I < 76 75 t A- () u l < 1 u from (4.1). 76 ' (4.3) Similarly, max bi + tui-Ai i bi -Ai X = max I +t i < Hence, II ll IQ() 1 u bi - Ai tA-l(X)ull < 727 (4.4) 76 = l A-1(x) A vI A 1-)a ()At( K A 1 (X)A (t) l Z77 )(i.)HV uQ(i) 76 101 This proves (i). I "" I AI-1 ~ (Xt)t from (4.2) and (4.4) . The proof of (ii) is similar, using (4.2) and (4.3). show (iii), we have by the triangle inequality, 41 Avii Next, to I1R-Rt1IQ'(^XJ < 11x - x Xt +11---tllQ,(^) x x xt IIQ,(^) + l1, 11 11 ) 75)• I-xIIQ(1) · i111 Ix--x11Q(X) since 201 775 + < 211-xIQ(-) -20 - < 11 < from (ii) and (4.1), .1462 1 20 ' U from Lemma 3.2(iv). We are now ready to prove: Lemma 2.4: For all values of near the center of t generated by algorithm PCP , x(t) is in the sense that Xt , I x (t) - t I (,(t)) t < .585 Proof: Let as in Theorem 2.1. ox = 1/(8011U I) I x (t) - Lemma 3.2(ii), it suffices to show that Xt te [0, c] . Let IIQ () < By 0.369 We have, from the proof of Theorem 2.1, and Lemma 4.1(iii), | Xa X I Q (a) Hence, IXa- I lXIIQ(X) Z'I| IQ(x) + IIx - RC IIQa(^a) < .033 +.1462 < 0.18 < 1 < 75 (by Lemma 4.1(ii)) xa 72 10 7611 < 0.222 42 ( (by Lemmna 4.1(i)) Next, observe that x (t)- (t)-- X Q((a - = t (xa-x) O~ x) l lQ (x,) < Therefore, 0.222(t/a) Thus, by the triangle inequality and Lemma 4.1(iii), IIx(t)- t IQt ( t) < Il(t)-xQllQ,(,) + Ix -tlQt(Q,) X < .222 + .1462 X~~~~~~~~~ < .369. 5. Lower and Upper Bounds In this section, we analyze the upper and/or lower bounds generated by PCP , and we will prove Theorem 2.2 and Lemma 2.7. algorithm Recall that T = It I intXt 0} ! TMAX: = sup T TMIN: = inf T . We shall derive upper bounds on TMIN · iterate x satisfies x The current value of . We decompose d = u + A , where S-1 u 0 . is t= 0 , and the current Ax < b , < 1/21 , S = diag(s) and = b- A d into u =S-l'AS d and A) 1 lAT s-2 d 2 (5.1) By assumption, u t = b-Ax > 0 and lX-XlIQ(X) = II(^ -)II is the center of the system S = diag() r = (AT and lower bounds on We shall, for convenience, adopt the following notation and assumptions throughout this section. wvhere TMAX and d does not lie in the column space of A and so We shall prove Theorem 2.2 and Lemma 2.7 in this section. begin with three fundamental Lemmas. Lemma 5.1: eT S Proof: eTS u - eTu < -1 U 111/20 II IeT(S1 _ u S) - ;nS-S) U1 < < 44 is-s) (1:' 2) Sull i Il We The first inequality is the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality and the last follows I x - x Q() from Lemma 3.2 and the assumption that Recall that If f(O) = eTS u Therefore, the current center x 1/21 is on the lower path and eT TMIN _11 u 11/20 then TMAX is - m/ (eT S-1 u) is bounded above by However, we typically cannot deduce the exact value of - m/(T Su) eT S u < t=0. Ilull/ 2 0 >0. eTS u 2 eTu- bounded below, as we have seen in Section 2, by the bound Similarly, if . is the path indicator function at /20 then from Lemma 5.1, eTu > u[ < from the current iterate. Therefore, we shall later in this section derive an alternate bound using the next Lemma which is a variant of Lemma 7.1 of [4]. Lemma 5.2: x Let be the center of the system intX = (x I Ax<b) the ellipsoid FOUT FOUT: = Then Proof: Let x E int X IIX-XIIQ(X) is given such that Suppose < s < 1. Define by: x E Rn intX Ax < b . I J1X- 1 1 Q(X) (1 + 6) Vm (m-1) + } (5.2) FOUT . be given and let s = b-Ax . Then from properties of the center, (see for example [4] , Theorem 2.1), 45 Ix-Xl Q() < m (m-1) . From Lemma 3.2(v), we also have IIX- IIQ() < IX-X IIQ(X) + (1 + ) m (m-) I x- XIIQ(X) < II - < (1 + IIQ(X) )/m (m-l) Thus, + . 6 The next Lemma concerns the well-known classical least-square problem or minimum-norm problem. Lemma 5.3: Given an mxn matrix M and an m-vector d , for all scalar t, IIMx-tdII where 2 It IIPMdII for all x R , PM = I-M(MTM MT We are now ready to prove Theorem 2.2 and Lemma 2.7. We shall prove Theorem 2.2 in two parts. Proposition 5.1: (i) if eT (ii) Proof: if (i) eT Under the definitions and conditions of Theorem 2.2, l ull < - 1/20 / II > Suppose TMAX < UB then TMIN 2 LB then /20 < -1/20 eTull l . (22 u irnm+1Y+ 1)/21 11 -(22imm+1 We first show that + 1)/ 21 11 I . E is close to the center of the following extended system with one additional variable and one additional constraint: A t < (5.3) l j 46 A A = where A -u 0 0 I = eTS' l and Note that from the remark following Lemma 5.1, 0<0 TMAX = SUP ( t I Ax < b + dt for some x) sup t I Ax < b + ut for some x} = u . Therefore, t I t s| <[ b for some x 1 For system (5.3), define A(x,t): = diag([l b 1 Then, A(2, ) = 0 S [eT, 1 Therefore, X {[] I A(, 0)= [ T 1-O (, 0) A = [eT S-1 A, - [ and [ Q(x,t): = and 0 1 ^-1 eT S + = 0 is the center of system (5.3) and 2] x. O [o] -KoJ Let - xlt ]) E = IIx-x I Q(x,o) Rn+l A[ t <i' b I 47 Q(X) I1 < 1/21 and AT -- A (2t) (x,t)A . E R n+ FOUT = Then, from Lemma 5.2, Furthermore, because int X -AT S A -U T g`2 A - 0' - IQX, - , 0) < 22 21 m (m+1} + 12 FOUT. 0 = 0ASAT - T -2 Q(X,O) = [ :] l S-2 u = A AT S- K 2 u 2 + uT -- 2 , we have ATS -2 A 0 0 02+llull 2 Thus ttJ 12(Xo -[ + t2 (02+ I1UIl2) = S A(x-) ) > t211ll1 e Also, for any FouT , 2 t[ - [o Q(X,O) 22 m (+ 1+ 21 22 Vm (m+1Y + 1 whereby 21 I1 II It then follows from Lemma 3.1 that TMAX = UP ( t =sup(t Psut Ax - tu < b for some x I Ax - tu < b for some x , Ot <1 ) t int X for some 48 x I (since < 0) 1 :5 max < (22 ttl [ 1 FoUT x} for some (since int X FOUT) m (m+1) + 1)/2111U11 . The proof of (ii) exactly parallels that of (i). Proposition 5.2: < (i) TMAX (ii) > TMIN LB Proof: Ie T u I/I Il Suppose UB - < /2o Then (1.6 /m (m-l) + .6 )/111 I = -(1.6 We shall show that m(m-1) + .6)/ 1u l is approximately centered (in the sense of 0 Section 3.2) for the extended system [A, -u Let Q,y Section 3.2. Let for system (5.4). and Y = y() Q,y and (5.4) for system = (, 0) be as defined in be the corresponding parameters = b-Ax = s > 0 U_ S' = -1 S uU and AT S-Iu = 0 r ja~= I Ax < b Observe that b [A, -u] Therefore, since x Q 0 -2[A, -u] L 49 I 0 Il]2/m I and and y S§- e Ym -U/M -eT Therefore, -TQ-l I x- Recalling that yTQ~y + (eT )2/m!lIll 2 x I (-) < 6 = 1/21, 2 . < (a+2 < ++f 1 Therefore, by Lemma 3.5(ii), h = .41 a = 1 760 and Next from Lemma 3.5(i), Thus, 'Y (m-l)y Q 2a. Y < a+ conclude from Lemma 3.4 that, (m-l) yT Q-1 y < wecompute (m-l )+M IeTu II i 2 1 1 2 < .0054 < .0053 and so y < .0735. Taking in Lemma 3.3, we have h2 (1 + 2) xl *1 ( 0 : where x] M 1 0) .36 < (.6)2 , (since 2 (1 -h) is the center of system (5.4) and m/(m-l) Q (,0) = mQ Note that Note that Let [ ]- X: = [x t [o] [Ax = u] i It i S' A(x - x)- tu I . b• and I 50 I - < 2) FOUT: = tt I1S-' A (x - )- t Then by Lemma 5.2, it] E FOUT 1.6 /m (m-1) + .6 By Lemma 5.3, for all FOUT . int X I< m (m-1)+ .6 t jj-S 1A(x-R-t-ujj z! I , 1.6 since IJ Thus ATS-1 U = 0 sup (ItI ti T/ = sup (It I X I E- int X < max (Iti x] for some x for some E FOUT < ( 1.6 /m (m-1) + .6)/1l x II This completes the proof. . Theorem 2.2 follows immediately from Propositions 5.1 and 5.2. Finally, we prove Lemma 2.7: iteration k , criterion (ii) If Step 4 will be satisfied. Proof: Suppose eT u / l criterion (i) Lemma 5.1, we have < -1/20 in is satisfied at algorithm PCP of then in all subsequent iterations, Step 4 that of criteria (ii) iteration k . or 51 of It suffices to show will not be satisfied in all subsequent iterations. f (tk) = eT S-1 u < 0 . (iii) By Proposition 2.2, By f (t) < f (tk) < criterion (i) for all t tk . Therefore, in all subsequent iterations, will not be satisfied, as it would imply that f (t) 0 for some · t > tk . 52 References [1] Barnes, E. R., S. Chopra, and D. L. Jensen (1988). "A polynomial time version of the affine scaling algorithm." Working paper, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University, New York, NY. [2] Censor, Y. and A. Lent (1987). "Optimization of 'log x' entropy over linear equality constraints." SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization 25, 921-933. [3] Freund, R. M. (1988). "Projective transformations for interior point methods, Part I: Basic theory and linear programming." 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