There are three parts to this assignment. Part A is to be completed online before 7:00 a.m. on Friday,
January 28. Part B and Part C, which require full solutions, are to be handed in at the beginning of class
on the same date.
Part A [10 marks]
This part of the assignment can be found online, labelled A12, at — sign in
using the MATH110 001 2010W button.
Part B [5 marks]
This part of the assignment is drawn directly from the course texts. It focuses on mathematical exposition;
you will be graded primarily on the clarity and elegance of your solutions.
From the Calculus: Early Transcendentals text, complete questions 24 and 78 from section 3.8.
Part C [15 marks]
This part of the assignment consists of more challenging questions. You are expected to provide full solutions
with complete arguments and justifications.
In each of the following questions, be sure to explain and justify your methods, and credit your sources.
1. Determine whether the graph of Twitter site visits with respect to time is accurately modelled using an
exponential function. (Consider the graph of visits over the entire history of the site.) If so, justify your
answer. If not, propose and justify a better model.
2. Estimate, from first principles, the age of the Lascaux cave paintings in Dordogne, France.
3. Consider a drug introduced intravenously into the bloodstream. Propose and justify an equation describing
the concentration of the drug, and sketch a graph of the concentration with respect to time.