JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 51, 053305 共2010兲 Power series representations for complex bosonic effective actions. I. A small field renormalization group step Tadeusz Balaban,1,a兲 Joel Feldman,2,b兲 Horst Knörrer,3,c兲 and Eugene Trubowitz3,d兲 1 Department of Mathematics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 110 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8019, USA 2 Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z2, Canada 3 Mathematik, ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland 共Received 27 October 2009; accepted 27 January 2010; published online 21 May 2010兲 We develop a power series representation and estimates for an effective action of the form: ln关兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z兲d共z* , z兲 / 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z兲d共z* , z兲兴. Here, f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; z* , z兲 is an analytic function of the complex fields ␣1共x兲 , . . . , ␣s共x兲, z*共x兲, z共x兲 indexed by x in a finite set X, and d共z* , z兲 is a compactly supported product measure. Such effective actions occur in the small field region for a renormalization group analysis. Using methods similar to a polymer expansion, we estimate the power series of the effective action. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3329425兴 I. INTRODUCTION Let X be a finite set and CX the space of complex valued bosonic fields 共i.e., functions兲 on X. Furthermore, let d共z* , z兲 be a product measure on CX of the form d共z*,z兲 = 兿 d0共z*共x兲,z共x兲兲, 共1.1兲 x苸X where d0共* , 兲 is a normalized measure on C that is supported in 兩兩 艋 r for some constant r. That is, 冕 兩 兩 kd 0共 *, 兲 艋 r k for all k 苸 N. 共1.2兲 For an analytic function f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; z* , z兲 of fields ␣1 , . . . , ␣s , z* , z, we develop criteria under which g共␣1, . . . , ␣s兲 = ln 兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 共1.3兲 exists. This is done using norms for f which are defined in terms of the expansion of f in powers of the fields. The construction also gives estimates on the corresponding norms of g. In Ref 2, we described the analogous construction for real valued fields, which is technically simpler. As pointed out there, expression like 共1.3兲 occur during the course of each iteration step in a Wilson style renormalization group flow. Here 共z* , z兲 are the fluctuation fields integrated out a兲 Electronic mail: Electronic mail: URL: c兲 Electronic mail: URL: d兲 Electronic mail: b兲 0022-2488/2010/51共5兲/053305/30/$30.00 51, 053305-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-2 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. at the current scale, while ␣1 , . . . , ␣s can be fields that are to be integrated out in future scales or can be source fields that are used to generate and control correlation functions and are never integrated out. We shall use the methods developed here to control the ultraviolet limit in the coherent state functional integral representation for many boson systems described in Ref. 1 共Theorems 2.2 and 3.7兲. To give an example of the norms used to control, 共1.3兲, assume for simplicity that s = 1 and write ␣1 = ␣. Then, f has a power series expansion f共␣ ;z*,z兲 = 兺 兺 n1,n2,n3艌0 xជ 苸Xn1 a共xជ ;yជ *,yជ 兲␣共x1兲 ¯ ␣共xn1兲z*共y*1兲 ¯ z*共y*n2兲z共y1兲 ¯ z共yn3兲 yជ 苸Xn2 * yជ 苸Xn3 with coefficients a共xជ ; yជ * , yជ 兲 that are symmetric under permutations of the components of the vectors xជ , yជ *, and yជ , respectively. Assume that X is a metric space with metric d. Fix a parameter . An example of a norm that we use is 储f储 = 兩f共0;0,0兲兩 + 兺 sup 兺 max n1+n2+n3艌1 x苸X 1艋ᐉ艋n1+n2+n3 共xជ ,yជ ,yជ 兲苸Xn1⫻Xn2⫻Xn3 w共xជ ;yជ *,yជ 兲兩a共xជ ;yជ *,yជ 兲兩, * 共xជ ,yជ ,yជ 兲ᐉ=x * where the weight system w is defined as w共xជ ;yជ *,yជ 兲 = n1共4r兲n2+n3ed共xជ ,yជ *,yជ 兲 for 共xជ ,yជ *,yជ 兲 苸 Xn1 ⫻ Xn2 ⫻ Xn3 共1.4兲 and d共xជ , yជ * , yជ 兲 is the minimal length of a tree whose set of vertices contains the set 兵x1 , . . . , xn1 , y*1 , . . . , y*n2 , y1 , . . . , yn3其. For this norm, our main result, Theorem 3.4, states that g共␣兲 = ln 兰e f共␣;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f共0;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 1 exists provided that 储f储 ⬍ 16 , and that, in this case, 储g储 艋 储f储 . 1 − 16储f储 共1.5兲 Theorem 3.4 applies to more general norms than those described above 共see Definitions 2.3, 2.6, and 3.1.兲 To reflect the geometry and scale structure of a “large field/small field” decomposition of X, one can replace the constant by a “weight factor” : X → 共0 , ⬁兴 and the factor n1 in 共1.4兲 by 共x1兲 ¯ 共xn1兲 关see Example 2.4, part 共i兲兴. Another variation in the norms comes from the fact that one is often led to bound source fields by their sup norm rather than by their L1 norm 共see Definition 2.6兲. If the measure d0共* , 兲 is rotation invariant and there are no nontrivial monomials of the form a共xជ ; yជ , yជ 兲␣共x1兲 ¯ ␣共xn1兲共z*共y1兲z共y1兲兲 ¯ 共z*共yn2兲z共yn2兲兲 in the power series of f, then 共1.5兲 can be improved to a quadratic bound 共see Corollary 3.5兲. This situation occurs in our analysis of many boson systems. There we also need information on how the g of 共1.3兲 varies with f. This is provided by Corollary 3.6. In the analysis of an infrared limit, one often has an increasing sequence Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-3 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I X1 傺 X2 傺 ¯ 傺 Xn 傺 ¯ of subsets of a lattice in Rd that exhausts the lattice. For each index n, there will be a function f n that is 共close to兲 the restriction of a function on the whole lattice to Xn. Theorem 3.4 can possibly be used to construct gn = log 兰e f n共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f n共0,. . .,0;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 . To take the limit n → ⬁ of the functions gn, we need to compare gn and the “restriction” of gm to Xn when n ⬍ m. In the context of this paper, think of X = Xm and of Xn as a subset X⬘ of X. The problem described above amounts to the following: with the notation of 共1.3兲, set f ⬘共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z兲 = 兩f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z兲兩 ␣k共x兲=z*共x兲=z共x兲=0 . for x苸X\X⬘,k=1,. . .,s Then, we want to compare g = log 兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 and 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 g⬘ = log 兰e f ⬘共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f ⬘共0,. . .,0;z*,z兲d共z*,z兲 . Actually, in the multiscale analysis even more complicated comparisons arise. To facilitate such comparisons, we introduce an auxiliary real valued “history field” h on X. It will only be evaluated with h共x兲 苸 兵0 , 1其 so that h2 = h. Set f̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲 = f共␣1h, . . . , ␣sh;z*h,zh兲. That is, we replace ␣i共x兲 by ␣i共x兲h共x兲 everywhere in the power series expansion for f, and the same for z*共x兲 and z共x兲. Clearly, f = 兩f̃兩h共x兲=1 for all x苸X, f ⬘ = 兩f̃兩 h共x兲=1 for all x苸X⬘ h共x兲=0 for all x苸X\X⬘ . Theorem 3.4 can be applied to construct ˜ g̃ = log 兰e f 共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 ˜ 兰e f 共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 . Clearly, g = 兩g̃兩h共x兲=1 for all x苸X, g⬘ = 兩g̃兩 h共x兲=1 for all x苸X⬘ h共x兲=0 for all x苸X\X⬘ . The measures that typically arise in renormalization group steps are rarely product measures. To apply the results of this paper, one must first perform a change in variables so as to diagonalize the 共essential part兲 of the covariance of the measure. Linear changes in variables, as well as substitutions that typically occur in renormalization group steps, are controlled in Sec. IV and Appendix A. II. NORMS To get a general setup for the norms that we shall use, we need a number of definitions. Definition 2.1: (n-tuples) 共i兲 Let n 苸 Z with n 艌 0 and xជ = 共x1 , . . . , xn兲 苸 Xn be an ordered n-tuple of points of X. We denote by n共xជ 兲 = n the number of components of xជ . Set Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-4 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. 共xជ 兲 = 共x1兲 ¯ 共xn兲. If n共xជ 兲 = 0, then 共xជ 兲 = 1. The support of xជ is defined to be supp xជ = 兵x1, . . . ,xn其 傺 X. 共ii兲 For each s 苸 N, we denote X共s兲 = 艛 n1,. . .,ns艌0 X n1 ⫻ ¯ ⫻ X ns . 关We distinguish between Xn1 ⫻ ¯ ⫻ Xns and Xn1+¯+ns. We use Xn1 ⫻ ¯ ⫻ Xns as the set of possible arguments for 1共xជ 1兲 ¯ s共xជ s兲, while Xn1+¯+ns is the set of possible arguments for 1共xជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ xជ s兲, where ⴰ is the concatenation operator of part 共iii兲.兴 The support of 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 苸 X共s兲 is s supp共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 = 艛 supp共xជ j兲. j=1 共iii兲 If 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s−1兲 苸 X共s−1兲, then 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s−1 , −兲 denotes the element of X共s兲 having n共xជ s兲 = 0. In particular, X0 = 兵−其 and 共−兲 = 1. We define the concatenation of xជ = 共x1 , . . . , xn兲 苸 Xn and yជ = 共y1 , . . . , ym兲 苸 Xm to be xជ ⴰ yជ = 共x1, . . . ,xn,y1, . . . ,ym兲 苸 Xn+m . For 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲, 共yជ 1 , . . . , yជ s兲 苸 X共s兲 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 ⴰ 共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s兲 = 共xជ 1 ⴰ yជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ⴰ yជ s兲 Definition 2.2: (Coefficient systems) 共i兲 共ii兲 A coefficient system of length s is a function a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 that assigns a complex number to each 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 苸 X共s兲. It is called symmetric if, for each 1 艋 j 艋 s, a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 is invariant under permutations of the components of xជ j. Let f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s兲 be a function, which is defined and analytic on a neighborhood of the origin in Cs兩X兩. Then, f has a unique expansion of the form f共␣1, . . . , ␣s兲 = 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲苸X共s兲 a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲␣1共xជ 1兲 ¯ ␣s共xជ s兲 with a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 as a symmetric coefficient system. This coefficient system is called the symmetric coefficient system of f. Definition 2.3: (Weight systems) A weight system of length s is a function that assigns a positive extended number w共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 苸 共0 , ⬁兴 to each 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 苸 X共s兲 and satisfies the following conditions. 共a兲 共b兲 For each 1 艋 j 艋 s, w共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 is invariant under permutations of the components of xជ j. w共共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 ⴰ 共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s兲兲 艋 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲w共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s兲 for all 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲, 共yជ 1 , . . . , yជ s兲 苸 X共s兲 with supp共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 艚 supp共yជ 1 , . . . , yជ s兲 ⫽ 쏗. Example 2.4: (Weight systems) 共i兲 If 1 , . . . , s are functions from X to 共0, ⬁兴 共called weight factors兲, then Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-5 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I s n共xជ j兲 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 = 兿 兿 j共x j,ᐉ兲 j=1 ᐉ=1 共ii兲 is a weight system of length s. Let d be a metric on X. The length of a tree T with vertices in X is simply the sum of the lengths of all edges of T 共where the length of an edge is the distance between its vertices兲. For a subset S 傺 X, denote by d共S兲 the length of the shortest tree in X whose set of vertices contains S. Then, w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 = ed共supp共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲兲 共iii兲 is a weight system of length s. Assume again that d is a metric on X. Let ⍀ 傺 X. The “maximum distance” of any subset S of X to ⍀c is D共S , ⍀c兲 = supx苸S d共x , ⍀c兲. Then, c w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 = eD共supp共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲,⍀ 兲 共iv兲 is a weight system of length s. Let 艌 1, N 苸 N, 1 艋 s0 艋 s, and Y 傺 X. Denote by Y 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s0兲 the number of components of xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s0 that are in Y. Then, w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 = max兵N−Y 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s0兲,0其 is a weight system of length s. The verification of condition 共b兲 of Definition 2.3 follows from max兵N−m−n,0其 艋 max兵N−m,0其max兵N−n,0其 共v兲 for all m,n 艌 0. If w1共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 and w2共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 are two weight systems of length s, then w3共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 = w1共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲w2共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 is also a weight systems of length s. Definition 2.5: Let d be a metric on X. Given weight factors j : X → 共0 , ⬁兴 for j = 1 , . . . , s, we call s n共xជ j兲 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 = ed共supp共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲兲 兿 兿 j共x j,ᐉ兲 j=1 ᐉ=1 the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j with the field ␣ j. It follows from parts 共i兲, 共ii兲, and 共v兲 of Example 2.4 that this is indeed a weight system. Using weight systems as defined above, we define norms for functions that depend analytically on the complex fields ␣1 , . . . , ␣s and the additional “history” field h. Definition 2.6: (Norms) Let w be a weight system of length s + 1. Let 0 艋 s⬘ 艋 s. We think of the fields ␣ j with 1 艋 j 艋 s⬘ as being sources 共that is, we differentiate with respect to these fields to generate correlation functions兲, the fields ␣ j with s⬘ ⬍ j 艋 s as being internal fields 共that is, they will be integrated out兲 and the field ␣s+1 as the history field. 共i兲 For any n1 , . . . , ns+1 艌 0 and any function b共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s , xជ s+1兲 on Xn1 ⫻ ¯ ⫻ Xns+1, we define the norm 储b储n1,. . .,ns+1 as follows: ⬘ n ⫽ 0, then • If there are external fields, that is, if 兺sj=1 j 储b储n1,. . .,ns+1 = max xជ ᐉ苸Xnᐉ 兺 兩b共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s,xជ s+1兲兩. xជ ᐉ苸Xnᐉ 1艋ᐉ艋s⬘ s⬘⬍ᐉ艋s+1 Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-6 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. ⬘ n = 0, but • If there are no external fields but there are internal fields, that is, if 兺sj=1 j 兺sj=1n j ⫽ 0, then 储b储n1,. . .,ns+1 = max max max x苸X s⬘⬍j艋s 1艋i艋n j n j⫽0 兺 兩b共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s,xជ s+1兲兩. xជ ᐉ苸Xnᐉ s⬘⬍ᐉ艋s+1 共xជ j兲i=x Here 共xជ j兲i is the ith component of the n j-tuple xជ j. • If there are no external or internal fields but there are history fields, that is, if 兺sj=1n j = 0, but ns+1 ⫽ 0, then we take the pure L1 norm 储b储n1,. . .,ns+1 = 兺 兩b共− , . . . ,− ,xជ s+1兲兩. xជ s+1苸Xns+1 • Finally, for the constant term, that is, if 兺s+1 j=1 n j = 0, 储b储n1,. . .,ns+1 = 兩b共− , . . . ,− 兲兩. 共ii兲 We define the norm, with weight w, of a coefficient system a of length s + 1 to be 兩a兩w = 共iii兲 兺 n1,. . .,ns+1艌0 储w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s,xជ s+1兲a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s,xជ s+1兲储n1,. . .,ns+1 . In some applications, it will be more convenient to turn this norm into a seminorm by ignoring the constant term a共−兲. The results of this paper apply equally well to such seminorms. Let f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s , ␣s+1兲 be a function that is defined and analytic on a neighborhood of the origin in C共s+1兲兩X兩. The norm 储f储w of f with weight w is defined to be 兩a兩w, where a is the symmetric coefficient system of f. 共This definition also applies when f depends only on a subset of the variables ␣1 , . . . , ␣s+1.兲 Remark 2.7: 共i兲 Let a be a 共not necessarily symmetric兲 coefficient system of length s + 1 and f共␣1, . . . , ␣s+1兲 = 共ii兲 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲苸X共s+1兲 a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s+1兲␣1共xជ 1兲 ¯ ␣s共xជ s+1兲. Then 储f储w 艋 兩a兩w for any weight system w. We call a a not necessarily symmetric coefficient system for f. In Lemma B.1 we show how to convert a norm bound on f into a supremum bound. III. THE MAIN THEOREM In 共1.3兲, we integrate out the last two internal fields z*, z using the measure d共z* , z兲 of 共1.1兲. Recall that this measure is supported in 储z储⬁ 艋 r. The weight systems that are adapted to this situation fulfil the Definition 3.1, below, with = 4r. Definition 3.1: A weight system of length s + 3 “gives weight at least to the last two internal fields” if w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;yជ *,yជ ;xជ 兲 艌 n共yជ *兲+n共yជ 兲w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;− ,− ;xជ 兲 for all 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s , xជ 兲 苸 X共s+1兲 and 共yជ * , yជ 兲 苸 X共2兲. Example 3.2: Assume that d is a metric on X and j : X → 共0 , ⬁兴, j = 1 , . . . , s are weight functions. The weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j with the field ␣ j, j Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-7 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I = 1 , . . . , s, the constant weight factor to the fields ␣s+1 and ␣s+2 and constant weight factor 1 to the history field h, fulfills Definition 3.1. We fix, for the rest of this section, a weight system w of length s + 3 that gives weight at least 4r to the last two internal fields. Furthermore, we fix the number 0 艋 s⬘ 艋 s of source fields for Definition 2.6 of 储 · 储w. Remark 3.3: 共i兲 If h is an analytic function for which h共0 , . . . , 0 ; z* , z ; h兲 is independent of z* and z, then 冐冕 共ii兲 h共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 冐 w 艋 储h共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲储w . Assume that the measure d共z* , z兲 on C is rotation invariant. For each j = 1 , 2, let h j共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; z* , z ; h兲 be an analytic function with h j共0 , . . . , 0 ; z* , z ; h兲 = 0. Further, assume that the symmetric coefficient system a j共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ 兲 of h j obeys a j共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ 兲 = 0 whenever yជ = yជ *. Then, 冕 h j共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 = 0 for j = 1,2 and 冐冕 h1共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲h2共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 冐 艋 储h1储w储h2储w . w Proof: 共i兲 共ii兲 This follows from the observation that 冏冕 冏 z共yជ *兲*z共yជ 兲d共z*,z兲 艋 rn共yជ *兲+n共yជ 兲 for all yជ * , yជ 苸 X共2兲. Write h̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲 = 冕 = h1共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲h2共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲苸X共s兲 ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ 兲␣1共xជ 1兲 ¯ ␣s共xជ s兲h共xជ 兲 xជ 苸X共1兲 with, for each 苸 X共s兲 and xជ 苸 X共1兲, ã共 ;xជ 兲 = 兺 ,⬘苸X共s兲 ⴰ⬘= xជ ⬙,xជ ⬘苸X共1兲 兺 共yជ ,y兲苸X共2兲 a1共 ;yជ *,yជ ;xជ ⬙兲a2共⬘ ;yជ ⬘*,yជ ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲 冕 z共yជ * ⴰ yជ ⬘*兲*z共yជ ⴰ yជ ⬘兲d共z*,z兲. * 共yជ ⬘ ,y⬘兲苸X共2兲 * xជ ⬙ⴰxជ ⬘=xជ We claim that only terms with supp共yជ * , yជ 兲 艚 supp共yជ ⬘* , yជ ⬘兲 ⫽ 쏗 can be nonzero. By hypothesis, a1共 ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ ⬙兲 = 0 if yជ * = yជ . So we may assume that there is a y 苸 supp共yជ * , yជ 兲 with the multiplicities of yជ * and yជ at y being different. Since 兰z共yជ * ⴰ yជ ⬘*兲*z共yជ ⴰ yជ ⬘兲d共z* , z兲 vanishes unless yជ * ⴰ yជ ⬘* = yជ ⴰ yជ ⬘, the multiplicities of yជ ⬘* and yជ ⬘ at y must also be different. 关To see this, let y 苸 X and suppose that the multiplicity, say p*, of yជ * ⴰ yជ ⬘* at y is different from the multiplicity, say p, of yជ ⴰ yជ ⬘ at y. Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-8 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. Because d is invariant under z共y兲 哫 z共y兲 = eiz共y兲, while i共p−p 兲 p p p p =e * 关z共y兲*兴 *z共y兲 , the integral 兰关z共y兲*兴 *z共y兲 d共z* , z兲 must vanish.兴 In particular, y 苸 supp共yជ ⬘* , yជ ⬘兲. Consequently, by 共1.2兲, 兩ã共 ;xជ 兲兩 艋 兺 兺 关z共y兲*兴 p*z共y兲 p 兩a1共 ; ;xជ ⬙兲兩兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩rn共兲+n共⬘兲 . ,⬘苸X共s兲 ,⬘苸X共2兲 ⴰ⬘= supp共兲艚supp共⬘兲⫽쏗 xជ ⬙,xជ ⬘苸X共1兲 xជ ⬙ⴰxជ ⬘=xជ Since w gives weight at least 2r to the last two fields, w共 ;xជ 兲兩ã共 ;xជ 兲兩 艋 兺 兺 ,⬘苸X共s兲 ,⬘ w共 ; ⴰ ⬘ ;xជ 兲兩a1共 ; ;xជ ⬙兲兩兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩2−n共兲−n共⬘兲 苸X共2兲 supp共兲艚supp共⬘兲⫽쏗 ⴰ⬘= xជ ⬙,xជ ⬘苸X共1兲 xជ ⬙ⴰxជ ⬘=xជ 艋 兺 兺 ,⬘苸X共s兲 ,⬘ w共 ; ;xជ ⬙兲兩a1共 ; ;xជ ⬙兲兩w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩2−n共兲−n共⬘兲 苸X共2兲 supp共兲艚supp共⬘兲⫽쏗 ⴰ⬘= xជ ⬙,xជ ⬘苸X共1兲 xជ ⬙ⴰxជ ⬘=xជ If = 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 苸 X共s兲, we write i 苸 X for 共xជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ xជ s兲i. By hypothesis, ã共 ; xជ 兲 = 0 if = −. So, if there are no source fields, 储h̃储w = 兺 n1,. . .,ns+1艌0 max max u苸X 1艋i艋n1+¯+ns n1+¯+ns⬎0 艋 兺 兺 w共 ;xជ 兲兩ã共 ;xជ 兲兩 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns xជ 苸Xns+1 i=u max max 兺 n1,. . .,ns+1艌0 u苸X 1艋i艋⌺ 共n +n⬘兲 n n j艋s j j 苸X 1⫻¯⫻X s n1⬘,. . .,ns+1 ⬘ 艌0 ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ m ,m艌0 * m⬘ ,m⬘艌0 * 兺 w共 ; ;xជ 兲 苸Xm*⫻Xm n⬘苸Xm*⬘ ⫻Xm⬘ n n ⬘ xជ 苸X s+1, xជ 苸X s+1 supp共兲艚supp共⬘兲⫽쏗 共 ⴰ ⬘兲i=u ⌺ j艋s共n j+n⬘j 兲艌1 ⫻兩a1共 ; ;xជ 兲兩w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩2−共m*+m⬘*+m+m⬘兲 Fix, temporarily, n1 , . . . , ns+1 , n1⬘ , . . . , ns+1 ⬘ , m* , m , m⬘* , m⬘ 艌 0. If there are no source fields, also fix, temporarily, 1 艋 i 艋 兺 j艋s共n j + n⬘j 兲. There are source fields if s⬘ ⬎ 0 共s⬘ was specified in Definition ⬘ 共n + n⬘兲 艌 1. In this case, 2.6兲 and 兺sj=1 j j Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-9 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I 兺 max u苸X 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ ⬘ xជ 苸Xns+1, xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 共 ⴰ ⬘兲i=u is replaced by max u j,ᐉ苸X 兺 max u⬘j,ᐉ苸X 1艋j⬍s⬘ 1艋j⬍s ⬘ 1艋ᐉ艋n j . 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ 1艋ᐉ艋n⬘j ⬘ xជ 苸Xns+1, xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 共xជ j兲ᐉ=u j,ᐉ, 共xជ ⬘j 兲ᐉ⬘=u⬘j,ᐉ ⬘ 1艋j艋s⬘, 1艋ᐉ艋n j, 1艋ᐉ⬘艋n⬘j If we translate the 共xជ j兲ᐉ, 共xជ ⬘j 兲ᐉ⬘ notation into the corresponding components of , ⬘, we may write both of these max/sums in the form 兺 max max u p苸X u⬘苸X p p苸A p苸A⬘ 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ ⬘ xជ 苸Xns+1, xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 p=u p, p苸A ⬘p=u⬘p, p苸A⬘ for some subsets A 傺 兵p 苸 N 兩 1 艋 p 艋 兺 j艋sn j其 and A⬘ 傺 兵p 苸 N 兩 1 艋 p 艋 兺 j艋sn⬘j 其 with A 艛 A⬘ nonempty. Fix u p 苸 X for each p 苸 A and u⬘p 苸 X for each p 苸 A⬘. For notational simplicity, suppose that p = 1 苸 A. Then, 兺 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns 兺 w共 ; ;xជ 兲兩a1共 ; ;x兲兩w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩2−共m*+m*⬘ +m+m⬘兲 苸Xm*⫻Xm ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ ⬘苸Xm*⬘ ⫻Xm⬘ n n ⬘ xជ 苸X s+1, xជ ⬘苸X s+1 supp共兲艚supp共⬘兲⫽쏗 p=u p, p苸A ⬘p=u⬘p, p苸A⬘ 艋 兺 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns 兺 1艋k艋m +m * 兺 w共 ; ;xជ 兲兩a1共 ; 兲;xជ 兩w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲 苸Xm*⫻Xm ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ 1艋ᐉ艋m +m 苸Xm⬘ ⫻Xm⬘ ⬘ ⬘ ⬘ * ⬘ xជ 苸Xns+1, xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 p=u p, p苸A * k=ᐉ⬘ ⬘p=u⬘p, p苸A⬘ ⫻兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩2−共m*+m⬘*+m+m⬘兲 艋 max 兺 兺 1艋k艋m +m 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns 1艋ᐉ艋m⬘ +m⬘ ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ 苸Xm⬘ ⫻Xm⬘ ⬘ * * * ⬘ xជ 苸Xns+1, xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 p=u p, p苸A w共 ; ;xជ 兲 苸Xm*⫻Xm k=ᐉ⬘ ⬘p=u⬘p, p苸A⬘ Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-10 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. ⫻a1共 ; ;xជ 兲兩w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩 艋 ⫻ 冢 max * 兺 max 1艋ᐉ艋m⬘ +m⬘ y苸X ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ 冢 兺 w共 ; ;xជ 兲兩a1共 ; ;xជ 兲兩 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns 苸Xm*⫻Xm xជ 苸Xns+1 p=u p, p苸A w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩 ⬘p=u⬘p, p苸A⬘ ⬘苸Xm*⬘ ⫻Xm⬘ ᐉ⬘=y ⬘ xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 冣 冣 . If A⬘ is empty 共i.e., there are no source fields in ⬘兲, the second large bracket is 冢 max max 1艋ᐉ艋m⬘ +m⬘ y苸X * 兺 ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩 ⬘苸Xm*⬘ ⫻Xm⬘ ᐉ⬘=y ⬘ xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 冣 . If A⬘ is not empty 共i.e., there are source fields in ⬘兲, we bound the second large bracket by 冢 兺 ⬘苸Xn1⬘⫻¯⫻Xns⬘ w共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ;xជ ⬘兲兩 ⬘p=u⬘p, p苸A⬘ ⬘苸Xm*⬘ ⫻Xm⬘ ⬘ xជ ⬘苸Xns+1 冣 . Taking the maximum over u p’s and u⬘p’s, and possibly over i, and the remaining sums gives the desired bound. Recall that a1共 ; ; xជ 兲 = 0 if = − and a2共⬘ ; ⬘ ; xជ ⬘兲 = 0 if ⬘ = −. 䊏 Recall that we have fixed a weight system w of length s + 3 that gives weight at least 4r to the last two internal fields and that we have fixed the number 0 艋 s⬘ 艋 s of source fields. 1 Theorem 3.4: If f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; z* , z ; h兲 obeys 储f储w ⬍ 16 , then there is an analytic function g共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; h兲 such that 兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 = eg共␣1,. . .,␣s;h兲 共3.1兲 and 储g储w 艋 储f储w . 1 − 16储f储w Proof: The proof of this theorem is virtually identical to the proof of Ref. 2 共Theorem 3.4兲. Let a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ 兲 be the symmetric coefficient system for f. We first introduce some shorthand notation. • For = 共yជ * , yជ 兲 苸 X共2兲, we write z共兲 = z共yជ *兲*z共yជ 兲 and Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-11 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I a共兲 = 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s,xជ 兲苸X共s+1兲 a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;yជ *,yជ ;xជ 兲␣1共xជ 1兲 ¯ ␣s共xជ s兲h共xជ 兲. With this notation f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲 = 兺 苸X共2兲 a共兲z共兲. By factoring e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;0,0;h兲 out of the integral in the numerator of 共3.1兲, we may assume that a共− , −兲 = 0. • Let X1 , . . . , Xᐉ be subsets of X. The incidence graph G共X1 , . . . , Xᐉ兲 of X1 , . . . , Xᐉ is the labeled graph with the set of vertices 共1 , . . . , ᐉ兲 and edges between i ⫽ j whenever Xi 艚 X j ⫽ 쏗. • For a subset of Z 傺 X, we denote by C共Z兲 the set of all ordered tuples 共1 , . . . , n兲 for which the incidence graph G共supp 1 , . . . , supp n兲 is connected and for which Z = supp 1 艛 ¯ 艛 supp n. Expanding the exponential ⬁ e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲 = 1 + 兺 ᐉ=1 1 兺 ᐉ! Z傺X 兺 1,. . .,ᐉ苸X共2兲 Z⫽쏗 Z=supp 艛¯艛supp 1 ᐉ a共1兲 ¯ a共ᐉ兲z共1兲 ¯ z共ᐉ兲. As in Ref. 2 关共3.5兲兴, 冕 ⬁ e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲 d共z*,z兲 = 1 + 兺 n=1 1 n! n 兺 Z1,. . .,Zn傺X ⌽共Z j兲, 兿 j=1 pairwise disjoint where for 쏗 ⫽ Z 傺 X, the function ⌽共Z兲共␣1 , . . . , ␣s兲 is defined by ⬁ ⌽共Z兲 = 兺 k=1 1 兺 a共1兲 ¯ a共k兲 k! 共1,. . .,k兲苸C共Z兲 冕 z共1兲 ¯ z共k兲d共z*,z兲 and ⌽共쏗兲 = 0. Again as in Ref. 2 关共3.7兲兴, ln 冕 ⬁ e f d = 兺 n=1 n 1 ⌽共Z j兲 兺 T共Z1, . . . ,Zn兲 兿 n! Z1,. . .,Zn傺X j=1 共3.2兲 where T共Z1, . . . ,Zn兲 = 兺 共− 1兲兩g兩 g苸Cn g傺G共Z1,. . .,Zn兲 and Cn is the set of all connected graphs on the set of vertices 共1 , . . . , n兲 that have at most one edge joining each pair of distinct vertices and no edges joining a vertex to itself. 关In particular, T共Z1 , . . . , Zn兲 = 0 if G共Z1 , . . . , Zn兲 is not connected.兴 From 共3.2兲 one determines, as in Ref. 2 关共3.10兲兴, a not necessarily symmetric coefficient system for g. Namely, g共␣1, . . . ␣s ;h兲 = 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s,xជ 兲苸X共s+1兲 共x1,. . .,xជ s兲⫽共−,. . .,−兲 a⬘共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ 兲␣1共xជ 1兲 ¯ ␣s共xជ s兲h共xជ 兲, where for 苸 X共s兲 and xជ 苸 X共1兲, Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-12 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. ⬁ a⬘共 ;xជ 兲 = 兺 n=1 1 n! 兺 1,. . .,n苸X 共s兲 兺 1,. . .,n苸X共2兲 n 共supp 1, . . . ,supp n兲 兿 ã共 j ; j ;uជ j兲 共3.3兲 T j=1 1ⴰ¯ⴰn= uជ 1,. . .,uជ n苸X共1兲 uជ 1ⴰ¯ⴰuជ n=xជ with for each 苸 X共s兲 and 苸 X共2兲, ⬁ ã共 ; ;xជ 兲 = 兺 k=1 1 兺 k! 共1,. . .,k兲苸C共supp 兲 1ⴰ¯ⴰk= 兺 1,. . .,k a共1 ; 1 ;uជ 1兲 ¯ a共k ; k ;uជ k兲 冕 z共兲d共z*,z兲 1ⴰ¯ⴰk= uជ 1,. . .,uជ k uជ 1ⴰ¯ⴰuជ n=xជ 共3.4兲 By Remark 2.7, part 共i兲, 储g储w 艋 兩a⬘兩w. The bounds on 兩a⬘兩w that are necessary for the proof of the theorem are derived as in Ref. 2 关共3.12兲–共3.16兲兴. 䊏 1 Corollary 3.5: Let f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; z* , z ; h兲 obey 储f储w ⬍ 32 and define, for each complex number 1 with 兩兩储f储w ⬍ 16 , the function G共兲 = G共 ; ␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; h兲 by the condition 兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 = eG共;␣1,. . .,␣s;h兲 共3.5兲 as in Theorem 3.4. Then, G共兲 is a (Banach space valued) analytic function of and, for each n 苸 N, the g共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; h兲 = G共1兲 of Theorem 3.4 obeys 冐 g− 1 d nG dG 共0兲 − ¯ − 共0兲 d n! dn 冐 艋 w 冢 储f储w 1 − 储f储w 20 冣 n+1 . We have G共0兲 = 0, dG 共0兲 = d 冕 关f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲 − f共0, . . . ,0;z*,z;h兲兴d共z*,z兲 and d 2G 共0兲 = d 2 2 冕 f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲2d共z*,z兲 − − f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 冋冕 冕 f共0, . . . ,0;z*,z;h兲2d共z*,z兲 册 冋冕 2 + f共0, . . . ,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 册 2 . If, in addition, the measure d共z* , z兲 on C is rotation invariant, f共0 , . . . , 0 ; z* , z ; h兲 = 0 and the symmetric coefficient system a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ 兲 of f obeys a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ 兲 = 0 whenever yជ = yជ *, then 共dG / d兲共0兲 = 0 and d 2G 共0兲 = d2 冕 f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲2d共z*,z兲. Proof: The analyticity of G共兲 is obvious since the series 共3.3兲 and 共3.4兲, with a replaced by a converge in the norm 储 · 储w uniformly in for 兩兩储f储w bounded by any constant strictly less than 1 16 . That G共0兲 = 0 and G共1兲 = g is also obvious. So by Taylor’s formula with remainder, Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-13 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I g− 1 d nG 1 dn+1G dG 共0兲 − ¯ − 共0兲 = 共u兲 d n! dn 共n + 1兲! dn+1 for some 0 ⬍ u ⬍ 1. By the Cauchy integral formula, 1 1 dn+1G n+1 共u兲 = 共n + 1兲! d 2i 冕 兩兩=U G共兲 d 共 − u兲n+2 for any u ⬍ U ⬍ 1 / 16储f储w. Hence, 冐 g− 1 d nG dG 共0兲 − ¯ − 共0兲 d n! dn 冐 艋 1 1 U储f储w 储G共兲储w 2U sup n+2 艋 U 1 − 16U储f储w 共U − 1兲n+2 2 兩兩=U 共U − 1兲 = 储f储wn+1 共U储f储w兲2 . n+2 共U储f储w − 储f储w兲 1 − 16U储f储w w 1 gives Choosing U so that U储f储w = 20 冐 g− 1 d nG dG 共0兲 − ¯ − 共0兲 d n! dn 冐 艋 w 1 80 冉 储f储wn+1 1 − 储f储w 20 冊 n+2 艋 冢 储f储w 1 − 储f储w 20 冣 n+1 1 since 储f储w ⬍ 32 . To get the formulas for 共dG / d兲共0兲 and 共d2G / d2兲共0兲, differentiate 共3.5兲 to give 兰f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 dG 共兲eG共;␣1,. . .,␣s;h兲 = d 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 − 兰f共0, . . . ,0;z*,z;h兲e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 关兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲兴2 and hence 兰f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 dG 共兲 = d 兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣2;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 − 兰f共0, . . . ,0,z*,z;h兲e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 . Setting = 0 gives the formula for 共dG / d兲共0兲. Differentiating again with respect to and then setting = 0 gives the formula for 共d2G / d2兲共0兲. When the measure d共z* , z兲 is rotation invariant and the symmetric coefficient system a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ 兲 of f obeys a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; yជ * , yជ ; xជ 兲 = 0, whenever yជ = yជ *, we have 冕 f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 = 0, as in Remark 3.3, part 共ii兲, and the remaining formulas follow. 䊏 Corollary 3.6: Denote by F the Banach space of functions f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; z* , z ; h兲 with 储f储w ⬍ ⬁. Let f , f ⬘ 苸 F with 冕 f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 − 冕⬘ f 共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 = 0 1 . Define g , g⬘ 苸 F by the conditions and 储f储w + 储f ⬘ − f储w ⬍ 17 Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-14 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. 兰e f共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兰e f ⬘共␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 = eg共␣1,. . .,␣s;h兲 兰e f ⬘共0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 = eg⬘共␣1,. . .,␣s;h兲 , as in Theorem 3.4. Then, 储g⬘ − g储w 艋 4 储f ⬘ − f储w共储f储w + 储f ⬘ − f储w兲 共 171 − 储f储w − 储f ⬘ − f储w兲2 1 Proof: Define for all , ⬘ 苸 C with 兩兩 艋 U−1 ⬅ 共 17 − 储 f 储w − 储 f ⬘ − f 储w兲 / 共2储f ⬘ − f储w and 兩兩 艋 U⬘−1 ⬅共 储 f 储w − 储 f ⬘ − f 储w兲 / 共2储f储w兲, 1 17 − F共, ⬘ ; ␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲 = ⬘ f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲 + 共f ⬘ − f兲共␣1, . . . ␣s ;z*,z;h兲 and define G共兲 by 兰eF共,⬘;␣1,. . .,␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兰e F共,⬘;0,. . .,0;z*,z;h兲 = eG共,⬘;␣1,. . .␣s;h兲 , d共z*,z兲 as in Theorem 3.4. Then, G共 , ⬘兲 is an F-valued analytic function of , ⬘ since the series 共3.4兲 and 共3.3兲 with a replaced by the appropriate a共 , ⬘兲 converge in the norm 储 · 储w uniformly in , ⬘ 1 for 兩⬘兩储f储w + 兩兩储f ⬘ − f储w bounded by any constant strictly less than 16 . Furthermore, G共0 , 1兲 = g and G共1 , 1兲 = g⬘ so that g⬘ − g − 冕 1 0 G 共s,1兲ds = 冕 1 0 G 共s,0兲ds + 冕冕 1 0 1 0 2G 共s,s⬘兲dsds⬘ . ⬘ By hypothesis, 兰共f − f ⬘兲共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;z*,z;h兲es共f−f ⬘兲共␣1,. . .␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 G 共s,0兲 = 兰es共f−f ⬘兲共␣1,. . .␣s;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 − 兰共f − f ⬘兲共0, . . . ,0;z*,z;h兲es共f−f ⬘兲共0,. . .0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 兰es共f−f ⬘兲共0,. . .0;z*,z;h兲d共z*,z兲 vanishes when s = 0 so that 冕 冕 1 g⬘ − g = s ds ds⬙ 0 0 2G 共s⬙,0兲 + 2 冕冕 1 0 1 0 2G 共s,s⬘兲dsds⬘ ⬘ and 储g⬘ − g储w 艋 冐 1 2G sup 共s,0兲 2 s苸关0,1兴 2 冐 + w sup s,s⬘苸关0,1兴 冐 2G 共s,s⬘兲 ⬘ 冐 w By the Cauchy integral formula, 1 1 2G 2 共s,0兲 = 2 2i 1 2G 共s,s⬘兲 = ⬘ 2i 冕 兩兩=U−1 d 冕 兩兩=U−1 1 2i 冕 d G共s + ,0兲 , 3 兩⬘兩=U⬘−1 d⬘ G共s + ,s⬘ + ⬘兲 . 2 ⬘2 By hypothesis, for all 0 艋 s , s⬘ 艋 1 , , ⬘ with 兩兩 艋 1 / U, 兩⬘兩 艋 1 / U⬘, Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-15 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I 储F共s + ,s⬘ + ⬘兲储w = 储共s⬘ + ⬘兲f + 共s + 兲共f ⬘ − f兲储w 艋 共1 + 兩⬘兩兲储f储w + 共1 + 兩兩兲储f ⬘ − f储w 艋 1 , 17 and hence 1 储F共s + ,x⬘ + ⬘兲储w 17 = 1. 艋 储G共s + ,s⬘ + ⬘兲储w 艋 16 1 − 16储F共s + ,s⬘ + ⬘兲储w 1− 17 So 储g⬘ − g储w 艋 1 1 1 1 1 1 2U−1 −3 + 2U−1 2U⬘−1 −2 −2 = U2 + UU⬘ . 2 U 2 2 U U⬘ 䊏 IV. THE HISTORY FIELD AND LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS In this section, we assume that we are given a metric d and weight factors 1 , . . . , s on X. We consider analytic functions f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; h兲 of the complex fields ␣1 , . . . , ␣s and the additional history field h, which takes values in 兵0,1其. Denote by w the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j to the field ␣ j, and the constant weight factor 1 to the history field h 共see Definition 2.6兲. Also fix the number 0 艋 s⬘ 艋 s of source fields. As pointed out in Sec. I, the purpose of the history field is to keep track of all the points that have ever been used in the construction of a particular function or monomial. We will deal with linear changes in the ␣-fields which may be compositions of several such changes of variables. In each composition it may be relevant which points where involved. This is the motivation for the following Definition 4.1: 共i兲 An h-operator or h-linear map A on CX is a linear operator on CX whose kernel is of the form ⬁ A共x,y兲 = 兺 兺 ᐉ=0 共x ,. . .,x 兲苸Xᐉ 1 ᐉ 共ii兲 A共x;x1, . . . ,xᐉ ;y兲h共x兲h共x1兲 ¯ h共xᐉ兲h共y兲. The composition A ⴰ B of two h-operators A, B on CX is by definition the h-operator with kernel 共A ⴰ B兲共x,y兲 = 兺 A共x,z兲B共z,y兲 = z苸X 兺 兺 兺 ᐉ,ᐉ⬘艌0 x1,. . .,xᐉ y1,. . .,yᐉ⬘ z苸X A共x;x1, . . . ,xᐉ ;z兲B共z;y1, . . . ,yᐉ ;y兲 h共x兲h共x1兲 ¯ h共xᐉ兲h共z兲h共y1兲 ¯ h共yᐉ⬘兲h共y兲. 共iii兲 Here, we used that h2 = h. For an “ordinary” linear operator J on CX with kernel J共x , y兲, we define the associated h-operators by J̄共x,y兲 = h共x兲J共x,y兲h共y兲 and the associated h-exponential as ⬁ exph共J兲 = h + 兺 ᐉ=1 1 ᐉ J̄ . ᐉ! Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-16 共iv兲 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. If is any field on X and A an h-operator, we set ⬁ 共A兲共x兲 = A共x;x1, . . . ,xᐉ ;y兲h共x兲h共x1兲 ¯ h共xᐉ兲h共y兲共y兲. 兺 A共x,y兲共y兲 = ᐉ=0 兺 x ,.兺 . .,x ,y y苸X ᐉ 1 Definition 4.2: (Weighted L1 − L⬁ operator norms) Let , ⬘ : X → 共0 , ⬁兴 be weight factors and ␦ an arbitrary metric and let A be an h-linear map on CX. We define the operator norm N␦共A; , ⬘兲 = 冐兺 A共x;xជ ;y兲h共x兲l共x兲h共xជ 兲h共y兲r共y兲 x,y苸X x苸X共1兲 冐 , where is the weight system with metric ␦ that associates the weight 1 / to l, the weight ⬘ to r and the weight 1 to h, and where l and r are thought of as internal fields. For an ordinary operator J on CX, we set N␦共J ; , ⬘兲 = N␦共J̄ ; , ⬘兲. Remark 4.3: 共i兲 Definition 4.2 may be equivalently formulated as follows. For each integer ᐉ 艌 0, set 1 兩A共x;xជ ;y兲兩⬘共y兲e␦共supp共x,xជ ,y兲兲 , 共x兲 ᐉ x苸X 兺 兺 x苸X y苸X Lᐉ共A; , ⬘兲 = sup ជ 1 兩A共x;xជ ;y兲兩⬘共y兲e␦共supp共x,xជ ,y兲兲 . 共x兲 ᐉ x苸X 兺 兺 y苸X x苸X Rᐉ共A; , ⬘兲 = sup ជ Then, N␦共A; , ⬘兲 = 共ii兲 兺 ᐉ艌0 max兵Lᐉ共A; , ⬘兲,Rᐉ共A; , ⬘兲其. Clearly, N␦共A ⴰ B; , ⬙兲 艋 N␦共A; , ⬘兲N␦共B; , ⬙兲 共4.1兲 for any two h-operators A, B and any three weight factors , ⬘, and ⬙. Proposition 4.4: Let A j, 1 艋 j 艋 s, be h-operators on CX, and let f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; h兲 be an analytic function on a neighborhood of the origin in C共s+1兲兩X兩. Define f̃ by f̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲 = f共A1␣1, . . . ,As␣s ;h兲. Let 1 , . . . , s, ˜1 , . . . , ˜s be weight factors. Denote by w and w̃ the weight systems with metric d that associate to the field ␣ j the weight factors j and ˜ j, respectively, and the constant weight factor 1 to the history field h 共see Definition 2.5兲. If Nd共A j ; j , ˜ j兲 艋 1 for 1 艋 j 艋 s, then 储f̃储w̃ 艋 储f储w . Proof: Let a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; xជ s+1兲 be a symmetric coefficient system for f. Define, for each n共xជ j兲 = n j 艌 0, 1 艋 j 艋 s + 1, ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲 = 兺 yជ 1苸Xn1 ¯ 兺 兺 yជ s苸Xns yជ s+1ⴰzជ 1,1ⴰ¯ⴰzជ s,ns=xជ s+1 s a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s ;yជ s+1兲 兿 j=1 冋兿 nj ᐉ=1 册 A j共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲 , where xជ j = 共x j,1 , . . . , x j,n j兲. Then, ã共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; xជ s+1兲 is a coefficient system for f̃. Since Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-17 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I d共supp共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s,yជ s+1 ⴰ zជ 1,1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ zជ s,ns兲兲 艋 d共supp共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s,yជ s+1兲兲 + 兺 d共supp共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兲, 1艋j艋s 1艋ᐉ艋n j we have ˜ 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩 艋 兺 兺 共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s,yជ s+1兲兩a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s,yជ s+1兲兩 yជ j苸Xn j yជ s+1ⴰzជ 1,1ⴰ¯ⴰzជ s,ns=xជ s+1 1艋j艋s s ⫻兿 j=1 冋兿 nj ᐉ=1 ed共supp共y j,ᐉ;zជ j,ᐉ;x j,ᐉ兲兲兩A j共supp共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兲兩 册 ˜ j共x j,ᐉ兲 . j共y j,ᐉ兲 We first observe that when xជ 1 = ¯ = xជ s = −, we have ˜ 共− , . . . ,− ;xជ s+1兲兩ã共− , . . . ,− ;xជ s+1兲兩 = w共− , . . . ,− ;xជ s+1兲兩a共− , . . . ,− ;xជ s+1兲兩 so that the corresponding contributions to 储f̃储w̃ and 储f储w are identical. Therefore, we may assume, without loss of generality, that f共0 , . . . , 0 ; h兲 = 0. If there are no source fields, we are to bound 储f̃储w̃ = 兺 n1,. . .,ns+1艌0 n1+¯+ns艌1 兺 max max max x苸X 1艋j¯艋s 1艋ı¯艋n¯ ជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 j 共x n¯j⫽0 共xជ¯j兲¯ı=x w̃共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩. ⬘ n 艌1 If there are source fields, that is, if s⬘ ⬎ 0 共s⬘ was specified in Definition 2.6兲 and 兺sj=1 j 兺 max max max x苸X 1艋j¯艋s 1艋ı¯艋n¯ ជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 j 共x n¯j⫽0 共xជ¯j兲¯ı=x is replaced by max 兺 1艋ᐉ艋n j 1艋j艋s⬘, 1艋ᐉ艋n j xជ j,ᐉ苸X 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 1艋j艋s⬘ 共xជ 兲 =x̃ j ᐉ . j,ᐉ Choose any n1 , . . . , ns+1 艌 0. If there are no source fields also choose a 1 艋 j̄ 艋 s with n¯j ⫽ 0 and an 1 艋 ı̄ 艋 n j. This is equivalent to choosing the singleton subset I = 兵共j̄ , ı̄兲其 of 兵共j , ᐉ兲 兩 1 艋 j 艋 s , 1 艋 ᐉ 艋 n j其. If there are source fields, set I = 兵共j,ᐉ兲兩1 艋 j 艋 s⬘, 1 艋 ᐉ 艋 n j其. Choose an x̃ j,ᐉ 苸 X for each 共j , ᐉ兲 苸 I. To get 储f̃储w̃, we are to bound the sum, over the choices of n1 , . . . , ns+1, of the max, over the choices of I and the x̃ j,ᐉ’s, of Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-18 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. 兺 兺 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xs+1兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 yជ j苸Xn j, 1艋j艋s zជ j,ᐉ苸X共1兲, 1艋j艋s, 1艋ᐉ艋n j yជ s+1ⴰzជ 1,1ⴰ¯ⴰzជ s,n =xជ s+1 共xជ j兲ᐉ=xជ j,ᐉ for 共j,ᐉ兲苸I yជ s+1苸X共1兲 s 冋兿 册 nj s ⫻兩a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩 兿 ᐉ=1 j=1 w共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲 A j兩共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兩 , 共4.2兲 where, for each 1 艋 j 艋 s, A j共y;zជ ;x兲 = ed共supp共y;zជ ;x兲兲兩A j共y;zជ ;x兲兩 ˜ j共x兲 . j共y兲 Observe that 共4.2兲 = 兺 兺 兺 兺 ms+1艌0 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 yជ j苸Xn j, 1艋j艋s zជ j,ᐉ苸Xm j,ᐉ, 1艋j艋s, 1艋ᐉ艋n j m j,ᐉ艌0 for 1艋j艋s, 1艋ᐉ艋n j yជ s+1ⴰzជ 1,1ⴰ¯ⴰzជ s,n =xជ s+1 共xជ j兲ᐉ=xជ j,ᐉ for 共j,ᐉ兲苸I yជ s+1苸Xms+1 s ms+1+⌺ j,ᐉm j,ᐉ=ns+1 s w共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩 兿 j=1 冋兿 册 nj ᐉ=1 A j兩共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兩 . In taking the sum, over the choices of n1 , . . . , ns+1, of the max, over the choices of I and the x̃ j,ᐉ’s, of 共4.2兲, we apply “max 兺 艋 兺 max” to give 储f̃储w̃ 艋 兺 兺 n1,. . .,ns艌0 兺 max max I ms+1艌0 m j,ᐉ艌0 for 1艋j艋s, 1艋ᐉ艋n j s ⫻w共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩 兿 j=1 兺 兺 x̃ j,ᐉ苸x 共x ,. . .,x 兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns y 苸Xn j, 1艋j艋s zជ j,ᐉ苸Xm j,ᐉ ជ1 ជs ជj 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 共x 兲 =x for 共j,ᐉ兲苸I m ជ j ᐉ ជ j,ᐉ yជ s+1苸X s+1 1艋j艋s, 1艋ᐉ艋n j 冋兿 册 nj ᐉ=1 A j兩共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兩 , where I is chosen as above. For each 共j , ᐉ兲 苸 I and y j,ᐉ 苸 X, we have, in the notation of Remark 4.3, part 共i兲, 兺 A j共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲 艋 Lm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲. x j,ᐉ苸X zជ j,ᐉ苸Xm j,ᐉ Thus, 兺 兺 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns yជ j苸Xn j, 1艋j艋s zជ j,ᐉ苸Xm j,ᐉ m 共xជ j兲ᐉ=xជ j,ᐉ for 共j,ᐉ兲苸I yជ s+1苸X s+1 1艋j艋s, 1艋ᐉ艋n j s w共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩 兿 艋 兺 y j,ᐉ y j,ᐉ 共j,ᐉ兲苸I ⫻ zជ j,ᐉ 冉兺 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 兺 j=1 兺 冋兿 nj ᐉ=1 A j兩共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兩 w共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩 yជ s+1苸Xms+1 兿 苸Xm j,ᐉ 共j,ᐉ兲苸I A j兩共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兩 兿 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 冊 册 Lm,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲 共j,ᐉ兲苸I Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-19 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I 艋 冉 兺 max y j,ᐉ 兺 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 兺 兺 ⫻ y j,ᐉ 共j,ᐉ兲苸I w共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩a共yជ 1, . . . ,yជ s+1兲兩 yជ s+1苸Xms+1 y j,ᐉ 兿 A j兩共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲兩 zជ j,ᐉ苸Xm j,ᐉ 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 兿 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 冊 Lm,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲 共j,ᐉ兲苸I 艋 储wa储n1,. . .,ns,ms+1 兿 共j,ᐉ兲苸I Rm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲 兿 共j,ᐉ兲苸I Lm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲 since, for each 共j , ᐉ兲 苸 I, 兺 y j,ᐉ苸X A j共y j,ᐉ ;zជ j,ᐉ ;x j,ᐉ兲 艋 Rm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲. zជ j,ᐉ苸Xm j,ᐉ Hence, 储f̃储w̃ 艋 艋 兺 兺 max储wa储n1,. . .,nsms+1 兺 兺 储wa储n1,. . .,nsms+1 兿 max兵Rm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲,Lm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲其 n1,. . .,ns艌0 ms+1艌0 m j,ᐉ艌0 n1,. . .,ns艌0 ms+1艌0 m j,ᐉ艌0 I 兿 共j,ᐉ兲苸I Rm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲 兿 共j,ᐉ兲苸I Lm j,ᐉ共A j ; j, ˜ j兲 共j,ᐉ兲 s 艋 Nd共A j ; k, ˜ j兲n 艋 储f储w . 兺 兺 储wa储n ,. . .,n m 兿 n ,. . .,n 艌0 m 艌0 j=1 j 1 1 s s s+1 s+1 䊏 Proposition 4.4 treats substitutions “field by field.” Corollary 4.6, below generalizes Proposition 4.4 to allow substitutions that mix fields. In preparation for the corollary, we have the following. Lemma 4.5: Let f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; h兲 be an analytic function on a neighborhood of the origin in C共s+1兲兩X兩 with 0 艋 s⬘ ⬍ s source fields (see Definition 2.6). 共i兲 Let r 苸 N and define f̃ by f̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s−1, 1, . . . , r ;h兲 = f共␣1, . . . , ␣s−1, 1 + ¯ + r ;h兲 Let ˜1 , . . . , ˜r be weight factors and assume that r ˜ 共x兲 j 艋 1. sup 兺 x苸X s共x兲 j=1 Denote by w̃ the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor i to the field ␣i, for 1 艋 i 艋 s − 1, the weight factor ˜ j to the field  j, for 1 艋 j 艋 r, and the constant weight factor 1 to the history field h. Then, 储f̃储w̃ 艋 储f储w . 共ii兲 Let 兵1 , . . . , s其 = I1 艛 ¯ 艛 Ir be a partition of 兵1 , . . . , s其 into disjoint nonempty subsets. If the number of source fields s⬘ 艌 1, assume that I j = 兵j其 for all 1 艋 j 艋 s⬘. Define f̃ by f̃共1, . . . , r ;h兲 = 兩f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲兩 ␣i= j if i苸I j 1艋i艋s, 1艋j艋r . Let ˜1 , . . . , ˜r be weight factors and assume that ˜ j 艋 i for all 1 艋 i 艋 s and 1 艋 j 艋 r with Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-20 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. i 苸 I j. Denote by w̃ the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor ˜ j to the field  j, for 1 艋 j 艋 r, and the constant weight factor 1 to the history field h. Then, 储f̃储w̃ 艋 储f储w . 共iii兲 Let r 苸 N and let X = ⌳1 艛 ¯ 艛 ⌳r be a partition of X into disjoint subsets. Define f by f̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s−1, 1, . . . , r ;h兲 = f共␣1, . . . , ␣s−1,⌳11 + ¯ + ⌳rr ;h兲. Let ˜1 , . . . , ˜r be weight factors and assume that there is a ⬎ 1 such that max sup 1艋j艋r x苸⌳ j ˜ j共x兲 1 艋 ⬍ 1. s共x兲 Denote by w̃ the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor i to the field ␣i, for 1 艋 i 艋 s − 1, the weight factor ˜ j to the field  j, for 1 艋 j 艋 r, and the constant weight factor 1 to the history field h. Then, 储f̃储w̃ 艋 Cr,储f储w with Cr, = 冦 冉 冊 r e ln 2r 1 if 艋 er/2 if er/2 艋 ⬍ 2r if 艌 2r . 冧 Proof: 共i兲 Let a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; zជ 兲 be a symmetric coefficient system for f. Since a is invariant under permutation of its xs components, f̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s−1, 1, . . . , r ;h兲 = f共␣1, . . . , ␣s−1, 1 + ¯ + r ;h兲 兺 = 冉 兿 冊冉兺 冊 s−1 xជ i苸x共1兲, 1艋i艋s a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲 ᐉ=1 r ␣ᐉ共xជ ᐉ兲  j 共xជ s兲h共zជ 兲 j=1 zជ 苸X共1兲 兺 = 兺 xជ i苸x共1兲, 1艋i艋s yជ i苸x共1兲, 1艋i艋r xជ s=yជ 1ⴰyជ 1ⴰ¯ⴰyជ r zជ 苸X共1兲 冉 兿 冊冉 s−1 ⫻ ᐉ=1 ␣ᐉ共xជ ᐉ兲 a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲 n共yជ 1兲 + ¯ + n共yជ r兲 n共yជ 1兲, . . . ,n共yជ r兲 冊冉 兿 冊 r  j共yជ j兲 h共zជ 兲, j=1 we have that ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r ;zជ 兲 = a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲 冉 n共yជ 1兲 + ¯ + n共yជ r兲 n共yជ 1兲, . . . ,n共yជ r兲 冊 is a symmetric coefficient system for f̃. When xជ 1 = ¯ = xជ s−1 = yជ 1 = ¯ = yជ r = −, we have Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-21 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I w̃共− , . . . ,− ;zជ 兲兩ã共− , . . . ,− ;zជ 兲兩 = w共− , . . . ,− ;zជ 兲兩a共− , . . . ,− ;zជ 兲兩 so that the corresponding contributions to 储f̃储w̃ and 储f储w are identical. Therefore, we may assume, without loss of generality, that f̃共0 , . . . , 0 ; h兲 = f共0 , . . . , 0 ; h兲 = 0. Set, for each 1 艋 j 艋 r, t j = supx苸X关˜ j共x兲 / s共x兲兴. Thus, t1 + ¯ +tr 艋 1 and ˜ j共x兲 艋 t js共x兲 for all 1 艋 j 艋 r and all x 苸 X. If there are no source fields, we have 储f̃储w̃ = 兺 兺 max ni艌0, 1艋i艋s−1 x苸X m j艌0, 1艋j艋r 1艋i艋⌺ni+⌺m j w̃共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r ;zជ 兲 zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 ᐉ艌0 yជ j苸Xm j, 1艋j艋r 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r兲i=x ⫻兩ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r ;zជ 兲兩 艋 兺 max ni艌0, 1艋i艋s−1 x苸X m j艌0, 1艋j艋r 1艋i艋⌺ni+⌺m j ᐉ艌0 ⫻ 冉 m1 + ¯ + mr m1, . . . ,mr 兺 艋 ni艌0, 1艋i艋s−1 冉 冊 兺 mr 1 tm ជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ . . . ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲 1 ¯ tr w共x z苸Xᐉ ជ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 yជ j苸Xm j, 1艋j艋r 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r兲i=x 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ . . . ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲兩 m1 + ¯ + mr m1, . . . ,mr 冊 mr 1 tm 1 ¯ tr 兺 max x苸X 1艋i艋⌺ni+⌺m j m j艌0, 1艋j艋r ᐉ艌0 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲 zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 xជ s苸X⌺m j 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲i=x ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩 兺 艋 ni艌0, 1艋i艋s 兺 共t1 + ¯ + tr兲ns max x苸X 1艋i艋⌺ni ᐉ艌0 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩 zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ 苸Xni, 1艋i艋s 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲i=x 艋 储f储w . 共ii兲 The case when there are source fields is similar. It suffices to consider the case that r = s − 1, Ir = 兵s − 1 , s其, and I j = 兵j其 for all 1 艋 j 艋 s − 2. The remaining cases follow by repeatedly reordering the field indices and applying the special case. Let a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ r−1 , yជ 1 , yជ 2 ; xជ r+1兲 be a symmetric coefficient system for f. As f̃共1, . . . , r ;h兲 = f共1, . . . , r−1, r, r ;h兲 = 兺 xជ i苸x共1兲, 1艋i艋r−1 a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲 yជ 1,yជ 2,zជ 苸X共1兲 冉兿 冊 r−1 ⫻ = ᐉ−1 ᐉ共xជ ᐉ兲 r共yជ 1兲r共yជ 2兲h共zជ 兲 兺 兺 xជ i苸x共1兲, 1艋i艋r yជ 1,yជ 2苸x共1兲 xជ r=yជ 1ⴰyជ 2 zជ 苸X共1兲 冉兿 冊 r a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲 ᐉ−1 ᐉ共xជ ᐉ兲 h共zជ 兲, we have that Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-22 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. 兺 ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r ;zជ 兲 = yជ 1,yជ 2苸x共1兲 xជ r=yជ 1ⴰyជ 2 a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲 is a, not necessarily symmetric, coefficient system for f̃. Again we may assume, without loss of generality, that f̃共0 , . . . , 0 ; h兲 = f共0 , . . . , 0 , 0 ; h兲 = 0. If there are no source fields, we have, by Remark 2.7, part 共i兲, 储f̃储w̃ 艋 兺 n1+¯+nr艌1 ᐉ艌0 兺 max max max x苸X 1艋j¯艋r 1艋ı¯艋n¯ j n¯j⫽0 w̃共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r ;zជ 兲兩aជ 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r ;zជ 兲兩 xជ 苸Xᐉ 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ r兲苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xnr 共xជ¯j兲¯j=x 艋 兺 n1+¯nr艌1 ᐉ艌0 兺 max max max x苸X 1艋j¯艋r 1艋ı¯艋n¯ j n¯j⫽0 兺 yជ 1,yជ 2苸X共1兲 n j xជ j苸X , 1艋j艋r xជ r=yជ 1ⴰyជ 2 zជ 苸Xᐉ w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲 共xជ¯j兲¯ı=x ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲兩 = 兺 n1+¯+nr艌1 ᐉ艌0 兺 max x苸X 兺 m1,m2艌0 zជ 苸Xᐉ 1艋i艋n1+¯+nr m +m =n 1 2 r w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲 yជ 1苸Xm1, yជ 2苸Xm2 xជ j苸xn j, 1艋j艋r−1 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2兲i=x ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲兩 艋 兺 兺 max x苸X n j艌0, 1艋j艋r−1 1艋i艋n1+¯+nr−1+m1+m2 m1,m2艌0 ᐉ艌0 zជ 苸Xᐉ w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲 yជ 1苸Xm1, yជ 2苸Xm2 xជ j苸xn j, 1艋j艋r−1 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2兲i=x ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ r−1,yជ 1,yជ 2 ;zជ 兲兩 = 储f储w . The case when there are source fields is similar. 共iii兲 Let a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; zជ 兲 be a symmetric coefficient system for f. As in part 共i兲, we have that 冉兿 冊 r ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r ;zជ 兲 = a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲 ⫻ 冉 n共yជ 1兲 + ¯ + n共yជ r兲 n共yជ 1兲, ¯ ,n共yជ r兲 冊 ⌳ j共yជ j兲 j=1 is a symmetric coefficient system for f̃. Again, we may assume, without loss of generality, that f̃共0 , . . . , 0 ; h兲 = f共0 , . . . , 0 ; h兲 = 0. By hypothesis, ˜ j共x兲 艋 共1 / v兲s共x兲 for all 1 艋 j 艋 r and all x 苸 ⌳ j. If there are no source fields, we have Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-23 储f̃储w̃ = J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I 兺 max ni艌0, 1艋i艋s−1 x苸X m j艌0, 1艋j艋r 1艋p艋⌺ni+⌺m j ᐉ艌0 兺 w̃共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r ;zជ 兲 zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 yជ j苸Xm j, 1艋j艋r 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r兲 p=x ⫻兩ã共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r ;zជ 兲兩 艋 兺 max ni艌0, 1艋i艋s−1 x苸X m j艌0, 1艋j艋r 1艋p艋⌺n j+⌺m j 冉 1 v 兺 zជ 苸Xᐉ m1+¯+mr w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲 xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 ᐉ艌0 ⫻ 冉冊 m yជ j苸⌳ j j, 1艋j艋r m1 + ¯ + mr m1, ¯ ,mr 冊 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r兲 p=x 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲兩. 共4.3兲 We claim that 兺 max x苸X zជ 苸Xᐉ 1艋p艋⌺n j+⌺m j 冉 m1 + ¯ + mr m1, ¯ ,mr 冊 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 m yជ j苸⌳ j j, 1艋j艋r 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1, . . . ,yជ r兲 p=x ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r ;zជ 兲兩 艋 共m1 + ¯ + mr兲 max x苸X 1艋p艋⌺n j+⌺m j 兺 zជ 苸Xᐉ w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲 xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 xជ s苸X⌺m j 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 p=x ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩. 共4.4兲 To see this, fix x to be element of X and p to be the integer between 1 and 兺ni + 兺m j that give the s−1 s−1 ni, set p̄ = p − 兺i=1 ni and let 1 艋 j̄ 艋 r obey maximum for the left hand side. In the event that p ⬎ 兺i=1 ¯ x 苸 ⌳j. Denote by n⌳共xជ 兲 the number of components of xជ that are in ⌳. Then, 兺 zជ 苸Xᐉ 兺 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩 艌 zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 xជ s苸X⌺m j xជ s苸X⌺m j 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 p=x 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 p=x w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲 n⌳ 共xជ 兲=m j, 1艋j艋r j ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩. To each xជ s 苸 X兺m j with n⌳ j共xជ s兲 = m j for each 1 艋 j 艋 r and with 共xជ s兲 p̄ = x 共if p̄ is defined兲 we assign the unique permutation 苸 S兺m j with • 共p̄兲 = p̄ 共if p̄ is defined兲 and • 共1兲 being the index of the first component of xជ s 关other than 共xជ s兲 p̄ if p̄ is defined兴 with 共xជ s兲共1兲 苸 ⌳1, • 共2兲 being the index of the second component of xជ s 关other than 共xជ s兲 p̄ if p̄ is defined兴 with 共xជ s兲共2兲 苸 ⌳1, Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-24 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. • 共兺m j兲 being the index of the last component of xជ s 关other than 共xជ s兲 p̄ if p̄ is defined兴 with 共xជ s兲共兺m j兲 苸 ⌳r. The set ⌸ of such permutations contains exactly 冉 m1 + ¯ + mr − 1 m 1, . . . ,m¯j − 1, . . . ,mr 冊 = 冉 共 mm+¯+m 兲 elements if p̄ is not defined and ,. . .,m 1 1 r 冊 r 冉 m1 + ¯ + mr m1 + ¯ + mr 1 mj 艌 m1 + ¯ + mr m1, . . . ,mr m1 + ¯ + mr m1, . . . ,mr 冊 elements if p̄ is defined. Hence, if we rename the components of xជ s 共in order兲 that are in ⌳ j to be yជ j so that xជ s = −1共yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r兲, 兺 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩 zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 xជ s苸X⌺m j 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲i=x 艌 兺 兺 苸⌸ w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩兩xជ s=−1共yជ 1ⴰ¯ⴰyជ r兲 zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 m yជ j苸⌳ j j, 1艋j艋r 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1, −1共yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r兲兲 p=x = 兺 兺 苸⌸ w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩兩xជ s=yជ 1ⴰ¯ⴰyជ r zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 m yជ j苸⌳ j j, 1艋j艋r 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r兲 p=x 兺 = #共⌸兲 w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩兩xជ s=yជ 1ⴰ¯ⴰyជ r zជ 苸Xᐉ xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 m yជ j苸⌳ j j, 1艋j艋r 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s−1,yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r兲 p=x since w共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; zជ 兲 and a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; zជ 兲 are invariant under permutations of the components of xជ s and the condition 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s−1 , −1共yជ 1 ⴰ ¯ ⴰ yជ r兲兲 p = x is equivalent to the condition 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s−1 , yជ 1 , . . . , yជ r兲 p = x. This yields 共4.4兲. Substituting 共4.4兲 into 共4.3兲, we have 储f̃储w̃ 艋 兺 ni艌0, 1艋i艋s−1 冉冊 1 m1+¯+mr 共m1 + ¯ + mr兲 兺 max x苸X 1艋p艋⌺ni+⌺m j m j艌0, 1艋j艋r ᐉ艌0 ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩 艋 兺 ni艌0, 1艋i艋s 共ns + 1兲r−1ns ns艌0 1 xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s−1 xជ s苸X⌺m j 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 p=x ns max x苸X 1艋p艋⌺ni ᐉ艌0 ⫻兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲兩 艋 储f储w sup 共ns + 1兲r 冉冊 冉冊 1 ns w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲 zជ 苸Xᐉ 兺 zជ 苸Xᐉ w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;zជ 兲 xជ i苸Xni, 1艋i艋s 共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲 p=x 艋 Cr,储f储w , where Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-25 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I Cr, = 冦 冉 冊 r e ln r if 艋 e1/2 2r 1 if e1/2 艋 ⬍ 2r if 艌 2r . 冧 The case when there are source fields is similar, but easier since there is no condition s−1 n i. 䊏 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s−1 , yជ 1 , . . . , yជ r兲 p = x with p ⬎ 兺i=1 Corollary 4.6: Let h共␥1 , . . . , ␥r ; h兲 be an analytic function on a neighborhood of the origin in C共r+1兲兩X兩, and let ⌫ij be h-operators on CX, 1 艋 i 艋 s, 1 艋 j 艋 r. Set 冉兺 s h̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲 = h 冊 s ⌫i1␣i, i=1 . . . , 兺 ⌫ri␣i ;h . i=1 Furthermore, let j : X → 共0 , ⬁兴 for 1 艋 j 艋 r be weight factors. Let w be the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j and the constant weight factor 1 to the history field h. Assume that 兺 Nd共⌫ij ; j, i兲 艋 1 i=1,. . .,s for each 1 艋 j 艋 r. Then, 储h̃储w 艋 储h储w . Proof: We introduce auxiliary fields 兵␣i,j其 1艋i艋s and 兵i,j其 1艋i艋s and define 1艋j艋r h⬘共兵i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲 = h 1艋j艋r 冉 1艋j艋r s s i=1 i=1 冊 兺 i1, . . . , 兺 ir ;h , h⬙共兵␣i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲 = h⬘共兵⌫ij␣i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲. 1艋j艋r 1艋j艋r Then, h̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲 = h⬙兩共兵␣i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲兩 1艋j艋r ␣i,j=␣ i 1艋i艋s, 1艋j艋r . Set ti,j = Nd共⌫ij ; j , i兲 and introduce the auxiliary weight system w⬘ with metric d that associates the weight factor one to the history field, • the weight factor i to the field ␣i,j and • the weight factor ti,j j to the field i,j. By part 共ii兲 of Lemma 4.5, 储h̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲储w 艋 储h⬙共兵␣i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲储w⬘ . 1艋j艋r By Proposition 4.4, 储h⬙共兵␣i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲储w⬘ 艋 储h⬘共兵i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲储w⬘ 1艋j艋r 1艋j艋r since Nd共⌫ij ;ti,j j, i兲 = 1 Nd共⌫ij ; j, i兲 = 1. ti,j Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-26 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. By part 共i兲 of Lemma 4.5, 储h⬘共兵i,j其 1艋i艋s ;h兲储w⬘ 艋 储h共␥1, . . . , ␥r ;h兲储w 1艋j艋r since, for each 1 艋 j 艋 r, s s s ti,j j共x兲 = 兺 ti,j = 兺 Nd共⌫ij ; j, i兲 艋 1. sup 共x兲 x j i=1 i=1 兺 i=1 䊏 APPENDIX A: CHANGE OF VARIABLES FORMULAS IN A SIMPLE SETTING The results of Secs. II–IV will be applied in their full generality to the construction of the temporal ultraviolet limit of a many boson system in Ref. 4. In the second part of the paper,3 we discuss the small field part of this construction. For it we need neither history nor source fields and can do with constant weight factors as in 共1.4兲. For this reason, we specialize our main change of variables formulas, Corollary 4.6 to this setting 共see Corollary A.2, below兲. We also provide another change of variables formula, Proposition A.3, which is special for multilinear functions. For an abstract framework, we consider analytic functions f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s兲 of the complex fields ␣1 , . . . , ␣s, none of which are history or source fields. We assume that we are given a metric d and constant weight factors 1 , . . . , s. Denote by w the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j to the field ␣ j. In this environment, Definition 2.6, for the norm of the function f共␣1, . . . , ␣s兲 = 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲苸x共s兲 a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲␣1共xជ 1兲 ¯ ␣s共xជ s兲 with a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s兲 a symmetric coefficient system, simplifies to 储f储w = 兩a共− 兲兩 + 兺 n1,. . .,ns艌0 n1,. . .,ns艌1 max max max 兺 x苸X 1艋j艋s 1艋i艋n j xជ ᐉ苸Xnᐉ n j⫽0 1艋ᐉ艋s 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s兲兩n11 ¯ snsed共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s兲 . 共A1兲 共xជ j兲i=x As well, for the change in variable formulas of Sec. IV, one only needs a special case of the operator norm in Definition 4.2. Definition A.1: Let A be a linear map on CX. We define the operator norm 再 储兩A兩储 = Nd共A; 1, 1兲 = max sup 兺 ed共x,y兲兩A共x,y兲兩,sup 兺 ee共x,y兲兩A共x,y兲兩 y苸X x苸X x苸X y苸X 冎 . Observe that for constant weight factors and , Nd共A ; , 兲 = 共 / 兲储兩A兩储. Hence, Corollary 4.6 is simplified as follows. Corollary A.2: Let h共␥1 , . . . , ␥r兲 be an analytic function on a neighborhood of the origin in Cr兩X兩, and let ⌫ij be linear operators on CX, 1 艋 i 艋 s, 1 艋 j 艋 r. Set 冉兺 s h̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s兲 = h i=1 s ⌫i1␣i, 冊 . . . , 兺 ⌫ri␣i . i=1 Furthermore, let 1 , . . . , r be constant weight factors and let w be the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j to the field ␥ j. Assume that s i 储兩⌫ij兩储 艋 1 兺 i=1 j Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-27 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I for each 1 艋 j 艋 r. Then, 储h̃储w 艋 储h储w . Proposition A.3: Let h共␥1 , . . . , ␥r兲 be a multilinear form in the fields ␥1 , . . . , ␥r. Furthermore, let ˜⌫ j, i ⌫ij, A j, and à j 共i = 1 , . . . , r; j = 1 , . . . , s兲 be linear operators on CX. Set 冉兺 s f 1共 ␣ 1, . . . , ␣ s兲 = h . . . , 兺 ⌫rj␣ j , j=1 冉兺 s f 2共 ␣ 1, . . . , ␣ s兲 = h j=1 冉兺 冉兺 s A1⌫1j ␣ j, j=1 s −h j=1 ... ,兺 ... ,兺 冊 冉 冊 冉兺 冊 冉兺 ⌫rj␣ j j=1 s f 3共 ␣ 1, . . . , ␣ s兲 = h j=1 s ⌫1j ␣ j, 冊 s ⌫1j ␣ j, s s j=1 j=1 s Ar⌫rj␣ j j=1 s Ã1⌫1j ␣ j, −h j=1 s A1˜⌫1j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ar˜⌫rj␣ j + h j=1 冊 − h 兺 ˜⌫1j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 ˜⌫rj␣ j , s j=1 . . . , 兺 Ãr⌫rj␣ j j=1 s 冊 冊 ˜ j␣ . Ã1˜⌫1j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ã⌫ r j j=1 Furthermore, let 1 , . . . , r be constant weight factors and let w be the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j to the field ␥ j. Then, 共i兲 r 储f 1储w 艋 储h储w 兿 i=1 冉兺 冊 s j=1 j j 储兩⌫ 兩储 . i i 共ii兲 储f 2储w 艋 r储h储w␦ r−1 , where 再 = max max i=1,. . .,r s 兺 j=1 冎 s j j j ˜ j 储兩⌫i 兩储, 兺 储兩⌫ i 兩储 , i j=1 i s j 储兩⌫ij − ˜⌫ij兩储. 兺 i=1,. . .,r j=1 i ␦ = max 共iii兲 储f 3储w 艋 r2储h储␦ a␦ 共a兲r−1 , where a = max max兵储兩Ai兩储,储兩Ãi兩储其, i=1,. . .,r a␦ = max 储兩Ai − Ãi兩储. i=1,. . .,r Proof: Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-28 共i兲 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. Define, for each 1 艋 i 艋 r, ti = 兺sj=1共 j / i兲储兩⌫ij兩储. Set 冉兺 s h̃共␣1, . . . , ␣s兲 = h j=1 共ii兲 By multilinearity, f 1 = 共t1 ¯ tr兲h̃, and, by Corollary A.2, 储h̃储w 艋 储h储w. Write the telescoping sum 冉兺 s f 2共 ␣ 1, . . . , ␣ s兲 = h 共⌫1j j=1 s s j=1 j=1 冊 s j=1 冉兺 s j=1 and apply part 共i兲 to each term. Write the telescoping sum 冉兺 s f 3共 ␣ 1, . . . , ␣ s兲 = h s A1共⌫1j j=1 j=1 冊 s 冉兺 s j=1 j=1 冉 s s j=1 j=1 兺 ˜⌫1j ␣ j, 兺 共⌫2j s s j=1 j=1 ˜⌫ j ␣ , 兺 ˜⌫ j ␣ , . . . , 兺 共⌫ ˜ j − ˜⌫ j 兲␣ 1 j 2 j r r j 冊 冉兺 Ã1共⌫1j j=1 s s j=1 j=1 兺 A1˜⌫1j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ar共⌫˜ rj − ˜⌫rj兲␣ j 冊 s 冊 s − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ar⌫rj␣ j − h − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ãr⌫rj␣ j + ¯ + h −h 冊 冉 − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, 兺 ⌫2j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 ⌫rj␣ j + h − ˜⌫2j 兲␣ j, . . . , 兺 ⌫rj␣ j + ¯ + h 共iii兲 冊 s 1 1 j ⌫1␣ j, ¯ , 兺 ⌫rj␣ j . t1 j=1 tr 冊 ˜ j − ˜⌫ j 兲␣ . Ã1˜⌫1j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ãr共⌫ r r j j=1 We claim that the 储 · 储w norm of each of the r lines is bounded by r储h储w␦a␦共a兲r−1. We prove this for the first line. The proof for the other lines is similar. We again write a telescoping sum 冉兺 s h 冊 冉兺 s A1共⌫1j j=1 冉兺 冉兺 s =h − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ar⌫rj␣ j − h j=1 j=1 s s Ã1共⌫1j j=1 − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ãr⌫rj␣ j s s j=1 j=1 共A1 − Ã1兲共⌫1j − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, 兺 A2⌫2j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ar⌫rj␣ j s +h j=1 s s j=1 j=1 冊 Ã1共⌫1j − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, 兺 共A2 − Ã2兲⌫2j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 Ar⌫rj␣ j + ¯+h 冉 s s s j=1 j=1 j=1 j=1 冊 冊 冊 兺 Ã1共⌫1j − ˜⌫1j 兲␣ j, 兺 Ã2⌫2j ␣ j, . . . , 兺 共Ar − Ãr兲⌫rj␣ j . By the first bound, the 储 · 储w norm of the first term is bounded by 冉兺 s 储h储w j=1 j 储兩共A1 − Ã1兲共⌫1j − ˜⌫1j 兲兩储 1 冉兺 s 艋 储h储w储兩A1 − Ã1兩储 j=1 冊兿 冉兺 r s i=2 j=1 j 储兩Ai⌫ij兩储 i j j ˜ j 储兩⌫ − ⌫1兩储 1 1 冊兿 冉 r i=2 冊 s 储兩Ai兩储 兺 j=1 2 j 储兩⌫ 兩储 i i 冊 艋 储h储w␦a␦共a兲r−1 by Remark 4.3, part 共ii兲. The norm of the second term is bounded by Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-29 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Complex bosonic effective actions. I 冉兺 s 储h储w j=1 j 储兩Ã1共⌫1j − ˜⌫1j 兲兩储 1 冊冉兺 s j=1 j 储兩共A2 − Ã2兲⌫2j 兩储 2 冊兿 冉兺 r s i=3 j=1 j 储兩Ai⌫ij兩储 i 冊 艋 储h储w共␦a兲共a␦兲共a兲r−2 . Similarly, one bounds the norms of each of the other r − 2 terms by 储h储w␦a␦共a兲r−1. 䊏 APPENDIX B: A SUPREMUM BOUND Lemma B.1: Let f共␣1 , . . . , ␣s ; h兲 be a function that is defined and analytic on a neighborhood of the origin in C共s+1兲兩X兩. Let w be the weight system with metric d that associates the weight factor j to the field ␣ j. Let S 傺 X be nonempty and assume that 兩f兩 h共x兲=0 = 0. Then, for all x苸S sup兵兩f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲兩 兩 兩␣ j共x兲兩 艋 j共x兲, 兩h共x兲兩 艋 1 for all x 苸 X, 1 艋 j 艋 s其 艋 Kd储f储w#S, where Kd = supy苸X兺x苸Xe−d共x,y兲. Proof: Denote by a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; xជ s+1兲 the symmetric coefficient system for f. Then, if 兩␣ j共x兲兩 艋 j共x兲 and 兩h共x兲兩 艋 1 for all x 苸 X and 1 艋 j 艋 s, we have 兺 兩f共␣1, . . . , ␣s ;h兲兩 艋 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲 n1,. . .,ns+1 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲␣1共xជ 1兲 ¯ ␣s共xជ s兲h共xជ s+1兲兩 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 兺 艋 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲 n1,. . .,ns+1 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩1共xជ 1兲 ¯ s共xជ s兲. 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 It suffices to prove that, for each n1 , . . . , ns+1 艌 0, 兺 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩1共xជ 1兲 ¯ s共xជ s兲 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲 苸Xn1⫻¯⫻Xns+1 艋 Kd#S储a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲储n1,. . .,ns+1 . The cases with n1 + ¯ +ns = 0 are trivial, so fix any n1 , . . . , ns+1 艌 0 with n1 + ¯ +ns ⬎ 0. For notational convenience, suppose that n1 ⬎ 0. By hypothesis a共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s ; xជ s+1兲 = 0 unless at least one component of xជ s+1 is in S, in which case d共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s+1兲 is greater than the distance from the first component of xជ 1 to S. So, suppressing from the notation that 共xជ 1 , . . . , xជ s+1兲 苸 Xn1 ⫻ ¯ ⫻ Xns+1, 兺 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲 艋 艋 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩1共xជ 1兲 ¯ s共xជ s兲 兺 兺 x苸X 共xជ 1,. . .,xជ s+1兲 共xជ 1兲1=x 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩1共xជ 1兲 ¯ s共xជ s兲 e−d共x,S兲 兺 兺 x苸X 共x ,. . .,x ជ1 ជ s+1兲 共xជ 1兲1=x 兩a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲兩w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲 艋 储a共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲w共xជ 1, . . . ,xជ s ;xជ s+1兲储n1,. . .,ns+1 兺 e−d共x,S兲 . x苸X The lemma now follows from Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 053305-30 J. Math. Phys. 51, 053305 共2010兲 Balaban et al. 兺 e−d共x,y兲 艋 Kd#S. 兺 e−d共x,S兲 艋 x苸X 兺 y苸S x苸X 䊏 1 Balaban, T., Feldman, J., Knörrer, H., and Trubowitz, E., “A functional integral representation for many boson systems. II. Correlation functions,” Ann. Henri Poincare 9, 1275 共2008兲. 2 Balaban, T., Feldman, J., Knörren, H., and Trubowitz, E., “Power series representations for bosonic effective actions,” J. Stat. Phys. 134, 839 共2009兲. 3 Balaban, T., Feldman, J., Knörrer, H., and Trubowitz, E., “Power series representations for complex bosonic effective actions. II. A small field renormalization group flow,” J. Math. Phys. 51, 053306 共2010兲. 4 Balaban, T., Feldman, J., Knörrer, H., and Trubowitz, E., “The temporal ultraviolet limit for complex bosonic many-body models,” Ann. Henri Poincare 共to be published兲. Author complimentary copy. Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see