wor:k i-.paper ~::: .. . I. ~,I -o . I "; . . .~ . ;·; 1,I :" i . - I 1 1 i ·· · =-. '· :: ·..-. . . . . -I · · - :· ·J i. ,I : 'i- -I z r .· -- :.· - -·.· · b ··· .. ;` '·· ·;.'· .i -;:: .--- : . ·· r .; ·· · - : r.-;. ... , i ; --; ..ri INSTITU E. :- ECHN HtN $ox t:tOG GY : ; :it;20i;X;X l-.:-S $0OFaT:C X~9:,: '-·i-' ? ; ·· :' I·· MAS SSAC HUSETTS: ;; -- -i-: I ?i · gffXD~ffftft,4fff.ffff,i:-::t-':; : - :OLO ;:dd: ::: A QUEUING THEORY, BAYESIAN MODEL FOR THE CIRCULATION OF BOOKS IN A LIBRARY by P.M. Morse OR 061-77 February 1977 - 1 - A Queuing Theory, Bayesian Model for the Circulation of Books in a Library. by Philip M . Morse Operations Research Center, M. I. T. Abstract. The use of library materials, the borrowing of books for example, is analogous to a queuing process, where an arrival is "serviced" when he finds a book on the shelf and borrows it; when service is busy the arrival is lost to the system. Circulation, rate of output of the service channel, can be measured for each book; the circulation distributions for a number of classes of related books (homogeneous collections) have been determined. Circulation rate can be changed by changing circulation rules, whereas the total rate of arrival for a book, whether "serviced" or not, is less affected by changes in rules. However this total arrival rate (called demand rate) for a book, cannot be measured directly. This paper shows how its expected value may he calculated, using Bayes' theorem. From this, the paper develops a self-consistent model of book circulation, with inter-related probability distributions, from which one can predict the effect, on circulation, of a change in loan rules or of the purchase of duplicate copies of the more popular books, and also can measure the decline in demand for a book with time. Results check available data on six collections, in two libraries. - 2 - Demand Rate. Data taken from a variety of libraries I indicates that it is possible to develop a self-consistent model of library material use, as exemplified by book circulation. assumptions are those of queuing theory. The basic A person enters the library desiring to borrow a book on some subject of interest to him; he either finds nothing suitable or else he finds a book and borrows it. e may have entered the library knowing exactly which book he wanted, or he may ave had less definite desires and proceded to find the book by browsing the shelves or the catalogue. In any of these cases, the person's arrival is counted as an arrival (in the sense of queuing theory) for the particular book borrowed. But what of the cases when the book the arriving person would have borrowed happens to be out of the library, borrowed by someone else? Such arrivals also should be counted for the book, even though^eYdid not result in a circulation. These "frustrated" arrivals cannot be measured directly, but they can be measured probabilistically, if we make the reasonable assumption that the arrival rate for the particular book is statistically constant, whether or not the book is in the library, ready to be borrowed. That rate would equal the rate the book would be borrowed if duplicate copies were available, so that a copy would always be present in the library, no matter how often it was borrowed. arrival rate That limiting is analogous to the expected arrival rate in queuing theory; we shall call rate for the book in question. the expected yearly demand As mentioned earlier, cannot be measured directly. However its expected value can be determined in terms of the expected yearly circulation rate r of the book and the mean the book is out of the library per cir- length of time 1/ culation (or its reciprocal , the expected return rate for the book, the analogue of the service rate in a queuing problem) both of which can be measured . The expected fraction of the year the book is off the library shelf is equal to the number r of circulations, on the average ,during the year, of time (in fractions of a year) the times the mean length book is off the shelf per circulation, 1/4. and the number of arrivals that between the arrival rate found the book out, The difference (r/4), must be equal to the number of arrivals that found the book on the shelf and borrowed it (which is, of course, the expected circulation rate r). r = - (r/) or r(X) = (1) which is a well known queuing result 3. The demand rate for a book is rarely greater than ten per year; in general an arrival is as likely to come one week as the next (if summer rates differ from winter rates, this can be allowed for). Thus in general the arrivals are Poisson distributed, the probability that a book has k arrivals for it (in the sense of the previous year is TTk() iscussion) in a particular (kk/k)eX Therefore, in general, book circulation is (2) oisson distributed. The probability that a book, having demand rate and return -4 - , circulates precisely m times in a particular year is rate p(mif ) = TT(r) (3) exp(e ) gx + which is the conditional probability that a book, having the demand rate (and return rate A) has circulation m in a given year. Figure 1 displays plots of r(X) for different values of p, as function of We see, of course, that mean circulation . r(X) of books with mean demand rate falling further below is always less than X, the greater is ttie demand and the greater is the mean loan period 1/p. The dashed line = is r= k; the vertical distance from this line to the curve for a given value of is the expected number of "frustrated" arrivals per year for a book with lemand rate . Curves for the conditional probability p(mif ) are shown The curves, as functions in Fig.2. of X, are sharply peaked for values of m less than imum coming at r= m, i.e., at curve for ; the max- = m/( - m) (for example, the = 8 and m = 8 has its maximum at However the = oo). more important statement is that, among books with demand rate X (and return rate ) the more prevalent circulation rate m is the integer between r and r+ falls more and more below , where r = Xp/(X+ as X and/or 1/ ). This is increased. We also see that there is a finite chance that a book, during some year, has circulation m greater than its mean demand rate X. This is characteristic of Poisson distributions; actual performance can exceed, as well as fall below expectations. In most queuing situations the mean arrival rate can be directly measured; this is not the case here. What can be --- 55--~ 1t 4----- -~4I %% IV + i ..i .- .. I -- tD CU 0 1C Fig.l. Expected circulation rate r(X) of book with demand rate and return rate . 6ee q.(l). 0 -- 6 p - r ' _-- !-4 WL-: _1-' iE-:1 .: "_ =-z n _- ,., W*L mF-__ m ^ .. -':: lt _ c_ -,. ' Fer :::l:rrS :JJ' 4 ;·:· :ij ii :: : . _wS L 1:. 't-"'l"' f-·. i. ··i·· I·,· ··i-··-li,·i· ?·1··· · l-:·'··t:··!·i· "' '' ' ' " ' '''''' -·---- ·-i'-9 ii eT-.- --I .I : '. il S 43U I-iT'" O W C1 ....&, " ~ " U , -H 1' I ·- :: :· ; 1'' 1 1,, i- :::(" ii ·:· 1' [.. :tr: . -! 1 i - · -· ; I I · · i ;I -I, 7 I i ~ I, 4: i ItA I;:, I-· m j]]i .. . :HC , *-H I-. w~ ,1.,Ii. - +-T ' I .! t; t I 4 11I t4 111_1~ JM 1;;. .I ['; *; tl r·'i' . i't.l Mt ~·?·:··I-·I *,artg,o co d 0 d O , V'11'1 .:TF H, ,A . I I r ·· 10 I,· 4_2LL~ I · 1 -- -- _---J- 0 I I S I _ · - ·r~-t----t-" i:::l ! :---.-F1::f-: :} ---- I: SMIE~--i l'---._4 i, p''':' -i f, · 7 .- -1 - .. . . 4i -r:-,4.u; -,t.. ,* I : :Ff- 1. . T; i :- I I I·- -- .;J! 1!n i. _o- o .~I r~I ZT:. SI. iL~~~~~~rj i . : I1i. -I j/ii · ~Z.. ~ MO . r__ 0 "IT-d"~~~~~~~~I:'~"·:~·· l 17T~~~~~~~~~ . q*' H-; ·7 ---- F - I I--· :f, :LIj --t ---. ; I +ISWPF"I .._A - lF -C- ''' i·- r :I ·-- · '" t ~l~ i ~ - - . .I .... , - _1.. +-;:i- : _ =: : VA , : \%7, .: . . :, ~~_: ~ -I : . -:-: LLLI Ii--:: LAii2i iT--t ..- . I- -1tt ii: - ,.I ...I Li\ O :.*- w II .t- * . :r:t-:t'' .I . ..-.. . . --_ -i-- -" - it4+ . - I I -.II. I .I.. . .,,. ,-,- CM O (0 0 ir 1 l-- ·· -_ ··--_-1...... Lt -. ; , 'i. Ji,'7 . ..I t:·ft++i i, -ti ti -. - . - - . . -- . - , 0 l-.- .--- , , -L _ -P ~LII1 ;-·-- ; -:-- I - -t-, : :I . ' .!%C "LI __4L - C) . o .\ r: :1: .FI. , I i- : I H _ -·- : _ i--- CI 4 ' [If-if;-_ lhI -..t.: 4:i4 " :-.+ -r . : I'Z'.' UN .itJ- "1~"`'' r'f't:" Iit. '~.~J~tjj, -··t · · l ,I tI '-1 - L. . . - : 1 i -'''- '- -' L''-' 4I.~ii~i .. .. - ! ~ .. - . . . (c U-\ -4 O . I -"' f--ILV -* t. ~I Kt7e 2s}''' _ 1 H-4- i7 V. LIlL'l, _ 44-t - il .:., .. V7 .. ! -_ ,^....7t SL.i: :·· t- t" _ >rLi*~~' :;_ jl1 ,- r: ta ! ". _ I···- i. i:: :i::::t:f:lrff::.i I::::: ITr :..ri ,41-'zz _ tA -=- ;L; t: ,· -. -- i.i - ;i:i u ----. t At nn >440 .... - ! II . I ::rr 2) . 251,1. 71: .. -I. .t7 -i.... i··iti·sr5'1 - -L_.-._;,L__.:L _ -:-l:-.-F_: I, :L1I-1 1 - ---T-- L ._ - LA? '--I 0 rl 6 :t. i f :-i r1 I'. "E - i.... I -:l ---f, _. I _.. . C CC I -_ F% )4 II_ U- o 0 - '"IPT .· r oV 0o **pf-HC 0, CM kO O43 4-c l 4 O ·el::i+24r )·t : ' CM U- O. ... . '' 1'.''~ ~ ::Ht::: 0C , .: . TNA.ftf .c CI M' .. .I.. i ;11 i:iii !I .. ' ',- 'I ; N: - I -L.-!, . I` tf ;···- + a~~hl- X3--..__ \.-.1 , i +i, . ',' 1-1,'-- . ' j;i,,ii~,T---j 01VK t' Iit-44T 4 '-"i"-14 4- 'tM Iti.1". T;Tt~~ilrr ' 4-.. il1'1 ' .. . t ;;:;::~ ' " ll. · '--- ix '*,t I ". 'F- l''!~~~~~~~~~~~·; 11 ,j) i-ij'~ i ': 1. .. a-r <HtLL-F-f L8 * 4t i' C' ' ---- . I.- 'V:MIT,1714 - :;: ..OW i·ll··il!: :: :: : :'; -,-- , " .. V I;_V__7 _f t1+4 1 '~ r 1-L' - : ! t r. h I :1._ -+' l ...... _. i - I "" " ' I , lr.I F1 :iii i" II H43 Cl) O I:' , -T_ T.T_ j -j;; -% , I I H O i *:.. 4 +4r" - - H i fL·i- t ....·r... i, i. . ' ·i-··L1 1111101i,.· i· i-- ·-i. --( ·- i --1 .~"' ··. .. T;.Ti 4OQ I .. ·-li·-·-· 47 t - , ,.:-, - - -1, f;,MOMA \\ rWill-Ifft':'MV?; %4%7. V ,,.. M , "-1-4: , ;;I!;::,7 1 ~~~F~~~S~~~ii~~~~~B9~4 -M m'~~~1$0_41_1~~~~_"_ lff -,. fintfi~ii~' _iol_ X r. iiii . .11__11 .1! L. ;· I-i i i ' ... : - - _4 ! 1 -t; Z Mj6;4-m;-k4- T -' ; I --f -1 - -1i ·: ···C;·:i·ci·- :.1-11-_~ I : :, :r- JOU. :1 ·I· '' ' CI-;··· .1. LI M . H- J *_H . .....l 0 .ii S; _ -j +, :: n_.xt: * c(\I ·EC·:::I: r U : = ta _Lji -: i.T: '' 'i '.',i ' i W--}4/ -- e-t i- _ ...i-----I- il+· -.i OT_ '.I. - +_1 <il . : - . EV__- I 1 ItrrrT "-,i; j i - I, - C (YV 0 )d !: m[)d 0e . -7 measured for each book is its actual circulation rate m for a specific year. rate Working back from circulation m to demand must be done probabilistically, for a particular collection of books. The typical collection we shall discuss is that of all books in a library with roughly similar usepatterns, such as all the books on history or on chemistry, or all the books with Dewey classification between 600 and 700, for example. tion. We call such a collection a homogeneous collec- Loan period also varies independently; sometimes being a few days, sometimes, with a renewal, being more than a month. The average for the collection for the year is the value of 1/ we use for the collection. The resulting value of A. is thus a constant, characteristic of the collection,whereas the demand rate is the stochastic variable in Eqs. (1) and (3). Though circulation m is the measurable quantity, demand rate is the more basic property of the book. Circulation rate can be changed by changing the circulation rules (length of loan period, etc.); the demand rate can be changed only by Thus a drastic change in the nature of the borrowing public. to predict the effect of changes in library circulation, it is necessary first to estimate the value of the unchanging quantity, demand, and from it to predict the effect of rule changes on circulation. It has been found1 that book circulation is distributed approximately geometrically in a homogeneous collection. It is shown elsewhere4 that this is approximately equivalent to stating that demand rate is exponentially distributed homogeneous collection. In this present paper we shall n a -8 - assume the exponential distribution of demand and explore the consequences in detail. In other words we shall assume that the probability that a book of the homogeneous collection has demand rate between + dX is f(X)dk, where the probab- and ility density -X/D f(X) = (/D)e f(X)dX = 1 ; ; f(k) d = D (4) c O The mean value of demand for the whole collection is thus D; the variance of for the collection is D We expect to show that this assumption results in a set of probability istrib- utions for circulation,and relating circulation to demand, which check satisfactorily with available data and which she4 light on the mechanism of circulation. Relation between Demand and Circulation. Having the forms of the unconditional probability f(X) and the conditional probability p(mif ) of Eqs.(4) and (5), we can write down the expression for the combined probability that a book of the collection has circulation rate m and also has demand rate ; f(Xkand m) = p(mif )f(X) = f(Xif m)p(m) 1 m 1~( _kD mexp(x - X)(5) From this, by integration and by Bayes' theorem, we can obtain the other two distributions of interest; the unconditional probability that a book of the collection has circulation rate m, p(m) = f(X and m) d (6) and the conditional probability density f(X if m) that a book of the collection has demand rate if it circulates m times -9- during a year, ) mexw f(Xifm) = Bm(X where 1/Bm (7) exp(- - o 5( +) exp(- - )d = (Dm')p(m) 0 Figure 3 shows plots of f(X if m) as function of few values of D and of . for a Note that the curves are more sharply peaked than those of p(mif ) in Fig.2; in fact they become more sharply peaked as m is increased, rather than less so, as is the case with p(mif ). The value X m of at the maximum of f(Xif m) falls more and more below the value of m as m is increased. Tiis is understandable; the chance that a book's circulation m is greater than its demand rate is not zero, but that chance gets progressively less the larger m is; therefore the curves fall off more rapidly on the high-k side as m increases. Note also that the combined probability f(Xand m), as a function of X, is simply proportional to f(Xif m), the conditional probability that a book have demand rate circulation rate is m. , if its The proportionality factor, according to Eq.(5), is p(m), the probability that a book of the collection circulates m times a year. over Since the integral of f(X if m) must equal unity, the normalizing factor 1/Bm for f(Xif m), multiplied by the factor 1/Dm', must equal p(m), i.e., f(A if m) must be BDm' times f(Xand m). - F1 ff61111'-1*'1:: YY i*Eu _ rl _ _ _ :t .. .r _ = _ .. t: .:-' ----- · :!51 _: l·_ill l_ lL ------- ________~.~ · · -· ~T:~'_ :'F :-:__ _:_ _ :: t | t + ''t'-~ + -f- -.1 -- - -Ii ,- +~~ --- - -, 1. + t-- .: _ I I ' . .. .f . . .. . x l _ . 1 . i + ....... · · + F F fi t--- .-r-- r · '-= T -----I _': __,: =, . . I s S . _ _~.* l -- -I---- - _ ·I r 1 -| 1 _ _..:. ------- c- _ ' 'l I ··· · · . I 0111 .I ... I' .. | e i·-·· . . .. . . . . . . I______- I 1. I II _ (N ..[- C r-- , t , 1I 1 0 _ -_...' ----- _,- I !' j r t- _ ' -- rru··· :. .... r- . I 7'T _ II - t- - ... . { I - M .--!I _ . . i .., t.l. -. -· !.: -.--,-. !I' ._ .... .- . ._ - I ~~~~~~. I: i -wT6 .1 -- -_ ::: ·- ·- ··- Ir {·il · -- I_ I' - -., :: -t: i: :-1-I-l-:f ::-- : il -- - ... -: :=,:::: t. -6t* I ! ,]_ _: -4 . - - .--- L.... 1 .... - _Z=--T-17: + ! xi'1: ~~·:~F~~ -- 10 r -1 1.. i P _. ___ 3i0 2 3;; i. r,.L-' t;I : . , . . .. . I. LfP . p4--. . + . _ Mr- il, .; t:^.fZ , i -, .i:444:44N+ !1 * . :', . :'.' P -CI I .IZ .3 t _ 311 CM *-. ._ . i Nr; i -; | : 1 - r i .:: =.- rg~ I .. rir I. t Iql . . , _ I~ I t-: -lb. 14 ! I 1 I 4 1 s -.... -t-- - I · - '--L" ;·1 -tl ¸ l_ I ;I f... ; I I I ._ i! . . +4'-. I .. iF,!: ' ~-: I t ' t"i j.Zf ±I - _-- N 0n - Co) a C'. (10 _ __ ' 0rd H 0 CM .uU'_ ~L - - i: - h )I 11. is x, tt'ft-t ? - } - -'_.-;-- T. T- I WmV-1'I: fpz t.., - _. 4 .T J.i : .- : . ; --1-- ...-7"l _:.- : -- - __ 0 ,. ,, ,, L'\ 0 * - o * ~~o o o ,4 ,_-T:l-I -t---_R':_ _ _--' __,_ C*U 34a Co : : : J-: .- -~ - -. = -- C LN , O - ¥ o ~~ W _ ~ ~L--, - ~ ~ I ---l - -A._ - --. -III.4;1 LI . 1= M : ; T- I:, -J-- - .: .;z4 : - , -:- I ,-,: I :- " I . - -- --I + --1- - I ,f Q -,r ; I-! : . TFE1. 1-1-- ; "t : 0 H r- 1- -I~~~~ N:7 . I ...................... ................ ;-T- J-- -! .`T. ... : I''· : 1'. I - :: 1 A lrI - - -i - :: ..... r Or, m . I q I '- I , rl rLzp 1 I .ij__l i. 17_::,.: I1LL:-- _- 0, 4, T -- I :: I A - t I JNI -NI .-'. :-.! -`.t h , z dI It-*1 .; /il t'-0~~~~~~~~~~ ^ iiMA i :-C l !.: _ - --I _- -i--iirliifI -r..'f-li:-lii_iii ::"I I;1-:_ri:::::::ll: ~ -..-~ ~~. ~ 00 ;i~~~~~~~~~~~L7 : - ·. ! .',-' ··i, :i:1 .;l_ik__t_lriliti i . I i ' fiiiiir IliYIIL i i 7liii?i ·-- )-:-r;t;irrfa '7-CIi9C i -- ' ' -- i , I. --.- I-· L A· ·1. - 11 · ii '.·1 s iii -i---- O _ -,--;: · "O I i !·I ·· .r:... I r-4 :: ;.t ::;:: ri-; CM ' .· ' ··· ' C 1 ii o iii ii : iii :: Ifi:iil :I r;: \\ .!aO 11 · Ljl if :iTi--i`PJiiiiitii:'lii: i··· II 8 i :i i j::j ji.. ·i-t ·-1zL i iii i :·i-· I·: ,-· 1· : iii-·i-Ji·i- i· .. · iT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r··:-i· UN 0 d ,H O c 0 Ln LA 0 CM * H 0 . r-i *H 0 O 0 - - 11 The integral of Eq.(7) must be calculated numerically. Table I lists values of (1/DB m) = mp(m), as well as the cumulative probability P(>m) = p(n) that a book of the n=: Note that collection circulates m or more times per year. Zp(m) =1 and 2P( m) mp(m) = = R Figure 4 is a plot of P(>im) on a semilog scale, for a few values of A, They are nearly straight lines, indi- and D. cating a nearly geometric distribution, as required by the data (as will be shown later). As mentioned earlier, demand rate, even the average demand rate for the whole collection, is not directly measurWhat are measurable are the mean return rate 2 able. and the mean circulation rate1 R I~Dm D 5 (l for the collection. U + 0 - -d )m exp(- mp(m) = | = e X/D =1 - D e/D eJUe + (8) u/du The integral in the brackets is the exponential integral E 1(/D), which is tabulated5 . can obtain a value of (R/u) as a function of (D/) Thus we or, by inversion, the mean demand rate for the collection as function of the collection's mean circulation rate R and its mean return - 12 L 1.0 ____ ____ -- ___ -- _ ______ -.. '- A. 4 iJ = ~ __ ____ % & c . IN, 3 "WI' , L - --- ' I, --- D = ---- f - L 3 . .- i ----I_. _ ----- _.__ _ _ __. __ . ____.. I t I _ _ ----- i j ! _ , , y , _ ._ _ __ _ _ --- _ 7--' 1 \·4 0.5 - ?aL'U-- __- . - * - _ --- ----- 4 ,-- ---- -- ·-- . - - ::~,`1 -~~~~ps ' · \~ Ad~~ ---- ~- I - --- r__ o __ 4 - -K \ XX 1--4---- -. k N; I %X\ _ . I_ . \. L-. \ . \ LL-.~~. N 1\ \\\N 0.2 \ *. N. IN . & \I, N I L--1,1A r -- ._ ! f-t t ------ -- NX L S-i ~-- - Ir N I ·- -N L \X i~ i K 4% i N . I i I I I 'I :4 i\ K 0.1 \X% -- --- - ---7------ --- ----- \ . l l .- - --- - ---- 7- . -- - - ¢ --- 4V -.-. -- - i \ \ - . . sE- - -\N A \ . \ N \ . \ I _-- ---- --- - - - --- 7 - I - A% .05 \ = 8 \ , t-- ; r~~ I - 12 p = 16 = 20 B_ = _ \. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I !i-- -- KA - ----- ! --------- ,- \. i - -. .......I 0.02. I 0 I I , ! 1 -i i N- I I , I I I L I I . I. 2 ' , ' .' .|~~~~~~~~~~ I I 4 m Fig.4. Cumulative probability P(~m) thatabook of the collection circulates m or more times a year. See Eq.(8). I | z _ ! 55 _ 6 -15 rate p.. - The functional relationship between (R/4) and (D/4) is given in Table II , from which, by interpolation, the quantities given in Table I A and m. = can be found as functions of R, Curves of D against R are shown in Fig.5. co is the limiting case D= R. The curve The vertical distance between , this curve and that for the appropriate (finite) value of times the number of books in the collection, equals the number of yearly arrivals, for books of the collection, that do not get their book because of circulation interference (the number of "frustrated" users of the collection). As an indication of orders of magnitude, the mean yearly circulation R for a collection of history books is usually 1 or less, whereas a collection of technical books (physics, medecine, etc.) can have R between 3 and 4. For a library with strict return rules, the mean return rate can be as large as 20 (mean loan period 2 weeks, few renewals; note that a renewal does not count as a separate circulation). more relaxed rules, For a library with can be less than 10 (mean loan period greater than a month, including renewals). Implications of the Analysis. We thus are able to estimate the effect of the loan period policy on circulation. Since demand is generally independent of the length of the loan period (i.e., on the value of change in changes R, not D. ), a For example, in a collection that has a mean circulation R= 2 with an allowed loan period of a month, with renewals allowed (so the return rate is as low as 8) Fig.5 shows that the mean demand for a book of the collection is D 3.5. If now the circulation rules are 12 10 8 6 4 D 2 1 0.8 0.6 1 2 3 R Fig.5.Mean demand rate D, of a collection of books, as function of mean circulation rate R, for ifferent values of mean return rate . See Eq.(3). 4 - 15 - tightened up, so the mean loan period is reduced from 1/8 to 1/16 of a year (from = 8 to = 16), D will remain the same, but Fig.5 shows that the mean circulation R will increase from 2 to 2.5 per year. Instead of (35.5- 2)/3.5 = 3/7 of the potential borrowers of the books of the collection being "disappointed" because the book they would have borrowed was being borrowed by someone else, only (3.5-2.5)/3.5 = 2/7 of them will be "disappointed". With a collection of 3500 books, 500 more users per year will find their book and borrow it, if the tighter circulation rules are put into effect. The effect is greater, of course, the more popular is the collection (the greater D is) and the more lax, originally, are the loan rules (the smaller the original value of is). Thus a measurement of mean yearly circulation R and mean return rate , for a homogeneous collection of books, suffices to determine the circulation characteristics of the collection, if our assumption of an exponential distribution of demand is statistically valid for the collection. This question of validity can be determined only by reference to actual data; if the formulas correspond to actual circulation data from a variety of collections, then our assumption is authenticated. It should be pointed out that these required correspondences are more stringent than was the case with the earlier, less unified theoryl. In the earlier version the intimate connection between p(mif p(m), via f(X), was not worked out. As a consequence, ) and in addition to R and AL,we were free to choose one of the constants for the assumed geometric circulation distribution p(m). - 16 - In the present, more thorozhgoing analysis, once R and are determined for a collection of books, all the probability distributions, p(m) and P(>m) as well as f(X) and f(kif m) are determined, in addition to D, the mean lemand. In the earlier analyses the constant y for the geometric approximation to the circulation distribution was additionally available, to be chosen to fit the data. analysis, once R and With the present, more complete are determined the form and magnitude of p(m) and P(>m) are fixed, as well as the value of D. In order to facilitate the comparison between theory and data for circulation distribution, the curves for P(>m) can be redrawn to make them functions of R, rather than D, for different values of and m. These are shown in Fig.6. note that, as functions of R, the values of P( m) depend much on We o not , except for the higher values of m. This is not surprising, for the mean circulation is equal to the sum of all the P(>m)'s for m R = 0, mp(m) = I P(>m) (9) I Large differences in the small values of P(>m) for m large can be compensated by small differences in the large values of P(>m) for m small, to come out with the same value of R. Thus, from Fig.6 one can quickly find what fraction of the books of a collection circulate m or more times a year, once one has determined the mean yearly circulation rate of the collection and has a rough idea of its return rate ., Values of P(.m) were measured for four collections, two from the cience Library at M.I.T. and two from the Countway Library of Medicine at Harvard 1 . The theoretical curves re - 17 1.0 i -i I .1I -- f T I i t -- 1· - -i . ... . ~..- L...I__-%__ .... i "~m Iic 1 -- 27T--L L] 0.5 ... _.__._ _,_ __t..... -- --cl - -t-.. 1 -+ .......-_ .. T + r.--t-__. -7 - -- ------- t - -- , :~~~~~~~~ ' +.. .. ., . j .. .] - ~.... . ........... ...... ,... . 5 --t--·--· ·- .. -"·---· ·-l-----rl, i i . i-·---i-i ;rC;r; . 5/; .. Il 0.1 . ·· i i. . . . . ·I I I .j .2s, . 7. ' HX ,1 . A !R < I o , t--- I @ ;,, - ,-b. ~~~~~~~ t 271-~~~~~~~~ jf/ c I ,F #-l o~IC :--- :1t '~- · I ' i. ' i 'II I- rC- --- t~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r--. --- ~ -t--- 4*'- -·i-. I - 0.05 .. / r/ I. P(>,m) I" I~~~~~~ -1...... 4----- -- 0.02 --- t/ I- / , -- - _ -.- I E ! iI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 0.01 .. t I . .I ',i iI t - I I I 1 I I ': _ I I .,t' ' I -.. IL.. ' _ ------.: -- : 'i - - - - - - - F -:-- - - -- _ .__ /' I 1--- :,: --- -/'I~I .005 6 8.' Idiv/ . I I , · · ·I ··- ·i ;r* i It ...1 i ,-----; .. I . ?O i . 2 ---- [. 0.2 . ~c I , t i~~ . - 2 R Fig.6.Expected fraction P(?m) of the collection that circulate m or more times per year, as function of mean circulation rate R, for values of m and of p, the mean return rate. i -- i '' I - - - 1 shown in Fig. 7; the related data are the small circles. The correspondence is well within the permissible error, particularly since the theoretical curves are fixed in both slope and value once R and have been specified. In addition to the mean demand rate D for the whole collection, one can obtain the mean demand rate d(m) of those books of the collection that circulate m times in a year. It can be obtained from the fraction f(kif m) of the books of the collection, with circulation rate m, that have demand rate A. d(m) = f( if m) d = Bm t ))X(f exp(- _ Thus )dX However = r = rl+(r) + (r)2 r 3 ] where r= X/(X+g) has been defined in Eq.(l). Therefore a series expansion for d(m) is obtained from Eq.(7), d(m) )=B.|( Bm I(rm+l+ ++ r+2 m · .)exp(--r)dk e k 0 Bm(B m Bm+ Note that + 1 ~ Note p(m)d(m) that = J o Bm+2+ fX ( (10) (Xandm)dX = D 0o The quantities d(m) are tabulated in Table III and are plotted against mean circulation rate R in Fig.8. We note that, for collections with mean circulation rate R as low as unity, the mean demand rate d(l) for books that circulate only once a year is a little greater than unity, but d(m) for m less than m. Evidently, when R 1 is 1, the books that circulate more than once per year correspond to exceptions, the occasional fluctuations above the average of arrivals for a book. For 19 - - I. 0 1.0 --- 3-------- - .---------. ~·-- .--- L. --^-.-·I'.------.--- P · 0.5 1 g m~ a ..5 ~ ~ ~ 4 :t~~~~~~~~~~~s .~~~~~~~~~~ bO 3 P · .2 0.2 o k 0.1 I 1------ I i 2--Z---.--- 4- I I I -0.1 I'-'"7 I I' I II i 1! L ' ' 'l II~ -1- - - 1.0 0.5 I·--·---· t I I t I Z' , ---- - -,- - "-- - ql 0.5 k---- A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 .2 1 - f t-- - --- -* 0.2 * 4------- ------ 0~t~i - - ---4 * ~ ___ I. -~~~~~~-,.-.- 0.1 c L-------- -- --- ----- .... *-T... --- ----------- ----------- ~~-- I 1 r--------------------i I i t ; I I.. ~ - -· ~--- -- - 9--------... t\ 1 11 -~ Fig.7.Measured values TT-T --- ------- -1-- -- . -4c 0. 1 -- ·- ---- t------- - - ·---I----- ·-----f ---------- I------, ---- -.------ i 1--c-K--~¾ ·-~-1. :---·- I ---·i t------- .. i ------ . -- of P(;m)(eircles), fraction of collection that circulates m or more times a year, compared to the solid lines from Eq.(7) for the values of R and i measured for the collection. - -0o5 . - - 20 - Fig.8. Mean demand rate d(m) for books of the collection that have circulation rate m, as function of mean circvalues ulation rate R, for different of m and return rate . See Eq.(10). III ' 1 --c --- C- II, .. -I 1t -------I i, i ..... ......... _ t .... +._ .... CcP12 = 1--- 6 ,u = 2 0 I - / , 4 - -- j - / --- - -t/-.. . /1 ' / j . - ,. - ' 'or _7___-____ ;A- _ -- ' __-/-----1------ ,' j - / _ __ d· m)-i +---- . -- - - - i , _- ---- - -4 --- --- -I•- -r -- - / ?/ .-. ......... / -m 4-' - -- - - ~~1 '''.-:.' - ' 32 - ,, · ..I - O~~~~ 2 R tt ~-"1 3 - R= 1.6 (D - 2) 21 - the mean demand d(m) for m = 1 to 3 exceeds the circulation rate m; d(4) is somewhat less than 4 for than 14. greater In general d(m) is less than m for m greater than roughly D 2 ; is greater than m for smaller values of m; with the d's for A< 10 considerable larger than those for A> 10. This is understandable; books circulating more often than their mean demand rate constitute fluctuations out on the "tail" of the distribution p(mif ). By similar methods we can obtain a measure of the ain in user satisfaction by the addition of duplicate copies of books in high demand. As indicated in Eq.(l), the circulation of a book with demand X is, on the average, r = /(X+4). Simple queuing theory6 shows that if the book is duplicated, the combined circulation of both is 2 1 - P[ - (p/2 ) 2p.(X+I)+ rl +p+p 2 P5 4 where p = (r/p.) = X/(X+4). p 6 8,+... (p 1) The expected gain in per-book circulation, in other words the expected reduction in the number of "disappointed" potential borrowers of a book, produced by the presence of a duplicate copy (which is often, but not always, on the shelf when the original copy is out) is For , the expected a homogeneous collection2 (11) For a homogeneous collection, the expected gain in per-book circulation, if all the books in the collection that circulated m times in a year were duplicated, would be - 22 - g(m) = m = (r 2 - r)f(Xand m) d (m+2) p(m+2) + (m3) Dm (m + 3 ) Bm+ 2 - m+ -. p(m+5) -. (12) The expected gain in mean per-book circulation, when all the books with circulation m or greater have duplicate copies is G(>m) = 2Ljg(n) (15) rl = yn Curves for G(Om), as function of mean demand D, for A= 12, are shown in Fig.9, together with curves for P(>m) and for the ratio G(>m)/P(> m), for different values of m. Note that, even if all the books of the collection were to be duplicated (m= 0), not all potential borrowers would be satisfied, for G(>O) is smaller than D-R, the mean per-book difference between demand and circulation. There are, of course, times when both books are out of the library and an arrival will be "disappointed", particularly when mean demand is great. The curves for G(>m) show that, for D greater than 2, about half the "unsatisfied" arrivals are "satisfied" by duplicating all the books that circulate 4 or more times per year (when D is less than 2 the fraction of arrivals not finding the book is so small that duplication is not worth while). However the curves for P(>a4) show that duplicating all books circulating 4 or more times yearly would mean duplicating a fifth or more of the collection, which may require more funds than are eemed appropriate. Duplicating all books circulating 5 or more times would involve tuplicating one book in ten, which may be a more reasonable allocation of book funds; but, of course this would "satisfy" only about a third of the expected "unsatisfied" arrivals. - cq) r-H - CM NN ; 4O LN E.- -o 0 r-4 0 (E)d E 4 I N CM Cu FrH4 N 0 A\ - & CM -H L\ o H4 (m )s o 0 Fig.9. Mean gain G(f-m) in circulation rate if those books of collection circulating m or more times are duplicated, for = 12. Corresponding curves for P(r.m), fraction of collection duplicated, and for G(~.m)/P(Žm), added circulation per book duplicated. - 24 - Perhaps a criterion for the allocation of funds to buying duplicate copies lies in the expected circulation of the duplicate copies. If the whole collection were duplicated, the mean additional circulation would of course be less than the mean circulation R for a collection of single copies, for there will always be times when both copies are on the shelf when a prospective borrower arrives and thus the duplicate copy is not used. The ratio G(>m)/P(>m), the expected gain in circ- ulation divided by the number of duplicates (loosely speaking, the expected mean per-book circulation of the duplicates) can provide a criterion, for if this ratio is equal to or greater than the mean circulation R of the unduplicated collection, then, on the average, each duplicate copy will be "working as hard" as the average book in the unduplicated collection. see that G(t>5)/P(;-5) is roughly equal to R for 2< D Therefore, for a collection with return rate We 4. = 12, a uplicate copy of each book circulating 5 or more times would be used as often as an average copy in the unduplicateA collection, and thus would be as "useful" as an average new purchase. When p. is less than 12, the value of m for breakeven is less than 5; when > 12, the value is greater than 5. Change with Time. A defect in the previous incomplete analysis 6 is that time was introduced as a discrete variable. Since circulation m was considered basic, rather than demand rate , a change in circulation with time had to be constructed in terms of a discrete Markov chain. This enabled one to include the - 25 - variability of circulation with time, but confined the calculation to yearly intervals, with no simple way to change the time scale. With the present analysis, since demand rate X is itself a probabilistic parameter innerently implying a variability of circulation, it is possible to consider (and therefore D for a collection) as changing continuously with time and ask how the distribution in circulation correspondingly changes. Thus, for low demand collections, we can ask how the circulation distribution changes in a 5-year interval, without having to make the calculation sequentially, year by year. Also, for books of high demand, it is possible to calculate the change in a 6-month period, instead of being confined to 1-year intervals. Thus we assume that the mean demand rate D of a given collection of books (in a given library) is a function of time, probably decreasing monotonically (though there may be special exceptions). If its value at some instant is D, at some later time the mean demand rate for the same set of books will be wD, where is a function of time (perhaps a negative expon- ential e t/T). There are not yet enough data to determine the nature of this time dependence, but a beginning can be made by studying the data on change in circulation in a year's time. A change in D does not imply that the demand rate for each individual book in the collection varies proportionally to D. All it implies is that, as the individual demand rates change with time, the same fraction of the collection experiences an averafe change in by D. proportional to that experienced In other words if, after an interval of time, the mean - 26 - demand rate of the collection (same books, no new books added) is wD, then the distribution in demand keeps the exponential form f'() d X -D e- /wD dX' -'/D D where d' D X' =- ( Thus, if mean demand rate D becomes D' = D after some period of time, the mean circulation rate will change from R(,D) to = R according to Eq.(8). = 1 - (/D')e/DEl(/D ' ) (14) Figure 10 shows plots of the ratio R'/R between the mean circulation R' after demand has become D' = (D and the original rate R, as function of the original rate R, for different values of w and of . From thesecurves one can from measurements of mean determine the appropriate value of circulation rate at the beginning and end of a time interval. In connection with the earlier, less complete analysis6 , the relationship between circulation rate at one time and the rate a year later, was exhibited by measuring the mean circulation rate N(m) of those books of a collection that had all circulated m times the year before. The analogous quantity is q(m,w): if we consider all the books in the collection that initially had circulation rate m, q(m,w) is the mean circulation rate of these same books after the mean demand rate of the collection had changed from D to wD. The fraction of the collection having circulation rate m that have demand rate between according to Eq.(7). and X + d is f(X if m)d;A, At the end of the time period the demand rate for these books will have changed to o. According to Eq.(l) the expected circulation rate for a book of demand - 27 - Fig.l0. Proportional reduction R'/R in mean circulation rate if mean demand rate D has reduced by a factor w during interval, as function of initial R. See Eq.(14). 0.9 I i-- ·- r------+-t-···--- 8 I! 1 ----'-5- lc- --_-t3- c'lt _ 1- 0 ------- -i c; t 0.8 " c -t-----~~~-i-~-~~ - -r~~I !~-~--t~~~-- 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---- TV --C-----" .-- TV i i I I ' A, .... 4 -e . _ __. i~.. ___ +-_ ._. " . '' .- I 8 . . j , : ti __ _ _ _ _--.-~"~. II -it t 0 0.7 I * t::- ___ R' _ - _- I i R --c .r FI i_ --. ~ -e _ _ ~~~~~-. I _ _ I , _ ic~ ' P' L _ * -_. _ __ I --- 7I i I iI . LC . - -t'. i i ii i i . . I - __- 0.6 i, i ! i __ - _..... - I 0.5 f - , ____ ... _ _ iLc ; --- t.A - f= --- I _ -i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , f--i-- i I 1- .. ..I 'O 00- -- . I . i /C , I -r-- 1· ._ k- i I- -------- '- ...... _ m _ .E 1 ! i I~ i ~ _rC~ ~"~~" I ~cC~ ~ - ~ CL·.Ie i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i--i j-- ~ ;Sp~--' _ ~ ~ 7 ---- ----- ~ ~ =;I- .I , ... .. .I I~~~~~~ Ii 4 I i 0.4 -- . _ .- = 8 I I A= 12 _-- 4= 16 = -7 I - II 20 ... ... -- . I .+ . _ i + _ _. , - . . . II . 0o I I -C . _ -aL ____- i----1l 0.2 2 R - 28 - rate wX will be wX r(wX) r() - (-w)r - -3+ = r 2 + (l) ir + = where r = r(X) = 2 r3 + . /(X+4) as in Eq.(l). The mean circulation of these same books (that all hal circulation rate m at the beginning of the interval) will be, at the end of the period, q(m,) = f r(w)f(kif m)dX =BmS = r 2 + ... r + B Bm-+ 1 Bm+ , + rmexp(- ( where we have utilized Eq.(7) again. r) dX (15) W) The series converges fairly rapidly as long as m(l-w) is small compared to . Figures 11 and 12 show curves, for different values of the initial mean circulation rate of the collection, of q(m,w) the final mean circulation rate of those books of the collection that circulated m times a year, after the collection's mean demand rate has changed from D to wD, plotted as functions of m. Note that q(m,l) = (Bm/Bm+ l ) is not equal to m; the mean circulation next year of those books that circulated m times this year is not necessarily equal to m, as has been pointed out before. Once R and one parameter. are determined for a given collection, only , is left to be determined by the change in circulation with time. This is in contrast to the earlier, less complete analysis, where two parameters, a and available to fit the data. 3, were Consequently it is of interest to see how well the scanty observational data can be fit by the - 29 - - - 'i ..MUI -- . II II - - f I -a,- : lv n f An -,,n+-,a 0+ h; -- - 4- I -1 I . ",- - .,-- U- period q(m,w) of books circulating i times initially, if mean demand ra -.-.-.----- has decreasedby factor w in interva - 5 -- 4. ~ __ __ _ . __. _ ._1 - 20 : .......... ,3 .8 ' 1---- -- ----- -- -- --------- * = -- = 12 _ ~~....~5"- --- = 1 I .. ·---- !z ·-- ---i--- I I I ----.-- ---i I = .6 I i 3 ___··i_ ___ i r --_ .4 ,4 ___ -. _ ____.__ 1// ;J/ . .-k .,- ~~~~~_ W = .2 I . x..x.;.I -- --L-·· --- 1 ./ _ ,.s ·--- --·-r--·- I _··· -·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r iT~~~~~ 0 t _ ! I I l _ 0 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --. .. --- --- I I -- .- - - 1 I - i i i i I t --- iI --- -Ti -i -- -III ~ ~ R~ ~i 0.9 ~ ~i -1 , I II ~ ~~~~~ t 3 _ _ _ -P -e-- -- -_-- 1. I i I i I I, -------- i f- - I--- .e-10 1-c= .. 0-i Ii r", . .. I 'I =1 W-- i I i I . ._ .. i ' '_ -. . i -- i 3 I I I _S C5- I 1 d , I I--- -.A 000f _ ----O VJ .Via; FC-;/ I TIC·Y FP-' --- --- 0 0 f .- _Z-, ]1 I I I 1 __- . ~ _I _ 1- 1 i ! 2C- 2 I ;· .I: . ,-------- 5 i m 3 ~ I~ g i_ . . ,- _ . - i- S . . _ _ L. _ _ ------ -------l f_ I IT. ! d I /.I . LL 1w-. I Ir , , ... - iClc-- - - - -t I i F" _ _- ~~Z~rrtL1C 0 --- -.---+ --- -. i I mr~1C~ - _____ _ t =.6 0 0--, 7 =.8 , 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .I,,, Il 4 i l 5 6 - 30 -- -1 4 =.8 =.6 -3 W.4 -,.2 1 0 4 1 ,.8 3 3 2 1 ,.2 0 m - single parameter w after R and collection in question. 1 - have been determined for the Figure 13 shows this correspondence for four different collections in the Science Library at MIT. The circles indicate measured values of q(m,w), mean circulation rate a year later, for those books that had circulated m times in the previous year. The values of R and had already been determined for each collection; the best value of mined by interpolation of Figs. 11 and 12. was deter- It is interesting to note that the best value for w is 0.9 for all four collections; the differences between the curves come about because of the differences in R and . The data available at present indicates that the analysis outlined in this paper is valii for many, if not all, homogeneous collections of library books. More data is needed, however, particularly data on P(>,m) for collections for which R and have been determined, to strengthen tis tentative conclusion. As far as dependence on time is concerned, many more data are needed, particularly on the change with time of R (and also of ), for the same collection of books, over a 5 to 10 year period. Further values of q(m,w) would also be useful, to compare with Figs. 11 and 12 and to see how w changes with time. - 32 - .v0 \ o 0O · co,\N O co d' ," 0 -o0 -4 0 000zII II 11 ) \" pq Z 1.3 S C . . CM "" . _ . 0 __ _ - 0 I_ I cM 0 cM 0 (mn'm)b ( 'wu)b - W0 U2O cO Co 0 * l- N O WC\CM 0 o0 ·)1 i II o II ,, Z 1. 3 4 0 (O (nru)b 0 CN C0 0 0 M' t4 0 () 'tu)b Fig.13. Measured values (circles) of mean circulation a year later q(m,o), of those books that circulated m times in the past year, compared with solid lines obtained from Eq. (15). - 33 - References. 1 Morse, P.M., Library Effectiveness, a Systems Approach, MIT Press, 1958. Also Chen, C.C., Applications of Operations Research Models to Libraries, 2. Morse, P.M. Loc.Cit. page 119. 3. Morse, P.M. Loc.Cit. page 57. IT Press, 1976. Se also Morse, P.M. ueues, Inventories and Maintenance, Wiley, 1958. page 14. 4. Morse, P.M. Demand for Library Materials, an Exercise in Probability Analysis, in process of publication. 5. Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, Edited by M.Abramowitz and I.A.Stegun, 1964, U.S.Government Printing Office, page 227. 6. Morse, P.M., Loc.Cit. page 71. 7. Morse, P.M., Loc. Cit. page 87. Also Chen, C.C. Loc.Cit. page 11. - 34 - TABLE I. Normalising Constant Bm, Fraction p(m) of Collection Circulating m Times and Fraction P( m) Circulating m or more Times. See Eq.(7). m p(m)m' =1/DB0.P(42 m p (m)m = /DBm p(m)m' P (t m) =1/DBm . 0 1 2 0.5308 .2626 .2415 3 4 5 6 .3135 .5081 .9690 2.095 7 8 5.003 12.97 9 35.98 142 1.00 .469 .207 .086 .034 .012 .004 .002 .001 .000 0.5207 .2590 .2461 .3361 ! f- f5- * p.po 1.223 2.943 7.943 23.57 75.84 1.( 00 .4 79 20 .2; .097 / .u 4 1 P (>m) i .6267 1.371 3.487 10.04 1.010 .485 .22 7 .10 I4 .046 .02O .008 .005 32.03 .oo1 111.7 .00 1 0.5155 .2570 .2475 .5470 l .0 17 .007 .0 03 .0 01 .0 00 20 i R = 0. 8942 R = 0.3653 p(m)m =1/DBm P(>m) D = 1 R C = 16 12 = 8 I i I I I i R = 0.9126 0.5126 .2557 .2436 .3531 .6516 1 .465 1. 0 .487 .252 . 108 .049 .022 .009 .004 11.54 38.553 .002 141.2 .001 3.854 l D = 2 R = 1. 3969 0 0.3722 1.00 1 .2584 .628 2 .312 .369 3 4 .5902 1.302 .204 5 3.35453 6 9.625 7 8 30.29 102.4 9 367.53 .001 .105 .051 .023 .010 .004 R = 1.5408 0.3606 .2460 1.00 .639 .3225 . 6044 1.441 4.127 .5393 13.31 .057 .o019 .009 .004 48.25 191.0 815.4 .232 .132 .071 R= 1.6284 0.3540 .2401 .5171 .6073 1.498 4.464 15.42 59.98 257.8 1205. R = 1.6873 1.00 .646 .406 0.3512 .2359 .5127 1.00 .247 .6057 1.523 4.660 .257 .156 .092 16.65 .053 .030 .146 .084 .047 .025 .013 . 007 67.53 304.7 1505. .649 .413 .017 .009 - 35 TABLE I. Continued A= 1 2 L = 8 m p(m)m' P( m) p(m)m' = P( m) 0 1 2 0.2913 .2345 .3524 3 4 .7338 1.883 5 5.593 .097 6 18.52 7 66.65 .051 .025 8 9 256.2 1039. 1.00 .709 .474 .298 .176 .012 .005 R = 2.2521 R = 2.0954 0.2802 .2171 1.00I .720 I .5302 .505 .?189 1.989 .55338 .218 6.551 24.65 .1355 .08C 103.1 469.5 2295. .046I .026 I .014 I I 0.2761 .2081 P(~ m) =1/DBm D = R= 1.8500 p(m)m P( m) =l/DBm =1/DB m =1/DBm p (m)m' 20 16 I I * I 1.0 )0 R = 2.3614 0.2748 1.0( .72 4 .2024 .72'35 .3167 .7001 .516 . 55 3 18 1.997 6.878 27.45 .24 .1 .15 '8 .1C )O .06 ,2 .35074 .6847 1.982 6.990 28.80 .52! 5 .·36 .2512 .17; .11L4. 134.8 701.0 .07d .04' 7 3991. .03(0 123.4 611.8 3295. .038 .02 D = 4 R= 2.2187 0 0.2407 1.00 1 2 3 4 .2119 .3518 .8086 2.284 · 759 .547 5 6 7 7.444 26.95 105.4 .142 8 4539.6 9 1928. .5372 .237 .079 .042 .021 .010 R = 2.5650 0.2359 .1906 .3170 .7565 2.297 8.300 34.25 156.6 779.2 41535. 1.00 .766 .576 .417 .291 .195 .126 .079 .047 .028 R = 2.7939 0.2359 .1790 .2960 .7131 2.220 8.563 36.50 179.5 972.9 5721. 1.00 R = 2.9578 0.2387 1.010 .585 .1719 .2828 .76 1 . 58'9 .437 .68352 .518 .226 2.151 8.261 8 .44, .355 4 .156 .105 .070 .046 57.12 189.6 1076. 6692. .764 .24 5 .17 6 .124 .08 7 .06 O - 6 - TABLE II. Relationship between Mean Demand Rate D and Mean Circulation Rate R, relative to Mean Return Rate , for a Homogeneous Collection. D/A D/4 R/p 0.00 0.00000 0.26 0.17964 .02 .01925 .28 .04 .06 .0O .03713 .30 .05385 .06956 .32 .18941 .19881 .20788 .34 .21663 .10 .12 .08437 .09838 .22509 .14 .18 .11167 .12431 .13637 .36 .38 .40 .42 .44 .20 .14789 .26352 .22 .15892 .46 .48 .24 .16949 .50 .16 0.00000 .01 .02 .01020 .02082 .03 .04 .03186 .52 .54 .56 0.10 0.35164 .35648 .356121 .86 .88 .37483 .37919 .38346 .38766 .39176 .36584 .37038 .66 .68 .27053 .70 .72 .32580 .33121 33649 5 .34165 .27734 .74 .34671 .94 .96 .98 1.00 D/ip R/ D/p 0.30 .21 .22 0.30258 .32478 .34788 0.57074 .60418 .63907 .37193 .39697 .33 .34 .67550 .42303 .35 .45018 .47347 .36 .50795 .53869 ·57074 .38 .75330 .79485 . 3830 .838577 .93137 .98120 .23327 .24119 .24886 .25630 0.12239 0.20 .13743 .14 .18621 .05 .06 .04334 .05528 .06768 .23 .24 .15 .20376 .22201 .25 .26 .07 .08 .08058 .09398 .17 .27 .28 .09 .10 .10791 .12239 .19 .20 .24099 .26072 .28123 .18 .28397 .29042 .29670 0.76 .78 .80 .82 .84 .30281 .11 .12 .13 .16 0.27734 .58 .60 .62 .64 D/4i D/ 0.00 0.50 .15307 .16932 .30258 .29 .30 .30877 .31459 .32026 .90 .92 .31 .32 .37 .39 .40 .39580 .39976 .40365 .71355 TABLE III. Continued m = d(m) 0 1.016 xm 1 2 d(m) 0.897 0.838 Am d(m) 0.800 km d(m) 1.242 xm 1.020 km d(m) 0.911 m d(m) Am 0.820 6 2.100 4.219 5.153 5.878 6.207 . 732 1.623 2.501 3.599 4.300 5.190 = 8 = 12 1.886 2.883 3. 392 4.878 5.775 6.416 .7726 1.587 2.435 3.308 4. 199 5.099 1.780 D= 3 2.720 3.680 16 4.646 5.577 6.355 .7671 1.566 2.394 3.246 4.117 5.003 1.719 D = 3 2.622 5.407 6.243 .7638 1.554 = 20 3.543 4.479 2. 368 3.203 4.053 4.927 2.631 D=4 4.026 5.362 6.529 7.369 7.653 ,8469 1.780 2.730 3.824 4.885 5.944 =8 D = 4 d(m) 5 D= 3 3.180 D= 3 d(m) xm 4 4 = 12 2.252 3.481 4. 741 5.972 7.063 7. 7853 .8316 1.724 2.670 3.662 4.687 5.736 2.103 = 4 3.242 = 16 4.423 5.620 6.767 7.693 .82358 1.694 2.607 3.560 4.546 5.561 D= 4 3.010 =20 4.098 5.212 2.563 3.496 6.317 7.296 4.450 5.433 1.961 .8191 1.676 See E. (10).