PRODUCTS OF INTEGRAL-TYPE AND COMPOSITION OPERATORS BETWEEN GENERALLY WEIGHTED BLOCH SPACES HAIYING LI and TIANSHUI MA Abstract. Let ϕ be a holomorphic self-map of the open unit disk D on the complex plane and 0 < α, β < +∞. The boundedness and compactness of products of integral-type and composition operators between generally weighted Bloch spaces are investigated. 1. Introduction and preliminaries Let D be the unit disc on the complex plane and ϕ a holomorphic self-map of D. We denote by H(D) the space of all holomorphic functions on D, denote by dm(z) the normalized Lebesgue area measure and define the composition operator Cϕ on H(D) by Cϕ f = f ◦ ϕ. The space of analytic functions on D such that 2 kf kBlog = |f (0)| + sup |f 0 (z)|(1 − |z|2 ) log <∞ 1 − |z|2 z∈D JJ J I II Go back Full Screen Close Quit is called weighted Bloch space Blog . Blog and BM OAlog first appeared in the study of boundedness of the Hankel operators on the Bergman space Z 1 A = {f ∈ H(D) : |f (z)| dm(z) < ∞} D Received May 15, 2010; revised November 9, 2010. 2001 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47B38. Key words and phrases. holomorphic self-map; composition operator; generally weighted Bloch space. and the Hardy space H 1 , respectively. BM OAlog also appeared in the study of a Volterra type operator (see e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10]). In [11], Yoneda studied the composition operators from Blog α to BM OAlog . In [5, 6, 7], we introduced the space Blog , α < 0, the space of analytic functions on D such that α kf kBlog = |f (0)| + sup |f 0 (z)|(1 − |z|2 )α log z∈D 2 <∞ 1 − |z|2 α that is called generally weighted Bloch space Blog . Let g ∈ H(D), for f ∈ H(D) be the integral-type operator Ig and Jg respectively, defined by Zz Ig f (z) = f 0 (ζ)g(ζ)dζ, 0 Zz Jg f (z) = f (ζ)g 0 (ζ)dζ, z ∈ D. 0 JJ J I II The importance of the operators Ig and Jg comes from the fact that Go back Iφ f (z) + Jφ f (z) = Mφ f (z) − f (0)φ(0), z ∈ D, Full Screen where Mg is the multiplication operator Close Quit (Mg f )(z) = g(z)f (z), f ∈ H(D), z ∈ D. The products of composition operators and integral-type operators are defined by ϕ(z) Z Cϕ Jg f (z) = 0 f (ξ)g (ξ)dξ, Zz Jg Cϕ f (z) = 0 0 ϕ(z) Z Cϕ Iφ f (z) = f (ϕ(ξ))g 0 (ξ)dξ, 0 f (ξ)φ(ξ)dξ, Zz Iφ Cϕ f (z) = 0 (f ◦ ϕ)0 (ξ)φ(ξ)dξ. 0 In this article, we consider the characterization of boundedness and compactness of products of integral-type and composition operators between generally weighted Bloch spaces on the unit disk. Throughout the remainder of this paper C will denote a positive constant, the exact value of which will vary from one appearance to the next. β α 2. The boundedness and compactness of Cϕ Jg (Cϕ Ig ) : Blog → Blog At the beginning, the following Lemma 2.1 can be seen in [5]. JJ J I II Go back Full Screen Close Quit α Lemma 2.1. Let f ∈ Blog and z ∈ D, then 1 α ; (a) For 0 < α < 1, |f (z)| ≤ 1 + kf kBlog (1 − α) log 2 4 log 1−|z| 2 α ; (b) For α = 1, |f (z)| ≤ kf kBlog log 2 2α−1 1 α . (c) For α > 1, |f (z)| ≤ 1 + kf kBlog (α − 1) log 2 (1 − |z|2 )α−1 Lemma 2.2. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D and α, β > 0. Then Cϕ Jg (or β α α Cϕ Ig ) : Blog → Blog is compact if and only if for any bounded sequence (fj )j∈N in Blog , when fj → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D, kCϕ Jg fj kB β → 0 or kCϕ Ig fj kB β ) → 0 as j → ∞. log log The result follows from standard arguments similar to those in [4]. It is easy to obtain the following result by a similar method in [8] for 0 < α < 1. Lemma 2.3. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D and 0 < α < 1, β > 0. Then β α α Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact if and only if for any bounded sequence (fj )j∈N in Blog , when fj → 0 uniformly on D, kCϕ Jg fj kB β → 0 as j → ∞. log α Lemma 2.4. Assume that h ∈ H(D), f ∈ Blog , α > 0 for a fixed z0 ∈ D. Then there exists a positive constant C independent of f such that JJ J I II Go back Full Screen Close z Z 0 f (ζ)h(ζ)dζ ≤ Ckf kB α max |h(ζ)|, log |ζ|≤|z0 | 0 z Z 0 f 0 (ζ)h(ζ)dζ ≤ Ckf kB α max |h(ζ)|. log |ζ|≤|z0 | 0 Quit α Proof. For h ∈ H(D), f ∈ Blog , then z Z 0 f (ζ)h(ζ)dζ ≤ max |f (ζ)| max |h(ζ)| |ζ|≤|z0 | |ζ|≤|z0 | 0 0 ≤ |f (0)| + |z0 | max |f (ζ)| max |h(ζ)| |ζ|≤|z0 | |ζ|≤|z0 | ) ( |z0 | α kf kBlog max |h(ζ)|. ≤ max 1, 2 |ζ|≤|z0 | (1 − |z0 |2 )α log 1−|z 2 0| Similarly, we have z Z 0 f 0 (ζ)h(ζ)dζ ≤ |z0 | max |f 0 | max |h(ζ)| |ζ|≤|z0 | |ζ|≤|z0 | 0 ≤ JJ J |z0 | (1 − |z0 |2 )α log 2 1−|z0 |2 α kf kBlog max |h(ζ)|. |ζ|≤|z0 | I II Go back Full Screen Close Theorem 2.5. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α ∈ (0, 1), β > 0, β α then Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded if and only if (2.1) sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log z∈D Quit 2 < ∞. 1 − |z|2 β α Proof. Assume that Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded. Then by the definition of the operator Cϕ Jg , (Cϕ Jg f )0 (z) = f (ϕ(z))g 0 (ϕ(z))ϕ0 (z). (2.2) α Let f0 (z) = 1, then f0 ∈ Blog . Then by the boundedness of Cϕ Jg (2.3) (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)|g 0 (ϕ(z))| log 2 α ≤ kCϕ Jg kkf0 kBlog < ∞. 1 − |z|2 Then (2.1) holds by (2.3). Conversely, assume that (2.1) holds. Then by Lemma 2.1 and (2.2) (1 − |z|2 )β (Cϕ Jg f )0 (z) log (2.4) 2 1 − |z|2 2 β 0 0 α (1 − |z| ) |ϕ (z)||g (ϕ(z))| log ≤ Ckf kBlog JJ J I II 2 . 1 − |z|2 Then, by Lemma 2.4, with h = g 0 and z0 = ϕ(0), Z ϕ(0) 0 α (2.5) |(Cϕ Jg fj )(0)| = f (ζ)g (ζ)dζ ≤ Ckf kBlog max |g 0 (ζ)|. 0 |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| By (2.4), we have Go back Full Screen Close 2 kCϕ Jg f kB β ≤ C sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log log 1 − |z|2 z∈D α . + max |g 0 (ζ)| kf kBlog |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| By (2.1) and (2.5), the boundedness of Cϕ Jg is obtained. Quit Theorem 2.6. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α ∈ (0, 1), β > 0, β α then Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact if and only if sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log z∈D 2 < ∞. 1 − |z|2 β α Proof. Assume that Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact, then it is bounded, hence (2.1) holds by Theorem 2.5. β α Conversely, assume that (2.1) holds. Then by Theorem 2.5, Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded. α By Lemma 2.3 for any bounded sequence (fj )j∈N in Blog , when fj → 0 uniformly on D, we need only to prove that kCϕ Jg fj kB β → 0 as j → ∞. Then log lim sup(1 − |z|2 )β (Cϕ Jg fj )0 (z) log j→∞ z∈D 2 1 − |z|2 ≤ sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log z∈D JJ J 2 lim kfj k∞ = 0. 1 − |z|2 j→∞ Z ϕ(0) 0 |(Cϕ Jg fj )(0)| = fj (ζ)g (ζ)dζ ≤ Ckfj k∞ max |g 0 (ζ)| → 0 as j → ∞. 0 |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| I II Then the compactness of Cϕ Jg is completed. Go back Full Screen Theorem 2.7. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), β > 0. (i) If Close (2.6) Quit sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log z∈D 2 2 log < ∞, 2 1 − |z| 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 β then Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded. β (ii) If Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded, then (2.7) sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log z∈D 2 2 log log < ∞. 2 1 − |z| 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 Proof. (i) For f ∈ Blog , by Lemma 2.1, it holds 2 (1 − |z|2 )β (Cϕ Jg f )0 (z) log 1 − |z|2 ≤ Ckf kBlog (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log 2 2 log . 2 1 − |z| 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 β By (2.6), we have that Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded. β (ii) Assume that Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded. For w ∈ D, set fw (z) = log log Then JJ J fw0 (z) = I II Go back Full Screen Close Quit 1 log 2 1−wz 2 . 1 − wz · w . 1 − wz Then |fw (0)| = log log 2 and (1 − |z| 2 )|fw0 (z)| log 2 (1 − |z|2 )|w| log 1−|z| 2 2 = 2 1 − |z|2 |1 − wz| log |1−wz| ≤ 2 1−|z|2 2 |1−z| (1 − |z|2 ) log |1 − z| log < ∞. β Thus fw ∈ Blog . Hence by the boundedness of Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog , we have (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log 2 2 log log 1 − |z|2 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 ≤ CkCϕ Jg fϕ(z) kB β ≤ kCϕ Jg k · kfϕ(z) kBlog < ∞. log Theorem 2.8. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), β > 0. (i) If 2 <∞ sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log 1 − |z|2 z∈D and 2 2 lim (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log (2.8) log = 0, 1 − |z|2 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 |ϕ(z)|→1 β then Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact. JJ J I II β (ii) If Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact, then (2.9) Go back Full Screen Close Quit lim (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log |ϕ(z)|→1 2 2 log log = 0. 1 − |z|2 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 Proof. (i) By (2.8), we have that for any ε > 0 there exists an r0 ∈ (0, 1) such that (2.10) (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log for every |ϕ(z)| > r0 . 2 2 log < ε, 1 − |z|2 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 Let (fj )j∈N be a norm bounded sequence in Blog such that fj → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as j → ∞. By Lemma 2.1, (2.1) and (2.10), we have (1−|z|2 )β (Cϕ Jg fj )0 (z) log ≤ sup sup (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log |fj (ϕ(z))| |ϕ(z)|≤r0 + Ckfj kBlog 2 1 − |z|2 |ϕ(z)|≤r0 sup (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log |ϕ(z)|>r0 2 1 − |z|2 2 2 log 2 1 − |z| 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 ≤ C sup |fj (ζ)| + Cεkfj kBlog . |ζ|≤r0 ϕ(0) Z 0 |(Cϕ Jg fj )(0)| = f (ζ)g (ζ)dζ 0 ≤ JJ J I II max |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| |fj (ζ)| max |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| |g 0 (ζ)| → 0 (j → ∞). Taking the supremum over z ∈ D and letting j → ∞, we have kCϕ Jg fj kB β → 0 as j → ∞. Thus log β Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact. Go back Full Screen Close Quit β (ii) Assume that Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact and (zn )n∈N is a sequence in D such that limn→∞ |ϕ(zn )| = 1. Let !2 −1 2 2 log log , n ∈ N. fn (z) = log log 1 − |ϕ(zn )|2 1 − ϕ(zn )z Then fn is a uniformly bounded family on Blog that converges to 0 on compact subsets of D. Then kCϕ Jg fn kB β → 0 as n → ∞. log 2 1 − |z|2 z∈D 2 2 ≥ 1 − |zn |2 )β |ϕ0 (zn )||g 0 (ϕ(zn ))| log log log . 1 − |zn |2 1 − |ϕ(zn )|2 kCϕ Jg fn kB β ≥ sup(1 − |z|2 )β (Cϕ Jg fn )0 (z) log log Hence lim (1 − |zn |2 )β |ϕ0 (zn )||g 0 (ϕ(zn ))| log n→∞ 2 2 log log = 0. 1 − |zn |2 1 − |ϕ(zn )|2 So (2.9) holds. Theorem 2.9. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 1, β > 0. If (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log (2.11) sup (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α−1 z∈D JJ J I II Go back Full Screen < ∞, β α then Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is bounded. α Proof. By Lemma 2.1 and (2.11), for f ∈ Blog , 2 1 − |z|2 (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log (1 − |z|2 )β (Cϕ Jg f )0 (z) log Close α ≤ Ckf kBlog Quit 2 1−|z|2 (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α−1 2 1−|z|2 < ∞. max |f (ζ)| max |g 0 (ζ)| |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| ) ( |ϕ(z0 )| α kf kBlog ≤ max 1, max |g 0 (ζ)|. 2 |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| (1 − |ϕ(z0 )|2 ) log 1−|z 2 0| |(Cϕ Jg f )(0)| ≤ |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| Then the boundedness of Cϕ Jg is obtained. Theorem 2.10. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 1, β > 0. If sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log z∈D 2 <∞ 1 − |z|2 and (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log (2.12) JJ J lim |ϕ(z)|→1 (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α−1 2 1−|z|2 = 0, I II Go back Full Screen Close Quit β α then Cϕ Jg : Blog → Blog is compact. Proof. By (2.12), then for any ε > 0, there exists an r0 ∈ (0, 1) such that (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α−1 2 1−|z|2 < ε, for every |ϕ(z)| > r0 . α Let (fj )j∈N be a norm bounded sequence in Blog such that fj → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as j → ∞. By Lemma 2.1, we have 2 (1 − |z|2 )β (Cϕ Jg fj )0 (z) log 1 − |z|2 2 ≤ sup |fj (ϕ(z))| sup (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log 1 − |z|2 |ϕ(z)|≤r0 |ϕ(z)|≤r0 α + Ckfj kBlog sup (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g 0 (ϕ(z))| log |ϕ(z)|>r0 2 2 log 1 − |z|2 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 α . ≤ C sup |fj (ζ)| + Cεkfj kBlog |ζ|≤r0 ϕ(0) Z α |(Cϕ Jg fj )(0)| = f (ζ)g 0 (ζ)dζ ≤ Ckfj kBlog max |g 0 (ζ)|. |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| 0 β α → Blog Taking the supremum over z ∈ D and letting j → ∞, kCϕ Jg fj kB β → 0. Thus Cϕ Jg : Blog log is compact. JJ J I II Go back Full Screen Close Quit Theorem 2.11. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α ∈ (0, 1), β > 0, β β α α then Jg Cϕ : Blog → Blog is bounded if and only if Jg Cϕ : Blog → Blog is compact if and only if β g ∈ Blog . Theorem 2.12. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), β > 0,. If 2 2 log < ∞, sup(1 − |z|2 )β |g 0 (z)| log 2 2 1 − |z| 1 − |ϕ(z)| z∈D β then Jg Cϕ : Blog → Blog is bounded. Theorem 2.13. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), β > 0, if 2 sup(1 − |z|2 )β |g 0 (z)| log <∞ 1 − |z|2 z∈D and lim (1 − |z|2 )β |g 0 (z)| log |ϕ(z)|→1 2 2 log = 0, 2 1 − |z| 1 − |ϕ(z)|2 β then Jg Cϕ : Blog → Blog is compact. Theorem 2.14. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 1, β > 0. If (1 − |z|2 )β |g 0 (z)| log sup z∈D (1 − 2 1−|z|2 |ϕ(z)|2 )α−1 < ∞, β α then Jg Cϕ : Blog → Blog is bounded. Theorem 2.15. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 1, β > 0. If 2 sup(1 − |z|2 )β |g 0 (z)| log <∞ 1 − |z|2 z∈D and JJ J (1 − |z|2 )β |g 0 (z)| log I II lim |ϕ(z)|→1 Go back Full Screen Close = 0, β α then Jg Cϕ : Blog → Blog is compact. Theorem 2.16. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 0, β > 0,. If (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))| log (2.13) sup z∈D Quit (1 − 2 1−|z|2 |ϕ(z)|2 )α−1 (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α log β α then Cϕ Ig : Blog → Blog is bounded. 2 1−|z|2 2 1−|ϕ(z)|2 < ∞, α Proof. By the definition of Cϕ Ig , (Cϕ Ig f )0 (z) = ϕ0 (z)g(ϕ(z))f 0 (ϕ(z)). For f ∈ Blog , we have 2 1 − |z|2 (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))| log (1 − |z|2 )β (Cϕ Ig f )0 (z) log ≤ 2 1−|z|2 α . kf kBlog 2 (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α log 1−|ϕ(z)| 2 ϕ(0) Z α |(Cϕ Ig f )(0)| = f 0 (ζ)g(ζ)dζ ≤ Ckf kBlog max |g(ζ)|. |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| 0 β α By (2.13), we have Cϕ Ig : Blog → Blog is bounded. Theorem 2.17. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 0, β > 0,. If 2 (2.14) <∞ sup (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))| log 1 − |z|2 z∈D and JJ J I II Go back Full Screen (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))| log (2.15) |ϕ(z)|→1 (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α log 2 1−|z|2 2 1−|ϕ(z)|2 = 0, β α then Cϕ Ig : Blog → Blog is compact. Proof. By (2.15), for any ε > 0, there exists an r ∈ (0, 1) such that (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))| log Close (2.16) Quit lim (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α log 2 1−|z|2 2 1−|ϕ(z)|2 <ε for every r < |ϕ(z)| < 1. α Let (fj )j∈N be a norm bounded sequence in Blog such that fj → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as j → ∞. Then kCϕ Ig fj kB β ≤ log sup (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))||fj0 (ϕ(z))| log |ϕ(z)|≤r 2 1 − |z|2 + sup (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))||fj0 (ϕ(z))| log |ϕ(z)|>r + (2.17) max |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| |fj0 (ζ)| max |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| |g(ζ)| ≤ sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))| log z∈D 2 sup |f 0 (ζ)| 1 − |z|2 |ζ|≤r j (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(ϕ(z))| log + sup |ϕ(z)|>r + JJ J I II Go back max |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α log |fj0 (ζ)| max |ζ|≤|ϕ(0)| 2 1 − |z|2 2 1−|z|2 2 1−|ϕ(z)|2 α kfj kBlog |g(ζ)|. Since fj → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as j → ∞, by Cauchy’s estimate, fj0 → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as j → ∞. Hence by (2.14), (2.16) and (2.17), we have β α kCϕ Ig fj kB β → 0 as j → ∞. Hence Cϕ Ig : Blog → Blog is compact. log Full Screen Theorem 2.18. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 0, β > 0,. If (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(z)| log Close sup Quit z∈D (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α log 2 1−|z|2 2 1−|ϕ(z)|2 < ∞, β α then Ig Cϕ : Blog → Blog is bounded. Theorem 2.19. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of D, g ∈ H(D), α > 0, β > 0. If sup(1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(z)| log z∈D 2 <∞ 1 − |z|2 and (1 − |z|2 )β |ϕ0 (z)||g(z)| log lim |ϕ(z)|→1 (1 − |ϕ(z)|2 )α log 2 1−|z|2 2 1−|ϕ(z)|2 = 0, β α then Ig Cϕ : Blog → Blog is compact. Acknowledgment. This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Henan (No. 2008B110006; 2010A110009; 102300410012) and the Foster Foundation of Henan Normal University (No. 2010PL01). JJ J I II Go back Full Screen Close Quit 1. Attele K. R., M. Toeplitz and Hankel on Bergman one space, Hokaido Math J., 21 (1992), 279–293. 2. Benke G., and Chang D. C., A note on weighted Bergman spaces and the Cesàro operator, Nagoya Mathematical J., 159 (2000), 25–43. 3. Cima J., Stegenda D., Hankel operators on H p , in: Berkson E. R., Peck N. T.and Ulh J. (Eds.), Analysis at Urbana 1, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note ser., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 137 (1989), 133–150. 4. Cowen C. C. and MacCluer B. 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