Name (print): Student number: University of British Columbia MIDTERM TEST: Science One Mathematics

Name (print):
Student number:
University of British Columbia
MIDTERM TEST: Science One Mathematics
Date: October 23, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Number of pages: 7 (including cover page)
Exam type: Closed book
Aids: No calculators or other electronic aids
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• Having at the place of writing any books, papers or memoranda, calculators, computers, sound or image players/recorders/transmitters (including telephones), or other memory aid
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For examiners’ use only
Question Mark Possible marks
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1. (a) [2 marks] Explain, in terms of δ and ε, what the equation “lim f (x) = 0” means.
(b) [3 marks] Let
f (x) =
n if x = 101n where n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
0 otherwise
Explain, in terms of δ and ε, why lim f (x) 6= 0.
2. Find
given each of the equations below (simplification is not required).
tan x
4 − x2
(b) [3 marks] y 3 − xy = x2 + 3x + 20. (Your answer may be in terms of both x and y.)
(a) [3 marks] y =
3. [4 marks] The model used in class to describe the salmon population in a branch of the
Fraser river is an example of a discrete population model. These models are described by
functions of the form
f : population Pt in a given year → population Pt+1 in the following year.
Given a discrete population model, it is possible to graph Pt+1 on the vertical axis versus
Pt on the horizontal axis. Suppose the graph of a given population model lies entirely
beneath the line of slope 1 through the origin. Describe the long-term population trend
predicted by the model. Justify your answer.
4. A mass of 1 kg is attached to a spring which obeys Hooke’s Law with a spring constant of 9
N·m−1 , and moves along a straight line without friction. Let x(t) denote the displacement
of the mass (in m) from the equilibrium position at time t (in s).
(a) [3 marks] Show that x(t) = C1 cos(3t) + C2 sin(3t) is a solution of the differential
equation that describes the motion of the mass (write down the differential equation),
for any constants C1 and C2 .
(b) [3 marks] If initially at t = 0 the displacement of the mass is −1 m and the velocity
is −1 m·s−1 , find the displacement of the mass for any t ≥ 0.
5. [4 marks] The biological half-life of a drug introduced by intramuscular injection is the
time required for any amount of the drug, which decays exponentially, to reduce by onehalf.
Morphine has a biological half-life of 120 minutes. Suppose a patient is given an initial
dose of 10 mg, and after 45 minutes, another dose of 10 mg. How much morphine, in total,
remains 5 minutes after the second dose?
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