Il . lnventory leasing ofgeothermal and drillingactivityin NewMexico I H. l\4izell, by Nancy Geologist, NewMexrco Bureau andl\4ineral ol Mines Resources, Socorro, NM Soaring oil and gas prices and a recognition of limited supplieshave stimulatedan increasing interest in the development of geothermal energy in New Mexico. Two recent things indicate this increased interest. First, the 1979 New Mexico Legislaturepassedlaw #19-13-6 that establishedareas referred to as Known Geothermal Resource Fields (KGRF's). Enacted primarily to increasestate revenue,this law also establishes much more extensive boundaries around the federally designated Geothermal Resource Areas Known (KGRA's) (Summers, 1979). Six of the 11 KGRF's are in or adjacent to the Rio Grande valley, an area that shows the greatest potential for geothermal development. Second, the number of drilling permits approved in the last year (June 1979 to July 1980) has more than tripled from previous years. In New Mexico three separategovernment agenciesadminister the leasing of state and federal lands and the issuing of permits for geothermalwell drilling. As a result, no single sourceof information on geothermalexploration activity within the state has been available. Furthermore, none of theseagenciesroutinely provides a map showing the area they regulate. The New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resourceshas developeda computerized inventory of state and federal land Ieased and drilling permits granted. This inventory was first prepared in conjunction with a survey of geothermal developmentactivity in the state(Stoneand Mizell, 1977).The computer program used in the inventory was developedby Mizell (1980). The inventory is updated at least every six months and more frequently when warranted. Geothermal leasing and drilling activity information is entered into the computer inventory by township, range, section, and quarter section; basic component of the grid is a unit measuring 2 townships, N-S, by 3 ranges, E-W. The Bureau's inventory may be utilized by specifying an area of interest, such as Township 27 South, Range l9 West (T27S, R19W). The inventory is then searchedfor all leasing and drilling activity within that area. Output consistsof two parts: first, a computer listing showing lesseeor driller, location, lease or well number, and leasedates or date of drilling permit approval; second,a computer plot showing the location of the leasesor drilling sites for the 2-tdwnship by 3-range area that includes the specified township and range. The Animas Valley of Hidalgo County is the only area in which there has been both state and federal land leasing as well as drilling. Therefore, sample computer lists and associatedcomputer plots of leasing and drilling activity in a part of the Animas Valley are provided for clarification. For this example, the specified area of interest was T27S, Rl9W. Table I lists the federal lease locations in the searcharea associatedwith this locality. Fig. I is a computer plot of federal lease locations listed in table l. Quad refers to quarter sectionswith I : NE, 2 : NW, 3 : SW, and4 : SE. The number following the name of the lesseeis the number assigned by the state or federal agency. Table 2 lists state lease locations in the area of interest, and fig. 2 is a computer plot of locations listed in table 2. Table 3 lists wells permitted in the area, and fig. 3 shows their locations. Under expiration date in table 3 the well name instead of the date is listed becausedrilling does not expire but produces a well, whose location is maintained in the inventory. The computer list may indicate more sites than are shown on the computer maps because wells or leaselocations are plotted only to the nearest quarter section and because several wells or leased areas can occur in an area of that size. A current printout of the geothermal leasing and drilling inventory is available for inspection at the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resourcesin Socorro. All or parts of the inventory may be purchasedthrough the Bureau publications office (telephone 505835-5410) for the price of computer time inI:F volved. Souncts or lEeslNG AND DRILLtNc DATA usED tN coMpurER lNvENToRy Sources of Drilling t. ,) Leasing Data* and lnformation Provided By Sources Frequency of Information (Update) Release 4. In New Mexico 0i1 Conservation Div. P.O. Box 2080 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 permits Drilling available for inspection ac Oil ConservaEion Of f ice ; copies on file at New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Permits to the released publj.c as soon as approved t00% to ? secEion (160 acres) MINFO P.O. Box 2288 Santa Fe, New Mexico Listing of leasing on state and federal land with derail to l4 section Published weekly; Ieasing information available with- lands State section 87501 .'- ^ -.^^1. application ? Accuracy of Informatlon Computer PlotEins New Mexico SEate Land Ilinerals Division P.O. Box 1148 Santa !'e, New Mexico Office leasi,ng of land detail Eo I ^^^i-^ rsdrrtr6 acceptance Federal section, 957 xo lands leased: 90% 5Oi4 to ra section Not updated regularLy; printout provided upon request Used as a check for MINFO Not updated regularly; provided upon listing requesE Used as a check for MINFO 87501 U . S . B u r e a u o f L a n d Management P.0. Box 1449 Santa Fe, New Mexico 8 7 5 0 1 Sources for ava ilable Computer printout areas leased with secti-on ^f ur leased: and drilling Listing of with detail range on private land areas leased to tomship and lands are not readily New Mexico Geology November 1980 TABLE I -Cotr.tpurEn pRtNTour oF Ftc. I oescrlslNo TBDERALLEASELocATIoNS. L E SS E E LOCATION R19W RI9W Rl9W Rl9W Rl9W RIgW R19W Rl9W Rl9W Rl9W Rl9W R19W RI9W Rl9W Rl9W Rl9w RI9W RI9W RI9W RIgI.I Rl9W RI9W TZIS "12]S '1215 T27S T27S T21S T21S T2lS T27S T27S T27S T27S T27S T21S T21S T21S T27S T27S T2]S T21S T27S T21S SEC SEC SEC SEC 15 15 15 15 sEc 18 SEC 22 SEC 72 sEe 22 SEC22 SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC 26 26 26 25 27 JLV Z I JEL J+ SEC34 SEC35 SEC35 SEC 3 SEC 8 SEC 8 QUAD 3 QUAD 4 QUAD 1 QUAD 2 QUAD I QUAD I QUAD 2 QUAD 3 QUAD 4 QUAD 1 QUAD 2 QUAD 3 QUAD4 QUAD 1 QUAD 4 QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD TABLE 2-Coupuren A}1AXEXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24884 CHEVRONOIL CO 23L92 A M A XE X P ' T N C 2 4 8 8 4 AMAX EXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24880 AMAX EXP INC 24880 AMAX EXP INC 24880 A}{AX EXP INC 24880 AMAX EXP INC 24880 A]'{AXEXP INC 24880 AMAXEXP INC 24884 AMAXEXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24884 AMAX EXP INC 24884 OIL CO 23193 CHEVRON CHEVRON OIL CO 23195 CHEVRON OIL CO 23195 T27S T27S T27S T27S T21S T27S T21S T21S T2 7 S T2]S T27S R19W R19W RI9W R19W RI91,I R19W RI9W Rl9W R19W R19W R19W Rl9W Rl9W RI9W Rl9W R19I.J R19I,I R19W RI9I,,] R19W SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC LESSEE 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 8 9 9 9 9 L6 I6 l6 l6 QUAD I QUAD 2 QUAD 3 QUAD 4 QUAD 2 QUAD I QUAD 2 QUAD t QUAD 2 QUAD 3 QUAD 4 QUAD 2 QUAD I QUAD 2 QUAD 3 QUAD 4 QUAD 1 QUAD 2 QUAD 3 QUAD 4 TABLE 3-CovpurEn BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&.G CO BURMAH O&.G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAH O&G CO BURMAHO&G CO BURMAH BURMAH BURMAH BURMAH BURI'IAH RIgI^I R2OW R2OW RzOW RzO\^I R2OW R2OW R2OW R20W RzOW SEC 9 SEC I SEC I SEC 9 SEC II SEC 14 SEC16 SEC 2I SEC23 SEC36 L2-0t-76 L 2 - 0 L - 16 L 2 - 0 L - 16 L2-0L-75 ll-0r- 76 L 2 - 0 L - 16 L2-0L-16 L 2 - 0 1 - 16 L2-0r-16 r1-01-76 rr-0 l- 76 lI-0r-76 ll-0r-76 l1-0r- 76 ll-01-76 L2-01-76 L2-01-76 L 2 - 0 L - 16 L2-0L-t6 l1-01-76 L 2 - 2 8 - 76 L 2 - 2 8 -16 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN IJNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKN0I!T'I UNKNOWN UNKNOI,N'I UNKNOWN UNKNOI$I UNKNOIJN L'I.IKNOWI{ UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN FICURE l-FEoBnnL lr,lsE LocATIoNsIN rHE Auves Vellnv. Nnw Mnxtco. O&G O&G O&G O&G O&G CO CO CO CO CO 39 39 39 39 40 4L 4L 42 42 42 42 29 30 30 GTR23 0 GTR2 3 0 GTR2 3 l GTR2 3 1 GTR2 3 l GTR2 3 1 GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR GTR LEASE DATE EXPIRATION DATE 08-L4-7 4 0 8 - L 4 - 74 0 8 - L 4 - 74 0 8 - L 4 - 74 0 8 ' L 4 - 14 0 8 - L 4 - 74 0 8 - L 4 - 74 0 8 - T 4 - 74 0 8 - L 4 - 14 08-L4-14 08-L4-74 03-12-7 5 0 3 - L 2 - 75 03-12-15 0 3 - L 2 - 75 0 3 - L 2 - 75 o 3 - 1 2 - 75 03-12-75 0 3 - L 2 - 75 0 3 - L 2 - 15 08-L4-l 9 08-L4-79 08-L4-19 o8-L4-19 08-L4-19 08-14-79 o8-14-19 o8-L4-79 o8-L4-79 08-L4-79 0 8 - L 4 - 19 0 3 - 1 2 -8 0 0 3 - 1 2 -8 0 03- 12-80 03-12-80 03-12-80 03- l2- 80 03-12-80 03- l2- 80 03-12-80 R 2OW FIGURE R,IgW RtSW 2-STATE LEAsE LocATloNS IN THE ANItrlas V.qu-EY. NEw MEXlco. pRlNTour oF FIc. 3 oEscntstNcnpPRovEDDRTLLING strES. LOCATION TZ7S T27S T21S T21S T27S T28S T2]S .1215 T27S T27S EXPIRATION DATE nRrNTouroF Frc . 2 nrscnrnrNc srATE LEASELocATIoNS. LOCATION T21S T27S T21S T27S T27S T27S T27S T27S 't275 LEASE DATE LESSEE QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD QUAD qUAD QUAD QUAD AMINOIL USA CHEVRON OIL CHEVRON OIL CHEVRON OIL CHEVRON OIL A-},lAX EXP INC CHEVRON OIL CHEVRON OIL AMAX EXP INC AMAX EXP INC LEASE DATE 04-04-t 7 05-0r-76 05-0r- 76 05-01-76 05-0r- 76 l0-r8-76 05-0r- 76 05-0r-76 09-zo-16 09-20-16 EXPIBATION DATE M'IA1O 2Z L-6 ll L1 FICURE 3-Appnoveo oRILLINCslrEs lN THE ANIMASVALLEY,New Mnxtco. References Mizell, N. H., 1980, Documentation for computerization of geothermal activity in New New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Rept. l2l November 1980 New Mexico Ceology S t o n e , w . J . , a n d M i z e l l , N . H . , 1 9 7 7 ,G e o t h e r m a l resources of New Mexico-a survey of work to date: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Open-file Rept. 73 S u m m e r s ,W . K . , 1 9 7 9 ,H y d r o t h e r m a l a n o m a l i e si n New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and M i n e r a l R e s o u r c e s , R e s o u r c e M a P I ' scale n