Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19

Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
The National Archives is many things to
many different audiences.
For government we are the custodian of
the public record and trusted experts in
managing, preserving and using
For the public we provide free access to
more than 1,000 years of the nation’s
history and connect people with the
millions of stories contained in our
For the wider archives sector we give
leadership and support, helping archives to
build the skills and capacity needed to
sustain the nation’s archival heritage.
For the academic community and others
engaged in scholarly research we offer
opportunities for collaboration and
partnership across a broad range of
Four years ago we set ourselves the goal
of building the infrastructure needed by a
modern national archive. As a result, we
are more efficient, more sustainable and
more effective than ever before. But we
aren’t content to stop there. Over the next
four years we will need to think and
organise ourselves differently, to meet the
needs of each of our major audiences and
to tackle our biggest strategic challenge –
We know that the funding climate will
continue to be tough. But we also know
that nothing is gained or achieved without
Our new strategic priorities and goals
point to an exciting future for The National
Archives. Come with us.
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
We will provide expert advice and scrutiny to government,
making sure that the record survives and thrives
The National Archives is both the
custodian of the public record and the
Government’s expert in the management,
preservation and use of information.
We are uniquely placed, by virtue of our
history, responsibilities and expertise to
provide trusted and independent advice
and services across government and the
wider public sector.
Over the next four years we will
foster increased cooperation between
departments, making sure that innovation,
experience and expertise is more widely
shared. We will encourage and facilitate
greater government transparency and
public scrutiny and we will provide
government and legislative bodies with
the tools to work more efficiently and
effectively than ever before.
Explore shared service innovations and good practice in information
management, and pilot solutions for the transfer of digital records
Provide a government network for knowledge and information management
leaders, to enhance capability
Hold government departments to account for their record handling, to keep the
transition to the 20-year rule on track
Enable greater government transparency, an increasingly open record and
innovation in the use, re-use and sharing of data
Shape and deliver outstanding legislative platforms and services which underpin
the responsibilities of the UK Parliaments and Assemblies
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 3
We will inspire the public with new ways of using
and experiencing our collection
The National Archives is a window on more
than 1,000 years of the nation’s history and
our collection at Kew is open to everyone,
for free. Our users come from many
different backgrounds and have a wide
range of interests. We have built a strong
reputation for our expert advice, the
efficiency of our services and our work to
bring the record to life.
Many of our users tell us that visiting
The National Archives is a life changing
experience. We want to give even more
people the chance to have that same
feeling, whether they set foot on our site
at Kew or encounter us online. To make this
happen we will reshape the services we
offer and we will devise fresh and exciting
ways to reach out to and involve our users,
both old and new.
Inspire curiosity about The National Archives and the hidden gems in our
Grow our audience by connecting with new users
Provide a joined-up experience on site and online and use technology to make our
routine services more efficient
Develop new and exciting public programmes and services which rival those of
other pre-eminent institutions
Re-imagine and reconfigure our Kew site to be a vibrant and welcoming learning
Over the next four years we will change the
way you think about archives.
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
We will be an effective leader and partner for the archives sector,
to sustain and develop the nation’s collection
The nation’s collection is made up of
thousands of archives, each with its own
unique history. The richness of our archives
is the result of generations of careful
stewardship by countless individuals and
institutions, including local authorities,
families, businesses, religious groups and
charities. We lead the wider archive sector
in England and perform the Historical
Manuscripts Commission’s functions in
relation to records in private ownership.
We sit at the heart of a diverse network of
archives and our approach to leading and
supporting this network will reflect that
Over the next four years we will actively
support archives of all kinds to secure the
best possible long-term future for their
collections. We will help them to identify
new funding opportunities and better ways
of working. Together we will make the case
for archives as a vital part of the nation’s
Influence the future through a new strategic approach which actively promotes
the archival health of the nation
Be a strong advocate for the sector to raise awareness of the importance and
potential of archives
Engage and collaborate with other archives to sustain vibrant collections and
Develop the funding and investment capacity and opportunities of the sector to
increase its financial sustainability
Encourage creativity, good practice and the sharing of knowledge through
programmes, surveys, tools and guidance
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 5
We will advance knowledge through exemplary academic liaison
and outstanding interdisciplinary research
The National Archives is one of the world’s
most valuable resources for academic
research. We have strong links with the
academic sector and we have set ourselves
clear research priorities centred on the
challenges we face. Our staff are engaged in
collaborative projects on the cutting edge
of physical and digital record preservation,
historical research and data science. But we
believe we can and should do more.
Over the next four years we will
reinvigorate our approach. We will invest in
our capacity and skills. We will reinforce our
Kew site as a recognised hub for archival
research. We will pursue new partnerships
and collaborations. We will ensure that in
every serious discussion about researching
and solving the toughest problems facing
the archives sector, we are leading the
Expand our national and international reputation for pioneering research and
collections management in line with our status as an Independent Research
Enhance our current research reputation to develop funding success
Shape a programme of world class digital research
Establish a renowned research centre to coordinate and galvanise our long-term
research programme
Respond to the changing needs of the academic and research sector
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
We will become a digital archive by design
The National Archives is constantly
evolving. Digital technology has changed
forever what it means to be an archive
and over the last few years we have
responded to these changes in ways that
have benefitted each of our key audiences.
We have created Discovery – the first
comprehensive national online catalogue.
We have constructed a Digital Records
Infrastructure capable of holding the
future government digital record. We have
collaborated on ground-breaking research
into working with digital records.
Through our pioneering commercial
partnerships we have made millions of
records available online to a worldwide
But we know that to meet the needs of our
key audiences and guarantee our long-term
sustainability we will need to make some
important changes to the way we think
and work. Over the next four years we will
increase our ability to recognise and exploit
new digital and commercial opportunities.
Wherever we can we will work with the
best commercial and non-commercial
partners to generate income and give the
taxpayer value for money. We will make
better use of our data to streamline and
enhance our services.
We will become a digital archive by instinct
and design.
Lead a transformation in how digital records are managed at scale, from creation to
Build partnerships, including with commercial partners, which provide innovative online
services to our users
Make Discovery the primary destination for anyone wanting to access archives in the UK
Provide platforms and tools which help other archives put more of their collections online
Meet changing customer expectations in a digital world
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 7
Business priorities 2016-17
We will provide expert advice and scrutiny to government, making sure that the record survives and thrives
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Explore shared service
innovations and good practice in
information management, and pilot
solutions for the transfer of digital
1. We will develop a repeatable and scalable
process for the transfer and preservation of
digital records with training and advice to
government on the management of their
Implement a strategic information management
e-learning tool suite that incorporates guidance, modules
and self-assessment techniques
Provide a government network for
knowledge and information
management leaders, to enhance
Hold government departments to
account for their record handling,
to keep the transition to the 20-year
rule on track
Deliver a procurement framework for paper, hybrid and
digital records, and establish the design requirements for
an online platform for digital transfers
Develop an information management training programme
that will include strategic tools and guidance for digital
Lead and coordinate the delivery of themed workshops
and quarterly seminars via the Knowledge and
Information Management Leaders’ Network and the
Digital Transfer User Group
2. We will share knowledge and expertise in
information management through themed
networking meetings and targeted training
to support digital and information assurance
3. We will deliver clear leadership and guidance in Agree the vision, in partnership with the Cabinet Office, for
reinforcing effective information management information management across government and identify
across government
improvement plans as part of that vision
Strengthen and develop the Information Management
Assessment programme by a formal review process,
including published reports and actions plans, while
delivering ‘train the trainer’ solutions
Distribute successfully the first tranche of the ten-year
New Burdens funding
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Enable greater government
transparency, an increasingly
open record and innovation in the
use, re-use and sharing of data
4. We will work across government and with key
stakeholders to deliver expert leadership on
the re-use of public sector information and the
legislative framework of public records, Crown
rights and official publishing
Update the UK Government Licensing Framework on the
use and re-use of public data to support the open data
5. We will work with other parts of government
across the four UK jurisdictions to reinforce
‘digital first’ publishing for official materials
Advise government partners on the impact of status
change(s) on Crown copyright
Secure Crown rights in information assets in
commissioned work by government departments
Support the Crown Commercial Services’ procurement
of a new publishing contract for Command and House of
Commons papers
Shape and deliver outstanding
6. We will collaborate with our legislative partners Complete the development of the test version of a
legislative platforms and services which
to develop tools for drafting, amending and
reshaped legislation drafting and amending tool, and
underpin the responsibilities of the UK
publishing legislation, reshaping our services
move the legislation platform to the cloud
Parliaments and Assemblies
and the contracts that underpin them
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 9
We will inspire the public with new ways of using and experiencing our collection
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Grow our audience by connecting with
new users
7. We will increase awareness of our rich
collections and services, attracting and
engaging with greater and more diverse
Increase our reach through local and regional outreach
events, and target younger audiences against a 2015-16
Provide a joined-up on site and online
8. We will enhance our customers experience of
using our digital resources at Kew
experience and use technology to make
our routine services more
9. We will commemorate the centenary of
Develop new and exciting public
the First World War through a range of
programmes and services which rival
public programmes, both online and at Kew
those of other pre-eminent institutions,
and inspire curiosity about The National
Archives and the hidden gems in our
10. Through our Shakespeare 400 programme,
we will use the 400thanniversary of
Shakespeare’s death to engage new audiences
and enhance our reputation within the wider
cultural and heritage sector
Trial and evaluate different event formats, and how we use
our space at Kew
Increase our percentage of social media followers and
grow our database of directly contactable customers to
reach new audiences against a 2015-16 baseline
Increase our ‘bring your own device’ wireless capabilities
for our customers in specified public areas
Deliver a regular public programme of online and on site
activities to include the anniversaries of the battles of
Somme and Jutland, the Home Front and the Easter Rising
in Ireland, in partnership with other stakeholders
Deliver the ‘By me William Shakespeare’ exhibition in
partnership with King’s College London at Somerset House
in 2016
Engage our academic audience by publishing discoveries
following the conservation of and research on
Shakespeare’s will
Enable an international audience to access the iconic
documents in our Shakespeare collection online
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Re-imagine and reconfigure our Kew
site to be a vibrant and welcoming
learning environment
11. Make changes to our building and
grounds to inspire our visitors to use and
experience our collection in new and
exciting ways
Finalise our five-year public space master plan and agree a
costed schedule of works for delivery in 2016-17
Commission heritage funding expertise to develop a
long-term external funding strategy, identify potential
funding opportunities, and submit bids where appropriate
to support our public space programme
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 11
We will be an effective leader and partner for the archive sector, to sustain and develop the nation’s collection
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Influence the future through a new
strategic approach which actively
promotes the archival health of the
12. We will agree the strategic objectives for
our leadership role for the sector in the
period to 2020 and develop an action plan
Engage with the archive sector on a new strategic vision,
developing, consulting on and launching a new policy to a
timescale agreed with Ministers
Be a strong advocate for the sector to
raise awareness of the importance and
potential of archives
13. We will use a wide range of events,
publications, partnerships and other
engagement opportunities to demonstrate
the value, needs and impact of archives
Implement the recommendations of an evaluation of the
Explore Your Archive campaign to refresh advocacy for the
archive sector
Engage and collaborate with other
archives to sustain vibrant collections
and services
14. We will support archives of all kinds to
maintain and develop the capacity, skills and
services needed to preserve our archival
heritage and meet the diverse needs of
archive users
Develop a core suite of strategic relationships with key
cultural heritage bodies to raise awareness and promote
the value of archives
Provide a regular programme of training and activities to
address the gaps in skills prioritised by the sector
Provide defined support for regional partnerships via
the Sector Sustainability Fund, with two new regional
networks established
Deliver effective sector-development partnerships
including the Higher Education Archive Programme,
Scientific Archives project, Philanthropic Archives
Programme and Archives at Risk
Increase participation in Archive Service Accreditation
with a focus on archives authorised to hold public records,
building on a 2015-16 baseline
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Develop the funding and investment
15. We will provide guidance, training and
capacity and opportunities of the sector
advice to help and encourage archive
to increase its financial sustainability
services to diversify and grow their funding
Encourage creativity, good practice
and the sharing of knowledge through
programmes, surveys, tools and
16. We will develop and deliver programmes,
surveys, tools and guidance to support digital
best practice, collaboration, and shared
services across the archive sector
Successfully deliver the benefits of the Fundraising for
Archives programme, as set out in the funding agreement
with Heritage Lottery Fund
Income generation guidance published and disseminated
Review and relaunch our funding for the sector to support
transformation and innovation
Fund a learning set, using the Sector Sustainability Fund,
to support sector-led digital preservation projects, and
establish a baseline to monitor progress at year end
Design further enhancements to Discovery, in consultation
with the sector, in order to promote access and data
sharing across the sector
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 13
We will advance knowledge through exemplary academic liaison and outstanding interdisciplinary research
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Expand our national and international
reputation for pioneering research and
collections management in line with
our status as an Independent Research
17. We will develop a collections development
and cataloguing strategy for the records we
Carry out joint research on collection development with
key partners such as Research Libraries UK, to inform our
wider collections strategy work
Enhance our current research
reputation to develop funding success
18. We will refresh our research and grants
approval process to focus on delivery of
high-quality successful projects and grants
applications that meet our business objectives Define research priorities to support strong and focussed
grants applications
Develop cataloguing guidance outlining The National
Archives’ proposals for cataloguing digital records
Implement an action plan emerging from our Research
Strategy in order to raise our visibility and reputation
Revise our grants governance structure in order to
increase the quality and quantity of research funding bids
Shape a programme of world class
digital research
19. We will identify and prioritise the key digital
research challenges facing The National
Archives and the wider archives sector
Establish a renowned research centre to 20. We will shape new strategies to build and
coordinate and galvanise our long-term
demonstrate research capacity, capability and
research programme
impact. We will also explore varying
approaches to fostering an enhanced research
culture within The National Archives
Continue work to meet the 2019 target of increased
funding on a sustainable basis against a 2015-16 baseline
Publish a roadmap and develop a structure to prioritise
and address key digital research challenges
Implement outcomes of the Impact and Knowledge
Capture Strategy; and trial a professional fellowship and a
staff research time scheme
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Respond to the changing needs of the
academic and research sector
21. We will improve coordination of our academic
engagement, reaching out to national and
international research sectors in higher
education and government, prioritising
responses to needs identified by our research
scoping study
Build and develop an engagement plan to meet the needs
of our academic audiences
Invite new opportunities for collaboration with the
academic and research communities via the Discovering
Collections, Discovering Communities conference, and
host an invigorated academic open day and evening
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 15
We will become a digital archive by design
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Lead a transformation in how digital
records are managed at scale, from
creation to presentation
22. Scaling up for digital records by taking
Design and develop a standardised access point to our
forward the next phase of development of our digital records infrastructure to simplify the transfer of
digital records infrastructure
digital records
Define our approach and requirements for record
descriptions, enabling the preservation and access of
digital records at scale
Build partnerships, including with
commercial partners, which provide
innovative online services to our users
23. Address the challenge of digital archiving by
forging new collaborations and partnerships,
in government, with other archives and with
other organisations
Procure a reshaped web archiving service
Contribute to standards development as an active
member of the Digital Preservation Coalition
Investigate peer accreditation of digital repositories,
developing new partnerships to advance the capability for
capturing, preserving and presenting digital records
Undertake an in-depth programme of user research to
Make Discovery the primary destination 24. Enable data contributors in UK archive
for anyone wanting to access archives
repositories to upload and maintain their own gain a better understanding of the challenges audiences
in the UK, and provide platforms and
catalogue data directly to Discovery
have when using Discovery
tools which help other archives put
Move to flexible and scalable cloud-based hosting of the
more of their collections online
website and Discovery
Improve Discovery’s ability to work with the digital
records infrastructure and other systems by adapting and
extending its API
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
Meet changing customer expectations
in a digital world
25. Transform our digital and IT offer by building
Develop and publish a roadmap for each service in
the skills, structures and governance we need collaboration with partners, and embed the use of Agile
to meet our digital and technology challenges methods and approaches
Raise the IT capability level against a 2014-15 baseline, in
line with best practice, and provide a common connection
platform for mobile working
Supporting priorities 2016-17
Our goal
How we will achieve this
By 31 March 2017
We will deploy our resources flexibly
and efficiently to deliver our strategic
1. Think and organise ourselves differently, to
meet the needs of our major audiences and to
tackle our biggest strategic challenge – digital
Identify the future resource requirements of the
organisation and begin a process of realignment
2. Review and consolidate key contracts, and align
with government frameworks to achieve
greater value for money
3. Nurture talent by running leadership and
management training programmes, and
explore new models for non-standard entry
routes, including apprenticeships
Increase the proportion of our contractual arrangements
that are governed by Crown Commercial Service
frameworks by at least 15%
Continue to deliver an in-house leadership programme
to managers and relaunch an organisational culture
programme, with key work streams identified
We will create a supportive
environment in which our staff can
grow and develop
We will maximise our commercial
income to support our services and
future innovation
4. Deliver income from commercial and other
Introduce apprenticeships in our digital and technology
functions and other key areas as appropriate
Achieve an income target of £8.8 million from licensing
and other commercial activities, excluding external grants
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 17
Departmental expenditure
This section sets out how we are spending
taxpayers’ money as transparently as possible.
We have included a table to show our outturn
and planned expenditure over the current
Spending Review period, as agreed with HM
Treasury. It is split into money spent on
administration (including the cost of running
The National Archives), programmes (including
the frontline), and capital (for instance, on
buildings or new equipment).
Table of spending for 2016-17 1
Administrative budget
allocation 1
Programme budget
Capital budget
Total departmental
expenditure allocation
HM Treasury funding
2015-16 2
HM Treasury funding
2016-17 3
1. Excludes depreciation
2. Funding agreed at supplementary estimate
3. Funding agreed at main estimate
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
Information strategy and transparency
We want to ensure that we can be held accountable as we deliver our strategic priorities.
We publish the following information on our website as part of the government’s transparency agenda:
• Historic Combined Online Information System (COINS), Online System for Central Accounting and Reporting
(OSCAR) spending data, and new contracts of £10k or more (via Contracts Finder –
• items of spend over £10k
• organisational structures
• corporate Freedom of Information requests
• the number of staff paid above the minimum band for senior civil servants
• Senior Civil Service grades’ expenses and remuneration
• energy consumption data
• customer complaints and compliments
• Government Procurement Card spend
• exceptions to government spending controls (any IT spend above £5 million, any consultancy spend over
£20,000, Civil Service recruitment, except in important front line and business critical areas
• the percentage of invoices paid by The National Archives within 30 days.
We will also publish details of the input and impact indicators outlined below and additional statistical
information used by our senior management.
We will continue to explore ways to make this information even easier to access and understand.
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 19
Input and impact indicators
The input and impact indicators set out in this section are just a subset of the data gathered by The National Archives, which is available on our
website via the Transparency pages:
How often will it be How will this be broken down?
Time taken to respond to Freedom of Information, Data
Protection and Environmental Information Regulation
Number of physical records accessioned (the number of
physical records transferred and added to Discovery, our
online catalogue)
Original documents delivered to on site users
Time taken to deliver original records to on site users
Electronic records delivered to online users
Staff engagement (Civil Service Staff Engagement
Staff diversity
An average based on numbers responded to within statutory targets on
a year-to-date basis
Total number of individual items newly accessioned and total meterage
of new accessions
Total number delivered
An average delivery time for documents delivered on a year-to-date basis
Total number delivered
Results from Civil Service Staff Engagement survey
Staff sickness absence
Records and information management services used
across government
Percentage of those self-declaring ethnicity and disability status; women
and top management women based on full time equivalent headcount
The average number of days lost through sickness per full-time
equivalent member of staff
Assessments of departmental progress in their ability to meet required
standards and demonstrate best practice in the management of their
records, evidenced and supported:
• number of Information Management Assessment reports, action plans
and annual review reports published
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19
How often will it be How will this be broken down?
Customer satisfaction
(as a minumum)
Organisational running costs
Sustainable development
Percentage respondents satisfied:
• online users
• on site users
• users
• UK Government Web Archive
Accounts in annual report with next year forecast
Percentage reduction compared with baseline:
• carbon emissions from energy use in our buildings
• carbon emissions from business travel
• operational (‘business as usual’) waste
• water consumption
• domestic flights
Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19 21
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Archives Inspire: The National Archives plans and priorities 2015−19