'j Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Coupling Boundary Layer of Air-Water Interaction Flow by Song Liu Submitted to the Center for Ocean Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Ocean Engineering and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2005 o Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2005. All rights reserved. A u th or ................................................... Center for Ocean Pngineering Department of Mechanical Engineering / -August 29, 2005 C ertified by ......................... 'L/Dick K. P. Yue Professor, Center for Ocean Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor A ccepted by ............................ Professor Lallit Anand Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Student Department of Mechanical Engineering MASSACHUSETTS INS OF TECHNOLOGY NO E 7 2005 LIBRARIES _ 2 Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Coupling Boundary Layer of Air-Water Interaction Flow by Song Liu Submitted to the Center for Ocean Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 29, 2005, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Science in Ocean Engineering and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Air-water interaction flow between two parallel flat plates, known as Couette flow, is simulated by direct numerical simulation. The two flowing fluids are coupled through continuity of velocity and shear stress condition across the interface. Pseudo-spectral method is used in each flow subdomain with Fourier expansion in streamwise and spanwise directions and finite difference in vertical direction. Statistically quasi-steady flow properties, such as mean velocity profiles, turbulent intensities, Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget terms show significant differences between air-water interface turbulence near the water side (IntT-w) and wall-bounded turbulence(WT) while there are some similarities between Int T-w and free surface turbulence (FST). Due to the velocity fluctuation at the interface, water side near interface turbulence flow (IntT-w) is characterized with a thinner viscous sub-layer and decreased intercept parameter B in log-law layer, strengthened Reynolds stress and eddy viscosity, together with a stronger production term, decreasing-then-increasing dissipation term and negative turbulent diffusion term in TKE budget. Abundant physical phenomena exist on the water side turbulent flow with four major types of three-dimensional vortex structures identified near the interface by variable-interval spacing averaging (VISA) techniques. Each type of vortex structures is found to play an essential role in the turbulent energy balance and passive scalar transport. Thesis Supervisor: Dick K. P. Yue Title: Professor, Center for Ocean Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgments First and foremost I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Dick K. P. Yue for being the best advisor who is always trying to give me great help in my research. His broad knowledge of this field has greatly benefited my research. Special thanks to Professor Lian Shen for co-supervising me and giving me hand-on instructions. Ideas and support have been provided by him throughout the course of this thesis. Much of my graduate student's time was spent in my office and interacting with fellow students. I would like to acknowledge a few in particular: Dr. Yuming Liu, for giving me very important inspiration and help in life; Dr. Kelli Hendrickson, Dr. George Papaioanou, Areti Kiara and Dr. Guangyu Wu, for helping me a lot in my research. Every discussion with them inspired my thoughts in many ways. None of this would have been possible without the support and encouragement of my parents and my wife, Min Jiang. I am so grateful for their love, support and understanding. Finally, I would like to thank the Office of Naval Research for providing funding for this project. 5 6 Contents 23 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction of air-water interaction flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1.2 Wall and free surface turbulence flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.2.1 Wall turbulence flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1.2.2 Free surface turbulence flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Research on air-water interaction flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1.3.1 Previous research review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1.3.2 Development of simulation tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1.3.3 Our research objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1.3.4 Outlines of this thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1.3 2 Mathematical formulation and numerical method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.3.1 Numerical schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.3.2 Computational grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.3.3 Initial condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Parallel computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.1 Problem statement 2.2 Mathematical formulation 2.3 Numerical algorithm 2.4 33 2.4.1 Spectral method parallelization 2.4.2 Parallel performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.4.3 Parallel environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 7 3 Computational result of Direct Numerical Simulation: results 51 3.1 Overview of numerical simulation and flow characteristics . . . . . . . 51 3.1.1 Initial flow condition and time evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.1.2 Quasi-steady state testification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 Statistical Flow property profiles and near boundary behavior . . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.2.1 Velocity fluctuations and turbulence intensity 3.2.2 Mean velocity profiles 3.2.3 Reynolds shear stress and eddy viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.2.4 Near interface behavior of vorticity fluctuation . . . . . . . . . 65 3.2.5 Passive scalar transfer 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distributions of turbulent fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.3.1 Skewness and Flatness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.3.2 Probability density function of turbulent fluctuations . . . . . 76 3.3.3 Joint probability density functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 3.3.4 Weighted function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 3.3.5 Correlation coefficients between turbulent fluctuations . . . . . 84 Two-point correlation and integral scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.4.1 Horizontal two-point correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.4.2 Three-dimensional two-point correlation 94 3.4.3 Spectrum and Co-spectrum of turbulent fluctuations 94 3.4.4 Integral scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Turbulence transport budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 3.5.1 Turbulence kinematic energy (TKE) budget . . . . . . . . . . 103 3.5.2 Reynolds stress budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 3.5.3 Enstrophy dynamics 110 3.5.4 Budget for scalar transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Computational result of DNS: Coherent Structures 115 4.1 115 Two-dimensional streaky structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.2 5 4.1.1 Low-speed and high-speed streaks . . . . . . . . . 115 4.1.2 Distribution of streaky structures . . . . . . . . . 118 . . . . . . . . . . 120 4.2.1 Definition of vortex core in shear flow . . . . . . . 122 4.2.2 Instantaneous coherent structures . . . . . . . . . 123 4.2.3 Conditional averaging coherent structures . . . . 129 4.2.4 Dynamic scalar transfer with structures . . . . . 132 4.2.5 Air-water interaction near the interface . . . . . 138 Three-dimensional coherent structures 155 Conclusions 9 10 List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1-3 Air-sea interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1-4 Turbulence boundary layer profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1-5 Identification of coherent structures that are responsible for turbulence 1-1 Atmospheric water vapor concentration. 1-2 Scalar transport at the interface. production near the wall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1-6 Hairpin vortex in the wall turbulent boundary layer . . . . . . . . . . 28 2-1 Definition sketch of air-water interaction Couette flow . . . . . . . . . 34 2-2 Subdomain-to-subdomain alternation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2-3 Computational domain and meshes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2-4 Two-point correlations: streamwise separations. (a) R,',';(b)R,'v,; (c)R.'2'. Correlations are calculated at two different vertical positions on the air side, corresponding to z = 0.007 and z = 0.993 respectively. 2-5 41 Two-point correlations: spanwise separations. (a) Re'a';(b)Rv'o'; (c)RWIWI. Correlations are calculated at two different vertical positions on the air side, corresponding to z = 0.007 and z = 0.993 respectively . . . . . . 2-6 42 Grid resolution validation: (a) mean velocity; (b) turbulent intensity. -- , 64x 64x 96 x 2; - , 128 x 128 x 128 x 2; o, 256 x 256 x 256 x 2. All velocity components are normalized by shear velocity. . . . . . . . 43 2-7 Sketch of transpose method. .... ...... . . . 46 2-8 Parallel efficiency (comparing with original in-serial source. . . . . . . 48 2-9 High performance cluster in VFRL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 11 . ... . . . . ...... 2-10 HPC cluster structure diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 449 Time evolution of mean velocity ii profile on the (a) air side and (b) water side; turbulence intensity q2 profile on the (c) air side and (d) w ater side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Quasi-steady state validation: (a) time-evolution of different flow properties; (b) time-evolution turbulent intensity in different flow regions. 3-3 54 56 Quasi-steady velocity fluctuation profiles: (a) velocity fluctuation profiles before normalization; (b) near boundary behavior of u'ms; (c)near boundary behavior of v'ms; (d)near boundary behavior of w'ms. Here h+ refers to the normalized distance from each boundary. . . . . . . . 3-4 58 Quasi-steady velocity fluctuation profiles comparing with experimental result at Re = 180 [27] and DNS results at Re = 194 [19]. . . . . . . 3-5 Mean velocity profiles: (a) Linear law region (b) Log-law region 3-6 Quasi-steady flow properties: . . . 59 61 (a) overview of normalized turbulent shear, mean shear rate and eddy viscosity; (b) near boundary behavior of mean velocity gradient; (c) near-boundary behavior of turbulent shear stress; (d) near-boundary behavior of turbulent shear stress in log-scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Quasi-steady vorticity fluctuation profiles: profiles; (b) near boundary behavior of w' (a) vorticity fluctuation n; (c) near boundary be- havior of woms; (d)near boundary behavior of w'rm8. All vorticity components are normalized by v/u*2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 63 66 Time evolution of mean scalar c on the (a) water and (b) air side; Time evolution of scalar fluctuation c'c' on the (c) water and (d) air side. 12 . 69 3-9 Quasi-steady scalar properties profiles: (a) mean scalar; (b) root-meansquare value of scalar fluctuation; (c) turbulent transport term; (d) molecular and turbulent diffusivity. Comparison with molecular diffusivity: for Sc = 1.0, the molecular diffusivity is 1.14 x 10- 6m 2 S- 1 and 1.45 x 10- 5 m 2 S- 1 for water and air side respectively; for Sc = 4.0, the value is about 2.85 x 10- 7m 2 s 1 and 3.63 x 10- 6m 2 S- 1 correspondingly. 71 3-10 Near boundaries behavior of quasi-steady scalar properties : (a)-(b) scalar fluctuation profile on the (a) water and (b) air sides; (c)-(d) turbulent scalar transport on the (c) water and (d) air sides. . . . . . 72 3-11 Near boundaries behavior of quasi-steady scalar properties log-scale: (a)-(b) scalar fluctuation profile on the (a) water and (b) air sides; (c)-(d) turbulent scalar transport on the (c) water and (d) air sides. . 73 3-12 Near boundaries behavior of turbulent scalar diffusivity in the water and air side: (a)-(b) plotted in linear scale; (c)-(d) plotted in log-scale. 74 3-13 Skewness profiles of three velocity components on the (a) water and (b ) air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3-14 Flatness profiles of three velocity components on the (a) water and (b) air sid e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 3-15 Skewness profiles for the scalar fluctuations on the (a) water and (b) air sid e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 3-16 Flatness profiles for the scalar fluctuations on the (a) water and (b) air sid e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Skewness profiles for u'V, c'w' and L' 3-18 Flatness profiles for u'w', c'w' and o' 78 on the (a) water and (b) air side. 78 on the (a) water and (b) air side. 79 3-19 PDF of (a) u'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'V'; (f)c'u' on the water side at different horizontal planes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3-20 PDF of (a) n'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'w'; (f)c'u' on the air side at different horizontal planes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 81 3-21 Conditional PDF of (a) u'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'w'; (f)c' ' on the water side near the interface at h+ = 10. 1-(u' > 0, w' > 0), 2-(u' < 0, w' > 0), 3-(u' < 0, w' < 0), 4-(u' > 0, w' < 0). . . . . . . . 82 3-22 Conditional PDF of (a) u'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'w'; (f)c''u' on the air side near the interface at h+ = 5.5. 1-(u' > 0, w' > 0), 2-(u' < 0, w' > 0), 3-(u' < 0, w' < 0), 4-(u' > 0, w' < 0). . . . . . . . 83 3-23 Joint PDF of u' and w' at different horizontal planes on each fluid side: (a) z=-0.001; (b)z=-0.019; (c) z=-0.27; (d) z=0.001; (e)z=0.019; (f)z= 0.27. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3-24 Joint PDF of c' and w' at different horizontal planes on each fluid side: (a) z=-0.001; (b)z=-0.019; (c) z=-0.27; (d) z=0.001; (e)z=0.019; (f) z= 0.27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 Weight function of 86 V'W' on the (a) water and (b) air side near the interface at different horizontal planes (z=-0.00112 and z=0.00112 for water and air side respectively). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 Weight function of 1i'' 87 on the (a) water and (b) air side near the interface at different horizontal planes (z=-0.27 and z=0.27 for water and air side respectively). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 3-27 Weight function of c'w' on the (a) water and (b) air side near the interface at different horizontal planes (z=-0.00112 and z=0.00112 for water and air side respectively). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3-28 Weight function of c'W' on the (a) water and (b) air side near the interface at different horizontal planes (z=-0.27 and z=0.27 for water and air side respectively). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3-29 Correlation coefficients of turbulent variables on the (a)-(c) water and (d )-(f) air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 Two-point correlation of ', v', 91 w', c' in the x- direction with (a) z=- 0.001; (b) z=-0.28 on the water side and (c) z=0.001; (d) z=0.28 on the air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 92 3-31 Two-point correlation of u', v', w', c' in the y- direction with (a) z=- 0.001; (b) z=-0.28 on the water side and (c) z=0.001; (d) z=0.28 on the air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 3-32 Specified 3D two-point correlation of c'(Sc = 1) and w': correlation coefficient contours in horizontal planes with (a) z=-0.0034 and (b) z=0.22; (c) correlation coefficient contours in the vertical Ax - z plane with Ay = 0; (d) correlation coefficient contours in the vertical Ay - z plane with Ax = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3-33 Spectrum and co-spectrum in the x-direction near the interface on the water side (z=-0.022) and air side (z=0.007). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 3-34 Spectrum and co-spectrum in the x-direction on the water side (z=0.28) and air side (z=0.28). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 3-35 Spectrum and co-spectrum in the y-direction near the interface on the water side (z=-0.022) and air side (zz=0.007). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 3-36 Spectrum and co-spectrum in the y-direction on the water side (z=0.28) and air side (z=0.28). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 3-37 Taylor lengthscale profiles in the interaction flow. (a)-(b): lengthscale in the x direction; (c)-(d): lengthscale in the y direction for air (a, c) and water (b, d) sides respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 3-38 Macro-lengthscale profiles in the interaction flow. (a)-(b): lengthscale in the x direction; (c)-(d): lengthscale in the y direction for air (a, c) and water (b, d) sides respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3-39 Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget terms: (a) overview of TKE budget; (b) near-interface amplification. All terms are normalized by v/ l * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 3-40 Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget terms: (a) Production term; (b) Dissipation term; (c) Turbulent transport term; (d) Viscous diffusion term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 3-41 u'u' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 3-42 v'v' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 15 3-43 'w' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 u'w' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 109 3-45 Enstrophy dynamics of c'.: (a) near the interface behavior; (b) near the wall boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 3-46 Enstrophy dynamics of w': (a) near the interface behavior; (b) near the wall boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 3-47 Enstrophy dynamics of 2': (a) near the interface behavior; (b) near the wall boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 3-48 c'c' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 3-49 c'w' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4-1 Time series of streaky structures at the air-water interface: (a) t=4000; (b) t=4050; (c) t=4100. 4-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macro-lengthscale and Taylor lengthscale profiles in the interaction flow: (a) Macro-lengthscale; (b) Taylor lengthscale. 4-3 116 . . . . . . . . . . 117 Distribution of streaky structures on air and water sides: (a) z = 0, h+ = 0, at the interface; (b)h+ = 1.2 (z = 0.005 for the air side and z = -0.01 for the water side); (c) h+ = 11 (z = 0.04 for the air side and z = -0.1 for the water side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 4-4 Indicators of streaky structures: (a) water side; (b) air side. 121 4-5 Vortex definition for numerical result of flow past wavy wall([59]): (a) . . . . . isosurface of vorticity; (b) isosurface of A2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Isosurface of A2 on the water and air side: air-water interaction flow with Re* = 120 and Re* = 271. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 124 Isosurface of A2 on the water and air side: Gas-liquid count flow with R e' = Re* = 180( [36]). 4-8 124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Vortex structures on the air and water sides near the interface, and scalar concentration on the vertical cross-section cutting through the head portion of a hairpin-shaped vortex. 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 4-9 Vortex inclination angles diagram: (a) 0,z; (b)Oyz defined by O.,z tan- 1 (OX/wz) and Oyz = tan 1 (ky/wz). wz will be defined by Oz tan-' (w'/w) based on vorticity fluctuation values. . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 Histograms of vortex inclination angles, Oyz in the (y, z)Oxz in the (x, z)- = 126 plane and plane, at various distances from the interface. . . . 127 4-11 Time-evolution of hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (vortex illustrated by iso-surface of A2 =-0.0008). . . . . . . . . . . 130 4-12 Hairpin vortices in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of L': (a)iso-surface of A2 =-0.003; (b) vortexlines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 4-13 Single and paired interface-attached ("U"-shape) vortices in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of wz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 4-14 Quasi-streamwise vortices in the the conditional averaged VISA flow field of w,: streamlines and iso-surface of A2 =-0.00034. . . . . . . . 134 4-15 Coherent hairpin vortex structures in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of w': (a)iso-surface of A2 =-0.003 with w' at the interface; (b) streamlines and turbulence production contours on the vertical cross-section cutting through the hairpin vortex. . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 4-16 Coherent interface-attached vortex structures in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of wz: (a)interface-attached single and interfaceattached paired ("U"-shape) vortices with wz at the interface; (b) turbulence production contours on the vertical cross-section cutting through U-shape attached vortices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 4-17 Coherent quasi-streamwise vortex structures in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of w,: (a)quasi-streamwise vortices (A2 =-0.00034) with passive scalar transport rate Dc/Dz at the interface; (b) turbulence diffusion associated with quasi-streamwise vortices. . . . . . . . . . . 137 4-18 Vortexlines near the interface on both sides (Conditional average is made by vertical vorticity at the interface). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 139 4-19 Vortexlines near the interface on both sides with the hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by C' 4-20 near the interface on the water side). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 ' in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by 2' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. . . . . . . . . . . 140 4-21 w, in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. . . . . . . . . . . 141 4-22 u' in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. . . . . . . . . . . 142 4-23 v' in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. . . . . . . . . . . 143 4-24 Dw'/Dz in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. . . . . . . . . . . 144 4-25 D2 1'/Dz 2 in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. . . . . . . . . 145 4-26 u' in the x - z vertical plane with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 146 4-27 w' in the x - z vertical plane with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 4-28 Ow'/Dz in the x - z vertical plane with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 4-29 Dw'/&z in the horizontal plane at different vertical position (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, &w'/Dz). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 150 4-30 aw'/&z in the x - z vertical plane (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, Dw'/&z). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 4-31 u' in the x - z vertical plane (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, Ow'/&z). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 4-32 w' in the x - z vertical plane (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, Ow'/Dz). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 4-33 Isosurface of A2 near the interface on each side, showing splat effect. (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, 0 w '/ z). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 154 20 List of Tables 2.1 Difference of fluid properties between air and water. All fluid properties ([26]). . . . . . . . . . 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 valued are given at 150C and 1.0 atm pressure 2.2 Computational parameters. 2.3 Parallel efficiency. Test case: air-water interaction flow with a mesh of N, x N, x N, = 64 x 64 x 96 with FFT parallelized along y direction. Time T is the computational time per 50 time steps. 3.1 . . . . . . . . . 47 Scalar transfer parameters in our computation comparing with physical problem s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 68 22 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction of air-water interaction flow As a very common occurrence, air-water interaction flow is a problem of great importance in many industrial applications, such as in chemical engineering, the fluid flow and heat transfer in gas-liquid contactor or evaporators. There are many environmental problems related to gas-liquid interaction flow ranging from pollution diffusion to global ocean circulation (see figure 1-1). Research on sea-atmospheric coupled flow is especially important in meteorology and marine engineering where more precise climate and sea-state prediction is needed (figure 1-2-1-3). Air-water interaction flow is also a problem of fundamental interest with very rich physics. The turbulent air and water boundary layers, coupling through the exchange of mass, momentum and heat at the interface, is still an open problem without clear understanding. Most of the ongoing research projects in air-water interaction flow are focused on, " Turbulence transport in both air and water fluid domains, especially in the air-water coupled boundary layer " momentum flux, heat transfer, mass transfer such as the exchange of gases and aerosols near and across the air-water interface " Chemical and biological processes at and near the air-water interface 23 Figure 1-1: Atmospheric water vapor concentration. Figure 1-2: Scalar transport at the interface. 24 . Wave dynamics and wave-turbulence interaction * Experimental research such as sensing of surface winds, waves and temperatures, technology development for high resolution wave and flux measurements, calibration of meteorological and oceanographic sensors The coupled boundary layer of air-sea transfer is of particular interest in marine science and technology. In the oceanic and atmospheric wave boundary layers, momentum, mass and heat transfer processes are the key factors affecting the local weather and sea state. To understand the influence of ocean surface waves and the three-dimensional fluid structures in these boundary layers, there is a nation-wide research program, the Coupled Boundary Layers Air-Sea Transfer (CBLAST) project sponsored by Office of Naval Research (ONR). The research work within this problem ranges from experimental study of remote sensing of fluid structures in the boundary layer and ocean surface to direct numerical simulation of small-scale air-sea turbulent flow, for low or high speed winds. As part of the CBLAST program, our main research objective is to develop numerical simulation mthod of small-scale air-sea interaction flow and then, from the numerical simulation results, to investigate the physical mechanism by combining the turbulent kinetic energy budget, the momentum and mass transfer budgets with the coherent structures in the coupled boundary layers. 1.2 Wall and free surface turbulence flow Two problems are closely related with air-water turbulent interaction flow and provide a solid base for our research. One is the turbulent flow near the wall boundary (WT), the other is the free surface turbulence in open channel flow (FST). We will discuss the flow phenomena in WT and FST in the following sections. 25 Figure 1-3: Air-sea interaction. 1.0 35 H U U 30 - -- - - --- - K- -- Imer regn - - - - - Outer rtV an U Pate - Pi - (aro) 25 0.8 Lawo f te WqIl 575I51 gi0 - 15 .+S5 5 Po'o law - 116 10 - 0.4 - - vu S - v ) Blendingregon 5 0 S Laranarib-ayer u77--y 2 Turbulmt Boundary Layer Pro alesl 4 3 10 Figure 1-4: Turbulence boundary layer profiles. 26 .Streaks Z" 2. Burst 3. Swieep Figure 1-5: Identification of coherent structures that are responsible for turbulence production near the wall. 1.2.1 Wall turbulence flow The wall bounded turbulence has been an active research area for about one-hundred years. Comparing with air-water interaction turbulence flow(AWIT),wall turbulence (WT) is relatively clearer as well known as turbulent boundary layer theory near the plate or tube, burst-sweep mechanism of turbulence generation in the near-wall region and the development of hairpin vortex ([37], [38], [18]). In turbulent plate boundary layer, the inner layer can be divided into three layers: viscous sub-layer, log-law layer and the inter layer which is a blending region between viscous sub-layer and log-law layer. From the Reynolds averaged N-S equation (RANS) in the turbulent boundary layer, we can get the linear relationship between velocity and vertical distance from the wall in viscous sub-layer, in log-law layer where turbulence is the strongest, logarithmic relation is satisfied. See the turbulent boundary layer profiles in figure 1-4. Very organized coherent Structures can be identified which are responsible for turbulence production near the wall. Contours of vorticity magnitude (see in figure 15) near the walls show the characteristic streamwise streaks of a turbulent boundary layer. These streaks highlight streamwise-coherent structures that occur in the viscous sub-layer very near a wall. The streaks are characterized by lower streamwise velocity than the mean flow in the sub-layer (figure 1-5). As the steaks develop downstream, 27 Hairpin vortex near the wall Figure 1-6: Hairpin vortex in the wall turbulent boundary layer. they are lifted from the wall do to self-induction and the mean shear in a process called an ejection. During the ejection phase, the streaks begin to oscillate eventually leading to a rapid breakdown of the coherent structure with an increase in small- scale, chaotic motion. Immediately following a burst, high-speed fluid away from the wall moves towards the wall to "sweep" away the fluid from the previous burst event. Turbulence is burst through such an ejection-sweep mechanism. Hair vortex is developed from the initial structures (see in figure 1-6). For high Reynolds number, there is strong shear existing in the near-wall region, which is a similar problem with that strong wind shear blowing across the air-sea interface. The similarities and differences between AWIT and WT will be one of our main interests. 1.2.2 Free surface turbulence flow FST is a new emerging problem comparing to WT study. Water-side free surface turbulence investigation has been carried out by many studies in recent years, such as open channel flow investigation with direct numerical simulation approach ([32], [25], [6], [48]), and the interaction between a turbulent shear flow and a free surface through large eddy simulation ([55], [56]). These direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES) results provide detailed information on the statistical and structural properties of the free-surface turbulence (FST) and have led big progress 28 towards its understanding and provide an appreciable base for air-water coupled flow, although the calculation is limited to water side only and no wind shear is imposed on the free surface. Flow with a low shear rate boundary is characterized by "patchy" flow structures near the boundary, caused by impinging eddies that flatten into a pancake shape as they approach the boundary ([12]). For free-surface turbulence flow, as a limitation of low shear rate flow, numerical simulation result shows that a dominant characteristic is the presence of hairpin vortex inclined against the mean flow with head portion near the free-surface and the two legs extending into the bulk region. During the free-surface attachment of hairpin vortex, decaying, stretching and merging of the hairpin vortices or legs could be found ([55]). 1.3 1.3.1 Research on air-water interaction flow Previous research review Although air-water interface turbulence has much more abundant physical phenomena (turbulent kinetic energy transfer across the interface, structures in the coupled boundary layer and wave turbulence interaction for a deformable interface, and so on) than wall turbulence and free-surface turbulence, it has not received enough attention until very recent years. Considering the huge difference of length and time scales between these two flow regions (as a result of the big fluid properties difference), the air-water interaction problem need more computational resources and is more challenging for measurement techniques. Direct numerical simulation investigation is initially performed where the two fluids are decoupled from each other with a mean-shear boundary condition imposed on the liquid side vestigation ([49]) ([32]). Experimental in- and numerical result ([24]) of superimposed low wind stress on the interface indicate that turbulence at interface is somewhat similar to wall turbulence in some aspects which means that turbulence intensity and flow structures appear to be dominated by the shear rate at the interface, rather than the coupling between air 29 and water structures. To simulate the real interaction flow with two fluid domains coupled through the interface, interaction between count-cross gas-liquid flow without the surface deformation is studied with direct numerical simulation approach ([36]). This investigation provides a systematical view of the flow characteristics which includes the mean statistical turbulence properties near the interface region in both domains and the physical mechanisms related to the coupling fluxes between two fluid phases. In a recent paper ([11]), the gas-liquid problem is calculated with a deformable interface for capillary waves where Fr number is very small. The Reynolds numbers in these two studies are quite low as general and an assumption of unrealistic flow density and viscous coefficient ratios are made to keep Reynolds number the same on both sides. The real air-water coupling flow remains open, especially for higher shear rates near the interface. Also, the influence of density and viscous ratio remains to be a problems for gas-liquid interaction flow. 1.3.2 Development of simulation tools Most of the numerical results mentioned above are gained through DNS for low Reynolds numbers, with shear based Reynolds numbers in the range of 100 ~ 200, when the flow characteristics are relatively simple. In the application level, Reynolds numbers are much higher when direct numerical simulation is too expensive to be possible. Then large eddy simulation (LES) becomes a promising approach. The review on LES could be found in the papers of Moin ([39])and more recently in the book of Sagaut ([53]). The development of LES for free-surface turbulence has been limited until recently ([54],[58]). From these studies it is clear that the effectiveness of LES for free-surface turbulence flow would be enhanced if sub-grid scale (SGS) models could capture the dynamic features of the flow. 30 1.3.3 Our research objectives We will investigate the real air-water interaction flow with high shear stress on the interface in this study. Our objective is to understand the coupled boundary layer and turbulence or scalar transfer mechanism through DNS, by combining the statistical fluid properties and coherent structure characteristics. This will provide a better understanding of the problem and benefit our future work to develop more effective LES models for high Reynolds number air-water interaction flow. Our objective also includes developing numerical method for air-water coupling flow simulation and computation code parallelization. 1.3.4 Outlines of this thesis This thesis will be structured in the following way: problem statement, mathematical formulation and numerical algorithm for DNS are described in chapter 2. In chapter 3, we present the DNS statistically results, which include the mean velocity velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds stress and vorticity fluctuations, turbulent kinetic energy budget, as well as the statistical vertical profiles of passive scalars. Two- dimensional streaky structures are investigated as well as three-dimensional vortex structures in chapter 4. The coherent vortex structures are also investigated through a conditional averaging technique with three kinds of vortex structures categorized in the flow region near the interface. Finally, conclusions are drawn in chapter 5. 31 32 Chapter 2 Mathematical formulation and numerical method 2.1 Problem statement The physical problem to be simulated numerically is the air-water coupling flow between two infinite large parallel plate as that in Couette flow. A definition sketch is shown in figure 2-1. The computational domain is split into two subdomains, the airside subdomain and water-side subdomain respectively. The coordinate axes x, y, z point to the streamwise, spanwise and vertical direction with the origin located at the center of the interface. The flow is driven solely by the shear stress imposed by the movement of the top plate sliding at a fixed streamwise velocity U, without any body forces or external pressure gradient along the streamwise direction. Air-water two phase flow couples across the interface which is generally deformable. As a first step in our research, here the interface is kept flat as a physically realizable situation hence our research on coupled shear flow is isolated from wave-turbulence interaction. The Froude number, Fr, defined by Fr = U//g-h, is assumed to be zero which is reasonable in the limit of small free surface deformation. 33 Z Interface Figure 2-1: Definition sketch of air-water interaction Couette flow 2.2 Mathematical formulation The continuity equation and the Navier-Stokes equations are solved for each fluid. Both fluids are incompressible at current fluid condition. Normalized governing equation for each fluid is in the same form as follows, - 0. (2.1) and 1 a(ujuj) aP aui + RP 1 =uu au,+ +1 Ox, Ox2 a2U U Re OxOx' = 1, 2, 3 (2.2) For each flow side, all variables are normalized by the half width between the two plates (depth of each fluid) and the constant velocity of the top plate U. As a result, the Reynolds number is defined by Re Uh V (2.3) where v is the kinematic viscosity of each fluid. Along the edges in streamwise and spanwise direction, period boundary conditions are used in both direction. The simulated turbulent flow is fully-developed and homogeneous in streamwise and spanwise direction. No-slip boundary conditions are 34 imposed at the top and at the bottom. At the interface, continuity of the velocity and continuity of shear stress are required, written as, at z = 19a& (2.4) ay (2.5) "aD PW av", az -P IPW 0 =_w Ua (2.6) V= (2.7) a (2.8) = Wa W =0 W where p is the dynamic viscosity. In the statistical analysis of our computational result, shear velocity is employed, named also as friction velocity in wall boundary turbulent flow, u* and shear unit l* to normalize the velocity and length-scale,defined by U* = * where r/ p T (2.9) (2.10) v/U*, O is the initial shear stress at the interface, same as the shear stress at the top or bottom wall due to the equilibrium along the streamwise direction. Remembering that there are big differences of fluid density and viscosity between two flow phases, shear based Reynolds numbers Re*, defined by Re* = u*hl/v, are quite different in the two fluid subdomains. For real air-water interaction fluid flow, the shear Reynolds number on the air side is more than twice of that on the water side, Re* -- _- e .Va - Re* Pa v,, 1 2.23 (2.11) The shear Reynolds numbers are assumed to be the same on both flow sides in some numerical researches ([36], [11]). Equation (2.12) need to be satisfied for such an assumption, which is approximately right for oil-gas coupling flow while not appropriate for air-water interaction flow. How the fluid properties such as density 35 and viscosity influence the flow characteristics is an open problem in stratified flow. The subscripts L ,G in the equation above refer to liquid side and gas side respectively. [tG PL (2.12) 1 /IL PG Densityp(kgm- 3 ) 0.999 x 103 1.227 814 Water Air Ratio(w/a) v(m 2 1.14 x 1.46 x 7.81 x s') 10-6 10-5 10-2 ,(kgm- 1 s 1 ) 1.14 x 10-3 1.79 x 10-5 63.7 Table 2.1: Difference of fluid properties between air and water. All fluid properties valued are given at 15'C and 1.0 atm pressure ([26]). Table 2.2 gives a list of the computational parameters based on the shear Reynolds number on the water side. Direct numerical simulation is carried out for Re* 120, responding to shear Reynolds number on the air side at Re* = 268. Re*, 120 DNS Re* 268 Re, 3657 Rea 9378 Grid size 128 x 128 x 128 x 2 At 0.01 Table 2.2: Computational parameters. 2.3 Numerical algorithm 2.3.1 Numerical schemes To solve the Navier-Stokes equations and the continuity equation, fractional-step method with approximate factorization technique ([17], [34]) is used in order to solve the implicit coupling between the continuity equation and pressure in the momentum equation. Following equations need to be solved with different Reynolds number and fluid density in air and water sides, _ _- _ 1 _I (3H - H ( + +R 2 2 +S2 36 + + 2 2 ( u) (2.13) 2on+1 ____+_ + a2pn+- Q2g/n+i a21 - At 1i at t, (2.14) (2.15) x, where fi is a temporary velocity, superscripts n - 1, n and n + 1 refer to the previous, current computational time step and the next time step. The Poisson's equation of # is solved based on the residue of compressible "velocity" ft and then the velocity of the new time step is corrected by equation (2.15) to satisfy the continuity equation. Pseudo-spectral method is used in the flow field in each subdomain to solve the Poisson's equations of the intermit velocity iii and Pn+l. Fourier expansions are employed in the homogeneous plane, i.e., in streamwise (x) and spanwise (y) directions while in the vertical (z) direction a second-order finite difference method is applied. Numerical solution for Poisson's equation of fi by spectral method is given as an example. To solve the Poisson's equation of t(x, y, z, t) 92 it (92 + 02& Dy 2 + 02 i (z 2 - 2Re~ At = 0- (2.16) in the physical domain (x, y, z), we first transfer the Poisson's equation into the spectral domain, (i, j, k, t) through Fourier expansion of ft and N, /2 a = (i, j, k, t) Ny/2 Z( '2 o with i27 r~2L J ."' , m, k, t)e eN N9. (2.17) =-Nx/2 m=-Ny/2 Equation (2.16) in spectral domain will be dz2 (l, m, k, t) - (27r N, -Ax) + I = -N,/2 (2-rNy -Ax )1 ~ N,1/2 - 1, m = -Ny /2 i (, m, k, t), ~ Ny1/2 - 1. (2.18) The velocity U in spectral domain will be obtained by solving the tridiagonal system along the vertical direction. To get the physical velocity ft the inverse Fourier trans- 37 DNS solving (air side) DNS solving -MMMO (air side) O Air Domain :r, Dirichiet B C Interface: z o Neumann s.C. Water Domain DNS solving (water side) DNS solving (water side) t=t" t = I'" Figure 2-2: Subdomain-to-subdomain alternation fer is needed. The period boundary conditions at the edges in the streamwise and spanwise direction are easy to satisfied with this spectral method. For air-water coupled problem, how to satisfy the the continuities of velocity and shear stress at the interface is a big concern in the numerical calculation. The direct way is to perform iterative procedure in each time step in order to satisfy both the velocity and the shear stress boundary conditions ([24]). This is very time-consuming and expensive because the complete velocity field in each subdomain need to be calculated for up to many times in each time step. To limit CPU time requirement, one kind of time-split strategies is suggested that two subdomains are calculated separately during one time step ([36]). During each time step, the velocity continuity and shear stress continuity are not satisfied simultaneously which will introduce a small error depending on time steps. This subdomain-to-subdomain alternative calculation strategy is also employed here in our research. Figure 2-2 gives the sketch of this method. To make the numerical calculation more stable, for the water side where the vertical velocity gradient is much smaller, Neumann type boundary condition is applied at the interface with velocity gradient prescribed by latest air side result. In air side, we use Dirichlet boundary condition with velocities at the interface given by water side motion. By this kind of alternation, the boundary conditions are approximately satisfied simultaneously with a small error of At. This error will not lead to instability which is proved by our result that interface shear stresses reach fixed 38 values with the decreasing of computational time step. 2.3.2 Computational grid Computational domain and grid information is also list in table 2.2. For DNS computational with Re* = 120, The streamwise and spanwise computational domains are chosen to be 27rh and 7rh (here h is the cross length of half domain) which is about 754 and 377 in wall or interface shear unit for water subdomain, 1703 and 852 air side shear units. Mesh number is 128 x 128 x 128 in x, y, z directions respectively for each subdomain. The grid spacings in the streamwise and spanwise directions are AX+ = 5.9, Ay+ = 3.0 for water side and Ax+ = 13.2, Ay+ = 6.6 for air side in shear units. Here superscript + values refer to the length scales normalized by shear units 1*. Adaptive non-uniform meshes are used in the vertical direction with high grid resolution near the wall and near the interface where the shear rate is very high, see figure 2-3. Smallest grid size is satisfied the condition that the first grid point should be kept within the wall turbulence viscous sub-layer. Grid convergence is validated with three different grid densities. Mesh resolution is Az+ = 0.045 for water and Az+ = 0.10 for air near each boundary. The maximum spacing, locating at the center line of each sub-domain, are Az+ = 1.80 for water and Az+ = 4.05 for air all in shear units. The computational domain size is validated by the two-point correlations in figure 2-4 and figure 2-5 in streamwise and spanwise respectively (with low computational grid resolution of 64 x 64 x 96 x 2). The computational grid resolution is validated by the results in figure 2-6 and the spectrum of velocity fluctuation twopoint correlation in each horizontal direction. Three different sets of grids are carried out with different resolutions as 64 x 64 x 96 x 2, 128 x 128 x 128 x 2 and 256 x 256 x 256 x 2. Comparison among the different resolutions shows that the difference between the results on 128 x 128 x 128 x 2 and 256 x 256 x 256 x 2 mesh resolutions is small while the difference is much bigger in coarser grid (see figure 2-6 for shear rate at the interface varying with the time). 39 0- Figure 2-3: Computational domain and meshes. Small time step At = 0.005 (At = 0.01 for mesh resolution 64 x 64 x 96 x 2) satisfies the Cf number requirement for computation stability and ensures the dynamically significant time scales are resolved. 2.3.3 Initial condition Initial condition is given by velocity fields including mean streamwise velocity and random velocity fluctuation. The initial averaged velocity profile in the z-direction near the wall and near the interface is given by the wall turbulence boundary layer theory with linear law in viscous sub-layer and log-law at above. The calculation is carried out forward in time until the flow reaches statistically steady state (quasi-steady state). The steady state can be identified by profiles of flow properties such as the total shear stress and statistically steady turbulent kinetic energy. Once the velocity field reaches the statistically steady state, the results are integrated further in time to obtain a time average of various statistical variables. The statistical samples are further increased by averaging over horizontal plan (homogeneous direction). In this thesis, we use - or <> (in figures) to indicate systematical average over (x, y, t), and prime ' to indicate fluctuations from the average value. 40 (a) 1 - - - - - - Near interface -Near wall boundary 0.5 0 '.', -0.5 0.5 1 . ' . . - 1 - . 15 2 2.5 3 2 2.5 3 2 2.5 3 x (b) 1 -t 0.5 A 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 x (c) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 x Figure 2-4: Two-point correlations: streamwise separations. (a) Ro,,';(b)R,','; (c)R'.-,. Correlations are calculated at two different vertical positions on the air side, corresponding to z = 0.007 and z = 0.993 respectively. 41 (a) 1 - - - - - 0.5 Near interface Near wall boundary -a -a a - 0 ' ' ' ' -0.5 0.5 1.5 1 Y (b) 1 0.5 0 -a - - -1 - - 0.5 1.5 1 Y (C) 1. 0.5 0 -3 - - ' -0.51 ' ' 0.5 15 Y Figure 2-5: Two-point correlations: spanwise separations. (a) Re'a';(b)Ro'c,; (c)Rw'l. Correlations are calculated at two different vertical positions on the air side, corresponding to z = 0.007 and z = 0.993 respectively. 42 (a) (b) 1 0.5 - 0.5- -0.5- -0.5 - -1 0 20 10 -1 0 30 U 1 2 Q 4 5 U u u Figure 2-6: Grid resolution validation: (a) mean velocity; (b) turbulent intensity. , 128 x 128 x 128 x 2; o, 256 x 256 x 256 x 2. All -,64 x 96 x 2; x 64 velocity components are normalized by shear velocity. 43 2.4 Parallel computation DNS need a large number of of computational grid and time step. Comparing with RANS and LES, DNS is much more time-consuming and has higher requirement on computer capacity. For three-dimensional DNS, the computational grid number (N) required by DNS increases with Reynolds number by an order of 9/4, that is, N ~' Re 9 / 4 . In our calculation, more time is needed to get a quasi-steady state on the water sides. The shear velocity has a big difference between two flow sides due to the same shear stress at the interface and huge difference of fluid densities. The water shear velocity is about 1/30 of the shear velocity on the air side. While shear velocity is the changing speed of the flow property in the whole fluid domain, larger turnover time is needed in the water subdomain with a lot of computational time "wasted" on the air side. This is the main reason why we need much more time to get a quasi-steady water side turbulent flow. Parallel computation on high performance cluster (HPC) becomes our choice in our research. 2.4.1 Spectral method parallelization There are two different ways to parallelize our numerical method. One is the parallel solution of tridiagonal systems in vertical (z) direction where finite difference method is employed. Cyclic reduction algorithm, usually being recursive, is practical to solve single or block tridiagonal systems. Triadiagonal system or some banded system are usually amenable to efficient parallel solution by iterative method. The second way is to parallelize Fourier transform in spectral method which is used in our computational code. We will discussion the parallel solution of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in detail. In applications such as the pseudo-spectral methods for solving partial differential equations (PDE's), a number of multidimensional FFTs are computed per time step. The speed of the FFT computation is therefore very critical to any large application using the spectral method. Since such very large computations are feasible mostly 44 only on parallel machines, there is a need for fast multidimensional FFT algorithms for parallel machines. There are two approaches that are possible, binary exchange algorithm and transpose method. The transpose method is used in the parallelization of our computational codes. In this method, data are divided by planes among nodes. For example, in the three dimensional transform, each node has a number of planes on which it computes two dimensional FFTs. Next, a distributed transpose rearranges the data in such a way that the FFT along the third dimension can be computed locally. The parallel aspect of this approach is limited to the distributed transpose, which is equivalent to a standard exchange problem. Here, each node sends data to and receives data from all other nodes during distributed transpose. This method is fairly easy and has been implemented for a number of applications. Another approach, binary exchange algorithm, is to design a distributed FFT algorithm which operates without collecting planes. In our 2-D FFT parallel program, the whole domain is split into slides along y direction and each slide is solved by one processor. The basic idea is, first, FFT along x-direction are computed locally and then data need to be transposed in order to carry out one-dimensional FFT in another direction (y-direction). Since data communication in the transpose process is very time-consuming, overall performance of transpose algorithm mostly depends on particular implementation of all-to all collective communication. method. Sketch in figure 2-7 shows the basic idea of transpose During the transpose, we set Aij as the data need to be sent from 7th process to J"h process. After transpose, FFT is continued in another direction. 2.4.2 Parallel performance Parallel performance can be evaluated by the parallel efficiency or speed up. The parallel efficiency is defined by e = S/P, where S is speedup and P is the number of processors. Theoretically speedup is defined by the express in equation (2.19), where a c [0, 1] is the proportion of the parallelizable operation. Speedup S is less than P due to a lot of reasons such as non-parallelization part of the problem, parallel 45 SendBuff A, A3 A31 A21A22 I A1J I ith A32 o A31 A2ranspose All 712 A1 AO, A02 Ao Process 1DFT 403 A13 A23 A33 02 A12 A22 A32 A A21 A P Aj7o AoA30 ith Process 1-D FFT Figure 2-7: Sketch of transpose method. overhead, higher numerical complexity, synchronization etc. S = 1 1 (I - a) + a/P (2.19) Considering the influence of non-parallelization part only, speedup can be expressed as a linear function of P. Given total computation time T which includes parallel computational time Tp = fT and sequential computational time T, = (1 - f)T, experimentally speed up can be calculated by Spf = fP + (1 - f), (2.20) where Spf is a linear function of P. Parallel performance in table 2.3 shows a parallelizable operation proportion of about 100% and speed-up of 4.032 with 16 processors (efficiency about 25.2%). Note that T is much larger than in-serial calculation time due to the new parallel FFT source code is based on complex number comparing with Cosine Fourier transform in original in-serial calculation code (real number). The result could be 46 Table 2.3: Parallel efficiency. Test case: air-water interaction flow with a mesh of N, x N, x N, = 64 x 64 x 96 with FFT parallelized along y direction. Time T is the computational time per 50 time steps. np np=1 (Serial) np=1 (Parallel) np=2 np=4 np=8 np=16 Memory (512M:100%) 40.8% 41.2% 22.0% 14.0% 8.0% 4.4% T 1101s 2365s 1191s 707s 452s 274s Speedup S 0.466 0.985 1.540 2.424 4.032 Efficiency e - 46.6% 49.2% 38.5% 30.3% 25.2% improved by parallel FFT for real numbers only. Besides FFT parallel, the precision order for the 1 s' and 2 nd derivatives in y- direction has great influence on parallel performance. 6"' higher order is used in our calculation. 2.4.3 Parallel environment The parallel computer cluster (High Performance Cluster) at vortical flow research lab (VFRL) has 32 nodes with each node having two processors and 512M memory. Data in each processing have communication or reduce through switches. Two kinds of switch are used for data communication in our cluster, one is HP Ethernet switch for data transfer between outside and cluster master node, the other one is Myrinet fiber-optic switch with much faster data communication speed which is used for data communication among computational nodes. The cluster system is shown in figure 2-9 with a diagram shown in figure 2-10. For the parallel programming environment, MPI (Message Passing Interface) is provided in vortical flow research lab. 47 80 8 6 0. 4 -A3- - - -i---- Memory (512Mb=100%) Speed-up Parallel efficiency -- - - 60 ^ 40 a) 0 E w 20 2 2 ' 0 0 2 '-'-'' 4 ' 6 8 p 10 12 14 16 18 0 Figure 2-8: Parallel efficiency (comparing with original in-serial source. Figure 2-9: High performance cluster in VFRL. 48 C 5' .1' Parallel Computer Cluster Figure 2-10: HPC cluster structure diagram. 49 50 Chapter 3 Computational result of Direct Numerical Simulation: Statistical results 3.1 Overview of numerical simulation and flow characteristics 3.1.1 Initial flow condition and time evolution The direct numerical simulation starts with the initial mean velocity profile given by the wall turbulence boundary layer theory with linear law in the viscous sublayer and log-law at above in order to shorten the turbulence developing time for the flow to reach statistically steady states. The Nikuradze logarithmic law, given by equation(3.1) with parameters K= 2.5 and B = 5.5, is employed near the interface in each subdomain as well as near the wall boundary. Details are given as follows. 1 = -Inz+ l+ + B, K f or z+ > 30 (3.1) Single-phase Couette flow on the water side with interface velocity of Ui1 t is first considered. To be general, we assume that shear stresses (thus the shear velocities) 51 at the interface and in the bottom wall are different with each other, given as Trt, and rbt respectively. Shear velocities and shear-based Reynolds numbers are given by, Tt0 P = P(u*op)' = bot2 Tbot (3.2) and Rebot (3.3) Re* topv = According to wall turbulence boundary layer theory, we can get an approximate velocity profile as _ N 1- - mn*(bzo) n * hRe*ot, 2.51n (h bo) + .h 0 Re* , 2.51n (r-zRe* ) + 5.01 - zot - Re*O+ > forzh Re+*0 . (3.4) In this problem, body force f = (uot2 - Utop2) /h exists in the flow to balance the difference between shear stresses. Following this way on both air and water sides and being aware that velocity need to be continuous at the interface, we will get the profiles for air-water interaction two-phase problem. For velocity it U*, -in z on the water side, there is, Re* 2.51n ( hRc* ) + 5.0] U,,t - u* -min (- Re*,, 2.51n ( f or - 1 < + 5.0] +Re*) - h 2 (3.5) for - 1 < z < 0 For air side, the velocity profile is given as, Ut u*, ,t+ U* Min z Re*, 2.51n ( Re*) + 5.0] f or0 < z < 1 U -Wu - mnin h-z Re*, 2.51n h-zRe* +.0 for a )+50 fo'r! <h-'< 1 (3.6) u* and Uint in the two equations above can be expressed by U and Re*, Re* through the continuity of shear stresses at the interface (see equation 3.7) and mass conservation in each fluid subdomain (see equation 3.8 and 3.9). Equations (3.8) and 52 (3.9) are deducted assuming that log-law is satisfied in all flow regions above each boundary considering that the linear viscous sublayer is much thinner than log-law layer and could be neglected. (3.7) Pa ~2 2.5ln ( U - Uine ~ 2 2.51n L Ua ) + 5.0 (3.8) R ") + 5.0 2 (3.9) Hereby, we have set the initial mean velocity profile based on the physical parameters of the air-water flow, flow property ratios pw/Pa, ivw/Va and Re* (or Re*). As we have already mentioned in chapter 2, velocity components in the calculation are normalized by the top plate speed U. Small amplitude divergence-free velocity fluctuations are imposed upon the mean velocity, serving as seeds for turbulence development. Initial turbulence intensity will have influence on the intermitted computational time before the turbulent flow reaches full developed state while the final numerical results should be irrelevant, which is only depending on the flow parameters. Figures 3-1 (a)-(d) show the time evolution of the mean streamwise velocity and turbulence intensity profiles on the air and water sides respectively with t = 0 corresponding to the initial condition. In view of horizontal homogeneity, these flow properties are spatially averaged over the horizontal plane. As expected, energy is extracted from the mean shear for turbulence production. Turbulence intensity is indicated by turbulence kinetic energy as, q2 = 2 +v 2 + 2 . (3.10) Comparison between two fluid domains shows that long time taken on the water side in order to reach quasi-steady state. 53 (a) 1 (b) 1 ,, Wa - 0 -------------------- Water '-- i i 0 Water 1 0.0000 -- -- -- -- 4.0000 .40.0000 100.0000 200.0000 500.0000 -0.5|1 0 , Air Air z , , 0.0000 40.0000 100.0000 2000.0000 3000.0000 4000.0000 0. 5 0.5 - , -1I 0.2 0.6 0.4 I , -0.5 I - 0.8 1 0.01 0 0.02 0.03 0.0 Mean Velocity Mean velocity (d) (c) 0.5 - 0.5Air r -- - ~ z z Water Water 0.0000 - - -- - - - - -C ).5 - - - 0.02 100.0000 0.06 2 2 200.0000 -0. 5 200.0000 0.04 4.0000 - 40.0000 500.0000 0 0.00 ------ 4.0000 40.0000 100.0000 2 0.018 500.0000 0 2E-05 4E-05 8E-05 6E-05 2 0.0001 2 Turbulent intensity: <u, +v, +w,2> Turbulent intensity: <u, +v, +w, > Figure 3-1: Time evolution of mean velocity ii profile on the (a) air side and (b) water side; turbulence intensity q2 profile on the (c) air side and (d) water side. 54 3.1.2 Quasi-steady state testification To get DNS converged statistical results, flow properties are first averaged over horizontal plane (in homogeneous directions). Then statistical samples are increased by averaging in time range after the flow reaches quasi-steady state. Statistically steady state is testified by mean velocity and fluctuating variables. From figure 3-2, we can find that it takes up to 4000 non-dimensional time for the flow to reach quasi-steady state. There are mainly two reasons for being time-consuming. The first reason is that higher-order velocity fluctuation correlations, such as turbulence kinetic energy and eddy viscosity, need longer time to reach steady state than lower order correlation, mean velocity for example, which is illustrated through flow properties at the interface in figure 3-2(a). Here eddy viscosity Vt is defined by, v -U'W' 1-=m (3.11) Figure 3-2(b) compares the evolution of turbulence intensity at three different vertical positions, z = -0.34 on the water side, z = 0 at the interface and z = 0.34 on the air side. The turn-over time for turbulence development has big difference between two fluid domains as analyzed in chapter 2, thus much longer time is needed on the water side for the full development of turbulence. This is also shown by the time evolution results in figure 3-1. In current DNS results, the statistics is taken from t = 4500 to t = 7500 with 600 samples in this time range. 55 -(a) <U> <u' 2+v,2+w' 2>: z=-0.34 - Vt - - - -. . 2000 1000 0 3000 5000 4000 6000 t 0.03 4E-05 () (b) C.) co 3E-05 0.02 2E-05 0.0 1 C) N -1 0 E-05 0 a) - -0.01 ! 0 .a -0.02la z=-0.34: water side - -- -- - z=0: interface -.-.-.-z=+0.34:airside C.. C a) '5-1 E-05 40 I_2E-O5c i iI i 1000 i i I 2000 i I 3000 I i i 4000 i i i i 5000 ' ' ' 60 t Figure 3-2: Quasi-steady state validation: (a) time-evolution of different flow properties; (b) time-evolution turbulent intensity in different flow regions. 56 3.2 Flow property profiles and near boundary behavior 3.2.1 Velocity fluctuations and turbulence intensity Our interest is the statistically steady flow properties near the interface. Near the wall boundary, the root-mean-square value of velocity fluctuation could be write as equation (3.12) since velocity fluctuations are not permitted at the wall boundary. The z-order behavior of the root-mean-square (rms) value of horizontal velocity fluctuation and the z2-order behavior of the rms value of vertical velocity fluctuation are expected from the no-slip wall boundary condition and the mass conservation at the wall. U'rms ~a, z + a 2z 2 + O(z 3 ) V'ms ~ biz + b2 z2 + O(z 3) Wrms '-~ (3.12) c2 z 2 + O(z 3 ) Near the free surface or interface, however, the scales of velocity fluctuations are quite different from the wall interface, see equation(3.13). r'__' U rms ' wrM,, + 11 ~rmsz=O ms z+ 1 -2 + 0(z 3 ) 22 + o+miz+n 2z 2 + 0(z + niz + 7n2Z2 ~a 3 (3.13) ) msz=O For indeformable free-surface or interface (Fr = 0), there is wjms ~ O(z). Figure 3-3(a) gives the velocity fluctuation profiles in each subdomain. Near boundary results, normalized by the shear velocities, are shown in figures 3-3(b) and (c) with comparison between the four boundaries - near interface and near the wall boundary in each flow field. Computational result near the wall verifies the zbehavior of horizontal velocity fluctuation and z2 behavior of the vertical velocity fluctuation. The normalized horizontal velocity fluctuation on the air side near the interface is very small although not zero (shown in figure 3-3 b). 57 On the water side, there 0.06 0.04 0.02 1 . '0.1 0.08 (b) 30 -v--- Wall (water, btmf) Wall (air, top) 6 Interface (water), Interface (air) 0.5 20 Air ----------- ~------- C z 0 P0? Water -0.5 I - I - -1 10 0.001 ) 0.003 0.002 0.004 . . 0.005 00 ' ' (c) I ... I U' (d) - Wall (water, btmY Wall (air, top) Interface (water> Interface (air) P - 4 3 2 1 velocity fluctuation Wall (water, btm Wall (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) 20 20 h' 10 10 0 0. ' 1 0 15 5 05 2 w '/u V'r,JU Figure 3-3: Quasi-steady velocity fluctuation profiles: (a) velocity fluctuation profiles before normalization; (b) near boundary behavior of ',ms; (c)near boundary behavior of v'ms; (d)near boundary behavior of wms. Here h+ refers to the normalized distance from each boundary. 58 - 4 -- . -- A o V a- -- 3 3 -A------ v-- U. 03 W'./U Kreplin et al. Um, Kreplin et al. v', Kreplin et al. w'Kim etal.u Kimetal.v' Kim et al. wm - 2 0 1 0 A 20 80 60 40 100 120 h+ Figure 3-4: Quasi-steady velocity fluctuation profiles comparing with experimental result at Re = 180 [27] and DNS results at Re = 194 [19]. is a large value of horizontal velocity fluctuation (UrmsVrms) at the interface while wrms is linear against z near the interface, which indicates a stronger vertical velocity 2 fluctuation than that near the wall boundary where w'ms - O(z ). For near-interface behavior, the difference between water and air side is due to dynamic boundary condition at the interface (see equation 2.4) and velocity normalization based on different shear velocities. The shear velocity on each side has a difference as big as 28.8 times due to big density ratio between air and water (see equation 3.14). The interface seems like a wall boundary for air side while it is more like a free surface for water side. = U* " Pw 1 28.8 .( 4 (3.14) Our results are also validated by comparison of the water side (Re* = 120) velocity fluctuation profiles with the experimental and numerical results ([273, [19]), shown in figure 3-4. The Reynolds numbers locate in the same range as Re* = 100 ~ 200. 59 3.2.2 Mean velocity profiles In the inertial part of turbulent boundary layers, referring to both wall boundary layer and coupled interface layer in our case, the following dynamic equilibrium equation(3.15) is satisfied on both air and water sides, 1j - =w' (3.15) pipu*2. The viscous sub-layer exists in a very thin layer near the wall where P >> -p'u'w'. (3.16) In the viscous sub-layer, there is a linear relationship between mean streamwise velocity and wall distance, i.e., u+ = z+ (for z+ <~ 5 which is generally accepted). The logarithmic law is satisfied above z+ > 40 in the outer layer. In the log-law equation 3.1, the parameter B is gained analytically by an assumption that there is no transition region between the viscous sub-layer and log-law layer. Figure 3-5 shows the mean velocity profiles near each boundaries. Again our computational verifies that for air side flow properties near the interface and near the wall have the same characteristics. The linear layer exists for h+ < 5 and the parameters in log-law are 1/K = 2.5 and B = 4.5 respectively. For water side boundary layer near the interface, our results show a much thinner viscous sub-layer within h' = 1 ~ 2 away from the interface. Figure 3-5(b) shows a modified log-law relationship near the interface on the water side with the same sloop 1/K, however parameter B need to be adjusted greatly from 5.0 to 2.5. This could be explained quantitatively through the characteristics of Reynolds shear stress -u'w' in the boundary layer. It has been shown by Taylor expansion and by numerical results that normalized Reynolds shear stress -uwf/u* 2 has a z- behavior near the interface on the water side which is much stronger than that on the air side or near the wall. Thus it is not surprising a thinner viscous sub-layer and a smaller parameter B will happen near the interface on the water side. 60 (a) 10 ... .... - D-8 - Walfwl -Wall'a -Interface(w y' Interface -------- - -----U+=h - - 6 4 - 01 10 8 6 4 2 h+ (b) 20 Walfw) Wal(A) 15 0 ------ -- ---- - - - Interfacei") Interface*" u+=2.5inh'+5.5 u=2.51nh'+3.0 U~ 10 5 0 20 40 60 80 h+ Figure 3-5: Mean velocity profiles: (a) Linear law region (b) Log-law region 61 From the viewpoint of shear stress scale, for non-normalized Reynolds shear stress, there is (- -7. ~ (-Ti''). vw (Oii/Oz)w << va (&U/&z)a can be given from dynamic boundary condition at the interface (equation 2.4), thus width of the viscous sub-layer on the water side can be expected to be much smaller within which equation (3.15) is satisfied. Experimentally, increasing the roughness of the wall boundary will induce a smaller B in log-law relation. Here it seems that the horizontal velocity fluctuations at the interface have the similar effect as the wall roughness. For a deformable interface where vertical velocity fluctuation is also permitted as well as that in the horizontal plane, we can expect a much smaller log-law parameter B and a diminishing viscous sub-layer. 3.2.3 Reynolds shear stress and eddy viscosity From Taylor expansion, the Reynolds shear stress -u'w' can be expressed as follows near each boundary (for Taylor expansion analysis, z refers to the vertical distance from each boundary), z'w' = 'w'1o + au'W OZ 0 Z+ 1 2! Z2 + 1 (z 2 Z 3 z 3 + 0(z 4z 3 ! 4 ) (3.17) 0 where aju'w' __/ a2 C9Z3 Uz = / ,&9 w'+ aZ U~g aZ3+ u' - 2__' +_ +3 ,(9U w-5 33 / 3 +3 (3.18) +. gu/ a3 Z3/ 323 3a y ( 9X+ e With mass continuity equation (2.1), it's easy to find that a'' -3 3! =3W z3 ±O(z4 ) (3.19) az az3 0 at the solid wall boundary (for our case near the up and bottom plate). At the interface or free-surface, for Fr = 0 that -u'w' diminishes at the interface, the 62 (a) I (b) 30 S- - (a)-<U'W'>/U2 - -- d<u>*/dz+'* 1v) D - Wall (water, btm) Wall (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) 0.5 - 20 Air z 0 -- ----------------------- h Water 10- -0.5 r 00 1 0 0 2 1 4 3 05 0 5 1.5 1 d<u>'/dz* (C) (d) 30 -- - - - - - - -- Wall (wate , bt ) Wall (air, Interface ( ate r) 10 Interface( 20 ------ Wall (water, btm) Wall (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) C - 10 10 10 0 1 0.5 10, 15 -<u'w'>/u-2 10 -<U'w'>/U*2 101 Figure 3-6: Quasi-steady flow properties: (a) overview of normalized turbulent shear, mean shear rate and eddy viscosity; (b) near boundary behavior of mean velocity gradient; (c) near-boundary behavior of turbulent shear stress; (d) near-boundary behavior of turbulent shear stress in log-scale. 63 Reynolds shear stress has a z- -U'w' behavior as = - &w' &u' , 9 + WI'azI z az i9z 0 + O(z 2 ). (3.20) Figures 3-6(b) and (c) verify the Taylor expansion analysis of near-boundary behavior of Reynolds shear stress with a z- behavior near the interface on the water side and z 3 behavior near the wall and near interface region on the air side. It is not surprising that the interface acts like a wall for air side considering the air density is much smaller than water density. The near interface behavior of eddy viscosity, which is defined by the ratio of Reynolds shear stress and mean velocity gradient, is given by equation (3.22) for water side and (3.23) for air side. The same result of z 3 behavior can be gained near the wall boundaries. Here the eddy viscosity is normalized by the molecular viscosity on each side. -''W -"W' Vt - = = ((3.21) V VaalaZ U.2 _ -7)iw - (3.22) 0 (z) (3.23) ((_3a From the eddy viscosity profile in figure 3-6(a), we can see that in the air domain, the eddy viscosity has a symmetric profile, while in water domain eddy viscosity decreases faster to zero near the interface than near the wall, which indicates a stronger eddy viscosity near the interface on the water side. Away from the boundaries, is supposed to be a linear function of z in the log-law region withVT = nU*Z. VT Peak value of vT/v exposes to be about 20 in water domain and double to 40 in air domain. The only reason for the difference shall be the different of shear Reynolds number between water and air sides. 64 3.2.4 Near interface behavior of vorticity fluctuation Kim et al. gave a systematic analysis of vorticity fluctuation near the wall boundary for channel flow at Re* = 180 ([19]). For streamwise vorticity fluctuation W'rms, they located a local maximum value of 0.13u* 2 /v at about z+ = 20 corresponding to the average location of the center of the streamwise vortices. A local minimum value of 0.09u* 2 /v was shown at about z+ = 5 due to the opposite-sign streamwise vorticity being created at the boundary of non-slip wall. In our computational results, on the water side (see figure3-7(a),there are also a peak value and a valley value near the interface existing at z+ = 5 and z+ 1 respectively, which are both much closer to the boundary than the DNS results for Re* = 180 ([19], z+ = 20 and z+ = 5 respectively). These results also indicate that the streamwise vortice center becomes closer to the interface boundary. There could be two possible reasons for the difference, strong shear and velocity fluctuation at the interface. For zero-shear free surface with small deformation, spanwise vorticity fluctuation W'rms decreases to zero at the free-surface ([55]). For wall boundary and high shear air-water interface in our case, cbrms reaches peak value at the boundary. Figure 3- 7(b) also shows a similar varying tendency of j',,s with the streamwise vorticity fluctuation, with a local maximum value and a local minimum value. This might be attributed to the high-shear interface boundary properties. Dynamically, this boundary has a high shear rate with peak value reached at the boundary; kinematically, fluctuation is permitted at the interface, which decreases the vorticity fluctuation to some extent, just like what happens in the free-surface turbulence. For vertical vor([55]) shows that ticity fluctuation w'rms, free-surface Z turbulence research 2 wIus = 0 az at the free-surface which indicates a surface layer induced by the dynamic boundary condition. 65 (b) (a) 1 - / - Wall (water, btm) Wall (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) - 0.5 20 -- Air N - z - 9 - 0 Water -0.5 - -1 10 p 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0 0 .5 (C) 0.3 0.2 0.1 vorticity fluctuation 0.4 0.5 0) (d)0 3 Wall (water, btm) Wall (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) c C -_--- 20 20 10 10 Wall (water, btm) Wall (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) 9 cC 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ~O 0.5 (I..- 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 C OUz) Figure 3-7: Quasi-steady vorticity fluctuation profiles: (a) vorticity fluctuation profiles; (b) near boundary behavior of w'rms; (c) near boundary behavior of wbrms; (d)near boundary behavior of W' m. All vorticity components are normalized by 2 66 3.2.5 Passive scalar transfer Our scalar transfer simulation chooses a boundary value problem in two-phase couette flow. Scalar concentration on the top moving plate is given by a fixed value (as sources) and scalar is transported through the turbulent shear flow. The scalar in our investigation could be any passive scalars. The governing equation of scalar transfer in each fluid domain is given by equation(3.25), where c is the concentration of passive scalar and D is the diffusivity of the scalar in the specific fluid. The problem is comparable to heat transfer if energy dissipation is neglected. &c at + D(u c) axj C) D &2c (3.24) axjaxj For each flow side, all variables are normalized by the half width between the two plates, the constant velocity of the top plate U and the fixed scalar concentration on the top plate Co. As a result, normalized scalar governing equation for each fluid is in the same form as follows, Dc 9t &(ugc) Oxj &2 c 1 ReSc 9x, x. 1 Pe 9 2c (x3.x2 where Re and Pe are the Reynolds number and Peclet number, defined by equations (2.3) and (3.26). Schmidt number, defined by (3.27) is the ratio of viscous diffusivity and scalar transfer diffusivity (It is called Prandtl number for heat transfer, defined by ratio of viscous diffusivity and heat diffusivity.). Pe Uh D Scm= D (3.26) (3.27) Two sets of scalar computational parameters, with Sc = 1.0 and Sc = 4.0 respectively, are chosen in our numerical investigation. We also make assumption that Schmidt number is identified on both air and water sides. In physical reality, the 67 Schmidt number usually has big difference between the air and water side. Parameters of our simulation cases are compared with those in two physical problems, heat transfer and vapor transport, in table 3.1. D,(m 2 s 1 ) Casel: Sc = 1.0 Case2: Sc = 4.0 Heat transfer: Vapor transport: 1.14 x 10-6 2.85 x 10-7 1.43 x 10-7 2.4 x 10 5 Da(m 2 s 1 ) 1.45 x 10-5 3.625 x 10-6 2.2 x 10-5 1.32 x 10-5 Sc" 1.0 4.0 8.0 0.05 SCa Scw/Sca 1.0 4.0 0.66 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 0.05 Table 3.1: Scalar transfer parameters in our computation comparing with physical problems. Figures 3-8 (a)-(d) show the time evolution of mean scalar and velocity fluctuation profiles on the air and water sides with t = 0 corresponding to the initial conditions. Initial scalar profiles are given by a similar way of velocity fluctuation in each side. For mean scalar profile, it is given by linear relationship with vertical coordinate in each subdomain, with boundary condition at the interface satisfied through continuity of scalar and scalar transfer. Scalar statistics are taken during a time range after quasisteady state is reached which is also similar with velocity statistical procedure. Again, similar with velocity field, the time evolution results show that it takes longer time for scalar field on the water side to reach quasi-steady state than air side scalar field. To short the developing time of scalar field, the scalar calculation is started from a quasi-steady velocity field (quasi-steady reaches around t=1500). Figure 3-9 (a)-(d) show the profiles of quasi-steady scalar properties which include the mean scalar concentration, scalar fluctuation rms value, turbulent scalar transport (-c'w') and turbulent diffusivity of scalars. The turbulent diffusivity for scalars, similar with eddy viscosity defined by turbulent shear stress and mean velocity gradient, is given by Dt = .1 (3.28) The profiles for Sc = 1.0 and Sc = 4.0 are plotted together for comparison. For both sides, higher Schmidt number (Sc = 4) is corresponding to a deeper scalar profile near the boundaries (near the wall boundaries and near the interface). Again 68 (a) (b) 'i Air Water 0.81 1 0.98 0.6 A 0.96 U V V t=00 0.4 - -. -.. -.- - .- . . . . ., - 0.94 -0.8 -0.6 z (c t=1000 t=2000 t=2500 ., -0.2 -0.4 -t=500 ----------- I, -1 - --------- t=2000 t=2500 ------- 0.2 - t=O - 8=500 =1000 - 0.2 0 (d) 0.01 Water ,.. I ,,I 0.4 z 0.6 0.008 -------- 1 Air 8=0 0.15 0.8 t=500 t=1000 t=2000 t=2500 - 0.006 -A 0.1 V - / --- 0.05 J - -1 -- --- -- -0.8 -0.4 -0.6 z V 0.004 8=0 - - t=506 t=100 -t=200Qt 0.002 t--2500Q -0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 z 0.6 0.8 1 Figure 3-8: Time evolution of mean scalar 2 on the (a) water and (b) air side; Time evolution of scalar fluctuation c'c' on the (c) water and (d) air side. 69 on the air side, mean scalar and scalar fluctuation show symmetric properties near the wall and near the interface, while on the water side, the results are quite different with a flatter mean scalar profile and a much stronger scalar fluctuation near the interface. Turbulent scalar transfer profiles in figure 3-9 (c) show that higher Peclet number (i.e., bigger Schmidt number and smaller molecular diffusivity) is corresponding to a compressed scalar transfer in the vertical direction. Turbulent scalar diffusivity is not depending on molecular diffusivity (Schmidt number), as shown in figure 3-9 (d), which has been verified by turbulent analysis and other numerical results. Figures 3-10 (a)-(d) show the near boundary behavior of the scalar fluctuation and turbulent scalar transport on both sides. The vertical coordinates are plotted up to h+ = 50 and h+ = 120 to cover all the boundary behavior. Same results in log-scale are shown in figure 3-11. Figure 3-12 (a)-(d) show the near boundary behavior of the turbulent scalar diffusivity, in both linear scale and in log scale. With a similar Taylor expansion analysis as velocity fluctuation (see equation 3.29 for near wall region and equation 3.30 for near the interface region), we could get the near-boundary behavior (z" orders, here z refers to the the vertical distance from each boundary) of each statistical scalar property. Crm ez + e 2 z + O(z) c'ns ~c'rmsIz=o-+fiz+f~z2 + O(z 3 ) (3.29) (3.30) All these near boundary behaviors are verified by our numerical simulation results in figure 3-11 and figure 3-12(c)-(d). For scalar fluctuation, c'c', there is a relationship of z 2 for near wall region. For near interface region, it is approximately kept as a constant (c'c'I2=o). The turbulent scalar transfer, -c'w', has an order of Z3 in near wall region (also near the interface on the air side) and an order of about z 2 near the interface on the water side. For turbulent diffusivity, the behavior is quite the same as c'c'. 70 (a)q 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 15 -------- | Sc=1.0 -----Sc=4.0 --------- Sc=1.0 -------- Sc=4.0 0.02 - -5 - 0.015 0.01 0.005 1 0.5 0.5 Air Air \ z0 z0 Water 'Water -0-5 - -0.5 -V I -1 0.6 0.8 6E-05 8E-05 0.4 0.2 I 2E-05 4E-05 0. 0001 (d. 0.004 0.002 ---- ---------- SC=1.0 -.- --- - .- Sc=4.0 - I - 0.15 0.1 C' 0.05 0 <C> 0.006 0.008 0.2 0. Turbulent diffusivity: Sc=1 Turbulent diffusivity: Sc=4 diffusivity S--- 'lecular 0.5 - 0.5 Air Air Water Water zo ~ .- -0.5 - -0.5 -' 2E0 E0 0 2E-05 4E-05 6E-05 E-09 00001 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 diffusivity <C'M Figure 3-9: Quasi-steady scalar properties profiles: (a) mean scalar; (b) root-meansquare value of scalar fluctuation; (c) turbulent transport term; (d) molecular and turbulent diffusivity. Comparison with molecular diffusivity: for Sc = 1.0, the mole5 2 6 2 1 side cular diffusivity is 1.14 x 10- m 8- and 1.45 x 10- m S-' for water and air 7 2 1 and 3.63 x 10- 6m 2 S -1 Sm 10x 2.85 respectively; for Sc = 4.0, the value is about correspondingly. 71 (h (a)0 'I 20 - ---- - 110 Wall (water, btm) Interface (water) 40 - Wall (air, top) 7 Interfaice (air) 100 - 90 , 80 30 - - 0 70 h' 0 20 40 30 - ''.. 10 50 20 'I- 10 o 0.015 0.01 0.005 0.02 0 2E-05 4E-05 6E-05 8E-05 0.00 01 <C'C> <CVC> (d). (C) Wall (w ter, btm) Interf&1 (water) -a--- - Wall (air, top) Interface (air) 110 100 40 0 80 30 - 1 - 70 G h+> 0- - 20 20 40 - - 30 i , , , , , , , 0 10 20 10 0 2E-05 4E-05 6E-05 BE-05 'II 0.0001 2E-05 4E-05 SE-05 BE-05 00001 <C'W'> Figure 3-10: Near boundaries behavior of quasi-steady scalar properties : (a)-(b) scalar fluctuation profile on the (a) water and (b) air sides; (c)-(d) turbulent scalar transport on the (c) water and (d) air sides. 72 (b) (a) -- o- - - - - 10, Wall (air, top) nterface (air) ater, btm) Inte ce (water) Wall 10' P h+ 10* 10 10, 101 10" 10, 1 04 (C) 10, 10,* 10, <CVC> <C'C> (d) - -- - - Wall (air, Wall (water, blm) Interface (water) -- a--- Interface( t) ) 10, 10' *i - 10 10' ,0 - 100 10" 10*' 0w ' 10' -7 - 10, r 10' I ti l sii rl 101 a i i i i ll0 10, <C'w'> Figure 3-11: Near boundaries behavior of quasi-steady scalar properties log-scale: (a)-(b) scalar fluctuation profile on the (a) water and (b) air sides; (c)-(d) turbulent scalar transport on the (c) water and (d) air sides. 73 Wall (air, top) - 050 -- -o-- - Wall (water, btm) Interface (water) 110 - (air, top) Interface (air) - -Wall -4- 100 40 90 0 80 p 30 70 h') - 20 40 30 10 20 10 0 5E-05 0.0001 0.002 0.0 002 0.00015 (C) - ' --- C -- - Wall (water, btm) Interface (water) ' . 10, 0.004 diffusivity diffusivity I ~I~ 1)0 _+--- Wall (air, top) Interface (air) o -1 0 0 10' h* h1' i i i il lli i 111, i i e1 11 7 10, 10, 10 10iu t d diffusivity C) 10- 10 10" 10 diffusivity Figure 3-12: Near boundaries behavior of turbulent scalar diffusivity in the water and air side: (a)-(b) plotted in linear scale; (c)-(d) plotted in log-scale. 74 3.3 3.3.1 Distributions of turbulent fluctuations Skewness and Flatness Skewness is an indicator of asymmetry in a distribution while flatness is the relatively flat appearance for a probability distribution. In our numerical simulation, for each horizontal plane, their definitions are given as follows with velocity components "u" as an example. /= F,1 = U it/3(3.31) U'm 1(3.32) Skewness of a symmetric distribution is zero and flatness of the Gaussian distribution is exactly 3. Figure 3-13 and figure 3-14 show the skewness and flatness profiles of three velocity components in each fluid side. On the air side near the boundary, our numerical results show agreement with the results in wall turbulence (experimental results, [43]; numerical results, [461, [13]). Streamwise velocity fluctuation is positively skewed with a highest skewness factors of about 1 near the interface while u' is highly negatively skewed near the upper wall where the air flow is stretched by the viscous shear stress. Vertical (wall normal) velocity fluctuation w' is moderately skewed near the boundaries which relates to the ejection process. Spanwise velocity fluctuation is slightly skewed on both air and water side. For flatness, bulk flow on the air side showing a Gaussian distribution indicates that the turbulent flow is more isotropic. Affected by the interface, flatness factors at the interface are slightly smaller than those near the upper wall boundary (see figure 3-14). Near the interface on the water side, W' is less flatted than the wall boundary and horizontal velocity fluctuation flatness factors are trivial, similar with free-surface characteristics ([46]). The huge positive skewness near the bottom wall on the water side can't be well understood. Since large turbulence events such as sweeping, ejection and splat directly affect the vertical velocity fluctuation, skewness and flatness of w' near the interface would be very important in the investigation of turbulent transport 75 (b) (a) 0 0.9 su -- SV su - - - - Sv sw ------ 0.8 SW -0.2 - 0.7 0.6:- -0.4- 0.5 0.4- - -0.6- I 0.3 -0.8- 0.2 - - It . 0.1 -2 -1 0 Skewness 1 -2 2 -1 0 Skewness 1 2 Figure 3-13: Skewness profiles of three velocity components on the (a) water and (b) air side. and scalar transfer near the interface. Figure 3-15 and figure 3-16 show the skewness and flatness profiles of two passive scalars at different Schmidt number. Numerical results ([9]) shows that the concentration field of scalar directly affected by the largest event which also affects the vertical velocity fluctuation. In our numerical results, however, this is not very clear. Figure 3-17 and figure 3-18 show the skewness and flatness profiles of Reynolds stress u'w', vertical scalar turbulent flux c'w' for Sc = 1. u'w' and c'w' are both negatively skewed in bulk flow, especially near the wall boundary. Again the results show significant difference between the interface and the wall boundary on the water side. 3.3.2 Probability density function of turbulent fluctuations Probability density function show another way to look at things like fractional contributions and sknewness shown above can be well illustrated by the probability density function of each turbulent fluctuation ([43], [47]). Figure 3-19-3-20 show the probability density function of a variety of turbulent fluctuations each normalized by its rms value. Shown in the same picture is the 76 (a) (b), I|| - ------- -0.2 FU FV FW FU -- - FV fr------- FW 0.8 - - IiI -0.4 - z I 0.6 z - 0.4 -0.6 I..- - I 0.2 -0.8 5 ~'C 10 Flatness 15 0 0 10 5 15 20 Flatness Figure 3-14: Flatness profiles of three velocity components on the (a) water and (b) air side. (b) (a) ----- ---0.2 Sc=1 Sc=4 - - 0.6 -0.4 z -1 4 - - - z -/ - Sc= - 0.8 0.4 -0.6 . I- - - -0.8 -2 -1 0 0.2 I -1 1 - 0 1 2 Skewness Skewness Figure 3-15: Skewness profiles for the scalar fluctuations on the (a) water and (b) air side. 77 (b) (a) SC=4 ------- ----- -Sc=1 - - Sc=1 Sc=4 0.8 -0.2 - * i- 0.6 -0.4 . z z 0.4 -0.6 . -uw 0.2 -0.8- -1 - 2 4 ; 0. .. ... 1 8 6 t ; 2 Flatness 3 Flatness 5 4 Figure 3-16: Flatness profiles for the scalar fluctuations on the (a) water and (b) air side. (b) ---- --- ------- SC1W suw SC1w 0.8 -0.2 0.6 -0.4 z z w| .- ai -0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.8 -31'5 -10 -5 0 5 915 -10 -5 -5 Skewness Skewness Figure 3-17: Skewness profiles for u'w', c'w' and 2 78 0 0 5 on the (a) water and (b) air side. (a) 0 (b) --------- - FUW FC1W --------- FUW FC1W 0.8- -0.2- 0.6- -0.4z z -0.6- 0.4- -0.8- 0.2- 0 10 20 30 40 0 50 Flatness 10 20 30 40 50 Flatness Figure 3-18: Flatness profiles for u'w', c'w' and w on the (a) water and (b) air side. Gaussian normalized distribution. Results at different vertical planes are drawn together to show the pdf variation along the normal direction. Shapes of p.d.f.s of u', c' and w' change greatly from near interface region out to the bulk flow region and become more and more similar with Gaussian normalized distribution. P.d.f.s shapes of U'w', c'w' and c'u', however, change little within a broad region near the interface with a long tail in the negative side for u'w', c'w' and a long positive tail for c'u', which marks the momentum transfer and scalar transfer in the flow region near the interface. Besides probability density function on several horizontal planes with different distances from the interface, we also show the conditional pdf results from different to one (u', w') quadrants (see figure 3-21-3-22), with each quadrants corresponding kind of flow event (coherent structure). Quadrant u' > 0, w' > 0 corresponds to outward interaction (splat) motion, u' < 0, w' > 0 ejection, u' < 0, w' < 0 towardwall fluid motion and u' < 0, w' < 0 for sweep motion (see [43]). 79 (d) (a) 0.8 0.8 - ----- *11 0.6 2 - j --i - - 2 - - - - 1 - 0.6 - - e0.4 L L- - - - - -- a - ----- ---- - " " 0.4 ---- ---- - - - - -- --- r-- -- -- - -- r I SI N - - - --- - - -- - -. 0021 0.2 0.2 CI -2 -4 - *--4 4 2 2 -2 (e) (b Gaunman -I--T --------- -------- 0.00112 i"- - -- -- -0.002610 0.019450 S .-- 0.8 0.8 - -- r---r-------- -------- 0.6 0.6 -+-+- 0.4 0.4 - ----- --- 0.2 0.2 0 -- -- - -----. - - 0.271620 1 , ----------- -- - -- - 7 1 - -- - -,r - - - --- --- -- - - - p -24 -2 2 2 4 (f) (c) 1 i --------- - -- GTmaa - - 0.8 - - -- - -7- -- -- - -- - - -- .- - -T - - - -iT 0.8 42142 . -- - - .00112o -0.002610 - - -- 0.27162 0 G --.. .. 0.6 -- J....J -- - - - - - 0.6 - 1 0.4 - -- - - -- .0 12 0.4 r ---------- 0.2/ -- -T r------- --- - -- r--r--r-- -- r-- 0.2 0 -4 2 p 2 "'4 4 -2 P 2 4 Figure 3-19: PDF of (a) u'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'w'; (f)c'u' on the water side at different horizontal planes. 80 (b) (a) - -- 0.020 ---------- I-- 0.8 0.8 -- - --- --' - + 0.6 -+ --+ -+ - --- - --- 0.00B1r 0.4 0.2 0.2 i p -2 -4 2 - - - - --- - - - 0.6 0.4 fl - -4 ---- --4-- ------ /7 T 4 2 -2 -4 4 i i 0 '/ i (a (a) - - -- - - - 0.8 08 - - - - --.- 6- -r -- -- G------ --- - ---------- --- - - -- - -" 0 0.6 : 0 ----- -T TT 0.4 -:.,1:J ------ 4 2 0.2 0.2 4k $ 2 -2 4 04 4 4 2 -2 (a (a) 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 Ti~ -L -- e 0.4 - 1- Iy|- - S ~ L J- I I | k-- 0.4 0.2 0.2 -4 I _ -2 .. Q "-4 2 -2 R 2 4 Figure 3-20: PDF of (a) u'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'w'; (f)c'u' on the air side at different horizontal planes. 81 (a) (d) 1. -7 - 0.8-8 -. --. 4101003 0.8 ~ -0 0. 6- - - 01 0.6 -. 0. 40.2 - 0.101302 G 150 0.010 0.4 0.2 -. //- . I 1 91 2 -2 ' -4 2 -2 (e) (b) 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 010 - - 0.4 0.2 0.2 -4 -0110 -. s - -7 -2 2 - -4 4 (c) -2 2 (f) 1r1 0.8 0.8 0.6- 0.6 0.4- 0.4 0.2- 0.2 0I -4 -2 0 2 0-4 4 ..~....4.lO1000 - -2 2 4 Figure 3-21: Conditional PDF of (a) u'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'w'; (f)c'u' on the water side near the interface at h+ = 10. 1-(u' > 0, w' > 0), 2-(u' < 0, w' > 0), 3-(u' < 0, w' < 0), 4-(u' > 0, w' < 0). 82 (d) (a) 0.8 0.019433 - 0.8 - 0.6 0.6 0.4- 0.4 0.2- 0.2 1 * .4.- '--- -:4 p -2 I~ * 0-4 2 ~1~ -2 *40' . "i r 4 2 (e) (b) 0.8 0. 8 0.6 0. 6- 0.4 0.4 01~5* -. f 0.2 0 .2- 44 .---....,- -4 2 -2 '4 0-4 -2 2 - (C) (f) 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 - *N 0.2 I) -''4 I; 0.2 44 I' - 07- Q4 0'-4 2 -2 R 2 4 Figure 3-22: Conditional PDF of (a) u'; (b)c'; (c)w' and (d)u'w'; (e) c'w'; (f)c'u' on the air side near the interface at h+ = 5.5. 1-(u' > 0, w' > 0), 2-(u' < 0, w' > 0), 3-(u' < 0, w' < 0), 4-(u' > 0, w' < 0). 83 3.3.3 Joint probability density functions Figure 3-23 and figure 3-24 show the joint probability density function of (u', w'), (c', w') at different horizontal planes on the water and air side. Our numerical results show significant different in the near interface region (z = -0.019) ([43]). and theoretical prediction results near the wall In the (u', w') joint p.d.f. with the experimental results in figure Figure 3-23 (a)-(b), contours are concentrated in two regions, corresponding to a positive and negative u' respectively. This indicates the effect of spat which including the ejection part and sweeping part. Considering an imposed flat interface boundary condition with no vertical velocity fluctuation permit at the interface, the contours are only concentrated on zero vertical fluctuations (w'). 3.3.4 Weighted function Figure 3-25 and figure 3-26 show the distributions of weighted function for Reynolds stress u'w' at two horizontal planes. Figure 3-27 and figure 3-28 show the distributions of weighted function for scalar flux c'V'. Like the conditional p.d.f.s discussed above, these weighted function distributions are made by statistics upon velocity fluctuation U' and w'. 3.3.5 Correlation coefficients between turbulent fluctuations The correlation coefficients (as a function of vertical coordinate z-) of two turbulent fluctuations a' and b' are defined as, ra/ a' b' amb. (3.33) Figure 3-29show the profiles of the correlation coefficients between a variety of turbulent fluctuations. of a' - w', w' - Among them, (a) and (d) show the correlation coefficient ' and w' - correlated with i', a', w','w' - + ay , (b) and (e) the correlation coefficients of c' , u + '), 84 (c) and (f) the correlation coefficients (d) (a) 2 ~> ~~rs- ( 1 1 // y y -.1 -10 9/ -9 2 p -1 - \ 1 2 1 2 (e (b) fK$ 2 u* 0 K ~ LL 0 -1 - -1 ~ N -2 (c) ---- -1 - / 1 2 2 -1 -1 H 1 1 2 (f) 2 2 u0 1 L- \ 2~2 0 1 -1 -1 0- -1- 1 .J 1 2 1 2 Figure 3-23: Joint PDF of u' and w' at different horizontal planes on each fluid side: (a) z=-0.001; (b)z=-0.019; (c) z=-0.27; (d) z=0.001; (e)z=0.019; (f)z=0.27. 85 l; (d) (a) 2 1 1 V 'I L 0 -1 / 1' N -1 V. 'I, / N~ 2 -1 - 1 2 2 (e) (b) 2 1 1 LI 0 2 ) K - */) -1 - - i2 0 I - -1 U' , - - /~ - -2'-2 -1 (f) (c) 2 U- -1 0 F 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 - 1 -2 2 -2-1 Figure 3-24: Joint PDF of c' and w' at different horizontal planes on each fluid side: (a) z=-0.001; (b)z=-0.019; (c) z=-0.27; (d) z=0.001; (e)z=0.019; (f) z=0.27. 86 (a) (b) WFUW WFUW j 2 -- - . -. -- -- - - - ------.--. - 1 0 -- 0.036 0.020 - - -------------- ----- - 0.004 -0012 -0.028 -0.044 -0.060 - - -------- -1 -1 --- --- - ------------------------ - -- - -- -2 -3 --------- 2 - -- --- ---- -- -, - 0.052 3 0.052 0.036 0.020 0.004 -0.012 -0.028 -0.044 -0.060 ------ --- ---- -- -- -2 2 0 -2 -2 U 0 2 U 006 8 0 -340 +3 - -2 - : - .2 0 2 00 2 2 * on the (a) water and (b) air side near the Figure 3-25: Weight function of u' interface at different horizontal planes (z=-0.00112 and z=0.00112 for water and air side respectively). 87 (b) (a) WFUW WFUW - - 0.087 -0.060 0 60 00 2 ---------2-00007 1 -0.087 2 ----- -- - --- 0.033 - --- --- -- ----- -0020 -O.G47 -0073 - 0.007 -0.020 -0.047 -0073 -0100 -0.100 -- - - -- - -- - -3 -2 -2 0 -2 2 0 2 U U Z2 0,. .0 -005 -005 Figure 3-26: Weight function of u'w' on the (a) water and (b) air side near the interface at different horizontal planes (z=-0.27 and z=0.27 for water and air side respectively). 88 (b) (a) WFUW WFC1W - ------------------------------ 2 1 3 0.027 3 --.---- --------- --- - ---------- 0.027 0.000 -0.027 0.000 2 ------ I ----------------------- - - 0.053 0.080 ------ -0.053 -0.080 -0.107 -0.133 -0.160 -0.107 -0.133 -0.160 0 -1 0 --- --------- - - - -1 -2 - -- ------------- ----------- --- -- 0 -2 2 0 -2 - -0 ----- --- U - ------ 2 005 ~2 2 2 4 -3 -2 -2 0 2 1 22 22 Figure 3-27: Weight function of c'V' on the (a) water and (b) air side near the interface at different horizontal planes (z= =-0.00112 and z=0.00112 for water and air side respectively). 19 (b) (a) WFUW WFC1W 0.027 0.027 0.000 2- 1 ----- - -- -------------- ------- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - ----- ------ 2 -0.053 -0,080 -0.107 --0133 .1-0.160 2 -- 0.000 --------- -------------- -0 027 -0.053 -0,080 -------------- -0.107 -0.133 -0.160 - --- ---- --- - ---------1 -2 -- - - ------------- --- ----- ------ -- --- --- - --- --- ---2 0 - -- -------- -- ---- - - --- - - -2 - 0 -2 2 U 2 U 8 -2 -2 Figure 3-28: Weight function of c'w' on the (a) water and (b) air side near the interface at different horizontal planes (z=-0.27 and z=0.27 for water and air side respectively). 90 Air Wate r -CEUW ...... .-- (a) (d) CEWOZ. CEWDIV 0.5 0.5 0 0 ...... CEUW CEWOZ ..-.-. CEWDIV -. - -........... .......... -0.5 -0.5 -1. - -... ...---- (b) 0.5 0.4 0.6 -0.8 1 0.2 0 -02 - CECIW ............. o............ (e) E ..... CEC1OZ - CECIW CECIU ...................... - - CECIDIV E OI - 0 -. ,- 5 -0.5 -0.51 -1 -8.5 . (C) 1 08 .5 .d......... % 0.6 0.4 --......... -0.4 -0.6 -0.2 0 0 CEC1ZW CECIZU CECIZOZ .CEC1ZDIV 05 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 0.6 U.6a 1 CEC1ZW "'"--... CEC1 ZU ...... CEC1 ZOZ - - - - CEC1 ZDIV 0 0 -0.5 -0.8 -0.4 -06 -0.2 *0 0 0.2 Z 0.4 Z Figure 3-29: Correlation coefficients of turbulent variables on the (a)-(c) water and (d)-(f) air side. of a correlated with w', U', ', w -W ', I + i-). Here +- 2) is the horizontal deviation of velocity fluctuation, which is highly correlated with vertical velocity component. Beside the high negative correlation of c' and w', it is shown in figure (b) and (d) that a high correlation also exists between scalar fluctuation c' and streamwise velocity fluctuation u'. For scalar transfer near the interface on the water side, 2rrz are extraordinarily correlated with u' and w'. 91 (b) (a) Water u-u v-v 0.8 0,6 - -102 -IC 0.6 0.4 - 0.4 - 0.2 0.2 -- 0 -.2 0 -0.2 0. 1.0 1 Air x 2 2.5 05 3 3 2.5 2 1. 1 x (d) (c) ---- 0.8 I u-u _-_ --- 0.8 W-c1-c1l u-u -- v -- -w- 0-6 0.6 0.4 F Ii ~.-iVi. 0.2 02 I-- -0.2 -04, 00 1 0 -0.4 3 25 x 05 1 1s 21 Figure 3-30: Two-point correlation of u', v', w', c' in the x- direction with (a) z=0.001; (b) z=-0.28 on the water side and (c) z=0.001; (d) z=0.28 on the air side. 3.4 3.4.1 Two-point correlation and integral scales Horizontal two-point correlation Horizontal two-point correlation coefficient of two turbulent fluctuations, a' and b', is defined by StA~ IR''LlL ( A, a'b'a ,A _ a'(x, a' y, z)b'(x + b'Ax, y + Ay, z) b'l .9 (3 314) Two-point correlations have been shown in many results to illustrate the adequacy of the computational domains and scales of the coherent structures ([19], [171, [20], [8]). Figure 3-30 show the two-point self-correlation of u', v', w', c'(Sc = 1) in the streamwise direction (Ay = 0) and Figure 3-31 show the two-point self-correlation of U', v', w', c'(Sc = 1) in the spanwise direction (Ax = 0). Results near the interface are shown at two different horizontal planes for each direction. 92 (a) Water (b) ae8 0,8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 v-v 0.6 OA4 - 0.2 0 - 0611 -C - -0.2 -0.2 , -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.5 -0.S 1 Air -IC 0.0 11 5 5 -1 0 u-u v-v --w -- c -___ 1 (d) (C) 0.2 04 0.2 -0.4 -0.2 -0.6 -0.8 -0.4 ........ 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 --6 0.8 0.6 0.4 -u-u v-v w-w cl-cl -10 1.0 ---- w- -0. 02 1A4 Y 0.4 0.6 0.8 y 1 1.2 1.4 Figure 3-31: Two-point correlation of U' , v', w', c' in the y- direction with (a) z=0.001; (b) z=-0.28 on the water side and (c) z=0.001; (d) z=0.28 on the air side. 93 3.4.2 Three-dimensional two-point correlation To reveal a quantitative correlation between the interface field and near-interface field, we need to computer the three-dimensional two-point correlation coefficient([46],[13]. [21]). The two point correlation function relating the interface field fluctuation with velocity, vorticity and scalar fluctuation in the subsurface near the interface is defined by Rab/(AXAYZ) =a'(x, y, z = 0)b'(x + Ax, y + Ay, z) a(msb(ms (335) Figures 3-32(a)-(d) show the three-dimensional two-point correlation results of c'(Sc = 1) and w' in different planes. Figures 3-32(a) and (b) show correlation coefficient contours in the horizontal planes near the interface on the air and water side respectively. Correlation coefficient contours in the vertical planes with Ay = 0 or Ax = 0 are shown in Figures 3-32(c)-(d). 3.4.3 Spectrum and Co-spectrum of turbulent fluctuations To see how energy density is distributed in the x or y direction, spectra of a variety of turbulent fluctuation and co-spectrum of two different turbulent fluctuations are shown in figure 3-33-figure 3-34 and figure 3-35-figure 3-36, corresponding to different horizontal planes. For spanwise cospectrum of co-spectrum of Reynolds stress and turbulent scalar flux, our results show a similar with former numerical study ([46], [8]) where the co-spectrum reaches a minimum at low wavenumber. For the streamwise direction, however, these results show big difference. Other spectrum and co-spectrum results could be found in the references ([411, [42]). 3.4.4 Integral scales Quantitatively, lengthscale is calculated through the correlation of fluctuations ([13],[46],[7]). As an example, the macro-lengthscale and Taylor lengthscales of velocity fluctuations 94 (bl (a) 0 0. 0 70 4 02 050 0. 0 0 2S (C) 0.4 0.09 0.2 >- 0.03 -002 -0.07 .12 0 ia A -0.23 -028 -Om3a -0.39 -0.4 (d) 1.9 0.0 003 .0 02 .07 .12 :'.:2" 0 2" 0.3 d .0.39 -0., Figure 3-32: Specified 3D two-point correlation of c'(Sc = 1) and w': correlation coefficient contours in horizontal planes with (a) z=-0.0034 and (b) z=0.22; (c) correlation coefficient contours in the vertical Ax - z plane with Ay = 0; (d) correlation coefficient contours in the vertical Ay - z plane with Ax = 0. 95 Water 0 Air U 10 -U 10-1 -V 10 V - W UW 1 0-2 10-2 10' 10- 10*4 10-4 . ~ . .I ~ 10' -U-W .... . .. U -W . 10-5 106 10-7 10" 10-8 - 10 10' 101 1 1- I ''',,,,' )0 10' 102 I, 100 10 C1-W Cl-U 101 Cl-DIV 10-2 Cl-w Cl-U ---- C1-Oz -.-.- Cl-DIV 10-2 10-1 10-3 10-4 10-4 "A' 10 100 10 '' ' ' 108 108 109 101 10' - 10, 10 102 k. k-. 10,91 10 C1z-W C1z-U C1z-Oz C1Z-DIV 102 10-1 Clz-w I ~ Ciz-oz ClZ DIV - 10- 10-3 I',w 10-4 'Ai 10-4 10-1 10" 10~ 10' 10-1 106 10. 10~-9 D 10 10' k a ii102 10" 10' 10' Figure 3-33: Spectrum and co-spectrum in the x-direction near the interface on the water side (z=-0.022) and air side (z=0.007). 96 Water Air 100 U 10' 101 r W - .. .. .... K.. Fl 10- 10-6 10-a 107 10" 10'1-- . . . ... - . I 10' 11 U V W W 10-4 10* 10.6 7 10 .. I 2 10 102 10, L, 100 --- --- C1-W 101 Cl U 10" .- - 102 10-2 - -- C1-U Cl-OZ N Cl DIV 102 - 10- k 102 - Cl-DIV kt 10-3 10-1 10-1 10-6 10-5 10- 6 ~'I 10' 7 10- 10-' 10-8 ,,I 1 10, 10" 102 10' K 10' 1I C1z-W 10-2 - - C1z-U C1z-Oz ClZ-DIV 1 Clz-W C1z-U 2 10 1 V1 C1z-Oz ,ClZ-DIV 10-3 10 10i 10- 10-1 10-6 10" 10. r 10'a 10-9 3'1 '' '-- V 10" i i i -iis 10' k ''I 10 100 101 k 102 Figure 3-34: Spectrum and co-spectrum in the x-direction on the water side (z=-0.28) and air side (z=0.28). 97 Water Air 100 Uw 10-, U 10" _ _W - -- --- -U-W 10 - W U-WN - 1.' 1072 10-2 VV w4. 10-4 10 4 10- 10*5 h 10*6 10- 10' 10 7 10-1 -8 10 .I 109 1' 10' 10" - - -- 102 10 1 102 101 C1-w - - - ............ 101 10-2 -....... 10' Cl-DIV C 1-W Cl-U Cl-OZ Cl-DIV -Cl U V1 - . 10-3 10' 10' 10-5 10' 10-6 10* 10-7 10-7 105 10-1 1-9 101 10, 0 k 101 k. C1Z-W 10-2 ClZ-U C1Z-OZ C1Z-DIV -7 10-1 - ClZ-W C1Z-U -C1Z-OZ C1Z-DIV 10.3 10-3 10 1 02 10. 1 1i 102 -' " 10.4 10 10, 1010 N'! - 10. 10-" 10~,9 10 10 0 - 'I ~''' ~~~ 10, k ' 102 100 I 101 10 I 10' 10, Figure 3-35: Spectrum and co-spectrum in the y-direction near the interface on the water side (z=-0.022) and air side (z=0.007). 98 Water Air 10" -_ U 10-1 V 101 W AJ---U-W 10.2 102 a 10 10- 103 u3w 10~1 10- 105 1010 -6 14 108 106 '''' 108 10, 11 L, 100 ' 10' Cl-U C 1-Oz 1 - 101 C1-W 101 10' 10" -....... -C1-U- .... C 1-W I 10- Cl-DIV 2 Cl-u Cl-DIV pN 1010-3 10' Zj V 4 10- 106 106 10-7 10-8 108 10-1 10'9 11 00 ' '10''' - 10 K 101 I I 1 )0 10' 10 k. C1z-W - - C1Z-U 10' Y. 1..' C1Z-DIV 2 _Clz-W C1Z-U C1Z-Oz 10-2 /~*~( C1Z-DIV 10* 10 F 10 101k 10 106 10-' 10' 10,.. 10- 10 10 1 10-1 101 k 10' 10" i I. .. 10 1-'0 ' 102 Figure 3-36: Spectrum and co-spectrum in the y-direction on the water side (z=-0.28) and air side (z=0.28). 99 in the streamwise and spanwise directions (xi, i = 1, 2), are given as follows through the velocity correlations Rjj, Ai (Z) = SLi /2 Rj (xi) dxi i = 1, 2; j 1, 2, 3 (3.36) and 2 Ax (z) = lim zo2y(xi)Tdxi i(= 1, 2; j Note that summation notation here is not implied for 1, 2, 3. j (3.37) 1, 2, 3. As an example, All refers to the streamwise macro lengthscale of the streamwise velocity while A21 the spanwise macro lengthscale of the streamwise velocity. All and A21 refer to the streamwise and spanwise Taylor lengthscale of the streamwise velocity respectively. Figures in figure 3-37 and figure 3-38 show the micro-lengthscales and macrolengthscales of u', v', w' and c'(Sc = 1) in the x- and y- 100 direction respectively. (a) (b) -U-X -0.2 ------- - -U-X 0.8 V-X ------- I V-X -----W-X - -W-X -- x- -x -0.4 0.6 z - -1 -0.6 0.4 -0.8 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 1 0 (C) -0.2 0.4 0.2 0 - - - 0.8 0.6 1 (d) 0.8 - - -U-Y S---------- -0.4 - V-Y - W-Y .--- C1-Y ------- U-Y V-Y - -- -C1-Y - .6 -- - w -l- 0.6 -- - - z -0.6 -- -0.8 0.4- 0.2- Iv 6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0. 0 1 0 0.2 ' O.4 0.6 0.8 Figure 3-37: Taylor lengthscale profiles in the interaction flow. (a)-(b): lengthscale in the x direction; (c)-(d): lengthscale in the y direction for air (a, c) and water (b, d) sides respectively. 101 -W-Y (a) (b) - - -0.2 U-X -------- 1 U-X ------V-X -------. W-X 0.8 V-X W-X C1-x -0.4 0.6 - u-x - - - -, z z -0.6 0.4 a - -0.8 0.2 -1'0 '/ ' 0.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0-0 3 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 (d) (C) -0.2 -UY ------- U-Y 0.8 V-Y -------------.----- W-Y -..--. -- C1-Y -0.4 - V-Y W-Y C1-Y - 0.6 -- - zv- z -0.6 0.4 -0.8 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 00 . - 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Figure 3-38: Macro-lengthscale profiles in the interaction flow. (a)-(b): lengthscale in the x direction; (c)-(d): lengthscale in the y direction for air (a, c) and water (b, d) sides respectively. 102 3.5 Turbulence transport budget 3.5.1 Turbulence kinematic energy (TKE) budget For the turbulence kinetic energy, k = u'u'/2, its budget equation is given by: Dk Dt 1 ,Du = P + Dxi D2 Uul 2 Re axjDxj I 1 au, au, Re Dxj Dxj II III 1 DUUa _ Dxj 2 , -- al IV ,DW D'4 (.8 (3.38) Dx. OX2 V VI The transport rate of turbulent kinetic energy is governed by all six terms above. I is the pressure strain term. For incompressible fluid flow, it is identically zero from continuity. V refers to the turbulence energy production, which is positive and III is the turbulent energy dissipation (always negative). There are three diffusion terms such as II the viscous diffusion term, IV the transport due to velocity fluctuations (turbulent diffusion) and VI the transport due to pressure fluctuations (pressure diffusion). For the problem of air-water interaction channel flow, turbulent kinetic energy budget equation is given by: Dk Dt 1 Re 2k =- (z 2 + 1 DU' DU' Re Oxj Dxj II + Dv' &v' Ox + Ow' Dw' Oxj Dx III x + -- Dkw' IV + -'w'-+ V DTi DZ -- Dpv' I+ V (3.39) The transport rate of turbulent kinetic energy is governed by all six terms above. V refers to the turbulence energy production, which is positive and III is the turbulent energy dissipation (always negative). There are three diffusion terms such as VI the transport due to pressure fluctuations (pressure diffusion), IV the transport due to velocity fluctuations (turbulent diffusion) and II the viscous diffusion term. I is the pressure strain term. For incompressible fluid flow, it is identically zero from continuity. Notice that the time varying rate of turbulent kinetic energy, the left-side of equation (3.38), is identically zero, since the flow under consideration is statistically steady and homogeneous in the streamwise and spanwise directions. 103 (b) (a) I 0.2 - 0.5 z o ------ - - 'I - z-0.10- - --.Air -- :. .- -- --- Water I x - p i-0.1 -0.5-I I -04 -2 0 -0.2 2-04 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.4 Figure 3-39: Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget terms: (a) overview of TKE budget; (b) near-interface amplification. All terms are normalized by V/u* . Figure 3-39(a) shows profiles of each term in the TKE equation along the vertical direction for both subdomains. As observed for the mean velocity and turbulent intensity, all significant differences in the profiles are localized in the near-interface region up to IzI = 0.2 (see figure 3-39 b). Figure 3-40 shows the profiles of the production, dissipation and turbulent transport terms up to h+ = 30. All terms in figures 3-40(a,b,c) are normalized with U4/v in order to compare the results between water and air flow field. Profiles near the interface and near the wall are shown in the same figure. Energy production term reaches the largest value at locations close to the air-water interface, but reduces rapidly as the interface is approached. There is no energy production at the indeformable interface although strong shear stress exists. For the air side, the profile is almost symmetric with tiny difference between the maximum values near the bottom wall and near the interface. The global maximum value (V)max, reaches about 0.27 at h+ = 9. For the water side, the peak value near the interface, (V)max 0.28 at h+ = 7, is 20% bigger than that in the wall boundary region with (V)max 0.22 at h+ = 11, which means that stronger turbulence generated near the 104 (b (b) - (a) (a- ~ ~ 0 - -- =30 Wi(wtrbn) -Wall (water, btm)Wall (air, top) Interface (water) - -- Interface (air) - Wall (water, tn) Wall (air, to Interface (w er) 0 - Interface (ai - 20 20 - -- 10 10 -0 - -or h-(O.5, 3) 0 -0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 (C) 30 ' -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Pk -0.1 0 Ek ' ' ' ' 'T - - (d) 30 -- Wall (water, btm) Wall (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) -- - - 20 - 20 - 10 10 Wall (water, btm). . (air, top) Interface (water) Interface (air) toJ -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.4 0.2 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Dk Figure 3-40: Turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget terms: (a) Production term; (b) Dissipation term; (c) Turbulent transport term; (d) Viscous diffusion term. 105 .Wall interface. For dissipation term III, on the air side, dissipation increases towards the interface and reaches a maximum at the interface as that near the wall boundary. Near the boundaries, III is mainly balanced by the viscous transport term II. The result for water side is more interesting with dissipation decreasing first and then increasing as the interface is approached. III is abnormally small within h+ = (0.5 ~ 3) (see figure 3-40 b). It can be expected that net energy is transferred to neighbor region in this low dissipation region where more energy is produced than dissipation. Considering the interface is fluctuation permitted, a lower dissipation near the interface is reasonable. Turbulent kinetic energy is transported mainly through turbulent diffusion (IV) and viscous diffusion (II). Corresponding to negative turbulent diffusion, the turbulent kinetic energy is transported into that area while positive turbulent diffusion means that energy is taken away. It is very clear that near the interface for water side, shown in region I in figure 3-40 (c), energy is taken away (IV < 0). As a comparison, for air side, energy is transported into (IV > 0), shown in region II in figure 3-40 c). The energy transport process is indicated as follows. On the air side, turbulent velocity fluctuations transport turbulent kinetic energy from the bulk region to the nearsurface region, while on the waterside, a portion of the energy within the near-surface region is transported to the bulk flow by turbulent velocity fluctuations. Viscous diffusion II is only significant very close to the interface or wall boundary. Near the interface, viscous dominating region on the water side is much thinner than that on the air side (see figure 3-40 d). The negative viscous diffusion region (see where Dk < 0 in figure 3-40 d), which reflects the energy transfer direction through viscous force, disappears near the interface in waterside. This illustrates the same energy transport process from air side to water side as that of turbulent transport. In our case where the interface is indeformable and associated with strong-shear, the viscous transport is more important than the turbulent diffusion effect. The pressure transport term, VI, is found to be much smaller than other processes (see in figure 3-39). Here, the profiles of VI is much flatter near the interface on the 106 water side. We could expect a much more important pressure diffusion effect if the interface is deformable. As a summary, interface strengthens the turbulence in the IntT-w region, which has been indicated by a stronger turbulent production V, a weak dissipation and a ( thinner viscous dominating layer comparing with the wall turbulence results [38]; [19]). Again, we can see that for the air side, the profile of each term near the interface and near the wall is always the same. 3.5.2 Reynolds stress budget For air-water interaction flow with a two-dimensional mean shear, the equations for the primary components of the Reynolds stresses OU'2 2p' Dt a, DOI I D2 U/ 2 2 Di' Du' RD' Dz + Re OZ2 Re Dt DvI = 2p' Dy 2 2p' Dt Di' Dy + 1 D2 ? 2 + Re Dz 2 1 - Re at Dw + x Dz u' P' + D -2'u'w' Oz D 2 w' 2 Dz 2 2 Dv' Dv' D Re xk xk Oz 2 Dw' Dw' Re xk xk 1 D2 v'w' Re Dz 2 Rexkxxk D 3 w' Oz V'2W' (3.41) - D 2-p'w'. Dz (3.42) IV D D U'w'w' Dz UOz IV IIIII (3.40) Dxk az' IV III 2 Du' Dw' au V II II Du'w' v' 2 and W' 2 are IV I I D' Ox III II DV' 2 L'2, Dp'v' DwzwD az V VI (3.43) Here I are the pressure-strain correlation terms, II the viscous diffusion terms, III the dissipation terms, IV the transport terms and V the shear flow production terms, VI the pressure diffusion term. 107 (a) (b) -0.2 - PROD TURD PRES VISD DISS ----- I -0.4 - 0.8 - -------...-. PROD TURD PRES ------ VISO - DISS - - 0.6 a-- z 1 z - ji - -0.6 0.4 - - 0.2 -0.8 4f.1 -1 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Figure 3-41: u'u' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. (a) (b) .2----PRES a -0.4 0.8 - .----- TURD -0 - - - -DISS 0.6-- z I! z a- -0.6- 0.4 - 0.2 - - -1 TURD --------- PRES -- - - - - VISD - - -0.8 ------- VISD DISS I - \I -0.2 0 0.2 -0.2 -- i--0.2 Figure 3-42: v'v' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. 108 (a) (b) ------ .- -0.2 TURD . -- ------- TURD --- -- -- PRES -----VISD - - - DISS 0.8 PRES ------. VISD DISS I I -0.4 0.6 z z -0.6 0.4 -1 1 - / IA 0.2 -0.8 -1 0.2 0 -0.2 0.2 0 -0.2 Figure 3-43: w'w' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. (a) 0- (b) - PROD PRED -0.2-TURD -----0.4 0.8 - PROD PRED -------- TURD PRES -----VISD - - DISS PRES VISD DISS 0.6- - z z -0.6- 0.4 - -t -0.8 - GY - F- -0.2 I K -1 -0. 4 -_I_ _ -0.2 ' 0I -__-_I__II'__ 0 0.2 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 .. ~ - 0 0.2 Figure 3-44: u'w' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. 109 0.4 3.5.3 Enstrophy dynamics As for free surface turbulence, the surface layer is manifest primarily in the horizontal vorticity components rather than in the vertical vorticity component. Thus the surface layer has disparate effects on the dynamics of the horizontal versus vertical enstrophy components. The equation for the balance of the enstrophy components is given by 2 1DW X_- Dw2 w' 4-2 2 W/ al' - + ~W , II au' ai 9z IV 9u' 1 - +_ - W' (9y at = --2- (92 i / Yjjj9az Z2 I w- w' -' +2 (2 2W' Re jz 7 Ov, W'w' + xO '2 av' 1 a2 + +' az Yay Re az 2 V at II Re xk X (3.44) X Dxk (9V' (y ' + W'W O' YzZ IIIII a9 w) 2w' z X VII +2-W' aw) 2 ' w' 2 2 VI V S ±2w1 wL + III +2 aw'2 auKz +4W/4L7 2 Y, 292 - VII aw' 2 OX +L y (3.45) y Re axkx xk' VI Ow' 9w' y au aw' aw' < az z &y III V + I az ReOZ2 a2 VI 2 aw'9a' ' 2 R al zRe Oxk Ox . (3.46) VII Here the terms are: I, gradient production; II, transport by velocity fluctuations; III, production due to the gradients of velocity fluctuation; IV, production due to mean shear; V, mixed production; VI, viscous diffusion; and VII, dissipation. The vertical variation of the above terms is plotted in figure 3-45110 3-47. (a) (b) II ~..---.1 ---.IV II -0.2 ------- -0.4 V V ------- VII - - - VII - 0.8 - -------- -0.6 ~ mI - IV V VI . - - 0.6 - : i' 0.4 ' -0.8 . -I I -.- - 0.2 . -0.02 -6.04 0.04 0.02 0 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 Figure 3-45: Enstrophy dynamics of 2': (a) near the interface behavior; (b) near the wall boundaries. (b) (a) 0 II - -0.2 I ------- - 0.8 y ------- VI -0.4 - - V VI VI/ - 0.6 N N -0.6 - I - I- 0.4 0.2 -0.8 - 04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 Figure 3-46: Enstrophy dynamics of 2': (a) near the interface behavior; (b) near the wall boundaries. 111 (a) (b) \ * - -----S ------- - - -0.2- III 0.8- V VI VI- ------ -0.4 - VI VII 0.6 -0.6- 0.4- - -0. 8- 0.2 -0 6.02 -0.01I 0.01 0 0.02 -8.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 Figure 3-47: Enstrophy dynamics of W/: (a) near the interface behavior; (b) near the wall boundaries. 3.5.4 Budget for scalar transfer For passive scalar transfer through the air-water inteface, the equilibrium equations for the scalar concentration Z, scalar turbulent fluctuation c'd and turbulent scalar flux c'w' are given in equation (3.47)-(3.49). Here, I are the pressure-strain correlation terms, II the viscous diffusion terms, III the dissipation terms, IV the transport terms and V the shear flow production terms, VI the pressure diffusion term. DE -- = - &c'w' ' + at z - IV ac'c' Ot I a2C'C' 1 ReScz II 2 1 a2g 91 ReScaz 2 . (3.47) II ac' o8c' a 6C_ c --d c'c'w' -2c'w' ReSc &Xk DXk 9Z 1Z 2 -2~2 - III 112 IV V (3.48) (a) (b) - -0.2 - ------------ PROD TURD VISD DISS PROD 0.8 - -0.4 ------- TURD ------ VISD -- - - - DISS - - 0.6- : z z -0.6 0.4-0 - 0.2 - -0.8 -1 1 , -0.0002 -0.0001 0 1E-04 (9c' I' at az I ReSc Re III -1E-05 -2S-OS 0 1 E-05 budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. Figure 3-48: c' ac'w' 0.0002 +- 1 a 2C'w' Re Dz 2 + II a Ow' ac' 0 aXk z (ReSc 1 Re] 1 aw 8z ap'c' az aXk 9z 7 ,ae IV V - VI Profiles of each term in the c'c' and c'w' budget are shown in figure 3-48- 113 (3.49) 3-49. (a) -~ ~-'-- -0.2- (b) - PROD TURD VISD ---- - - - ' ~ 0.8 DISS -0.4 ------ PRO D TUR D VISD - - - --- DISS 0.6- - z -0.6- 0.4 -0.8- 0.2- -0.00 02 -0.0001 0 1E-04 0.0002 -2 A-0 5 -1E-05 0 1E-05 Figure 3-49: c'w' budget on the (a) water and (b) air side. 114 Chapter 4 Computational result of DNS: Coherent Structures 4.1 4.1.1 Two-dimensional streaky structures Low-speed and high-speed streaks Streaky structures are hallmarks of wall-bounded turbulence flows. The primary determinant of streaky structures is the shear rate near the boundary. In wall-bounded turbulence at high shear rates the structures form low-speed streaks with alternating high- and low-speed regions. The low-speed streaks are periodically disrupted by spectacular instabilities ("ejections"), which are confined to relatively low shear stresses. Streaky structures are shown in figure 4-1 through the streamwise velocity fluctuation at the interface which verifies that a solid boundary is not necessary for streaks while high shear rate condition is sufficient ([35]). Figures 4-1(a-c) show a time series of streaks near the interface. It is very clear that there are alternating high-speed and low-speed regions. The streaks are characterized by higher or lower streamwise velocities than the mean flow velocity at the interface. As we know for the burst mechanism of wall-bounded turbulence, these streaks highlight the streamwise coherent structures that occur in the viscous sub-layer very near a wall. When evolving 115 U' 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.000 -0.001 -0.003 -0.004 -0.006 -0.007 4W - - U' - - 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.000 -0.001 -0.003 -0.004 -0.006 -0.007 (b) U' .. 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.000 -0.001 -0.003 -0.004 -0.006 -0.007 (C) Figure 4-1: Time series of streaky structures at the air-water interface: (a) t=4000; (b) t=4050; (c) t=4100. 116 (a),, (b) 0.2 I. I . . 1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . .. As -6----.. 0. A2 . - - z z 0.1 - -0.1 -- -0.2 -)2 -1 X21 A2 2,. 1 ' -0.2 . . Taylor-Lengthscale Macro-Lengthscale Figure 4-2: Macro-lengthscale and Taylor lengthscale profiles in the interaction flow: (a) Macro-lengthscale; (b) Taylor lengthscale. downstream, the streaky structures are lifted from the wall due to self-induction and the mean shear. This lifting process is called an ejection. How the streaks play a role in air-water coupled boundary layer is still not clear. Quantitatively, lengthscale of streaks is calculated by correlation of velocity components. The calculation of the macro-lengthscale and Taylor lengthscale are given as follows by the velocity fluctuation, - m )A,1= Aim = u' x)u'x 1, 2, 3; m= 1,2 (4.1) and AIm(z) =u' 2 )2 1/ = 1, 2, 3; m = 1, 2. (4.2) where em, is the unit vector in the m-direction and r the vector connecting the two points. Note that summation notation here is not implied for 1 = 1, 2, 3. As an example, All refers to the streamwise macro lengthscale of the streamwise velocity while A21 the spanwise macro lengthscale of the streamwise velocity. All and A21 refer to the streamwise and spanwise Taylor lengthscale of the streamwise velocity 117 respectively. Figure 4-2 plots the profiles of macro-lengthscale and Taylor micro-lengthscale. Across the interface from water side to air side, both macro-lengthscale and Taylor microscale drop sharply to a very small value (see figures 4-2). The huge difference between the lengthscales on the water and air sides will diminish if we normalize the lengthscales by shear unit 1* in each side. Specifically, the streaks spacing A1 2 , with a meaning of separation between high-speed and low-speed flow, is about 48 in shear unit, which is well in coincidence with other numerical result where A1 2 ~ 50 near the wall ([19]). For wall-bounded turbulence, an increasing of streaks spacing is shown from A ~ 50 at z+ ~ 10 to A ~ 75 at z+ ~ 30, all in shear unit([19]). In our result for water side, however, the streaks spacing reaches the maximum value of A12 = 48 at the interface. It appears the lengthscale of the streaky structure at the air-water interface is mainly determined by the water motion. 4.1.2 Distribution of streaky structures Research on turbulence structures at high shear rate shows that wall-layer streaks exist for 2 < z+ < 30 ~ 35 where the energy-partition and streaks elongation parameters are used to indicator where streaky structures exist ([35]). Very near the wall region, there is no experimental data available. There is numerical research showing that no-streaky region exists within z+ < 5 where the non-dimensional shear rate, defined by -u'w'd6idz (4.3) is below a critical value of unit 1 ([36]). Figures 4-3 (a-c) show the distribution of streaky structures near the interface in each fluid subdomain. In the bulk flow which is not shown in the figures, turbulence is more isotropic without dominant streaky structures in the flow. On the air side, the lengthscale of stready structures decreases abruptly from the interface to near interface region (see results at h+ = 0, h+ = 1.2 and h+ = 11 respectively), corresponding to the quantitative results in figure 4-2. Velocity fluctuation contours in 118 fI=o (a) Wale( Air "Ilk -V Y 0 r 1.2 Cb I Y 0 Y 3 1 2 0 0 3 2 1 0 2 1 rc) h411 3 5io "j2 I Y 0 Y 0 . .2 .1 0 1 2 3 3 *2 .1 0 1 2 3 Figure 4-3: Distribution of streaky structures on air and water sides: (a) z = 0, h+ = 0, at the interface; (b)h+ = 1.2 (z = 0.005 for the air side and z = -0.01 for 0.04 for the air side and z = -0.1 for the water the water side); (c) h+ = 11 (z side. 119 figure 4-3 (b) at h+ = 1.2(z ~ 0.005) show a high flow disorder and doesn't give a clear illustration of streaky structures as those in figures 4-3 (a) or (c). This result is quite similar with the no-streaks characteristic in a thin layer near the wall boundary. On the water side, however, the change of streaks lengthscale is quite slow and there are always streaky structures near the interface up to about 40 shear-based units. We try to explain the different characteristics of streaks distribution between air and water subdomains using the non-dimensional shear rate. Definition of nondimensional shear rate S and 9', together with anisotropic indicator K* are given by equations (4.3-4.5) where k and E are the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation respectively. Profiles of these indicators are shown in figure 4-4. S'zzk dz 16 (4.4) 20' K* = 22 +(4.5) /' K* and 5' /2 are good indicators of the presence and distribution of streaky struc- tures. Streaky structures appear when these indicators are above critical values. On the water side interface region, with a strengthened turbulence production and a week dissipation, the non-dimensional shear rate is unanimously above the critical value for streaks to exist. On the air side, small values correspond to no streaks occur. Again, streaks distribution shows that interface acts like a wall for the air side, while different for the water side due to velocity fluctuation on the interface. The biggest difference between wall boundary and interface is, interface is a high shear rate layer with fluctuation of shear rate permitted. 4.2 Three-dimensional coherent structures Three-dimensional coherent structures are always very useful tools for research on turbulence flow. From earlier studies of near wall turbulence, it is shown that turbulence is burst through an ejection-sweep mechanism very near the wall and streaks forms in sub-layer at high shear rate region and then hairpin vortex is developed from the 120 (a) 80 60 -t - 40 1 20 0- (b) -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 1 -0.2 ) z 40 ---- S so 5s ------- K* 30 I- - 20 F11 -- 10 / 0' 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 z Figure 4-4: Indicators of streaky structures: (a) water side; (b) air side. 121 initial structure. Here "ejections" are confined to relatively low shear stresses while sweeps are corresponding to high shear stress regions. For low shear rate flows with free-surface turbulence as a limitation (zero shear rate at the free-surface), the nearboundary structures are "patchy", being caused by impinging eddies that flatten into a pancake shape as they approach the boundary ([12]). Numerical simulation result of FST ([55]) shows that free-surface turbulence is characterized by the presence of hairpin vortex inclined against the mean flow with head portion near the free-surface and the two legs extending into the bulk region. During the attaching process of hairpin vortex onto the free surface, decaying, stretching and merging together of the vortices could be found. Recent numerical investigation on gas-liquid counter flow shows that sweep events on the gas side are corresponding to ejections on the liquid side ([36]). It is also shown that quasi-streamwise vortices are formed in the areas between high and low shear stresses on both side of the interface while about one-fifth of them appear to be coupled across the interface. Sweeps usually occur on the high shear stress side of these vortices and ejections on the low shear stress side. Significant coupling exists across the interface with over 60% of the Reynolds stresses in the near interface region being associated with coupled event ([36]). For the gas-liquid counter flow problem, it is also shown by statistical results that the main coupling coming through gas ejectionliquid ejection events over low shear stress regions, with a lesser but significant number of gas sweep-liquid sweep events over high shear stress regions. Three-dimensional, instantaneous flow fields obtained from the present simulation provide detailed turbulence structures in the air-water coupled flow. Characterized by the instantaneous or conditional average result, various structures in the nearinterface region of the flow are identified. The influence of coherent structures on scalar transport across the interface is also investigated. 4.2.1 Definition of vortex core in shear flow Before identifying the three dimensional structures in the fluid flow, there is a problem of vortex core identification. A good indicator for vortices in three-dimensional 122 domain should exclude unsteady straining (swirling for example) and some viscous effects like that in the high shear layer, satisfy the Galilean invariant condition and have a net circulation. Vorticity is not appropriate to identify vortex structures especially in flow regions with high shear rate. There are many researches made contribution to the development of vortex indicators. A new vortex indicator was induced by Jeong & Hussain ([15]) and widely used. Details are given as following. The vortex core indicator, A2 , is defined by imaginary part of the second largest eigenvalue of a symmetric tensor S2 + Q2, where S and Q are the symmetric and anti-symmetric parts of velocity gradient Vu. S and Q are defined by equation (4.6) and (4.7). A negative A2 has the physical meaning of a local pressure minimum, which is in general corresponding to a vortex core. Sr = - - + - - 2 axj Qi = 2 axj 2u) axi (4.6) -u (4.7) Oxj A comparison was made between isosurfaces of A2 and vorticity for vortex core indication in figure 4-5. The physical problem simulated is a strong shear flow near a wavy wall. It is very clear that with vorticity indicator, vortex structures are totally in the shallow of the high shear rate contours near the wall, while A2 can grasp the vortex structures much better. 4.2.2 Instantaneous coherent structures Our numerical results show that, near the interface, three dimensional quasi-streamline vortices exists on both sides, which is originally observed in wall-bounded turbulence. It is called quasi-streamwise vortices because vortex structures are mainly extending in the streamline direction. Figure 4-6 shows a typical example of quasistreamwise vortex structures in each subdomain through the iso-surface of negative A2 with A2 =-0.003 on the water side and A2 =-0.20 on the air side. On the air side, most of the vortices are in streamwise orientation, resembling what have been 123 (a) § (b) Figure 4-5: Vortex definition for numerical result of flow past wavy wall([59]): (a) isosurface of vorticity; (b) isosurface of A2 lei4 Figure 4-6: Isosurface of A2 on the water and air side: air-water interaction flow with Re* = 120 and Re* = 271. 124 GAS Yt .i 0 x 1080 - * x I) Figure 4-7: Isosurface of A2 on the water and air side: Gas-liquid count flow with Re* = Re* = 180( [36]). 125 -Interface scalar concentration Water Hairpin Vortex Ouas I-st eamw ise vortex Interface-attached vortex Figure 4-8: Vortex structures on the air and water sides near the interface, and scalar concentration on the vertical cross-section cutting through the head portion of a hairpin-shaped vortex. Z L,> j+(w k 3600 00 3600 0 (I j +. k 0 x y Figure 4-9: Vortex inclination angles diagram: (a) O6z; (b)0yz defined by O62 = and 6Oy = tan-1 (w/wz). w'z will be defined by 0, = tan 1(w/wz) tan-1 (W.,/W based on vor ticity fluctuation values. 126 Water Air (a) 04 z=-0.05 Z=0.01 0.3 . 0.3 0.2- 0.2- 0.1 0.1 - 45 C 90 135 180 0 225 270 315 360 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0. (tb) 0.05 0.05 z=-0.05 z=0.01 0.04 0.04- 0.03 - 0.03 0.02 - 0.02 0.01 0 45 90 135 0.01 0 . 45 180 225 270 315 360 90 135 (C) 0.05 0.05 0.04- 0.03- 0.03 0.02- 0.022 0.01 0.01 45 90 135 315 360 z=-0.50 z=0.50 0.04- 01' 0 180 225 270 0. 0, Z 180 225 270 315 360 5 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 oxz Figure 4-10: Histograms of vortex inclination angles, Q,, in the (y, z)in the (x, z) - plane, at various distances from the interface. 127 plane and O, observed in boundary layers at a solid wall as part of hairpin vortices. It is very clear that there are great difference in the lengthscales of vortex structures in air and water subdomains. on the water side, lengthscale of vortex structures is much larger than the that on the air side, which has been highlighted by the lengthscales difference of 2-D streaky structures between two fluid sides in the former section. For gas-liquid interaction problem with the same shear based Reynolds number for both sides ([36],Re = 170 for both sides is assumed), numerical results have shown the same size of quasi-streamwise vortices in gas and liquid subdomains (see figure 4-7). Apparently, lengthscale of three-dimensional vortex structures is directly related to shear based Reynolds numbers. On the water side, the dominant vortices are hairpin vortices including the head portion and two legs before attaching to the interface (see a instantaneous flow sample in figure 4-8), which is quite similar for hairpin vortex near the free-surface ([55]). The difference is that in our computational case, the hairpin vortex is highly stretched by strong shear at the interface (notice that mean shear has been disregarded with the definition of the vortex indicator A2 ). Scalar concentration is also shown in figure 48 at the cross-section cutting through hairpin vortex with analysis shown in the following section 4.2.4. The existence of these vortical structures can be also confirmed by the histogram statistics of vortex inclination angles. We employ the same approach which has been used in the statistics of wall-bounded turbulence and free-surface turbulence ([38],[55]). Two-dimensional vortex inclination angles are defined in figure 4-9. For being different with wYZ, W/ is defined by spanwise vorticity fluctuation values as Oyz = tan-'(w/wz). Note that for streamwise and vertical vorticity components, mean vorticity values are zero and there are no different between vorticity values and vorticity fluctuations. Figure 4-10(a) shows that near the interface, OYZ is concentrated around 900 (indicates that lj >> Iwzj), signifying the presence of strong shear at the interface or the existence of hairpin heads. O63 (see in figures 4-10b), being concentrated around 90' and 2700, signifies the presence of hairpin heads only. on the air side close to the interface, 0a> is concentrated around 900 and 270', 128 corresponding to streamwise vortices. peaks around 00/360' and 180'. vortices (where |wj > IwI). In the water subdomain, however, 0., has This indicates the presence of surface-connected Far away from the interface, OXZ is centered around 450 and 2250, showing the inclination of vortices with the bulk shear flow. For water side bulk flow (z = -0.50), the concentration of Oxz scatters around 450, indicating the stretch effect by mean shear at the interface. Figures 4-11(a-d) show the time evolution of a hairpin vortex attached to the interface on the water side. The dominant vortices are hairpin vortices with the head portion located near the interface in figure 4-11(a) and surface-connected vortices in figures 4-11 (c-d). The two types of vortices are similar to the ones discovered in shearfree free-surface flows ([55]). Again we can see that vortices in the flow are stretched significantly in the streamwise direction due to the strong shear at the interface. The dissipation is very small near the interface from observation, similar with numerical simulation result at free-surface. Elevations shown at the interface come from the linear approximation relation between elevation and pressure fluctuation, as p'/(Fr)2 ([6]). 4.2.3 Conditional averaging coherent structures To analyze coherent structures in the turbulent flow, conditional averaging methods are employed. Following the former research on free-surface turbulence ([58]), we use a variable-interval spacing-averaging (VISA) technique, which is based on the well-developed variable-interval time-averaging (VITA) method ([4]). The VISA procedure is given as follows with conditional averaging of hairpin vortex head portion as an example. In order to capture the hairpin vortex events near the interface, conditional averaging method is applied upon the spanwise vorticity which is dominated near the interface (big w is corresponding to head portion of the hairpin vortices). The variable-interval space averaging is defined as, Y(X, y, z, t, WX, WY) -- (2Wx)(2Wy) I-w 129 y-w w y ((,z, t) d~ds, (4.8) OW Ali t 4L Figure 4-11: Time-evolution of hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (vortex illustrated by iso-surface of A2 = -0.0008). 130 where W2, W. are the half-widths of the averaging window along the streamwise and spanwise directions respectively, which are set to be about one streaks macro lengthscales in this study. To identify strong wy events, a localized variance is introduced with w (x, y, z, t) - L (X, y, z, t, WX, Wy). W.. (X, y, Z, t, W7, WY) (4.9) Strong hairpin head events are detected using the following criterion, 1ifm" > c(W rms)2, F(x, y, z, )= 0 Here the detection function f > otherwise (4.10) E(x, y, z, 1) = 1 if the hairpin head portion exists. Wr,, is the root-mean-square variation of wy at the horizontal plane and c is the threshold level which has the value of 10 ~ 15 in the present study. Conditional averaging is carried out upon the instantaneous flow data from t = 4500 to t = 7500 which includes 600 DNS samples. The three dimensional flow field associated with each event is then ensemble averaged to yield the VISA field. It is necessary to notice that before averaging, for each event, the coordinates are transformed horizontally so that all the events are centered at (0, 0) in horizontal plane. According to vertical position (Zd) of the conditional averaging, in this study, we have investigated hairpin vortex head events within horizontal planes at different vertical positions, ranging from Zd =-0.025 to zd = -0.005. Increasing Zd is corresponding to hairpin head portion which is closer to the interface and the later phase of the vortex attachment process. With special mentions, the conditional average results of hairpin vortex in this thesis is associated with Zd -0.005 which is very near the air-water interface. Through conditional average technique four major types of vortices on the water side near the interface are identified as, hairpin vortices, quasi-streamwise vortices, interface-attached single and interface-attached paired ("U"-shape) vortices. The first three kinds of vortices can also be seen from the spontaneous vortex structures in figure 4-11 while the "U"-shape interface attached vortices are only found in the conditional average result. Two of these four kinds of vortices, the hairpin vortices 131 and interface-attached single vortices, appears also in free-surface turbulence with zero mean shear at the surface and no air fluid imposed from above. For wall-bounded turbulence, hairpin vortices and quasi-streamwise vortices also exist near the wall boundary. Figures 4-15 to 4-17 show examples of the resulting VISA flow field. Conditional averaging result of u' centered at (0, 0, -0.005) in figure 4-15 clearly illustrates hairpin vortices with head through iso-surface of A2 and plots of vortexlines. The head portion and the two legs are seen inclined with the mean shear flow. Interface-attached single and paired vortices are shown in figure 4-16 through the vortexlines. The flow fields are conditionally averaged upon large positive 4, at the interface. Similar vortex structures with opposite vortex orientation can be shown by conditional average result of negative wz. Double-attached ("U" shape) vortex rings appear only on one side of the single-attached vortices (right-side from the current viewpoint in the figure). Figure 4-17 shows the streamwise vortices through conditionally averaging upon large positive w. near the interface at the interface. zd = -0.015 below The quasi-streamwise vortex tubes can be either clockwise or anti- clockwise direction corresponding to positive or negative w.. Four each conditional average flow result shown above, the average is made through over 3000 events. 4.2.4 Dynamic scalar transfer with structures The vortical structures discussed above are found to play an essential role in the interfacial scalar transport. In figure 4-8, on the vertical cross-section cutting through the hairpin vortex, the scalar concentration is plotted. It can be seen that upstream the hairpin vortex, the scalar boundary layer is thinned. This is caused by the upward convection of the scalar by the upwelling motions induced by the hairpin vortex. As a result, scalar transfer is enhanced there. For the same reason, the scalar boundary layer is thickened downstream the vortex and scalar transfer rate is reduced. These vortices also play a significant role in near-surface turbulent kinetic energy balance. Hairpin vortices are associated with key features in near surface vertical velocity and TKE production, shown in the vertical (x, z)section at the center (y = 0) 132 (a) (b) 0 1.07x10 ' 9.35X1 0-02 7.97X1 0-02 6.60x1 002 5.22x1 0-02 02 3.85x1 0. 2.47X1 0-02 1.1Ox10-02 -2.78x1 0-3 02 -1.65x10- Figure 4-12: Hairpin vortices in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of W': (a)isosurface of A2 =-0.003; (b) vortexlines. 133 02 -3.3x10- 3 -5.8x1Q-o 02 2.lxlO 4.8x10-02 Figure 4-13: Single and paired interface-attached ("U"-shape) vortices in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of u,. -1.5x10-020 Ox10** 1.5x10-2 3.Ox1002 Figure 4-14: Quasi-streamwise vortices in the the conditional averaged VISA flow field of wx: streamlines and iso-surface of A2 =-0.00034. 134 (a) 2.9X1U0* -1.0x0-"4 -6.8x10- -3.6x1e0-3.4x10 K I 6.1 x10 z 9.4x105 _ - - - -i - 0 - -0.1 0.2 -0.2 3 "- -0.5 -0.3 4 .. -0.- (b) z 6x Pk S6.0X1 I _ _ 0 - 0-"' 5.2x1 0-m 4.3x10V 3.5x10" 2.6x101 8x10-M 3 9.3x10,9 0 -7.7x10" 7.9x10 -0.2 0.5 -1.6x10*' Figure 4-15: Coherent hairpin vortex structures in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of 4: (a)iso-surface of A2 = -0.003 with w' at the interface; (b) streamlines and turbulence production contours on the vertical cross-section cutting through the hairpin vortex. 135 (a) (z -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 _Q0Q z Tk 1. 5x10,01 9.3x10 07 6.3x10' 1 0.11 -5.7x10-8.7x10 7 -1.2x10* -0.2 2 -U.b -0.4 -04-0.3 03 0.4 3.3x10 *0 3.Ox10-w -2 7x1 0-" 0.5 -. (b) z x Yl Pk 1.4x10* 1.2x10* 7 1.0x10-0 8.5x10-0.1 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 6.7x1 04 4.9x10O-** 3.Oxl0. 1.2x10' -6.1 x10 -2.4x10" -0.5 Figure 4-16: Coherent interface-attached vortex structures in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of w: (a)interface-attached single and interface-attached paired ("U"shape) vortices with w, at the interface; (b) turbulence production contours on the vertical cross-section cutting through U-shape attached vortices. 136 (a) )az EM RK 0.43 3.06 5.70 8.34 10.97 13_- z C 0.038 0.027 0.016 -0.005 0.2 00 -0.01 2 -0.5 0.3 0.4. -0.1 -0.016 -0.027 -0.2 -0.038 -0.049 -0.059 . (b) z Tk 0 -0.1 - -A 0.2 0.4 0.2 -0.2 -0 .2 -0.5 -0.4 .- .1.x1 -0.2 0.5 6.3x104.3x10 202x10 0 -3.9x1 0-6 Dx1-8.0x10c* -0.1 1.2x10 -0.3 Figure 4-17: Coherent quasi-streamwise vortex structures in the conditional averaged VISA flow field of w,: (a)quasi-streamwise vortices (A 2 =-0.00034) with passive scalar transport rate ac/az at the interface; (b) turbulence diffusion associated with quasi-streamwise vortices. 137 of the VISA hairpin vortex in figure 4-15. It is very clear that regions of high TKE production locate at the near interface region. Distinct near-interface vertical velocity variations elucidate the hairpin vortex head portion and two legs near the interface. Interface-attached vortices (see figure 4-16) are also associated with large TKE production. As shown in the former section, The interface-attached vortices can be singly or "U"-shape connected with the interface. The "U"-shape connected vortices significantly enhance TKE transport Tk and turbulence production Pk. The physical mechanism is that "U"-shape vortices are more associated with distinct counterrotating surface-normal vorticity. For quasi-steamwise vortices, from conditional average results we can see that quasi-streamwise vortices (see figure 4-17) play a key role in TKE transport with strong upward and downward transport on opposite sides. Quasi-streamwise vor- tices are also responsible for passive scalar transport, as well as for the turbulent energy transfer. Corresponding to the strong upward or downward energy transport regions on opposite sides of the quasi-streamwise vortices, scalar transfer velocities get increased or decreased. As a result, there is also big difference between the boundary-layer thickness on opposite sides, shown by thicker boundary layer on the side of downward energy transport and scalar transfer. 4.2.5 Air-water interaction near the interface Our conditional average results also show that the vortex structures on the water and air sides are coupling through the interface. Figure 4-18 shows the interface attached vortexlines on both sides by making conditional average of vertical vorticity at the interface. Figure 4-19 shows the vortexlines on the air side when there is a hairpin vortex near the interface from water side. Due to the nondeformable interface, the influence of water side hairpin vortices on the air side is not shown clearly in this figure. Figures 4-20-4-28 show different flow properties in the horizontal planes or vertical plane when the hairpin vortex on the water side are near the interface. By a recent result of conditional average result of interfacial divergence (see figures 4-29-4-33), the splat effect of hairpin vortices on the water side against the 138 Figure 4-18: Vortexlines near the interface on both sides (Conditional average is made by vertical vorticity at the interface). Figure 4-19: Vortexlines near the interface on both sides with the hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by W, near the interface on the water side). 139 WY Air -4.3E-02 6.2E-02 1.7E-01 2.7E-01 3. k=10 Interface k=0 Water -1.OE-02 1.3E-02 3.6E-02 5.9E- k=0O: int k=7 k= 1 k=15 k=20 Figure 4-20: w' in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 140 Z' Air -3.OE-02 -1.7E-02 Water -3.OE-02 -1.7E-02 -4.7E-03 -47 -3 7.9E-03 2. E k=7 k= 1 k=15-Ht n head,- k=-20 Figure 4-21: w, in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by U' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 141 U' Air -4.OE-03 -2.3E-03 -6.3E-04 1.1 E-03 2. Figure 4-22: u' in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by 2 near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 142 Air -1.OE-03 -5.8E-04 -1.6E-04 2.6E-04 6. Figure 4-23: v' in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by Wt near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 143 aw/az Air -1.6E-02 -1.1 E-02 -5.1 E-03 4.2E-04 . Figure 4-24: Ow'/&z in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by W' near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 144 d2 u/az 2 Air -1.OE+01 -5.8E+00 -1.6E+00 2.6E+00 6.8 l Figure 4-25: 0 2 u'/0z 2 in the horizontal planes at different vertical position with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by U near the interface on the water side). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 145 Figure 4-26: u' in the x - z vertical plane with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by w, near the interface on the water side). 146 Figure 4-27: w' in the x - z vertical plane with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by L' near the interface on the water side). 147 Figure 4-28: Dw'/z in the x - z vertical plane with hairpin vortex near the interface on the water side (Conditional average is made by (2 near the interface on the water side). 148 interface can be seen. The flow structure characteristics are very abundant and more profound research is needed. After the physical mechanism of vortex structures interaction is investigated, turbulent transport and scalar transfer within the coupling air-water boundary layer will be better understood. 149 wlaz Air -1.2E-01 -5.3E-02 1.5E-02 8.2E-02 1. ' Figure 4-29: 9w'/&z in the horizontal plane at different vertical position (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, aw'/&z). k refers to the grid number away from the interface on each flow sides. 150 Figure 4-30: &w'/&z in the x - z vertical plane (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, Ow'/&z). 151 Figure 4-31: u' in the x - z vertical plane (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, aw'/&z). 152 Figure 4-32: w' in the x - z vertical plane (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, aw'/&z). 153 Figure 4-33: Isosurface of A2 near the interface on each side, showing splat effect. (Conditional average is made by velocity divergence at the interface, &w'/&z). 154 Chapter 5 Conclusions In this study we investigate the air-water interaction flow by direct numerical simulation. The canonical problem here is a two phase Couette flow where the air and water flowing fluids are coupled through the continuity of velocity and shear stress across the interface. As a first step, we investigate a flat interface which is reasonable in the limit of small free surface deformation (Fr assumed to be zero). In our numerical simulation, pseudo-spectral method with Fourier expansion in horizontal plane (streamwise and spanwise directions) and finite difference in vertical direction are used in each flow subdomain. To simulate the coupling air-water flow, subdomain-to-subdomain alternation strategy is applied where boundary conditions at the interface, continuity of velocity and shear stress, are satisfied through a Dirichlet boundary condition on the fluid side with lower dynamic viscosity and a Neumann type condition on the other side. Other gas-liquid interaction flows, depending on different density ratio and viscosity ratio, can also be solved by this method. Parallel computation is carried out to fulfill the high demanding on computation resources of this problem. All of the statistically quasi-steady flow properties, such as mean velocity profiles, turbulent intensities, Reynolds stresses and turbulent kinetic energy budget terms, show significant differences between turbulence near the interface on the water side (Int T-w) and wall-bounded turbulence (WT) while there are some similarities between IntT-w and free-surface turbulence (FST). For the air side, turbulence char155 acteristics near the interface (IntT-a) go all the way with WT which indicates that air-water interface with high shear is quite similar to a wall boundary for the air side. In bulk flow area, the differences between air and water sides are mainly due to the big difference of shear-based Reynolds numbers (Re* /Re* = 1/2.26), as a result of huge density and viscosity differences. The 0(1) behavior of the horizontal velocity fluctuations and the O(z) behavior of the vertical velocity fluctuation can be deduced from the interface boundary condition analytically and verified by our calculation results. The Reynolds shear stress and eddy viscosity in Int T-w are strengthened comparing with WT or IntT-a. Due to this Reynolds stress distribution characteristics, water side interface turbulence flow is characterized with a thinner viscous sub-layer and adjusted intercept parameter B in log-law layer (B ~ 3.0 for Int T-w comparing with B ~ 5.5 in WT at current Reynolds number condition). Regarding the turbulent kinetic energy budget terms, the quasi-steady results on the water side near-interface flow show a stronger production term, a decreasing then increasing dissipation term within h+ ~ (0.5 ~ 3) and a negative turbulent diffusion term in turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget. More abundant physical phenomena exist on the water side turbulent flow with four major types of three-dimensional vortex structures identified near the interface by variable-interval spacing averaging (VISA) techniques, which include hairpin vortices, quasi-streamwise vortices, interface-attached single and interface-attached pair vortices ("U"-shape). Each type of vortex structures is shown to play an essential role in the turbulent kinetic energy balance and interfacial passive scalar transport. The scalar boundary layer is thinned upstream the hairpin vortex, caused by the upward convection of the scalar due to the upwelling motions induced by the hairpin vortex. Scalar transfer is enhanced by the hairpin vortex. Hairpin vortices are also associated with enhanced TKE production near the interface. Near-interface vertical velocity variations elucidate the hairpin vortex head portion and two legs near the interface. For interface-attached vortices, the "U"-shape double attached vortices, characterized with distinct counter-rotating surface-normal vorticity, also contribute 156 to the large TKE production in IntT-w. Quasi-streamwise vortices play a key role in scalar transfer near the interface with strong upward and downward transport on opposite sides. The conditional average results also show the interaction between vortex structures on the water and air sides. Physics of coupling vortex structures are very rich and profound investigations are needed in further research steps. Through the vortex structures interaction, understanding on turbulent transport and scalar transfer near the interface will be greatly improved. 157 158 Bibliography [11 ANTONIA, R. A. & KiM, J. 1991 Turbulent Prandtl number in the near-wall region of a turbulent channel flow. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 34, 1905-1908. 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