Queensborough Community College I. II. Health, Physical Education and Dance Department

Queensborough Community College
Health, Physical Education and Dance Department
Spring 2014
Wednesdays 9:10 – 11:50 AM
Course number and title: HE 102 F2 Introduction to Exercise Science
Credit hours: 3 hours, 3 credits
Office hours:
Course description: A comprehensive review of the field of exercise science
including: scope of practice, career opportunities, critical issues, foundations of
exercise physiology and biomechanics, and behavioral and social dimensions of
exercise. In-class lectures will be augmented with performance lab work, multi-media
presentations, guest professionals, and opportunities to observe practices in the field.
Text: Potteiger, J.A. American College of Sports Medicine. (2010). ACSM's
Introduction to Exercise Science. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
General Education Objectives
General educational objectives addressed Briefly describe activities in the course
by this course
which help students meet each of these
general education objectives
1. Students will communicate effectively through Students will review, discuss, and write about the
reading, writing, listening and speaking.
scope, issues and potential career practices of
exercise science.
2. Students will use analytical reasoning to identify Students will demonstrate an understanding of
issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to exercise science from class discussions, professional
make informed decisions.
perspectives, exploration of critical issues,
performance lab work, and field observation.
3. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in Students will integrate exercise science concepts
their program of study.
from class readings, lectures, field observations,
guest speakers, and practical performance lab
4. Students will use information management and Students will use technology in exercise
technology skills effectively for academic research epidemiology and performance lab experiences,
and lifelong learning.
biomechanical breakdown of specific sports and
activity skills.
Course objectives
Students will be able to explain the role of exercise science in society and the basis
for developing an exercise science related career
2. Students will describe the potential career opportunities in exercise science
Students will develop a basic understanding of how exercise affects the body
Students will describe the potential health benefits of physical activity
Students will develop a basic understanding of movement biomechanics
Students will conduct a review of critical issues in exercise science
Students will demonstrate performance and measurement of physical fitness
Students will reflect on field observations of an exercise science related organization
Students will actively participate in all discussions, field experiences, and lab
VIII. Summary of Main Topics:
Overview of exercise science: implications of exercise and physical activity in
society, the emergence of exercise science, and role of exercise science in both the
prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.
Exercise science careers: an overview of the career opportunities within the exercise
science field, the role of professional organizations, certifications and advanced
career pathways. This topic will be augmented with guest lecturers from various
exercise-science related professional organizations.
Critical issues in exercise science: Students will be required to review current
research and practices in the field.
Overview of exercise physiology: topics include the effect of exercise on
cardiovascular, metabolic and neuromuscular systems, and sports nutrition. Lab work
will include practice in performance and measurement of cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body mass index (BMI).
Rehabilitation: Topics include physical and cardiac rehabilitation, body scanning
and posture analysis, therapy methods and professions.
Overview of body mechanics: investigation into kinesiology and biomechanical
movement of specific physical activity skills. Students will present the breakdown of
various sports and exercise skills.
Field Experience: Students will be required to visit and observe a local exercisescience related program such as cardiac rehabilitation, athletic training, personal
training, strength and conditioning rehabilitation, physical therapy, sports medicine,
health education or corporate wellness programs, or other related fields. A summary
paper will be required for each visit, along with signed verification documentation.
Ethics: Overview of ethical practices when working with patients and clients, ACSM
Code of Ethics, Human subjects research.
Class policies
1. Attendance policy:
Students are expected to attend every class. Missing classes may put students at a
disadvantage in completing the course successfully. Unexcused absences in excess of 2 will
result in a deduction of 10 points off of your final numerical grade. With prior knowledge of
scheduled participation in QCC sanctioned sports, religious observances, etc., early
departures or absences may be excused with written documentation and the approval of the
instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to provide instructors with PRIOR written
notification of absences due to participation in QCC Sports. Absences due to illness or injury
may be excused with email notification prior to class, and written documentation from a
physician on the day of return. No late make up work will be accepted for unexcused
Note: According to College requirements, if you miss five unexcused hours (2 ½ classes) of
this class you are considered excessively absent. Absences beyond this point may result in a
failing grade.
2. Cell phones, pagers, iPods, PDAs and other electronic equipment are not
permitted in class unless prior approval is given by the instructor.
3. Class Participation: Students are expected to fully participate in all class
activities and class discussions.
Students are expected to complete all reading assignments prior to the assignment date.
Readings include the required text and assigned articles. All material from readings and class
discussions may be included on exams.
Exams: There will be 2 exams in this course. The exams will cover information covered
in classes, assigned readings and personal interpretations of presented topics.
In-class lab work: Students will engage in in-class laboratory activities in kinesiology,
biomechanics and exercise physiology-related topics.
Homework: Students will be required to hand in selected homework assignments
Field Experience: Students will be required to visit and observe a local exercise-science
related program such as cardiac rehabilitation, athletic training, personal training,
strength and conditioning rehabilitation, physical therapy, sports medicine, health
education or corporate wellness programs, or other related fields. A summary paper will
be required for each visit, along with signed verification documentation.
Careers presentations: Students will work in small groups and present an exercise
science career option at a simulated job fair
Course Evaluation:
Lab Work
Field Experience
Careers Presentations
Grading Scale:
372 – 400 points = A
360 – 371 points = A344 – 359 points = B+
332 – 343 points = B
20 points
20 points
60 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
400 points
320 – 331 points = B304 – 319 points = C+
292 – 303 points = C
280 – 291 points = C-
264 – 279 points = D+
252 – 263 points = D
240 – 251 points = D239 points or below = F
Academic Integrity policy:
Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York. Penalties for
academic dishonesty include academic sanctions, such as failing or otherwise reduced
grades, and/or disciplinary sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.
1. Definitions and Examples of Academic Dishonesty
1.1. Cheating is the unauthorized use or attempted use of material,
information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise.
Examples of cheating include:
Copying from another student during an examination or allowing another
to copy your work.
Unauthorized collaboration on a take home assignment or examination.
Using notes during a closed book examination.
Taking an examination for another student, or asking or allowing another
student to take an examination for you.
Changing a graded exam and returning it for more credit.
Submitting substantial portions of the same paper to more than one course
without consulting with each instructor.
 Preparing answers or writing notes in a blue book (exam booklet) before
an examination.
Allowing others to research and write assigned papers or do assigned
projects, including using commercial term paper services.
Giving assistance to acts of academic misconduct/ dishonesty.
Fabricating data (in whole or in part).
Falsifying data (in whole or in part).
Submitting someone else’s work as your own.