Beach no urishm ent and the im pact on Natura 2000 Vanden Eede Sarah1, Michiei Sm its', Annelies Bolle', H endrik Schoukens2, Tina M ertens3 and Steven Degraer4 ' International Marine and Dredging C onsultants (IMDC) C oveliersstraat 15, 2600 Berchem E-mail: 2 D epartm ent o f Public International Law, Ghent U niversity U niversiteitstraat 4, 9000 Gent 3 Flanders Marine Institute InnovOcean site, Wandelaarkaai 7, 8400 Oostende 4 OD/DO N atuu rlijk M ilie u /M ilie u x Naturels, Marine Ecosystem Management Section Royal Belgian Institute o f Natural Sciences, GulledeIle 100, 1200 Brussels The Belgian coastline is a dynam ic environm ent where currents, waves and w ind interact w ith the natural coastal defence system o f beaches and dunes. In theory, the coastline should w ithstand a 1000 year storm event, but at its weakest links o nly a 100 year protection level is cu rren tly reached. In the past so-called ‘ h ard ’ infrastructure (dykes, quay walls and groins) was constructed to protect the land from the im pact o f the sea. Pending the realization o f the ‘ Master Plan fo r Coastal Safety’ , the weakest beaches are annually m aintained w ith ‘s o ft’ measures, e.g. beach nourishm ents. Belgian beaches contain fine sand (200-250pm ), whereas fro m a geotechnical p oint o f view the nourished sand ideally has a grain size o f at least 300pm creating more stable beaches. However, the ecological effects o f beach n ourishm ent can be d ire c tly related to changes in grain size (Speybroeck et al., 2006). Im pact research focuses on m acrobenthos, the seafloor inhabiting benthic fo rm s larger than one m illim eter, as these organism s play a key role in the w ider beach ecosystem. Locally, strong negative im pact effects are expected during and im m ediately fo llo w in g nourishm ent since the chances o f survival o f the original beach fauna and flo ra are alm ost zero (Harte e t al., 2002; Speybroeck e t al., 2004). The speed and degree o f ecological recovery largely depend on the physical characteristics o f the beach habitat. M acrobenthic organism s tolerate only small m odifications in beach slope and sedim ent grain size (150-300pm ). In general, phased nourishm ent w ith natural sedim ent and beach slope during w in te r are recom m ended (Van Tom m e, 201 3; Vanden Eede, 201 3), urging fo r an o p tim iz a tio n o f the technical nourishm ent aspects. When considering beach nourishm ent in the neighbourhood o f European protected sites, one m ust take into account the strict regulatory fram e w o rk w ith respect to Natura 2000, which is included in the Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). In particular, article 6, §§3-4 contains a developm ent regime, setting o ut the criteria under which plans and projects w ith possible negative effects on Natura 2000 may or may not be allowed. A precautionary approach is required when assessing the possible effects o f beach nourishm ent. In the Flemish Region th is fram ew ork has been im plem ented in the Nature Conservation Decree in 2002, w hile the Royal Decree o f 14 October 2005 contains the federal im plem entation fo r the Belgian part o f the North Sea. A lth ou g h the requirem ents o f Article 6, §§3-4 o f the Habitats Directive are quite straig htforw ard, the application on beach nourishm ent proved to be quite burdensome the past years, p a rtia lly due to the incorrect im plem entation o f the Habitats Directive in the Flemish legislation (Schoukens e t al., 2007). The d iffic u lt and som etim es very incoherent application o f the rules o f nature conservation on beach nourishm ent, illustrates the need fo r a more coherent legal fram e w o rk w ith an ecosystem based strategic approach, allow ing fo r onsite m itig atio n and or offsite com pensation. To investigate w hether intertida l beach nourishm ent has a s ig n ific a n t negative im pact on the global conservation status o f nearby Natura 2000 areas, a fo u rfo ld assessment approach was created and follow ed in some Belgian case studies (IMDC, 2011 ; 201 2). References Harte M., P.M. H u n tje sJ.M . M ulder S. and E.W. Raadschelders. 2002. Zandsuppleties en Europese rich tlijn e n: R ijksin stituu t voor Kust en Zee/RIKZ. M inisterie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. IMDC. 2011. Referentiekader habitattype 1140 in het kader van de ecologische o ptim alisatie van het Geïntegreerd Kustveiligheidsplan. I/NO/1 1310/1 1.259/MSM. In opdracht van A fdeling Kust. IMDC. 2012. Geïntegreerd Kustveiligheidsplan. Passende beoordeling Raversijde-Mariakerke. l/RA/1 1310/1 2057/M SM . In opdracht van A fdeling Kust. - 115 - Schoukens H., P. De Smedt and A. Cliquet. 2007. The Im plem entation o f the Habitats Directive in Belgium (Flanders): back to the O rigin o f Species?. Journal fo r European Environm ental & Planning Law 2007:1 27-1 38. Speybroeck J., D. Bonte, W. Courtens, T. Gheskiere P. G rootaert, J.P. Maelfait, M. Mathys, S. Provoost, K. Sabbe, E. Stienen., V. Van Lancker, M. Vincx and S. Degraer. 2004. Studie over de impact van zandsuppleties op het ecosysteem - fase 1, dossiernum m er 202.165. M inisterie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, D epartem ent Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur, Agentschap voor Maritiem e D ienstverlening en Kust, A fde lin g Kust: 201 p. Speybroeck J., D. Bonte, P. G rootaert, J.P. Maelfait, E. Stienen, V. Vandomm e, N. Vanermen, M. Vincx, S. Degraer. 2006. Studie over de im pact van zandsuppleties op het ecosysteem - fase 2, dossiernum m er 204.295. M inisterie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departem ent Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur, Agentschap vo or M aritiem e D ienstverlening en Kust, A fde lin g Kust: 11 8p. Vanden Eede S. 2013. Im pact o f beach nourishm ent on coastal ecosystems w ith recom m endations fo r coastal policy in Belgium. Ghent U niversity (UGent): 301 p. Van Tom m e J. 2013. Biotic interactions w ithin sandy beach ecosystems, w ith im plications fo r an ecologically-sound beach nourishm ent. (Biotische interactie s in zandstrandecosystem en, m et z ijn im plicaties voor ecologisch onderbouwde strandopspuitingen). Ghent U niversity (UGent): 176p. - 116 -