The Application of Signaling Networks to Cancer Metastasis and ARCHNES Cellular Motility through the EGFR Pathway T4H L MASSACPUrET) OF by L- LIBRARIES Submitted to the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.M. in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2015 Massachusetts Iinstitute of Technology 2015. All rights reserved. atUre redacted ........................... MIT School of Engineering a t ent of Mechanical Engineering Certified by .. Signature redacted May 8,2015 Linda G. Griffith Certified by.......Signature Certified#by"......... red acted ................... Thesis Supervisor Douglas A. Lauffenburger Thesis Supervisor redacted Accepted by........Signature David E. Hardt Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students I L JUL 302015 Ranjeetha Bharath S.B., Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013 Signature of Author S... ig '-T T rr The Application of Signaling Networks to Cancer Metastasis and Cellular Motility through the EGFR Pathway by Ranjeetha Bharath S.B., Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013 Submitted to the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.M. in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 2015 Submitted on May 8, 2015 Abstract This thesis explores the problem of cancer metastasis by analyzing the various downstream components of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway. This work develops a mathematical model that consists of partial differential equations and signaling networks. Analysis techniques for these nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations included a study of the biological background and motivation, along with computational simulation of the various sets of models developed. The modeling effort combined biochemical reaction-diffusion equations for various species with mathematical descriptions of the mechanical machinery of the cell to characterize the foundations of cell movement in response to stimuli. By quantifying and qualifying the signaling networks and molecular pathways involved in cellular signaling and linking intracellular signaling to the mechanical machinery of the cell, it is possible to quickly check in silico the effects of changing various feedback parameters and signaling molecule concentrations. By creating a model of this process, it is possible to perform rapid tests of different pharmaceuticals on the biochemical and biomechanical pathways, in order to assess how they would affect cell motility and cancer metastasis on a large scale. 2 Table of Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 4 Acknow ledgem ents......................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................... 8 Chapter 2: Background ................................................................................................................. 11 2.1 Small GTPases ........................................................................................................................ 15 2.2 Epiderm al Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) ...................................................................... 17 2.3 Actin N etw ork......................................................................................................................... 19 2.4 Contractile M achinery and Integrins ................................................................................... 22 Chapter 3: M athem atical M odel and M ethods......................................................................... 24 3.1 M athem atical and Biochem ical Background ....................................................................... 24 3.2 M odules and Descriptions...................................................................................................... 28 3.3 Relational Analysis ................................................................................................................. 41 3.4 Software and Com putational M odeling ............................................................................. 42 3.5 M odeling Progression ............................................................................................................. 46 3.6 Challenges to M odeling .......................................................................................................... 48 3.7 Models..................................................................................................................................... 49 Chapter 4: Results ......................................................................................................................... 52 4.1 Cell Polarization...................................................................................................................... 52 4.2 Param eterization to M atch Experim ental Data.................................................................. 54 4.3 PIP 2 Concentration Test .......................................................................................................... 56 4.4 Initial Conditions and Boundary Conditions ...................................................................... 57 4.5 EG F and M enai ..................................................................................................................... 58 4.6 EGF-Induced Polarization .................................................................................................. 62 4.7 3D Results............................................................................................................................... 64 ............................................................................... 72 Chapter 5: Applications and Future W ork ................................................................................. 80 Chapter 6: Conclusion................................................................................................................... 82 References..................................................................................................................................... 83 4.8 Double-Peak in the Barbed n e 3 Table of Figures Figure 1 (a) The process of cancer cells entering and exiting the bloodstream (Lee, 2007). (b) Cellular mechanical components (Taylor, 2011)......................................................................... 9 Figure 2. The three stages of cell crawling across a surface. (Cooper, 2000) .......................... 12 Figure 3. 3D Imaging of invadopodia (Albiges-Rizo, 2009)................................................... 12 Figure 4. Methods of cellular invasion in cancer metastasis and the key components involved (N umberg, 20 11)........................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 5. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (Kalluri, 2009). ............................................. 14 Figure 6. Intravasation and extravasation (Reymond, 2013)................................................... 15 Figure 7. Small GTPase activation-inactivation process, mediated by GEFs (EtienneM anneville, 2002)......................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8. Spatial organization of RacI, Cdc42, and RhoA using biosensors (Machacek, 2009).16 Figure 9. Spatial organization of Rac, Rho, and CDC42 in a cell to improve modeling efforts (Maree, 2006)................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 10. Key cellular receptors and selected pathways in metastasis (Ciardiello, 2008)......... 18 Figure 11. (a) Electron microscopy showing actin cytoskeleton (NIH) (b) highlighting individual families of branching filaments in actin (Svitkina) .................................................. 19 Figure 12. Arp2/3 creating actin branching (Nurnberg, 2011) ................................................ 20 Figure 13. (a) Normalized elastic modulus for actin (Chaudhuri, 2007). (b) Structures composed of actin filam ents (Lodish, 2000).............................................................................................. 20 Figure 14. Fit to actin polymerized using model described above (Sept, 2001)...................... 22 Figure 15. Myosin proteins walk along the actin fibers. (Berg, 2002) ................................... 22 Figure 16. Integrins embedded in the plasma membrane, linking intracellular proteins with the extracellular m atrix. (Cooper, The Cell. 2001)......................................................................... 23 Figure 17. Michaelis-Menten kinetics; reaction rate plotted against substrate concentration (B erg, 2002).................................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 18. Diffusion process depicted graphically; particles diffuse through random walks...... 26 Figure 19. Partial differential equations evaluated in ID vs 3D............................................... 27 Figure 20. Sample constant values from literature (Dawes, 2007).......................................... 28 Figure 21. Steps involved in MATLAB implementation of algorithms.................................. 42 Figure 22. Sample finite element mesh for COMSOL implementation. ................................ 43 Figure 23. Example input page for COMSOL implementation............................................... 44 Figure 24. Proposed MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) ............................................ 44 Figure 25. Simple network relating key species (Holmes, 2012). ........................................... 46 Figure 26. Different levels of coverage and intricacy in models. (a) (Maree, 2006) (b) (Holmes, 2012) (c) N etw ork used in this w ork. ...................................................................................... 47 Figure 27. Control feedback to represent the black box that is being explored....................... 49 Figure 28. Species can be active in the cytosol region, membrane region, or both.................. 50 Figure 29. N etw ork used in this w ork...................................................................................... 51 Figure 30. Cellular polarization diagram . ................................................................................ 52 Figure 31. (a) Localization of GTPases (Mayor, 2010). (b-d) Simulation results showing cellular polarization for Rho, Cdc42, and Rac........................................................................................ 53 4 Figure 32. (a) Original Rae result (b) Desired model result shape [not actual result] (c) Rac 54 ELISA data (Talento) ) (d) Parameter match to fit data (Talento) .......................................... Figure 33. (a) Experimentally matched simulation (b) Original simulation Results .............. 55 Figure 34. (a-d) Set of plots displaying early model results for stochastic initial conditions..... 56 Figure 35. Relationship between PIP2 hydrolysis and EGFR (Haugh, 1999).......................... 57 58 Figure 36. Sample view screen for COMSOL platform. ........................................................ Figure 37. Mena affects cellular mechanical machinery (Gertler, 2011). ................................ 59 Figure 38. Change in PIP2 concentration for the absence (a) or presence (b) of EGF 60 concentration from sim ulation results........................................................................................ Figure 39. Change in barbed end metric with PIP3 to Rac feedback parameter. ..................... 61 Figure 40. Parameter variation to fit Rac data trend from ELISA experiment......................... 61 Figure 41. (a) EGF induced cell polarization. (b) Pathway diagram highlighting P13K linkage.62 Figure 42. The effect of PIP 3 to Rac feedback on polarization using an EGF gradient stimulus. 63 Figure 43. Variety of early 3D modeling efforts. A, B, and C are COMSOL, D is Mathematica. 64 ....................................................................................................................................................... Figure 44. COMSOL implementation from first stages of 3D modeling process. ................... 65 Figure 45. (a) Rae and (b) Rho in 3D and ID for a rectangular prism geometry.................... 65 Figure 46. (a) Rae concentrations in 3D (b) Rho concentrations in 3D; present at both ends as 66 experim entally predicted............................................................................................................... Figure 47. (a) Myosin phosphatase. Black arrows show ring-like formation. (b) Different 67 view ing angle................................................................................................................................ Figure 48. a-b. Barbed end time series (0 and 30 seconds). Insignificant change in concentration. ....................................................................................................................................................... 68 Figure 49. Predictive approach to cellular geometry. (a) Initial cell shape. (b) Output to 68 actomyosin network (Mak, 2014). (c) New cell shape. ............................................................. Figure 50. (a) PLC Gamma simulation result, spiking begins in center and localized to one side. (b) PLC gamma stain in HeLa cell to show membrane ruffles (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). ..... 69 Figure 51. (a) P IP 3 . (b) PIP 2 ....................................................... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . Figure 52. PIP 3 polarization without use of EGF stimulation to induce polarization; fails to capture essential biological concepts ........................................................................................ Figure 53. Cdc42 stochastic initial conditions........................................................................ Figure 54. Stochastic initial conditions translated while moving downstream to ROCK. .......... Figure 55. Rac with original diffusion coefficient.................................................................. Figure 56. Rae with increased diffusion coefficient (two orders of magnitude) ...................... Figure 57. The two key components of protrusion are shown. (a) The early peak based on cofilin. (b) The late peak based on Arp2/3. (c) The sum of both as the barbed end protrusion m etric . ........................................................................................................................................... 69 70 70 71 71 71 73 Figure 58. (a) WAVE, WASP, and Arp2/3 spatiotemporal plot with low EGF stimulation (PI3Kinase pathway, the late pathway). X axis: Time 0 to 100 seconds; Y axis: Position across 20pm cell. (b) EGF increase with Pl3kinase increases protrusion and cellular polarization....... 74 Figure 59. Variation in barbed end metric in response to changing the feedback between Cdc42 and N -W A S P . ............................................................................................................................... 5 75 Figure 60. Variation in barbed end metric in response to changing the feedback between PIP 2 and N -W A SP . ............................................................................................................................... 75 Figure 61. (a) Barbed end assay for MTln3 cells (Mouneimne, 2004). (b) Model results for varying PIP 2 to barbed end feedback. ........................................................................................ 77 Figure 62. (a) Barbed end assay for MTln3 cells, control and PLC inhibitor (Mouneimne, 2004). (b) Model results for PLC component and PLC inhibition. .................................................... 77 Figure 63. A ctin peaking.......................................................................................................... 78 Figure 64. Capping rate and timescale analysis of first peak (normalized)............................. 78 Figure 65. The effect on the barbed end/actin parameter of increasing the model Mena parameter through a mechanistic inhibition mechanism on capping and actin elongation. ....................... 79 Figure 66. Actin and myosin Brownian dynamics simulation (Mak, 2014)............................ 80 6 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor Doug Lauffenburger and Professor Linda Griffith for their incredible advice and support throughout this process. Without their invaluable guidance, none of this work would be possible. I want to thank them for this amazing opportunity and for taking the time to help me out with this. I would also like to thank the National Institutes of Health for funding this work on cancer metastasis. In addition, I would also like to thank Professor Roger Kamm, Professor Muhammad Zaman, Dr. Shannon Hughes, Dr. Michael Mak, Dr. Vivi Andasari, Dr. Fabian Spill, Ms. Suzanna Marie Talento, and Dr. Steve Wasserman for their support. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their support throughout this process. 7 Chapter 1: Introduction More than half a million Americans are expected to die each year from cancer; that is approximately 1,600 people per day. After heart disease, cancer is the leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, nearly one in four deaths is caused by cancer (ACS, 2014). Cancer metastasis is the process by which cancer spreads from one location in the body to multiple locations around the body. For example, a breast cancer tumor can potentially metastasize to the brain, lungs, bone, and other locations. Once cancer has spread, it becomes much more difficult to treat since it is no longer localized. Tumor metastasis accounts for approximately 90 percent of suffering and death in cancer patients (ACS, 2014). When cancer metastasizes, cells leave their location of origin at the primary tumor site and spread to other parts of the body, traveling through the blood stream to get there. Cancer cells exert and experience many forces from their microenvironment as they go through this process. The cell must integrate various chemical and mechanical stimuli through its signaling network and then respond accordingly. Understanding, quantifying, and eventually controlling this process could potentially help with the development of effective therapeutics. On the way to a secondary tumor site, cells often pass through various microenvironments, including the "stroma, the blood vessel endothelium, the vascular system and the tissue at a secondary site" (Wirtz, 2011). Each microenvironment exhibits a new set of challenges for the cell to overcome. For example, a mammary tumor cell may encounter dense networks of collagen I and fibronectin, where crosslinking enhances integrin signaling and bundling (Wirtz, 2011). These different microenvironments provide a complicated array of interactions with the tumor cell as it metastasizes. Thus, the feedback pathways between signaling and movement are intricate and difficult to characterize. In the process of modeling cancer metastasis, it becomes vital to identify key pathways and make simplifications in order to mathematically capture the most important steps that allow cancer cells to proliferate. It is helpful to understand and quantify metastasis in order to discover and target potential therapeutic and diagnostic targets. When modeling the signaling and motility pathways involved in metastasis, there are many challenges. For example, cells in threedimensional environments have features that are different from motility on flat surfaces, such as pore size, fiber orientation, and structural components. In addition, the processes and linkages are extremely complicated and involve many different species that each behave differently when placed under various biological conditions. While it is useful and interesting to begin to understand the entire process of cancer metastasis, it is even more vital to select the key system players to model mathematically. During cancer metastasis, cells break away from the tumor of origin, squeeze through the epithelial wall of blood vessels, and move around the body. Figure 1a below shows the key components of 8 this process. Cancer cells leave the primary tumor site and invade the basement membrane, travel through the bloodstream, and adhere to a distant site. In the event that a tumor cell successfully implants at a new location and starts a secondary tumor, then the cancer has metastasized. Metastasis poses significant clinical challenges for treating cancer, because when the cancer has implanted at multiple sites throughout the body, it is much more difficult to locate and destroy. Many cells may leave a primary tumor, but each individual cell faces a large number of barriers before successfully implanting at a new tumor site. Cells must invade the basement membrane, chew through the extra-cellular matrix (ECM), enter the blood stream, adhere at a new location, and successfully implant and begin dividing again. Cells often use devices to get past the obstacles they face. For example, matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) to chew through surrounding matrix. Most importantly for this work, there are factors that can make a cell more motile. Thus, the goal here is to identify and quantify the activity of these factors and their impact on cancer cell motility. For example, the Menainv isoform of a protein Mena involved in cell motility is more effective at driving cancer metastasis (Philippar, 2008). Once again, it is important to remember that metastasis is a complicated process, and choosing the right places to start modeling it can begin to yield insights about the nature of vital parts of this process. a btw ECM FRopodium e *0 e~ 9OWWCoica -a\ctinat Rufi Figure 1 (a) The process of cancer cells entering and exiting the bloodstream (Lee, 2007). (b) Cellular mechanical components (Taylor, 2011). 9 Creating a model of the key parts of this process can make it possible to perform rapid tests of different pharmaceutical linkages and pathways. This would allow the user to be able to assess how changes would affect cell motility on a large scale. The set of models developed throughout the course of this thesis are developed in a modular fashion with various interlinks between key components. It is simple to remove or add to existing sets of equations and system components by choosing which modules are being assessed and creating connections to new species. As new pathways are discovered or existing pathways modified, the modular nature makes it simple for the user to easily change the model. This process of trying to characterize the signaling networks and molecular pathways involved in cellular signaling and the mechanical machinery of the cell allows the user to try to quickly check the effects of changing various parameters and signaling molecule concentrations, key factors in testing new pharmaceuticals. Namely, this model of interconnected signaling pathways and cellular processes can provide a quick in silico analysis of how changes in various protein concentrations or feedback strengths between system players can affect overall function. The long term goal of this modeling effort is to provide a tool to test out various drugs or effectors on a comprehensive three-dimensional model of a cell. 10 Chapter 2: Background There are many biological processes involved in cancer cell metastasis. Delving into the details underlying these biomechanical processes can help to frame the work presented here and put it into the appropriate biomechanical context. Figure 1 B shows a cell and some of its key mechanical components. A cell's shape is defined and modulated by its actin cytoskeleton. Actin in combination with myosin serve as the most important components of cellular mechanical machinery; these proteins work together to make a cell expand, contract, and move. As the cell reacts to external stimuli in its environment, all the components of the mechanical machinery act in concert to extend protrusions or contract in order retract a particular portion of the cell. Myosin proteins, also labeled in Figure lB, form a superfamily of motor proteins that move along actin filaments and hydrolyze adenosine triphosphate (ATP), helping the cell contract. Actin is the most abundant protein in many eukaryotic cells; even in non-muscle cells, actin composes 1-5% of cellular protein (Lodish, 2000). A human cell is composed of a cytosolic portion within its plasma membrane, containing a nucleus, other organelles, and a mechanical structure with components such as actin and myosin, which help give the cell structure and allow it to move. This is obviously a very complicated and multi-faceted system. Focusing on specific intracellular signaling molecules and how they impact the cell's mechanical machinery (primarily, actin and myosin) can provide a valuable path to effectively modeling such a complex system. When the cell moves along a flat surface, as shown in Figure 2 below, it extends protrusions, such as filopodia or lamellipodia. By extending protrusions, grabbing onto the extracellular matrix, the area that surrounds the cell, and contracting at the trailing edge, cells can move around their environments. This process of cellular motility is at the center stage in cancer metastasis, because cancer cells must leave their primary tumor site and move to a new location. There are three main stages that coordinate cellular movement on a substrate. This three-step process is shown graphically in Figure 2 below. First, the leading edge of the cell extends forward in the direction of movement. Then, the part of the cell that extend attaches itself to the substrate with focal adhesion kinases. Finally, the back of the cell retracts into the cell body using myosin-mediated contraction. This three-step extension, attachment, and retraction process is responsible for a cell's movement over a substrate. The cell moves by attaching itself to a substrate and "pulling" itself along in the direction of persistence. In a three-dimensional environment, however, the mechanics and pathways can get more complicated. 11 t xtenslon of 1...d1ng edge t Attadimml to St1bstratum t Re1racdo11 ol llalllng odge Figure 2. The three stages of cell crawling across a surface. (Cooper, 2000) Figure 3. 3D Imaging of invadopodia (Albiges-Rizo, 2009). The metastasizing tumor cell is subjected to a three-dimensional environment, with a different set of mechanical restrictions. In Figure 2, the cell is shown moving across a flat substrate using a simple three-step process. A cell trying to leave a tumor must often extend protrusions in all three directions. It experiences a different set of mechanical factors in its environment than it would while moving along a simple flat substrate. 12 Figure 3 shows an image of a cell protrusion in 3D. This particular protrusion is known as an invadopodia. Notice the intricate shapes of cellular protrusion shown in Figure 3; these extensions are not simply definable or predictable mathematically. Characterizing cellular movement in threedimensions requires the development of a new toolbox. This work serves as a step toward attaining that goal, by synthesizing a set of models to represent key cellular pathways in I D and extending them in a simplified manner to 3D. Figure 4 shows a series of cellular protrusions in 3D that a cancer cell can use as it becomes more motile and begins to invade the surrounding area. As cancer cells invade the basement membrane, they are subjected to a variety of mechanical constraints that limit their motion. In response, cells extend protrusions that come in many unique sizes and shapes. Basement membrane ExtrwAe utar matrix tamellipodia Or Protruding bleb Invadopodia pudopodi ROCK Myosin C11WAVE N-WP Cortactin Natwe Reviem Icancer Figure 4. Methods of cellular invasion in cancer metastasis and the key components involved (Numberg, 2011). 13 The precise set of reasons behind cancer metastasis are unknown, but there are many reasonable hypotheses. It is known that cancerous tumors often exist in a hypoxic microenvironment, or an environment where there is a lack of oxygen. "Prolonged hypoxia increases genomic instability, genomic heterogeneity, and may act as a selective pressure for tumor cell variants.. .alter nonspecific stress responses, anaerobic metabolism, angiogenesis, tissue remodeling, and cell-cell contacts" (Subarsky, 2003). Essentially, tumors provide cells with poor living environments and mounting evidence suggests that this could potentially motivate the tumor cells to leave in search of a better environment. A poor or hypoxic environment, along with external signaling factors, can cause cells to begin the process of metastasis. Cancer cells can undergo a process called epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that can initiate metastasis. In EMT, a polarized epithelial cell undergoes biochemical changes that allow it to exhibit a mesenchymal phenotype where it loses its polarity and adhesion to neighboring cells. These phenotypic changes lead to enhanced invasiveness, migratory capacity, and resistance to apoptosis, among other things (Kalluri, 2009). Figure 5 shows the process of epithelialmesenchymal transition, and lists important markers used at each step. E-sh" Oyp Intmendakt ph- N a ells vuaonS phenom" MOsnc j ~ T S Figure 5. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (Kalluri, 2009). After cancer cells leave the primary tumor location, they can enter the bloodstream in a process called intravasation, and re-enter tissue in extravasation. Figure 6 depicts these two processes. A variety of different mechanical processes are highly relevant to intravasation and extravasation. The cell must first squeeze through a very tight junction in the endothelial wall of the bloodstream. Then, it must survive the shear stress of the flow through the blood stream. Finally, the cell must leave the bloodstream to adhere to tissue and squeeze back out of the bloodstream (Reymond, 2013). While in the bloodstream, the cells are subjected to shear-stresses from blood flow. In addition, their size can be a limiting factor. Organelles within the cell also play a role in intravasation and extravasation. For example, the nucleus must often bend and deform in order to squeeze through the tight space available in order to enter the bloodstream. The nuclear size can 14 be a bottleneck, or limiting factor, as the nucleus is stiffer than other parts of the cytoplasm. In fact, the nucleus can be 3-10 times stiffer than the surrounding cytoplasm (Lammerding, 2007), acting as a further barrier to metastasis. throughSi ionod~y! ______________________C___ Figure 6. Intravasation and extravasation (Reymond, 2013) 2.1 Small GTPases The identification of Rho GTPase proteins began in 1985 (Ridley, 2012). Small GTPases are a family of hydrolase enzymes that can hydrolyze guanine triphosphate. Note that the acronym GTP in "GTPase" stands for guanine triphosphate. The Rho GTPases are a family of signaling proteins. They are small, approximately 21-30 kD (Yang, 2002), and are subfamily of the Ras superfamily. The G proteins are molecular switches and cycle between an active and inactive state. There are twenty Rho GTPases described for mammalian cells (Heasman, 2008). Guanine nucleotide exchange factors catalyze the GTPase activation process. When active, GTPases interact with target effector proteins to mediate signaling network processes. GTPases are found in all eukaryotic organisms. The GTPases impact filopodia, actin stress fibers, and lamellipodia. Certain linkages and combinations of the GTPases are key in 3D protrusions, and others are on flat surface protrusions. Plasma membrane GTP GDP Effectors Figure 7. Small GTPase activation-inactivation process, mediated by GEFs (EtienneManneville, 2002). 15 Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) allow GTPases to switch between the active and inactive state. GEFs catalyze the GDP to GTP exchange to activate Rho proteins. On the other hand, GAPs allow the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP (EtienneManneville, 2002). This process is depicted in Figure 7 above. This sort of active to inactive state switching plays an important and interesting role in the downstream signaling network for EGFR and the activation of the cellular mechanical machinery, and a key role in the work presented here. Characterizing the relationship between the GTPases and the downstream network species is key to understanding and quantifying cellular motility. For example, a downstream effector of RhoA is Rock], which helps cells contract. All three of the GTPases studied here are shown to be activated at the leading edge of the cell (Machacek, 2009); see Figure 8 below. This presents a complicated spatiotemporal relationship for which the exact dynamics is not completely understood. A simplified representation with cell polarization (Rac and Cdc42 on one side, Rho on the other) provides a more approachable and easier route to modeling basic behavior, shown in Figure 9. Despite these useful simplifications, biosensor studies show that in the cell protrusion process, all three GTPases are activated at the front of migrating cells (Machacek, 2009). The results in 3D given below in this work show that Rho GTPase exists at both the leading and trailing edge of the cell, while Rac GTPase is polarized toward at the leading edge, which is consistent with this notion. The complicated dynamic spatiotemporal relationships between these species, along with the dozens of other important species in metastasis, is very difficult to capture in a model. a0 Fzs Figure 8. Spatial organization of Rac 1, Cdc42, and RhoA using biosensors (Machacek, 2009). 16 C&-42 RaR Figure 9. Spatial organization of Rac, Rho, and CDC42 in a cell to improve modeling efforts (Maree, 2006). 2.2 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) EGFR is a transmembrane receptor to which ten different ligands can bind selectively. Once bound, the receptor forms a dimer that activates autophosphorylation through tyrosine kinase activity. This process can trigger a series of pathways resulting in cancer-cell proliferation and the activation of invasive or metastatic behavior (Ciardiello, 2008). There are two kinds of EGFR antagonists that have been successfully tested in phase 3 clinical trials and are currently in use: anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies and small-molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Ciardiello, 2008). Anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies bind to the extracellular EGFR domain and block ligandinduced EGFR tyrosine kinase activation. The second, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (e.g. gefitinib or erlotinib), compete with ATP to bind to the intracellular catalytic domain and inhibit the autophosphorylation and downstream signaling. This method is effective because the EGF signaling pathway leads to important key biological effects such as invasion, metastasis, and cell proliferation. There exist on the order of 50,000 to 100,000 EGFR receptors per cell. However, in cancerous cells, sometimes EGF receptors can be overexpressed, up to 1.7 to 1.9 times (Zimmerman, 2006). 17 Epidermal growth factor is important for cell proliferation and differentiation. When it binds to the cell surface receptor, it induces dimerization that activates the tyrosine kinase activity that initiates a signal transduction cascade. Tyrosine kinase is a cellular enzyme useful to turn biological functions on or off, by transferring a phosphate group from adenosine triphosphate to a cell protein. If protein kinases mutate to stay functionally "on," that can cause cell growth without proper regulation, a key aspect of cancer. Figure 10 below shows different sets of transmembrane receptors that are embedded inside the cellular plasma membrane. The EGFR receptor is shown in relationship to the pathway that connects to cell proliferation, cell survival, invasion and metastasis, and tumor-induced neoangiogenesis. Most importantly for the work here, EGFR is strongly connected to the metastasis pathway in cells. Figure 10. Key cellular receptors and selected pathways in metastasis (Ciardiello, 2008). 18 2.3 Actin Network The cellular cytoskeleton is composed of actin filaments which link together to form an actin network. Actin filaments can be capped or uncapped, allowing further polymerization. Actin and myosin form the basic mechanical machinery that causes changes in cell shape and motility. Using this mechanical machinery, the cell can examine its surroundings by pushing on the extracellular matrix and restructuring itself to move around. As discussed above, motility is essential to cancer metastasis. When cancer progression or metastasis is initiated, the cell must leave its original tumor site, make it through the tissue to the bloodstream, and get carried around the body until it implants at a secondary tumor site. By studying the signal process that leads to the activation of a cell's mechanical machinery, and coupling that with a description of how the mechanical machinery works, it is possible to develop an understanding of how a cancer cell can biophysically metastasize. Globular actin, or G-actin, can polymerize to form F-actin filaments. The addition of ions like magnesium, sodium, and potassium induces this polarization (Lodish, 2000). The F-actin filaments can then bundle together to form larger structures that help provide structure in the cytoskeleton, shown in Figure 1 Ia below. Figure II b shows the actin cytoskeleton and individual families of branching actin filaments. As the actin filaments branch and extend, they give rise to forces within the cytoplasm that can push the cell membrane outward to create cell movement. This branching process is mediated by a protein Arp2/3, which is a fundamental key player in the mathematical models presented in this work. Arp2/3 stimulates the formation of actin assembly and branching, which is important for cell protrusion and metastasis. The function of this protein is shown in Figure 12. a b Figure 11. (a) Electron microscopy showing actin cytoskeleton (NIH) (b) highlighting individual families of branching filaments in actin (Svitkina) 19 WCA domain from NPF C F-actin binding F-actin binding Figure 12. Arp2/3 creating actin branching (Numberg, 2011) a b I O- 8- -M I [ EI~ o50 E Efx - 500 q(Pa) z Emin 0.1 1 Figure 13. (a) Normalized elastic modulus for actin (Chaudhuri, 2007). (b) Structures composed of actin filaments (Lodish, 2000). 20 The actin filaments join together to form actin bundles by using a fascin cross-linker (see Figure 13b); the scale of space between cross linkers is approximately 36 nanometers (Lodish, 2000). There are several ways to model actin filaments in a cell, in order to mathematically characterize the actin cytoskeleton. Networks composed of actin exhibit interesting mechanical properties that provide insight into the mechanical structure of a cell. Actin networks exhibit stress stiffening and softening. There are three regimes of elasticity, as shown in Figure 13a. The first regime is the linear regime, followed by stress stiffening and then softening. In fact, the stress softening of an actin network is reversible. Both the reversible elastic behavior and the large elastic modulus suggest that actin network architecture is good for high compressive loads. These measurements apply to lamellipodia (Chaudhuri, 2007). The thermodynamics and kinetics of actin nucleation are fundamental to the entire cytoskeletal process. Analyzing these factors can predict the behavior for actin monomers over a range of concentrations. Characterizing the nucleation-elongation process for actin can yield interesting insights (Sept, 2001). Modeling protein-protein interactions using Brownian dynamics simulations is an effective way to approach this process. The equation that forms the basis of Brownian Dynamics simulations is given: DAt R (t + At) = R (t) + kTF + S kT 1 Here, R gives the protein position, D is the diffusion constant, At is a time step, k is Boltzmann's constant, and T is the temperature. S is a stochastic term to describe Brownian motion from solvent interactions (Sept, 2001). "The Brownian dynamics simulations assume that the formation of each protein- protein complex is controlled by diffusion and electrostatic interactions. We know this to be the case for barbed-end actin polymerization, but here this assumption also applies to the nucleation phase" (Sept, 2001). Structure DT (A/ps) DR (rad2/ps) Monomer 0.0103 1.23 X 10~ Dimer (a) 0.00798 Dimer (b) Trimer (c) or (1) 0.00805 5.91 X 4.69 X 3.54 X 2.41 X Tetramer (i) 0.00707 0.00638 10-6 10-6 10-6 10-6 Table 1. Translational and rotational diffusion coefficient for ellipsoid structures used in monomer polymerization model (Sept, 2001). 21 1 0.81 j0.6 0. 0.4 I LL 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) 1500 2000 Figure 14. Fit to actin polymerized using model described above (Sept, 2001). 2.4 Contractile Machinery and Integrins The contractile machinery of a cell is extremely important to its ability to move. As a cell moves, the trailing end has to contract in order to pull it back towards the center of motion. The key players in contractility are ROCK, Rho, and Myosin. yo~n~ir-v ( ap -4 0 AW®V *4-066 Figure 15. Myosin proteins walk along the actin fibers. (Berg, 2002) 22 ROCK serves many functional purposes with in the cell. Not only is it important for cell contraction, but is also very important for the assembly of the actin network, focal adhesions, and intermediate filament mechanics. Rho is extremely important for cellular function. For this work, the focus is on its function in mediating cellular contractility. Myosin serves as a molecular motor that moves along the actin filaments in a cell, hydrolyzing ATP. The proteins within the myosin family are key for muscle contraction and cellular motility. Using an exchange of ADP to ATP, they move along the actin filament in order to create contractile forces within the cell. This process is shown in Figure 15; it is important both for cellular movement along a flat substrate, and also for cellular movement in a 3D environment, such as in cancer metastasis. Cells use focal adhesions in order to attach themselves to the substrate they are moving through or placed on. As a cell moves, there is a "tug of war" between the focal adhesions at each end of the cell, with the side that has the stronger pull moving the cell forward. Figure 16 displays how actin filaments attach to vinculin and talin, which connect to integrins that are attached inside the extracellular matrix. Figure 16. Integrins embedded in the plasma membrane, linking intracellular proteins with the extracellular matrix. (Cooper, The Cell. 2001) 23 Chapter 3: Mathematical Model and Methods 3.1 Mathematical and Biochemical Background There are multiple types of reaction mechanisms that occur within the cell. Describing the kinetics to model these reactions is important to developing a model of metastasis and the signaling networks it employs. Michaelis-Menten kinetics are often used to describe enzyme reaction kinetics. Assuming the following reaction: E +S ES -> E+P (2) Then the reaction kinetics can be described as: d[P] Vmax[S] dt Km+[S] The rate of the reaction increases with the concentration of the substrate, eventually plateauing at Vmax, as shown in the plot below in Figure 17: Subetrte concentration IS] -+ Figure 17. Michaelis-Menten kinetics; reaction rate plotted against substrate concentration (Berg, 2002). 24 Another important type of reaction kinetics is the Hill function, which describes the binding of a ligand, accounting for the presence of other ligands. The Hill equation is given as: = [L]" K + [L]n (4) This describes the fraction of bound ligand sites over total ligand sites as a function of the unbound ligand concentration and the dissociation constant, K. A key element here is n, which is the Hill coefficient. If n>1, the interaction is characterized as positively cooperative binding, where a bound ligand increases the affinity for other molecules. For n<l, this is negatively cooperative binding, where binding decreases affinity. In the n=1 or non-cooperative case, the enzyme affinity to ligand is independent of whether the others are bound. Reaction rates can be of zero-order. This means that the reaction rate is independent of the reactant concentrations. There is a simple rate law to describe this sort of reaction: d[A] = k dt (5) A first-order reaction's rate depends on the concentration of one reactant, and is zero-order for the other reactants involved. d[A](6 = k[A] dt (6) Progressively increasing to the nth-order reaction, the equation becomes: d[A] = k[A] (7) Using combinations of these reaction kinetics, it is possible to produce sets of equations called reaction-diffusion equations that then describe the mechanistic interactions in a physical system. Diffusion is a key element of this process, shown graphically in Figure 18. Molecules can diffuse through a cell and spread through the cytoplasm. Diffusion is a slower process than active transport of molecules. For example, molecules must be actively transported to the end of long neurons because a diffusive process would be too slow for them to reach the end in time to conduct cellular processes. Nevertheless, for the case of metastasis, cellular diffusion of molecules like Rac, Cdc42, and Rho are important to model. Diffusion is the process by which particles will move from a region of high concentration to that of low concentration. Brownian motion and random fluctuations cause the particles to engage in a random walk due to thermal energy. An expression for the diffusion constant is given below: RT D =6MrN 25 (8) . * Here, R is the ideal gas constant, T is the temperature, il Is the viscosity, r is the particle radius, and N is Avogadro's number. Figure 18. Diffusion process depicted graphically; particles diffuse through random walks. Differential equations can be used to describe a system mathematically. The structure of a differential equation provides linkages between different variables and their derivatives. In the case of this work, the time derivatives of a set of state variables are related to the first and second spatial derivatives along with other source terms. Partial differential equations are a class of differential equations that have multiple independent variables. For example, a differential equation in space and time would be a partial differential equation due to the independent variables to describe space and time, which could be x,y,z,t in rectangular coordinates. Analyzing cellular behavior thoroughly requires a 3D description because metastasizing cells in a cancer have important behavior in all three spatial dimensions and time. While a flattened ID and time perspective can lend enormous insight into what is happening, progress toward a 3D description is extremely important for developing a complete description of cancer metastasis and signaling networks. However, partial differential equations in three dimensions and time, a total of four independent variables, are complex and difficult to interpret. For example, examine a reaction-diffusion equation for a ID and time case (Eqn. 9), and contrast it with a 3D and time case (Eqns. 10- 11). 26 a2 A aA = DV 2 A + S A -D at (10) /a 2 A a 2A 2 (x ay 2 az 2 -+-++ 2 A +S (1 The 1 D case provides the solution on a line of space as shown below, where the 3D case provides the solution on a generalized 3D shape (Figure 19b). As shown in figure 19a, in the ID and time case, there is a solution for each dependent variable that varies with space for a single time snapshot. In the case of this work, this would be the concentration of a particular species. In the 3D case, the solution is given at every point, with a profile for each of the three spatial dimensions at every time slice. Figure 19b below shows a particular time slice and a family of plots, while Figure 19a shows the ID case. a Figure 19. Partial differential equations evaluated in I D vs 3D. 27 3.2 Modules and Descriptions Timescales are important for cellular function, because the order of various molecular events determines what kind of action will occur on a cellular and organism level. For example, cellular protrusions are governed by a set of molecular events that occur in a particular order, with various events occurring at different times. One molecule's concentration might peak at a certain time, which causes a cascade of a different molecule, and then the pathways engages the mechanical machinery of the cell in a particular location where the peak occurred. Trying to map out these timescales hinges on the values of constants within the model. There are many unknown constants, but this can be accounted for using a parameter variation or sensitivity analysis. The results for some of these sensitivity analyses are shown below in Chapter 4. The constant parameters within the model (of which there have been hundreds) are variable depending on the particular cell and experiment being performed. Many of the parameters are available in literature, and those which were not available were estimated using parameter variation analysis. Sample parameters are given in Figure 20. Selected parameter variation plots are given in Chapter 4. k2, kP13K PIP, to PIP2 baseline conversion rate (by P15K). PIP 2 to PIP, conversion rate. PIP2 to PIP3 baseline conversion rate (by P13K). kpTEN PIP3 to PIP2 baseline conversion rate (by PTEN). D, PI diffusion rate. kp,,K 0.84 s' 1.4 s0.0072 s~ 4.3 s- 0.5-5 im2 S I Figure 20. Sample constant values from literature (Dawes, 2007). Different versions of the models developed have different equations and mechanisms to represent different processes. Some are more or less accurate, or developed for different biological purposes. Note that the set of equations presented here does in no way represent a full description of all models developed; that would be too large to include here. This is a collection of some of the most important biochemical pathways and suggested mechanisms. The annotations for each presented equation are given in tables below, with the term numbering corresponding to the terms listed in the right side of the equation. Every equation is presented in differential form with the time derivative given as a function of the spatial derivatives and species state. Note that the key goal in this work is to develop an effective means for relational analysis; the units of various terms are less important than the relational trends and feedback mechanisms, which are the focus here. 28 Module I: Small GTPases Small GTPases are an important part of the cellular networks involved in intracellular signaling and motility. They play a key role in cell polarization, with concentration gradients and localization they create being vital for the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. The equations for the small GTPase module are adapted from (Holmes, 2012). This first equation is provided for active Rac, a GTPase. The equation explanations are given as an approximate example of possible mechanisms at work in the complex network of interactions. (12) aRac a 2 Rac Rac, 42 1 at -x 2 + [PP3-RacP 3 + PCd42-RacCdC ) + aRac + S] RaCT ~ Rac-RacRac Explanation Term 1 Rac is assumed to diffuse through the cytosol 2 The reaction between PIP3 and Rac is assumed to be first order and proportional to the concentration of PIP 3 but also the ratio of Inactive Rac to Active Rac 3 A first order reaction between Cdc42 and Rac, tempered by the ratio of Inactive Rac to Active Rac 4 Constant Term 5 Gradient: Not used in EGF stimulation based model 6 Degradation of Rac Table 2. Description of terms for active Rac. The following equation describes the inactive Rac species, which is described by cycling between the two states. (13) dRac1 a t Term a 2 Rac a =Da2 21 n [P3-RacP 1 P3 + PCdc42-RacCdC4 2 ) x + l R] Rac1 a + IRac-RacRac RaCTot Explanation 1 Inactive Rae is assumed to diffuse through the cytosol 2 The reaction between PIP3 and Rac is assumed to be first order and proportional to the concentration of PIP3 but also the ratio of Inactive Rae to Active Rac. The effect is opposite for Active Rac. 3 A first order reaction between Cdc42 and Rac, tempered by the ratio of Inactive Rac to Active Rac. Effect opposite for Active Rac 4 Constant Term Degradation of Rac yields an increase in inactive Rac 5 Table 3. Description of terms for inactive Rac. 29 This equation describes the active Rho GTPase species. aRho a2 Rho IRho Rholn -t = D + + racn Rho at Term (14) IoRho-RhoRho Explanation 1 Rho is assumed to diffuse through the cytosol 2 Unidirectional signaling from Rac to Rho. Rae is assumed to antagonize and inhibit Rho. Degradation of Rho 3 Table 4. Description of terms for active Rho. ORho at = a 2 Rho I Rho +xa - Rho1 n Rhoot + PRho-RhoRho (15) ________ a22) Term 1 Explanation Inactive Rho is assumed to diffuse through the cytosol 2 Unidirectional signaling from Rac to Rho. Rac is assumed to antagonize and inhibit Rho. The effect is the opposite as for Rho (Active). 3 Degradation of Rho yields an increase in Inactive Rho Table 5. Description of terms for inactive Rho. Cdc42 at(+t = D Term [ a 2 cdc42 + MCc42 Cdc42 1 n a) rho aCdc42Tt Explanation 1 Cdc42 diffuses through the cytosol 2 Inhibition of Cdc42 by Rho Degradation/conversion to inactive Cdc42 3 Table 6. Description of terms for active Cdc42. 30 Iac 42 -cdc4 2 Cdc4 2 (16) at = D a2 Cdc42 aX 2 - aCdc42n rCdC42 ] Cdc42 T1 (1+ + scdc 42 -cdc 42 Cdc 4 2 (17) Cdc42T t Explanation Term 1 Diffusion 2 3 Opposite effect than Cdc42 Conversion from Cdc42 Table 7. Description of terms for inactive Cdc42. Module II: Phosphoinositides & PLC Pathway There are two key overarching pathways that lead to protrusion within a cell; here they are denoted as the cofilin pathway and the arp2/3 pathway. Both are responsible for the development at barbed ends, and different upstream factors are responsible for each, while there is some overlap. The phosphoinositide and PLC pathway module consists of a wide variety of system players that are involved in the cofilin pathway and the Arp2/3 pathway of protrusion. The following equations provided in Module II were adapted, integrated, and expanded from the following sources: (Holmes, 2012), (Haugh, 1999), and alternative selections from (Tania, 2011). The role of species like the phosphoinositides in cell motility is complicated and multi-faceted. A variety of base models needs to be integrated together in order to fit in its different pathways throughout the cell. The equation for species PIPi (Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate) is given here. This species interacts with other phosphoinositides and this interaction is Rac-mediated. (18) a2PIP 2PIP, 1 t D y + pip 1 - Ppip'-pip, + 1 Rac + a kp15 K Term Explanation 1 Diffusion through cytosol 2 Constant Term 3 Degradation term 4 Conversion to PIP2 dependent on Rac 5 Conversion from PIP2 Table 8. Description of terms for Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate. 31 PIP1 + @PP 2 -P 1 PIP 2 A potential overarching equation to describe PIP 2 (Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-biphosphate) is given here as: (19) aPIP2 at PIP 2 + 1 R)k 1 + Rho RhoTotkPEPI The term: -(k_ (Tania, 2011): Rac Rac -) D a 2 pIp2 2 IP 2 =D a 8xRaCTot 3 PIP - 1 +kP-(k + RaCTot kpI 3 KPIP2 +kL+kE)PP+ I2 + kPLC + kCE)PP 2 (Haugh, 1999) can also be described in the form used in -dhyd (PLC - PLCrest PIP 2 PLCrest Both adaptions might serve to describe the same physical phenomena, the PIP2 -PLC connection. Term Explanation 1 Diffusion 2 3 Degradation of PIP2 Conversion from PIPi, influenced by Rac, proportional to PIPi concentration 4 Conversion to PIP 3 , influenced by Rac, proportional to PIP 2 concentration 5 Conversion from PIP 3, influenced by Rho and proportional to PIP 3 concentration 6 7 Conversion from PI to PIP 2, away from PIP 2 to PI to describe the PLC gamma PIP 2 cycle Term to include constant in kinetics Table 9. Description of terms for Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-biphosphate. PIP 3 (Phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate) (20) dPIP3 at Term = D a 2 PIP2 ax2 2 / + 1 + Rac RacTot Rho '~( f(EGF, kPI 3 K)PIP 2 - 1 + RhoTot) kPTENPIP 3 Explanation 1 Diffusion 2 Conversion from PIP 2, proportional to Rac 3 This term, using the function of EGF and Pl3Kinase, brings in the EGF interaction to amplify this pathway. In some versions of this model, the EGF interaction is simulated mathematically with a Hill function. 4 Conversion to PIP2, proportional to Rho Table 10. Description of terms for Phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate. 32 This is the equation for Phosphatidylinositol (PI), a species involved in the phospholipase-C pathway (Haugh, 1999). OPI at = P1(O) = SrPP(k-1 + k k(kgL+ kkPLC Term (21) rp*I, + k_ 1 PIP2 - k*PI +E) k) E) Explanation 1 Constant Term 2 3 Conversion from PIP 2 Degradation of PI 4 Initial Condition Table 11. Description of terms for Phosphatidylinositol. (Asterisks indicate dependence on receptor activity; zero superscripts indicate absence of receptor activity values) (Haugh, 1999) Inositol Phosphate (IP) (Haugh, 1999) IP t= Term k*PC 2 (22) + PITP/PLC Explanation 1 Conversion from PIP 2 to IP 2 Constant Term Table 12. Description of terms for Inositol Phosphate. k+ = k(1 - Di + X+*) Gi + Ki + fa* - (Fai+ Ki + fa*)2 - 4aifa* PLC-yI is an important system player which mediates cell motility. It plays a large role in mediating the EGFR pathway linking it to the downstream factors that lead to cell movement and potentially metastasis. 33 dPLC dt = Stimulus + 'pIc - dpicPLC (23) Stimulus = ISO(H(t - ton) - H(t - toff)) Term Explanation 1 Mimics EGF stimulation 2 Constant Term 3 Degradation of PLC Table 13. Description of terms for PLC-yl. This form is presented in Tania et al. 2011. It uses a stimulus function in PLC to represent EGF stimulation, which is extremely important. It can be possible to alternatively represent this pathway as a function of an EGF species. PLC-yl (Alternative-EGF Dependent, not Stimulus Dependent), and PLC as a Hill function dependent on EGF. dPLC dt= dt EGF-PLCEGF + 'pic - dpicPLC PLC = f(EGF stimulus gradient,n, K) Term Explanation 1 Linkage between EGF stimulation and PLC 2 Constant Term 3 Degradation of PLC Table 14. Alternate description of terms for PLC-yl. 34 (24) Module III: Contractile Machinery Equations 26-27 adapted from citation: (Kaneko-Kawano, 2012) Myosin-Phosphatase dMP dt kcat(MP)(MPtot - MP) Kml + (MPtot - MP) kcat 2 (ROCK)(MP) + ki(MPt0 t - Mp) (25) Km 2 + MP Term Explanation 1 Relating the myosin phosphatase concentration and inactive MP (this form of MP contains a phosphorylated MYPTI) using Michaelis-Menten kinetics 2 Relating ROCK (active form of Rho-kinase) concentrations and MP using MichaelisMenten kinetics 3 Describes the activation by other pathways Table 15. Description of terms for Myosin-Phosphatase. Phosphorylation of Myosin Light Chain (26) dpMLC dt kcat 3 (ROCK)(MLCtot - pMLC) Km 3 + (MLCtot - pMLC) kcat 4 (MP)(pMLC) Km 4 + pMLC Term Explanation 1 ROCK directly influences the conversion to pMLC (Michaelis-Menten kinetics) 2 MP increases the reaction from pMLC to MLC 3 Describes the activation by other pathways Table 16. Description of terms for Phosphorylation of Myosin Light Chain. Linking together the above equations with the GTPase Module: aRock at a2 Rock Sck = D X+@Rho-RockRho - kock-RockRock Term Explanation 1 Diffusion 2 Feedback from Rho to ROCK 3 Degradation of ROCK Table 17. Description of terms for ROCK. 35 (27) Module IV: Cofilin Equations 28-32 adapted and integrated from: (Tania, 2011) Cofilin-PIP2 dPC Term PIP2 = k C - d 2 PC dt pip2 PI2,rest P 2C - dhyd PLC - PLCrest y PLCrest PLCrest p (28) Explanation I Dependence on phosphorylated cofilin 2 Degradation of PC 3 Describes the activation by other pathways Table 18. Description of terms for Cofilin-PIP2. Active Cofilin (29) = dpcPC + dhyd PLC dt Term - =dCCPLCre PLCrest PC - k'nFCa + koffCf kmpCa + kpmCp ) m 5 Explanation 1 PIP2 bound cofilin changes to active cofilin 2 Change from PIP 2-bound cofilin to active cofilin 3 Degradation tempered by F 4 F-actin bound cofilin to active cofilin 5 Transitioning to phosphorylated cofilin 6 Phosphorylated cofilin changing to active cofilin Table 19. Description of terms for Active Cofilin. F-Actin Bound Cofilin = k' nFCa - koffCf - Fsev(Cf) Fsev(Cf) = ksevCfrest Term Cf C, f, rest Explanation 1 Active cofilin to f-actin bound cofilin 2 Degradation 3 Severing of actin bound cofilin Table 20. Description of terms for F-Actin Bound Cofilin. 36 "-sev (30) G-Actin Bound Cofilin dCM = Fsev(Cf) kmp Cm + kpmCp Term (31) Explanation 1 Severing of actin bound cofilin 2 Transition to phosphorylated cofilin 3 Phosphorylated cofilin to G-actin bound cofilin Table 21. Description of terms for G-Actin Bound Cofilin. Phosphorylated Cofilin dCP =kmp(Ca+Cm Term -2kpm p -k pip2 PIP2 PIP2,rest C (32) Explanation 1 Transition from active cofilin and G-actin bound cofilin 2 Leaving phosphorylated cofilin state 3 Leaving proportional to PIP2 concentration ratio Table 22. Description of terms for Phosphorylated Cofilin. A simplified model for cofilin is developed in this work, capturing the key PLC linkage and degradation. aCof / Rac t=11 + Rat-) kpI3 PIP2 at Ractot Term 1 - Pcof-cofCOf Explanation Feedback from PIP 2 - Cofilin pooling breakdown 2 Degradation and leaving separated state; lumped parameter description Table 23. Description of terms for simplified cofilin metric. 37 (33) Module V: Protrusion Barbed Ends (Tania N. , 2013) dB d = AFsev(Cf) - kcapB - @Cap-BCap + Term PArp-BArp 2/ 3 (34) Explanation I Severing of F-actin bound cofilin 2 Degradation of barbed ends 3 Capping protein inhibits barbed ends 4 Positive feedback from Arp2/3 to the creation of barbed ends* Table 24. Description of terms for Barbed Ends. The cofilin parameter Cof [t > t1] incorporated at a particular time point into the actin metric equation is very important. It is known that the first barbed end peak is not dependent on P3Kinase (Mouneimne, 2004) (Rheenen, 2007). Thus, incorporating cofilin into this actin-protrusion metric for all time would be inappropriate for a modeling effort. Rather, it must be incorporated after the first peak, as is done here. aA Term =D a2 A kcapA + kpip2-API 2 PLC + Cof [t > t1 ] (35) Explanation I Monomer diffusion 2 Negative feedback from capping to protrusive process and nucleation 3 PLC and PIP2 pathway, direct from EGFR 4 First barbed end peak is independent of P13K Table 25. Description of terms for actin nucleation metric. The cytoplasmic actin monomer diffusion coefficient is 6 pm 2/s (Schaus, 2007).Using the actinprotrusion metric in addition to the Arp2/3 barbed end metric can yield a powerful tool to analyze overall cell protrusion in the form of new barbed ends in the actin species population. Then, the different biological factors underlying the two peaks can be broken down and analyzed in depth. In addition, this sort of model set-up can be used to perform sensitivity analysis of upstream parameters (for example, N-WASP, Wave, and PLC parameters) that are unknown from literature. This final metric, the protrusion or barbed end metric, is useful for analysis and as a simulation tool to yield interesting insights. *This term connects Arp2/3 to Barbed Ends. The relative timescales of this portion and the rest of this feeding in from the cofilin pathway can represent the two varying time scales observed in experimental barbed end production data. This interplay can be used to meaningfully tune the model to biologically represent the motility timescales. 38 (36) dCap dt [Cap1 = -kCap-Cap cCap -n1+ J a3 ) Term ICap Cap n cap1 CapTot Cap 1+ Mena n-Cap CaPTot Explanation I Degradation of capping proteins 2 Feedback from PIP2 to inhibit capping. When PIP2 levels drop, this protein might be dissociated from the membrane (Citation) 3 Feedback from Mena to inhibit capping Table 26. Description of terms for Capping Protein. Module VI: The Arp2/3 Pathway dArp2/3 -BArp-ArpArp2 dt 3 + PWave- Wave + PNW NW (37) 1ArpArp2/3 n-cap]Arp2 /3normalization (1+ Actin) as. dArp2/3 BArpArpArp 2 / 3 + fwaveArp2/3Wave +PNW-Arp/23NW factor - PActin-Arp2/3Actin dt The second alternative form is a useful mathematical modeling tool because it is less complex than the proposed form that uses actin inhibition, but can recreate the lowering of Arp2/3 through the use of a linear negative feedback term. Term Explanation 1 Degradation of Arp2/3 2 Positive feedback from Wave to Arp2/3 3 Positive feedback from N-Wasp to Arp2/3 4 Inhibition of Arp2/3 by actin Table 27. Description of terms for Arp2/3. 39 dNW dt=-BNW-NWNW dt Term + @Cdc4 2 -NWCdC 4 2 + PPIP2-NwPI2 (38) Explanation 1 Degradation of N-WASP 2 Positive feedback from Cdc42 3 Positive feedback from PIP 2 Table 28. Description of terms for N-WASP. dWave = Term Bwave-waveWave + Explanation I Degradation of WAVE 2 Positive feedback from Rac Table 29. Description of terms for WAVE. 40 pac-waveRac (39) 3.3 Relational Analysis With a model at this particular level of complexity, it is important to have a way to test it for conceptual accuracy and analyze how it can be vetted and used for predictive power. A useful way to tune and test this complicated model is to try to replicate relational trends. This process involves recreating trends like peaks or troughs, applied in combination with the correct chemical mechanisms to describe reactions can help to build and create this model. For example, this model strives to replicate trends in concentrations of several key species. In experimental results, the total active Rac in the cell, determined using a Rac ELISA experiment, was shown to have an initial peak and then drop off over time. Another set of experimental results showed that barbed ends displayed two peaks, each mediated by different experimental factors. When recreating relational trends, it makes more sense to focus on relative effects rather than absolute values of concentrations. For example, looking for spatial or temporal changes instead of focusing on the actual values of the numbers. A key relational analysis metric to study for protrusion is the protrusion barbed end metric: BM = f(A) + f(Arp) (40) This is a function of the cofilin based pathway and the Arp2/3 pathway, both which lead to protrusion. Obviously, a long term goal of any modeling effort is to eventually describe and predict reality exactly. However, as a first step presented here, the goal is only to produce relational trends and create a first-generation large scale model in 1 D and a very basic 3D representation of key factors. 41 3.4 Software and Computational Modeling The MATLAB pdepe solver is used extensively in order to model and characterize the system in 1D and time. There is no native ability in the MATLAB environment to solve the partial differential equations in 3D and time; for that purpose, the COMSOL computing software was used. The pdepe solver is capable of inputting parabolic-elliptic partial differential equations in ID and solving them for initial-boundary value condition problems. The underlying algorithm is based on a piecewise nonlinear Galerkin/Petrov-Galerkin method which is second-order accurate in space (Skeel, 1990). Implementation of a ID and time partial differential equation solver in MATLAB requires a series of important inputs. The framework of a MATLAB implementation is given in Figure 21. -- PDE and Source Term Definition Function -- Initial Conditions Boundary Conditions Figure 21. Steps involved in MATLAB implementation of algorithms. The COMSOL software package uses finite element analysis to solve the sets of partial differential equation over defined boundaries. Namely, the large 3D problem is broken into smaller parts or finite elements to approximate the solution over a large domain. COMSOL creates a mesh in 3D, as shown in Figure 22. The user can change the mesh size depending on the level of accuracy desired. However, decreasing the mesh size too much would increase the calculation time. 42 'M Go" Figure 22. Sample finite element mesh for COMSOL implementation. The implementation in COMSOL involves incorporating generalized partial differential equations and the constraints imposed on them into different modules that comprise the model. For example, the Rho species can be split into a Rho cytosol component and a Rho membrane component (Spill, Fabian 2014). This method was implemented in the original COMSOL model (Spill, Fabian 2014). Equation 41 connects the different parts of the reaction-diffusion equation in 3D, in the form used in COMSOL. a2 Rho ea 0t2 +da oRho at +V-F=f [Rho r = -' aRho PRho y (41) (41 (42) az This is the means through which equations are incorporated in 3D. A particular species might be incorporated in the cytosol and the membrane, or only in one of those. By taking the equations given above, or a simplified form of them, and incorporating them into a 3D representation, it is possible to simulate a 3D cell. It is assumed that reactions and diffusion are described by the same relationships in x, y, and z, which is a reasonable assumption to make because there is no directional bias to the way these molecular mechanisms work. 43 ge em M 5Sna a 4 r e ADM~dh bnsw tasbpsum+.d3+v D.W a r X r LAo-p. ly is .ateoc' d. -6, - -rSm~i Figure 23. Example input page for COMSOL implementation. - .eimmaTm~5m) PP 2 COVOMWEDF SWMMM 12 - io WTI 7 Cv to SpWW k*Wsfion- 40 OD TkM OOIN POBMM Figure 24. Proposed MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) 44 00 Early versions of the model implementations included a graphical user interface (GUI) component. The GUI component was for the software user to input a set of desired parameters and easily run the implementation without a strong understanding of its inner workings. By working with current and potential users, this platform was planned in order to make it as simple and straightforward as possible to use. Figure 24 shows the proposed GUI format. A vital input for the user to have is the simulation time. In a previously implemented GUI, the user had the ability to also implement the cell length in addition to the time. This feature turned out to be less useful for the user than the time, because the cell lengths used during a particular study are usually fixed. The cell length most often used in the analysis was 20 Pm. A potentially useful feature to have in a GUI is a menu bar to select which species is to be studied, or even to have the option to simultaneously view all species. In addition, the user should be able to decide whether the species being studied should be spatially integrated or given at a particular time point and location. In some versions of the software developed here, the user is able to input this information in response to in-line questions, instead of a user interface. A user interface that can graphically receive this information would be far superior. In addition, the ability to view the plot results in real time within the GUI window would be helpful. Additional features that are not completely necessary but which would be helpful would be the ability to plot families of curves by choosing a particular parameter to iterate through. In addition, it would be helpful to the user to export the data to a spreadsheet or the figures to a picture file format such as jpeg. Creating a user interface for this software would be helpful to the end user because it would allow him or her to use this tool as a quick diagnostic to test out new linkages, parameters, or therapeutic inputs. 45 3.5 Modeling Progression The model has been through many sets of iterations to add various components and increase the complexity and coverage of the signaling network. The biophysical network of signaling molecules and feedback pathways is incredibly complex. The process of determining which particular networks to include in the modeling pathway is involved and requires both judgment and experimental guess-and-check. Early models include linkages between the Rho GTPases and the phosphoinositides, in the style of the network presented in Figure 25. The different species within the system interact with each other to create cellular motion. The signal S represents a gradient caused by EGF stimulation. Rac then inhibits Rho, which converts PIP3 to PIP 2 and inhibits Cdc42. Rac also causes conversion from PIP2 to PIP3 and from PIPI to PIP2. These and other feedback linkages within this system result in cellular polarization, with Rac and Cdc42 concentrated toward the leading edge of the cell, and Rho concentrated mostly toward the trailing edge. Modl 4 d) S(xt CDC 42 fil M3K MK PIP PP3 PIP2 0 FN Figure 25. Simple network relating key species (Holmes, 2012). The models link various signaling networks together in order to create a web of interacting proteins that eventually lead to actin and myosin changes. Some examples are shown in Figure 26. There are a variety of early relationships linking important actin characteristics as well. For example, it is possible to link the number of barbed ends in the membrane and the lamellipodium protrusion speed (Maree, 2006) where vo is polymerization speed, and b is the barbed end density/unit length, and w is the membrane resistance in force/unit length. 46 W (43) v = voe a C b > CONTRACTION ModlW 4 d) -lb CDC 42 PIPI -------------- W rIM PROTRUSION Figure 26. Different levels of coverage and intricacy in models. (a) (Maree, 2006) (b) (Holmes, 2012) (c) Network used in this work. There exist different levels of complexity in the modeling process. A sampling of the evolution of networks studied in this modeling effort is shown in Figure 25. Figure 26a, b, and c each show key system players that are interconnected by a variety of mechanisms. Choosing whether or not to include intermediate connections is an important modeling decision. This modeling effort began with some of the original models presented above. This work aims to piece together and then expand existing models to begin an effort to comprehensively link signaling networks to cancer metastasis, linking in components like N-WASP, EGF, among others. 47 3.6 Challenges to Modeling There exist many challenges in the modeling process for a system of this level of complexity. The species modeled here represent only a small fraction of the variables that exist in this system overall. For example, many other signaling pathways and cascades are involved in cancer metastasis. Studying the EGF model system described here narrows the field of analysis to make it easier to model important behavior and signaling network linkages, but it leaves out many factors. There are many state variables involved in this system. The behavior as modeled is an educated guess, as with all models, of what is actually going on in the physical system. The linkages proposed might not be the most accurate description of each of the mechanistic connections between species. Inaccuracy in capturing the form of a mechanistic linkage can result in model errors and room for improvement. The biological system being modeled also has many unexpected twists. There are many factors that cannot be accounted for as they are unknowns. There is variability in these factors based on the cell type, particular patient situation, and external factors that are completely out of control. By simplifying the problem and focusing on a specific set of manageable system variables, it is possible to start building up a model and adding complexity over time. Not all the biological pathways involved are modeled, and even within the modeled pathways, there are many unknown constants. Parameter sensitivity analysis was performed to try to deal with this situation and determine how changing a particular parameter could affect the model results and outcome relative to experimental data and biological relational trends. Many constant parameters are unknown and variable from case to case. This entire process is multi-step, from tumor cell detachment to the time it reattaches at a secondary site. Only certain portions of that overall process can be modeled successfully with the resources and timeframe available here. 48 3.7 Models The general form of a reaction-diffusion equation used in this model, given in three dimensions, is given below. This form describes the first time derivative of a species as a function of a diffusion term and a source term. For the work contained here, the source term is often a function of other species within the system depending on how they influence the particular species under question and a degradation term proportional to the concentration of the particular species. The full threedimensional form is given: 2 A+S -=DV (44) at aA = /a 2 A at D- a 2A a 2A\ (45) ++ Starting with the equations for Rac, Rho, and Cdc42, which are small GTPases, it is possible to work outwards and connect in significant system players for the cell's mechanical machinery to be activated. This sort of system description can be used to identify missing links or pathways and pinpoint important linkages that control significant operations. By sewing together a network of growth factor signals, second messengers, and pathway connections linking the players together, it is possible to create a mathematical model to describe the basics of cancer metastasis. The network used here is given Figure 29. A simplified description to illustrate the goal of this system modeling involves a black box setup for the cell's signaling network, with a growth factor signal being the input to the black box, and the cell's movement the output, shown in Figure 27. Growth Factor Movement Figure 27. Control feedback to represent the black box that is being explored. After the cell is exposed to a growth factor distribution, its internal machinery begins to respond. Different pathways are activated throughout the cell when molecules diffuse or are actively transported to particular locations. For example, the phosphorylation of certain proteins can affect their behavior and cause particular results, changing a cell's response to stimuli. Molecules within a cell can react with other molecules or diffuse throughout the cell. Thus, a "reaction-diffusion" style model is chosen here for most of the species. Species can be most active in the membrane, or can have active roles in the membrane or cytosol, as depicted in Figure 28. 49 I OV now Figure 28. Species can be active in the cytosol region, membrane region, or both. The network shown in Figure 29 displays the set of signaling networks used to create the current sets of models. Arrows can indicate up regulation, reaction, or down regulation, through inhibition. While the diagram below currently does not delve into that level of detail or specification, the model equations presented in the various modules above and model equations below strive to take into account most of the particular interactions between species, attempting to account for the chemical kinetics. In some cases, the actual chemical mechanism is described by a simplified mathematical description which has the same effect (increase or decrease in the species of interest) in order to aid the modeling effort. Some of the coefficients for these model equations are currently available in literature for particular experimental conditions, and others are determined by fitting relational trends in existing data, for example the relative size and structure of two barbed end peaks which are experimentally observed. The relationships presented in Figure 29 are the result of a careful study of a wide number of sources, given in the reference section. It is possible to simplify the overall set of equations described above for specific cases and to perform in-depth analysis. With almost thirty coupled partial differential equations, it becomes difficult to study overall results in great detail. While individual modules can be studied, it is hard to look for overall system trends and recreate experimental results. 50 MLC [ R"a W L RacRh Cdc42 pl EGFR Heterodl merI | Meo/P--o'V won PROTRUSION Figure 29. Network used in this work. 51 Chapter 4: Results Chapter 4 summarizes key and interesting model results that shed a light on its predictive and descriptive capacity. Each section below highlights and explains the results while linking them in to the big picture goals. 4.1 Cell Polarization A vital result of the model is that of cell polarity. When cells move, the different signaling proteins polarize the cell so that one end of the cell moves forward and the other end retracts. This behavior is essential to cell movement. In particular, the concentrations of Rac and Cdc42 are high towards the front of the cell, and the concentration of Rho is high towards the back of the cell. This is because Rho is associated with the contractility mechanical machinery of the cell, while Rac and Cdc42 are associated with the actin polymerization and barbed ends formation which push out protrusions. Figure 30 shows graphically what is meant by cellular polarization, in a simplified manner. Figure 30. Cellular polarization diagram. Each end of the cell is polarized with the correct species in order to recruit the contractile and motility machinery within the cell. Downstream effectors of the GTPases are used to engage actin and myosin within the cell in order to make the cell components expand and contract so the cell can move around. In Figure 31 a below, the key components of cellular polarization on a substrate are shown. At the leading edge of the cell, Rac and cdc42 are more prevalent, and their downstream effectors lead to the formation of lamellipodium and filopodia through the activation of actin polymerization and actin turnover. At the trailing edge of the cell, on the other hand, RhoA is more concentrated. There, the ROCK and myosin light chain networks cause the trailing edge of the cell to contract. At both ends of the cell, there are focal adhesions which tug on the cell and provide extra mechanical force to make the cell move. Figures 31 b-d show a series of polarization results from the models. There is a clear distinction with Rac and Cdc42 at the front end of the cell at 20im, and Rho at the retracting end. This polarization was set up using a Rac gradient. Results provided in section 4.5 use an epidermal growth factor stimulus to induce cellular polarization. 52 d b a I I.'A 1I' (tucuAJO) d C n~ 0sjaxia C4 [77--- 7 r - I I I *1 (.uw3I~q) .~usw~o Figure 31. (a) Localization of GTPases (Mayor, 2010). (b-d) Simulation results showing cellular polarization for Rho, Cdc42, and Rac. 53 4.2 Parameterization to Match Experimental Data In the early stages of modeling, experimental data was matched using the initial conditions to reproduce similar trends to what was seen in the data, namely a spike in spatially integrated active Rac in the cell followed by a drop-off, in response to EGF stimulation. By changing PIP 2 concentration, the shape of the Rac curve was modulated (Figure 32d) in order to match the expectation of a spike in active Rac from experimental data, instead of the initial result, a drop-off (Figure 32a). Figure 32b shows the desired trend, not an actual modeling result. a It-bI 0.9 0.95 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.4 076 0 0.7 0.1 Z 0.2 ____________0. 50 0 c 100 10 200 TIm (Second%) 300 250 OAS 05 15 n10 d * _ .75-. C .7 C00 C.I:t1*s 10 0.1 II 4 so 4 1U 10140 19 150 Tbm to.) Figure 32. (a) Original Rac result (b) Desired model result shape [not actual result] (c) Rac ELISA data (Talento) ) (d) Parameter match to fit data (Talento) Unfortunately, simply the increase of PIP 2 concentration in biological terms does not correlate to EGF stimulation, despite the fact that it gave the correct modeling result. Instead, the relative concentrations of PIP2 and PIP3 represent specific realistic expectations for a biological system. 54 Realistic values of PIP 2 and PIP3 in a cell are 30 pM and 0.05 pM, respectively (Dawes, 2007). This is a lesson in modeling that while changing a particular parameter might result in the correct result, that parameter variation might actually not be physically or biologically motivated itself. In this particular case, it was not the absolute value of PIP 2 that was the solution as believed, but rather the relative values. The value for the PIP2 concentration within a cell is almost 103 larger than PIP 3 . This process reveals some of the pitfalls of blindly fitting data. For example, starting with a set of data points and running large loop iterations and mean squared error minimization algorithms to fit data exactly would not necessarily have biological meaning. Changing specific parameters that explain the biological mechanisms and chemical reactions to recreate relational trends are more valuable in the long run for the modeling process. Figure 33a and Figure 33b show two spatiotemporal heat maps of the actin species within the cell with and without experimental matching of the Rac parameter. After the Rac ELISA data was matched with the model, a spike in actin at about 180 seconds occurred, instead of a sharp dropoff (Figure 33b). a b Figure 33. (a) Experimentally matched simulation (b) Original simulation Results A similar relational result is shown below in Figure 34, using stochastic initial conditions. By using stochastic initial conditions to represent randomness and uncertainty in the system, it is possible to run simulations in order to study the relationship between active Rac and actin filament density over space and time. Figures c and d show the relationship between a spike in active Rac at 5-80 seconds that yields a spike in actin a certain time later, both occurring at the leading edge of the cell. 55 Active ab 3 UU AcnFM Rau i m I As shown below in Figure 35 (Haugh, 1999), the concentration Of PIP2 must decrease with time in the presence of EGF stimulation. The biological mechanistic reason for this is that under EGF stimulation, PIP 2 hydrolysis increases. Figure 35 below depicts that relationship, showing the increase in PIP 2 hydrolysis as a function of the EGF fraction maximum. On the other hand, without EGF stimulation, PIP2 concentration would simply continue to rise without being curbed by the feedback. However, there is also flow from the PIP 2 species to PIPI, to be considered and factored into the model equations. Nevertheless, controlling for this factor, it is biologically expected to see either an increase or decrease in PIP 2 concentration based on the presence or absence of EGFR stimulation. These biological results are reproduced by the model, as expected, and displayed in Figure 38. The parameter changes to generate this result are biologically motivated. The linkage of EGF into the Phosphoinositide module is through its link to Pl3Kinase (P13k). The results of this analysis are shown in section 4.5 below. 56 1.0 0.8 -. 6-0 0.61 E 0.2- 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 pY-EGFR, Fraction Maximum Figure 35. Relationship between PIP 2 hydrolysis and EGFR (Haugh, 1999). 4.4 Initial Conditions and Boundary Conditions The initial conditions vary according to the study being performed, but are generally based on values from literature for expected resting cellular concentrations. For example, expected realistic concentrations for the phosphoinositides PIP 2 and PIP 3 in a cell are 30 pM and 0.05 pM (Dawes, 2007). In 3D, species can be separated into the cytosol or the membrane and consequently given initial and boundary conditions to allow flux from the cytosol to the membrane and vice versa. Figure 36 shows a sample COMSOL screenshot to enter the equations. In ID, the boundary conditions are no-flux to avoid flow out of the cell. 57 r oirs 06000"m Figure 36. Sample view screen for COMSOL platform. Stochastic initial conditions are used in some studies and applications of the models. Within a biological system, there are often fluctuations in concentrations of a particular species, and these fluctuations can lead to larger changes through signal amplification and feedback. Using stochastic conditions can be very helpful to model such applications. A challenge to modeling and a potential avenue for further work is to analyze in great detail stochastic simulations in 3D. In section 4.7, Figures 53-56 show the application of stochasticity in 3D and how it can be affected by parameters within the system, for example, the amount of diffusion present and the size of the diffusion coefficient. 4.5 EGF and Menail kP13K-f actor - P13K Rac EGF nm )kPIMKfactor Cofilin = PIP2( + (1+Racloal (46) (47) EGF based stimulation is incorporated through the use of a Hill function dependent on P13kinase, EGF concentration, and a large K. value, and Hill coefficient n. EGF is also incorporated in a similar manner for the PLC pathway. It is very important to distinctly separate the PLC and the PI3K based pathways that link in EGF and Mena. By modulating the constant parameter that links into the P13K factor, or the PLC factor, it is possible to simulate the existence of Menai"v. Figure 36 shows a graphical depiction of how Menai"v works mechanistically, and interferes with the process of capping actin filaments. 58 e AW"na- Cofflin 9 4 EVH1 Cofilin Severs capped filaments p G T Elongates and protwcts lei Figure 37. Mena affects cellular mechanical machinery (Gertler, 2011). An interesting check on the model against biologically expected results is its predictive capacity for PIP2 concentration over time. As mentioned in section 4.3, which discusses the PIP 2 concentration test, when incorporating EGF into the model, the concentration of PIP2 should decrease. On the other hand, in the absence of EGF, the PIP2 concentration should rise over time. Figure 38 shows exactly that effect. In this case, the result is obtained by incorporating EGF through a Hill function that affects the PI3Kinase parameter in the model. As is biologically expected, PIP2 concentration rises from its initial concentration (in this case, 10 pM, but the effect was shown for other concentrations such as 50 pM among others, not shown) in the absence of EGF stimulation, and decreases from its initial concentration in the presence of EGF stimulation. Another interesting feedback pathway in this network is the PIP3 to Rac linkage, which represents the linkage between EGF stimulation and the Rho GTPases. Figure 39 displays the effect of varying this feedback on the double peak in the barbed end metric. This parameter has an effect on both the peaks, but appears to more strongly affect the second transient peak. 59 PIP 2 Concentration-No EGF Stimulation 70 --------- 50- N 20 10 20 10 O 30 Time (Seconds) 405 60 PIP 2 Concentration-EGF Stimulation b 12 C 10 0 W 0 042 % O20 304000s Time (Sec) Figure 38. Change in PIP2 concentration for the absence (a) or presence (b) of EGF concentration from simulation results. 60 - 1200 K=5 K=10 -K=15 1000- 1000 800 600 400 200 10- 40 30 20 50 Time (sec) 90 80 70 s0 100 Figure 39. Change in barbed end metric with PIP3 to Rac feedback parameter. Figure 40 shows how the parameter space can be used to fit the relational trend in Active Rac data obtained using a Rac ELISA study, which was experimentally performed by Suzanna Talento. Note that these parameters being plotted are normalized. While the initial rise and asymptote can be recreated by this model, the timescale of the Rac peak is not fully recreated by varying biologically relevant parameters. The integrated Rac concentration achieved in this simulation is the 1 D Rac concentration in the model integrated over the length of the cell to represent a full-cell concentration, since the experimental setup included lysing the cells and measuring overall concentration. 0.9 0.8 0 , 0.7, o* ~0.6N 0.5 01 0 20 300 400 500 600 700 800 Time (Sec) Figure 40. Parameter variation to fit Rac data trend from ELISA experiment. 61 900 4.6 EGF-Induced Polarization In the earlier versions of the model, cell polarization was obtained using the application of a Rac gradient. However, it is now possible to induce cell polarization using purely an EGF stimulus. Figure 41a shows the effect of this stimulus on active Rac and active Rho. The level of polarization and the spatiotemporal profile is dependent on the EGF gradient applied to the cell. a No 7 6 46 2b Active Rho Active Rac bPi EGFR Heterodimer PLC-y IP IMena/Mena""' P13K PIP2 PIP3 Figure 41. (a) EGF induced cell polarization. (b) Pathway diagram highlighting P13K linkage. Cellular polarization can be achieved in silico through the use of an applied Rac gradient, as shown in the simulation results above, e.g. in Figure 31. Nevertheless, a more biologically accurate description would induce cellular polarization through the use of a gradient in EGF that is linked into the model. Figure 41 a shows the result of such a linkage. Here, the P13Kinase parameter is used to represent the EGF stimulation. Then, through the whole parameter space, the EGF gradient is translated in a more realistic manner to cause polarization in the GTPases. Namely, instead of 62 purely applying a suggested gradient in the GTPase species, it is induced using a realistic EGF gradient from outside the cell. The Rac species is polarized to the "front" end of the cell or location of EGF greatest EGF stimulation, and the Rho species is polarized to the "rear" end of the cell. a 2.5 .5 100 .5 Active Rac Back of cell 2.)- .5 15 10 51 I 10 I I 20 I 30 I I 40 50 Active Rho b I 60 70 80 90 II Iii - .5 100 Active Rac Active Rho Figure 42. The effect of PIP3 to Rac feedback on polarization using an EGF gradient stimulus. Figure 42 displays a nuanced look into EGF-induced polarization described in Figure 41. This figure highlights the importance of the PIP 3 to Rac feedback in the GTPase species polarization in response to EGF stimulation. This has important biological ramifications; the functions of the Rac and Rho species within the cell for motility are very important. Without the EGF gradient causing the GTPase species polarization, further effects in motility through their linkage with the cell's mechanical machinery would be impossible. Figure 42a shows the case without PIP3-Rac feedback, and Figure 42b shows the case with PIP3-Rac feedback; it is clear that there is spatially graded polarization only in the second case (front and back of the cell are labeled in Figure 42a). 63 4.7 3D Results Applying a simplified version of this model in three dimensions yields rudimentary but interesting results. Results from early model applications in 3D are shown in Figure 43. Figures 43a-c display these basic results for sample cell geometries, implemented in COMSOL, and Figure 43d shows an implementation in Mathematica. Mathematica was not a viable option as a platform for this work because it does not contain the ability to solve nonlinear PDEs over 3D regions. This capability is fundamental to the implementation of this model in 3D. F3dt. Figure 43. Variety of early 3D modeling efforts. A, B, and C are COMSOL, D is Mathemnatica. 64 r u I- Figure 44. COMSOL implementation from first stages of 3D modeling process. Figure 44 shows a result from an implementation in COMSOL from early on in the modeling process, for the species Rac. This figure displays a combination of 3D slice and surface plots to give a full 3D depiction of results from the differential equation solution. The slices are crosssections from the cytosol, while the surface plot is the area of interest in polarization. The surface concentration in Rac ranges from 5.4 iM to 0.31 ptM, a polarization in concentration between the leading edge and trailing edge of the cell. aR b Figure 45. (a) Rac and (b) Rho in 3D and 1 D for a rectangular prism geometry 65 Figure 45a shows a plot for Rac in 3D for a rectangular prism geometry. The concentration in 3D ranges from 5.5 pM to 0.31 pM. Figure 45b shows a plot for Rho. The concentration for Rho varies from 1.28 pM to 1.2 pM. Rac is more polarized than Rho. Figure 46 displays the polarization of Rac toward the end of the cell, but resulting from a gradient in EGF stimulus. The graphs in Figure 36 are also for an ellipsoid geometry. This EGF-based stimulation is similar to the analysis performed in section 4.6 for the 1 D case. The gradient in Rac is less pronounced than the one in Figure 44 or Figure 45, since the results are translated downstream from the EGF gradient. The Rac concentration now ranges from 1.85 PM to 0.3 PM. Instead of an approximate factor of 18 times, the polarization is approximately 6 times greater at one end of the cell than the other, a more reasonable result. Figure 45b shows the graph for Rho. The concentration of Rho is very similar throughout the cell (at 1.2 pM), without a clear gradient. Namely, the apparent and reproducible polarization patterns are actually consistent with experimental observation that Rho is at the leading edge as well, as: "recent biosensor studies have shown that all three GTPases are activated at the front of migrating cells" (Machacek, 2009). In order to fully develop a 3D cellular polarization effort, more analysis is needed, however. a b Figure 46. (a) Rac concentrations in 3D (b) Rho concentrations in 3D; present at both ends as experimentally predicted. Figure 47 displays the concentration of myosin phosphatase over the cellular surface for the 3D model. Notice how myosin phosphatase forms what appear to be fibers (light blue and green patches) that run down the cell. The concentration ranges from 0.55 piM to 0.08 pM, a difference of 6.9 times. It is useful to note that the model, although simple, is beginning to form some interesting characteristics that could be studied and enhanced in further analysis. Notice the formation of rings (black arrows in Figure 47a) in the myosin phosphatase concentration. This sort of behavior can be used in the future to model cell division of metastatic cells at their site of implant, since cytokinesis in eukaryotes uses actomyosin contractile rings 66 (Calvert, 2011). These formations in Figure 47 could be the effect of noise, but for future work it is a valuable area to investigate, since the concentrations are approximately an order of magnitude greater in the red and orange areas. The concentration ranges from 0.55 pM to 0.08 piM. b Figure 47. (a) Myosin phosphatase. Black arrows show ring-like formation. (b) Different viewing angle. Figures 48a and 48b show a barbed end time series over the course of 30 seconds in the cell. The model appears to predict a polarized cell. However, what is really happening is less insightful. While the cells below appear polarized, indeed they are either not polarized or only very slightly polarized, on a scale much smaller than what is of relevance. The color bar simply rearranges to areas of greatest concentration, but the concentrations are very similar at both ends of the color bar. A similar effect was observed in a WASP time series plot (not shown here). 67 b a Figure 48. a-b. Barbed end time series (0 and 30 seconds). Insignificant change in concentration. It is possible to locate and import real geometries of cells, though this was not possible in this work. Then, the model can be applied to these geometries to yield potentially interesting results. However, a much more insightful use would be to apply the model to a simple geometry, as was done above, and then extrapolate changes in the mechanical machinery of the cell to predict a new shape, instead of simply applying the model to protrusive shapes. This predictive concept is shown in Figure 49. C a b Figure 49. Predictive approach to cellular geometry. (a) Initial cell shape. (b) Output to actomyosin network (Mak, 2014). (c) New cell shape. 68 Figure 50. (a) PLC Gamma simulation result, spiking begins in center and localized to one side. (b) PLC gamma stain in HeLa cell to show membrane ruffles (Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Figure 50a shows the distribution of PLC gamma, with a variation from maximum to minimum concentration of 0.41 pM. The PLC gamma spiking begins at the center of the cell and is localized to one side. Figure 50b shows a PLC gamma stain in HeLa cells to show membrane ruffles, with a nuclear counterstain. This kind of distribution would be the eventual goal, but the basic aspects are visible in the 50a plot. Note that PLC Gamma concentration varies from 1.4 pM to 1.0 PM. Figure 51 shows the simulation results for an elliptical shape for PIP2 and PIP 3 . Figure 51 b shows PIP 2 distributed throughout the cell, not localized to any one section. The same is true for PIP 3, as shown in Figure 51b. In this model, it appears that the phosphoinositides are more evenly distributed than Rho, which is more evenly distributed than Rac, which is very clearly polarized. Rho is important at both ends of the cell, while Rac and Cdc42 are primarily most active at the front end of the cell. Nevertheless, at this early stage, it is nearly impossible to draw conclusions about polarization. b Figure 51. (a) PIP3 . (b) PIP 2 It is important to note that when EGF is not used to induce cell polarization, it appears that PIP3 is indeed polarized, as shown in Figure 52. There is a delta of 0.041 pM. This seems like a small 69 number relative to the polarization in Rac, but recall that generally PIP 3 is present in the cell at concentrations of around 0.05 ptM (Dawes, 2007), so a fluctuation of 80% that size is large. This is an interesting discrepancy and might mean that it is in fact essential to induce polarization using EGF. This is because EGF-based polarization captures the notion that PIP3 is actually involved not just at the leading edge but also in cell retraction. In fact: "...cortical accumulation of PIP3 was often correlated with local retraction of the periphery" (Asano, 2008). PIP 3 fluctuations can lead to spontaneous polarizations as well. -I Figure 52. PIP 3 polarization without use of EGF stimulation to induce polarization; fails to capture essential biological concepts. In order to further test the functioning of the model, it is useful to study how these stochastic initial conditions play out through the downstream effectors. This experiment was carried out for a rectangular prism and an ellipsoid. Figure 61 shows the downstream effect on ROCK (Rho kinase) of fluctuations in Cdc42. The concentration of ROCK varies from 0.7pM to 0.02pM, but with the majority of fluctuations being far less than that range. Figure 53. Cdc42 stochastic initial conditions. 70 Figure 54. Stochastic initial conditions translated while moving downstream to ROCK. Figure 55. Rac with original diffusion coefficient. Figure 56. Rac with increased diffusion coefficient (two orders of magnitude) Increasing the diffusion coefficient by two orders of magnitude spreads out the stochastic fluctuations rapidly and removes their effect quickly. The 3D analysis here provides a simple first step towards a wide range of possibilities for 3D motility analyses. Fine-tuning the concepts of 71 polarization and concentration gradients in 3D and improving the accuracy of the modeling process can add a great deal of insight. The analysis in 1 D presented here for parameter variation can eventually be performed in 3D. In addition, the network linkages used can be refined and a parameter sensitivity analysis performed based on data in 3D if it becomes available. The next steps should aim to accurately reproduce polarization in 3D, and connect that to movement. 4.8 Double-Peak in the Barbed End Metric The next set of figures and results show how the various components of the model can act in concert to produce an important biological relational result, the double peak in barbed ends. In order to help parameterize new parts of the model for which constants are unknown, it is useful to perform a parameter variation analysis. For example, Figure 59 shows the variation in barbed end metric for a change in the feedback between cdc42 and N-WASP, two key species in the barbed end pathway. As a reminder, a sample set of proposed equations are reproduced here: a2Wasp aWasp Sat = D 2 x (48) s-wasp-WaspWasp + $Cdc42 -waspCdc 4 2 + IPIP2-wasp PIP2 As expected, in Figure 59, varying the parameter that represents feedback from Cdc42 to WASP changes the second peak which is representative of the Arp/23 pathway, not the Cofilin pathway. The Cofilin pathway is not dependent upon N-WASP, and as expected, is hardly affected by this change. It is useful to measure how other key parameters from the N-WASP and WAVE module affect the barbed end peak, a metric downstream within the pathway. Shown below in Figure 60 is the variation in barbed ends for a change in the feedback between PIP2 and N-WASP. Once again, as expected, it is the second peak that is affected. In this case, for a feedback parameter of K=0.5, the change is very extreme and that affects the first peak, but only slightly, as is clear in Figure 60. Figure 57 illustrates how the two main pathways within the model can work in concert to produce a double peak in the key protrusion metric. The early peak based on cofilin combines with the later peak based on Arp2/3 to create the double peak. The first two plots are spatiotemporal plots for cellular location (x-axis) and time (y-axis). In order to create a metric to study the overall trend, the species are integrated over the length of the cell in order to study an overall concentration metric. Figure 58 displays spatiotemporal heat maps for three species, WAVE, WASP, and Arp2/3, in order to show the details of the model's second peak. As the double peak in barbed end metric can be broken down into the cofilin and the Arp2/3 peak, the Arp2/3 peak can further be broken down into its key components, N-WASP and WAVE. Figure 44a shows the case for which there is low EGF stimulation. This stimulation is through the P13K pathway, in order to represent the downstream effects of the full model through the GTPases. Namely, EGF stimulation causes a 72 downstream effect that travels from the phosphoinositides through the GTPases and eventually leads to changes in the WASP, WAVE, and Arp2/3 peak. Figure 58b shows the case of high EGF stimulation, and an increase in protrusion and cellular polarization, as displayed in the intensity and shape of the heat map. 20 a 110 00 2 20 40 60 80 100 20 I 40 60 80 100 I I 0 0~10i 0 I C 1000 500 n 0 I I I I 20 40 60 80 100 Time (sec) Figure 57. The two key components of protrusion are shown. (a) The early peak based on cofilin. (b) The late peak based on Arp2/3. (c) The sum of both as the barbed end protrusion metric. 73 Figure 58. (a) WAVE, WASP, and Arp2/3 spatiotemporal plot with low EGF stimulation (Pl3Kinase pathway, the late pathway). X axis: Time 0 to 100 seconds; Y axis: Position across 20ptm cell. (b) EGF increase with Pl3kinase increases protrusion and cellular polarization. Figure 59 shows the variation in barbed end metric for a change in the Cdc42-WASP feedback parameter. This parameter affects primarily the second peak, or Arp2/3 peak, as would be expected biologically. From this parameter sensitivity analysis, which shows the downstream effects on a key system output for the variation in a specific constant parameter, it is clear that the value range of Kcdc42-WASP is approximately 0.01-1. A similar parameter analysis is performed for the feedback between PIP2 and WASP; here, the acceptable range is also similar, 0.01-1. 74 -KO0.01 - Iw9 -K=0.05 1400 -K=O.l 1200 1000 ---I 400 200 10 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 59. Variation in barbed end metric in response to changing the feedback between Cdc42 and N-WASP. -K0.01 K=0.05 -K=0.1 -KnO.5 1200 1000 400 2W0 10 20 30 40 50 Tme (Sec) 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 60. Variation in barbed end metric in response to changing the feedback between PIP2 and N-WASP. 75 Feedback Parameter Rac to Wave Cdc42 to Wasp PIP 2 to Wasp Wasp to Arp Wave to Arp Actin to Arp PIP 2 to Barb EGF (PLC) EGF (Pi3k) Approximate Range -0.1-1 [1/s] -0.1-1 [1/si -0.1-1 [1/s] ~0.1-1 [i/s] -0.1-1 [1/si -0.9 [1/s] -1.9-2.5 [s iMi 1 ~1 ~0.01 to 1 Table 30. Tabulation of feedback parameter ranges. The EGF parameters correspond to the hill function scales. Table 30 tabulates the result of performing a series of sensitivity analyses for some of the representative feedback network linkages in the system that have not yet been characterized experimentally or mathematically. The species PIP2 plays a key role in the overall model. In response to EGF stimulus, it is greatly affected and leads to downstream changes in the pathway that cause increased motility. The feedback between PIP 2 and barbed ends is extremely important when tuning the model. A parameter analysis of this feedback in the model yields an interesting set of insights and allows the model to more closely match experimental data. The data shown in Figure 61a are from a barbed end assay in MTln3 cells (Mouneimne, 2004). Notice that while the peak heights can be tuned to the data, the time scales are still different. Improving the model to recreate accurate timescales is an area for further research. Because this is a relational analysis study in order to characterize a very complicated system, the concentration absolute values are ignored, and the relational trends between different parts of the curve are analyzed instead. Figure 62a shows the results of a barbed end assay, but for the case of control cells and a PLC inhibitor (Mouneimne, 2004). Knocking out PLC affects the early transient but not the late transient. The model simulation gives a similar result for the knockdown of the PLC parameter. In addition, the first transient peak scales with increasing PLC (plot not shown). The second transient is slightly affected, but not nearly as much as the first transient. Notice how the experimental results from the barbed end assays and the simulation results occur on different timescales. The model can be tuned to change the timescale of the peaks to an extent, but this tuning parameter is not biologically relevant, so the peaks were left at the current locations. Nevertheless, from a relational-analysis perspective, it is easy to see how the model can be compare to the experimental results in a general fashion. 76 a b 710. 00 -KNO.1 - -K00.5 -Kul -KI ROW -KO1.7 -K81.9 700 90O -K02.5 40W. 3NW0 400 300 IWO 0 0 0 120 10 246 30 40ime 20 36il 100 (Sec)so Tim (S) Figure 61. (a) Barbed end assay for MTln3 cells (Mouneimne, 2004). (b) Model results for varying PIP2 to barbed end feedback. 2-1w aam 7M b -PLC Inhblian ow Control 150W. 400 ,00. 300 GOW. 2W0 - 12000. VIC 30W. PLC inhibitor S 40 1 180 240 3W0 360 20 40 (0 Timen ("eC) so 100J Thae s Figure 62. (a) Barbed end assay for MTln3 cells, control and PLC inhibitor (Mouneimne, 2004). (b) Model results for PLC component and PLC inhibition. 77 Figure 63 displays a spatiotemporal plot of the cofilin actin peak. This does not include the Arp2/3 pathway. Once again, notice how early the first transient peak, based on cofilin, is situated. This parameter is variable and the peak can be shifted in the model. This is a matter for further research and study because the peak can be shifted using many of the parameters in the model, but the choice must be biologically motivated for it to have meaning. For example, the variation of the capping rate can indeed shift this peak, as shown in Figure 64. However, as discussed throughout this work, blindly fitting data to the expected value can lead to many modeling pitfalls. In this case, the experimentally expected value for kcap is 1 I/s, but that is not necessarily the value that yields the correct location for the peak. There are other factors in the model that must account for peak shifting, because it is known what the value of kcap is. Nevertheless, relationally, it provides an interesting insight and could potentially serve as a lumped parameter choice to represent other key factors. 4 .5 1. .5 2 10 20 30 40 0 Time (moo) 0 70 60 00 100 Figure 63. Actin peaking. o~ - k =I -k =01 0.- 0. zC 2 - 0.1 Time (sec) Figure 64. Capping rate and timescale analysis of first peak (normalized). 78 One way to incorporate the EGF stimulus is through the P13K and PLC gamma parameters; however, it is also possible to mechanistically incorporate the Mena and Menanv isoform parameter through the use of a new set of module equations. That process and results are shown here. The mechanism of Mena is to promote filament elongation with direct monomer transfer and also to protect the filaments from capping proteins (Gertler, 2011). These mechanistic behaviors can be incorporated into the model equations by linking in a capping protein species and connecting it to the actin and barbed end metrics. The Mena" isoform can sensitize the motility response to EGF for tumor cells, and can increase sensitivity by 25-50 fold (Gertler, 2011). This pathway and stimulatory effect precedes the Arp2/3 accumulation, but acts on the cofilin severing path. Figure 65 shows these effects from the model simulation. By increasing the parameter representing Mena in the model by multiple test factors, it is clear that an increase in the range of 25-50 fold causes a change in the peaking, and that is most pronounced in the cofilin-based peak, rather than the Arp2/3 peak, as is expected. There is almost a 50% increase in the first transient, and only a 20% increase in the second transient. Further modeling efforts could aim to decrease the effect on the second transient by improving the mechanism. In addition, experimentally there is actually an 80% increase in free barbed ends (Gertler, 2011) than control cells or cells with MenacIssic within the first 20 seconds, whereas in this simulation result there is only a 50% increase. This is another point of improvement for further work. 1200-- naid -1.3x -1.6x -2.Ox 1000- Increase Increase Increase Mena''" (30x fold increase) 800 Boo 600O 400 200 10 20 30 40 50 Time (sec) 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 65. The effect on the barbed end/actin parameter of increasing the model Mena parameter through a mechanistic inhibition mechanism on capping and actin elongation. 79 11 NO - Chapter 5: Applications and Future Work The next phase of this work is its improvement in three dimensions and its application to a cellular mechanical model based on an actin-myosin network. This model can output concentrations of these species which feed in to an actin and myosin system, based on Brownian dynamics. This model can then predict cellular movement. A significant challenge will be to feedback those results iteratively with this model because this model requires a state description of many more variables than are outputted from a mechanical model; for example, concentrations of the various species. Eventually, this modeling approach can be fully integrated into the 3D realm and fed back into an actin-myosin Brownian dynamics simulation such as the one shown in Figure 66. Figure 66. Actin and myosin Brownian dynamics simulation (Mak, 2014). The current 3D model is rudimentary and a simple first step toward a world of expansion in to the 3D realm. Getting the cellular polarization results in 3D to work accurately in concert for all the Rho GTPases is a challenge. In addition, the dynamics and signaling networks are very different in three dimensions than on a flat surface. Developing the networks presented here and adapting them specifically for new pathways in 3D is a key future step. Another key direction for future 80 - -- -.;Md work is improving the timescales of the model, such that they match experimental data more accurately. In addition, moving the model to 3D while at the same time using experiments in 3D would be very helpful to the 3D modeling process. Future work can incorporate an even more intricate 1 D model that accounts for the correct time scales and exact concentrations for the species involved. This effort creates a large scale modeling effort spanning many areas involved in cellular motility and develops a set of predictive relational trends that can reproduce biologically expected results. Taking this effort to the next level would involve an in-depth iterative process with an experimental team that can perform targeted data tests on key species. A bio-sensing experiment and modeling approach could prove to be very helpful as real time spatial and temporal data would be invaluable in such a modeling effort. 81 Chapter 6: Conclusion In summary, this work brings together many signaling networks in cancer metastasis and creates a series of models that describe this process in quantitative detail. This work builds on existing formulations and develops new sets of modular relationships that can be used to predict and analyze cellular behavior under metastatic conditions, such as in the presence of the Menainv isoform. This work mathematically represents different aspects of the EGFR signaling network that are involved in cancer metastasis. It strives to tie together different chemical and mechanical species within the cell that are important in connecting the overarching signaling network with the mechanical machinery of the cell. Each module and formulation represents many iterations of computational simulation and careful attention to biochemical mechanism. The family of models can be used to predict certain aspects of cellular behavior and have been tuned to recreate experimental results. This modular setup has advantages because individual modules can be studied in detail. This work also begins a simple and rudimentary move to three-dimensions, as a stepping stone to creating a 3D biochemicalbiomechanical model of a cell. The models also have limitations because the physical system is extremely complicated. There are a vast number of species and interactions at play. The models are just abstractions of an extremely complex physical system that cannot be fully modeled with current knowledge and methods. Nevertheless, the models are able to recreate interesting and important biological results. The next steps will be to refine the mechanisms used in the equations and improve the 3D accuracy. Then, the goal will be to tie the improved model in with a large-scale actin and myosin network to reproduce more aspects of cellular motility in cancer metastasis. The description of the signaling networks underlying cancer metastasis presented here are modular and provide an expansive depiction of the underlying processes. The system provides a quick test in silico to determine how factors like a new pharmaceutical could potentially affect the feedback between different system components. This model can show how eliminating or amplifying a certain parameter would impact the overall system. 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