its are amenableto in-situ, or bore-hole, mining (Shock and Conley, 1974) by either acid or carbonateleaches.Limited researchhas been conductedon the bacterial leachingof theseroll-front ores,but preliminary investigations(C. Brierley, 1978b)on ore from the AnacondaCompany Jackpile-Paguatemines of New Mexico indicate that suitable energy sourcesare unavailablefor the bacteria, and that the organismsloseviability when in protractedcontactwith the ore. Present studiesof this ore amendedwith suitable bacterialenergysourcesareevaluatingthe affect of hydrostatic pressure on the bacteriaduring the leachingprocess(A. Torma, J. Brierley,and C. Brierley,unpublisheddata). Such laboratory studies are an attemptto sirnulatethe waterpressure exertedundergroundduring leaching. Extensivelaboratoryand field testing is neededbeforevalid conclusionscan be made on the use of bacteria for in-situ leaching of western U.S. uranium reserves. ganismswhich require temperaturesbetween30-55oC.Although theseorganisms oxidize iron like T. ferroxidans and are morphologicallyand physiologicallysimilar, theyrequiresmallquantitiesof simple organic compounds.First isolated from Icelandic, acidic thermal springs, thermophilic thiobacilli have been found to leachtest occur naturally in a large-scale facility (J. Brierleyand Lockwood,1977) and copperleachdumpsat Chino mines, Santa Rita, New Mexico (J. Brierley, 1978),and Bingham Canyon, Utah (C. Brierley,et al., 1979). It is prematureto ascertainthe significanceof thermophilicbacteriain mineral leaching.Temperatureprofiles of copper leachdumpsshowareasin excessof 80"C due to the exothermicoxidationof pyrite (Beck, 1967).Such regionscould be the site of active thermophilic bacterial populations. However, studies to date have neither quantitated these populations nor evaluatedtheir contribution to metalsolubilization. Restorationof mine sites and wastewaters Bacterial leaching is not confined to the Microorganisms are now used in the microorganisms Z. thiooxidans and T. restoration mine and mill effluents, of ferrooxidans. Severalother microbes affect the dissolutionof metallicsulfidesby and current researchindicatesthat some oxidation of iron and sulfur and direct at- bacteria may play an active role in the tack of sulfideminerals.Among the most restoration of in-situ uranium leaching unique are the extremely thermophilic sites. (heat-loving)and acidophilic(acid-loving) Restorationof in-situ uranium mines bacteria.The first of thesemicrobesto be In-situ leaching of uranium has characterizedwasSulfolobusacidocaldarflourished in the uraniumregionsof south izs (Brock, et al., 1972). Other related Texas and Wyoming. The most frequent forms have been subsequentlycharacterleaching agents usedin theseregionsare ized (C. Brierley and J. Brierley, 1973; carbonate and bicarbonate ions with DeRosa,et al., 1975).These spherical peroxide hydrogen as the oxidizing agent bacteriaare about I pm in diameter,require an acid environment,and oxidize to form the highly soluble uranyl dicar(Garrelsand reducedsulfur and iron compounds.They bonateand tricarbonateions 1965). Christ, obtain carbonfrom eithersimpleorganics or carbon dioxide, and function aerobic2UO,+ 2H,O, + 4(NH.),CO,* ally or anaerobically.Thesemicrobesare (10) 2(NH.),UO,(CO,),+4NH.OH unique in that they are obligatelythermophilic, requiringtemperatures between uo, + H,o, + 3(NH.),CO.* 45o and 80oC;somespeciesfunction at a (ll) (NH.).UO'(CO,),+2NH.OH temperatureas high as 90oC.The natural habitatsof theseorganismsare acidichot Sincethe hydroxyl formed by thesereacsprings,and although they have not been tions will attack the uranyl carbonate specificallyidentified with any commer- complex,it is neutralizedby the addition labora- of bicarbonate. cial leachingoperations,extensive tory tests confirm their capability to enhancethe extractionof metalsfrom the NH.HCO, + NH.OH*(NH.),CO, + H,O (12) recalcitrant minerals chalcopyrite and molybdenite(C. Brierley, 1977;J. Brier- Although solutions other than ammoley and C. Brierley, 1978; C. Brierley, nium carbonate and ammonium bicar1978a:' C. Brierley,1974). bonatecanbe used,the ammoniumcation A few years after the discoveryof the is preferredsinceit is lessexpensiveand extremelythermophilic,acidophilicbac- doesn't produce the swelling of clays teria, LeRoux et al. (J9T1) reported the sometimesnoted with the sodium ion. discovery of Thiobacillus-like microor- However.the ammoniumion doeshavea Otherleachingmicroorganisms August 1979 NewMexico Geology tendencyto adsorbto baseexchangesites associatedwith clays in the mineral formation. Ground water passingthrough the formation tends to mobilize the ammonium ion, and there is the potential problemof the conversionof ammonium to nitrite and nitrate. The latter compounds have little affinity for minerals and are freely soluble.Nitrite and nitrate arealsohazardousto humanhealth. Laws for the restorationof mine sites are now being formulated in affected states. Present government regulations for Texas require that the water at the mine location be restored to base line ground-waterquality and the mine sitebe returnedto its original stateafter solution mining has ceased(Walsh et al., 1979; F Whittingtonand Taylor, 1979). A L S OI N T H I S] S S U E : Commercialanalyticallaboratories p.36 p.37 Principal miningdistricts p.39 in NewMexico Turquoise p.41 Ft.SeldenandLeasburg p.43 Announcements,publications,abstracts SOON: COMING . . . . o plants oreindicator Uranium 1859-1936 Jones,miningengineer, Fayette Gravitationalore separation Potashin NewMexico in NewMexico Earthquakeactivity New AAexnc@ GEOLOGY . andSorvice Scionco Volume 1, Number 3, AuguBt 1979 Edilot' Neila Pedson publishedqueterlY bY New M€xicoBurau of Mines& Mineml Resources a divisionofNev MexicoInstituteofMining & Technology BOARDOFNEGENTS Ex Officio BrtceKitg, Oovernor o! New Mqico Leonard Delayo, Superinlendenl of Public lutruction Appointcd William C. Abbott, 196l-1985,Hobbs L6 Cilces Judy Floyd, 1917-1981, OwenLop€z,Sety/Tt.6,1977-1983, SontoFe Pres. 1972-l9El, Cqilsbad DaveRice, S@orro SteveTorres, 196?-1985, New Mexico Instituteof Mining & Technology . ord . . . . . K e n n e t h wF Pr6idqt. New MexicoBur€auof Mines& Mineral Resourcc ...FrankE.Kottlowski Director. . . . . . . . . . C e o r g e sA, u s t i n Depu,tDirector. Burfiu EditoFceologitl . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert lV. Kellcy Subscriptiore:Issued quilterly, F€bruary, May, August, November;subrcriptionprie $3.00/yr. Ediloriol mtter: Contributions of possiblematerial for conissu6 of NMG ile sdcome. sidqation in furw Marcrials ronot b€ returned unless accompaniedby retun postage,Addressinquirid to Neila Pesson, Editor Ncw Mexico Ceology, New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources. Saorro. NM 87801 Cirelalion: l,2N Priu ler.' University of New Mexico Pdnting Plmt Bacteriahave recentlyreceivedconsiderableattentionas agentsfor restoration of in-situ mine operationsleachedwith ammoniurncarbonatesolutions.The organismsspecificallyconsideredfor this function areNitrosomonas,which oxidize ammoniumto nitrite, ion, and possibleproblemsthat bacteria reducingbacteria in the sedimentsmay in the formation might createsuchas re- participate in trace element removal. Theseorganismsreducesulfateto hydroductionin permeability. gensulfide Restorationof mining and milling waters (15) S O . ' - +l 0 H + * H , S * 4 H ' O Many organismshave the capacityof at binding by metals either accumulating the organisms'surfacesor by intracellular using hydrogenor simple organic mole( 1 3 ) uptake of the ions. Likewise, biological culesas energysources.Analysesof sediNH.++3/2 O'*2H+ +H,O+NO,agentscan readily transform metals by ments indicate significantaccumulations and Nitrobacter, which oxidize nitrite to solubilization, precipitation, valency of uranium and molybdenum.The mechchanges, and conversion to organo- anisms for ion removal have not been nitrate. metalliccompounds(Kelly, et al., 1979)' defined, but it is evident from early and biolog(14) Because suchtransformationsoccur on a studiesthat both geochemical NO,-+ l/2 Ou*NOroperative. likely are of ical reactions use the geochemically significantscale, bacteria has long been considered a Microbial problernsin incorporole0 schemefor metal recovery from dilute uraniumleaching in-situ /' solutionssuch as seawater.Rather than Thus far only the beneficialuses of mineral depletionbeing a motivating facin the mineral industry tor, environmental constraints and microorganisms but it is apparent discussed, have been economic conditions were primarily in mining practicesis technology new that I responsiblefor active developmentof incidences of increased in resulting NO: biological processesfor recovery of problems are blaThe fouling. metalsfrom dilute solutions.One of the microbial less evident, are the causes obvious, tantly most successfulapplicationsof the proanswersare not immediately apcessis the use of algaeto removeboth and the parent, solubleand particulatelead from the mill Mine sites that are leachedwith cartailings of severalmining venturesin the solutionsand hydrogenperoxide bonate "new lead belt" of Missouri (Gale and experienceplugging. Backsometimes Wixson, 1977;1979).In one operationa FIGURE I -Tnr stoLoctcAl NtrRocENcYcLE. wells revealsthe presence the of flushing tailingspond allowsheavyparticulatesto of massive,macroscopicgrowths of miOther bacteriaare capableof denitrifica- settle, and the effluent from the pond croorganisms.Preliminaryidentifications tion reactions, i.e., the reduction of passes through a series of shallow indicate theseorganismsto be common nitrate to reducednitrogenspecies.Some meanders.Algae are encouragedto grow of soil bacteria.Somepluggingof mine sites microbesreducenitrate to gaseousnitro- in themeanderingstream,and analyses occursthat cannotreadilybe attributedto gen while othersreducenitrate to nitrous the algaeand aquaticvegetationindicate either physical or biological factors. In oxideor ammoniumion. The endproduct that theseagentseffectivelyaccumulateor suchinstancesit may be necessaryto test is species dependent.The energyneedsfor entrapthe heavymetalsreleasedin the effor microbial activity, since these agents denitrificationcan be an organic energy fluent from the tailings pond. A settling may be producinggaseswhichcould form sourcefor most microbesand thiosulfate pond and baffled outlet preventthe algae an airlock in the formation' Examplesof or elemental sulfur, a source for the from discharging into the receiving suchactivity arethe productionof hydroorganism Thiobocillus denitrificans. As stream.Vegetation,identifiedto function gen sulfide by the sulfate-reducingbacshownin the biologicalnitrogencycleasit effectivelyin this wastewatertreatment, (reaction 15) or the production of teria occursin soil (fig. l), it is feasibleto oxi- include Cladophora, Rhizoclonium, gaseous nitrogen by Thiobscillus dedize ammonium to nitrate and then re- Hydrodictyon, Spirogyro, Potomogeton nitrificans: and occasionalbloomsof Oscillatoria. ducenitrateto a gas. biological/chemical A combination Sorne preliminary researchhas been 5SrO"--| 8NO'- * HuO* completedon the use of Nitrosomonas treatmentsystemis presentlyoperational (16) 4N, + 9SO.',-+ H,SO. and Nitrobscter for uranium mine site in the Grants, New Mexico uranium disrestoration (David Johnson, personal trict for the removalof selenium,molybTo date little is known whY microcommunication).These studies indicate denum,radium, and uranium from mine organisms sometimes suddenly grow that biologicalnitrification can occur in wastewater.The system consists of a abundantly and uncontrollably in the incolumn experimentsusing uranium core seriesof settlingponds to removeheavy situ uranium leach sites.It may be that and syntheticground water. It is entirely particulatematter; somewatersare subchemical and physical conditions are feasiblethat bacteriacould be usedto ox- jectedto an ion exchangeplant to remove alteredto the point where opportunistic idize both mobilizedammoniumand ad- uranium.Barium chlorideis subsequently microbesfind a suitablenichefor prolific sorbedammoniumto solublenitrate. The addedto precipitatesulfateand radium. growth. Hydrogen peroxide,as the oxiareretainedin threeconnitratecould then be easilyflushedout of The wastewaters dant for uranium oxidation,is an oxygen the mine site. There are many factors to secutivealgae ponds before discharge. carrier and may supPlY the aerobic be critically examined.Among theseare This wastewatertreatmentsystemis now environmentneededfor microbial develthe introductionof the nitrifying bacteria under study (C. Brierleyand J. Brierley, opment. The causativefactors of this into the formation,the retentionof viabil- unpublished data). It is evident from situationare as ill-definedas preventative ity of the bacteriain the in-situ site, the preliminarydata that, althoughalgaeand Currentlythe only actionbeing measures. continued activity of the bacteria, their aquatic vegetation are present, large IF ability to oxidize adsorbedammonium populations of anaerobic, sulfateReduced orgonic N inlo glonis/onimols / microbes NewMexico Geology August 1979 taken against microbial growth is the periodic injection of strong oxidizing agentssuch as chlorine gas. It may be necessary to find an antimicrobialagent that successfullypreventsgrowth, is inexpensive, environmentally acceptable, and doesn't interfere with the leaching and uraniumrecoveryprocesses. uncontrollably proliferating in artificial environmentscreatedat the leachingsites and in the uranium recoveryand restoration circuits associatedwith the operations. Substantialeffort is neededto evaluate microbial practicesand problemsof the mining industry. Evaluations must be comprehensive, includingnot only the imConclusions mediateproblemor practice,but the basic Microorganismscanbe eithera boon or aspectof the situation.A cooperativeefbane to the mining industry. Bacterial fort among many disciplinesis needed, leaching has a vital niche in the pro- for the solutionsto the problemsare not duction of copper and uranium from likely to be uniquelybiological. low-grade ores. Likewise, low-cost References cited energy-conservativetechniques for recovery of vagrant inorganic con- Beck, J. V., 1967,The role of bacteriain copper mining operations: Biotechnology and Bioengitaminantsfrom industrialwastewaterare neering,v. 9, p. 487-497 makingincreasinguseof microbes. Brierley,C. L., tg'l 4, MolybdeniteJeaching:useof a Further investigationwill reveal new high-temperature microbe: Journal of the LessCommonMetals,v. 36,p.237-247 applicationsof microorganisms to benefit in ex1977,Thermophilicmicroorganisms the uranium industry. The processlikely in Intraction from Developments of metals ores: to havethe most potentialis the bacterial dustrialMicrobiology,v. 18,p. 273-284 oxidationof ammoniumion remainingin 1978a,Bacterial leaching: CRC Critical the formation after in-situ leachingwith Reviewsin Microbiology,v.6, no. 3,p.207-262 1978b,Biogenicextractionof uranium from ammoniumcarbonatesolutions. ores of the Grants region: Metallurgical ApplicaHowever,new technologies in uranium tions of BacterialLeachingand RelatedMicrobiomining are evoking problemsnot previlogicalPhenomena,Murr, L. E., Torma, A. E., ously associated with this industry. and Brierley,J. A. (eds.),AcademicPress,New Opportunisticmicrobesare rapidly and York, p. 345-362 Directory of commercial analytical laboratories in New Mexico Types of analyses Routine chemical assaysinclude both wet and instrumentalmethods(depending on preferencesof the individual laboratory) and are analysesof major (l-10090) andminor (.01-l9o)elements. Geochemicalassaysinclude analysesof trace elements in geological materials (.0001-.0190); theseare usuallydone by instrumentalmethods. Fire ossayis a method of analysis for gold, silver, and platinum group metals usingfurnaceheatand dry reagents. Woter quality analyses include the chemicaland biologicalanalysesof water constituentsbut do not include trace contaminants. Rapid whole-rock analysis is the analysisof the major and minor oxidesby atomicabsorption. Radiometric ossays. pertain to the measurement of geologictime by the disintegrationrateof radioactiveelements. Radiochemicalassaysare chemicalanalysesof radioactivematerials. August 1979 New Mexico Geology Commerclal llstlngs Albuchemist.Inc. 715SanMateoBlvd. NE Albuquerque,NM 87108 (s0s)268-'t36'7 Routine chemicalassayson soil, water, gasoline, ore andpaint AlbuquerqueAssayLaboratory 4l l5 SilverAve. SE Albuquerque,NM 87108 (5O5)268-5',776 Routine chemicalassayson ores Rapid whole-rockanalyses Mineral examinations Traceanalyses Geochemicalassay_s Water -quality onaIy ses Radiometric assays Controlsfor EnvironmentalPollution,Inc. P.O. Box 5351-1925Rosina SantaFe. NM 87501 (s05)982-9841 Radiochemical analyses Biological assays Traceinorganicand organiccontaminants Water-quality analyses Pesticideanalyses CoreLaboratories.Inc. 3428Stanford Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM 87104 (sos) 344-0274 Ilater analyses Uranium analyses Baseandpreciousmineral assays Geochemicalassays Brierley, C. L., and Brierley, J. A., 1973, A and thermophilic microchemoautotrophic organism isolated from an acid hot spring: Canadian Journal of Microbiology, v. 19, no. 2, p. l 83-r88 Brierley,C. L., Brierley,J. A., Norris, P. R., and Kelly, D. P., 1979, Metal-tolerant microorganismsof hot, acid environments:Societyfor Applied Bacteriology, Technical SeriesPublication No. 14,in press Brierley,J. A., 1978,Thermophiliciron-oxidizing bacteriafound in copperleachingdumps:Applied and EnvironmentalMicrobiology,v. 36, no. 3, p. 523-525 Brierley,J. A., andBrierley,C.L.,1978, Microbial leaching of copper at ambient and elevated temperatures: Metallurgical Applications of Bacterial Leaching and Related Microbiological Phenomena,Murr, L. E., Torma, A, E., and Brierley,J. A. (eds.),AcademicPress,New York, p.477-489 Brierley,J. A., and Lockwood,S. J., 1977,The occurrenceof thermophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria in a copper leachingfacility: Federationof European Microbiological SocietiesMioobiology Letters,v. 2, p. 163-165 Brock, T. D., Brock, K. M., Belly, R. T., and Weiss, R. L., 1972,Sulfolobus: a new genusof sulfur-oxidizingbacterialiving at low pH and high Archivesof Mikrobiologia,v. 84, p. temperature: 54-68 Bryner, L. C., and Anderson, R., 1957, Microorganismsin leachingsulfide minerals: lndustrial Chemistry,v. 49,p. 1721-1724 andEngineering (continuedon page 40) EberlineInstrumentCorporation P.O. Box2108 SantaFe, NM 87501 (50s) 4'71-3232 Radiotion measurements Radon monitors Radiochemistry SilverCity TestingLaboratories,lnc. 505Texas SilverCity, NM 88061 (505)538-3029 Routine chemicalassayson ores Fire assays Custom assays Prlces and fees Most commercial laboratories have three qualities of work: the routine or preliminary, which is the lowest priced and is not run in duplicate; a control, which is medium priced and generallyrun in duplicate;and an umpire, which is very exact,usuallya wet methodrun in triplicate.The last methodis the most costly. In generalthe higher the price, the better the results. The New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources neither vouches for nor recommends the commercial laboratories listed herein over any other laboratories. The information was supplied by the individual laboratories. The list is intended to include all laboratories in this area; any omissions are by oversight only. tr -Lynn A. Brandvold, Chemist NMBM&MR