\"ST. OF TECfyt IE3R 27 1 7 I8RARIE POTENTIAL VORTICITY CONSERVATION IN UPPER TROPOSPHERIC FRONTU by LANCE F. BUSART Mmasachusetts Institute of Technology S.B., (1904) SUBMIMTD IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF Th REUIREMNTS FOR THE D~R;e; OF MASTER OF OCINCE at the MASSACHUSETI INSTITUTE OF TSCHNOLOGY July 1900 Sgnature of Author ..... ... , , .. .- ,-. - - . Department of Meteorology, 18 July 19668 Certitfed by. r'c-rr .' Thesis 8uperviaor e Ut. Accepted by . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... * . . 0 Chairman, Departmental Comittee on (raduate Students . 1i, POTTIAL VORTICITY CONEIRVATION IN UPPER TRUPOSPHRIC FRONTS by LMNCE F. iBEART Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on 18 July 1966 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science ABBSTRT An intensifying upper tropospheric front is exaained over the period 19 kecember 1983 at 1200 GMT to 20 December 1963 at 0000 GMC with particular regard to le validity of the conservation of the Ertel potential vqrticity along trajectories ending in the baroclinic same. The adiabatic assumption is justified by the extreme dryness of the frontal sone. A total energy equation is used as an aid in the traeoctory construction. With only one exoeptian potential vorticity either increased or conserved folloeing the trajeotories over the twelve hour period. ies terminated in the central and western portions of These traj~g the eastern and probably most intense portion was over troataas the the Atlantc Ocen an 20 December 1963 at 0000 GWe'. The potential vorticity inoreases were due to a large positive relative vorticity change on the northern periphery of the trontal ane and a marked stability increase on the southern periphery of the frontal sone. Diabatic effects oould not explain the observed Increases In potenvertictty, Rather turbulent processes in the tatmosphere see tal i portant. In particular, esosecale motions say be exerting an inFinally, an observation linking fluence on the synopto featurse the intensification of upper with developments possible surface presented. is zanes tropospheric baroclinio w Theasis Title; upervisor: Frederick Sanders Associate Professor ACKWLED aIMI 1 Special thanks must go th several people whose aid made this My thanks go to Mrs. thesis possible. Jane McNabb for typing the paper and to liss lsabelle Kole for drafting the more dit- ficult accompanying figures and instructing me in the use of drafting equipment. Thanks go to fellow students, Mike Wallace and Ken Campana, for occasional fruitful disusseions. and Bob Ulchak The help of Bill Somers ith the more tedious aspects of the paper must not go unrecorded. Of course, special thanks go to Professor Frederick Sanders without whose invaluable help and inspiration this thesis wuld not have been possible. TABLE OF CONTT I 11 INTRODUCTION A. Bistorial Background 1 B. C. Recent Developments Goals of this Study 2 4 TERLOTICAL BACKGROUND A. B. C. D. E. 5 Adiabatic Assumption NMntgomery 8tream Function Total Snergy Equation Potastial Voritty Factors ihoh Influence Potential Vorticity 5 5 6 8 14 III 8YNOPTIC SITUATION 19-30 December 183 17 IV 19 W0CATION OCF mB FONT A. B. C. Collection of Pertinent Data Display of Front on Potential Temperature Surfaces Cross Sections of Potential Taeperature and 19 20 22 Isotache V DISCUSSION OF R~SUTS A. 8. C. Do E. VI ' Fields 8stlsoaction of the Total Energy Equation Conservaton of Potential Vortiolty Moisture analysis Factor Efftecting Non Conservation of Potential Vorticty Trajectories and the 24 24 28 27 32 33 CONCLUSIONS A. B. C. D. g. Role of Turbulent Processes Reliability of Entire Analysis Problem of Clear Air Turbulence Stratospheric Origin of TraJeotories Surface-Upper Tropospheric Interactlon 38 38 40 41 41 42 APPENDICES 43 FIGURES 3 - 33 47 BIBLIOGRAPEY 78 INTRODUCTION 1. A. Bieorcal Bacgroud What to a front? The question is not asked to be facetious but to indicate the often widespread differences of opinion about them among meteorologists today. BJerknes (0919) of air Surf&ace fronts wre first school just after the first postulated by world war to mark boundaries Since then they have asses with different characteristics. brought both Joy and disillustoament to synoptic neteorologists searching for an Infallible tool to forecast the weather. to the contrary some meteorologists still Yet, despite evidence Ansist that the observed weather changes can be explained by frontal movements. one often observes ftroat kven today, moved about on surface maps like opposing armtes in all the war games played in the various world capitals. With the advent of good upper air coverage fronts have been found in the middle and upper troposphere. with the name "front". However, zones of varying intensity. For better or worse we are stuck uhbt one means here are baroclinle These baroclinl zones are charactertized by strong vertical wind shears through various stable layerse Other features of these barocltnIc aones include an often large mixing ratio decrease in the vertical and high potential vorticity values. These baroclinic zones or fronts are not rare phenomena In the atmosphere but are almst independent of the more fatiliar (1954) and many others have showi. usually first surface front as Sanders These upper level frontal zones appear on the western sides of troughs and then intensity they descend around to the southeast side of the trough where they are strongest at 500 and 600 Sb. B, Recent DevelonUant Reed and sanders (1983) and Sanders (1954) have found that these at the baroolinic sones are characterised by the largest subsidence warn edge of the frontal boundary. This resulted in an intensification of the horisontal temperature gradient. Reed (1965) in a case study thin found that the intense portion of the frontal zone consisted of a wedge of stratospheric air ftieh had descended down to 700 and 800 ub. the He considered that the frontal boundaries were a folded portion of The ciroulation within the frontal sone was original tropopause. thermally indirect. Reed (1956) further noted that "surfaoe cyclo- upper genesis accompanied or slightly preceded the strengthening of the level frent." Inspection of Reed's figures disclosed that the front woe associated with the first upstream 500 ab vortiotty maxtium from the one assooiated with the strong surface cyclone. More will be said about this feature later the Brtel oooservation of potential vortioty theorem following an air parcel along an isentropic surface has proved to be an invaluable aid for studying upper tropospherio fronts. quantity will result if or if a vertical Non conservation of this tradient of diabatic heating exists a component of the curl of the friction force exists normal to an isentropic surface. Staley (1960) has evaluated these two efftets. 8is results show potential vortity inoreases in the lower stratosphere 3* and upper troposphere on the cold side of the front. tial vorticity changes occur within the frontal zone and around the entire periphery of the positive area. tial Negative poten- Staley finds that the poten- vortic ty changes are everywhere due to the vertical gradient of diabetic heating rather than the curl of the frictional force. Additional support for the stratospherio origin of the high potentiat vortioity air within a frontal some cane from Reed and Danielson (1989). Dantelsen in a detailed study in 1960 showed that the original radiosonde traces contained many in time. which tended to persist lainas "st~ble In addition, ientropic trajectories established a stratospheric source for many of these stable laminae. cept of a folded tropospause. This tended to support the con- Further support came in 1961 when Danielsen used a total energy relation as an aid into the construction lentropio trajeotorles. Campeas (1965) of lsentropia investigated an intense frontal soe through the use trajectories tnvolving satisfaction of the total energy Like Reed, he found equation and potential vortiotty oonservation descent everywhere and evidence for an indirect thermal c trculation. In addition, potential vortlolty Values increased along the higher ieentropes through most of the trontal some haich Campana attributed to diabetic effects rather than frictional torques. This s In contrast to the potential vortieity docreases vlthin the frontal aome found by Staley in 1940. C. Gas this %ofStudy Many avenues for further study lie opesw. pheric stratospheric mass transport Among them are tropos- hbich has been studied by Danielsem, 8taley and others and the problem of clear air turbulence for example. The main goal of this thesis will be to investigate the question of potential vortiity conservation during the formation of a strong upper tropospheric baroolinie none. This issue is Iaportant becoase, for example, it potential vorticity increases with time in the frontal asom than the oxplanation of the folded tropopauso with stratospherc air may not be entirely persussive. that If non conservation is In addition, it would be hoped significant then some measure of diabatic or frictional effects might be attainable. In any event, it that this case study will add a further contribution t is hoped the record. REBIZCA L BACKGROND * II, A. Adabatic AsamntOfl Let us now consider sO Most of the particulars have been elaborated ground for this study. by Campana (1986) of the fundametal theoretical back* and will not be conssdered here. suine poper tra- jectories are so critical to this study we will first examinae the necessary constraints in this area ase of First of all, we will assume that the first law of thermodynamcs for adiabatic flow may be written as: (1) This states that potential teperature is an air parcel. Of critical conserved if one follows mlportance bhre is the adiabatic assumption. Any upward motion with subsequent condensation would ruts our efoforts before we could start. Fortunately, the intensification of upper tro- pospheric fronts is generally assoiated with subsidence in relatively cloud free regions. Furthermore, the process takes place above the lower turbulent boundary layer and surface oadensation effects. 8. Montesry Stream FuSation Since we will be working on surfaces of constant potential tempera- ture the Montgomery strem func1ion, , determining the geostrophic motion field. will prove invaluable for The Nontgomery stream function io defined as = where Cp ) pT - (2) = 1s the specifio heat of air at constant proemse, anid --e are the temperature and height aceleration of gravity, T of the specific isentropio the ~ urtfae. Danlse (19O1) notes that it a reliable estimate ef the geostx hiC wind is to be made than must be measured to four significant figures. Xhis would inovave measuring Te to within 1 0.1 C which is not possible with present radioeonde equipent. Danielse suggesooted as an alternate approach rT the use of Potsson's equation vwhch relates sure on an Ieantropic surface. to "p , the pres- The latter leads directly to e -Q . In this manner the error in the computed - up to the middle troposphere will be no worse than the error of the computed height of a constant pressure surface. C. Total erIar EaRuat4~ In order to study potential vorticity changes duri t the iute st- fication of the firat ieentropio trajectortee will be needed. Initially, In constructinag trajectories the best one can do isto to nake use of the ambiguous kinematic relation Here 3 Is the total distance traversed by the parcel, j is an velocity for the first average geostropht \ half time perod, an average geostrophic velooity for the second half time priod - L the total time prieor. and The essential oughness of (3) led Danielsoe (1961) to develop a This total energy equation as an aid In traJectory construction. Involves a deviation fram the geootropbhi devations will occur when the *- , G the total drVati space s Under our assumption of adiba sero. vector. (8) y be writte * of motion the last ter Now, in as in (4) is riotionless notion on an The vector equation for horisoutal isentropic surface where tic time field changes over a gives period such that the parcel to acelerated or decelerated. - Such path for a parcel. ay be expressed as: t o the unit vertical iso the Coriolis parameter and Following Denielsen (191) take the dot product of and add ft tM (4). The resulting equation is length of the trajectory to yield: I... 4C~(0 'r with integrated over the where the subscripts '- and x refer to conditions at the final and In this equation + initial times respectively. potential and internal energies while - is a sum of the is a neasure of the 2 kinetic energy of the air parcel. The right hand side of (8) can be approximated by a still specified tine interval in points of the trajectory. to be at the Initial, middle ad final % Graphical subtracton of the analysed fields will do the trick in this case. Danielsen' s total energy equationa Thus a practical tform of 8: '4 't( - the value at the aid point of the rters to to where the subscript trajectory and N refers to a * change over a fixed time period. Descent maut take place along the trajectories for otherwise (7) would have to Include a term the release of latent heat. nust be taken for parcels of the jet because nvolving the In addition, as Danielsea O) due to notes, oare thih originate on the anticyclonlc side ore than one ponut may satisfy (3) and (7) * This arises because the gradient of ). Icreasei and I are negatively correlated. Potetial Vrtinitt The crux of the trajeotory analysis will depend upon the concept of conservation of potential vorticity. A theorem for this ms first 9. established by Ertel In 1942. Rather than stating the theorem & proof based partly on physical reasouag will be inoluded fluid is assumed invisid and a scalar quantity such that in ftiL e is a oanstant. is postulated A curve C , Consider a surtaee on encloses an area P as absho 1 he oirculation, P , around this closed curve Is defined by: r whore The is a ftunoton of presure, -p , and density % This scalar quantity will sattty (1). aloQe. which 1 1 . Z I C the veloIty vectr. (8) Now we may write Based In part on M.I.T. 18.01 course notes of Proteseor Joseph Pedlosky. 10 a k 3cEa~ C\ Here kL (1o) to the relative vrticity and LO= o (C) awa---"AY n Is tho unit normal. Let us now examine relvints thoorea. "k "n Uj Noting (8) we mra write (ll) S. ihere the subsorilt in roters to the inertial frame and the other symbols have their usual meanings in that co)se (12) P,, ~ UIoK (-~iXlrita4 - CO *%r Th1us, P%(N = % - 61 -4 ~2-;h .vk\ (14) (18) Thus, ignoring friction, 11. (17) aQ-4-w"S"3V Noting (10) w .awe lod to a statement of Kelvin's theorems Consider now a which lies copletely in and moves with the fluid. We bmov that along are constant. and must lie in x T osly Since-,, surface. a a constant a constant I ufaace both -x 9 Thus, and (18) may be written as where surfaces as shon whIah is . Consider now toa closely spaced constant n ig. . The smas constant follownlag the enclosed by the cylinder otion is given by 132 F\. a wn (21) q" But ) AS or 'bL 6$M ", (as) Thus, (23) Substituting into (20) we hbVe ,,n .-' - (24) VA esi whero u ., are parallel to and 4 C1 . aince m anda e are constat we have (25) \-.~" 13. of finaally, Taking the cpeaent of absolute vorticity in the direction of the e gradient and making use of the hydrostatic approcintios with my finally write < Lwe murfac ito the relative vortiaty oan an istropio Here and iblch is on the and we ignore the difference between Z ~8-1 ictionless and adbatio assumptions see . It the order of 10 are not made than a formal derivation (Campama 196) yields the folloving results. where 1 , direction of is the component of the aurl of the friction force in the q G and the first term oa the right takes Into account that the vertical variation of heating it the largest contri- button to diabatic effetcts It we consider (27) for the amenat we see that the stability of an air parcel in up and doen motion. always negative. Z represents This term to After some thought and exprimentation It was decided 14. to evaluate this term by a centered finite difference appromsation with a interval of eight degrees Relvin such that 1 - (2) G. ________ interval of tfour degrees Kelvin but it 4 Compana (1968) used a was felt that the eight degree interval was less sensitive to uncertainties of analysis aend was still acteristis of the front. a good measure of the gross char- The relative vorticity, 3 , o an isentropio surface is computed in the folloang manner. vhere .~- is the wind speed and r4 Is the radius of ourvature A similar finite difference technaiqe involving of the streamlines. a horlonatal increment of 12D nautical miles is used to evaluate the shear term, " * term is evaluated as line and The units involved here are sec here Ah- " is thelnd s e . The ourvature is parallel to the stream- direction In radians. With 130 nautical miles as the distance increment this term is again evaluated by fitnite difference techniques. E. Factors abch Infingcg Since the upper level PoteaLtM l Vorticity inad directions in data available on telotype 18. have been rounded off to 10 dogrees errors are quite likely in 7e The saving grace here is that wind directions in the area of interest Because of the steeper slope of are pretty such unifornm faces compared to isobaric srface the relative vorticity 8 sur- assoned on the former is often antioylsio and the latter cyolocto for the same area at the same time. ~ forms In the troposphere e but a constant owsmhow sben a front iereases, the stability tnareases Thus there must be a divergence of air on decreases 9 Danielsen (1984) to de surse ace for ase. Note that them changes are compatible with the conservatien of potential vortioty. The results of this study and many others generally established that the stability term ms the most important in doeterminng the ito defined as: vhere also of Simply on this basis we would expeot to find toepherit orders of magnitude. non conservation of shere I- P air to ezced values ton tropopheric air by one or mrs Let us now aine ' . values in stra- hat effects oa lead to the We have ftrom (28) is the stress vector. Now, dtaley (190) has made some 1e. He rough estImates of both terms an the right hand aide of (28). found that the vertical variation of heating tor 10 mas approiately -14 dog oa ga-1 while the normal cponent of the curl of the tricto tional force to the isentropic surface vws approiuately 10 dies .~g -1 . 1 0 It should be emphasised as Staley notes that these esti- mates may be off by several orders of magnitude. friction in the free atmosphere, radiational proo The effects of ases, eddy bhat conduction and latent beat release are so poorly known as to make any estimates quite speculative. sary to make s, Yet later on ve hall find it additional comots about these eoffats. noces- Let us now turn to a consideration of the synoptic events for the case of December 1983. 17. IIl. SEXIPTIC SITUATION: This particular 19aO DECIIMB 1903 it had one of the strangest uase Vas chosen becaus 000 ab temperature gradients in Professor Sanders' surve season. of the 19034 The 000 ab maps for this parlod revealed the eaistence of a sharp temperature gradient trm the Great Lakes easturd throug New The front as at its sharpest Igland on 20 December 1903 at 0000 GUT. on 2a December at 0000 GUT in comparison to relatively veak frontal boundaries twelve hours earlier and later. At 0000 Gl on 19 December 1903 the 00 b map revealed a large ridge anchored over the Rocky mountains and a deepening trough oentered over Virgisna. A secondary vorticity maximum Superior. The surface ap at this tle s centered just north of Lake showed a wekeming 980 ab storm centered near Syracuse and a deepening 1000 ab secondary foring of Nantucket. southeast An east-west dry cold frot was located Just north of Minnesota in connection with the upper air vorticity manimm there. 19 December 1200 GMT the deepenaa By secondary storm mus don to 974 ab and as located 400 miles east of Boston. See tg 3. The good cold advection Into the trough aloft foretold of the deepening off the meat coast as can be seen from tig. 4. By this time the 00 mb Vrtex was almost pia beel shaped with the next upstream vorticity maim centered near aulte ant Marie. The sharpea waus associated with this latter vorticity maxitm. upper levl treat Reference to the synoptic details at the time of fig. 3 reveals the omplete absence 18. of precipitation with the surface cold tront except for minor activity along the lee shores of the Great Lakes. On the twemtieth at 0000 OGX our nov sharp upper level tront is assoiated with a barely distiaguishable cold tront at the surface (see fig. 5) and a moderate vorticity Yet despite awmu at 500 ab. these iannouous ftesares the teperature gradient has irsed nearly 20C in almost 240 nautical miles (inoe ASB n tig. 0). to Mean- while our surface atorm has deepened to an almost fantastie 950 Ob centered over northeastern Nova Scotia. The 500 ab tmue h in this region is diffittot to discern because of the abseme of data, not surpristig in view of the hurricane force w onds.Thus, at first glance the connection between the surfaoe storm and the upper level trot seems minmal. The partial low level oloudiness beenth the front seems to refleot daytime heating by the ieo free and relatively warn Great Lakes of the bitter cold air mass rather than any extensive moisture ssooated with the upper level tfrnto 19. IV. LOCATION OF TIM FIWANT A. Colletion of Piertient Data In order to locate the froat the pOrtinent radiosonde data for the 19 December 0000 Grf through o December 1200 QT me punched on oards to be run by the MIT meteorology department Isentropto proThe amber of individual radiosoade statioas to run for each grem. teo period was determined on the basis of the area of significant vertical wind shear. A shear of twenty knots in 2000 teet ma b* vertical arbitrarily considered to be significant. shear es usually associated with a signifcant change in the vertiaol lapse rate and a rapid decrease in minag ratio through the trontal aone. A fairly substantial rinag of stations around the oritieal wind shear area was then chosen in order to assure data of enough horisontal extOnt for the trajectory analysis. The oomputer progra evaluated the pertlnent data at each statin 9 surfaces at 4K intervals ranging in general tron a67°E to 327OK. All the essential imorMation was to be found botween these for surfaces. For each station on every the pressure in ab, mininS e ratio in g/kg, relative humidity, wind direction to the nearest itoLe degree, a2 secr surfaoe the progrncputed and the total energy in I2 se ind speed in m se . 1 , in Errors may result beomse ignificant temperature points on the sounding are left to the discretion of the radiosonde opirator and teletype ind data are rounded 20. off to the nearest ten degrees, In particular, the height of the intersection of the measured lapse rate with a given e level may be Rowevor, we note that we are dealing with a strong in slight error. feature idose spawsal and temporal variations occur over a large area errors will be relatively isignificant. such that minor little Of more concern will be the analysis problem in southern Canada due to the sparcity of data. B., DisAlar of hrot on Potential Teaoeratura Surfaces the first order of busIs as is to display the ront on costant Since the tront is most likely located betwoem pressure surtaces. 300 and 700 ab bounds on the necessary G levels were determined from the highest and lowest potential temperatures at these pressure levels respeotivoly. vertical on each 8 In order to visualime vhat is happening in the level the pressure and the difference in pressure between this surface and the one 4 Now, on each 6 higher is plotted at each statics. level the pressure is analysed in 50 mb inorements along with the help of the ditfference field of the lower level obtained by graphical s.btratio. is obtained it Once a map of the pressure on a is very easy to get a picture of the eS specific pressure level. good as possible we ,ake surface ield at a In order to insure that the analysis to as use Of the relation. 21. is to evaluated on an Isentropc surface while Here evaluated an an isobarto srtfae. The right hand side of (33) can be written in finite difterence tors as: AG mined froa the plotted sounding. the analysis is correct. if deter- is arbitrarily set equal to tour degrees Kelvin and ts Squation (34) should be satisfied Thus, Infermation that we have in the vertical is used to more accurately locate the ftront In the horsontal. Using the actual temperature gradient in locating the front ould only enable us to see a more or less unitorm change in temperature between stations voreas by employing the isentropic analysis the stability values at the various stations have been used to obtain a better idea of the frontal intensity and Its horisontal location. Compare figs. 3 and 8. Figures 7 through 9 show the front at 400, tively on the 19 December 1903 at 1200 GFT. 00 and 00 b rpec- The frontal ase is weakly defined at all three levels vith a muamm gradient of about 8OK in 40 nautical ariles. uch parallel to the flow. The orientation of the grontal sone is pretty The situation 13 hours later ea 0000 GW for levels 400 through 700 ub 13. 0 December s shoan by figs. 10 through We do not see the marked strengthenig of the front that Campana observed in his case. Yet overall the frotal sone sharpened up someMat. 22. 0 The strongest gradient on 20 Deceasbr at 0000 GOT Is 12 K over 60 nautical males at 500 ab. Unfortunately, we are only looking at the upwi.rd and a portion of the middle part frontal ane. The easteraost part of the front extends out over the Atlantic south of Loag Island. The data hints that the frontal sone may be even stronger here but the actual analysis is uncertain because the ntucket radiosonde observation me not available on 20 Deceaber at 0000 GMT. C. Cross 8etione of Potentis Two cross setions of the TWaneraturn e surfaces and the isotachs were structd on 20 Pecember at 0000 GOr. the extent of the crose sections. Istasha and It on- Lines AD and CD in fig. 14 show was felt that the data was accurate enough to draw direct cross sections normal to the flow instead of restoring to the necessity of a cross section based tioas only. analysis. The thermal wind equation was us e on radiosonde loca- as a cheek on the Figure 15 cowrespNnds to line CD and is an attempt to depiot the conditions in the vicinity of the entrance to the tfrot. The familiar packing of the asentropes Vithin the front some and the steepeisng ot the tsentropes in the region of *aximu evident. vertcal wind sheA The shift of the front to higher ( altitude is noticeable also, r is quite values with increasing The jet is looated above the region of strongest horisotal temperature gradient in the vicianty of 800 ab. Furthermore, the strong cyclonic shear north of the Jet coupled with the epected stability indicate a rapid insrease in potential vorticity 23. values. Figure 16 oorrespouds to line AB in fig. 14# not placed any oloser to the coast beo.we close to the ocean. There is very little m of the data uncertainty differece In the isentrope packing and isotach pattern between the two cro indicates the relattVel Line AB sections. This steady state situation at least over the western half of the front at that time. 34. DISCUMSION OF R8SULT8 V. A. Tta1ectories and the 'y 112ed The task of construotting trajeotoriee was by far the most time tedious. oonsumMing an In order to improve the accuracy of the truat Jectories a11 end points on 20 December 0000 UWf were choseo Unt rtAately, all observa- regularly reporting radiosonde stations. tions at Nantucket and tm upper this time period. The winds and ids at Flitt were unavailable for vlues at these Stw stations were determined IIeotrophtlly with the aid of the surroundin A analyses. small coeasoton factor based on the analysis wue applied because the winds were generally subgeostrophi The and 283K. in the area of interest. G surfaces chosen for the traJectory analysis were 20, 291 These surfaces beat represented the top, middle and lower rom figts. 18 and 16. part of the frontal sane as can be seen In general, the frontal zome stretched from the Great Lakes to New England at the higher elevations and strtohed southward throuh Illinois to Virgnia at lower elevations. the his area plus periphery boundary values dictated hoile of stations for the end points of the trajeotortes. very careful analysts of the draing the ' field was made at each ( isoplethe most attention as paid to the Next, a level. In ad field. The generally uniform wind direction leat confidence to this decisiona Values of W were dran for every 600 a sec* . A geostrophic velocity based on contour Intervals for this inrement is included in Appendix I. 26. The values of selected for the contouurrs were identical to the ones Compana used for consistenoy, on the E At several statioas, expecially a 2990 K urtface it was impossible to draw for the sind field value at the ese time. and satisfy the In these situatios the contours weore drawn so as to satisfy the wind field. since graphical subtraction of the ' hand side of (7), At the saw time fields was used to get the right the computed energy values on the left hand side were modified by the apprpriate M field change in order to be consistent. The time period involved in all computations was twelve hours. Similarly, and lootach fields were constructed for eah level. -the appropriate isogo ws used to get geostropho winad e( isopletho The spacing of the Q values as an aid to drawing iootach contours between the reportiag radiosondo stations. The isegon analysis ws constructed over the field on a light table. fvery ettort was made to sort out the systematic errors. The first trajectories were constructed to satisfy (3) and witbout The procedure involved here ms to trace a reference to (7) or (27). path backwards parallel to the pertod. * isoplethe for the last siz hour This point was transferred to the analysis twelve beire tepleths for earlier and the trajeotory continued parallel to the * the first six hour period. The results are sbown In figse 17 through 19. No attempt was made to smooth the trajectorles. The smoothness and teadiness of the wind field over the twelve hour period is evident from most of the trajectorloes The trajectories terminating at Great Lakes stations are open to doubt indicating large local changes of wind velocity, This is in the more intense area of the front and hinte that trajectory corrections ay have to be made in this area. B. Satslaction of the Ttal neraEY Loution Trajectories at the expected points of interest were then constructed so as to satisfy the energy equation (7). 22 show these trajectories. The supersoript 4 indicates that the trajectory stisfies (7). Figures 20 through after each letter For refoereme the end point of the trajectories which satisfy (3) have been labeled with the appropriate letter. Note that the trajectories in figs. 30 - 22 also satisfy (3) based on average geostrophic winds over their length. Thee* figures also reveal that the air on the southern periphery of the frontal oane was accelerating in view of the less oyelonically curved trajectories. On the 4 2910K and ) =299,K surfaces trajeotories ending at stations 637, 646 and 747 which satisfy (3) and (7)differ considerably from the trajectories which only satisfy (3). Station 637 to at the extreme entrance to the frontal saoe while stations 845 and 747 are located more or less in a region of weak ; gradient (see Itg. 11) These three trajeotories at each level initiated in the light of a cold vorticity masuirs at 500 ab so it tnd area is not surprising that they are mach more anticyclonio as they undergo acoeleoratic. 27. C. Conservation of Potential ortioMty Obviously, the next step was to calculate subject to (29) and (30) P values using (27) Figures 23 through 25 show the P values at the final potats of the tively, P In addition, on the ' a 283, 291 and 2r K surfaoes respeca 20 E surfatce (tig. 2) valweo of were calculated over New Sgl and and Nev York State at a number of points between ralnonde stations. This as done, as will be explained later, because of the suspected low ? Siallarly, figures 26 through 28 show ~ value at station 48. values at the initial points of the trajectories on 19 December at 1300 GOl. The mupersoripts again refer to the trajectories which satisfy both (3) and (7). In all cases P . values are given in units of 21 sad 28 am/soc 3 x 10 K/ib In figs. values were calm4ated at extrs points to give a better resolution of the field in the victinty of the poteantal vorticity maxima, subscript. These extra points are labeled by an X wth & aumerical Trajectories are again constracted but this time so as to satisfy (27) subject to (29) and (30) while hopefully satiefyian Those trajeotoroies are shon by figs. 29 through 31. v refoer (3) The superscrpt to the fact that they conserve petential vortieity. Again. for reference the inltial points of the trajectoriee wih satiety (3) along and (3) and (7) together are ncoluded. Unfortunately, no tra- jeotory satisfying (3) and (27) aould be drawn for ACK (100) because the absence of data made it itpossible to aloulate the fsml ' value there. £axminstion of figs. 20 through 31 clearly show that several of the 28. et al cannot even appra~dately trajeotorles which satisfy (27) Overall, there seems to be satiety the displacement relation, (3). In a potential vortioity increase over the twelve-hour period. particular, attention should be paid to the areas with values P in excess of 16 units since this represents a lower bound an air Now, let us exaine what hap- that ay be of stratospherico origin. surfaces before ay attempt at an aeplana- pens on each of the 8 through IV. Note appendieoo tcMn of the behavior is made. and as well as the faotors initial and final values of The are presented for each type of tragjetory for the sore (o '+) twelve hour pressure change vertical velocity. level. G interesting stations at each Also presented is the bich is a rough measure of the average If there is adiabatic descent everywhere saong the trajectory than the aiag onserved followinag ratio should be the parcel. First, let us exsdue the 6)a trajectories 1, L.N versus 20). cannot oatstfy (3). O and , surface (ts. 2983 Clearly, While satisfies (3) the ditterene between the initial location of L L. sakes these trajeotorles questionable. oor to satisfy (3) by pulling it back to I. Now, It than it would be necessary to postulate a potential vortitity doorease. stability decrease along with a decrease. Siuilarly, it K , then tig. 31 indicates that ? 7~ ac nd ere A slight decrease accouats for the P 0 aust inLrease. are to satsty (8) Here the mechnsm ses to be a near doubling of the stability values over the twelve hour period without a commrsurate decrease in 4 In fact, . decreases only slightly along K4 and Increases someMhat along when these trajectories are corrected so as to satisty (3). and h Any attempt to reduce the diftorence between decrease through a large '7 , , 3 that satisfy (3) and conserve take place it (I I , O , K ? , and S 6R 1 P ? ust v11 take However, this latter change asy be due to an inadequate isotach analysis. On the 20 station 468 As just north of an isotach maximau while station 405 is Just south of this maxdmm. gradient as strong as it With the l otach is the relatively large distance between the two stations is si gnfiant. oulsted from the decrease. ) are to be dran so and S , is redram so as to satisfy (8). December at 0000 G P oannot Growth ei at the same tiae. Ot. by re- is inmediately clear as to satisty (3). Sltalarly, a slight decrease in place it . decrease and a slight "re surface (tig. 30) it = 291I On the and L 1 result in a will locating the nitial point nearer to From the geostrophic dnds oal- field analysis it seems quite reasoable that a stronger wind maximum than analysed lies boteen 405. O This would cause the shear term in so as to raise the final - "4 tatatos 486 and to inorease enough value at station 486 thereby brinsain about conservation of this quantity. A point to be noted is that the horisontal incresent of 120 nautical miles used in evaluating derivatives by finite diffttreace methods may not be accurate for the 30. haose true positions data resolution in the vicinity of lootach ma3dea are somewhat dubious. The Increases for trajeotories ending at stations 320, r 637, 045 and 747 ( t, ) tos prdominately due to a large O, At the same stability increase as can be seen from appendix II. time, however, there are also varying small ireases in . On the wholo these four traJectories end in the western part of the frontal some and tend to be located on the southern periphory of the mone between 500 and 600 ab. For the trajectory ending at 734 () groth results from a large increase in the increase in stability. anda small for the trajectory ending at 518 C I) Sjlarly growth results more from a the " 3e 7 Increase than a stability liowever, the difference Io not as proniouned as for tra- increase. jectory R These latter two trajectories terdante on the northern . periphery of the frontal afte between 400 end 600 ab. 299K surface we agaia note that trajeotories On the O * A relation. se 4anda incapable ofmatisfying the displaemet Of these four trajeotories only satisfy (3) would show a the same trajectory on the spurious. On the 0 Dcembe decrease. a 291 Tv corrected so as to Again, as in the case of rface the result seem * 299K' station at 0000 GM on the -1 analysis supports an argument for a o6 to 70 a seo just south of station 456. , a amwmm This difference would be enough to i enable one to draw an. there is no doubt that if saetiey (3) than a and 0 However, bich satisfies (3) as well. , 0 ~ and ? increase muat result. are drawn so as to ~) In the case of the trajectories there seem to be a large and almost unreasonable versus WN growth. The difference is that 4 show the P ,) and W growth increase with only a very slight pool- as the result of a the result of a 7 P Yet, in both cases there is clear out and N tive change in 74 O 0 versus horisontal difference between the Initial polnts of 0 d and bhile growth as show the inor changes in increase with only 2 . ) It the trajectories which satisfy (7) and (3) are accepted ( N, then we again have the suggestion of periphery of the frontal growth found when increase. V~ the 2011 On the other hand the definite is drawn so as to satisfy (3) is mostly the result of a large and posltive 3~ are nil with 1" growth on the southern stability aome due to a marked Oncrease with only a very slight ? 1 increase. in very good agreement with N surface there to the suggestion for ? Otabtlity changes • Thus, as on growth on the * northern boundary of the frontal sone, due to an increase in 7 It should be empBhiised that these changes are along an iseatropic surface and not along a horiaontal- surface. are the many trajectorees which were drauw Not shown in the figures so as to conserve and satiety the energy equation at the same time. for the same trajectories in figs. P It was impossible 29 through 31 to satisfy the 32. displacement relation (3) to postulate P To satisfy (3) as well. It ws necessary growth. D. .Mistue An at The next step is entire analyses. to stand back and take a good look at the after smse thought it First of all, became clear that the mixing ratio data was generally unreliable, due to the the very dry air within the large number of notorboating values in frontal sone. ful results. In a few cases, however, For example, on the are not important here. = 2830K surface a amixing despite , ratio increase occurs along slight to moderate descent. e we were able to obtain use- Motorboating and saturation problems On the = surface it 2 3911 seems diffiand cult not to postulate an increase despite descent along the t4 trajectories. A slight increase may also take place almag the trajectories. Similarly, on the L 2 9OK surface there may be a slight increase with descent along the L trajectoriees. Wide- spread motorboating sin the other cases makes compareons impossible. Thus, we have a good exsample of an area of neglect in The conservative nature of the maxing ratio is turs under conditions of adiabatio descent. just this last year the standard radiosonde meteorology. a very valuable fea- Unfortunately, until nstruments had a low relative humidity bias and were incapable of measuring humiesditi belo*w 40 C., This bias has been eltminated by new carbon elements 5 33. on the radliosades in use for the last year. A recent article by Masterson et al (1986) indicates that water vapor seasurements by balloon-borne trost-polat bygraoeters have provided very accurate relative humidity measuremnts to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. In fact, sa mist layer with mmimm relative humidities eibo to 80%bas been discovered below the tepiol tropopne but above the out off of the conventional Weather Buren radobnades. Mixitg ratios of less than 0.000 ga kg 1 have been measured accurately It is very i portant that accurate humidity measurements like these become routinely avalrable. ihis would led a great deal aore eon- fidence to trajectory analysis and wmld probably be useful to diffusio and turbulent mixing studies, A. Fatrsn ttfo ntin Non-Conservation of Poetial Yorticitr th a definite arease I potential There is very little doubt tht vort it ty occurred with one exception throughbout the froental sae as intensitfed over a twelve hour period. The amet etrigent require- ent an the trajectories is the conservation ot P beeause and : muat be sero for this to hold ~r lyk oers must be zero for the energy equation to be satisfied. thintak of the an-o-oservatite of i. and friction Now. we can : as the result of three etteets One, the normal component of the curl of the triotion foree, T e to the imentrp~a adabatc. The ts not conserved in this case. Two, surface is not sero but the flow S trajectories are correct but ? , the flow is adiabatic on a given imentropto surface but diabetic In this case, even though the motions exist on adjacent surfaces. isentrepti trajectory is valid, diabetic faces yield ? changes. oations on adjacent sur- Three, the flow is not adiabatic so that W1il not be conmerved. the trajectories are wrong and P In addi- tion, stability changes are going to be effeted mostly by diabetic motions whereas relative vorticity changes will be influenced mainly by frictional effttects. The surprising feature of this oase is the generally positive , along the traectorles changes In the relative vortio ty, T obere ? Increases. As the front ntensities and the ieentropes are squeeed together we would expeot oonserve 7,0 to deoreas tin order to ,. This only seems to happen in the middle of the frontal sone viewed from above. oreases go along vAth slight 7. To the south large stability ininareases Vile to the north mitor stability changes go along with large " increases. anitial laoee the poiats of the trajeotories were located between radiosone stations it a100 GfT was necessary to make a asp of the stability on 19 Deoember in order to calculate V values. any of the initial points were located just north of the U. 8. border in the data sparse region of southern Canada. on Now, errors in stability can have significant etfects calclations. With this error source in mind the necessary soundings for the 19 Decober 1200 ~ir were scrutinied to see it the stability field could be remapped so as to increase the stability north of the Great Lakes. This sould lead to higher inittal ? values 35. and reduce the P growth. The data did not justify doing this, however. Another question to consider is the poosible role of diabattoc Values of effects. of P n. were calculated for various changes (31) up to 20 units under the assumption that friotion was un- important. per day This corresponded to a cooling rate of 0.RO per 100 meters and was well within Doeller's (1951) cooling rates above cloud tops of 2 to SoC per day per thousand fest. Cloudiness beneath the Intensifying upper front over the twelve hour period us sparse with one excaptIon. On the 19 Deooeber 1200 OG elloudiness and some light snow flurry activity over Michigan and the eastern Great Lakes sreas w as Green Bay. s ooiated with a weak low just northeast of Cloud bases were in the viciatty of 2000 type was generally stratooumlus. teet. The cloud Twelve hours later the weak surface system had all but disappeared leaving some lee shore cloudiness and snow flurries in the eastern Great Lakes region. It mset be roembered that at that time of the year the Great Lakes were relatively wore and 1eo free. Bence, they were able to supply moisture to the lower levels of the overlyinag bitter cold air mas. This shows up in tfi. 32 and 33 *ich are plots of the relative humidities on the 45 surface. 23oM Note the 40% relative humidity at 037 In fig. 32 and the 49% value at 528 In fig. 33. The stratocumlus clouds at best are probably a couple of thousand feet,.thick and extend up to around the 850 ab level. This is well 36. below the 500 to 600 ab position of the ~ 283 OK surface over the Great Lakes for the twelve hour period. tops for r dtional nimal. coolali and the associated stability changes seem Now, Btaley (19M6) ratio through a baroclinio sho tat the distributtion of mixing eom in the upper troposphero marked offeoot en the radiatiomal tainod or sPrfthed nomehat ooing rate. The Averorea lo lsia- dluilarly, the inverslan tends 1akeed if this conditis is not net. that thi as have a ter Mixing ratos vhch decrease rapidly upward from the inversion base. to be Thus, the influence of cloud We will now try to show latter coanditon my have played a role in our cas-e ammina tion of the Buffalo (528) sounding for 20 December at 0000 GWt reveals a fairly moist layer tp to about O0f at 6 ~8. 2 = 297-K with a relative humidity of The mixinb ratio falls off only ever so slightly upward through the inversion and wind shear layer. DeOenbe at 1200 MZWAt stations (S3?) hint of the relatively the (837) : 83K ost surface. On 19 and (734) there is a slight layer etending up to and slightly Beyond Unortunately an incomplete sounding st and teperatures in the region of nterestt at (734) colder than -40-QC make it bpossible to be oertain of the humidity struture. This area includes large part of the reglon through which traec.rtores I and L pau an the 4 that the I =283oL surface. decrease algto Thus one can ony speculate I and possible decrease along L on this surface is due to a slight destablisatios. seem unimportant in this study. decrease in stability along , I, Otherwise, diabatio otffets Refrece to Appendix II shows the L and L to be the chiet 37o for the reaso and (27) deocrease* Mote that while satisties (3) \_. and the large horizontal difference between L \ (iSg. 29) arouses sueplclon in the trajectory. The positive relative vorticity hanges stood out the met on the northern fringe of the frontal zone. to markedly Increase the stability of the southern boundary while still there. Overall, the behavior was reontal sane along the Increasing the relative vortietty As the froot intensifies and the stability increases we would expect the relative vortitty to decrease it ? is conserved. Ths dose not happen and we have sees that diabatic efftets do not offer muach of a clue to the mas-onemrvation of " . Our ase would be strengthened It data were available for the wastern Atlantic ooean. All evidence points to the strongest portion of the frontal some being otStarhore o 20 shows that the area of maxiau hour period aon the lower G 6 Coparison of figures 23 end 0 December at 0000 GfT. = 21 and 2 sirarfaes P surface. values increased over the twelve A slilar oqmparson on the s not possible because the maimam region is somembere southeast of Nantucket 0a. W December at 0000 GME. r arease would be Thus, one can only speoulate that a suallar area found on these surfases. 38° VI. COiCLUSIONS Thus, we are forced to the conclusion that fricetimal effects through the catch all our case. term (32) played a significant role to F This has not been previously found to be true for these upper tropospherio baroolinle sones. The potential vorticity either Increased or was conserved with one exception within the frontal Staley's (1960) claim for a P decrease on the cold boundary of an upper tropospheric front was noire substantiated. tien, his assertion of P is not valid in this case. is knoen So very little one. growth due In addi- bhietfy to diabatie effects In a way the results are quite disappointing. about turbulent processes in the free atmos- phere that very few quantitative statements can be made. It may be quite likely that mesoscale atmospheric sotions are rmportant enough to etffect synoptic scale features in this case. It turbulent processes are indeed playing a role here than we are left with three possibilities, all somesbat unappeallng. bulence be it nseosale or synptic sale One, tur- to somehow strenengthening the Jet gradient over the twelve hour period. This can take place either it the Jet Intensities or the gradient across the Jet axis Increases. however. The data only bhats at either of these posibilities, It seems unlikely the friction thought of to its sense can accomplish the above. dissipative Two, turulent processes somehow act to form and strengthen temperature inversions within the layer of 39. This is strong vertical wind shear. atmspheric amotions may be Important. an area in which mesoscale For example, mesoscale motions may be responsible for the bringing together of stable laminae of the Viewed on a synoptic scale this would type found by Danielsen (19g0, have the effect of creating a temperature inversion or a notieable discontinuity in the lapse rate whore one did not exist before. Of course, the same result could be accomplished by synoptic scale vertical motions but that does not rule out the former possibility. We know from observation that the various patterns in the atmosphere all have a certain degree of orgasItatio, clouds, for example, tend to be arranged in Individual cumulus rows and the many small cumuli of late morning are often a few larger clouds by late afternoon. The downdraft from a thunderstorm oan result in a psuedo cold front several times the diameter of the individual cell. A cluster of sterms say yield a psuedo cold front tens of atles long. This front then possesses many of the observed features of a true synoptic scale that ;soscoale effects can operate so as to front. The point here is proece a system visible on the synoptic scale. motions may be operating in barocliate eones, By analoy, mesoscale a similar manner in upper tropospheric although on a scale of tens of ables to a synoptic seale of hundreds of miles. The very dryness of these baroclinte mones should not hinder the analogy since, for example, numerical models have been able to generate synoptic scale systems like squall lines from meoscale effects without incorporating the release of latent heat. See Sasaki (1902), for example. The latter, vbile 40. important, has yet to be shown to be both & necessary and eufficient condition for squall line development B. Rge lability Of Sntre Anlysts The third possibility is the most mnappealing of a11. Namely, that the analysis contains enough errors to render the results neatangless. It is hoped that this did not happen here. £very offort was made to make the analysis consistent through numerous cross checks. In addition, the palustaking trajeotory analysis gave the author a good idea of the sensitivity of the variou factors. Djuri (191) has shown that the greatest source of error to trajectory analysis is the sparlty of radiosonde data coupled with roundottf errors in wind direction and inaccuracies in the wind speed as the result of the length of the sampling period. After Danielsen has also studie these latter etfects. orkting with the data the author agrees with the c nclusions. Undoubtedly, the trajectorite still contain sme errors but it that they are the best possible with the given data. to felt In paticular, the spareity of data in southern Canada lends uncertainty to the teld analysis there because of the marked eyoloaic ourvature of the isopleths. there. Thus, tootaobh ai espetally i0ogs analysas Is uncertain The only significant oqtributions of the arvature term of the relative vortiolty to nounced the 'A- curvature. evaluation occurs in regions of pro- Bowever, a little experimentation In changing field to get somehat different trajectories failed to alter ny of the results. At C, . ProbM e of Clr Air Turbu1noe Perhaps the results of this study will tipart aosentum to the easmsoale developing studies of turbulent processes and in parttoular The problen of clear air turbuleae (CAT) motions. here also. Is likely nvolved vidence has been offered that occurrences of CAT have In turn, ben assoiated with upper tropospheric baroctWe sounes. the whole probleo is connected with the dynamics of the jet stream. Also, topographic features at the surface aMy play a role. be that the Great Plains on the dorstrea side of the cimatological ailthese of steh North American ridge is a favorable location for the intense baroolinia saoes. It may tne cannot help but wnader if soe oamn- neetion exists between these aones and the dynamics of stratospheric earing phenomena with particular regard to CAT. (1981) Charney and Draain among others have shows that the western North AmericWn mountain barrier and the associated eliaatological 800 ab ridge are able to act as a souree for a perturbation roee below to trigger baroolaic insta- bility in the polar night vortex. This is by no sameans to suggest that upper tropospheric froets are related to stratospheric vaaig but that a coomn factor may exist. p m na For emnple, substantial vertical motions are involved In both cases. . 8tr9atosnheri Oriatn of TrPalajceria A further thought is ~ndicated at this poant. It has been shows by Reed, Danielsen and others for the cases that they have studied that air contained in the baroolia c extrusion is really of stratospheric 42a origin. This forms the basis for the folded tropopause argument. The results of this study do not dispute this claim but they offer another possibility. Stratospheric air may still emne but the the frontal ' be present within growth over the twelve hour period may indicate that such air does not reach as close to the surface as otherwise thought. The whole point here Is that the folded topopause with air of stratospherto origin way not provide the entir explanation of high potential varticity values within the frontal ner Trm mmek 1aurtsfMce t. none. Interacmon One observation In conclusion that may be of interest: followaS The formation and intensification of the upper tropospherico baroolinio enoe was associated with the nest upstream 800 ab vortIcty maxima ftr one associated vith a very intense surface cyclone. phenomenon oan be noted trom Campana' s (19 A quiek check ) case. offered similar evidence for Staley's case In 190 and 1960. The asse eood's case in Finally, a further chock through all of Professor Sanders' oases for the 1988-4 winter season established that the above ware not isolated observations. The more intense fronts at 500 ab were often assootated with the vortiocty maxis m in the aids of the trough. The deepening surface storm was associated with the immediate downstreamn 00 nb vortioty maximm or at least are areas of positive votiotty advection. This suggests that some form of surface-tropospheric interaction may be associated wvth the upper level baroclinio aones. In any event the presence of a doep 600 ab trough seems to be a necessary condition for the formation of thoese baroclinic mones. interest to warrant further study. The oblervations are of enough 43. The follov ng table presents the values of a distance incre. for various latitudes. aont, 2 of W It is used itf the oatours are analyzod at Intervals of 800 a2se*2. The number (and fraction) of contour Intervals contained in 2 plied by 10 to give the joostrophic velocity in a see LtgAMe (degrees) 10 tol -1y eL. (dgrees of latttde) 25 8.8 30 7.4 .*8 35 65 BS 40 5.8 45 8.2 50 4.8 55 4.5 60 4.2 SS is multi- 3.9 44. e 203oK = 45b 26.3 I .133 18.8 23.'7 L 2.01 .133 - 2* 3 .102 23.3 .174 -17 go "77 1.00 1.90 .113 21.1 1.82 13 - .094 30.0 K .125 "48 m -18 a .119 +6 15.7 27.8 L L .143 .099 1.98 +03 1w 2.03 -14 23.7 L "48 .083 27.7 12.9 tJ .172 .083 12.8 1.84 .143 22.32 10.2 0 9. - 1o "85 -180 0 do 418 148 1.45 1.40 .070 .100 Subscripts > 1.04 1.0 * -117 - * S .072 1.0 and a ~a~b -82 4m and fisal values respoctively refer to the ltttal " in units of QK umb 4~rP n units of 10" * ~-1 soo potential vortioity in units of 10 "4 °5/Nb =/smm3 pressure chauge in rb, sinus sign indicates descent 45. 1 30.9 I 31.5 - I S2,6. 34 26* " 18.2 0.6 K- 14.2 w3 1 17.6 N - o 6. 26.0 .170 .14 .162 - 1.9 - - .167 - - - 305. *168 - .196 d .17 27.8 .124 .195 - .222 .+ 1.623 1.8 - 1.62 - -3S 1.49 1.SS -102 .128 - .76 - -41 - .12 - - - 91 28A4 .090 .170 1.03 1.70 -142 - .107 - 16,e - -106 - .180 - - - -07 25.4 ,00 .162 06 - 0v - - 136 - R 10.6 R( 8.9 -* - - 20.8 10.3 7 2 - -31 - - S -21 -17 11.6 7.6 1.72 - 0I S 1.8 - 1.08 1.37 - 116 1.21 079 - 118 .114 - .084 .076 .098 .064 - .000 - - 1.9 -193 - -25 - -105 1*83 - - -1 - -13 1.04 1.06 -102 1.14 m -77 - -92 o 4,. AR4endJLx -1 a IV 299K 51.5 32.4 41.6 as *1L -235 2.49 .43 2.12 -30 4J m +17 .151 1.7 26e.5 N4 29.7 1.89 *20911 *0 .leo 21.8 3.07 los -143 -160 .1307 V 18.3 .128 24.9 19.7 1.40 1.99 2.09 1.0 04 a .178 24.8 22.2 ob, o . m .162 *ale g.78 40 Im -177 .48 1.42 1.40 .190 IM -94 -9 0 906 C '00 0 867 0 O0 826 848 X) - --- - --- - , f-, 0 722 O 476 0456 FIG. SURFACE 19 DEC 3 ISOBARS 1963 1200 GMT S 32 37 3 27 24 --1111 1 - IXI se 867 I 522 0 848 -4n -40 s6 S510 768 534 764 0 4 540 722 546 655 0 662 76 552-35 20 564 4 FIG 4 500 MB 19 DEC 3 1963 1200GMT 340 3 O 906 764 O 655 32 0 476 554 4 429 0456 0 445 FIG. 5 SURFACE 20 DEC. ISOBARS 0 1963 0000GMT 327 0 340 -30 o 867 0 662 ;06 / / '/ 558 o 506.... o 469 FIG. 6 500 MB 20 DEC 1963 OOOOGMT 51 0 O 906 299 295 0 879 307 867 0 848 0 600 0 662 576 311 o 469 315 0456 0 445 FIG. POTENTIAL - 7 TEMPERATURE 400 MB 19 DEC 1963 303 307 311 --3 1200GMT o 340 II _ _ 0 906 287 867 0 826 848 287 836 O 0 775 768 747 764 734 722 0 655 5 576 307 % 662 645 606 0 637 0 0 476 469 O a518 283 0 506 0 562 0 52 554 0 311 352 486 O0 291 520 0 0456 429 04O 445 0 295 FIG. 8 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 0 500 MB 19 DEC 1963 1200 GMT 287 o 340 o -299 303 7 ____I_ O 906 0 879 848 299 836 O 0 600 722 303 0 0 662 576 506 0 469 0456 287 FIG. 9 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 295 500 MB 19 DEC 1963 1200GMT 303 I_ I 303 299 295 \o 867 o 307 0 600 0 0 655 662 0456 FIG. POTENTIAL 315 10 T E MPERATURE 0. 400MB 20 DEC 1963 327 OOOOGMT 0 340 O 906 0 879 295 867 0o o 299 826 848 291 03 287 283 0 662 576 287 0 - 299 303 307 469 0456 0 445 FIG. POTENTIAL 311 II TEMPERATURE 500MB 20 DEC 1963 307 OOO0GMT o 327 0 340 311 311 O 906 O 879 291 o 867 0 848 295 0 600 0 662 0 576 279 0 554 - 287 291 19 5 0456 FIG. 12 POTENTIAL 303 TEMPERATURE 600 MB 20 DEC 1963 OOOOGMT o 340 L O 906 0 879 O O 826 287 - -. 29 27 o 600 0 662 :-. 0 506 562 0 469 271 0456 275 .279 283 287 291 o 445 FIG. 13 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE 295 700 MB 20 DEC 1963 OOOOGMT 271 ~L ---C--L---~I -I _ 906 906 913 907 o 879 816 O 867 o o 848 826 ell 836 815 0 775 768 0 76 4 0A 655 0 0 576 662 0 476 0 600 0 722 734 06 0645562 469 486 O 532 0 445 FIG. 405 425 14 308 EXTENT OF CROSS o SECTIONS 327 D o 317 B 340 304 1 59. P(MB) 300- 40 315 30 20 55 / 600 / 65 \ ,o 287 / / 20 -267 1 15 0010 8501 ) , ,1 BUF 528 PIT 520 FIG. 1600- 800- ISENTROPES (OK) 36.5ON / \ / 227 82.2ow 00 / - ISOTAGHS (M SEC 15 303 30299 S / // S/ \ \ / 20 DECEMBER 1963 0000 GMT. 45.OON 75.40 W 60. 35.00 N 77.2o0 W RIC DCA JUST EAST FIG. 16 20 403 HAR JUST EAST DECEMBER 1963 BGM 515 0000 GMT MSS 622 ~__ o 879 816 O 867 O O 826 848 P S -- 0 775 O I "- 768 / -i \ I -747K 7 \ \\ 655I *0\ 520 \ 1 \ 6456 F %3 7H 0 476 2 562 0 600 722 L E o. 'b 734 \\ F 662 662 712 Q I S\ 764 576 - I G- T 815 81 /a36 0 518 528 7 % N 3 6 -. 469 486 \ 0456 WHICH 19 - 20 .520 C D "429 445 FIG. 17 ISENTROPIC 532 \ - A TRAJECTORIES SATISFY DEC EQ (3) 1963 S= 283 oK ,. S304 3o 40 :40 327 317 -0 .o* O 906 Op 867 0 0 848 K R -// 836, G \ \ - -I T \ O \E ' \\\ 764 \\ \ 0 600 0 O 662 576 -0 0 0 469 506 10 562 554 IN 045 N. ml N\ 0456 N -1 445\ N FIG. 18 N 425 N NN ISENTROPIC WHICH TRAJECTORIES SATISFY 19 -20 DEC 9 EQ (3) 1963 = 291 °K 327 k486 520 a~l~ _ __ O 906 O 879 O 867 I 848 - N I \\ , E I/ O 764 / / /L \ M N 1\ \ * 0 722 722 600 0 0 576 662 \\ -o 0 506 1% 562 0 469 %% N D\ N 1 520 0456 I FIG. 4 29 445 19 S 4 25 TRAJECTORIES ISENTROPIC WHICH SATISFY EQ (3) 19-20 DEC 1963 3270 3?7 35.7 0 = 299 'K ____I_~_ ___I 0 906 0 879 0 867 0 848 / 0 Ke 747 0 764 L 0 0 576 Ne -- / 655 662 Fe Ee 64 Be 0 562 0 476 O 554 532 0456 425 425 FIG. 20 ISENTROPIC WHICH TRAJECTORIES SATISFY 19 - 20 DEC -0420 S429 EQNS (3),(7) 1963 P = 283 OK 0 340 II I I I oo 906 907 0 879 816 se 867 o Oe / Re /848 826 Ne N* // 5 II 815 " -sit836 Ke K-. " 0Q 768 775 Ge I Ee\ \ Le 74 \ I I 74 \ \ \ 712 \ AC 655 662 0 600 722 \ 576 606 645 ,,. 528 637 0 0 562 0 469 476 554 486 486 0 O 532 520 0456 429 445 21 FIG. ISENTROPIC WHICH TRAJECTORIES SATISFY 19 - 20 DEC 9 425 308 EQNS (3),(7) 1963 2910 K 0 0 397 317 304 30 -O 506 0 879 d9*, Neo ! f t"i O 867 0 'l l I Ke 848 *I Ee\ le \ Le I 836 ~s/ I 0 764 34 \t 0 655 0 662 0 576 -0o 506 0 562 O 476 520 0456 O 445 FIG. 22 ISENTROPIC TRAJECTORIES SATISFY WHICH 19 -20 # DEC EQNS (3),(7) 1963 = 299 *K 0 340 429 O 906 0 879 0 867 0 848 O 826 747 0 O 662 576 0 562 O 469 -o0 0 506 554 0456 O 445 FIG. POTENTIAL 8 23 VORTICITY 283 K 0 340 20 DEC 1963 OOOOGMT 0 879 O 867 848 -- -Pr O 600 0 O 662 576 0 506 0 554 0456 FIG. POTENTIAL 24 VORTICITY 0 S=291 OK 20 DEC 1963 OOOOGMT 327 o 340 I I O 906 0 879 0 867 0 848 O 775 %-10 \ O 764 0 600 0 O 662 576 0 562 O 476 -0 506 O 554 0456 FIG. 25 POTENTIAL VORTICITY 8 = 299 OK 20 DEC 1963 OOOOGMT 0 340 _ ~ 0 906 91390 907 o0 879 816 O 867 0 0 848 826 815 15 0 768 775 all 836 --- 2o"o 0 0 747 ?3 0 0 722 600 S25 0 576 662 606 O 518 0 0 0 476 0 562 469 506 4 O 486 532 0 0456 429 O45 POTENTIAL 045 4 425 5 26 FIG. 520 VORTICITY 283 19 DEC 1963 308 OK 1200GMT 0-. o 340 0 0 327 317 304 o0 I . O 906 0 879 0 826 0 775 5 o 600 0 O 662 576 0 506 562 0 476 0456 FIG. POTENTIAL 27 VORTICITY o S= 291 OK 19 DEC 1963 1200GMT 327 0 340 O 906 0 879 0 867 O 826 z ~ 0 775 30 35 O 600 0 0 576 0 476 662 0 0 554 469 0 0 429 FIG. VORTICITY POTENTIAL 8 19 DEC 28 0 =299 OK 1963 1200GMT 327 0 340 520 O 906 0 879 0 867 O O 826 848 0 747 0 K 764 Lv 0 722 734 O 655 0 0 662 576 \ 0 0 506 562 0 469 05 532 0456 0 445 FIG. 29 19-20 DEC -o520 5 20 429 425 425 ISENTROPIC TRAJECTORIES WHICH SATISFY \ EQ (27) 1963 0 = 283 OK 0 340 O 879 0 867 0 . S INV LV 848 a I 0 775 0 768 I S E , 1 \ 747 \\ \ KvV -- o 600 0 655 662 O 476 0 0 562 O 506 469 520 0456 429 445 FIG. 30 ISENTROPIC TRAJECTORIES EQ (27) WHICH SATISFY 19 - 20 1963 DEC = 291 0 K 0 340 O 906 Sv -O / 0 848 S Ev \ I I \ ' 0 ,N / / / I l / I 1 - L * I I Rv \ 0 764 \ o O O % 655 662 576 \6 6 0 554 O 476 0 429 0456 FIG. 31 ISENTROPIC WHICH TRAJECTORIES SATISFY EQ (27) 19 - 20 DEC 1963 S= 299 oK 340 " 520 O 906 0 775 0 576 0 662 0 562 0 476 20 0456 FIG. % RELATIVE 32 HUMIDITY 8 = 283 OK 19 DEC 1963 1200GMT 0 0 429 520 I~P~IIOPPIIIIIII O 906 0 879 \-20 I, \ 7o 764 0 662 0 562 O 476 0456 445 FIG. % RELATIVE HUMIDITY 0 = 283 20 DEC 1963 425 33 60 K OOOOGMT 340 00 O fll 78. 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