SP212 Lab: One Electrostatics Version: January 14, 2015 PHYSICS II LAB 1 SP212 ElectrostaticsPre‐LabAssignment 1. Anelectroscopeconsistsofneutral(uncharged)conductingmaterialincontactwith twogoldleavesatthebottom(whicharealsoconducting).Apositivelycharged conductingrodisbroughtcloseto,butisnotallowedtotouchtheelectroscope. Whatisthesignofthenetchargeoneachofthegoldleaves? A.Oneisnegative,oneispositive. B.Botharenegative. C.Botharepositive. D.Zerobecausethenetchargeinaconductoris0. E.Zerobecausethereisnocontactwiththeconductingrod. Explain: 2. Instead,anegativelychargedrubberrodisbroughtneartheknobofapositively chargedelectroscope.Theresultisthat: A.theelectroscopeleaveswillmovefartherapart. B.therodwillloseitscharge. C.theelectroscopeleaveswilltendtocollapse. D.theelectroscopewillbecomedischarged. E.nothingnoticeablewillhappen. Explain: Page 1 of 2 SP212 Lab: One Electrostatics Version: January 14, 2015 3. Each of the spheres (balls) in the below diagram are made of pith (a light weight spongelikematerialfoundinsomeplants)andstartthescenarioneutrallycharged. The pith balls, of mass m, are then charged, by touching them with a charged rod, suchthatthenoweachballhasthesameamountofchargelittleq.Assumetheballs arenotacceleratingandthatthetaisasmallangle. a) Draw the Free Body Diagram for the forces acting on the ball attached to the string of length L. b) Write the Newton’s second law expression for the sum of the forces in the x‐direction. c) Write the Newton’s second law expression for the sum of the forces in the y‐direction. d) Student X claims that the formula for the electrostatic force of this pendulum device is approximately FE m g X ball . L Is that student correct? Why or why not? ShowAllWork: Page 2 of 2