CALENDAR OF STEM RELATED EVENTS SPRING 2016 Date Time Location Event title 12PM – 2PM M136 Welcome back/ Introduction to study skills/ Meet our faculty members 5:30PM – 7PM 4 PM 12PM – 2PM 12PM – 1PM 1PM – 2PM S-112 Monthly Chemistry meeting of the ACS long Island section S 412 SUUL S-413 S-413 10 AM-1PM L-302 2/24/2016 2/26/2016 3/2/16 12PM – 2PM 1PM-2PM 12PM – 2PM M-136 M-136 S-111 Lab safety Training by faculty for research students Club fair Math workshop How to study for Anatomy & Physiology or any Biology class? How to succeed in Biology 201 Stem Honors Students SciFinder workshop I **all students doing research** “How to be a Successful Transfer Student” 3/3/2016 5:30PM – 7PM 12:30-1:00 PM S-112 2/3/2016 2/4/16 2/5/16 2/10/16 2/17/16 2/17/16 2/19/2016 2/19/16 3/2/2016 3/9/16 3/11/16 ??? Holocaust Center Oakland not available?? ? L-302 Speakers Dr. Carol J. Alleyne Ms. Francesca Berrouët Dr. Mercedes Franco Dr. Nidhi Gadura Dr. Patricia Schnieder Dr. Paris Svoronos Dr. Moni Chauhan Mr. Scott Beltzer (STEM Adviser) Dr. Wajngurt, Clara Dr. Tawde Dr. Schneider Dr. Kim, Mi-Seon Dr. M. Roth (City College) Dr. Deb Chakravarti, York College Career day in STEM and Health related fields What does it take to succeed in STEM? What are my careers options explore? (Transfer opportunities/ the importance of bonding with faculties /panels/STEM dating/ library database) Monthly Chemistry meeting of the ACS long Island section Dr. Stephen Fearnley-York College CSTEP Club: Tour of the Holocaust Resource Center Jeannie Buxo Career day in STEM and Health related fields/ follow up/Break out session /STEM dating SciFinder workshop II Dr. Kim, Mi-Seon CALENDAR OF STEM RELATED EVENTS SPRING 2016 Date Time Location Event title Speakers 3/16/16 12-2pm S-413 CSTEP CLUB: Stress Management/Time Management Workshop Linda Ostrowe, LMHC 3/16/16 12PM – 1PM S 111 S112 and M 136 not available How to prepare for advisement 3/16/2016 3/23/16 3/30/2016 4/6/2016 4/7/2016 1PM-2PM 3PM – 4PM 12PM – 1PM 12 PM- 2PM 5:30PM – 7PM 12-2PM 12-2PM 4/13/2016 4/20/16 5/6/2016 TBA TBA 12PM – 2PM 5:30PM – 7PM 12PM – 5PM 5/7/2016 8 AM-4 PM 5/11/2016 12PM – 2PM 4/20/2016 4/22/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 S 111 S-112 M-136 S-112 M-136 SUUL not available TBA S-111 TBA S-111 or S112 ?? M 136, Medical Arts Lehman College Oakland Dining room Seminar, Dr. Megan Owen, Lehman College Friday Schedule/ Advisement II Guest Speaker Seminar Dr. Jun Liang Transfer day for Spring 2017 Monthly Chemistry meeting of the ACS long Island section “Evolving Role of Genetics Counseling” QCC STEM day with Earth day Dr. Stephen Fearnley-York College Dr. K. Kessler Dr. Ludman ,Queens College Chemistry Challenge How to prepare for final exams Monthly Chemistry meeting of the ACS long Island section Honors Conference Undergraduate Research Symposium CSTEP Award Ceremony S 223 cancelled CALENDAR OF STEM RELATED EVENTS SPRING 2016 Date Time Location Event title 6/9/2016 – 6/12/2016 TBA College of Mount Saint Vincent, Riverdale, NY 44th ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) Speakers