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' ~~ ~goa "- ' - : - ''''" & - , , :!- '. : ": T " ''' ' 7 LARGE SCALE GEOMETRIC LOCATION PROBLEMS II: STOCHASTIC LIMIT PROPERTIES by Mordecai Haimovich* OR 131-85 * Revised October 1985 University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business Abstract Given a set of N points (customers) in the plane, the K-median problem is concerned with finding a set of K points (centers) so as to minimize the sum of distances between customers and their closest center. Suppose that the customers are independent random samples from a distribution with bounded support. This paper shows that as N and K tend to infinity while K/N tends to a constant a (possibly zero), the value functional is almost surely proportional to NK-1 /2 with a proportionality constant a1/2(ac). It also (i) shows that,as a function of a, (ca) is convex; and (ii) provides an approximation of 6(a) in the neighborhood of a = 0 and a = 1. As a approaches 0, the problem coincides asympotically with an underlying deterministic continuous problem. outline 1. Introduction 2. Asymptotic Continuity (K/N + 0) 3. Asymptotic Separability (K/N - a > 0) 4. Conclusions 5. References Acknowledgements: This research was supported by Grants ECS-7926625 and ECS-8316224 from the Systems Theory and Operations Research Division of the National Science Foundation. The author is indebted to Professor Thomas L. Magnanti for his encouragement and for many helpful suggestions. __ -_ _ 1. INTRODUCTION Let X = {Xl,X2 ,...xN} be a set of points in the plane, frequently re- ferred to as customers or demand points. The K-median problem is the problem of finding another set of points C = {Cl,C 2 ,...,CK}, referred to as centers (or medians), that minimizes the total sum of distances between customers and their closest center. Let DK(X) = Min ( Z C x£X min cC x - c ) (.) be the optimal value (or cost) functional of the problem. two variants of the problem: We will consider the restricted version in which centers can be located only at customer locations (i.e., which proposes no such constraint. CcX) and the free version Since many of the results and derivations in this work are not version specific, we will use the same notation for both versions. Moreover, our assertions and derivations apply to both, unless explicitly indicated otherwise. While simple to state, the K-median problem seems rather hard to solve, especially for large values of N and K. In fact, Papadimitriou [Pa] showed that the problem is NP-complete (in the terminology of contemporary computational complexity theory [GJI), which while short of proof, provides strong evidence of the problem's (asymptotic) computational intractibility. This fact gives rise to research into the design and analysis of computationally efficient approximation algorithms (heuristics). While to the best of our knowledge no heuristics with a guaranteed percentage error (i.e., -optimal) are known for this problem, it is still likely that in practice certain heuristics This deviates from our notations in [Ha] where D is defined on measures and according to which we would have DK( E 6 )rather than D (X), where x is the unit mass (measure) at x. X K x _^___^W___nllllllla -2- will perform well in most situations, or on the average. To check such assertions, one can use empirical tests, or instead use the standard mathematical tool concerning this type of assertions, i.e., probability theory. The prototype of the probabilistic approach is Karp's analysis of partitioning algorithms for the Travelling Salesman problem [Ka], which is based on the asymptotic order of the optimal value for problems defined on N cities that are chosen independently aid randomly from a fixed planar region. This asymptotic growth rate which implies (and is in turn implied by) the asymptotic optimality of partitioning heuristics, was first established by Beardwood Halton and Hammersley BHH]. NK-1 development, Fisher and Hochbaum [FH] established an order for the K-median problem for N In a subsequent /2 asymptotic customers that again are independent random points of a fixed planar region. Their analysis supports the asymptotic optimality of a certain aggregation heuristic when K grows no faster than log N. The present study was motivated by the desire to sharpen the results in [FH] as well as to extend the range of the analysis to encompass arbitrary (relative) growth rates of K. We show that the asymptotic be- havior of the problem manifests two different convergence modes. The first one, associated with what we call asymptotic continuity, occurs whenever K/N tends to 0 as N tends to infinity, i.e.,K = o(N). In this case, we show that the problem almost surely converges (in terms of value and the optimality of solutions) to an underlying continuous deterministic problem, and if K itself tends to infinity, then the problem almost surely follows the associated asymptotic behavior of the underlying deterministic continuous problem, as analyzed in [Hati and [HM1]. Accordingly, the optimal I_-I_ YC CII-·- -I- _ _ I -3- 2 value almost surely tends2 to ('2/3 3/2 -1/2 (6)(f d>) NK/ where (6)0O.377 is the expected distance between a random point of a unit area regular hexagon and its center, and f is the density of the absolutely continuous part of the common probability distribution of the customers. Moreover, one can use asymptotic approximations for the solution of the underlying deterministic problem based on the asymptotic formula for aggregate center allocation as given in [Ha] as indicated in [HM1]. and the asymptotic hexagonal partitioning property Somewhat weaker results of this nature have been inde- pendently established by Papadimitriou [Pa] whose analysis is for the uniform distribution and requires the stronger assumption K = o(N/logN). Zemel [Z] has extended Papadimitriou's analysis to the K-center problem which is obtained by replacing the operator Ez X in (1.1) by Max x. The second convergence mode, associated with what we call asymptotic separability, occurs whenever K/N tends to a constant a > 0 as N tends to infinity. In this case we show that for the uniform distribution on the unit square the optimal value almost surely tends 2 to function of a alone. We also establish bounds for close approximations of it when (a)V where B(a), (a) is a as well as very is in the neighborhood of 0 or of 1. This convergence result implies (and is implied by) the asymptotic optimality of partitioning procedures of the type employed by Karp [Ka]. While these results are similar in nature to those of Beardwood et al. [BHH] for the TSP and other problems as discussed in Subsection 3.5, the techniques in [BHH] are not adequate for the K-median problem. Independently, Steele [SI] and Hochbaum and Steele [HS] have obtained results on the free and restricted 2More precisely, the ratio between the optimal value and the given expression tends to 1. -4versions of the K-median problem. Our analysis provides a sharper rate of convergence for the deviation probabilities (that is, for any given the probability that the ratio between the optimal value ad from (ac) by more than VI > 0 differs ), which, incidently, answers a question posed by Hochbaum 3 about a stronger mode of convergence. We also evaluate the limiting behavior of the asymptotic constant as 1. 3(a) a approaches 0 or In addition, our approach has the potential of being extended to non- uniform distributions. We discuss and derive asymptotic continuity in Section 2 and asymptotic separability in Section 3. In contrast to the expository style in [Ha], which considered the K-median problem through a set of formal properties it satisfies, the treatment here, though generalizable to other situations, is far more concrete. The probabilistic apparatus we use is rather elementary: Tchebychev's inequality as applied to second or fourth order moments coupled with the Borel-Cantelli's Lemma, in a manner not dissimilar to the standard textbook derivation of the strong law of large number for independent identically distributed random variables with finite fourth moments. these rudimentary tools can be quite powerful. 3 Private communication. As we will see, -52. Asymptotic Continuity (K/N o) Large scale K-median problems where the number of customers Der facility is very high, i.e., K = o(N) can be approximated by aggregation that aggregates/unifies customers that are close together, or by "continuation," i.e., the use of a smooth continuous distribution to represent the essentially discrete demand. While Fisher and Hochbaum approach, we will use the second. FH] take the first This section is devoted to establishing the asymptotic accuracy of the continuous deterministic approximation (and thus also the asymptotic optimality of heuristics based on it) large-scale discrete problems with 2.1 for random K = o(N). Results Let square p 2 S = [0, 11 and let f of independent p-distributed random points. set of the first TcR N points. X (T) = 1 if , with support in the unit be the density function of its absolutely continuous part which we assume is not null. for all R2 be a Borel probability measure on Let Xi £ 6X 2 T Let Let X 1, X2,... be a sequence XN = {X1,XX2 ... N be the point unit mass at 6X (T) = 0 and } be the X 1' otherwise). (i.e., Follow- ing [Ha], we will define the value function for a finite-positive regular Borel measure w with a bounded support as DK() where H mi ICI is the cardinality of min x-c dw C; the restricted version restricts C to N N Consequently, DK(X )=DK( E 6X ) (which is an abuse of i i=l N 1 notation). Now, PN N E X is the empirical probability measure i=l i determined by the first N points of the sequence. By linearity of the support of w. integration we have -6- DK(PN) = DK(XN) PN As is well-known (see [Ch] for example), almost surely (a.s.) as g: Rd R2 - R, f gdp n + N o (i.e., for every bounded continous function - Weak convergence of Borel measures on f gdp a.s.). is in turn known (see [Du]) to imply uniform weak convergence relative to any uniformly bounded and equicontinuous family of functions Sup If gdp N - f gdp - 0 a.s.). g£F Observing that the family F DK(XN 1 show that may change with ) (i.e., N, and DK(PN) o, N definitely as K = i.e., by K N). min IxcEC bounded on as c, S ICI = K - 1 Since DK(p) + m (where increases in- is O(K ) (see [FH] or KIDK(pN) - DK(p)! + 0 a.s. as K = o(N) (i.e., when K/N - 0 F = {g: g(x) = is neither equicontinuous nor uniformly mere weak convergence of and N K Note, however, that the family of functions ca). K + 0 In the case where N + oo, which we shall prove for the case - I our notation will suppress, , [Hal) a meaningful result here will be N DK(P) however, this result becomes meaningless as both converge to G. DK(p) defined by = ID(PN) - DK(P ) though, the indexing of as F F = {g: g(x) = Mlin flx - cll, cCC can easily S, one on bounded uniformly and , CcS} is equicontinuous C # K p weakly converges to PN to p is not sufficient What is needed is convergence of the empirical for proving this result. measure in a stronger sense as established by Sublemma 2' in the proof of Lemma 2 below. The main results of this section are summarized by THEOREM 1: (i) If K(N) N O as N + (i.e., K = o(N), then -1~ I Iu·· I I -7- DK(X ) N - K = DK(P) 0 almost surely N-to (ii) e Let < Any algorithm which for some 0. > solutions for demand p b-optimal can be modified by reallocating an arbitrarily (though fixed) fraction of the centers4 to yield solutions that are small almost surely asymptotically c-optimal for the demand If in addition (iii) K where finds 6(6) = K(N) + O lim K D(X N-N K 1 1 (- + 4 n 3)- = as (6)( N -+ o, then 2/3 D3/2 f2/3 d)3/2 Z i=l X almost surely 23 Remarks: (1) The reallocation of a small fraction of the centers, referred to in the statement of part (ii) above, consists of placing an arbitrarily small fraction, say 0.01, of the centers according to a uniform grid (e.g. a square grid) before proceeding to solve the 0.99K-median problem for demand p. This device which is essential to our proof can be avoided, however, if is absolutely continuous with a density Sup Sf(x) < m; e.g., if just the square (2) S, p f is uniform on satisfying, S. can serve as the support of Inf p Sf(x) > 0, (Any polygon, rather than p). 6(6) as given above in (ii) is the expected distance between a (uniformly distributed) random point of a regular hexagon of unit area and its center. 4 For the restricted version there is an additional modification involving the replacement of solution centers for demand p, by the X.'s that are closest to them. J -- 11 11~- -- I~- -8- (3) (X1 C X2 While the theorem is stated for a sequence of nested demands C ...) (it is an "incremental model" in Weide's [We] terminology), the proof below does not make any use of the associated dependency between N DK(X ) s. Let = K' DK(XN DEV ) - K~ DK(p). Almost sure convergence in the subsequent proofs follows always from the Borel-Cantelli Lemma (i.e., uses N Prob( DEVN > e) < for any X individual distributions of the > 0) and thus depends exclusively on the DK(XN)s. Consequently the theorem actually holds for arbitrary (non-nested) sequences of problem instances, each of which is generated by independent random points. In particular, it holds for the case where the instances in the sequence are generated independently (the "independent model" in Weide's [We] terminology). This mode of convergence which by Borel-Cantelli's Lemma (both halves) is equivalent to summability (over the whole sequence) of probabilities of deviation from the limit, is known also as "complete convergence" [HR]. The rest of this section is devoted to proving Theorem 1. The technicalities, while not entirely trivial, may be too specifically tailored to be of general interest, and the reader may wish to proceed directly to Section 3. 2.2 Derivation .otational Conventions:(1) We need a notation for the value of suboptimal solutions. ,et, ten, D(X,C) = Z xEX i ccC - ;;lip D(p,Cq min c! x-cll 1_11__11 ___1__* -9- (2) In order to enhance clarity, we will append the argument "(c)" , can be thought to random entities when appearing in "pointwise" statements. of as an element £ Q where (, F, P) is some implicit underlying proba- bility space that we will not otherwise invoke. (3) For a random variable Y, 2(y) (Y) is Note a (Y) ~ (a2 ()) 2 ' its fourth central moment. LEMMA 1 (Free version only): For any sequence {K(N)}N>l' K2 K D (XN) lim sup [N N- is its variance while pK( ) ] < 0 almost surely. Proof: Fix 0 < 6 < 1. If K < 1/6, let K = K and let centers solving the K-median problem with demand let K = K - r6/-K1 2 in the partition of and let S into K-median problem with demand 1K D(XN(w)) - be the set of p; otherwise, if K < 1/6, consists of the centers of the subsquares CK [1 2 p. CK subsquares and of the centers solving the Now, KK(P) = UN(w) + VN(W ) + WK(N) (L.1) + ZKN) where UN(w) = K VN(w) DK(XN(w)) KN D(XN(w),C) K= D(XN(w),CK) - KD(pCK ) (L1.2) WK(N) = K(p,CK) - KD_(p) ZK(N) K'D(p) - K K(P) Z~~K(N __1111_ _ II__·_^ 1_ -10- UN(w) < 0 for all w, since (by definition) DK(XN(w)) WK(N) D(XN(w),CK). 0 since the set of centers that (for demand p) yield ~~~~K(N) Also, cost D(p) K is a subset of CK. Now VN(w) may be rewritten as VN(w) = where Yj,K(N)(w) = K(min Y ( w) =l YjK(N) JIXj(w) - c (L1.3) - D(p,CK)) cCK The Y K(N)' j 1,2,...,N are independent identically distributed zero = mean random variables. Also all the moments of point in the support of in CK, and thus p is at distance 1/2 Y 1 < K j,K ' - are finite since every at most from some center 1 < 2' [,/l [ Yj k V Now emulating the standard proof of the strong law of large numbers for variables with finite fourth order moments, we first note that a (VN ) and thus for any Prob (IVN) £ N4 [No( Z ) + 6( )c 2 (Y 1)] = (N2 ) 1,K > 0 we obtain (using Tchebychev's inequality) that ) = O(N > (YK ) and thus that Prob(IVNI > E) < N=l which, using the Borel Cantelli Lemma, implies that lim N-o surely. VN = 0 almost -YI111111-- P-ll 1I^I ·._._ -11- It follows, then, from (L1.1) that, lim sup(W- D(XN) KDK(p)) Finally, noting that for K 1/6, li sup ZK K = K K a.s. K K -iK - 2K 1 1 - 26 ' < we have (1- 26 ) K2 D (p) - K2 DK(p) (N) | and recalling (Theorem 1 in [Ha]) if K >- 1/6 if K < 1/6 the convergence of KDK(P) when K A, we deduce that ZK(N) can be made arbitrarily small by choosing 6 small enough, which concludes the proof. LEMMA 2: If K(N) - N 0 as N lim inf[K Proof: (i.e.,K = o(N)) then, DK(XN) - KK(p)] O0almost surely. Similarly to the proof of Lemma 1, fix 0 < 6 < 1. CK,N() If K < 1/6, let be a set of centers solving the K-median problem for the first customers, let D CK,N(W) X1(X), X2 (w), ... XN() and let K = K; otherwise, , if include also the centers of the partition of congruent subsquares, and let K = K + r S into N K - 1/6, r/i2 1 2. Now, Kn D K( (w) ) FN(w) + GN() + (N) L2.1) I--·_I_---__III__I___ Il^ll-___C ^___ -12- where N = K- DK(X (w)) - K EN() FN() = FN(W) D(N(w),C ) NK D((w),CKN(w)) - KD(p,CK (w)) K,N D( (w),CK, N (L2.2) K D(p,CK N(w)) - KD(p) GN(w) - K K(p) HK(N)= KIDK(P) By definition, EN(X) possible to show that K(N) ZK(N)) O HK(N) and GN( ) O0 for all . Also it is (as it was in the proof of Lemma 1 for can be made arbitrarily close to 0 by choosing a sufficiently small 6. The proof will be complete, then, if we show that lim inf FN N-*co > 0 (L2.3) a.s. To prove (L2.3) consider first, for M > 0, the partition of R into MK MK MS I[J4/H12 subsquares, S1 , S , ..., S th i MK subsquare S M let pK , tomer will lie in S let yMK be the center of the be the probability that any particular cus- (i.e., i MK 2 i = f dp), and let NM N(w) denote the iS L (N ) actual number of customers, out of the first N, that are in S K½' N D((),C M(w))= KN N min j=l CCK N(W) KI 1 2r1r1 N i=l Now, IXj(w) - c I·~icl U£M MK Ml' mintlX.(w) - yi M + Yi -cli j:Xj ()S M _-111 - _ _I __I II_ I__Y I__IX - -13- -il1 2 N'N(w) > K 2 i=1 I i=l - cl -2 i IlyMK - clI yi N N min ,N CCK ,N() T1 41 2 CCKN(W) N N(w) > K MK Iy (min 1 1 2M - and similarly, KD(p,CNK( ) I i=l K jMK Si lix - cl dp min CaCN,K(W) 1 k[,, 2 K P. I i=l MK i min -cfl M CCN,K(w) Thus, NM.' I FN(w) > K (w) ( N N i=l Now for 0 < P. ' ) C£CK, _4 IlyMX - clI min (L2.4) M N < 1,define IM'&(w) = {1 < i < [f/-F1 2 (1 - PMK ) - 1) PMK min Ilyi 1 CKN cCKN cli N : ·N N_ (L2.5) and,thus, FN(w) > K % ((1 iWIN - K iM (W) NF isN () pMK min I yM K - cI - 49 (L2.6) M CK,N _ _1__ __1_ 11 · 1 -- --- I I _ · I -14- Noting that MK min M1y C i N cCK~N C ' CK FNM) >-c-& 1 ~- 1 1 26 =1 and recalling that Z P i 1, we have Choosing Mi ( IY - &Ni ( 1 - (L2.7) ) sufficiently small and M sufficiently large can make the first and third terms on the right hand side of (L2.7) arbitrarily small. To complete the proof, then, it is enough to prove: Sublemma 2': If lim K(N) = o N lim ( i N-xo i I then, for every 0 < £ < 1 and M > 0, MK )= 0 (L2.8) a.s. N Proof (of sublemma): Let N be a Poisson distributed random variable with mean N. Consider IN (w) = 1 <i [ N N~~~1 12 : N M(w) < NPMK(1 1 N M is the number of where N' customers out of the first )} (w) that lie in i We first prove that (L2.8) holds if the summation is over IM'(w) N rather than over over IM'(w) rather than I N (w) Let Let + Claim: for some > 1 + 4- > 1 NMW). be the probability that i N,M, Qi 1 i TN N (w). NpMK(N) zN 1 _ for all N and i .4.1111-1 IIIP----L-IIIII -II_------- I - --- -15- t(1-&)X N,M, Qi Proof: 1 n - e MK = NP. where n- 1 n=n= O < e-xe/P pl (l-s)xA (e e (1i pi = for any p > 1 ) (Note that 2 eAX/P pl(l-)AJ = [1 + - + (A/p) 2! p (1-)A t I x t(1-E)AI A2 2! Now let p = 1 + * I(1-a)A!+ /2 then, 1 1-1/p - 1+/2 (1 + p(1-) e e 1 < (1 + 4 ) i M ) 1+a 2 1+/2e > es /4 > > I +- - pMK (N) N,M,a Now let Yi 1I(l+a e /2(1-a) -NP. QNiM, 1 1+£/2 e (1 + S/Z) a2 Thus 1lL(1-a)A] + ... ]p + (1 + E 4 MK (QED Claim) ) if i -M,if i I (W) otherwise ___LIIO__IUIUULIYLIILI^ -_ 11111 1^._11_1-- -16- P Obviously, i£I MK ) YN M I ' (w) and thus for any i=l (w) E(yN,M, E( M,& pi icl N MK I,'] I i=l < i=1 2 -NP. Q P. 1 MK p -NP M + MK P.1 1 i:i MK + MK> z i N('-1) N(O-1) < N(e- 1) + ( I -NPi 1 PMK P.))e- z i =N(6-1) fVW)- Z + e-z e -z as N - - 1) N( NP. 1) implies (Note that Pi >- 1 e-Z < e . .) Taking z large enough we get, then limE( PMK) = 0 . N->o: iI N' Letting a denote the of yM, 1 (i = 1, 2, ..., [~]Z2) th (L2.9) central moment we have, using the independence z, -17- I2 [VR 2 N,M)<[ a4( MP K) = N 4( YiM ) 3( i=l i=l 1N <3( 3(i=l E i=1 2 E[(yN,M,)2]) E o2(yN,M,e))2 + i ' + E [ (yN I u 4 (yNM,') =1 i=l ) ]4 i=l NpMK M -NP MNp . (p M K ) 20 <3( 1 )2 + i=l i=l (pMK) 4o 1 i=1 MK _ -NP. =3( M -5/6 (] pMK i:P. <N / 6 5 1I 2 + 1 6 3 pMN i:P >N-5/ NpMK + ( pMK< -5/6 (pMK)4e 1 i:P. <N 1 -NP. + 1 <3([ Recalling that fV1 2 ]12N (PMK) 1 5/6 -5/6 PM. i:1 -N1/6 )2 + ([ 3( -10/61 - 10/ + 6 = 1 + MK 1 2 0 /6 + 2N-20/6 + 4 0 1 ) N1 / is negligible) and that 2/4 > 1 (thus, = 0(K) = o(N), we conclude that 20 10 4 4( -ME M PMK ) ) + 0(N (N 6) 0(N-4/3) iNi By Tchebychev's inequality we have, then, for every Y4( E8 p. MK Prob( i,1 N P.I)I > E( < IM e > 0, MK P1 ) = 0(N - 4/3) 04 ieN Consequently, this probability is summable over N = 1, 2, ... thus the Borel-Cantelli lemma and (L2.9) imply that and (L2.10) -18MK PK converges almost surely to O, which is the limit of its expeciINI tation. It remains to extend the result to the case where the number of customers is N rather than a Poisson random variable with mean N. PMK 8IN N M, (w) For every MX = EM/2 i& N P (W) 1 I E(W)- isI 'N) (L2. 11) P i M/2 -IN (w M, & -=M)&/2 IN (w) - IN' (w), we have i N (W) < (1 - )PMKN < (1 - /2)PMKN N.' (w) and therefore, pMKN < 2i MN(w) - NM,N() i 1 Substituting, then, in (L2.11) we get iN ,£N N '(w) 1 < (/2 M i MK M Pi (w) z - )1/2 isIN EN ii M/2 ()-I ,/2(w) N - 1 2N(w) -N N (L2.12) We have just proven that the first term on the right hand side of (L2.12) converges almost surely to 0. That the second term converges almost surely to 0 is well-known. > 6) < for all 6 > 0. 2 ( N -) Prob(NN N N=1 This, rather than just a.s. convergence, is (In fact, needed here to justify our claim in Remark 2 regarding the applicability of the results to problem sequences of arbitrary dependence -19- structure. The proof of this is straight forward.) is complete, and so is the proof of Lemma 2. The proof of the sublemma a We are ready to proceed now with the proof of the Theorem: Proof (of Theorem 1): (i) (ii) Consider first the free version. This result is an immediate corollary of Lemmas 1 and 2. First assume an algorithm yielding optimal solutions for the problem with demand p, = i.e. . Note that the proof of Lemma 1 is essentially based on a heuristic in which [-]2 centers are = 6K placed on a square grid while the remaining centers solve the (K - [/-i]2) -median problem for demand p. It is shown there that the difference between the cost attained by this heuristic (when divided by NK-Z) and KiDK(p) is almost surely asymptotically upper bounded by a number that tends to 0 as 6 + O. Since Lemma 2 shows that almost surely we cannot achieve a cost asymptotically better than KDK(p), it follows that for any given e > 0 we can find 6 > 0 so that the heuristic is almost surely asymptotically E-optimal. Using for demand p, for any given (iii) -optimal ( > 0), rather than optimal solutions, in the proof of Lemma 1, yields a similar consequence e > . This result follows from (i) and Corollary 1.2 in [HM1]. We turn now to the restricted version of the K-median problem, i.e., the centers must be a subset of the Xj's. (For demand p, version requires that the centers lie in the support of the restricted p). The arguments above do not apply since Lemma 1 was restricted to the free version. We show below (Lemma 1R) that Lemma 1 is valid also in the restricted version under the additional condition that K = o(N). _11 1_1_ -20- (i) follows from Lemmas 1R and 2; Analogously to the previous case then: (ii) follows from a heuristic implicit in the proof of Lemma 1R and (iii) follows from (i), LEMMA 1R: from Corollary C2 of [Ha] and Corollary 1.2 of [HM1]. K(N)/N + 0 If N + as , then the assertion of Lemma 1 remains valid for the restricted version of the K-median problem. Proof: 0 < 6 < 1. Fix There are sets U and V both finite unions of rectangles (with sides parallel to the coordinate axes) so that p({x ({x e u: where f(x) > 6}) < 6 S - U: (L1R.1) (L1R.2) f(x) < 6}) < 66 ps(S - V) < 6 (L1R.3) i(V) < 2 (L1R.4) denotes the singular part of the measure ps This follows from the p. regularity of finite Borel measures in Euclidean space (for an explicit argument of [Ha, appendix A]). see, for example, the proof of the "claim" in Lemma A Consider now the partitioning of S into [/i12 congruent subsquares (which we will refer to as "primary" subsquares) and define the following subsets of U (i) U, the union of subsquares contained (ii) U, the union of subsquares intersecting U V, the union of subsquares intersecting V W, the union of subsquares with more than (iii) (iv) X 1 (w), X2 (w), ..., S: in N/(63 K) customers (out of XN(w)) _^___·_1_11_ 1_1__1_11__1·1___11_II -21- Let 25 be the total number of rectangles in the sets 2 6-13, [then for all K > L (U U and let L - U) + (V - V) < 66 (L1R.5) U and V are less and thus the number of subsquares intersecting their boundaries is less 4%/(1/r[/rK1) + 4 than V we have,] (This follows from the fact that the combined perimeters of than 4 and 4W(/[K1 + 1) /i-K1 2 = 4 + 1) ([/i-K1 and their total area is less than which is smaller than 66 for K > L = 25926-13) and thus, in particular p(U - U) < 66 It follows from (L1R.A) and (L1R.5) that for (62 + 266) [/-K12 63 K are no more than V or U - U subsquares in V subsquares in and W. (L1R.6) K > L, (U - U). there are less than It is also clear that there For each of the subsquares in we consider an additional partitioning into r1/612 congruent (secondary) subsquares. The total number of subsquares (both primary and secondary) is less than [/ -l2 close to 36K, Now, for are possible for K L let = K 6 (Tighter bounds, arbitrarily small enough). and let CK be a set of solving the restricted K-median problem for demand K - 17 [,/i12 and let CK primary subsquares. center in CK where for Let CKN() by a customer location K > L CK,N() Xi(w) p K points (centers) p; otherwise, if K > L, be the union of a set of R-median problem (either version) for demand [ 12 + 63 K) [1/612 + ((62 + 26 6)f/-1 < (1 + 2(1 + 62) 62 [1/612) r/-K12 < 17 [/-K 12 W, R let points solving the and the set of centers of the be the set obtained by replacing each (1 i N) that is closest to it, is augmented by additional customer locations so that each secondary subsquare that contains a customer location contains also a point -22- of CK,N(w). By our construction CKN() consists of no more than K customer locations and is thus a feasible (suboptimal) solution to the restricted K-median problem for N customers located at Xl(w), X2 (w), ..., XN(w). Now, the expression in the assertion of Lemma 1 can be decomposed as follows: K[N DK(XN(w)) - DK(p) ] = EN(W) + FN( ) + GN(W) + HK( (L1R.7) where: EN(w) = - [DK(XN(w)) - D(XN(w), CK N(M)) KN(W) = - [D(XN(X), FN() N CKN(w) - D(XN(w), CK)] (L1R.8) GN(W) = K½[k D(XN(w), CK) - D(p, HK(N) = K[D(p, CK) - DK(P) Note the DK and D ] CK) < K[DR(p) - DK(P) ] in the above expressions correspond to values of the restricted version of the K-median and K-median problems, respectively. To show that the upper limit of the left hand side of (L1R.7) is almost surely 0, it is enough to demonstrate it for each of its components in (L1R.8) or at least to show that their upper limits can be made arbitrarily small by sufficiently small By definition 6. EN(w) 0 proof of the same fact for the convergence of VN KDK(p) can show (as we did for for all lim GN = 0 (a.s.) K + (Theorem 1 and Appendix B of [Ha]) we in the proof of Lemma 1) that arbitrarily small by choosing sufficiently small is almost surely 0(6). HK(N) can be made 6. To conclude the proof we will show that the upper limit of N + a, following the (see (L1.2)) in the proof of Lemma 1. Recalling when ZK(N) w. FN, as -23- K For L we have by the triangle inequality, K() FN( ) N < N N. min - max IIx - cl I x XN(w) cECK < Li oN (w) (L1R.9) where PN(W) min max xEXN(w) CECUKMC K For IIx - c II K > M, we consider separately the partial customer populations: xN, 1 = xN n (W u V u (U - U)) XN'2 = X n (S - U - V) XN,3 = XN n (U - W) Clearly, XN = XN, 1 where for u XN, 2 U XN,3 and FN(w) + FN,2() FNi() (L1R. 10) + FN,3(W) i = 1, 2, 3 K) = N [D(XN'i(W), CKN(W)) - D(Xi (), FN,i(W) CK)J Clearly, for all FN l(W) K0 FNi l() <N . 1 1 r A-K I rl1/SI] (L1R. 11) and F, (W) ' . XN' 2 ()(I 1 F/i I N,2()I 1 N L2 (L1R.12) Before we bound FN 3 note that the inclusion of the primary subsquare centers in CK implies that no customer is further than nearest center in CK. 1/(iri/1-K) We can thus assert that every center customers outside a circle of radius 1/(/r/6K1]) customers in no more than 9 subsquares. from the ccCK serves no around it, and thus serves Replacing ceCK by the customer closest to it might (by the triangle inequality) cost the customers served by additional distance of up to Let '.., Q 1, Q2 ' rN i(W) lIx - clI, but no more than 1/(/[ 1). xsX (w) be the list of the primary subsquares and define Q[/12 = min minN c an max lx - II , min 1/(/2 [/6K] } . (L1R.13) ceCK Qi xEX (w) rN,i(w) is a bound to the increase in distance, due to replacing CK,N(w), for any customer served by a center in Qi. customers in U - W (i.e., by All the centers serving XN,3 customers) lie in U. The number of XN,3 customers served by all the centers in any given subsquare most 9 3- CK Qi is at From all that we may conclude that: 6K K FN,3(W) <N F ½ N 9 3- rN N,i() - i:QicU < 9F -5/2 1 r N,i) i:QicU < 11 -5/2 i ~r N (W2 M ½ (L1R.14) , iQiCU where t is the number of subsquares (and since /K 5 for Qi in V, and since K > L = 25i 2 S- 13 ) we have 9I- t 9 [/i-K12 < 11. -25- From (L1R.9) - (L1R.12) and (L1R.14) we have FN() N( W) +6 0 N N,2w) + 6 5/2 X rN, i(w)2 (L1R.15) i:Q.cU Note now that any e > 0 center UK<LC K there is a c uK LCK for all such c is a finite subset of the support of 8 > 0 such that a circle of radius has probability (p-measure) greater than Prob(minN lix - cll > ) < (1 - )N p. For around any 0 , and thus from which we conclude xeX that Prob(pN > c) < and thus summing over N L(L - 1)(1 - )N and employing the Borel-Cantelli lemma we have PN + O a.s. (L1R.16) By the strong law of large numbers we know that 1IxN,2 But, letting 1 Pc singular parts of + Pc ({x = IXN n (S - U - V)j + p (S - U - V) a.s. and p p, denote, respectively, the absolutely continuous and we have p(S - U - V) = p({x S - U - V: f(x) < 6}) + ps({x e S - U - V: S - U - V: (L1R.17a) f(x) < 6}) f(x) 6}) which by (L1R.1) and (L1R.3) yields p(S - U - V) < 6 + 6 + 6 = 36 . Finally, note that each subsquare around which we have a circle of radius customers. Qi c U rN i(w) The intersection of this circle with side no shorter than r (L1R.17b) contains a center from CK that is empty of Qi contains a square with (w) (consider the square, with sides parallel to ,i the coordinate axes, that is inscribed by this circle, then at least one of - ,/ -26- its corners and thus one of its quadrant subsquares must be inside otherwise rN, i (L1R.13). Consequently must be larger than U 1/i(2 [/r/1) Qi' since in contradiction to contains a disjoint union of no more than empty (of customers) squares with cumulative area rN [/i12 ()2. Now, i:QicU if, as in Lemma 2, we use a refined partition into arbitrarily large (but fixed) M, [A-il2 subsquares for then we can by employing sublemma 2', show that the probability (i.e. p-measure) of the empty squares converges almost surely to 0 v({x f(x) < 6}) < 266 , U: and thus, noting that by (L1R.2) and (L1R.6) we may conclude that lim sup N r 2 < 266 rN 26 a.s. a.s. i:QicU and thus that lim sup 65/2 ( rrNi 2 2 a.s. (L1R.18) i:QicU Plugging (L1R.16), (L1R.17a, b) and (L1R.18) in (L1R.15) yields lim sup FN and since 6 0(6) a.s. (L1R.19) can be made arbitrarily small the proof is complete. Note, again that as in the rest of this paper, complete convergence is O essentially implicit in all the a.s. convergence statements in the proof above. -27- 3. Asymptotic Separability (K/N + a > 0) The analysis of the previous section and the resulting asymptotic continuity apply only when K = o(N). In this section we introduce another regime of asymptotic behavior, one that is associated with N/K does not necessarily approach +o K -+ (where as in the previous section). This type of behavior which we will call separability, corresponds to the fact that when K is large, then the optimal solution (and the value) may be approximated by the solutions to (and the sum of the values of) the components in a partition of the problem, according to some geographic lines. More specifically, suppose we have a collection of customers uniformly scattered in a square, or for that matter suppose we have a uniform demand distribution in a square, and consider a partition of the square into two congruent rectanges. Then as K grows, the optimal solution can be approximated by the sum of the separate solutions for K/2-median problems in the rectangles. Similarly, if we partition the region into gruent components, then as K/L grows (note L may change with L conK), the overall solution and value can be approximated by the sum of the solutions of the components. This of course suggests the applicability of a partitioning ("divide and conquer") heuristic as the one introduced by Karp [Ka] for the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). a problem with K medians, we solve L problems with Instead of solving K/L medians. While the separability increases (i.e., the error decreases) as so does the computational effort. computational effort. Once a K/L K/L grows, One must trade off the accuracy and the was chosen, the relative error of the heuristic (i.e., the ratio between the error and the optimal value) does not depend on K. All these features of separability/partitioning are -28analogous to those explored by Karp for the TSP. Separability can be established for the deterministic continuous version of the problem, and is implicit in the proof of Theorem 1 of [Ha] (specifically consult Lemma 4 and the preliminary discussion preceding the theorem). Using the deter- ministic seDarability and the asymptotic continuity results of Section 2, one can easily establish separability for the case where K + c N/K + o and simultaneously. In this section we are interested in establishing asymptotic sepa- rability for the case where N/K thus N oXas well). 1/a for some a > 0 and K -, X (and 'For this case, we cannot use the deterministic separability and we prove stochastic limit results that establish almost sure asymptotic separability (and thus support the viability of the partitioning approach). 3.1 Results As in Section 2, XN will denote the first N points in an infinite sequence of independent uniformly distributed random points of the unit square. The following theorem summarizes the results of this section. THEOREM 2: (i) If (N) a > as N - -, there is a non-random function lim N-1/2 DK(XN) N-+O where then = B(c) : (0,1] -+ [0,) so that, almost surely is convex, monotonely decreasing and has the following bounds and asymptotics lim ~c)= 1 -*+ 0 where (a) a- (1 + o~~~~~~~ n3) 2 (T2.1 (T2.1) -29- lim a-*l 1* )_ ) where 1(a) 1 -erf(ii"n(l/(2 -))) (a 2a-1 2 In the free version, (a) < In the restricted version (1/) n(/(2a-l)) (T3.1) 0 (a) for all B(c) > 2 erf (/n(T/7)) -acx(l/n)Zn(l/1) for all a . (Here erf(x) (ii) into 2 For any e- dt.) > 0,there is an subsquares where M > 0 such that partitioning the square =Lv7T] and solving a separate problem in each is almost surely asymptotically K/ 2-median -optimal. Remarks: (1) Note that here as in the previous section, the a.s. convergence always follows from the application of Borel-Cantelli Lemma to the whole sequence; that is, from summability of the deviation probabilities (Prob (IN-1/ 2 DK(XN)-0(a)I>e)) over N=1,2,3,..., and thus is essentially complete convergence. (2) It is quite conceivable that via a Lagrangian technique as used in Subsection 3.6 and 3.7, one can obtain a non-uniform counterpart of the theorem. The rest of this section (Subsection 3.2-3.7) is devoted to the proof of these results. The techniques are more interesting than those of Section 2 and the discussion (mostly Subsection 3.5) contains some methodological and comparative remarks. -30- 3.2 A Poisson Window Model Consider a unit density Poisson point process in the plane. Let N (i,j) denote the number of points occurring in the square S (i,j) = [(i-1)7im, im)x[(j-l)ii, jm) and for m 1/a let Z (i,j) denote the value > of the Lamj-median problem on the points in S (i,j). sionally suppress the (1,1) in this notation, i.e., N 2 For m,n > l/a, let Z - L[nmJ; thus [O,Zv~m) C[O,i)2 For i=j=l, we will occa- N (l,l), Z - Z (1,1). C[O,(+l)m) 2. 2 Zn ,the value of the Lan]-median problem on [O, n) ,is clearly not higher than the cost attained by the crude partitioning heuristic that assigns 2 the points in [O,vn) 2 separate to the combined centers of the (exact) solutions of jm]-median problems, one on each of the squares S (ij) i,j=l, ...,Z. That is Z < Z Z (i,j) + 3m(N-Nn (3.2.1) where the right most term corresponds to the fact that each point in [O, (+l))) [0,,) 2 . < 3; of some center in is within a distance of 2/2/ For the same reason,Z < 3 n N n and thus (substituting 1/a and m for m and n respectively): (3.2.2) Zm < (3/vra)Nm The basic convergence result here is LEMMA 3: (i) lim n-o There is a constant E(I Z nn > 0 such that - BI) = This can be easily extended to L (L1 - convergence)5 convergence for all q>l. -31- (ii) Z Prob( Z > integer n>l/a n n- + £)< co for all £ > 0 Remark: The constant To make this dependence is, of course, dependent on a. explicit when necessary, we will denote it 3(a). Proof: For notational simplicity, let V (i,j) m W - - (i), m m V Z n n n and (N -N 2 ), (3.2.1) can be restated as n n 2 2m 1 V < Z V(i,j) + W nn 2 m n 2 ij=1 By the independence and stationarity of the Poisson process, and by the translation invariance of the value functional, Dk, it follows that. the V (i,j)'s are independent identically distributed random variables, m which according to (3.2.2) are dominated by Poisson random variables and thus have finite fourth moments. Following the standard derivation of the strong law of large numbers for the case of finite fourth moments 6, we have for all £ > 0,Prob I2 is summable over n=1,2,.... respectively, - n 4 Vm(ij)-E V i>)=O( _)=O(n 2 Now the mean and variance of W (n-k2m) = O(n 1/ ) and (_ n ) 3/2 for all ) which again is summable over n=1,2,.,. are, >0,Prob (W >)= n . We conclude, then, that >0 Z Prob(V n>l/a > E Vm + s)< o or, using the Borel-Cantelli Lemma, that 6 ) which (n- 2m)=O(n - 3 / 2 ) which implies, using Tchebychev's inequality, that for all O(n 2 There is an example in the proof of Lemma 1. (L3.1) -32- lim sup V By (3.2.2), m < E V < ( Z ) =E( E V n- im for all m > 1/c a.s. m (m2 + m) < 9 (1-ka). m such that EVn - by Lemma 4,to follow, there is a finite constant i.e., part (i) of Lemma 3 is established. E V +, n Consequently, +O Since this result implies that we have, recalling (L3.1), part (ii) as well. Li < E V almost surely for LEMMA 4: Let suPn E(Vn ) < o and let lim sup V 1 all m > 1.- Then V n- converges in L I<(EIVn Since IE Vn<EIVn Proof: n-+ to some constant S. 1/2 ) , the first part of the hypothesis implies that supnlE VnI< - and thus that lim inf E Vn is a finite constant, say B. n inf E V = 0 and by the second Then by definition lim n n Now let Vn = Vn-S. n--_ + part of the hypothesis lim sup V n ' 0 a.s. Let Vn Then, almost = max(0, V ). n surely 0 < lim sup V+ = lim sup(max(O,Vn))=max(O, lim sup Vn) < 0 n n i.e., ' + 0 almost surely and noting that E[(V+) n <E(V ) and that the n Finally, note that latter are uniformly bounded in n,we get E Vn + 07. IV I = 2V n - V , and thus n lim nsup E(IVnl) = 2 lir n 7 For simplicity, let U 2 Prob (T )E(U ITn)<supEU 2 -+ sup E(V+) - lim inf E V = 20-0 = 0 n n n n - Vand let T nM T M. n clearly implies li sup E U <£. n S. p T 1/2 / Thus, E(UnlT )<[E((unlTn)]/2 < [M/Prob(Tn)] and therefore EU < £ + Prob(T )E(U -- denote the event Un > < 2 2 n IT ) < £ + Prob(T )1/2 M1/2, and Prob (T )--O n n -33- 3.3 A Conversion Based on Asymptotic Continuity in Center Density The following "continuity" property converts the results from the convenient "fixed ratio" (i.e., K = [an]) and Poisson window model to the case where the ratio just converges to a constant and where the demand points are the first n points of an infinite sequence of independent, uniformly distributed points in [0,1) 2 . Recall our notation, in which X n is this set of points. LEMMA 5: Let K(n) be a sequence of integers satisfying lim K(n)/n = >0. Then, (i) lim En-1/2DK(Xn)_- = 0 n- (ii) where Proof: Z Prob(n-1/2DK(Xn) > n>l/2c B+ ) < for all >0 B(=3(a)) is the same constant as in Lemma 3. Note that in general, K -K >n -n >0 implies D (X s1 ) < D nn (X <2 ) (L5.1) n (This follows from the fact that solving the K2 median problem on X 22 1 and then assigning all the n-n 2 points of Xn 2-X as centers, yields a n cost equal to DK (X ), but which by definition cannot be lower than the n 2 optimal value of the K-median (K>K2+nl-n2) problem on X .) Now fix >0; since K/n-a as n-~, we may for asymptotic considerations assume that K>(a-e)n and thus that K-[(a-3)nl>2en. (1-2)n < N(l-)n (i.e., if 2n > n-N( Therefore if, - n > 0) then we also have K-[(a-3)n>n-N( which by (L5.1) implies that N (L5.2) )>0 -34- As in Subsection 3.2, we assume that {Nt}t>l is a family of Poisson random variables with ENt=t. The probability that (L5.3) will be violated is, then, lower than the probability of (L5.2) being violated, which is stant >1. 0( -n ) for some con- (The proof of this last fact is rather straightforward, and is essentially equivalent to the proof of the "claim" in Sublemma 2' in the proof of Lemma 2). Now, n /DK(Xn) -(c) = n [DK(Xn) - D[(a_3£)nX N(1-)n ( -3) 1-n r(a-3K nI (+ £) 1/2 + [(l-)1/2 B(i__ ( ) - )n-3 3( )] ( ) D (L5.4) The probability that the first term on the right hand side of (L5.4) is positive is 0(0 -n ), which is summable over n=1,2, .... part of the expected value of this term is at most The positive O(n /2- n ) (since when positive, the expression within the brackets is clearly bounded by n). For the second term in the right hand side of (L5.4), note that (l-E)n/ D( _3)n (X(1-)n) 1 (-3n n Zn , where n' = (l-C)n has a distribution identical to that of and where the center density is a' = 1- Hence, by Lemma 3(i) the expected value of the expression within the brackets of this term converges to 0, while the probability that it is at least for any 1 > 0 is summable over n'=1,2,... . 1 Noting, however, that this summability followed from an O(n'-3/2) (which is equivalent to 0(n-3/2)) -35- bound on the probability, we deduce summability over n as well. tends to 0 so does the third is continuous by Lemma 6 below, as since Finally, term in the right hand side of (L5.4). We may conclude, then, that E(n /2 DK(Xn)-3(c)) lim O0 (L5.5) n-o max (O,a)) and (where a 00 -1/2 n DK(X ) > Z Prob(n n=l + £1) < () (L5.6) n To show that the expected value of the negative part of 1/DK(Xn ) -(() converges to 0, we repeat the same analysis, this time comparing DK(X) N K As above, we get that the probability that to D (a+3 ) 1 (X (l+)n). N nI (X (l+£)n) D [(a+3E) (+3)n] will be violated is (e-n) for some follows step by step. K < DK(Xn ) > 1, and the rest of the analysis (The only difference being that we do not get an inverted inequality counterpart to (L5.6) since there is no such counterpart in Lemma 3 itself. We will get it however later in Lemma 10 below). 8 is obviously, non-increasing in a. LEMMA 6: Proof: We furthermore have B is convex (and thus also continuous) in a (a>0) First, we refine our notation to include a as an index (a superscript), e.g.,Za (rather than Z ) is the value of the [n]-median problem in on the points [ For any positive a and a problem on the points in [0,n) . For any positive a1 and 0.29 we have D -36- 1/2(a 4n 2 < n (1,1) + Z (1,2) + Z2 (2,1) + Z 2 (2,2) n n n Dividing by 4n and taking expectations we get in the limit using Lemma 3(i) 1 2 2 ) 1 ) < (P(a)+(ac)+ (a2)+(C which implies the convexity of 3.4 = ) )2 1 ((a + )1 (a 2) ) DO 3. More About the Asymptotic Constants (a) We next derive further information regarding bounds and asymptotically tight approximations of the function : (0,1] + [0,o). LEMMA 7: (i) (ii) lim a-0 () (a ) o(c = where 1 lim - (iii) For the free median version, (iv) For the restricted median version, 1 J3J3 1 where 81 (a) = 1 erf (Zn(/(2 > n3 3 4 (a) (~ a-*l (X 3I1 () /2 [(1 + ( a) erf(/Zn(l/)) (ca) )) 2a-1 o (a) for all a. for all a. Remarks: - Another lower bound to and Hochbaum [FH]. (a) may be obtained from the analysis of Fisher -37- - Our notation does not distinguish between the free and restricted versions of the problem, the latter having a slightly higher value of Parts (i)-(ii) are valid, though, for both versions. . Parts (iii)-(iv) may be true in a non (version) specific form, but proving this may be rather involved. - Note that the cost of restricted version is less than twice the cost of the free version ([HM2], Lemma 6) and thus (iii) and (iv) imply looser bounds for the version that is not specified in the assertion. - Part (ii) (and the monotonicity of ) clearly implies that is a < 1 (both versions) strictly positive for Proof: (i) Note first that following the derivation of (3.2.2) we have 8 1/2 N -1/2 K N DK(X ) < 3NK . Therefore, N DK(X ) is uniformly bounded and the a.s. convergence in Theorem 1 (iii) implies L1 convergence and for uniform distribution on [0,1) 2, we get lim N- N oN E(DK(XN) K = (6) + 3x4))3 for all sequences {K(N)}N, 1 such that Ko, but K/N-+ Consider now any positive sequence let 19' Oa2 ... (i.e., N/K-o) converging to 0 and 2' ... be the associated asymptotic constants (i.e., By virtue of Lemma 5(i), for each for all 1, (L7.1) j there is a constant M j=3(aoj)). such that N >_M 1/2 IN- 3 8partitioning [0,1) 2 into 2 E(D (XN))- [L.N1j Sj < /j (L7.2) K1/2] 2 subsquares and assigning a center in each subsquare (containing at least one customer) guarantees, since all customers K1/2 -1 1/2 -1 are within v/7 [/ j of a center, a cost of no more than V'2 N LK / 2 T NK-1/2 < 3 NK-1/2 -38Now let N = 1, N 1 j = max (Mj, [Nj 1 /ajl), and This construction ensures that both j=2,3,.... infinity while K./N. tends to 0. = [ajNjN JJ K Nj and for increase to K Consequently (T,7.1) implies that 1/2 K. N.1/ NJ E(DK (X ) tends to (6) N. K. ' 3 3 Q(6) as well. (iii) and, p is uniform K 1/2 (see Corollary (1.2) of [HM1]). (iv) DK(P) approaches tends to (6) as K To avoid needless complications, in parts (iv) and (ii), to center distance. N -[an] n [HM1]. we sacrifice It is convenient to consider is the (L1 ) limit of B the Poisson window model. approaches It also follows from Theorem 2 of some rigor by omitting unnecessary details. the Bj This result is an immediate consequence of Lemma 1, Lemma 5, and the fact that if +oo therefore, by (L7.2), a. - n Z , the average customer n This average is clearly improved if we assume that all customers that are not centers themselves have their closest neighbor as a center, and if we further assume that these customers are those with the smaller "closest neighbor distances" (CNDs from now on). With this assumption, the average distance is a truncated average of the CNDs where the highest [anJ or (asymptotically speaking) the upper a fraction is eliminated from the summation. r Now for an arbitrary point, the probability of its CND being more than 2 is e (which is the probability of having no occurrences within a circle of radius r). The probability distribution function of the CND, 2 then, is Now let F(r) = l-e7 R 2 and the corresponding density is v(l/)n(l/). Then e- f(r) = 2rer = a; loosely speaking, an a of the Poisson points have a CND larger than R. . fraction The truncated average is, R 2 then, (asymptotically) equal to the truncated expectation f r(2rre- r )dr 0 which after little work gives the asserted bound. -39(ii) Classify all possible service sets (i.e., sets of customers sharing a common center) according to their size, as singletons, doublets, triplets etc. Let fl,f ,f2 3,... denote the fraction of customers belonging to each category, then, clearly fl +f +f +f... = 1 (L7.3) 1 fl + 2 f+ It is easy to verify that 1 3f = + ... c fl = 2a-1, f2 = 2(1-a), f3 = f4 = 0 is a possible distribution. The value of the best solution with this choice is just the sum of the shortest (1-a)N change argument). first intercustomer distances (as can be seen by a simple interThis value can be approximated by half the sum of the 2(1-a)N CNDs, the reason being that if R = /(l/T,).n(l/(2o-l)T, then while the probability that a random customer will have a closest neighbor -7TR 2 within distance R1 is l-e = 1-(2a-1) = 2(1-c), and the probability that -7TR 2 -TR2 it will have two or more neighbors within this distance is l-e - e rR = 1-(2a-l)( rule). + n(1/(2a-l))) which is o(l-ca) for a-1 (using L'hospital's In other words, when we list the 2(1-)N customers with smallest CND, and draw an edge for each closest neighbor relation, we will have close to (1-ca)N disjoint edges, the total length of which is no greater than the best value for f 2a-1, f2 = 2(1-x). The non disjoint edges can be separated at negligible cost using remaining singletons. As seen by the argument used in (iv), the (asymptotic) average customer to center distance in such a solution is equal to the truncated expectation 12 for 1 r(2 Tre )dr which after little work yield the expression asserted 1. (The "1/2" reflects the fact that when summing the CNDs each doublet is counted twice.) -40- To complete the proof,it is enough to show that any solutions with fj # 0 j > 3 are asymptotically inferior to the one just described and evaluated. The cost of a j-"multiplet" (whether in the free or the restricted version of the problem) is at least the diameter of the multiplet and thus at least as large as the (j-l) th closest neighbor distance (denoted CND(j-1)) from two of its members. 2 gj l(r) = 2r(rr )j-le . The probability density of CND(j-1) is As in (iv), we can obtain a lower bound (on the asymptotic average customer to center distance) by taking truncated expectations. is smaller than in a, Let Rj_ 1 Rj_1 be such that the probability that is CND(j-1) fj/j (which is, recall, the part of j-multiplets Rj(r)dr = f/j. A lower the overall center fraction) i.e.,f 0 j_ l(r)dr 1 bound on the contribution of these multiplets to the (asymptotic) average is Rj-lrg (r)dr. (for all j > 2), and thus R Note that as 1 tends to 1, all f tends to 0 as well. tend to 0 We may use a first order Taylor approximation of the integrands gjl(r) and rgjl(r) for small r. Evaluating the first integral to solve for Rj_ 1 in terms of f stituting in the second integral yields Cjf 1+1/(2j-2) (where a constant) as the associated truncated expectation. and subCj is An overall lower bound will be obtained by minimizing jE 2 Cjfj 1/(2j2) subject to (L7.3) Z (l-l/j)f.=l-a. It is not hard to see that j>2 as (l-a) tends to 0 the minimizing fraction distribution satisfies f2 Z 1-a or, equivalently, subject to Z f. = o(l-a). Therefore, asymptotically we cannot improve over j'_3 J a solution based on singletons and doublets alone, since as shown and above this type of solution asymptotically achieves the lower bound. a -41- 3.5 Methodological Remarks While we have established L - convergence, and thus also conver- gence in probability, in Lemmas 3 and 5, we have not yet obtained a.s. convergence or specific rates of convergence of the deviation probabilities. More precisely, we have obtained bounds on the upper deviation probabilities 9 which are summable over n,but have not obtained any bounds for the lower . deviation probabilities This asymmetry is due to the fact that the re- sults were based on the subadditive relationship (3.2.1). If we had a reversed "superadditive" inequality of that type, then we would have similar bounds on the lower deviation probabilities. Both sub and super additive relationships arise in many geometric graph optimization problems, including the Travelling Salesman problem, Steiner's Tree Spanning Tree problem. roblem, and the Minimum And indeed they were used by Beardwood Halton and Hammersley [BHE] to obtain a.s. convergence and by Karp [Ka] relative error in partitioning algorithms. to bound the Steele [S2] refined the BHH convergence result by establishing (via completely different methods) the summability of the (absolute) deviation probabilities (complete convergence)l 9Prob(n- /2DK(Xn) > +£) 1(Prob(n-1/2D(Xn) < 8-) 11 The convergence rate of the deviation probabilities established in [S2] is better than what is needed for summability. Such convergence rate can be also derived given two sided inequalities by the standard "even order moment/Tchebyclhev inquality" technique using fourth order moments of sums of independent-variables, as used in Lemma 3 above to bound the upper deviation probabilities. -42- Unfortunately, it seems hard to establish a superadditivity inequality here, noting that unlike these geometric graph optimization problems, here the overall solution in disjoint regions of the plane interacts not only through the arcs crossing their boundaries, but also through the allocation of the centers, and this interaction cannot be bounded by simple local (along the boundaries) perturbation arguments. We will overcome this diffi- culty by the standard trick of optimization theory in such situations. Namely, we will add Lagrange multipliers to remove the constraint on the overall number of centers. We will use, then, the X-cost median problem which is concerned with the evaluation of the functional FL(X) min (DK(X) + K XK) (3.5.1) For this functional, we will establish both super and sub additive relationships and then derive summable bounds for the absolute deviation probabilities. We will then use the convexity of correspondence between the limits of DK(Xn) and (ao)to establish the FX(X n ) (this is- essentially an asymptotic "strong duality" relationship between them.) To get the sought after summability of the lower deviation probabilities in our problem. Finally, before proceeding with the proof, we want to point out that to prove a.s. convergence for either the "Poisson window" or the "partial uniform sequence" models one can still manage using subadditivity alone using the beautiful subadditive ergodic theory of Kingman [Ki]. And in- deed, Steele [S1], Hochbaum and Steele [HS] and the present author (in independent unpublished work), have done so. These proofs did not -43- establish summability of the deviation probabilities for the full sequence, but rather for a subsequence. The resulting a.s. convergence is then ex- tended, using monotonicity or continuity arguments, to the rest of the sequence. 3.6 The -Cost Median Problem Consider the X-cost median problem as defined in (3.5.1). it first in the Poisson window model. We analyze Using a definition similar to that we introduced in Section 3.2, define YX n Z as the value of the X-cost median problem on the occurrences of a unit density Poisson process in the square [0, v') Observe that this definition is equivalent to . Y n = min{Z n + (cn)} . (3.6.1) As in the proof of Lemma 6, we have refined the notation of the index a since the latter is a variable. (3.6.1) for any X > 0, an a>l may be possible when to include Note that in the solution to is always an integer. N , Z Note also that values of the number of points in [O,v) , exceeds n, its expectation (and X is sufficiently small). Adapting the "Z (i,j)" m denote the value of the translates of [0, notation of Section 3.2, we use Y (ij) m to X-cost median problem in the corresponding /2) . Recall also that Ln7- ij. Like the development of (3.2.1), we get the following subadditive relationship. Yn n Z Ym(i,j) + X(Nn-Ng2 n 'mm ) m (3.6.1) Here, the right most term is obtained by assigning a center to each point in [O,V) - [0,Qm) . For a similar reason, Y n 'N n .XN -44- Unlike the previous case, we now have a suDeradditive relationship as well Y (i,j) - 4nm YA > E m n -. . 1,3=1 1 /4 - (3.6.2) N m n Verification of (3.6.2): It is enough to verify that the terms subtracted from the right hand required if we side represent a bound on the additional cost (beyond Yn) n want to prohibit customers from crossing the boundaries of the S (i,j) squares. (This is a "partitioning cost"). To establish this result, add centers, tentatively on the partition boundaries, spaced evenly at intervals of length m /4. We will consider them as double centers, one for each side of the boundary, and pay according X for each. There are 2 partitioning lines each of length /n, thus the total number of such centers is 2-2Qrn/m- / 1 4nm - / . The additional cost due to centers, then, is the first term subtracted on the right hand side of (3.6.2). Now in the free version of the problem customers that crossed boundaries can switch 1 -1/4 to the closest of these centers with an added cost of less than 1 m 2 (which can be clearly obtained if at the point of crossing the boundary the customer rather than continuing to the center on the other side turns and goes to the closest of the centers that we installed on the boundary). Now for the restricted version keep in mind the same reassignment of crossover customers, but move each of the boundary centers from the boundary to that of the customers (re) assigned to it which is closest to the boundary. This customer (as are the rest of the customers as- asigned to this boundary center) is within 2 -m from the boundary center in a direction parallel to the boundary and thus within m/4 in that direction from any of its other "companion" customers. In the direction -45- orthogonal to the boundary, however, it is even closer to the other customers than was the boundary center. any crossover customer is at most m more than N -1/.4 . Therefore, the cost of switching-for Noting that there are certainly no such customers, we get the second subtraction on the right hand side of (3.6.2). With (3.6.1) and (3.6.2) in place,we are ready to state. LEMMA 8: (i) There is a constant y > 0 (dependent on X) such that, lim El 1 YX Y- = 0 n-woo co1 Z Prob( n=l (ii) n X Y n y- > £) < X for all > 0 Proof: (i) (ii) The summability of the upper deviation probabilities, Prob( Y - n follows exactly as (i) of Lemma 3. - n > ), follow also exactly (ii) of Lemma 3. summability of the lower deviation probabilities, Prob ( - n For the Y n - y < - ), we also proceed similarly, the only difference being that the remainder term (the subtractions in (3.6.2) divided by n) converges O(m /4 this time to ) rather than to 0 as the analogous term (W ) did in the proof of Lemma 3. Letting m grow indefinitely (as we do anyhow) nullifies this remainder. FI Remark: Note that by continuity arguments, one can, by analogy to the development of Lemma 5, convert this result to the "uniform independent sequence" model. 12 Note also that the superadditivity enables us to extend even to In the appropriate sense of summability of deviation probabilities. -46- the nonuniform case, where if f is the density of the absolutely continuous part, we obtain, similarly to results in [BHH] and [S1], con- vergence to 3.7 f f1/2 dl rather than to y. The Last Nail To transform the convergence result in Lemma 8 (ii) from the -cost median problem back into a convergence result for the a-density median problem, we need to show that for every given a we have a X such that the asymptotic center density associated with the will converge to a while n Y n -cost median problem - Xa will converge to . Using the current vocabulary of constrained optimization theory, this result is classified as strong durality. side of an (That is, for every iven value of the right hand nequality/equality constraint in the problem, there exists a value for a Lagrange multiplier so that the solution of the Lagran-ean problem coincides with that of the original problem for the secified value of the right hand side). The standard proof of such property when it exists is by showing that the optimal value is a convex function of the right hand side of the constraint. Here, indeed, our proof is based on the convexity of (the asymptotic minimal value) in a (the normalized number of centers allowed) which was established in Lemma 6. To make use of the relations between the asymptotic constants,we first have to insure the commutativity between the limit operator and the minimization operator. LEMMA 9: Proof: y(X) = min(B(a) + a) By definition (3.6.1) we have, dividing by n, 1 YX < Za + n n - n n a for all a -47Taking expectations and using Lemmas 3(i) and 5(i), we get in the limit (as n tends to infinity) y(X) < B(a) + Xa for all a and thus y(X) min(3(a) + Xa) . To get the converse is a bit more involved. for i = 0,1,2,...,Z. n (L9.1) For Then for all n, Y min ( Z nn n > min ((ai) i + ) 1 -- i + Xai)-z 1 Zn -B The first inequality follows from the fact that if a minimizing nn Z + h, then n j1 1 acj z + XI = n n j-1 1 n cxj. Z n < a a (i) * - (L9.2) is the value of a for some j 13 and thus by the * non-increasing monotonicity of Z > 1, let a. = i/k > n X + Xj in Z n > n , implying- n Za n + a Taking the expectation of both sides in (L9.2) and letting n tend to infinity, we get in the limit (by Lemmas 8(i) and 3(i) and by virtue of the finite number of c.i's) y() and letting > + Xa )-X i i Q min ((a.) i > min ((a) - + Xa) - -*owe get the converse of (L9.1), completing the proof. At last, we get to 00 LEMMA 10: Proof: Z Prob ( n=l Z n(a) - £) < < for all By (3.6.1) we have for all X 1 Z n > 1 Y n n Xa 13We exclude the very marginal possibility of We exclude the very marginal possibility of everyw.There cx> 1. > 0 o -48- and since by Lemma 8,Z Prob (1 Y < y(X) - ) < n n n Z Prob ( Z < y(X) - X - ) n n n < for all >O, we have for all >O . (L10.1) Now by Lemma 9, y(X) = min(3(9) + e) 14 of 6(a) at a yields (since Choosing X as any subgradient min(B(e) + Xt) e is convex) = 6(a) + Xa i.e., y(X) - Xa = S(a) D which when substituted in (LlO.1) completes the proof. To complete the proof of part (i) of Theorem 2, note that the proof of Lemma 5 will convert this last result into the uniform independent sequence model, used in the assertion of the Theorem. For the associated Poisson window model, part (ii) of the Theorem is a rather straightforward consequence of Lemmas 3 and 10. The result can then be extended to the "uniform independent sequence" case by again using the arguments of (the "continuity") Lemma 5. (a) is most probably differentiable but we have not proved it. -494. Conclusion We have found that in randomly generated large scale K-median problems we have two types of ergodic (or "large numbers") convergence processes. These processes referred to as asymptotic continuity and asymptotic separability enhance the analysis of the problems in two ways. First they permit us to predict aggregate features of the solution,- like the optimal value and the (aggregate) distribution of centers. Second, they enhance the computational tractibility of such problems by suppressing the significance of detailed information about customer locations (in the case of asymptotic continuity) and by suppressing the significance of interactions between elements of the solution in spatially separated regions (in the ease of asympotic separability). So one is tempted to conclude here (as in other instances of probabilistic analysis) that the benefits of an exact combinatorial optimization model for very large problems are limited, as the large numbers act to suppress the problem's combinatorial elements. ___IIIIIII__IIII__ -LI-·------ I· -50- 5. References: [BHH] Beardwood, J., Halton, J.H. and J.M. Hammersly (1959). 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