fllt"u{O0ff ccqtltrfYoYffiR LAi{Ds Ig.t-reduqlggg .fha pruqpose 1) the neguletloru The purpose of of thls this report report le is to to ronrler: review: ((1) the surront eurrent oyster cster regulatton (a) problems County; (2) en problemo associated eesoeta,ted wtth lttd,l(3) in ?j.ll.a,raook Tülamook County; with thess these regulatlonc; renlations; and (3) aaount aryt, t+-t'grounds eialued for o5rster production tn fJ.lLsmok County and clelunta. @ tiument regulatlu:s gwor,rtrng oyster cultum tn Tlllauook Couatlr erc fornd 9n psgcr 130 r3O in 0.,1d"$" ORS0 5I1625, 51165 51165O $11655 andend 511,660, 511.645, 51164O, 5tt"d*00 51.1.#&5, 5LL"65Q, 5t1"6550 511,ffio pageó and 132 .33 The eix etatutee apphrtng to oyeter eulturc fn ?ilJenook Cmrnty srro er fellowe: t'l {1} O"R"S" 573,"6e5 $aturel ard artlflLctrl, oystar beds ln [ot*lto fu;r" That portLon of Scf,arbs Bagrol"n tlllesook Countyu fyf$g muth of tbo querter eectl,on lX.m nrmrtng eact aud $ost tbolgb th eeater of ccotion 19, ln tounshlp 2 eouthu rengs 10 rest ef tbe Hlllauette l&r:Ldl.en, fe doeignate<i as netural oyeter bfiis" Ehat portlon of Estartc BaV \rfng reorth of, euch qrrerter geeti.on l.lns ts deai,gnated and pet epert, for artl^flel.al plantationa of, oyetera, ths sls€s of vtrlch lbrl1 bs f,lrod by the local r"ogulattonc of, arry oErstereen0sastwLat!.oa Ep f,et*rts '8apru not oxceedtng t'go aeres ln ar6r ona pl,antetlon. Bvery pesrgs lzoldtng a olatm fon ths eulttvetton of, oystere on Sstar*e 8ay ehall , in aLl respecto eonply wi,tb tbe locaL regulatioas appltaablo tlranoto, i{rr peraon, ftmo eorporati.on or assoeiat{.on rh.U. bs entttLed to traeate nore the$ ons gueh elai.a" {e} O"R"S" 511.M @ster bede ln TllJanook Bagr; prl.or etetqc cat ecllds for artificlaL oryster ela$.ss" AlL ths tldalands ad' lsnds ua&r tb saters of ?tnlamok Ba3rtn Tlllnmook Cornty lyfne wsct of, tb old ehlp clranmel trhtch" prl.or to Jufy 36, 19119,rura locst€d ra oIq?S of4lte ae provlded b3r l"aw" are wlthdrawn fnon ths Lends of thLs gtrtr ilbfsh mey be sold or Leesad, ere dealgnated ea ryater landsn and afr ast astds for the locatlen of ar.tlf,tctal. ogrcter cLaing" t3) O.R"S" 5LI^&5 Iocatlng cLaJ.nsin tlll"enook Bqy oyatc ]-gldrl n$l,or, Arryrctt'taEn of tbla sta&e, tncludlng angr Or.ogoncorponrtlon, my osatf, on oycter lends nentlc,nEd tn ORS5?1"6r$ an oyctar cletn or clafncn th€ l6grsgate aeeage of whletr doea not oxeead 50 ecrern Ey nsrhf.a6 ttls boundarles of each e3.aln Qr mans whlch rrtlt not obstnrct rrvtgatton end W recordlng, wi.ttrln l0 d*ys thereaftero nltb tbc corurtgr ol,rrk of Ttllareock Coranty, a *ot1.ee of loeatlono etgnod end ecknCI*l9dgodgr ?rtnn irhlch. nstlee eheil eonta*sr; of eaeh oyster al*l"ln ao nsrkod. {11 A descriptlon (2) A statenert ttut eaeh cl"atm ts nark@d, and la eleiqcd &c en oyster elsixr. Zo t4) 0"R"S" 511..650 Requlaltee for retalning elalns ln TllJanook 8ag' -rande" oystgl Tbe Loeators of oyster clelns uniler prior l^err or OR.S to and the tptrl, 5t7"&'O suecesaora, aeclgneeE snd lesseae .5t|"ffi, &hereofo are entitLed to contirnred poececsl.on of such clai"mg !f t@l,, or $oe€ cns on th€lr behalf: ( f i feep the borindaries of eacb sueh o;rster el,ai-n reaeonrb$r (r) ffi;Hf4rnu afrer *s rocor.rd,lns of notrce of locarton" or clatuue'Prwlouerlr locqted'amcwtrere *Y"lf'"13ffi;,tk;ffi:-of, (a) Prant et leaEt four-tenths of 1 bugbel of qyater cecd; or (U) at least f,tno hlsbol.a of oyotars'i or (a) lrananl*nt narnest at least eight bushels of oyeier", ior alch *cmo or frsctLon ttrereofo of, eacb e1e!8" (3) Uarteand-reaord 4. b r' wltb the county clerk of, ?l,llanook Coultyo on sr bofore .truls 30n 1951, and on or bsforra .tuqe 30 of .-. -. eaeh odd nuobered A. year tberoefter, e$ I! affldavlt U. atatlngn :: ' "ii'i" Ii.-. _: . . 4 . I . {*) Tto descrlp#.on and ecnaage of eaeh sueh c}a!n" {b} 3h* pgriod-for r.rhtcb ttre lCftdavft ie fi.led. {a} Thet trre pranti:rgo tranqprantt4g or hsrvestrng and yarkr-ne provlsions of subsectlsn (e) og thla Isotlon have baon coryLled wlth. is) o'R"s" Evtdsntiary value of ctaiu &ffldavrt" afftdevtt tr1t"655 ment!.onadt,n Eubsestton (3) of ORS5l1"6jo i" evldence of the facte theretn st.tu6, end lto or JAufy eopgrihereofo slrall be roeEived ag sueh €ryl&nce ln ufi ?hG rrecor&d Frr.-i;i; lertfffed couit""-- td;) o,R"so 5rt "660 loes of eletu bgr noncoupllaneewrth Oflli 511.650" rn enrentof the fail're-tr gv ir"r*nt'to coryxy ,rrti, .6-#';; prCIrieions of, 6B.s5ti,:6ra atl hi.s rlgbta to tnl ir**""iql clar.n held_by hrrnstrair an&-t6g;J;;Tt "rrd-;;ii ?{:uch.eyster lawful to ralocate sueh claim" ""**u, c"R"S" degcr:-beshow CRS 511625 deacribe5 511"&,5 how oyster oSrater cultivatton eu1ttation will will be be conducted conductsd ln in !'ie;*'i"ts Bey and eete aalde ebort JOo acree of, land declgnatad qrttg, aa nrtlntl bedn ando presunab\ru undor stato conrtroL" fho problen ln thl.a reggletlon ta fe;:nd ln tba sentsnce pertatnlng to ert,ifictar prantatlong" trthe rr.rer of, rtroh eh+l1 be flmd bE the lscal regulattons of arryroprster*n's ecsoc!.ati.m oa lotrgts BaTo rtot exceodiag two acres tn ar15r' ono plentx,tlonr. Tbe probler ss,str - ln -- tbst --.:t'i:nr'* is no o5rstemcn$E assocl,ation ls uvrregulated. . on lletarta Bay sdu !n effcct" $|3 lndtrltr?r As a eonsequsnee a fsw people have aoquiredn tly one Eril olF 30 another numerous claims and hold large acreagea of land0 . In the case of one nrn tbse lands are being held but not cultivated and is effectively preventing any newS growers from going into business0 OOS 5116lO wa enacted in the 1919 legislature and wttxIrew frc the lands tay not be leased or sold by the state. OtOSO 51106k5 simply states which and how individuals may claim oyster lands irt Tillamook Bay and, in effect, put control in the hands of the ooizity0 regulation arises In the sentence ending, 'sand the heirs, successors, and laisees thereof, are entitled to continued possession of such claims if . I At the ,resent time the basic control of the oyster lands in Til j :)j.j.f:) decsiori m*Cdwt how this pest was brought into Netarts0 Sam Hayes claims that a former Fish rnLJL seed On the other band Roger Tollefeon (former OOFOCO Shellfish pro3ect leader) is quits contrary to his brother Verna0 !o matter how the drills got there plant a The following information and figures were taken fran plot maps and county records Netarts Bay . they are surviving and have beco . Because of the difficulty in extracting the information from 5, 5, ar,reeof of state statc controlled 300 controlled oyster rglerruo oyatcr reserve0 J00 ares ln locrted in The f.sndt are erc located Tbo state ct tc lands ero lees frrr ttrrn Lrrrdt that tbrt are the extreme south end of bay in what rpposro appears to to ba be lands than the extrere ln wbet aouth srd of the ttls bqy desirable for oyster production9 (Figure 1) r ^ rr -*-.;. , -: Mr l-cr" Ed Ferry, tbe the crty only aetlve active oyatermen oysterman on on Xctartr Batarts 3ryr, Bay, brc baa ebwt about3O 30tl*lfl e]*tM Ed Ferry" . (60 acres) (60 acras). Wlth only With 2acre exceptions onfy 3.-u exceptlmE, 34 Z*cet\ under claim0 cLatn. urder rclt of tht bry Sam bay of the Hryce has hst the the rest Sra Hayes them that ar, bcfry being Ienda thrt en ln ttpl Lands owned Bayes have old oysters oyctcrl in osned by Hayoc heve some s@ old procractng into to Ur" sold Mr. Cacti Harris on Tillamook Bay soLd to Caal"l Earrls etor 6 lnto stew0 oa ttll"arcok for processing &V for Tlllanook Bay Tillamook Bay Wlthln Tlllauook land of Within Tillamook Bry Bay tborc there are are ebout about ?ajfo 2500 acres of rfilgh which rcrcs of of, oyster rycter land .: prha grounds. groundl" about 300 acres ebout 11,300 rcrsa are prime .'i j0'roi**;'r: Robolhf has acreá, Ed Roboelq hrt 50 Of Of this totalu I4r t&, Ed ttrb total, i'- ' Cactl Cecil Psrric Harris 1J0 150 acrcco acres0 !&o Mr0 EarL Earl OLsm Olson 500 500 scncs acres rnd andllascrc MeesersSr Searnd andl,lal LAM. B*7$ ry (actual record L.50 ecrct) acres) mdnr under and 110500 between 25O and 5OO acres betr,ruen11,,25Q aares (actual recorrl checks etraakcin ln 195 t95ll" 11oll50 Mr !lr. elain.,(Fkuro claim(Figuro 2) 2)" ipedr a.ilSl$rn rsi'ad althgh arc being bdry uttllrd Although the axe *t tb affidavits lrdr af,Rlderttr indicate toalloatG the.. tbrr lands yfrrral obs.i'vatica poeaLbXcto oDn*rattc by *atrfre, it thfr by by statute, lt is to verify ls not !o0 possible rrrtft this $r, visual øf every oyster in !r tbe tb as.. illc 'ower0 Sunery erril Summary and Conclusions 9oc,1gql,onr. ,i, . i'urront ('urrent oyster oyster statutes statutes phecs places the the nrJorlty majority of of oyatcr oyster Londr lands fn in llllrmok Ttllsmook fiornty County under under the control control, of the county0 county" of the f.rttdt are the landa crcl minimal d.nlnrl Requirements Requlrcmnts for hoLdtng the for holding peopb have allorred alloweda afeu few people virtually inonopoltee the tndueta7 Ths'k# and bcvs aonopoltra to to tlr fnaurt'qf';.".f9;: vlrtuelly state state eontroL control and of and an cornty concern concerrl could corrl.dresult nsult in tn the th. tntx'cduotton lntroduottgt of an absence absence of of county pasts" disease di.seaeeor or pests0 Bty allows rlJm asaoolatlm on tctrrts Bay The oysterma&s association Ttr lack lack of on Netarte of an otrrstermansa gm fit (fgaorfrX the groud (ignoring grolrer$ to nuch usorbls ftr dftl.t growers and much usoable ground drill operate as to operate ec they they see flt snd probleu) to problem) lay id1e to lay fdl.e. .5" 4o [etarta Bay f I I fril'b lhls rss brohr up lnto ll4J, oyater pfrnte plotr" Another Jl pLotr an. locatcd tn ttoaqulto Cwg ln ]orcr I hv h _ * _ * _ Stato Qyctar Fteune 10' 1.' Map liep of of Netarts f,etatt!-pst' Figure Bay Showing Shortu the thp Location Lottton of of the Strta Wt Oyster tb State ry Recolrc Reserv, and and TllLaoook Tillamook County CountyLands Irndr Under lhdm Claia, Clgl.r" ch it eICOO ?" a, !E it r;ffg E EIEEETiEE$$ AK . +o.su cF E€ S iIII€:l o o o o , t t s . o lr. !E tt l3lii;nfs r.l {, atl d"n(^Jt FSCf, tt I I I I I 3 0 $g \ / dead PoUul fig I t I , I t . \ \ j E Miami River h o e d .rl s cl .t{ t It tf ff, fi \-- Sr I ( .rf / North i ?r o r; {t I I € Tiflamook - -. g - .o \\ g ,,1# I ,\. A !d *\ \\ sl E ti I I I ,l 3B / / .u #g J $$.':,$fl ?t TT t GI $' 1 o tle do dEnot not have barethe tbl authorit.y dbodr4r etat tba We the prrcnr çeeent tine to provide the ttD to -* Jmsssaess rytu no,nqgementof qyitc lands of, o*ter unagement lssalr in ln Tillamoc& f{rlprnon& Ccrott. lfc are an extrenely County. We eooeart*d dreft ffira0 srar aver ti ths @Xtu at amrnt of of: ZR& lelldrK1er orr,ltfuatlo drr itiation ond tht Lsn vblah prrt& which ailXd, could rcnrlt result t! in tb the trte*fucbto intoduetion of pssts. of destructive drltnlstfur d odldr, ll is it |r C reawsndattq reaanmondaticm that tb,t rp sd seek lqlnlattvr legislative bdp help tn in Ftuttllg returning artbou{ty authority fe for cffidl .otrc larrilg tn in ef Iit'vis Tll.lqmol Cclltt of Tuiiaaook Coimty Fish Cs(sai to to th thenhb CllFlcda Ylth reaponeibilities roopma!,bf,Llttcr delegated {eb8etodl to with to us m na in b 0I aiHarrrtru, ta tp edninister to in rmu{rm *eo5daeeS 509.425 throu Ng.W th.ogh fb ntt 509.500 for he frr.W othcr ilt*tartc snd other than than Netarte ar4 !l?'l.q'+o&; Tiilauock. Until trkt!..l such tl!. as ruob tins r. the tb nnsoery o.nry aentrola out*nfr are established, tstabliahde utlJ, .ecntinne u'c viii couttm to are we to rnslh work rrtth with qrtrrm cystereen tn in lttls Tiflaneok 0r{S CaImt7 , ln *hatsrar in whatever ny way poarthla possible to to help help aolvr solve tblr their trrobb. probisas. C. Lb ltbfl3l$ tU,ugr Sfl Urt|ftfc l?, lflit . . '.i. .tt,",t. I