IT452 Advanced Web and Internet Systems Set 13: Web Servers

IT452 Advanced Web and Internet Systems
Set 13: Web Servers
(configuration and security)
(Chapter 21)
Key Questions
• What does a web server do?
• How can I control it?
– URL re-writing / re-direction (and why do I care?)
• Access control and security
– Developers
– Users
Popular Web Servers
• One server to rule them all?
Web Server Basics
What happens? Where does it come from?
Are we sure?
What happens? Where does it come from?
URL Guidance
• Things to avoid
• Things to do
• How to do this?
How to control a web server?
• Apache – we focus on the most popular server
– The entire site
– Must be root user to edit
– Requires restart
– Per directory
– Possibly each user (depends on config)
– Re-read for each request
Content Control
1. Redirection
2. Rewriting
3. Content negotiation
# NOTE: this is an example .htaccess file
# Redirect a subdirectory to another website
Redirect /~nchamber/it452/examples
# Or redirect a subdirectory to another subdirectory
Redirect /~nchamber/it452/examples /~nchamber/test2
# Redirect permanently, add the ‘permanent’ option
Redirect permanent /~nchamber/it452/examples
Redirection OR Rewriting
# NOTE: continuation of .htaccess file, still in ‘change’ directory
# Must turn on the rewrite engine first.
RewriteEngine On
# Sets the URL that fills in as your rewrite target’s base directory.
# The default is /home/username/public_html
RewriteBase /~username
# Rules use the directory paths, and redirect to same server
RewriteRule ^oldfile3.txt$ change/test3.txt [R,L]
RewriteRule ^oldfile*.txt$ change/catchOldFiles.txt [R,L]
# Behind the scenes change
RewriteRule ^oldfile5.txt$ change/test5.txt [L]
# More complex
# redirect change/stuff/dogs to change/
# 302 = temp change
RewriteRule ^stuff/([^/]+)/?$ change/$1 [R=302,L]
• Create a rewrite rule:
– People visit your site:
– Turn all possible fillings into search terms that are sent to
your script:
– Make it silent so the user doesn’t see the new URL.
– It should not redirect a longer URL from the user like:
Apache Access Control – Options
1. Domain/IP restrictions
Manually list the domains that are allowed or not
2. Basic password protection
Create a basic password file with usernames
Passwords are sent over plain text (or the hash is sent over plain text)
3. More advanced modules – keep passwords in DB rather
than “flat file”
1. Access control: IP-based
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
allow from
allow from
allow from
allow from 192.190.228.
allow from 192.190.229.
allow from 192.31.8
allow from
allow from 131.158.248.
allow from 131.158.247.
allow from 137.225.250.
allow from
allow from 128.56.
allow from 131.121.
allow from 131.122.
Naval Academy Prep School
test bench
test bench
test bench
Navy Medical
Navy Medical
Joint Spectrum Command
Alumni Association
2. Access Control: “Basic”
Whole directory
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/mXXX/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthName "Members Only"
require valid-user
Per file
<Files somefile.html>
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/mXXX/public_html/.htpasswd
AuthName "Members Only"
require valid-user
Can also list specific users
Require user nchamber needham
3. Access Control: “Digest”
Same as “Basic”, but AuthType is different:
AuthType Digest
Both Basic and Digest can also list specific users
Require user nchamber needham
Create the password file:
htpasswd -c c:/wamp/.htpasswd username
htdigest -c c:/wamp/.htpasswddigest realm username
“-c” creates a new file – omit to just add new entry
Provide the actual path to the password file
Don’t store password file in the web space!
Where to get more info
• Textbook (some in Chapter 21)
• Redirection/rewriting
– Simple overview
– Not-so-simple details
• Access control
Extra Info: Users and Passwords
• Don’t save passwords in plain text!
• Encryption: md5
– Basic approach, ok for normal sites
– *Not collision resistant
– Online databases can lookup common passwords!
• Perl requirements:
– Use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex)
– my $hashed = md5_hex($password)