FR. BRETZKE’ S MORAL THEOLOGY WEB-PAGE Prepared by Rev. James T. Bretzke, S.J., S.T.D. Professor of Moral Theology Boston College School of Theology and Ministry 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3800 E-mail: STM Web-site: Jump to LATEST UPDATES to this Web-Page [As of November 1, 2015] N.B.: All URLs are CASE SENSITIVE! Office 617-552-6514 Biographical Snapshot Rev. James T. Bretzke, S.J., S.T.D. is currently Professor of Moral Theology at Boston College’s graduate School of Theology and Ministry. Prior to joining the Boston College faculty He did his doctorate at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, where he also taught for three years, before coming to the Graduate Theological Union and the Jesuit School of Theology-atBerkeley in 1993, where he taught for a decade before moving to the at the University of San Francisco and also serving as Chair of the Department of Theology & Religious Studies. He has also taught for several years in Seoul, Korea at Sogang University and as a Visiting Professor of Moral Theology at the Loyola School of Theology of the Ateneo de Manila, Philippines. He has published in various aspects of moral theology over seventy articles and reviews, plus five books, including A Morally Complex World: Engaging Contemporary Moral Theology and Consecrated Phrases: A Latin Theological Dictionary both from Liturgical Press. Besides teaching Fr. Bretzke works on weekends at St. Michael's Parish in Bedford, MA, He grew up in Holy Family Parish 1 in Whitefish Bay, WI and graduated in 1970 from Marquette University High School in Milwaukee, WI and immediately entered the Jesuits in the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus. He was ordained by his uncle, Bishop Lambert Hoch on May 30, 1981 in Omaha, Nebraska where he had earlier taught for three years at Creighton Prep Jesuit High School. Fr. Bretzke’s Curriculum Vitae [Last update March 20, 2015]: Fr. Bretzke’s 2008 USF Web-Page: [N.B. Since not everything that is on the USF Web-page has been uploaded to the Boston College web-page this older site still contains a number of potentially useful resources] Jump to STUDY AIDS AND/OR CLASS NOTES Jump to RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHIES Jump to POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (Organized Thematically) Jump To COURSES TAUGHT Jump to UPCOMING WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES Jump to RECENT PAST WORKSHOPS & CONFERENCES GIVEN Jump to SELECTED ARTICLES authored by James T. Bretzke, S.J., S.T.D. LATEST UPDATES as of November 1, 2015 Re-Reading the Roman Tea-leaves of the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the Family Phoenix ‘Abortion’ Case Bibliography [uploaded October 12, 2015] Bioethics Bibliography [Last update: October 12, 2015] Evil and Compromise in Moral Theology Bibliography [Last update: October 12, 2015] Fundamental Option & Moral Acts in Veritatis Splendor [uploaded September 30, 2015] 2 Decoding 1 Corinthians 6:9 [Updated September 16, 2015] Human Rights Bibliography [Updated: August 28, 2015] 6 Cs of Moral Discourse & the Moral Triangle of Ethical Analysis [uploaded August 23, 2015] Definitions of Moral Theology and/or Christian Ethics [Uploaded August 21, 2015] TMCE8002 Fundamental Moral Theology Syllabus 2015 [Updated August 21, 2015] Evil and Compromise in Moral Theology Bibliography [Last update August 18, 2015] Natural Law Bibliography [Last Updated: August 18, 2015] 1 Corinthians 6:9 Translations Compared: [uploaded August 18, 2015] Problematic Uses of Scripture in Ethics Introductory Exercise [updated August 18, 2015] Five-Step Methodology for Using Scripture in Ethics [uploaded August 18, 2015] TMCE8551 Moral Authority, Conscience, Virtue and the Natural Law Syllabus [Last update August 16, 2015] Virtue and Virtue Ethics Bibliography [Updated August 13, 2015] “Re-Reading the Tea-leaves of Moral Theology 50 Years after Vatican II.” Essay for "Vatican II and the Future of the Church" Internet Conference and published online August 6, 2015 at 3 Ecumenical Ethics Bibliography [Last Update August 6, 2015] Catholic Moral Tradition & Health-Care Principles [uploaded August 3, 2015] Church Teaching & Tradition in Sexual Ethics Power-Point Presentation [uploaded August 3, 2015] Irregular Unions in the 2014 Extraordinary Synod [uploaded August 3, 2015] Political Choices in a Morally Complex World [uploaded August 3, 2015] Conscience Theology Introduction Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 2, 2015] Moral Good/Evil & Right/Wrong in Moral Agency Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 2, 2015] Natural Law and Intrinsic Evil Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 2, 2015] Fundamental Moral Theology & Christian Ethics Bibliography [Last update: August 1, 2015] Francis Effect on Church’s Munus Docendi & Munus Gubernandi [updated May 27, 2015] [the article] [the Power Point] [Power Point Script] Sexual Ethics Bibliography [Updated: May 24, 2015] Magisterium & Moral Theology Bibliography [Latest update May 17, 2015] War and Peace Bibliography [Latest update May 17, 2015] Bioethics Bibliography [Last update: May 2, 2015] 4 Inculturation of Moral Theology Bibliography [Uploaded May 2, 2015] Scripture & Ethics Bibliography [Last update: May 2, 2015] Culture Bibliography [Uploaded April 18, 2015] Inculturation General Works Bibliography [Updated April 13, 2015] Re-reading the Roman Tea Leaves on the Synods on the Family [updated April 8, 2015] [Power Point Presentation version] [PDF version] Script for “Re-reading the Roman Tea Leaves on the Synods on the Family [uploaded April 3, 2015] Conscience Bibliography [Last update: March 31, 2015] Magisterium Power Point Presentation [Updated March 29, 2015] Sin and Reconciliation Bibliography [Last update: March 27, 2015] Fr. Bretzke’s Curriculum Vitae [Last update March 8, 2015]: The Last Supper and Developing Moral Imagination: Insight from Hermeneutics & Art [Uploaded January 31, 2015] TH 4405 & TH 5405 Christian Theology in Global Contexts: Cross-Cultural Ethics Challenges [Uploaded January 11, 2015] Syllabus for the Wade Chair course offered at Marquette University in Spring 2015 5 Back to Top STUDY AIDS AND/OR CLASS NOTES Online Moral Theology Study Aids Study Questions for A Morally Complex World: Engaging Contemporary Moral Theology Abortion-Related Issues: Abortion and Politics Church Teaching Quiz Abortion and Politics Church Teaching Quiz Answers Abortion and Canonical Penalties Administration & Counseling Aquinas & the Natural Law Gloss by Bretzke Catholic Moral Tradition and/or Magisterium Related Issues: 20 Questions on Catholic Moral Tradition Teaching 20 Questions on Catholic Moral Tradition Teaching with Answers 20 Questions on Magisterial Catholic Moral Teaching Quiz 20 Questions on Magisterial Catholic Moral Teaching Quiz with Answers Magisterial Teaching on Regulation on Births Quiz bretzke/MagisterialTeachingOnRegulationOnBirthsQuestionsQuiz.pdf Magisterial Teaching on Regulation on Births Quiz with Answers Magisterial Exegesis Guidelines: Magisterium Views by Members of the Magisterium Itself [Updated March 22, 2012] Miscellaneous Issues & Documents: Definitions of Moral Theology and/or Christian Ethics [Uploaded August 21, 2015] Moral Triangle Worksheet Pastoral Counseling Points Questions to the Moralist [Last updated August 1, 2014] [These are actual questions with my responses to a variety of moral issues and cases. Many of these would provide some illustration of how moral principles can be interpreted and applied to real-life situations.] Six [6] C’s of Moral Discourse Outline Sacrament of Reconciliation Related Issues: Abortion and Canonical Penalties Administration & Counseling Canonical Penalties Treatment Overview Pastoral Counseling Points 7 Seal of Confession Notes Scripture & Ethics Issues 1 Corinthians 6:9 Translations Compared: [uploaded August 18, 2015] Five-Step Methodology for Using Scripture in Ethics [uploaded August 18, 2015] Problematic Uses of Scripture in Ethics Introductory Exercise [updated August 18, 2015] Scripture and Ethics Course Notes: [PDF Version] [HTML Version] These are course notes to a course I taught several times at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley on the theme of Scripture and Christian ethics. Scripture and Ethics Guidelines [Uploaded November 2, 2003] [PDF Version] [HTML Version] Using Scripture in Ethics Class Notes [Uploaded November 5, 2003] [PDF Version] [HTML Version Scripture and Ethics Interactive Exercise [Revised March 2, 2008] Back to Top Current Course Syllabi Back to Top 8 Research Bibliographies Online Annotated Research Bibliographies (See below for individual list) URL: Individual Bibliographies Abortion and Catholic Politics Bibliography [PDF Version] [HTML Version] This bibliography focuses on the issue which arose in conjunction with federal elections, regarding the possibility and/or advisability of using reception of Communion as a tool for political coercion by bishops over the Catholic politicians and/or voters in their respective dioceses. Phoenix ‘Abortion’ Case Bibliography [uploaded October 12, 2015] Bibliography & Footnote Format Guidelines (based on the University of Chicago “Turabian” Manual of Style) [uploaded February 20, 2004] Bioethics Bibliography [Last update: October 12, 2015] Casuistry in Moral Theology Bibliography [Last Update May 1, 2014] Comparative Ethics Bibliography Conscience Bibliography [Last update: March 31, 2015] Culture Bibliography [Updated April 18, 2015] Donum Vitae Related Key Bibliography [Uploaded November 14, 2012 Ecumenical Ethics Bibliography [Last Update: August 6, 2015] 9 This bibliography contains both classical and contemporary sources and authors from the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox traditions, arranged both by topic and by author. Environmental & Ecological Ethics Bibliography [Uploaded August 20, 2012] Evil and Compromise in Moral Theology Bibliography [Last update October 12, 2015] Fundamental Moral Theology & Christian Ethics Bibliography [Last update: August 1, 2015] Fundamental Option Theory Bibliography [Uploaded July 28, 2014] Globalization & Ethics Bibliography History of Moral Theology Bibliography [Last Update August 23, 2014] Human Rights Bibliography [Updated: August 28, 2015] This bibliography includes both general titles related to human rights, as well as a number of entries related to East Asia and/or comparative ethics. Humanae Vitae Bibliography [Last Update: August 23, 2014] Inculturation General Works Bibliography [Updated April 18, 2015] Inculturation of Moral Theology Bibliography [Uploaded May 2, 2015] Liberation Theology Bibliography [Uploaded: August 13, 2012] Magisterium & Moral Theology Bibliography [Latest update May 17, 2015] Narrative Theology Bibliography 10 Natural Law Bibliography [Last Updated: August 18, 2015] Phoenix ‘Abortion’ Case Bibliography [uploaded October 12, 2015] Scripture & Ethics Bibliography [Updated May 2, 2015] Print version published by Edwin Mellen Press, 1997; revised and expanded electronic version here online. Sensus Fidelium Bibliography: See Magisterium & Moral Theology Bibliography Sexual Ethics Bibliography [Updated: May 24, 2015] This bibliography is organized thematically and brings together ecumenical approaches to various aspects of human sexual ethics. Sin and Reconciliation Bibliography [Last update: March 27, 2015] Social Ethics Bibliography [PDF Version] A bibliography on social ethics, largely from the Roman Catholic perspective, organized thematically, principally around the papal social encyclicals. Veritatis Splendor Bibliography [Last Update August 14, 2014] Virtue and Virtue Ethics Bibliography [updated August 13, 2015] War and Peace Bibliography [Latest update May 17, 2015] This is a relatively short bibliography compiled to aid students in further research in the basic areas of war and peace, violence, and punishment from the perspective of Christian ethics. 11 Worship, Prayer and the Sacraments in Moral Life Bibliography Back to Top POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (In Thematic, NOT Course Sequential Order) Bioethics and Health Care Bioethical Challenges Power Point Presentation [uploaded September 17, 2003] Bioethics Introduction [uploaded August 23, 2004] Bioethics and Moral Agency Power Point Presentation [uploaded March 25, 2004; revised May 5, 2004] Bioethics & Moral Agency Overview Power Point Presentation [uploaded September 25, 2003] Bioethics Debates Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 4, 2003] Bioethics for a Brave New World Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 12, 2003] Bioethics, Theology, Science: Three Contemporary Debates: PVS, Stem-Cell Research, and Reproductive Technologies [Revised March 3, 2004] Burden of Means (PVS Health Care Debate) Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004; revised and expanded October 28, 2005] Catholic Debates In Bioethics Power Point Presentation [uploaded February 4, 2007] 12 Catholic Debates on End-of-Life Issues and Stem Cell Research [Uploaded October 27, 2005] Catholic Health Care Decision-making Principles [uploaded March 2, 2008] Catholic Moral Tradition & Health-Care Principles [uploaded August 3, 2015] Catholic Teachings on End of Life: True or False? [Uploaded March 17, 2006] Death & Dying Catholic Debates [uploaded April 7, 2007] End of Life Catholic Issues: [Uploaded June 30, 2005] End of Life Debates on Catholic Tradition and Teaching [uploaded October 28, 2005] Ethical Responses to HIV/AIDS Pandemic [uploaded December 1, 2005] HIV/AIDS Condom Debate [Uploaded May 7, 2006] HIV/AIDS Moral Triangle Analysis Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004] Killing or Letting Die: Catholic Debates [Uploaded December 11, 2007] Includes an update dealing with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s August 2007 Responsum to the question of whether artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) is always required in PVS (Persistent Vegetative State) cases. Killing or Letting Die? Terri Schiavo Debate in the Catholic Moral Context Liminal Questions in Bioethics(Genetics, Stem Cell Research, Reproductive Issues)[ The Phoenix Case Not Heard Moral Triangle Power Point Presentation [Uploaded May 18, 2012] 13 This presentation was reported in the June 8, 2012 online version of the National Catholic Reporter and a further report is found in the 2012 Proceedings of the CTSA, available online at For bibliography on this case see Stem Cells Liminal Debates [Uploaded March 2, 2008] Conscience Church Teaching and Conscience [uploaded January 15, 2006] Conscience in the Catholic Tradition [uploaded February 14, 2004] Conscience and Discernment in Moral Decision-Making Power Point Presentation [uploaded December 9, 2003] Conscience and Freedom Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004] Conscience and Fundamental Option Power Point Presentation [Uploaded November 21, 2004; Revised January 11, 2005] Conscience, Moral Agency, and Moral Norms Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 11, 2003] Conscience and Moral Decision-making Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 12, 2003] Conscience Formation and the Moral Life [uploaded 2 March 2005] 14 Conscience and Moral Norms Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 11, 2003] Conscience & Morality RCIA Power Point Presentation [Revised January 17, 2005] Conscience and Sanctuary Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004] Conscience Theology Introduction Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 2, 2015] Free Will, Conscience, & Moral Decision-Making [uploaded January 15, 2007] Making Difficult Moral Decisions in Conscience [uploaded March 2, 2007] Cross-Cultural and/or Inter-Religious Themes Confucian Culture in the Contemporary Korean Context [Uploaded March 16, 2006] Cross-Cultural Perspectives Power Point Presentation [Uploaded with music on May 16, 2012] Also available on Microsoft Sky-Drive at 4C940397388EA82%21105 Cross-Cultural Hermeneutics and Inculturation [Uploaded April 11, 2006] Cross-Cultural Perspectives Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 23, 2003] Dalai Lama’s Visit to USF Jesuit Community The Last Supper and Developing Moral Imagination: Insight from Hermeneutics & Art [Uploaded January 15 31, 2015] Pathways to Spiritual Wisdom Power Point Presentation [uploaded January 15, 2006] Religious Themes in Asian Art (from the San Francisco Asian Art Museum Collection) Theology of Accompaniment in Korea Power Point Presentation [Uploaded November 11, 2003] Traditional Religious Culture in Korea [uploaded January 29, 2006] Zen Buddhism: Magisterium Related Presentations Francis Effect on Church’s Munus Docendi & Munus Gubernandi [updated May 16, 2015] [the article] [the Power Point] [Power Point Script] Magisterium Power Point Presentation [Updated March 29, 2015] Making Good Political Choices in a Morally Complex World Re-reading the Roman Tea Leaves on the Synods on the Family [uploaded March 29, 2015] [Powerpoint Presentation version] [PDF version] Re-Reading the Roman Tea-leaves of the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the Family Miscellaneous Presentations Life Matters: Reflections Extraordinary Synod on the Family [Uploaded October 26, 2014] OR 16 Accompanying Script for the Reflections Extraordinary Synod on the Family Presentation Models of the Church and Faith [Uploaded 10 February 2008] The Phoenix Case Not Heard Moral Triangle Power Point Presentation [Uploaded May 18, 2012] This presentation was reported in the June 8, 2012 online version of the National Catholic Reporter and a further report is found in the 2012 Proceedings of the CTSA, available online at Moral Agency, Concepts, Norms, Natural Law & Methodology 6 Cs of Moral Discourse & the Moral Triangle of Ethical Analysis [uploaded August 23, 2015] Archdiocese of San Francisco Lay Diaconate Introduction to Moral Theology Casuistry with A Human Face: Navigating A Morally Complex World [uploaded August 23, 2004] Catholic Moral Theology Review Power Point (prepared for STM Theological Synthesis) [uploaded February 5, 2012] Christian Moral Living in a Morally Complex World Power Point Presentation [Uploaded October 25, 2004] Difficult Moral Agency [uploaded December 9, 2003] Ethical Theories and the Moral Triangle [Uploaded February 9, 2005] Fundamental Option & Moral Acts in Veritatis Splendor [uploaded September 30, 2015] 17 Fundamental Moral Concepts Review1 [uploaded February 8, 2004] [Ignatius Institute Catholic Tradition II, Weeks 1 & 2 Review] Ethical Theories Introduction Good/Bad & Right/Wrong in Moral Theology [Revised November 21, 2004] Magisterium & Moral Teaching Power Point Presentation [updated August 23, 2004] Making Difficult Moral Decisions in Conscience [uploaded March 2, 2007] Making Good Political Choices in a Morally Complex World Modes of Moral Discourse Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004] Moral Good/Evil & Right/Wrong in Moral Agency Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 2, 2015] Moral Methodology for Discipleship [uploaded August 24, 2007] [For notetaking] Moral Methodology Introduction BC-STM Power Point Presentation [uploaded September 5, 2012] Moral Methodology Introduction Power Point Presentation [updated January 11, 2005] Moral Methodology Introduction USF Moral Theology (Catholic Tradition II Courses [uploaded January 17, 2005; updated October 17, 2006] Moral Theology Basic Concepts [Uploaded January 24, 2005] 18 Moral Theology Introduction [Uploaded March 30, 2008] [Full Power Point file] [Note-Taking File] Moral Theology Key Concepts [uploaded February 16, 2004] Moral Theology Basic Concepts [uploaded January 25, 2004] Morally Complex World Deacons Formation Workshop Power Point [Revised September 23, 2007] Morally Complex World Introduction [uploaded August 23, 2004] Morally Complex World Santa Barbara Deacons [uploaded March 23, 2007] Natural Law and Intrinsic Evil Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 2, 2015] Natural Law, Moral Agency, and Good & Principles [uploaded January 11, 2005] Natural Law and Moral Norms [Revised September 13, 2004] The Phoenix Case Not Heard Moral Triangle Power Point Presentation [Uploaded May 18, 2012] Political Choices in a Morally Complex World [uploaded August 3, 2015] Reasons of the Heart: Ethics for Everyday Living [Uploaded November 8, 2004] Reasons of the Heart: Shorter Version [Uploaded March 16, 2006] staff/bretzkesj/ReasonsOfHeartEthicsEveryDayLivingShorterVersion.htm Theological Ethics Introduction Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 7, 2003] Scripture Bible and Homosexuality Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004; Revised November 2, 2005] Decoding 1 Corinthians 6:9 [Updated September 16, 2015] Scripture and Ethics Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004; Revised November 2, 2005] Sexual Ethics Bible and Homosexuality Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004] Catholic Sex Birth Ethics [Uploaded March 2, 2008] Church Teaching & Tradition in Sexual Ethics Power-Point Presentation [uploaded August 3, 2015] Conversations That Matter: Homosexuality—A Difficult Issue For Sexual Ethics [uploaded November 4, 2014] Decoding 1 Corinthians 6:9 [Uploaded November 4, 2014] Decoding 1 Corinthians 6:9 [Uploaded November 9, 2007] Gay Marriage Moral Triangle Debate [Uploaded February 17, 2004] 20 HIV/AIDS Moral Triangle Analysis Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004] Homosexuality and Christian Ethics Power Point Presentation [uploaded September 21, 2003] Irregular Unions in the 2014 Extraordinary Synod [uploaded August 3, 2015] Roman Catholic Sexual Ethics Tensions Power Point Presentation [uploaded October 11, 2004} Sexual Ethics in the Catholic Tradition [uploaded March 28, 2004] Sexual Ethics Contemporary Challenges Power Point Presentation [uploaded March 2, 2004] Sexual Ethics Deacons Power Point Presentation [uploaded September 18, 2003] Sexual Ethics Overview Power Point Presentation [uploaded September 17, 2003] Sin, Reconciliation, Pastoral Counseling and Spirituality Ambassador of Christ: Sin, Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Conversion [uploaded December 9, 2003] Casuistry with A Human Face: Navigating A Morally Complex World [uploaded August 23, 2004] Confronting Sin and Moral Failure in a Morally Complex World [uploaded January 11, 2005] Hope for Healing: Ambassadors of Reconciliation in Confronting Sin and Moral Failure. 21 Boston College School of Theology & Ministry 17 March 2011. Presentation available online at Justice, Social Sin & Reconciliation in Catholic Social Teaching [Uploaded March 28, 2008] Reasons of the Heart: Pathways to Ethics for Everyday Life Sin and Evil in a Morally Complex World Power Point Presentation [uploaded August 23, 2004] Sin in Moral Theology [uploaded January 23, 2004] Sin, Suffering and Evil Power Point Presentation [Condensed from “Confronting Sin” Power Point] [Note-Taking File] Spirituality for the Long Haul: Pathways for Christian Moral Living Social Ethics Catholic Social Concerns Methodology Introduction [Uploaded January 20, 2005] Catholic Social Teaching Overview [Uploaded April 16, 2007] Consistent Ethic of Life [uploaded April 17, 2005] Homelessness & the Moral Triangle [Uploaded April 16, 2007] Justice, Social Sin & Reconciliation in Catholic Social Teaching [Uploaded March 28, 2008] Six C’s of Moral Discourse and the Moral Triangle 22 Social Ethics and Just War Key Concepts Power Point Presentation [Uploaded April 18, 2004] Social Ethics Key Concepts Power Point Presentation [uploaded November 7, 2003] Social Ethics Overview [uploaded May 15, 2007] Spirituality Catholic Eucharist Explained [Uploaded 12 February 2008] Christian Discipleship Spirituality [Uploaded 8 January 2008] Ignatian Sites & Sights Power Point Presentation Ignatian Tools for Growth [uploaded November 11, 2005] Models of the Church and Faith [Uploaded 10 February 2008] Moral Methodology for Discipleship Spirituality for Christian Living [uploaded May 8, 2005] Spirituality for Christian Living Reflection Questions Student Power Point Presentations Contemporary Moral Problems Class 23 Capital Punishment Power Point Presentation by Duong Nguyen Disadvantaged Schools Power Point Presentation Palestinian/Israeli Conflict Power Point Presentation Back to Top COURSES TAUGHT At Boston College [Listed in reverse chronological order] TMCE8002 Fundamental Moral Theology Syllabus 2015 [Updated August 21, 2015] TMCE8551 Moral Authority, Conscience, Virtue and the Natural Law [Updated August 16, 2015] TMPS 8006 Ministry & Theology of the Sacrament of Reconciliation Practicum TMST 8021 Priesthood: Theology & Praxis TM 726 Magisterium and Contemporary Moral Debates Seminar [2008. 2011; last updated April 11, 2012] TM 860 Conscience and the Natural Law Seminar [2010] TM 735 Contemporary Moral Problems in Ecumenical Perspective [2009] TM 560 Critical Contemporary Ethical Issues [2010] TM 509 Cross-Cultural Christian Ethics [2008] 24 TM 825 Ethics in an Ecumenical Perspective [2009] TM 860 Conscience and the Natural Law Seminar [2010] TM 735 Contemporary Moral Problems in Ecumenical Perspective [2009] TM 560 Critical Contemporary Ethical Issues [2010] TM 509 Cross-Cultural Christian Ethics [2008] TM 825 Ethics in an Ecumenical Perspective [2009] At Marquette University: Theology of Christian Discipleship Theo 115 2007-08 TH 4405 & TH 5405 Christian Theology in Global Contexts: Cross-Cultural Ethics Challenges [Wade Chair Course for Spring Semester 2015] At the University of San Francisco: 2003-08 M.A. 20th Century Moral Theology (USF M.A. Cohort) Catholic Moral Tradition Pathways to Spiritual Wisdom [PDF] [HTML] Catholic Social Concerns in Theory and Practice [PDF Version] [HTML Version] At the Loyola School of Theology, Manila, Philippines: 2000-06 Fundamental Moral Theology 25 Bioethics Back to Top UPCOMING WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES “Re-reading the Roman Tea-leaves: The Francis Effect on the Munus docendi & gubernandi of the Church.” Academic Presentation to the College Theology Society Annual Convention 28-31 May 2015. University of Portland, Portland OR. Building on what commentators and theologians have dubbed the “Francis effect,” this presentation tracks how what cultural anthropologists term “fundamental values” and “root paradigms” along with the Pope’s frequent use of what O’Malley calls epideictic genre are operating in the Church today. Attention is also given to the phenomena of increasing acrimony and resistance to the Francis Effect in some quarters of the Church traditionally considered to be most loyal to the papal magisterium. Francis Effect on Church’s Munus Docendi & Munus Gubernandi [updated May 27, 2015] [the article] [the Power Point] [Power Point Script] “Re-reading the Roman Tea-leaves: The Francis Effect on the Synods on the Family in the Jubilee Year of Mercy.” Church in the 21st Century (C-21), Boston College, 4 November 2015. "Mercy, and not sacrifice," are among the chief fundamental values of the Francis Effect in the Church which the Pope envisions as a missionary field hospital that re-focuses its attention on responding to the deepest wounds of souls desperately in need of the healing ministrations of the Gospel. In a real sense the two-part Synod on the Family have functioned as an extended and in-depth clinical trial over the medicine of mercy that Pope Francis has prescribed for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year soon to begin. This talk reflects on these themes by examining the recently concluded Synod on the Family in the context of last year's much debated Extraordinary Synod and in light of Pope Francis's September visits to Cuba and the United States. Panel Presentation: "Families, Family Ethics, and the Global Future: Reflections on the Ordinary Synod" Society of Christian Ethics Annual Convention, Toronto, January 7-10, 2016 26 In the wake of the Ordinary Synod on Marriage and Family in October 2015, as well as the Extraordinary Synod in 2014, the Families and the Social Order interest group welcomes four panelists to its concurrent session for an important conversation in the area of family ethics. James Bretzke, S.J., Christina Astorga, Andrew Kim, and Jana Bennett will reflect on the actions taken by the Catholic bishops from a variety of perspectives that include the significance of any changes to pastoral and juridical practice, as well as points of resonance and dissonance with the lived experience of families. Back to Top RECENT PAST WORKSHOPS & CONFERENCES N.B. See the Curriculum Vitae for a more complete list of past Conferences “Re-Reading the Roman Tea Leaves on the Synods on the Family: Reflecting Back and Looking Forward” Wade Lecture, Marquette University, Milwaukee WI 8 April 2015. Re-reading the Roman Tea Leaves on the Synods on the Family [updated April 8, 2015] [Power Point Presentation version] [PDF version] Script for “Re-reading the Roman Tea Leaves on the Synods on the Family [uploaded April 3, 2015] Conversations That Matter: Homosexuality—A Difficult Issue For Sexual Ethics Boston College School of Theology & Ministry 11 November 2014 Life Matters: Reflections Extraordinary Synod on the Family See Also see OR “The Case Not Heard: Moral Methodology & the Phoenix “Abortion” Debate” Selected Session of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) Annual Convention. St. Louis MO, June 9, 2012. The Phoenix Case Not Heard Moral Triangle Power Point Presentation [Uploaded May 18, 27 2012] Handout for the Phoenix Case Not Heard Presentation [Uploaded May 18, 2012] “A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Introducing Cross-Cultural Ethics in the Context of Religious Pluralism.” Georgetown University Pluralism Conference. May 23-26, 2012. Electronic Version of Presentation Handout (with live links): Cross-Cultural Perspectives Power Point Presentation ] Also available on Microsoft Sky at 4C940397388EA82%21105 Cross-Cultural Ethics in a Context of Pluralism & Multiculturalism: Teaching Where Religion and Ethics Intersect Paper Delivered 15 March 2012 to the New England Maritime and Mid-Atlantic Regional Convention of the American Academy of Religion, New Brunswick NJ [uploaded March 7, 2012] Back to Top Selected Articles by James T. Bretzke, S.J. “After the Choice: The Church’s Post-Abortion Outreach to Women” Co-authored with Monika Rodman. America 181 (6 November 1999): 14-19. This article details the post-abortion outreach program used in the Oakland Diocese in light of the Church's pastoral mission to those who have suffered through abortions. “A Burden of Means: An Overlooked Aspect of the Terri Schiavo PVS Debate.” Landas 18/2 (2004): 211-230. 28 The struggle over the removal of the feeding tube of Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman who has been in a PVS condition for thirteen years, has occasioned a great deal of attention and debate in the ethical, political, and religious arenas. Numerous op ed pieces and longer position papers have appeared over the last several months. The Catholic Bishops of Florida have also entered the fray with a statement which seems to come down on the side of Terri’s parents and Governor Jeb Bush. However, the Florida Bishops’ statement also seems either to have overlooked, or rendered a rather problematic assessment in regards to an important dimension of the traditional principle of ordinary and extraordinary means which has been widely employed in health care ethics. This overlooked aspect is the notion of burden of treatment. This article gives a brief rehearsal of the ordinary/extraordinary means principle as it relates to the Terri Schiavo case and provide of brief summary of some of the representative assessments that have appeared in the press. The major focus of the article, though, will center in on the notion of burden of treatment and will use a position adopted by the Philippine Bishops in the Filipino Catechism to critique the position adopted by the Florida Bishops. Furthermore, the conflicting ecclesial positions will also help to illustrate in greater depth some of the issues regarding the claims and competencies of Church authorities when they enter into a particular case with the aim of providing moral guidance. “A Burden Of Means--Interpreting Recent Catholic Magisterial Teaching on End-of-Life Issues” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 60/2 (Fall/Winter 2006): 183-200. Was awarded the “Best Article in 2006” award by the College Theology Society. This article first presents general guidelines for interpreting magisterial documents using Lumen gentium’s triple criteria of considering the character, manner, and frequency of magisterial teaching in order to better determine the relative authority and weight of the magisterial teaching. Next these criteria are applied to a careful reading of the Pope John Paul II’s various documents that deal with endof-life issues, especially his controverted March 2004 Address to the Participants in the International Congress on "Life-sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State: Scientific Advances and Ethical Dilemmas. This analysis concludes that the Pope did not in fact assert that artificial hydration and nutrition had to be used in virtually every medical case, such as patients diagnosed to be in a persistent vegetative state. "The Common Good in a Cross-Cultural Perspective Insights from the Confucian Moral Community." In Religion, Ethics & the Common Good, 83-105. Annual Publication of the College Theology Society, 41. Edited by James Donahue and Theresa Moser. Mystic CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1996. 29 Recent discussion concerning multiculturalism, pluralism, globalization of ethics and the prospects for a "common morality" all provide a challenging context for critical ethical reflection on the notions of the common good as these are found in various cultural and religious traditions. This article investigates the possibility of enriching our liberal Western notion of the common good from a cross-cultural perspective afforded by Confucianism and what might be called the Confucian notion of the "common good," even though the precise terminological equivalent is not found in the Confucian literature or philosophical tradition. An original exposition of the notion of the common good exegeted from the Confucian canon is presented and discussed in reference to the Confucian cardinal virtues, the notion of the chün-tzu (paradigmatic moral individual); the four cardinal virtues of jen, yi, li, and chih; an understanding of community as fiduciary; and the moral force of the notion of the T'ien-ming or Mandate of Heaven. "Cracking the Code: Minjung Theology as an Expression of the Holy Spirit in Korea." Pacifica 10 (October 1997): 319-330. Minjung theology's development Korea as an indigenous theology of liberation is a genuine response to the Holy Spirit in Asia's fastest growing Christian population, though not without its problematic elements and critics. This article reflects on the inculturation of minjung theology in terms of a five-stage framework suggested by the Pentecost account in Acts 2:1-42. "Cultural Particularity & Globalization of Ethics in the Light of Inculturation” Pacifica 9 (1996): 69-86. Increased interest in the so-called "globalization of ethics" has led to a number of studies which utilize various hermeneutical and communicative theories to sketch out viable paradigms for developing a fundamental Christian ethics as a whole, as well as its various components such as moral reasoning, which together would be capable of entering into and maintaining such discourse. The accent of most of these studies falls on the universalizability of ethical discourse and scant attention has been given to the cultural particularity of each and every ethos and ethical system. This article briefly rehearses the principal elements of the concerns raised by the globalization of ethics and then focuses on the particularity of culture using insights from both cultural anthropology and inculturation. The Confucian context of Korea is employed to illustrate some of the issues raised by greater attention to cultural particularity. “Ecumenical Ethics in the Historical Context of Vatican II Moral Theology.” Josephinum Journal of Theology 6 (Summer/Fall 1999): 18-38. 30 This article considers the historical context and continued prospects, principally from the Roman Catholic perspective, for the possibility of ecumenical collaboration in the field of Christian ethics. Vatican II is taken as a watershed period for a backward and forward look at such ecumenical efforts. Before Vatican II the atmosphere was marked among both Catholics and Protestants more by polemics and mutual misunderstanding. However, the Council itself, as well as several of its key documents, indicate a paradigm shift in the whole attitude toward ecumenism in general, as well as in the particular approaches Roman Catholic moralists take to their elaboration of fundamental Christian ethics. Several Conciliar documents are briefly analyzed, and a number of other key paradigm shifts in Roman Catholic moral theology are discussed in order to describe a more positive future agenda for continued efforts in ecumenical Christian ethics. “The Ethicist Is In” (Catholic Teaching on ANH). Ethical Times Bulletin of the Program in Medicine and Human Values. 15 (Summer 2008): 2-3. Response to a concrete case study which involves an analysis of how to apply Catholic bioethical principles on ordinary and extraordinary means to a elderly terminally ill patient who has additionally suffered from a stroke and is incapacitated. Francis Effect on Church’s Munus Docendi & Munus Gubernandi [uploaded May 7, 2015] [the article] [the Power Point] Building on what commentators and theologians have dubbed the “Francis effect,” this presentation tracks how the Pope’s frequent use of what O’Malley calls epideictic genre is trickling down and how the Vatican culture may be changing in some key ways. This hypothesis will be tested by carefully analyzing the October 2014 Extraordinary Synod of the Family documents and discussions, the November 2014 USCCB bishops meeting in Baltimore, some key episcopal and dicasterial appointments, as well as some recent documents such as the International Theological Commission’s Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church as well. The paper will conclude with a look forward to the upcoming “regular” tri-ennial Synod on the Family scheduled for October 2015. “How Can Ethics Be Christian? What the Pontifical Biblical Commission Might Offer in Response.” Bible Today 48:4 (July/August 2010): 209-215. This article, which is part of a dedicated issue celebrating fifty years of the 31 Pontifical Biblical Commission, explores how the 2008 document from the Pontifical Biblical Commission, The Bible and Morality: Biblical Roots of Christian Conduct, might contribute to Vatican II’s mandate that Scripture be truly the soul of all theology and that moral theology in particular be more nourished by the Bible. “Human Rights or Human Rites?: A Confucian Cross-Cultural Perspective.” East Asian Pastoral Review 41/1 (2003): 44-67. This article is an expanded version of “Human Rights or Human Rites? A Challenge of Sacred Texts and Traditions to Global Moral Discourse” Conference Proceedings of Faithful/Fateful Encounters: Religion and Cultural Exchanges Between Asia and the West. Beijing and Berkeley. “Human Rights or Human Rites? Insights from Cross-Cultural Ethics” In Faithful/Fateful Encounters: Religion and Cultural Exchanges Between Asia and the West: Proceedings From an International Conference, 458-475. Edited by Zhuo Xinping, Judith Berling, and Philip Wickeri. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of World Religions, 2005. Recent discussion concerning the globalization of ethics and the prospects for a common morality, as well as related issues such as inculturation, pluralism, and multiculturalism all provide a challenging context for critical ethical reflection on the notions of human rights as these are found in various cultural and religious traditions. This article focuses on a cross-cultural discussion of human rights by considering the Confucian understanding of human rights as human rituals whose sacred claim is grounded in the notion of relationality based on the Confucian Five Relationships and the virtues of li (propriety) and hsin (fidelity). The article argues that Confucianism is a positive resource for both inter-religious dialogue and cross-cultural ethics and concludes by outlining some prospects for using the Confucian notion of human dignity, rights and the common good to further discussion on multi-culturalism, inter-religious and cross-cultural dialogue. “The Lesser Evil: Insights from the Catholic Moral Tradition.” America (26 March 2007): 1618. Part of a special issue devoted to the theological issues of good and evil. This article briefly outlines the various principles in the Catholic moral tradition that permit doing evil to achieve good, namely cooperation, tolerance, double effect and then focuses on what is often the most problematic principle, the minus malum (or lesser evil) principle. 32 “Life Matters: 6 ‘C’s’ of Moral Discourse” New Theology Review 15 (May 2002): 48-59. One of the problems in establishing a common ground is the lack of evaluative criteria for moral discourse and dialogue for such hot-button issues. This article proposes six key evaluative criteria which can be applied to all of the various positions in the abortion debate, as well as other concrete moral issues. The article develops and tests each of these criteria, applying them to representative positions on both sides of the abortion debate and concludes by offering some concrete suggestions for better articulating a common ground position which must be used together in addressing concrete moral problems. "Minjung Theology and Inculturation in the Context of the History of Christianity in Korea." East Asian Pastoral Review 28 (1991): 108-130. Discusses the Korean version of liberation theology, minjung theology, in the historical context of the development of Christianity in the Korean Peninsula. “Moral Theology Out of Asia” Theological Studies 61 (March 2000): 106-121. Digested version in Tinig Loyola (Quezon City, Philippines) 2 (September 2000): 11-14; 29-29 Review of some of the main issues, recent developments and contributions of Christian ethicians and others working in East Asia. Special attention is paid to the recent Synod on Asia. “A New Pentecost for Moral Theology: The Challenge of Inculturation of Ethics.” Josephinum 10:2 (Summer/Fall 2003): 250-260. Suggests that a principal task for the discipline of moral theology at the beginning of the twenty-first century will be to engage the challenge of developing a cross-cultural ethics which will recognize first that a certain plurality of views on important moral concepts such as virtue, duty, the common good, the natural law, etc. is a positive value in itself, rather than an obstacle to be overcome, side-stepped, or obliterated, and second, that a process of cross-cultural dialogue based on mutual respect for the various cultures will facilitate the cultivation of the richness of this moral pluralism. If such an approach is adopted and followed then ethical pluralism itself can be transformed and we shall be able to move from a pluralism of "co-existence" in which several moral outlooks exist along-side one another, and whose primary moral claim is for mutual tolerance, to a 33 healthier pluralism whose central value is better expressed by the metaphor of "crossfertilization." Through ethical cross-fertilization a fuller understanding of the richness and complexity of the moral world would develop both within individual cultures as well as across cultures as well as to help correct some persistent and tenacious problems connected with the darker side of any culture's moral world-view and ethical values and practices. "The Notion of Sincerity (Ch'eng) from a Neo-Confucian Metaphysical Perspective." Coauthored with Luke Jong-Hyeok Sim. Acta Koreana 4 (2001): 77-94. Often Neo-Confucianism has been studied primarily through the lens of concepts such as tao or ri. While Tao and ri provide a metaphysical basis for NeoConfucian thought, they suffer from a certain lack of clarity due to the Taoist and Buddhist influences these concepts invariably carry. Moreover, tao and ri lack an adequate epistemological basis which would translate the ideals contained in Confucian thought into the practical moral living which had always been the goal and hallmark of Confucianism from its earliest days. An in-depth study of the Confucian notion of sincerity (ch'eng) can remedy these deficiencies by providing a more unified understanding of not only this concept itself, but also of NeoConfucian thought as a whole. Furthermore, using sincerity as the hermeneutical key for Confucian metaphysics will facilitate the movement to an epistemology which in turn will translate more easily the Confucian ideals into the life of moral cultivation exemplified in the concept of sagehood. "The Notion of Sincerity (Ch'eng) in The Confucian Classics." Co-authored with Luke JongHyeok Sim. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 21 (1994): 179-212. Discusses the concept of Sincerity (Ch'eng) in the Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean in relation to moral cultivation in Confucian philosophy. “Re-Reading the Tea-leaves of Moral Theology 50 Years after Vatican II.” Essay for "Vatican II and the Future of the Church" Internet Conference and published online August 6, 2015 at “Scripture and Ethics: Core, Context, and Coherence” In Moral Theology: New Directions and Fundamental Issues. Essays in Honor of James Hanigan. Edited by James Keating. New York: Paulist Press, 2004. “Scripture, The Soul of Moral Theology? -- The Second Stage." Irish Theological Quarterly 60 (1994): 259-271. bretzke/BretzkeScriptureSoulOfMoralTheology2ndStageITQ1994.pdf The initial response of Vatican II's call in Optatam totius for greater attention to Scripture in all moral theology, might be termed a "First Stage," in which both ethicians and exegetes tried to highlight better the ethical dimension of Scripture better in their respective disciplines and to allow Scripture as a whole to nourish theology more completely. However, now we need to move beyond this First Stage to a Second and Third Stage. This Second Stage, which is the focus of this article, suggests a reconsideration of some of the relevant documents from Vatican II, especially Optatam totius and Dei verbum, in order to ground better our reflections on the integration of Scripture with theology as whole, and moral theology in particular. The article concludes by outlining some of the issues, such as the authority of Scripture and the problematic of hermeneutics, which still need to be addressed if Scripture is truly to nourish our Roman Catholic moral theology. Finally, this Second Stage itself points to the necessity of a Third Stage in which reflection will center development of a concrete and practical methodology for the use of Scripture in Christian ethics. “Spirituality USA: Surveying the Scene.” In Living Theology: the Intersection of Culture, Spirituality, and Theology in Asia and the Pacific, 4-12. Edited by Jose Mario C. Francisco, S.J. Manila: Jesuit Conference of East Asia and Oceania, 2001. Originally given as a paper presented to the JCEAO Theological Study Week, July 23-27, 2001, East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI),Quezon City, Philippines. "The Tao of Confucian Virtue Ethics." International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (1995): 2541. Investigates the key aspects of the Confucian virtue ethics in relation to the notions of the chün-tzu (Superior Person), the Five Relationships of society, the particular Confucian virtues of jen (benevolence) and li (propriety), the moral vision of the tao (Way), and the understanding of the t'ien-ming (Mandate of Heaven). The thesis of the article is that the moral matrix provided by the web of social relationships is what allows the Confucian ethics of virtue to function well. “Teaching Across the Cultural Digital Divide: Cross-Cultural Christian Ethics on the Pacific Rim” Cross-Cultural Ethics in a Context of Pluralism & Multiculturalism: Teaching Where Religion and Ethics Intersect Paper Delivered 15 March 2012 to the New England Maritime and Mid-Atlantic Regional Convention of the American Academy of Religion, New Brunswick NJ 35 [uploaded March 7, 2012] Theology of Accompaniment as a Post-Minjung Theology in Korea. Presentation to the Korean Religions Group of the American Academy of Religion Annual Convention 2225 November 2003 Atlanta. Theology of Accompaniment in Korea Essay [Uploaded November 11, 2003] Theology of Accompaniment in Korea Power Point Presentation [Uploaded November 11, 2003] “Through Thick And Thin: Teaching Ethics in a Cross-cultural Perspective” Horizons 27 (Spring 2000): 63-80. As the 20th century closes our universities, theological centers and even seminary settings, can no longer presume a homogeneous religious and cultural academic community among either students or professors. This fact, coupled with recent discussion concerning the globalization of ethics and the prospects for a common morality, as well as related issues such as inculturation, pluralism, and multiculturalism all provide a challenging context for critical reflection on how religious ethics can and should be done in these universities, theological centers and seminaries. This article outlines both some of the major concerns raised in teaching ethics from cross-cultural, ecumenical, and inter-religious perspectives in the United States, as well as developing a coherent methodology which is grounded in the theological tradition of Christian ethics, but which seeks to integrate these different perspectives. As a practical example of how a concrete course might be developed for undergraduate, graduate, and seminary settings I utilize a course I have designed entitled "Cross-Cultural Christian Ethics" which I have taught regularly at the Jesuit School of Theology/Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. The participants in these courses reflect a diverse background both theological and culturally and thus may provide a reasonable microcosm of many of our contemporary academic institutions. Critical evaluation of the course's theological and pedagogical premises, as well as discussion on the students' participation and feedback on the course, hopefully will stimulate further reflection on both the theological issues connected with doing cross-cultural ethics in the Christian theological tradition as well as aiding concrete curricular development in this area. William Spohn’s Contribution to Moral Theology 36 Originally presented as a paper in a panel at the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) Annual Convention, Selected Paper, 10 June 2006. San Antonio, TX. Back to Top Come back again! Back to Top 37