Series These notes review the most basic definitions and properties of series. Definition 1 (a) A sequence, sℓ ℓ∈IN = s1 , s2 , s3 , · · · , is an (ordered) infinite list of numbers. (b) A sequence sℓ ℓ∈IN is said to converge to S, denoted lim sℓ = S, if sℓ approaches S as ℓ tends to infinity. The full technical definition is ∀ ε > 0 ∃ L > 0 such that ℓ→∞ sℓ − S < ε whenever ℓ > L A sequence which does not converge is said to diverge. (c) A series is an infinite sum ∞ P an . n=0 ∞ ∞ P P (d) A series an is said to converge to S, denoted an = S, if the sequence of partial n=0 n=0 n o ℓ P sums, sℓ = an , converges to S. A series which does not converge is said to n=0 diverge. (e) A series number. ∞ P ℓ∈IN an is said to converge absolutely if the series n=0 ∞ P |an | converges to a finite n=0 (f) A power series is a series of the form ∞ P an (z − z0 )n . n=0 Example 2 (The Geometric Series) The geometric series is the power series ∞ P az n . n=0 If z 6= 1, then (1 − z)(1 + z + z 2 + · · · + z ℓ ) = 1 − z ℓ+1 (just multiply out the left hand side) so that ℓ X n=0 az n = a 1 − z ℓ+1 1−z As ℓ tends to ∞, z ℓ+1 tends to zero if |z| < 1 and tends to infinity if |z| > 1. So, 1 if |z| < 1 and diverges if |z| > 1. If |z| = 1, the the geometric series converges to a 1−z geometric series diverges too, by Theorem 3.a, below. c Joel Feldman. 2012. All rights reserved. March 4, 2012 Series 1 Theorem 3 Let {an }n∈IN∪{0} , {cn }n∈IN∪{0} and {dn }n∈IN∪{0} be sequences of complex numbers. Then ∞ P (a) (Divergence Test or nth Term Test) If an converges, then lim an = 0. n→∞ n=0 (b) If ∞ P an converges absolutely, then it converges too. n=0 (c) (Comparison Test) Let N0 ∈ IN. (i) If |an | ≤ cn for all n ≥ N0 and ∞ P cn converges, then n=0 (ii) If an ≥ dn ≥ 0 for all n ≥ N0 and ∞ P an converges absolutely. n=0 ∞ P dn diverges, then n=0 ∞ P an diverges. n=0 ∞ P (d) (Radius of Convergence) Each power series an (z − z0 )n has a characteristic “num- n=0 ber”, 0 ≤ R ≤ ∞, called its radius of convergence, with the property that ◦ the series converges absolutely for each z ∈ C obeying |z − z0 | < R and ◦ the series diverges for each z ∈ C obeying |z − z0 | > R. Remark. The radius of convergence of a power series provides no information about whether or not the series converges when |z − z0 | = R. Proof: Denote the partial sums sℓ = Pℓ n=0 an . (a) Assume that the series converges to S. As n → ∞, n − 1 → ∞ too, so that lim sn = lim sn−1 = S n→∞ n→∞ and lim an = lim (sn − sn−1 ) = lim sn − lim sn−1 = S − S = 0 n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ n→∞ P∞ P∞ Pℓ (b) Denote by tℓ = n=0 an the partial sums for n=0 an . By hypothesis, n=0 an converges to some finite number T . So ∞ X an = lim T − tℓ = 0 lim ℓ→∞ n=ℓ+1 ℓ→∞ and for all m > 0 ℓ+m ∞ X X X ℓ+m ℓ→∞ sℓ+m − sℓ = an −→ 0 a ≤ a ≤ n n n=ℓ+1 c Joel Feldman. 2012. All rights reserved. n=ℓ+1 n=ℓ+1 March 4, 2012 Series 2 This is saying that the partial sums sℓ are getting closer and closer together as ℓ increases. Sequences sℓ with this property are called “Cauchy sequences”. There is a property of C (and also a property of IR) called “completeness” which says that every Cauchy sequence converges. (Roughly speaking if the numbers in a sequence get closer and closer to each other then they also get closer and closer to some fixed number.) n o Pℓ (c.i) The sequence sℓ = n=0 |an | is monotonically increasing (i.e. if ℓ′ > ℓ, then sℓ′ ≥ PN0 −1 P∞ sℓ ) and bounded above by n=0 |an | + n=N0 cn and hence converges (by completeness P∞ once again). So n=0 an converges absolutely and hence also converges by part (b). P∞ P∞ (c.ii) If n=0 an were to converge, then n=0 dn would also converge by part (c.i). This is a contradiction. (d) Step 1: We first observe that ◦ if ρ > 0 has the property that there is an N0 ∈ IN such that |an | ≤ ρ1n for all n ≥ N0 , ◦ then the series converges absolutely for all z ∈ C obeying |z − z0 | < ρ by the comparison test (part (c.i) of this theorem) with an replaced by an (z − z0 )n and 0| n . Here we used that if |an | ≤ ρ1n then |an (z − z0 )n | ≤ cn and that, when cn = |z−z ρ P∞ 0| < 1 so that |z − z0 | < ρ, we have that |z−z n=0 cn is a convergent geometric series. ρ Step 2: G= Denote ρ > 0 there is an N0 ∈ IN such that |an | ≤ 1 ρn for all n ≥ N0 Observe that if ρ ∈ G and 0 < ρ′ < ρ, then ρ1n < ρ1′ n so that ρ′ ∈ G too. So there are three possibilities. ◦ G is the empty set. In this case, set R = 0. ◦ G is the entire positive half, (0, ∞), of the real line. In this case, set R = ∞. ◦ G is an interval of the form (0, r) or of the form (0, r] for some 0 < r < ∞. In this case, set R = r. In all of these cases, Step 1 says that the series converges absolutely for each z obeying |z − z0 | < R. Step 3: It only remains to prove that if |z − z0 | > R (with the R chosen in Step 2), then the series diverges. So fix any z ∈ C with |z − z0 | > R and set ρ = |z − z0 |. Then ρ is not in G. So there does not exist an N0 ∈ IN with |an | ≤ ρ1n for all n ≥ N0 . So there must exist a sequence n1 , n2 , n3 , · · · of natural numbers, that tend to infinity, such that P∞ |anℓ | > ρn1ℓ , and hence anℓ (z − z0 )nℓ > 1, for each ℓ. But this forces n=0 an (z − z0 )n to diverge by the nth term test (part (a) of this theorem). c Joel Feldman. 2012. All rights reserved. March 4, 2012 Series 3 P∞ P∞ Theorem 4 If n=0 an z n and n=0 bn z n both converge for |z| < R, then P∞ (a) so does n=0 (an + bn )z n and ∞ X (an + bn )z n = n=0 ∞ X n=0 for all |z| < R and P∞ (b) so does n=0 can z n and ∞ X n can z = c n=0 for all |z| < R and P∞ (c) so does n=1 nan z n−1 and an z n + ∞ X ∞ X bn z n n=0 ∞ X an z n n=0 nan z n−1 = d dz n=1 ∞ X an z n n=0 for all |z| < R and P∞ Pn (d) so does n=0 can z n where cn = ℓ=0 aℓ bn−ℓ and ∞ X n cn z = n=0 X ∞ an z n=0 n X ∞ for all |z| < R and (e) if Γ is a contour in z ∈ C |z| < R , then Z hX ∞ Γ c Joel Feldman. n=0 2012. All rights reserved. an z n i bn z n=0 dz = ∞ X n=0 an Z n z n dz Γ March 4, 2012 Series 4