Cenozoicstratigraphyand structureof theSocorropeak volcaniccenter,central NewMexico:a summary byRichard M Chamberlin, Economic Geologist, NewMexico Bureau of Mines& Mineral Resources, Socorro. NM The purposeof this articleis to reviewhigh_ lights of recent work on the Socorro pJak volcanic centerand to summarizea lengthy dissertation(Chamberlin,I 980).The geologit framework of the Socorro geothermalaria, which includesall of the Socorro peak vol- progress)hasshownthat the Socorrocauldron is a segmentof a very large cauldron from which the Hells MesaTuff was eruptedabout 33 m.y. ago. Thesenew data requiresomerevisions of the stratigraphic sequenceand cauldron relationships in the Socorro peak area as previously described(Chapin and others, 1978;Chamberlin,1980).New stratigraphicunits describedby Chamberlin(19g0) appearin italics; thesenamesare being for_ malized by Osburn and Chapin (in preparation). Geologicsetting In central New Mexico, the Rio Granderift has broken a northeast-trendingchain of Oligocenecauldronsand surroundingvolcanic plateau(part of the Datil-Mogollon volcanic field) into a seriesof north-trending,tilted, fault-block ranges and alluvial basins. The cauldronslie alongthe ancientcrustalflaw of the Morencilineament,which hasbeenreactivated within the rift as a deep-seated zone of lateral shearing(Chapin and others, l97g). This transverse shearzoneis a diffusedomain boundary at the surface, where it separates fields of tilted fault blocks that are stepped down and rotated in opposingdirectioni. In crosssection,the closelyspacedfault blocks look similar to a train of fallen dominoes (Chamberlin,1978). The Socorro Peak volcanic cenrer(fig. l) lies within the rift at the east end of the cauldroncomplex,The threemountainranges and two flanking basinsof the map ruea expose strata that range in age from precam_ brian to Holocene(fig. 2). dipping sectionon the resurgentdome in the northern ChupaderaMountains. Previously, this cauldron-faciestuff was correlatedwith the 28-m.y.-old Lemitar Tuff (Chapin and others,1978;Chamberlin,1980). The greatthicknessof the intracalderaHells Mesa Tuff and the presenceof welded-tuff mesobreccias (rich in fragmentsof Precambrian rocks)are indicativeof subsidence contemporaneouswith the ash-flow eruptions, The mesobreccias were most likelv derived !o couldron morgin Eoto resurgenl dome KIil ol to oaaao D from caving of an oversteepened wall on the southeastrim of the caldera (Eggleston,in progress).Beddedlag-fall brecciasat the top of the cauldron-faciessection contain fragmentsof semicongealed magmablown out of a nearbyignimbritevent. The northeastern structural-topographic margin of the Socorrocauldronis exposedin west-tiltedstrata on the eastface of Socorro Peak. Here, landslidedepositsderivedfrom precaldera strata (Madera Limestone and SpearsFormation)are bankedagainstthe topographicwall of the caldera.During resurgence,a moatlike area betweenthe resurgent dome and calderawall was filled to overflowing by alternatingeruptions of andesite-torhyodacitelavasand lithic-rich,rhyolitic ashflow tuffs. High-silica rhyolite domes and tuffs then capped the moat sequence.Assigned to the Luis Lopez Formation, these moat depositsrange from 800 m, near the moat axis, to less than 200 m thick at the buriedcalderawall. During filling, minor subsidenceof the moat areaoccurredalong faults NEW s[ MEXTCO $ss++ mop oreo foull downside -rr * volconic vent lc Oligocenecauldrons I Tower mine Strongly tilted (35-60 degrees)Oligocene fle. 1f Grefco mine volcanicstrata exposedin rangesof the Solmi lkm corro Peakvolcaniccenterrepresentremnants Ti of the northeastern part of the resurgent Socorrocauldronthat is now correlatedwith paleozoicand precameruption of the Hells Mesa Tuff. Approx- FIGURE l-GrNEnel-lzEDcEot-octcMApoF THESoconnoPpnxvoLceNrccENTER; brian rocks (Pz), Oligocenevolcanic rocks (To), Miocene PopotosaFormation (Tm), late Miocene imately 0.9 km of denselyweldedcauldronlocgrro Peak Rhyotite (Ts), Oligoceneand Miocene intrusive rocks (Ti), Plioceneto pleistoceneSierra facies Hells Mesa Tuff is exposedin an eastLadronesFormationand olderpiedmontgravels(erp), andlate alluvium(e). euate;naiy May l98l NewMexico Geology blocksthat weretilted 5- l5 degrees'However, the distribution of the "synrift" (synchronous with rifting) tuff was not significantly affected because100-200 m of potential fault-block Surficial deposits rpproxlmrlc topography was filled in by wedge-shaped rgc In m.y. (middleto late Quaternary) lavas(Chamberlin' prismsof basaltic-andesite 1978). SantaFe Croup: (Mioceneto Pleistocene) In the Socorroarea, nearthe axis of the rift, Sierra crustal extension has been accommodated Ladrones 4 basaltof SedilloHill Formation mostly by progressiveslipping and rotation of closely spaced, originally high-angle normal upper faults (referred to here as domino-style norbasaltof BearCanyon Popotosa l2-7 SocorroPeakRhyolite mal faulting). After 20-30 degreesof rotation Formation the original set of domino faults is abandoned basaltof Kelly Ranch and the processcontinueson a second(and lower PopotosaFormation third and so on) setof domino blocks (Morton Black, 1975).Thus, steeplytilted Oligorocksof the Datil-Mogollon volcanicfield (Oli- and cenestrata are typically repeatedby low-angle gocene) normal faults (fig. l, cuspatefault traces) 26 tuff of SouthCanyon representing rotated early-rift faults. RelaupperLa Jara Peak tively rapid periodsof domino rotation, peneBasalticAndesite contemporaneouswith silicic volcanism, are 28 Lemitar Tulf believedto reflect extremeheat flow and duc*unit of Sixmile middle La JaraPeak tile necking of the lithosphere at relatively BasalticAndesite Canyon(calderafill) shallowdepths(Chamberlin,1978). The Socorro Peak volcanic centerlies along A-L PeakTuff: pinnaclesmember the Morenci lineament, a deeply penetrating lower La Jara PeakBasalticAndesite crustalflaw with a markedtendencyto "leak" magmas(Chapin and others, 1978).Within 30 A-L PeakTuff: flow-bandedmember the rift, crustal extensionin opposing direc33-29 L uis L op ez For mat i on (caldera f ill) tions has beenaccommodatedat depth by lat33 H^e[sMesarurr shearingalong the lineament.North of I :l,T::l*'uT:#'"" eral 31 'sPearsrormatlon J Socorropeak this transverseshearzone, domino blocks are # rotated westerly,and to the south they are MaderaLimestone(Pennsylvanian) rotated easterly. Where the transverseshear SandiaFormation (Pennsylvanian) zone transects the Socorro Peak volcanic center(fig. l) it appearsto be a diffuse 8-kmPrecambrianrocks wide zone of discontinuoustransversehinge or rnr So- faults and scissorsfaults that have accomFIGURE 2-Rrvrspo srRArrcRApHy coRRoPEAKvolcANrccErrrn (modifiedafter modated differential rotation of the domino 1980);asteriskindicates Chamberlin, unit present blocks. Narrow horsts and grabensformed by in subsurface only. local overlap of opposing domino sets are relatively common in the fransverse shear partly outlining the resurgentdome and along zone. Dips of strata generallydecreasetoward ring fractures at the margin; many of these the axis of the shear zone that is locally faults actedas feederdikes. markedby a null line of flat-toppedmesas' was About 30 m.y. ago, the A-L Peak Tuff erupted from the dumbbell-shapedSawmill Early rift basins Canyon and Magdalena cauldrons (Chapin Moderately tilted (10-30 degrees)Miocene and others, 1978), which overlap the very large Socorro cauldron as redefined.Near the strata of the PopotosaFormation, which crop Tower mine (fig. l), the resurgentdome of the out in the rangesand pedimentedbasin-margin Socorro cauldron is truncated by an arcuate blocks, represent fill of early-rift closed fault zone that marks the easternedgeof the basins.By the early Miocene,domino-styleextension had produced a broad sag acrossthe Sawmill Canyoncauldron. The easternhalf of the Sawmill Canyon cauldron is filled with an rift. The distendedfloor of the lower Popoanomalouslythick section(0.5 km) of Lemitar tosa Basin in the Socorro Peak area was Tuff that may haveflowed into the preexisting underlain by domino blocks tilted as much as 30 degrees.During the interval 25-20(?)m.y. Sawmill Canyon depressionfrom a sourceto ago, as much as 3fi) m of heterolithic mudthewest. flows and conglomerates,which are now Developmentof rift structures anomalous in their extreme induration and In the southern Lemitar Mountains, brick-red color, were shed northward off rhyolite to high-silicarhyolite ash-flow sheets cauldron-relatedhighlands.The unusualcharacter of the red mudflow faciesmay be due to of the A-L Peak Tuff, Lemitar Tuff, andtuff of South Canyonare separatedby threenorth- contemporaneoushot-spring activity in the ward-thickeningtonguesof the La Jara Peak source area or to alteration during a subseBasaltic Andesite (redefined). This bimodal quent geothermal event. Widespread potassium metasomatismof the Oligocenevolcanic magmatic associationmarks the onset of rifting about 30 m.y. ago (Chapin, 1979).The rocks in the Socorro-Magdalenaarea(Chapin compositionally zoned (64-77 percent SiOr) and others, 1978)may be related to either an early Miocenehydrothermal event (ChamberLemitar outflow sheet covered early rift Stratigraphic units =-l-- lin, 1980) or a late Miocene hydrothermal event,or to both. At SocorroPeak, the red mudflow facies intertongueswith more normal-looking gray fanglomeratesshed from a persistent eastern margin of the Popotosa Basin. Oligocene rhyolite domes near the cauldron margin initially formed a topographic barrier separatingthe red and gray facies. By middle Miocenetime, about 20-12m.y. ago, the heat-flow regimeof the Datil volcanic period had dissipated.This causeda changein the style of rifting to that of wide tilted-block uplifts and basins (wide dominoes?).At this time, a largetilted block formed in the MagdaIena area, approximately 15 km to the west, which changedthe axis of the PopotosaBasin to a north-southtrend.During this period' the Socorro Peak areawas coveredby as rnuch as 800 m of playa deposits.Thesegypsum-bearing, calcareous,playa claystonesintertongu€ wilh pale-redand buff-colored distal alluvialfan deposits(conglomeraticsandstones)at the eastand west fringes of the map area. At the Grefco perlitemine (fie. l) uppermostPopotosa fanglomerates,which were derived from highlandseastof the modern Rio Grandevalley (Socorro Basin), bury the north flank of this 7-m.y.-oldrhyolitedome' From 12 m.y. to 7 m.y. ago, numeroussilicic domesand tuffs of the SocorroPeok Rhyotite, which range from early rhyodacitesto late-stagehigh-silica rhyolites, were periodically erupted onto the playa floor contemporaneouswith ongoing sedimentation. The Socorro Peak volcanic center is essentially defined by this cluster of late Miocene silicic domesthat now form the highlandsof the Socorro Mountains. The vents for these domes delineatea north-northwest-tr€ndingintrusive belt, about I I km long, which is widestwhere it crossesthe buried ring-fracture zone of the Socorro cauldron. Thin flows of xenocrystic basaltic andesite(basalt of Kelly Ranch) and alkalic basalt (basalt of Bear Canyon) are interbeddedin upper Popotosaplaya muds, respectively below and above lavas of the Socorro Peak Rhyolite. The modern ranges of the Socorro Peak volcanic center gen€rally existed as shallow, suballuvial blocks prior to eruption of the Socorro Peak Rhyolite. This is indicated by prisms of the playa facies that wedge out under these lavas toward the crests of the modernuplifts. The playa faciesalsogenerally thins toward the south end of the map area. Here, blocks of Oligocenebedrock were unconformably overlappedby late Miocene lavas near the south (mostly structural) margin of the playa. During, or shortly after, the late Miocene silicic volcanism,a secondperiod of domino-style normal faulting rotated upper Popotosa strata (and older faults and strata) as much as 15 degreesprior to deposition of the SierraLadronesFormation. Late rift basinsand ranges Betweenabout 7 m.y. and 4 m.Y. ago, renewedhigh-anglenormal faulting (horst and graben style), combined with epeirogenic G New Mexico Geologlt May l9El uplift (Chapin, 1979),exhumedthe Socorro and Lemitar blocks and elevatedthem sufficiently to topographicallydisrupt the popotosaBasin.During this period,a major southflowing river (the ancestral Rio Grande) entered and beganto fill the developingSocorro Basin. Gently tilted (G-10 degrees)early Plioceneto middle Pleistocenestrata of the Sierra LadronesFormation form westwardthickeningwedgesin the Socorroand La Jencia Basins to the east and west of Socorro Peak (fig. l). Just east of the high-angle (65-75 degrees)range-boundingfault zoneat the foot ofSocorro Peak,the SierraLadrones Formation is at least350 m thick and may be significantly thicker. About 4 m.y. ago, olivine basalt lavas that were erupted from ventsnear SedilloHill (basaltof SedilloHill) flowed eastwarddown a broad valley cut on the upper Popotosa playa facies and onto channel sands of the ancestral Rio Grande (SierraLadronesfluvial facies).Since4 m.y. ago, the modernrangeshavecontinuedto rise and shed piedmont gravelsthat intertongue with the fluvial sands. In late Quaternarytime continueduplift, faulting, and entrenchmentof tributariesto the Rio Grandehave all enhancedthe modern topography.UpperPopotosaplayaclaystones on the flanks of the Socorro Mountainsare largely masked by landslide blocks derived from the Socorro Peak Rhyotite. patterns of elevation variation in late Miocene and pliocenelavas,when coupledwith moderndrainage patterns,suggestthe possibility of late Quaternary magmatic doming along an axis trendingwest-southwest from Socorropeak. 1980,Cenozoic stratigraphy and structure of the Socorro Peak volcaniccenter,central New Mexico: New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-fileRept. l18, 2 vols.,495 p. Chapin, C. 8., 1979,Evolution of the Rio Crande rift-a summary, /z Rio Grande rift-tectonics and magmatism,R. E. Riecker,ed.: Washington, D.C., AmericanGeophysical Union, p. l-5 Chapin,C. E., Chamberlin,R. M., Osburn,G. R., White, D. L., and Sanford,A. R., 1978,Exploration framework of the Socorro geothermalarea, New Mexico, ln Field guide to selectedcauldrons and mining districts of the Datil-Mogollon volcanicfield: New Mexico GeologicalSociety,Spec. Pub. No. 7, p. ll4-129 ChacoEnergydonates$6,500 to Bureauof Mines Chaco Energy Co. has given $6,500 to the New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources,a division of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,as second-yearfunding to study fossil plant remainsnearHospahin northwestNew Mexico. The nature of the plants is significant in the formation of the coal depositsleasedby Chaco EnergyCo.Theseplant remainsincludeancienttreestumps,leaves,and roots fossilizedin place in the Cretaceousswamps,as well as driftwood bar and beachdeposits.Standingfossii tree trunksin growthpositionare known from scattered areasof the SanJuanBasin. A. T. Cross,professorof geologyat MichiganStateUniversity,and co-workerA. Jameossanaieareinterpretingthe plant collections.John Taylor of the ChacoEnergystaff hasmapped the geologyof the fossillocalitiesand providedcoresof fossil-bearing rocksfrom Chaco'sdiilling program.Studiesof nearbyvertebratefossilsin coal-bearingCretaceous rock bedsarebeing conductedby D. L. Wolbergand studiesof marinefossilsby S. C. Hook, both paleontologisti with the New MexicoBureauof Minesand Mineral Resources. prcducttcn Adobe rc",fi,r"d f. M8p no. County Sanh Fe Silta F€ Conclusion The primary control of recurrentmagmaintrusion, hydrothermal activity, and silicic volcanism at Socorro Peak has been the "leaky" Morenci lineament,expressedas a transverseshearzone of the Rio Grande rift. Eruptive periodsin the Socorro peak volcanic centerhave beendated at 33-29, l2-9,7, and, 4 m.y. In light of this pasthistory,it is not surprising that geophysically defined magma bodies,which provide a heat sourcefor the presentgeothermalanomaly, are again rising under the SocorroPeakvolcaniccenter. AcKNowLEDGMENTS-C. E. Chapin and G. R. Osburn,both of the New MexicoBureauof Mines and Mineral Resources,critically reviewedthis manuscript.Many of the keyinterpretationspresentedherewereinitiated by C. E. Chapin or developedjointly with him during the author'smappingof the Socorropeak area. Financial support for the dissertation was providedby the New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resourcesand by a grant (76-201) from the New Mexico Energy ResourcesBoardthroughthe EnergyInstituteat New MexicoStateUniversity. SantaFe SantaFc SantaFe Taos Taos 4l Taos Taos Taos Tonance Valencia valencia References Chamberlin, R. M,, 1978,Structural development of theLemitarMountains, anintrarifttiltedfaultblockuplift, centralNewMexico(abs.):LosAlamos ScientificLaboratory,Conferenceproc., LA-7487-C, p.22-24 May l98l Net, Mexico Geolog! Eggleston,T. L., in progress,Geologyof the central and southern Chupadera Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico: M.S. thesis,New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Morton, W. H., and Black,R., 1975,Crustalattenuationin Afar, rn Afar depression of Ethiopia,A. Pilger and A. Rosler,eds.: Stuttgart,Schweizerbart, p. 55-65 Osburn,G. R., and Chapin,C. 8., in preparation, Stratigraphicnomenclaturefor Cenozoicrocks of the northeasternDatil-Mogollon volcanic field, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources,StratigraphicChart I Osburn, G. R., and Petty, D. L., in preparation, Ceologyof the Molino Peakquadrangle,Socorro County,New Mexico D Nrmc rnd locrtlon Al Montano Rt 2,B,ox224 SantaFe, NM Albcn E. Baca Rr. I, Box99 SantaF€, NM RodriguezBroth€rs Rt. 6, Box 22 Sarta Fe, NM Tod Brown c/oGeneral Deliveri Cerrillos,NM Montoya Adobes 4m Arroyo Tcnorio Sann Fe, NM Emilio Abeyra P.O. Box I ?7 Ranchode Taos,NM TaosPueblo Nativeproducts P.O Box 18,16 Taos,NM Marion Threehawks, Mgr. JoeTrujillo P.O. Box 633 Ranchode Taos,NM RalphMondragon P.O. Box 199 Ranchode Taos,NM JoePachco P.O Boxl74 Taos,NM HumbertoCamacho P.O. Box63l Mountainair,NM RioAbajoAdobes 105W. Aragon Bclcn,NM Jeny Sanchez,Mgr. OreroBrothers Rt. 2, Box 774 Los Lunas,NM AlfonsCariuo Les Palomas,Mexico Stateof Chihuahua, Mcxico Stateof LconardoDuran Chihuahua, lrsPalomas,Mexico Mexico Telcphonc Approximrle anrud preducdon TyD€producalonrqulpmenl 4714227 2,000 Hoe, shovels, front-end loader, and wooden foms 455-1542 3,000 Hoe, shovels, and wooden forms 47t-1510 100,000 No phone 3,000 Hoe, shovcl, and wooden forms 988-3504 10,000 Ho€, shovcl, and wooden forms Hoe, shovcls, front-end loader, w@den foms, and delivery rrucks 758-3022 12,0@ Ho€, shovels, wheclbarrow, and wooden foms ?58-8761 47,000 Backhoe, h@, shovels, wheelbarrow, and wooden forms 7 58-9768 60,000 Front.end loader, ready-mix mounted on ground, wooden forms, and dclivery truck 758-3U4 15,000 Pugmill, mud vehiclc, and wooden forms 75t-9848 Lffi Hoe, shovel, wheelbarrow, and wooden forms No phonc 5,0@ Hoe, shovels, whelbarrow, foms t64-6191 and wooden 150,000 Fronr-end loader, wooden forms, and delivery rucx 864{054 40,0@ Front-end loader, wood€n forms, and delivery trucks No phone 30,000 H@, shovels, and wooden forms No phone 5,000 Hoc, shovcl, and woodcn forms