ON SOME PROBLEMS SUGGESTED B V THE TRACE FORMULA Janes Arthur University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada MS5 1A1 In the present theory of autonorphic representations, a riaior coal is to stabilize the trace formula. Its realization will have irinortant conseuuences, among which will be the proof of functorialitv in a significant number of cases. However, it will recruire much effort, for there are a number of difficult problems to be solved first. Pone of the problems, especially those concerning orbital integrals, were studied in [9(e)l. They arise when one tries to interpret one side of the trace formula. The other side of the trace formla leads to a different set of problems. Amon? these, for examle, are questions relatinq to the nontempered autonorphic representations which occur discretely. Our purpose here is to describe some of these problems and to suqqest possible solutions. Some of the problems have in fact been formulated as conjectures. They have perhaps been stated in greater detail than is justifieri, for I have not had sufficient tine to ponder then. However, thev seem quite natural to me, and I will be surprised if thev turn out to be badly off the mark. Our discussion will be rather informal. We have tried to keep thin~sas simple as possible, sometimes at the expense of or'-ittino pertinent details. Section 1, which is devoted to real crrouos, contains a review of known theory, and a description of some problems and related examples. Section 2 has a similar format, but is in the global setting. ^Jewould have liked to follow it with a detailed discussion of the trace formula, as it pertains to the conjecture in Section 2. for want of time, we will be much briefer. 'Rowever, After opening with a few general remarks, we will attempt in Section 3 to motivate the con"jcture with the trace formula only in the case of ~Sp(4). In so doincr, we will meet a combinatorial problen which is trivial for D S ~ ( & ) ,hut is more interesting for general aroups. I am indebted to R. Kottwitz, D. Shelstad, and D. Voqan for en- lightenina conversations. I would also like to thank the University of Maryland for its hospitality. $1. A PROBLEM FOR REAL GROUPS The trace formula, which we will discuss presently, is an eoualitv 1.1. of invariant distributions. The study of such distributions leads to questions in local harmonic analysis. Ye will beain by lookin'- at one such question over the real numbers. G For the time being, we will take For simplicity we shall assume that group defined over 3R. quasi-split. IT(<^ (IR)) Let to be a reductive alo-ebraic Tten ( G(IR)) ) (reso. ff is denote the set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations (reso. irreducible tempered representations) of G(3R) the trace formula are functions f . In the data which one feeds into in C~G(IP)), Since the t e r m of the trace formula are invariant distributions, we need only specifv f by its values on all such distributions. Theorem 1.1.1: The space of invariant distributions on G(3P) is the closed linear span of where tr(ir) stands for the distribution f -> trir(£) One can establish this theorem from the characterization [l(a)l of the image of the Schwartz space of valued) Fourier transform. G(3R) under the (operator We hope to publish the details elsewhere. Thus, for the trace formula, we need only specify the function TTtepo(G(F)1 31-6Of It is clearly important to know what functions on The elements in this form. " ~ T ( G (canBbe) given ) by a finite number of parameters, some continuous and some discrete. one can define a Paley-wiener soace on Via these parameters, . L ( R ( P ) ) Tt consists 0-F functions which, among other thinas, are in the classical palev-YJiener space in each continuous parameter. s a c on to be the inage of (G(]R)) nap above. T'7e woulri expect this Paley-Wiener C"G(P) under the ) This fact may well be a consequence o+ recent work of Clozel and Delorme. We shall assume it iriplicitly in what follows. There is one point we should pention before goingr on. function F The can be evaluated on any invariant distribution on MI?'. In particular, is defined for any irreducible representation tempered one. If p = IT, and not just a BIT. is a finite sum of irreducible representa- tions, we set Now, consider an'induced representation where P = NM is a parabolic sub~roupof is a representation in ntemD (IR) ) (M , and representation of the unipotent radical valued linear function on of the center of by translatin9 a M(n) , by A. a , N(3P) (defined over iriN . 3P) , a is the trivial Let X be a convlex the Lie algebra of the split cor'oonent and let Then G a be the representation obtained. is in general a nonunitarv, p *A - reducible representation of G(lR). Representations of this form are sometimes called standard representations. The function F(p x ) , defined by the prescription above, can be obtained by analytic continuation from the purely imaginary values of tempered. Suppose that n A, is an arbitrary irreducible, but not neces- sarily tempered, representation of tr(n) can be written where p and where the induced representation is G(lR). It is known (see [15] that ranges over a finite set of standard representations of {M(n,p)} is a uniquely determined set of intecers. Then G(X7) F(n) is given by F(T) = 1 0M(n,p)F(p). Thus, the problem of determining F(T) is equivalent to deterpiininr' the decomposition (1.1.3). 1.2. Among the invariant distributions are the stable distributions,. which are of particular interest for global applications. Shelstar" has shown [11(c)] that these nay be defined either by orbital inte9i-als or, as we shall do, bv tempered characters. We recall the Langlands classification [ 9 ( a ) ] of @(G/IR) where TT(G(IR)). Let be the set of admissible maps \'J IR is theP7eilFroupof is the L-qroup of up to conjuvacv bv an L-packet '['^ ( G (P.)). 4 = G. The eleinents in GO. TT; and F., To each are to he given only @(G/P) ? @ (O/lP) Lanqlanc?~associates consisting of finitely pany representation'=in He shows that the representations in fT, are tempere(? if and only if the projection of the i v a ~ eof Let $temp(G/3R) <;> denote the set of all such Definition 1.2.1: 7i L ~ Ois bounded. onto @. stable distribution is anv distribution, necessarily invariant, which lies in the closed linear span If for any 4 F is a function of the form (1.1.2), we can set @temp (G/3R) character on 05 G(B) . In [ll(c)l Shelstad shows that anv ten~ered can be expressed in terns of sums of this'form, but associated to some other qroups of lower dimension. Riven our WTO.) discussion above, this means that any invariant distribution on may be expressed in terns of stable distributions associated to other groups. we shall review some of this theory. The notion of endoscopic group was introduced in [9(c)] and studied further in 111 (c)1 . Let s be a semisimple eler'ent in '"G, defined modulo the centralizer of (over IR) L~ in G O . is a quasi-split prouo in which ""HO = the connected component of the centralizer of s H in a split group with trivial center, this specifies H then G H An endoscopic group s Hs For equals = Go. uniquelv. H G is For is a simply connected complex group, in which the centralizer of any semisimple element is connected ([14], Theorem 2.15). aroup If I? is then the unique split Froup whose L The oroup is the direct p r o d u c t of elenent in L ~ Ow i t h w 6 PIm PJ_. a c t on I n g e n e r a l , it i s r e q u i r e d o n l y t h a t each L ~ Oby conjurration w i t h soFe element . c e n t ( s , ~ ) S i n c e t h e crroup Cent ( s ,LG 0 ) i s n o t i n creneral con- n e c t e d , t h e r e miyht be more t h a n one endosconic rrroup f o r a given a d . Two end6scopic groups equivalent i f t h e r e is a modulo t h e product of g â G o and H w i l l be s a i d t o be H , such t h a t s g s ' g -1 equals w i t h t h e connected component of ZG s Z "s and t h e map commutes w i t h t h e a c t i o n of W . r e a l l y c o n s i s t s of t h e element s (Thus, f o r u s an endoscopic group a s w e l l a s t h e group s t r i c t l y be c a l l e d an endoscopic datum. An a d m i s s i b l e embeddin? H which extends t h e given enbeddincr projections onto WR1 HI and should See [ 9 ( e ) 1 . ) of an endoscopic froun i s one c G L ~ @ , which coninutes v i t h t h e OF and f o r which t h e image L OF 8 lies in L Pie s h a l l suppose from now on t h a t For each endoscopic I' L group we have f i x e d an a d m i s s i b l e enbeddincr H c GI such t h a t t h e C e n t ( s , G). embeddinas f o r e q u i v a l e n t yroups a r e compatible. r e s t r i c t i o n t h i s p u t s on G is not serious. i s c u s o i d a l if t h e if-acre of I, p a r a b o l i c subgroup of G. say t h a t H Example 1.2.2: Let G = PSp(4) . The o n l y c u s p i d a l endoscopic rrroups a r e s = ('-'-l1) . Then L~ (The a d d i t i o n a l See [ 9 ( c ) ] . ) We s h a l l in d l i e s i n no Droner Then G and P., with and , Hs PGL(2) 2 x PGL(2) . For e a c h of t h e s e q r o u n s we t a k e t h e o b v i o u s embedclin~o f If d) @ (G/P.) , i s any p a r a m e t e r i n the centralizer in "P into define <b. L ~ Oof t h e iriacre o-F Since t h e h o ~ o ~ o r o h i s i " ( <b i s deteripined o n l v up t o conjuvacv, 'GO C, is r e a l l y onlv a L ~ O . However, v'e c a n i d e n t i q v e a c h conjucracv c l a s s of s u b f r o u p s o f of t h e s e subqroups w i t h a f i x e d a b s t r a c t c r o u p , t h e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n b e i n q c a n o n i c a l up t o an i n n e r automorphism of t h e g i v e n qroun. where c 4' i s t h e i d e n t i t y component of group which i s C 4' known t o be a b e l i a n . ( [ l l ( c )I . Then C 4' Set is a f i n i t e See a l s o [ 5 ] . ) I t can t h e r e f o r e be c a n o n i c a l l y i d e n t i f i e d w i t h a n a b s t r a c t Froup which de-pends o n l y on t h e c l a s s of For e a c h on n4' C$, x <b c 4. QtepP(G(lR)) , S h e l s t a d d e f i n e s a n a i r i n ~ <, > such t h a t t h e r a n i s a n i n j e c t i o n from. i n t o t h e uroun 80) of c h a r a c t e r s of Unfortunately, t h e p a i r i n g cannot be defined canonicallv. 6 . However- Shelstad shows that there is a function c from cG/zG to {?I}, which is invariant on conjuqacy classes, such that is independent of the pairin?. C -s Here, is the projection of This latter function can be used to map functions on 4)' s onto to G ( p ) functions on endoscopic Froups. Given a parameter '' 'temp (G/IR) and a senisinple element s â CG/ZGr one can check that there is a uniaue endoscopic Froun H = H $I s such that then defines a parameter parameter in f â c(G(IR) atemp(H/IR) , Otep-p(~133 ) . C arises in this wav. H(I!?) H, ever17 For anv Function â C;(H(TR)) , uniaue H To do so, it is enouyh to Shelstad defines a function up to stable distributions on For a viven . f specify the value for every such .I$-,. This is done bv settino Actuall~,Shelstad defines fH bv transferrino orbital intevralsr and then proves the formula (1.2.3) as a theorem. the formula as a definition. Shelstad shows that the riaoriinr- is canonically defined up to a sicrn. H c G Fowever, we shall take f -r H (It also depends on the enbedrlincr which we have fixed.) Pie shall fix the sir-ns in anv wav, asking only that in the case H = GI f f be consistent with the notation above. 1.3. That is, c(l) = 1. It is important for the trace formula to understand how the notions above relate to nontempere6 the pairings parameters only for tempered <>> <j>, Shelstaci fiefined (o. but it is easv enouoh to extend the definition to arbitrary parameters. For one can show that there is a natural way to decompose anv narameter (w) = (oo (w)(o+ (w)I so that the images of '(.(Wn) tempered whenever of (oo @+ = { 11. ' ^tei-o( W p ) , The centralizer in Ètem e @ (M/B) . must lie n itself is of a parabolic subqroup of 'Â¥M so that (oo v+ of L G, M(B). defines an element in a There will be a bijection between ~ > n d , the 0 being the Lanflands quotients obtained froi" the tem- I] n n pered representations in M(E) . (o , L~ of the imase n\ will consist of a positive quasi-character The image of <))+c ~ ( C / - S IR) commute, and so that will be the Levi component M' + and of and ^O bv (o y o On the other hand and the positive ~uasi-character v+ equals C" C: , so we can define the $0 p ^o a c r on -IT: (o to be the one obtained x fro^ the pairin? on 0' However, simply defining the pairing for nontempered 4 factory. For it could well happen that the distribution is not stable if the parameter (t is not terioered. ficulty is that (1.2.3) no lonoer ~ a k e ssense if parameter for H. We shall define a subset o-F A related $i^- 41. a('";/:[") these difficulties are likely to have nice solutions. contain tions of Let is not satis- Ètemp(G/ll?) G(B) Y(G/IR) is not a tempered -For which The subset will and oucrht also to account for the representa- which are of interest in crlobal annlications. be the set of "GO-conjuoacv classes o-F maps such t h a t t h e r e s t r i c t i o n of F o r any to I/J raTm d e f i n e a parameter ip ? Y ( G / I R ) beloncrs t o 4 ' in @tern ( R / P 1. bv @(G/lR ) Here it i s h e l p f u l t o r e c a l l t h a t i s t h e map f r o n 17' to IR SL(2,C) = L ( ~ r ^ ( 2 0) ) which a s s i g n s t h e t r i v i a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n t o PRL(2,P). Recall a l s o t h a t t h e u n i p o t e n t conjucracv c l a s s e s i n anv cor'nlex crroun a r e b i j e c t i v e w i t h t h e conjuoacy c l a s s e s o f m a p s o f SL(2,C) i n t o t h e oroun. "he u n i p o t e n t c o n j u o a c v c l a s s e s f o r coriolex crroups h a v e been c l a s s i f i e c 1 hv w e i g h t e d Dynkin diacrrans. i d e n t i f i e d with a p a i r a map from SL(2,C) (4>,p), into Mow a n v ( S e e [I31 .) C 4)' i n which 4> (. QePn i t s r e s t r i c t i o n t o t h e diacronal suborouo o f Thus, contains V (G/IR) @temp( G / R ) (WP) p SL(2.C). can be Y (R/B ) criven up t o coniur'acv bv t h e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n of n i l p o t e n t s it follows t h a t p r o p o s i t i o n 1.3.1: c ip and C 4' ' p prom i s c'eterninec' bv We o b t a i n The n a p c a n be r e g a r d e d a s a s u b s e t o f a s t h e s e t of $ = ($I, p ) with is @(P/l? ) p . It trivial. Conjecture 1.3.2: For any $ ? f(G/IP) , the representations in are all unitarv. suppose that $ = ( 4 ,p) is an arbitrary parapeter in CJ ( P / P ) . Copying a previous definition we set and c ^ The qroup C + C * = c G = c / c0 7 H; * ' c - Cent ( p (SL(2,(C) ,C ) ) , and in narticular 4' Therefore, there are natural fans alwavs eauals is contained in C ill C 4" cH; + 5 It is easy to check that this second man is surjective- In ill 4'other words, there is an injective man from the (irreducible) characters on on C+. Fix $ 6 Y (G/~R) . C ^ to the irreducible characters Take one of the pairinfs discussed above, as well as the associated function classes of C / Z . Me pull back classes of C*/ Isle conjecture that the set . ;2 c on < ,> c C ^ x TT4 ^ on the coniu~acv to a function on the conjucac~r ^ can be enlarme? and the pairin? extended so that all the theorv for ternerecl parameters holds in this more neneral settinc'. Conjecture 1.3.3: representations of which equals 1 on There is a finite set G(3R) ^ which contains nillirreducible TT,, , and an injective nap OF a function f r o "ff ?, into $ all uniouelv determined, with the Â¥ollowin nro- perties. (i) of "fT, v <-,IT> lies in the imaae of C in IT function if and only if the belonas to the subset ^ (ii) The invariant distribution C ^' IT)<l,ir> tr(x) is stable. (If C, is abelian which is certainly the case most of the time, the distribution is E which except for the s i ~ n s in the packet 9' ) s ^ (TI) is just the sum of the characters We shall denote the value of this distribution on the function (1.1.2) bv (iii) Let E ^ (71) tr(r) , F($). be a semisi~pleelement in C,/Z. Let E = Hs be the unique endoscopic group such that so that, in particular,  â C;(G(IR)), and - s )I defines a D is the i m a ~ eof raneter in s in <Z,TI> tr it It is not hard to check the uniaueness assertion of this conjecture. The third condition states that x of depends only on the projection irreducible character 0 C,, onto s and that For anv Clb1 in 7f ' (~1t.r ir(f), if 0 = <-,T>for sore TT? (1.3.5) 1 - 0, otherwise . Assume inductively that the distribution (1.3.4) has been defined and shown to be stable whenever group H = H . is replaced bv a oraoer endoscooic G Since the function f has alreadv been defined on -Hs any stable distribution, the numbers s = x # I, then make sense. To define Â¥n is the representation in ($1 and f(-(f), such that A X(4;,x)( f ) , take with 0 = 1. IF <-,nl> eauals 1, we obtain The distribution is then equal to To complete the inductive definition, it is necessary to show it is stable. TT4; The formula (3.1.5) would then qive the elements in uniquely, but only as virtual characters. The repainin? probler? is to show that the nonzero elements amon? them are linearlv independent, and that up to a s i ~ n(which would serve as the definition of e ) f they are irreducible characters. The packets ff,should have some other nice properties. example, one can associate an R-arou~to any 4; ? Y(G/3R). For Define Rli; to be the quotient of C * by the g r o w of comoonents in Cli;/ZC which act on the identity component bv inner auto~orphis~s.If is not trivial, the identity component will also not be trivial. image of li; Let f be a minimal Levi suboroup of contains the image of $. Then (M/m ) . * The will be contained in a Levi component of a nroper narabolic subaroup of V R G . ^> R which also represents a oarameter in There is' a short exact seauence The group R li; should Govern the reducibility of the induced renresenta- tions where P = is a parabolic suburour) of MN f;. bJote that pG is obtained by unitary induction from a representation which is in oeneral not tempered. Finally, the conjecture should admit extensions in two directions to real aroups which are not necessarily auasi-split, and to pairs (G,a), where automorphisms). a is an autonorphisn of G (~oflulothe aroup OF inner Both will eventually be needed to exploit the trace formula in full qeneralitv. 1.4. Conjecture 1.3.3 is suaaested by the alobal situation, which we will come to later. I do not have much local evidence. The laraest Froup for which I have been able to verifv the conjecture c o ~ ~ l e t e l v is PSp(4). However, even this aroup is instructive. We shall look at three examples which illustrate why it is the parameters ^>,and not I <)>,, which oovern questions of stability of characters. qQwill consist of one representation is not stable. However, each aroup C$ ir such that Tn each tr(ir) will be of order two, and the - nipwill consist of sets T and another renresentation. St is onlv with these laruer sets that we obtain a nice theorv of stability. In each example we will consider parameters such that the projection of ip onto G O ip for G = PSp(4) factors through the endoscopic group with As we have said, will consist of one representation ir. It will be the Langlands quotient of a nonunitaril~induced representation of VJe shall let G(lR). ^ n> TTH packet = representation of irH denote the uni-que representation in the and we shall let of which H (I!?) In order to deal with know something about the be the nonunitarilv induced is the Lann1and.s quotient. Y-parameters on C ( R ) , we must first The L-packets Those with two elements contain discrete series or limits of discrete series. where IT^ pH @-parameters. contain one or two elements. p They are of the form has a VJhitaker model, and irhol is the irreducible Wh representation of PSp(4,K) which combines the holoriorphic and antiT holomorphic (limits of) discrete series for > pairinq <, on Z/2Z C4 on , C4 x and n4 so that Sn(4,P ) . Me take the < - , T ~ ~ ,is ~ >the trivial character < - l h o l > is the nontrivial character. It is not hard to verify that with this choice of pairing, all Shelsta<?.'s functions c(s) may be taken to be 1. In our examples, we shall consider only representations with sinaular infinitesimal character, since these are the most difficult to handle. will now denote the L-packet in the lowest limits of discrete series. series for I? which contains G ( E ) is the lowest discrete irH H (3R ) , (f) for any For this reason, f C c(G(B)). - tr nhOl(f) , On the other hand, it will be clear in each example that with and 0 pH as above. As a distribution on G ( R ) , this 1.ast expression is stable. We will prove the conjecture in each example by lookincr at the expression (1.3.7) for in fp(i()). If ir is the unique representation q ,it will equal To check the stability of this distribution, we will need. to express it as a linear combination of standard characters on construct the packet *' G(TP.). !To then we will have to rewrite the expression as a linear combination of irreducible characters. The term 2 tr irff) is handled by computina the character formula (1.1.3) for the reoresentation IT of G(lR). This can be accomplished bv reducinrr to the case of reaular infinitesimal character throuqh the procedure in [12] an8 then using Voaan's algorithm obtained from the Kazdan-Luszticr conjectures [15]. We will only quote the answer. To deal with f,,($), we shall first write the character formula (1.1.3) for the reoresentation of H(3R ). Since H(3R ) is isomorphic to PGL(2,lP ) x PGL(2,IP.) 11 IT , such formulas are well known. characters on H(lR) Example 1.4.1: T'7e will then lift the resultinc' standard to characters on f Let G(E) usina the renarks above. be given bv the diaorain in which the vertical arrow on the left is the parapeter -For PGL(2,TR) which corresponds to the lowest discrete series, and the inacre of in SL(2,C) is contained in f el}. 1-1 The centralizers are qiven as follows. We write IT 1-1 for the representation in As we have aareec1, then denotes the standard representation of which IT is the 1-1 H quotient, and IT^ and p v denote the corresnondina representations O1-1 P of H(E). The character formula (1.1.3) is easily shown to be On the other hand, from the well known character for~'.ulafor obtain From our formula for tr IT u ( f) we see that this equals I T v we 18 t r ~ ( f +) t r IT hol ( f ) on one hand e o u a l s but can a l s o be w r i t t e n a s From t h e second e x p r e s s i o n we s e e t h a t i t i s s t a b l e . From t h e f i r s t e x p r e s s i o n we s e e t h a t t h e o t h e r a s s e r t i o n s of t h e c o n j e c t u r e hold if we d e f i n e and <., TT P > Oe could have d e f i n e d = @ 1, <- , ThOl> would have been t h e same exceot t h a t C(TP). PRL(2,1P). Define @ Evervthincr These exar-oles a r e t h e l o c a l PSp(4) (See a l s o [ 9 ( d ) ,$ 3 1 . ) Example 1.4.2: . { I T , ~ , I T would ~ ~ ~s t}a n 6 f o r a a n a l o ~ u e sof t h e n o n t e m e r e d cusp forris of Kurakawa [ 7 ] . -1 s o t h a t t h e v e r t i c a l arrow on t h e l e f t corresponded t o a hio-her d i s c r e t e s e r i e s of p a i r of d i s c r e t e s e r i e s of = by t h e diaqram discovered by in which the inacres of pl + p2. pl and pa are contained in {±1} and The centralizers are for the reoresentation in T T , and Follow ^,^2 the notation above. The character formula (1.1.3) can be calculated We write tr IT (f) = IT tr ^1^2 (f) P - tr (f) p ^1^2 Ul - tr On the other hand., fro^ the character formula for t r p (f) - tr p ^11^2 Thus, the distribution Ul (f) - tr p ^2 (f) + tr ) f ( , T I P (5) + tr ~,,^(f) ^2 I T ' ' \-reobtain Ul1^2 - tr IThol(f) on one hand equals but can also be written as (f) - tr tr P . ull^ (f) P - tr ^1 0 (f) + (tr vTATh(?)+ tr nhOl(?)) . p2 From the second expression we see that it is stable. Fror? the first exoression we obtain the other assertions of the conjecture if we define and This example is the local analogue of the nontei"nerer1 cusn forms r'iscovered bv Howe and Piatetski-Shapiro [3]. Example 1.4.3: p, = p2 = u. Define as in the last examie, excent now take This example is perhaps the nost striking. from the previous two in that U; of a proper parabolic subcrroup of subgroup P L L = M M up in the fact that factors throucrh a Levi subnroun '^M "G. (It is the naxinal parabolic whose unipotent radical is abelian.) C ^ It is different is infinite. This shows T'7e write IT notation above. The character formula for ed of the three to compute. tr IT VIP 5 , and follow the for the representation in V-rlJ (f) lJ ll' is the most con~licat- It is tr plJ = IT ,11 ( f ) - tr p (f) v - tr IT ho1 . (f) We also have = trnH 'J,v From our formula for (fH) tr IT 'J 1 lJ (f) and the formula for tr TT v ( f) in Example 1.4.1, we see that this equals tr IT v1lJ (f) - tr IT v (f) . Thus, the distribution f($) = 2 tr IT PIP (f) - fg($) on one hand effuals but can also be written as From the second expression we see that it is stable. From the first excression we obtain the other assertions of the conjecture for the endoscocic aroups G and H if we define 22 €$hrv 1 = = E * (IT U ) and In this example we have a third endoscopic crroun to consider the Levi subcrroup MI which we can identify with factors throuqh M , it defines a parameter in mJi2}. Since Y(M/R). - + TO complete the verification of the conjecture we must show that The packets nt n* M and both consist of one elementl the represen- tation The definitions of Shelstad are set is dual to induction. UD so that the nau Therefore, we will be done i-F we can show that the induced representation pu is the direct sun of character of M(lR ). standard character on GL(2,IR). = Ind pG OR) (E)^ '^ id?.,) and TT . Now, u is a nonternuerec1 unitarv v,vV. It is the difference between a nontemnered v GL(2,IR) and a lowest discrete series on The induced character tr(p) is the difference between thp correspondin? two induced standard characters. The first is just tr(pPrv). The second is a tempered character on ducible; its constituents are character equals IT Wh and vhol. G(IR) which is re- Therefore, our induced It follows that Therefore the order of the R qroup is errual to the number of irrerluc- ible constituents of the induced representation as we would hope. parameter >, Observe that the analowe of the is trivial. R froun ^or the Thus, we see a further exarnnle o'f:behaviour which is tied to the parameter rather than $ > 11' This suoaests a concrete problem. Problem 1.4.4: of the center of morphic to R Ip' trivial element. M(IR). Let zM be the Lie aloebra of the svlit copponent Let w The Peyl oroup of %M be a representative in G(39) of its non- It is known that the corresnonciina intertvinincr operator between and can be normalized accorrlinri to the prescription in [9(b),Appendix 111. Let normalized intertwinin? operator at 'X = 0. whose square is is in this case iso- 1. M(w) be the value o^ the It is a unitarv onerator Its definition is canonical up to a choice of the representative w in G(3R ) . The problem is to show that ~ ( w ) is not a scalar, and more precisely, to show that if the deterninant of w is positive, then 2. A GLOBAL CONJECTURE 2.1. The conjecture we have just stated can be made for anv local field F. If F is non-Archipiedean, however, the Weil CTOUP must be replaced by the crroup introduced in [9(d)l. over F, @(G/F) If G is a reductive auasi-split aroun r'efined must be taken to be the set of ecmivalence classes of maps while to 1 Gtemp(G/F) will be the subset of those pans whose restriction has bounded image, when projected onto define the parameters I) we must add on another ~'(G/F) to be the set of belonas to In or6.er to SJ, (2,C) . Fe t?.?e L ~ Oconjuaacy classes of naps such that the restriction of SL(2,C) 'AGO. @ Qtenp(G/F). to the nroduct of b 1 For anv such ip, with the first the parameter belongs to @ (G/F) . The conjecture also has a global analogue. and let field with adgle ring A, If G G Let F be a global be a reductive group over F. is not split, there are minor complications in the definitions related to endoscopic groups. we shall simply take (See [9(e)].) to be split. G To avoid discussing them Then the global definitions con- nected with endoscopic groups follow exactly the local ones we have qiven. The conjecture will describe the automor~hicreoresentations which are "tempered" in the global sense; that is, representations which occur in the direct integral decomposition of G (A) on 2 L (G( F ) \G ( A )) . However, we cannot use the global Weil group if we want to account for all such representations. For even GL(2) has many cuspidal automorphic representations which will not be attached to two dimensional representations of the Well group. The simplest way to state the global conjecture is to use the conjectural Tannaka group, discussed in I9(d)l. properties hold for the representations of If certain GL(n), Lanqlands points out that there will be a complex, reductive pro-algebraic group G I t e m n (F) whose n-dimensional (complex analytic) representations parametrize the automurphic representations of place. For each place algebraic group v, GL(n,A) which are tempered at each there will also be a complex, reductive pro- G equipped with a map Itemp(v' 1 whose n-ciimensional representations parametrize the temoered representations of The composition of this map with an n-dirensional GL(n,F). representations of G ( ) will give the F -constituent of the corntemp v responding automorphic representation. The sets as the set of y(G/F) which we have defined could also be described L ~ Oconjugacy classes of maps The centralizer in G of the image of flrv is the same as the central- izer of the image of the corresponding parameter associated to the weil group. In other words, and Assumincr the existence of the We make the same definitions ulobally. aroups G and (F) ' t e m p TTtenp let (V' Y(G/F) be the set of conjugacy classes of maps G @: If G il) (: Y(G/F) i Gn tenp F) X SL(2,C) + G' . is any such global parameter, set * c = cent($(% temp (F) x SL(2,C)) , '"GO) , and The composition of the map with )I gives a parameter $v E Y(G/Fv). There are natural maps and Assume that the analogue of the local Conjecture 1..3.3 holds. for each field Fix F . a function finite set n * v , Then for any place Y(G/F). ij; â on E *v and a function global packet' of Bv nV IT = c * G(A) TTv we have a v , a pairing on the conju~acyclasses of C /Zc Define the v to be the set of irreducible representations such that for each vI I T belongs to Define the global pairing and the global function for IT = 4 rV in n+ and x in C+ with i ~ a n e xv Almost all the terms in each product should equal to expect that for any element s C Cq/ZG 1. in C \ . It is reasonable with image s in C /Z_ I *v If this is so, the qlobal pairin? will be canonical. Conjecture 2.1.1: (A) The representations of in the spectral decomposition of metrized by Y(G/F). $ L (G (F)\f;( @ ) ) R(iP) which occur occur in packets ~3-r2- The representations in the packet corresponding to * will occur in the discrete spectrum if and only if C is finite. (B) integer Suppose that d^ ^ C is finite. Then there is a, positive and a homomorphism such that the multiplicity with which anv in I*(G(F)\G{&) ) In particular, if is IT 2.2. ^ d TT C n+ occurs discretelv equals and each C if the character C *v equals <-,IT> Some comments are in order. are abelian, the multinlicitv of' S,, and is zero otherwise. First of all, the introduction the Tannaka groups would seem to put the conjecture on a rather shakv foundation. set C Y(G/F) However, evervthincr nay be formulated without them. is the same as the collection of pairs @temp(G/F) conjugacy by and C 0' fiven un to 0' Included in the conjecture (and also i~qlicitin p is a map from [9(d)I) is the assertion that SL(2,C) atenP(G/F) classes of autonorphic representations of everv place. into (alp), where C is the set of G(/A) 1, eauiv?lence which are tempered at We could simply take this as the definition O-F atepP(O/F). To avoid mentioning the Tannaka group at all, we would need to define ^ for each in oternP(~/~),For then C would just be the cen0 tralizer of the image of p in C If one qrants the existence of cer0 tain liftings, one can show that C is equal to the centralizer in 0 G o of an embedded L-group in G . C - Notice that the conjecture does not specify whether an automorphic representation which occurs in the discrete spectrum is cuspidal or not. Indeed, it is quite possible for a global packet TT^ to contain one re- presentation which is cuspidal and another which occurs in the residual discrete spectrum. (See 121 and also Example 2.4.1 below.) I do not know whether there will be a simple explanation for such behaviour. Multiplicity formulas of the sort we conjecture first appeared in The integer d [8]. was needed there, even for subgroups of Res (GL(2)), to account for distinct global parameters which were E/F everywhere locally equivalent. The sign characters S q are more mvsterious. Suppose that morphism of is the set of fixed points of an outer auto- G GL(n,C).' Then one can observe the existence of such charac- ters from the anticipated properties of the twisted trace formula for GL(n). with The character will be 1 if corresponds to a pair ip trivial; that is, if the representations in p at each local place. 1/2 are tenpered £. will not be trivial, and In general, however, will be built out of the orders at Ti (4),p) of certain L-functions of 4). Incidentally, in the examples I have looked at, both local and alobal, C, the groups C, have all been abelian. is no more than a guess. tions < The extrapolation to nonabelian In fact if C* is nonabelian, the func- may turn out to be only class functions on ,7r> C r and not irreducible characters." 2.3. Let us look at a few examples. Consider first the group The centralizer of any reductive subgroup of * This means that the packet so that a parameter a pap of SL(2,C) \f) L ~ O = ~ ~ ( n is , ~connected. ) (both local and global) should each con- tain only one representation. The groups GL(n,,C) G=GL(n). x.. .x C 4) GL(n,C) will be of the form , will consist of the ter'perec' parameter into this Froup. The representations in 4) an(? TL should belonq to the discrete spectrum (nodulo the center of G(p) ) e=uals Cx. This will be the case nreciselv when * GL(nl,C) and 0 is the irreducible n, dinensional re- if and only if C ' l , C 4) equals presentation of SL(2,C). Then nl will necessarilv divide n, n = n m, and 4) will be identified with a cusnidal autornornhic re1 presentation of GL(m,A) , enbedded diaoonallv in GI,(n). *his prescription for the discrete spectrum of is exactly what is excected. (See [ 4 1 . ) GL(n,A) (modulo the center) It is onlv -For f;L(n) (and closely related froups such as SL(n)) that the distinction between the cuspidal spectrum and the residual discrete snectrur" will be so clear. The multiplicitv forpula of the conjecture is comatihle \.~iththe results of Labesse and Lanolands [ 8 ] For SL(2). More recentlv, flicker [2] has studied the ouasi-split unitarv crroup in three variables. "^he conjecture, or rather its analogue for non-split groups, is comodtible with his results. Langlands has shows [9(b), Appendix 31 that for the split group of type G2 there is an interesting automorphic representation which occurs in the discrete noncuspidal spectrum. Its Archimedean component is infinite dimensional, of class one and is not tempered. of such a representation is predicted by our conjecture. the complex group of type G2. The existence L ~ Ois just It has three unipotent conjugacy classes which meet no proper Levi subgroup. These correspond to the principal unipotent classes of the embedded subgroups where and O 3 Let \ and pi = z SL(3,C) . (<}>,pi) be the parameter in such that Y(G/F) <(> is trivial is the composition SL(2,C) + L 0 Hi + LG0 r in which the map on the left is the one which corresponds to the principal unipotent class in *1 '"~0. The packet G@). ment, the trivial representation of contains one ele- It is the packet which should contain the representation discovered by Lanqlands. remaining representations in which occur in the discrete spectrum, , are presumably cuspidal. as well as all such representations in 2.4. PSn(4) of the three Finally, consider the global analoques for examples we discussed in 51. 4'2 The The global conjecture cannot be proved yet for this group, for there remain unsolved local problems. However, Piatetski-Shapiro has proved the multiplicity formulas of the first two examples below by different methods. (See [lo(a)I , [lo(b)1, [lo(c)I .) Using L-functions and the Weil representation, he reduced the proof to a problem which had been solved by Waldspurger [16]. In each exari~le 4' will be fiven bv the fliaoram For the corres- ond din^ local example in $1 excent that r.7 TR is to be replaced hv G the Tannaka qroup or, as suffices in these exannles, bv TTtenp (') the global ThTeil group Fp. Each p will be a Grossencharacter of order 1 or G 2, and !-T TTtemp (') integer d 4' since the one dimensional renresentations of will be Example 2.4.1: ~ ~ \ e 'all . . co-incide. ~ In each example the 1. This is the example 0-F Kurakawa. Take the (3iaoram in ~xanple1.4.1, letting the vertical arrow on the le^t ~ a r a ~ e t r i zae cuspidal automorphic representation of PGL(2,A). The character T = % v T v As in the local case, we have E4' should be 1 or -1 according to whether the order at s = 1/2 of the standard 1, Gunction Our conjecture states that a representation L(s,T) is even or oftf in the packet TT occurs in the discrete spectrum if and onlv if the character on C, order equals 2 PGL(2,F) T or 1 %J . The local centralizer vrouo C ' V will be of dependin* on whether the reoresentation belongs to the local discrete series or not. belongs to the local discrete series at Then the ~ l o b a lpocket will contain 11 r 2r 11 < T I - > of v cuonose that T rlifferent places. reoresentations. Exactly half of them will occur in the discrete snectruri of L ( c ; (F)\G ( A) ) . (If r = 0, the one reoresentation in occur in the discrete spectruri if and onlv if For a given complex number of PGL(2,A) x sub~roupof G A ~ .It s, nll will %' = l-) consider the representation is an autonorphic reoresentation of a Levi which is cuspidal modulo the center. induced representation of R(A) ^he associate? will have a global intertwining operator, for which we can anticipate a clobal normalizing factor equal to From the theory of Eisenstein series and the exnecteg properties o^ the local normalized intertwining operators, onecan show that TT11 will have a representation in the residual discrete snectrui" if and only if the function above has a pole at case precisely when L(l/2,r) s = 1. does not vanish. This will be the Thus, the nuriber of nll cuspidal automorphic representations in the packet should effual 2r-1 or 2r-1 - 1, denendinc on whether 11(1/2,T) vanishes or not. Exanple 2.4.2: This is the example of Howe and Diatetski-Shapiro. Take the diaoram in Exapple 1.4.2 with E, The character representation should always be 6 IT,,,will occur onlv if the character 1. # v 3. Then Our conjecture states that a in the discrete s~ectrupif and. eouals 1. Each local centralizer m o w will be isomorphic to B/2Z. It follows that the packet TT *v 11' will contain infinitelv nanv reoresentations, and infinitelv rranv 2 should occur discretely in L ( G(F)\G ( A ) ) C . Exam~le2.4.3: Take the diavrar" in Example 1.4.2 with pl = }in. Then Each local centralizer proup * the oacket * since C will be isomorphic to '57i/2%, so 'J'V will contain infinitelv rianv representations. ITowever is infinite, the conjecture states that none of then win. '-1 occur discretely in 3. 3.1. C L^ ( G( F ) \G ( A) ) . THE TRACE FORMULA The conjecture of $ 2 can be motivated by the trace fornula, if one is willing to errant the solutions of several local nrohlens. T,le hope to do this properly on sope future occasion, but at the nonent even this is too larne a task. T'7e shall be content here to discuss ? few ~roblemsconnected with the trace formula, and to relate ther".to the conjecture in the example we have been lookinc' at PSp(4). - the crrou? For a more detailed description of the trace forr'-ula,see the paper [l(b)] and the references listed there. Let G be as in $2, but for six?.plicity, take field of rational nur'.bers 0 . F to be the The trace formula can be recarded as an equality of invariant distributions on P(A) . The distributions on the left are parametrized by the serpisirnwle coniucracv classes in while 0(iC), those on the ricrht are oarainetrized bv cuspidal autoinorohic renresentations associated to Levi components of parabolic subcrrouns of Included in the terms on the left are orbital intearals on G. P(/B) (the distributions in which the semisimple conjuuacy class in G(0) is regular elliptic) and on the rioht are the characters of cnsnirial automorphic representations of Levi subgroup is G itself). (the distributions in which the G(@) In oeneral the terms on the left are in- variant distributions which are obtained natural-lv from weighted orhita intearals on G(A) . The terms on the riuht are siinnler, an3 can he given by a reasonably simple explicit forinula. (See [l(b)l) . The ooal of [9(c)] was to beain an attack on a fundanental problem G - to stabilize the trace formula. The endoscopic croups for are auasi-split groups defined over (p: enc'oscopic groups over the completions f t suppose that for each endoscopic group errbedding H c G H thev can be recrard-ec'.as of 0. As in $1, we we have fixed an admissible which is compatible with equivalence. We also assume that the theory of Shelstad for real crroups has been extenrW to an arbitrary local field. and any endoscopic Froup in c (H(A)) . H Then for any function f <= C ( P ( @ )) we will be able to define a function For example, if f fà is of the torn qVfv, we siinnlv set However, f tributions on will be determined onlv up to evaluation on stable disH(A). To exploit the trace fornula, it will be necessary to express the invariant distributions which occur in terms of stable distributions on the various rrroups IKB.). Kottwitz [ 6 1 has introduced a natural eouivalence relation, called. stable conjuqacy, on the set of conjuoacv classes in reqular semisimple classes. jugacy classes in G(Q), - If 0 0. For any If is an endosco~ic~ o u p for H â is the set of all serisimnle con- let ?5 be the set o^ stable conju~acvclass- es in o ~ ( 8 on ) the 7, set it can be shown that there is GI a natural map from the semisim~lestable conjuoacv classes of One of the main results of [9(e)1 was a formula G(<D). for any f â C;(G(A) elliptic elements. and H(<Ti) to those of S- ) and any class o â 0 consistino of reoular For each endoscopic croun is a stable distribution on H(A) E, . ,(i";,K) is a constant The sum over IJ OH (as well as all such sums below) is taken over the eouivalence classes G. of cuspidal endoscopic croups for Problem 3.1.3: Show that the fornula (3.1.2) hole's ^or an arbitrary stable conjuqacv class 0 in 7. This problem is similar in spirit to that posed bv Conjecture 1.3.3. It is not necessary to construct the stable distributions H S- . One would assume inductivelv that thev had been defined for anv OH H # G. (of course we could not continue to work within the limited category we have adopted for this exposition group with embeddings H CG.) - namely, G is a solit The problem would then amount to showing that the invariant distribution was stable. However, this assertion is still likely to be quite diffi- The problem does not seem tractable, in qenera1,without a good. cult. knowledge of the Fourier transforms of the distributions I-. 0 In any case, assume Problem 3.1.3 has been solved. I(£ = 1^f) I = I(f) Off) Define r 0 and for any f â c (G(A) ) . The expression for each side of the trace formula (3.1.1). absolutely. I (f) is just equal to It is clear that it converoes The same cannot be said of the expression for The problem is discusses in [9(e),VIII.5]. that there are only finitely many 8.12 of [9(e)l.) H must ~ a k ethe assumtion such that f This is certainly true if S(-F). G # 0. (See L e m a is adjoint for then there are onlv finitely panv endoscopic nrouns (un to ecruivalence, of course). Since the constant l(C;,G) ecruals 1, we obtain if we assume inductivelv that the expression used to define verges absolutely whenever ~'(£ H # G. converyes absolutely, and 3 ~ ' con- It follows that the expression -For sG is a stable distribution on C(@) . Moreover, 3.2. An identity (3.1.4) could be used to yield interesting inforpation about the discrete spectrum of GI since there is an explicit formula for The formula is given as a sum of inteorals over vector spaces a / a G' * where over 0 , AM nent M of P = m is a parabolic subcrroun of (t'efined G is the split component of the center o-F the Levi . The most M is the Lie aloebra OF Ap"(lQ) interesting part of the formula is the terr' for which the integral is PI and COFTIO- a actually discrete; in other words, for which p It is onlv this = 17. term that we shall describe. Suppose that P = MN is a parabolic suboroup and that irreducible unitary representation of M(/A) . Let po a is an be the inc'ucert representation where N( A ) , idN is the trivial representation of the unipotent radical and .,.L 2 0 (A(3R) M(Q) \M(&) )o of the subrepresentation of decomposes discretely. M(p) Let W ( a ) on is the o-prinarv component L2 ( A M ( l R ) 0 M ( Q l \M(;A)) be the Weyl croup of a , which and let ^ reo be the subset of elements in Ta7(a!K) whose snace 06 Fixefi. vectors is a,,. For any w in ItT(a ) let T ( w ) be the (unnorralizeri) M global intertwining operator from Po to Pwo- For anv function f S c(G(A)), define where the first sum is over pairs G(Q) conjuqacv. Then formula for (3.2.1). I as above, with (M,u) M given up to is the "discrete part" of the explicit Here we have obscured a technical coriolication for the sake of simplicity. It is not known that the sup over 5 (3.2.2) converges absolutely (althouoh one expects it to do so). in In order to insure absolute convercence, one should reallv nroun the snpmands in (3.2.2) withothex components of I(f) in a wav that takes account of the decomposition on the riuht hand side of (3.2.1). We expect to be able to isolate the various contributions of (3.1.4) to the distribution (for every for any f ? G) c (G( A ) The distribution H distributions S for This would mean that we could find a stable distribution would be stable. H I . I . ) . G S+ on G(p) such that Said another way, the distribution Now this is actually a rather concrete assertion. I+ is certainly oiven bv a concrete formula, and the are defined inductivelv in terns of the fornulas Moreover, Kottwitz has recently evaluated the constants ,(G,H). We will not qive the general formula, but if are both split groups, where ,(G,H) H = H eauals ~ o r r n ( s ~ ~ , ~denotes G~) the aroup of elements normalize the coset an8 i"; in 0 'GO which sZG. A formula like (3.2.3) will have interestin? implications -For the discrete spectrum of Consider the one dinensional autororwhic G. representations of the various endoscopic aroups PSp(4,lR) suqqest that for H # G, F. Our exa~nlesFor the contributions of such one di- mensional representations to the riaht hand side of (3.2.3) will not be stable distributions of f. Thev wil1"have to corresnonr' to sor'ethinn in the formula (3.2.2) for I+(f). Suwpose that sore one dimensional representations cannot be accounted for bv anv terms in (3.2.2) indexed by (M,o), with M = G. M # G. Then thev will have to correspond to t e r m with In other words, they ought to qive rise to interestino nonter'per- ed automorphic representations of G(A) which occur in the discrete spectrum. It is implicit in our conjecture that we should index the one climensional automorphic representations of in which the image of of SL(2,C) W (P in H 0 H(D) bv paps commutes with !I0 and the ipiaae corresponds to the principal unipotent in H . (For the correspondence between unipotent conjuaacv classes and representations of SL(2,C), see [13].) It is of course easv to do this. clear is why we should do it. dimensional representations of without it? Whv introduce an H(A) SL(2,C) What is not when the one can be describe$ oerfectlv well According to the conjecture, the SL(2,C) factor will he essential in describing the correspondin9 automorphic representations of G ( b ) of H(A) . In particular, a one dimensional autoip.orohic representation should aive rise to automoprhic representations of which occur discretely (modulo the center of the iraaqe of W 15 x SL(2,C) G L ~ . shall examine this auestion PSp(4). Consider the example of 3.3. Q, if and onlv if under composition lies in no proper Levi subqroup of for G(A) ) G ( A ) G G = PSp(4). As a reductive Group over has only two cuspidal endoscopic qroups (up to equivalence) - itself, and with Let us look at the formula (3.2.3) in this case. equals 1. has order Since The constant 1 (G,G) The Froup 2, the nontrivial element beinci the coset of the ri-atrix we have The group 'S + has no proper cuspidal endoscopic oroun. H eauals 1 ; . This peans that and so is civen bv the formula (3.2.2). Forpula (3.2.3) is then euuivalent to the assertion that the distribution is stable. Since the distribution is neither stable nor tempered, the assertion would r'ive interestinr' information about the discrete spectrui".of R. The one dimensional autoroorphic representations of where in p, {+I}. where w1 and each and u2 F. are lust are Grossencharacters whose imar'es are container' For anv such representation define is the projection of w onto the connutator quotient of pi(wl) is identified with a central elenent in As we did for real groups, we define a r"ao SL(2,rT). W Q ' as the composition of the map with ^ fTF Then the global L-nacket it). eouals exactly one element. the representation (3.3.1). the natural embedding of W SL(2,C) x ft into c G , H G . fTi, 9v we identify each it) an? contains comvosinc"'with with a ~anninr' In this wav we obtain parameters in They are just the ones considered in Examples 2.4.2 and 2.4.7. Y(G/Q). The contribution of equals the product of $ it) and to the richt hand si8.e o* (3.2.3) H with the character of the representation (3.3.1) evaluated at for G(3R) parameters f . Assume that the Examples 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 carry over to each local croup W P ) . Then to the local $ I . rackets ? Y(G/<r>), obtained fror' we have the local I ) . On these packets. the sians are all E 1. 1-F *v the contribution of where sv )I and is the image of H s to (3.2.3) is just in ' C V onto . C This becomes V if we assume the nroduct formula /ZG and - sv is its nroiection Suppose that ul = p2 = p. The conjecture reauires that (3.3.2) should be cancelled by a term in (3.2.2) indexed bv M # G. The proiection of the inaae of $ onto (Pro) with is conjucrate to a subaroup of where and But M Pi0 of Then G o is the identity component o-F the L-crroup of a Levi suboroun which is isomor~hicto GL(2). Set can be reqarded as an automorphic representation of occurs discretely (~odulothe center of M(A)). which M It is the pair (Pilo) whose contribution to (3.2.2) we will compare with (3.3.2). Let w be a representative in of the Weyl qroup W(a). of the nontrivial element The representation of an automorphic representation of The contribution of G(0) PGL(2). o is a lift to It is fixed by (M,o) to the formula (3.2.2) for I+(f) GL(2) ad(w). is (3.3.4) since We can expect a decomposition of T(w) p. 2821.) into local normalized intertwining operators. If <f>-, is the three dimensional reoresentation of tained by composing $$ (3.3.3), and m(w) I$-, (See [ Q ( b ) , ob9 with the adjoint representation of the crroup 71 is its contraaradient, the global nornalizincr factor equals One checks that it equals where uv Therefore, (3.3.4) equals 1. is the character y(det ( - ) ) on local component of the Grossencharacter p. RL(2,Qv), with pv the "ith a resolution to Problem 1.4.4, or rather its analoc'ue for each nlace v, the expression would become This is just (3.3.2). Thus, when pl - p2 = p, group, the contribution of $ so that and H $ factors through a Levi sub- to (3.2.3) v~ouldbe cor'wletelv cancelled by a term in ( 3 . 2 . 2 ) T$ with f # C. This suncrests that such contribute nothino to the discrete spectrum of G(A) , as nredicted by the conjecture. In order for the two terns above to cancel, it was essential that 3.4. 1 (GIH) = l ~ ( a ) 1 the oomnon value, we recall, bein@ . This fact mav be interpreted as a combinatorial property of the complex croup * c = The generalization of this ~ropertywill be a kev to affectincr sir'ilar cancellations for arbitrary croups. Let C be the set of co~plexwoints of a copi~lexreductive algebraic qroup. We do not assurse that the identity component of and let W Me shall describe it. C. Let be the normalizer of C is connected. Let c he 0 be a Cartan subgroup of C , 0 in C, modulo T . Then W is To To an extension of the Weyl Troup of Let "rec value. If where n(w) (C0,T0) . It acts on be the set of elements in T'J w is any element in 1-7, To and on its Lie alr-ehra. for which 1 is not an eioen- set equals the number of positive roots of 0 ( C ,'? 0 ) which are mapped by v to necrative roots. ( E (w) is independent o^ how the positive roots are chosen.) For each connected corponent x of C we define where W in x. (x) is the set of elements in Wreq induced1 frori noints reg The number i(x) is a sort of scalar analogue of the invariant distribution (3.2.2). For each component x 0 C -orbits of elements in of x C, let Orb(C0 ,x) be the set o-F for which the acljoint riap (as a linear operator on the Lie algebra of C ) is seriisiriple. I? s belongs to any of the orbits,*the crrouo satisfies the same hypothesis as C. Its conjuc'acv class in C' pends only on the orbit of s. The number of connected components in C also depends only on the orbit of de- It is possible to define uniquely a number .a(C), for every group C, which depends only on C 0, and vanishes unless the center of s. c0 is finite, such that for every group C. Indeed, there are only finitely rianv orbits s in 0 0 Orb(C ,C ) such -that the center of Cs is finite, so we can define o(C) inductivelv bv this last eauation. We see inductively that it r1 depends only on c". The numbers o(C) are scalar analogues of the stable distribution defined by (3.2.3). Theorem 3.4.2: Plith the possible exclusion OF the case that ' C has exceptional simple factors, we have for every component x of C. The details will avpear in [l(c)]. to look at the exceptional qroups.) (I have not yet had a chance Equations (1.3.6). (3.1.21 and (3.4.11 are all in the same spirit. They each provide an inductive definition for a set of objects (stable distributions, for example) in tern's of oiven objects (such as invariant distributions). The inductive definition in each case is bv a over indices which are closely related to endoscopic crroups. (1.3.6) and ( 3.1.2) should have twisted analocrues. SLIP Equations These should be true identities, involvinq the objects defined by the oricrinal equations. The twisted analo-e of (3.4.1) we have just encountere$. It is the formula (3.4.3). REFERENCES Arthur, J., (a) & theorem on the Schwartz svaee of a re6uctive L<e arouoProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 72 (1975), 4718-4719. (b) The trace formula for reductive arouos, to annear in Dubl. Math. de l'university Paris VII. (c) In preparation. -- Flicker, Y., L-packets & liftings for U(3), preorint. Howe, R., and Piatetski-Shaoiro, I., A counter-example to the "generalized Tamanujan conjecture" f o r errouns, Proc. Svmoos. 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Steinberg, R . , Torsion $ reductive uroups, Advances in Tfath. 15 (1975), 63-32. 15. Vo~an.D., Complex aeometry groups, preprint . 16. Waldspurger, J.L., Correspondence Preprint. Note added in proof: representations 0 2 reductive Shimura auaternions. in the local Conjecture £4 in the global Conjecture 2.1.1 should The sign function s 1.3.3 and the sign character both have simple formulas. Suppose that is given as in Conjecture 1.3.3. *' belongs to the centralizer C Then E, Then Let - b * be the image of should be given in terms of the pairing on e (IT) = ^1 <A,,lT>, In particular, if the ur-ipotent element C * x A IT 4) 4) in C., by T e n 4)' in G O is even, the function Suppose that F is olobal and is qiven as in Conjecture 2.1.1. be the Lie algebra of will be identically 1. E, Assume that * C is finite. Let g G O , and define a finite dimensional representa- tion for c â ‚ ID ' w ? G n and g â temp ( F ) SL(2 ,S) . Then there is a decomposition where ti, a given \ and pi are irreducible (finite-dimensional) representa- i, the represents-tion @ is equivalent to its contragredient. Then from the anticipated functional equation of the L-function L(b,^), Let we see that I- be the set of such indices '!' equals i such that 1 E ( ~ , @ Jactually ~) -1, and such that in addition, the dimension of pi is even. Then the sign character should be given by Such a formula (assuminq it is true) is rather intruiginq. It ties 1 the values of €-facto at in an essential way to multiplicities of cusp forms, and it also suggests that the adjoint representation of the L-group might play some role in questions of L-indistinguishability.