CERTIFICATE AND STATEMENT OF CANDIDATE EXTENDED RESEARCH OR MINOR THESIS To be submitted with extended research or minor thesis. LAW5083 Extended research of 12,000 -15,000 words (12 credit points / 2 units) LAW5084 Minor thesis of 25,000 - 30,000 words (24 credit points / 4 units) 1. I agree that this thesis may be made available for consultation within the University. 2. I agree that the thesis may be made available for photocopying by any individual for the purpose of private study and research. 3. I note that my consent is required to cover only a three year period following submission of my thesis. 4. This thesis contains no material previously written or published by myself or another person, except when due reference or acknowledgment is made. 5. No other person has collaborated in the preparation of this thesis. 6. *This thesis contains no material which has previously been submitted or accepted for examination in this or any other University (whether at the undergraduate or postgraduate level). OR *This thesis does incorporate work previously submitted or accepted for examination in this or any other University (either at the undergraduate or postgraduate level) and this has been fully disclosed in the thesis and approved by my supervisor, after proper consultation. Student name .................................................................. Signed .................................................................. Dated .................................................................. * Strike out whichever is not applicable Page 1 of 1