Transport of Phonons and Electrons in Thermoelectric Materials and Graphene ARCHVES MiASSAC"E-1TSTS 'N7TI)TE by J JUL 302015 Sangyeop Lee , LIBR A RIEF-S Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITTUE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2015 0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015. All rights reserved Signature redacted .DIartment of Mechanical Engineering.. Signature of Author ............... ............... ...... May 26, 2015 Signature redacted C e rtifi e d by .......................................... ..... ............................. ...... * Gang Chen Carl Richard Soderberg Professor of Power Engineering Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted A ccepted by .......................................... ......................................... David E. Hardt Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students 2 Transport of Phonons and Electrons in Thermoelectric Materials and Graphene by Sangyeop Lee Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 26, 2015, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Abstract Understanding transport of phonons and electrons plays a critical role in developing energy conversion and information devices. Thermoelectric materials, which directly convert heat to electricity or vice versa, require both extremely low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric power factor. However, a good understanding of low thermal conductivity is still lacking even for several good thermoelectric materials that have been studied over several decades. For the information devices, graphene has recently drawn much attention for various applications including high speed transistors due to its high electron mobility and high thermal conductivity. However, the graphene's high thermal conductivity has yet to be fully understood. There have been many studies based on diffusive-ballistic phonon transport, but no conclusive explanation for the graphene's high thermal conductivity has been drawn. In this thesis, we investigate the transport of phonons and electrons in thermoelectric materials and graphene using both first principles calculations and experimental characterizations. We start by studying phonon transport in Bi and Bi-Sb alloys using first principles calculations. A notable observation from this calculation is that a strong long-range interaction exists in Bi and Sb along a specific crystallographic direction. We further show that this long-range interaction is also found in other good thermoelectric materials, and is a key to understanding their low thermal conductivity. The long-range interaction is explained with resonant bonding which many good thermoelectric materials commonly share. The particularly strong resonant bonding in group IV-VI materials leads to the low thermal conductivity through the long-range interaction and resulting softening of optical phonons that strongly scatter acoustic phonons. We study electron transport in thermoelectric materials with two-dimensional discontinuities, such as grain boundaries. We set up an experimental system to measure thermo- and galvano-magnetic electron transport coefficients of a Bi2 Te 27 SeO.3 nanocomposite sample to examine the electron filtering effect by many grain boundaries in the nanocomposite. The experimental results indicate that the nanocomposite sample exhibits the electron filtering effect and it would be possible to increase the thermoelectric power factor by engineering the potential barrier of grain boundaries. While thermoelectric applications require materials with low thermal conductivity, electronic and optoelectronic devices often require high thermal conductivity. Graphene is attractive for these applications because of its unique electrical, optical, and thermal properties. We use first-principles calculations to reveal that the phonon transport in graphene is not diffusive unlike many threedimensional materials, but is hydrodynamic due to graphene's two-dimensional features. The hydrodynamic phonon transport is demonstrated through a drift motion of phonons, phonon Poiseuille flow, and second sound, all of which are not possible in both diffusive and ballistic phonon transport. Thesis Supervisor: Gang Chen Title: Carl Richard Soderberg Professor of Power Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgements This thesis could not be completed without the help from many people. Here I would like to thank several people whom I am much indebted to. First, I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Gang Chen. I am very fortunate to have studied under his guidance. He gave me almost complete freedom in choosing my research topic and making progress so that I could be trained as an independent researcher. He also emphasized the importance of having a big picture and asking an important question. All these inspiring comments and guidance will be an invaluable asset for my future research career. I also thank my thesis committee members. Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus spent a tremendous amount of time for me. She kindly suggested me for several times to come to her office and to discuss about my research progress and future directions. She also carefully revised my thesis and journal papers, and gave me back many detailed comments. Prof. Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou asked me several important questions regarding my hydrodynamic phonon transport work in Chapter 5. While I was trying to answer those questions, I could develop a better understanding of the hydrodynamic phonon transport. I also thank Prof. Alexie Kolpak for her encouragements and valuable inputs to my research. I have to thank Prof. Keivan Esfarjani now at Rutgers University and Prof. David Broido at Boston College. The first principles calculation of phonon transport that I mainly used in this thesis was developed by these two people. Collaboration with them was an exceptional chance for me, and without their help, I could not learn so quickly the first principles calculations of phonon transport. I also thank Prof. Joseph Heremans at Ohio State University. He kindly allowed me to spend a week in his laboratory and to learn the method of four coefficients which is presented in Chapter 4. Working with my lab mates was another great source of learning. In particular, I would like to thank several people here. Bolin Liao and Maria Luckyanova were very helpful in revising my papers. I thank them for their comments on my writing. I also enjoyed discussion with them, and the discussion often gave me good insights. I also thank several people for their help in my experimental studies: Kimberlee Collins, Daniel Kraemer, Kenneth McEnaney, Austin Minnich, Qing Hao, and Andy Muto. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends. I thank my parents and parents in law for their love and prayer. I also thank my wife, Jac, and my 7 year old son, Junwoo. My wife, Jae, also pursued her professional career and in fact she was busier than I, but she supported me more than she could do. Along with my wife, my son, Junwoo, was a constant source of happiness for me. I also thank many friends, particularly John Hong, Dong-Hoon Yi, and Gyuwon Hwang, for their friendship and encouragements. 5 6 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 17 1.1. Heat and Charge Transport in Thermoelectric and Information Processing Devices........ 17 1.2. Thesis Outline .................................................................................................................... 2. Phonon Transport in Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb Alloys ............................................ 2 . 1. B ackground ........................................................................................................................ 20 23 23 2.2. First Principles Calculations of Phonon Transport and Thermal Conductivity .............. 25 2.2.1. Second- and Third-order Force Constants.............................................................. 25 2.2.2. Scattering Rates and Peierls-Boltzmann Transport Equation ................................. 33 2.3. Results and Discussions ................................................................................................ 39 2.3.1. Phonon thermal conductivity.................................................................................... 39 2.3.2. Phonon Mean Free Path Distributions.................................................................... 47 2 .4 . C on clu sion .......................................................................................................................... 50 3. Low Thermal Conductivity of IV-VI Materials from Resonant Bonding....51 3 . 1. B ackground ........................................................................................................................ 51 3.2. Resonant Bonding in IV-VI, V2-VI3, and Element V Materials .................................... 53 3.3. Long-range Interaction due to the Resonant Bonding .................................................. 60 3.4. Strong Three-Phonon Scattering in IV-VI Materials ..................................................... 67 3.4.1. Large Anharmonicity of Ferroelectric Soft Phonon Modes .................................... 67 3.4.2. Large Phase Space for Three-Phonon Scattering ..................................................... 73 7 3 .5 . Co n clu sion .......................................................................................................................... 75 4. Experimental Characterization of Electron Filtering Effect in Nanocomposite Bi 2 Te 2 .7Seo.3 . -- . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . ..... . . .. . . . .. ... ... 77 4 . 1. B ack gro und ........................................................................................................................ 77 4.2. The Method of Four Coefficients.................................................................................... 79 4.3. Experimental Setup ............................................................................................................ 86 4.4. Results and Discussions ................................................................................................ 89 5. Hydrodynamic Phonon Transport in Suspended Graphene......................95 5.1. B ack ground ........................................................................................................................ 95 5.2. Drift Motion of Phonons ................................................................................................ 98 5.2.1. Details of First Principles Calculations .................................................................. 5.2.2. Displaced Phonon Distribution.................................................................................. 5.3. Phonon Poiscuille Flow.................................................................................................... 99 101 105 5.3.1. Criteria for Phonon Poiseuille Flow .......................................................................... 106 5.3.2. Characteristics of Phonon Poiseuille Flow................................................................ 11I 5.3.3. Possible Experiments for Observing Phonon Poiseuille Flow .................................. 117 5.4 . Second Sound ................................................................................................................... 119 5.4.1. Criteria for Second Sound ......................................................................................... 119 5.4.2. Possible Experiments for Observing Second Sound ................................................. 122 5.5. Origin of the Hydrodynamic Phonon Transport in Graphene.......................................... 128 5 .6 . C onclu sion ........................................................................................................................ 13 1 8 6. Summary and Future Directions ............................... 6 .1. Sum mary .......................................................................................................................... 6.2. Future Directions ..................................................... 9 135 133 133 List of Figures Figure 2-1 Crystal structure of Bi and Sb. The void and filled atoms represent two basis atoms. RI, R 2, and R 3 are primitive lattice vectors and a is a rhombohedral angle between two primitive lattice vectors. The values of a are 57030 for Bi and 57084 for Sb, which are 27 close to 600 of the simple cubic structure......................................................................... Figure 2-2 Force constants of Bi and Sb versus interatomic distance (a) Trace values of second-order force constant tensors and (b) two-body third-order force constants ....... 29 Figure 2-3 Phonon dispersion of Bi and Sb. (a) and (b) represent Bi and Sb cases, respectively. Dots are experimental values from Refs. [48] for Bi and [49] for Sb. The location of high symmetry points in the Brillouin zone are plotted in (c) for Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys. ........ 30 Figure 2-4 Acoustic mode Gruneisen parameters of (a) Bi and (b) Sb comparing inclusion up to the fourth- and tenth-neighbors, to the references. The reference Grineisen parameters are calculated using the difference of phonon frequencies of two different crystal vo lumes.................................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 2-5 Comparison of Normal, Umklapp and mass disorder scatterings. The squares represent the first Brillouin zone ........................................................................................ 35 Figure 2-6. Thermal conductivity of Bi (a) in the binary direction and (b) in comparison between the binary and the trigonal directions. Kph in (b) is calculated with the single mode relaxation time approximation and using third-order force constants up to the tenthneighbors. The solid lines and dots represent our first principles calculation results and the experimental data from Ref. [32], respectively. The Full and SMRT in the legend represent solution of the Peierls-Boltzmann equation using the full iterative method and the single mode relaxation time approximation, respectively. .......................................................... 40 Figure 2-7. The thermal conductivity of Sb (a) in the binary direction and (b) in comparison between the binary and the trigonal directions. The solid lines and dots in (b) represent our first principles calculation results and the experimental data from Ref. [26], respectively. The Full and SMRT in the legend represent solution of the Peierls-Boltzmann equation using the full iterative method and the single mode relaxation time approximation, resp ectively ............................................................................................................................ 44 10 Figure 2-8. Thermal conductivity of the Bi-Sb alloys. (a) The effect of Sb content on the phonon thermal conductivity, showing that inclusion of even small amount of Sb significantly reduce phonon thermal conductivity. (b) Comparison between the total and phonon thermal conductivity of Bi, Sb, and Big8 Sb] 2 , and (c) an enlarged plot for the Bi88 Sb1 2 data. The experimentally measured total thermal conductivity values are from Ref. [2 6 , 32 ]. ................................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 2-9. Phonon mean free path distribution (a) Bi, BiwSbi, Bi8 8Sb 2 , and Sb at 100 K, (b) Bi and Bi8gSb 12 at lOOK, and (c) Bi at 50, 100, 200, and 300 K for the binary and the trigonal directions. In (b) and (c), the accumulated thermal conductivity is normalized by the 49 phonon therm al conductivity value ................................................................................... Figure 3-1 Normalized thermal conductivity of binary III-V and IV-VI compounds at 300 K. The solid lines are for a guide to the eyes. ................................................................... 53 Figure 3-2 Rocksalt-like crystal structures of PbTe, Bi 2Te3 , and Bi. The number on each atom indicates the shell number. Bi 2Te 3 , Bi and Sb have distorted rocksalt structures and have different numbers for shells than the exact rocksalt case. The numbers on the Bi 2Te 3 and Bi atoms indicate the equivalent shell numbers as for a rocksalt structure in the absence o f lattice distortion ................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 3-3 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of PbTe showing weak sp -hybridization ................................................................................................................... 56 Figure 3-4 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of PbSe showing weak sp -hybridization ................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 3-5 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of PbS showing weak sp -hyb ridization ................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 3-6 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of SnTe showing weak sp -hyb ridization ................................................................................................................... 58 Figure 3-7 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of Bi2 Te 3 showing w eak sp -hybridization ......................................................................................................... 59 Figure 3-8 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of Bi showing weak sp- hy brid ization ........................................................................................................................ 11 59 Figure 3-9 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of Sb showing weak sp -hybridization ................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 3-10 Normalized trace of interatomic force constant tensors versus atomic distances. (a) lead chalcogenides and SnTe (group IV-VI), (b) NaCl and InSb, (c) Bi 2Te3 (group V2V1 3), and (d) Bi and Sb (group V). The element in the parenthesis indicates interaction between the corresponding atom and other atoms. For example, 'PbTe(Pb)' means 63 interaction between Pb and other atoms in PbTe. ............................................................ Figure 3-11 Electron density distribution and polarization in NaCl and PbTe. (a-d) the electron density distribution at the ground state. (e-h) the electron density distribution change by a displacement of the center atom. The plot is on the (100) plane and each black . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 65 dot represents an atom . The unit is A ............................................... Figure 3-12 Diatomic 1D chain. The numbers on the atoms indicate the shell number, with an increasing neighbor distance with increasing number. The black circles denote A atoms and w hite circles denote B atom s............................................................................................ 69 Figure 3-13 Near ferroelectric behavior due to resonant bonding. (a) Optical phonon dispersion in a model 1D atomic chain, showing the softening of the optical phonons due to the long-range interactions. Three numbers in the legend represent relative interaction strength of first, second and third-nearest neighbors in the ID chain. (b-d) Soft TO phonon modes along the trigonal direction for lead chalcogenides, Bi 2Te3 , and Bi and Sb, respectively, calculated based on first-principles. Lines and circles are calculation and experimental data, respectively. The experimental data are from Ref. [48, 49, 73, 77, 78]. The red dotted line in b is after removing the fourth, eighth, fourteenth-nearest neighbor interactions in PbTe, which do not show the soft TO mode. (b-d) are plotted on the same scale for the y-axis. (e) Calculated Griineisen parameters of TO mode, showing strongly anharmonic behavior of the TO phonons of lead chalcogenides. The dotted line denotes the Grdneisen parameters of the LA mode in PbTe for comparison........................................ 70 Figure 3-14 Analysis of phonon transport in IV-VI and III-V materials by first principles calculation. (a) Calculated and experimental phonon thermal conductivity. Lines and squares are results by experiments and calculations, respectively. (b-c) Phonon mean free path distributions and phonon lifetime, showing significant three-phonon scattering in IV-VI materials. The accumulated thermal conductivity in (b) is normalized by the thermal conductivity value of the corresponding material. The data in (b-c) are for the 300 K case. The experimental thermal conductivity values in (a) are from Ref. [62, 90, 91] and other calculation results for PbTe, PbSe and GaAs are from Ref. [36, 88]............................... 72 12 Figure 3-15 Lower thermal conductivity of PbTe compared to Bi due to more significant resonant bonding. (a) Comparison of phonon dispersions showing the smaller group velocity of acoustic phonons in Bi (b) Comparison of thermal conductivity showing the lower therm al conductivity of PbTe ................................................................................. 72 Figure 3-16 Phase space volume for three-phonon scattering. (a) Phase space volumes for three phonon scattering of tV-VI and III-V, showing a large scattering phase space for PbSe and PbS. The solid line is for a guide to the eyes. (b) Comparison of the phonon dispersion of PbS and AISb, showing significantly dispersed optical phonons of PbS. (c) Contribution of each scattering process to total scattering phase space volume. The scattering phase space and phonon dispersion data are normalized by the inverse of the largest optical phonon frequency of each material for comparison. ..................................................................... 74 Figure 4-1. A schematic picture of a potential barrier at a grain boundary in an n-type semiconductor. Ec, EF, and Ev represent a conduction band edge, Fermi level, and a valence band edge, respectively ........................................................................................ 78 Figure 4-2. A schematic picture of the Seebeck effect........................................................ 83 Figure 4-3. A schematic picture of the Hall effect................................................................ 84 Figure 4-4. Schematic pictures of Nernst effect depending on the energy dependence of electron scattering rates. Note that there is no transverse electric field when r = 0; the hot electrons are preferentially deflected upward when r > 0 and the cold electrons tend to go dow nw ard when r < 0.................................................................................................... 86 Figure 4-5. A sample with various probe wires and the configuration of the measurement setu p ...................................................................................................................................... 88 Figure 4-6. A prepared sample assembly on the cold finger, showing the heater location and the ceram ic p late.................................................................................................................. 89 Figure 4-7. Measurement data of the four transport coefficients. (a) electrical resistivity, (b) Seebeck coefficient, (c) Hall coefficient, and (d) Nernst coefficient ................................ 90 Figure 4-8. Fermi level from the method of four coefficients. The black points are from Ref. [103] for com parison. ............................................................................................................ 91 Figure 4-9. Density-of-states effective mass from the method of four coefficients. The blue line is for eye-guide. The inset schematically shows the first light carrier pocket and the 13 second heavy carrier pocket. The density-of-states effective mass is in unit of mo, physical 92 mass of a free electron (mo=9. I x 10-1 kg)....................................................................... Figure 4-10. Electron mobility from the method of four coefficients. The black line is from 93 Ref. [107] for comparison. ............................................................................................... Figure 4-11. Scattering exponent representing the energy dependence of the electron scattering rates from the method of four coefficients. The black line and the circles are from Refs. [103, 107] for comparison. The brown line represents the case where the scattering by phonons is predominant over other scattering mechanisms. ....................... 94 Figure 5-1. Different macroscopic transport phenomena in the hydrodynamic and diffusive regimes. (a-b) The steady state heat flux profiles in hydrodynamic and diffusive regimes, respectively, under a temperature gradient. (c-d) The propagation of a heat pulse in the hydrodynamic and diffusive regimes, respectively. The width and length of the sample are assumed to be much larger than the phonon mean free path............................................. 97 Figure 5-2. The mode Grineisen parameters of graphene. The circles are calculated from the finite difference of phonon frequencies with different crystal volumes by 1% and the lines 100 are calculated using both second- and third-order force constants...................................... Figure 5-3. The displaced distribution of phonons at 100 K in the reciprocal space of a graphene sheet. The '3C isotope concentration is 0.1%. (a) A contour plot of the normalized deviation of the distribution of flexural acoustic (ZA) phonons in graphene. The hexagon represents the first Brillouin zone and a temperature gradient is applied along the xdirection. (b) The normalized deviation of the distribution of the three acoustic branches in graphene along the x-direction at qy=0 (M-F-M). The linear dependence on q, indicates drift motion of acoustic modes, according to Eq. (5.3). The same slope for all three acoustic branches means that acoustic phonons have the same drift velocity, regardless of polarization and w avevector................................................................................................ 102 Figure 5-4. The phonon mode thermal conductivity of graphene with 0.1 % 13 C at 100 K. (a) A contour plot of the mode thermal conductivity of ZA phonon modes in graphene. (b) The mode thermal conductivity of the three acoustic modes in graphene along the xdirection at qy= 0 ................................................................................................................... 102 Figure 5-5. The normalized deviation of the distribution of the acoustic branches in pure bismuth at 300 K along the trigonal-direction (T-r-T). A temperature gradient is applied in the same direction. Only one TA branch is included in the plot since the two TA branches 14 are degenerate along the line, T-F-T. The inset shows the first Brillouin zone of bismuth 103 w ith the high sym metry points............................................................................................ % Figure 5-6. Comparison of N-scattering and R-scattering rates in graphene with a 0.1 concentration of isotope 13 C at 100 K. The Matthiessen's rule is used to combine U104 scattering and isotope scattering rates into the R-scattering rate. ....................................... Figure 5-7. A schematic picture describing the random walk of phonons .......................... 109 Figure 5-8. The wide window of sample widths for phonon Poiseuille flow in graphene as 1 10 compared to diam ond........................................................................................................ Figure 5-9. Comparison between N- and R-scattering rates in graphene and diamond at 100 K, showing extremely strong N-scattering in graphene. The condition of isotope content is specified in the plots. The isotope content of 1.1% 13 C in (b,d) represents the naturally occurring case. The figure (a) is duplicated from Fig. 5-6 for comparison. ........ 111 Figure 5-10 Geometry of two-dimensional duct. The width and depth of the duct are represented as L and d, respectively.................................................................................... 112 Figure 5-11 Effects of sample width on the heat flux profile and thermal conductivity (a) The shape of the heat flux profiles when transport is close to the hydrodynamic limit (L/A=0. 1) and close to the diffusive limit (L/A=20) (b) Dependence of the thermal conductivity on sample width, L. The vertical axis represents the exponent value (a) in the simple power law relation, K~La.......................................................................................... 116 Figure 5-12 The possible frequency ranges of second sound in graphene and diamond. (a) The content of isotope 13C is fixed at 0.01 %. (b) The sample size is fixed at 1000 pm. (c-d) Contour plots of second sound frequency range in graphene with respect to sample size and isotope content for 50 and 100 K, respectively. The second sound frequency range is defined as Q,,ppe/Qiower, where ,,pper and ieower are the upper and lower bounds of second sound frequency, respectively. The frequency range is plotted on a log scale in the contour plots. Second sound in diamond is not possible in the given range of temperature, sample size, and isotope conten t..................................................................................................................... 122 Figure 5-13 The speed of second sound in graphene with respect to temperature............. 126 Figure 5-14 Comparison between the delay time by ballistic transport and second sound propagation in the heat pulse experiment. The delay time is per distance between the 15 source and the sensor, W, in [m]. The inset illustrates the configuration of the sample with a point heat source and a point heat sensor for observing second sound............................... 128 Figure 5-15 Cumulative weighting factors for averaging scattering rates for quadratic dispersion in two-dimensional materials and for linear dispersion in three-dimensional materia ls............................................................................................................................. 13 1 16 1. Introduction I .1Heat and Charge Transport in Thermoelectric and Information Processing Devices Thermoelectric energy conversion has drawn much attention for waste heat recovery and solid-state cooling applications due to its advantages over conventional thermo-mechanical energy conversion. Thermoelectric energy conversion devices have no moving parts, high reliability, and easy scalability. These advantages have led to some noteworthy applications including automotive climate control seats, diode lasers temperature stabilization, power for deep-space mission spacecraft, remote terrestrial areas, and potential applications in power generation from solar irradiation and waste heat recovery [1-3]. However, the low efficiency compared to conventional thermo-mechanical cycles has limited thermoelectric devices to niche applications where the conventional cycles cannot be easily applied [4]. The maximum efficiency of thermoelectric energy conversion devices is determined by the thermoelectric figure-of-merit, ZT: S2 U ZT = - where S, O-, K, K T (1.1) and T are the Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and temperature, respectively. The numerator, Sea, is called the thermoelectric power factor. The above expression, Eq. (1.1), implies three important requirements for a material to exhibit 17 high thermoelectric figure-of-merit: a large thermoelectric effect, small Ohmic losses, and small heat leakage through thermoelectric material. Recently, the thermoelectric figure-of-merit was significantly improved by reducing thermal conductivity. The reduction of thermal conductivity was achieved by introducing nanostructures into conventional thermoelectric materials [5]. One example is nanocomposite thermoelectric materials which consist of many nanograins and grain boundaries [6, 7]. These grain boundaries were demonstrated to strongly scatter phonons and significantly reduce thermal conductivity. Further reduction of thermal conductivity by the use of nanostructures would require the detailed information about phonon dynamics, such as spectral contribution of phonons to thermal transport and spectral distribution of phonon mean free paths. This detailed information can help for the rational design of nanostructures in terms of characteristic size and shape. The recently developed first principles calculation can provide such detailed information about phonon dynamics [8, 9]. In Chapter 2, we use this first principles calculation for Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys to quantify phonon mean free paths as well as intrinsic phonon thermal conductivity values. In parallel to applying nanostructures to the conventional thermoelectric materials, there also have been many efforts to find new thermoelectric materials [10, 11]. Searching for new thermoelectric materials had been very tedious for a long time since the synthesis and the experimental characterization of new materials are extremely time-consuming processes. Recently developed high-throughput first principles calculations have a potential to make this process much faster [12, 13]. Once a specific material group, such as half-Heusler alloy, is identified, the high-throughput calculation roughly estimates thermal conductivity values of all possible compounds in the periodic table and finds good candidate compounds. This combinatorial search can be even more powerful if we have good physical insights into the fundamental relation between the thermal conductivity and chemical bonding. However, establishing such a relation between the thermal conductivity and chemical bonding has not been actively pursued so far, to our best knowledge. There have been only few past studies to find such a relation [14, 15]. These previous studies compare the thermal conductivity values of a wide range of materials to seek any correlation of or general trends in the thermal conductivity values. However, in these previous studies, the thermal conductivity values were only correlated 18 with basic properties such as atomic mass, Debye temperature, lattice constant, and thermal expansion coefficient, through several simple empirical formulas. This motivates us to pursue establishing a link between the low thermal conductivity of several conventional thermoelectric materials and their chemical bonding in Chapter 3. In addition to reducing the thermal conductivity, increasing the thermoelectric power factor is another pathway to achieving a higher thermoelectric figure-of-merit from Eq. (1.1). However, this pathway has been less successful compared to reducing the thermal conductivity, partially due to the lack of understanding of electron transport in thermoelectric materials. For example, nanocomposite materials with many grain boundaries were very successful in increasing the scattering rates of phonons [6, 7], but only few studies characterized the details of the electron transport in nanocomposite materials [16]. If properly understood and engineered, many discontinuities such as grain boundaries or interfaces that have been successfully used to reduce thermal conductivity can also provide an engineering platform to increase the thermoelectric power factor. As a step towards this goal, in Chapter 4, we experimentally characterize electron transport in thermoelectric materials. For the information processing devices such as integrated transistors, thermal transport plays an important role in improving the performance of devices. The charge flow in these devices necessarily causes Joule heating and appropriate cooling is required to maintain temperature in an operational range. However, cooling of those devices is challenging. The volumetric heat generation is exceedingly large because so many transistors are integrated into very small volume. In addition, each transistor in the devices impedes thermal transport just as nanostructures significantly reduce thermal conductivity in the nanostructured thermoelectric materials. As a result, hot spots, in which the generated heat is not discharged but accumulated, often occur, and severely degrade the performance and reliability of those devices. There have been many engineering attempts to avoid hot spots. Numerical and experimental studies were carried out to predict and detect local hot spots [17, 18] and microscale thermoelectric coolers were developed to remove hot spots [19]. However, the clock frequency of transistor is still limited by those thermal issues [18]. 19 A recently discovered two-dimensional material, graphene, has the potential to solve those thermal issues owing to its extremely high thermal conductivity [20]. However, the extremely high thermal conductivity of graphene remains poorly understood. In particular, the role of flexural phonon modes in thermal transport should be understood better. The flexural phonon modes are vibrational eigenmodes in which atoms vibrate in the out of plane direction, and thus are a distinguishable feature of two-dimensional materials relative to typical threedimensional materials. In the early days, the flexural acoustic phonons were considered to negligibly contribute to thermal transport due to their small group velocity and extremely large anharmonicity [21, 22]. However, in fact, the flexural acoustic phonon branch has turned out to be the largest contributor among the three acoustic phonon branches in graphene [23, 24]. The remaining question is: why do the flexural acoustic phonons carry much despite of their extremely large anharmonicity? This question leads to our discussion in Chapter 5 about a new regime of phonon transport, hydrodynamic phonon transport, in graphene. 1.2.Thesis Outline The purpose of this thesis is to promote our fundamental understanding of phonons and electrons and thereby solve the aforementioned challenges. We devote the first three chapters (Chapter 2, 3, and 4) to the transport of phonons and electrons in thermoelectric materials, and then Chapter 5 is devoted to the transport of phonons in graphene. These chapters are also arranged in such a way that we discuss the transport phenomena with reducing dimensionality: from bulk three-dimensional thermoelectric materials (Chapter 2 and 3), to three-dimensional materials with two-dimensional interfaces such as grain boundaries (Chapter 4), to a twodimensional atomically thin material, which is graphene (Chapter 5). Chapter 2 discusses the phonon transport in Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys from first principles calculations. Those materials have been the best thermoelectric materials for cryogenic applications, but their phonon thermal conductivity values were not well known previously. We use the first principles calculation to quantify and detail the phonon transport in those materials. 20 One interesting observation from this calculation is that those materials exhibit strong long-range interaction along a specific crystallographic direction. This long-range interaction will be more extensively discussed in Chapter 3. Chapter 2 also briefly summarizes the first principles calculation method that we use to study phonon transport in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5. Chapter 3 shows that the strong long-range interaction in Bi and Sb is also observed in other good thermoelectric materials such as group IV-VI and V2-VI 3 materials. These materials, group IV-VI (e.g., PbTe), V 2 -VI 3 (e.g., Bi2 Te 3), and element V (Bi-Sb alloys), are the current best thermoelectric materials at high temperature (above 500 K), intermediate temperature (300 to 500 K), and cryogenic temperature (100 to 300 K), respectively. We introduce resonant bonding to explain this common feature of the long-range interaction in those seemingly different materials. Then, we use first principles calculations to find a link between the resonant bonding and the low thermal conductivity of group TV-VT materials in which resonant bonding is particularly significant. Chapter 4 experimentally studies electron transport in thermoelectric materials with a focus on the electron transport across a two-dimensional interface, which is a grain boundary. We experimentally measure galvano- and thermo-magnetic properties of a Bi 2Te 2.7SeO.3 nanocomposite sample. From these measured coefficients, we estimate several characteristics of electron transport including the energy dependence of electron scattering rates. The estimation indicates that the potential barrier at grain boundaries largely affect electron transport and cause the electron filtering effect, which can potentially lead to the improvement of the thermoelectric power factor. Chapter 5 uncovers a fundamental reason for the extremely high thermal conductivity of graphene using the first principles calculations. In graphene, unlike many three-dimensional materials we study in Chapter 2 and 3, most of the phonon scattering processes conserve crystal momentum and do not directly cause resistance in thermal transport. The momentum-conserving nature of phonon scattering in graphene is similar to that of a molecule scattering in a fluid. From this feature, we show that the phonon transport in graphene is not diffusive unlike many threedimensional materials, but is hydrodynamic. We associate this hydrodynamic phonon transport with graphene's two dimensional features. 21 Finally, Chapter 6 presents possible future directions and concludes this thesis. 22 2. Phonon Transport in Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb Alloys Bi and Bi-Sb alloys have been the best thermoelectric materials at cryogenic temperatures for several decades [25]. However, their phonon thermal conductivity values, which are basic information to further enhance thermoelectric figure-of-merit, was not well known. This is because the electron contribution to the total thermal conductivity is considerably large and comparable to the phonon contribution. Separating the electron and phonon contributions to the total thermal conductivity in experiments is challenging. However, the quantitative accuracy and predictive power of the first principles calculation enable us to quantify the phonon thermal conductivity values. In this chapter, we present the calculated phonon thermal conductivity values of and phonon mean free paths in Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys from the first principles calculation. In addition, we observe a strong long-range interaction along a specific crystallographic direction in Bi and Sb, which will lead to our discussion in Chapter 3. 2.1.Background Bi and Bi-Sb alloys have long been studied for their promising low temperature thermoelectric applications. Bi and Sb have a rhombohedral crystal structure, which is a Peierl's distortion of the simple cubic crystal. The small structural distortion results in Brillouin zone folding and a small overlap between conduction and valence bands, thereby causing semimetallic behavior and conduction by the both electrons and holes. Since the semimetallic behavior causes cancellation of the hole and electron contributions to the power factor, bulk Bi is not a good thermoelectric material. However, Bi has a large thermomagnetic effect and a large thermomagnetic figure-of-merit [26]. The thermomagnetic effect is particularly pronounced below 10 K due to the extremely long mean free path of the electrons in Bi [27]. Additionally, Bi 23 nanowires become semiconducting as their diameters approach several nanometers, thereby exhibiting a large thermoelectric power factor [28, 29]. As a conventional bulk thermoelectric material, Bi1 .xSb, has drawn more attention than Bi, since alloying with a small amount of Sb causes Bi,Sb, to become a narrow gap semiconductor, which is advantageous for high thermoelectric efficiency. Currently, Bit-.,Sb, (x ~ 0.12) is the best available n-type thermoelectric material below 200 K [25]. Before discussing the thermal transport by phonons, we would like to emphasize that electrons, in addition to phonons, carry a considerable amount of heat in Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys. Therefore, both phonons and electrons contribute to the total thermal conductivity, which can be expressed as Ktot = where Ktat and Kph Kph + Ke (2.1) are the total thermal conductivity and the phonon thermal conductivity, respectively. The term Ke includes the thermal conductivity of electrons, holes, and the bipolar contribution (hereafter electron thermal conductivity). The electron thermal conductivity of Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys is expected to contribute substantially to the total thermal conductivity since these materials are either semimetals or semiconductors with a very narrow band gap. Accurate methods to separate the phonon and electron contributions to the total thermal conductivity are crucial to developing better thermoelectric materials. However, separating the phonon and electron contributions is experimentally nontrivial. The phonon thermal conductivity can be directly measured under a high magnetic field, because such fields largely suppress electron transport. Previous measurements [30, 31] in practical temperature ranges (100 to 300 K) utilized this method, but the prior measurements are mainly limited to transport along the binary crystallographic direction. We could not find any reports on the phonon thermal conductivity along the trigonal direction, which are expected to have a greater thermoelectric figure-of-merit than for the binary direction and thus is of more interest. Another way to separate the phonon and electron contributions to the total thermal conductivity is to estimate the electron thermal 24 conductivity using either the Wiedemann-Franz law or other electron transport properties, such as the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient [32]. Such an approach provides a reasonable qualitative analysis, but validity of the Wiedemann-Franz law and the simple electron transport models used in the estimation of the electron thermal conductivity is sometimes questionable for quantitative purposes [33]. In this chapter, we study the lattice dynamics and quantify the phonon thermal conductivity values for Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys from first principles and the Peierls-Boltzmann transport equation. As shown in recent works [8, 9, 34-38], this approach provides an excellent agreement with experimental data for many pair-bonded materials, such as Si, GaAs, and Si-Ge alloys. We follow the same approach, but pay special attention to the range of interatomic interactions. This is because Bi, unlike other pair-bonded materials, has significant interaction strength out to large number neighbors, such as the ninth-nearest neighbor [39, 40]. 2.2. First Principles Calculations of Phonon Transport and Thermal Conductivity 2.2.1. Second- and Third-order Force Constants We calculated the second- and third-order force constants using the density functional theory. The calculation of the second-order force constants of Bi and Sb is based on the real space approach [41]. We calculated the force exerted on each atom when we displace one or multiple atoms in a 4x4x4 supercell which consists of 128 atoms. For the supercell calculation, we used 30 Ry for the cut-off energy of the plane wave basis and a 4x4x4 k-mesh for Brillouin zone sampling, both of which were carefully checked for the convergence of the calculation results. The calculation was performed with the ABINIT package [42] and HGH pseudopotentials [43]. The valence electrons in these pseudopotentials are 6s 2 6p 3 and 5s 2 5p 3 for Bi and Sb, respectively. The spin-orbit interaction is included in all calculations, because of the 25 strong spin-orbit interaction in Bi and Sb [441. The second-order force constants are then fitted to the calculated displacement-force data set, while enforcing translational and rotational invariances. In the fitting process, we considered up to the fourteenth-neighbors to include the previously reported long-range interaction occurring at the ninth-neighbor [39, 40]. The ninthneighbors are shown by the atom labeled C in Fig. 2-1 where the origin atom is described by atom A. Bi and Sb both have a slightly distorted simple cubic crystal structure. Due to this small crystallographic distortion, the six first-neighbors in the cubic structure become three firstneighbors and three second-neighbors. In Fig. 2-1, the atom B is the first-neighbor to the atom A and the second-neighbor to the atom C. The almost collinear chain consisting of AB and BC forms the ninth-neighbor relation and the atom C is the ninth-neighbor to the atom A. In the following discussions, the fourth- and the ninth-neighbors are frequently mentioned to discuss the range of the force constants for Bi and Sb. The fourth- and the ninth-neighbors in the rhombohedral crystal structure of Bi correspond to the second-neighbor (separated by Via) and the fourth-neighbors (separated by 2a), respectively, in the undistorted cubic structure, where a is the lattice constant of the simple cubic structure. 26 a 0 Origin 0 *atom- F' eigftpr inth neighbor RI Figure 2-1 Crystal structure of Bi and Sb. The void and filled atoms represent two basis atonrs. RI, R2, and R3 are primitive lattice vectors and a is a rhombohedral angle between two primitive lattice vectors. The values of a are 57'30 for Bi and 57*84 for Sb, which are close to 60* of the simple cubic structure. The third-order force constants were calculated by taking finite differences of the secondorder force constants [45]. We built a 3x3x3 supercell consisting of 54 atoms and we displaced one of the two basis atoms along the +R1 direction in Fig. 2-1 by 0.04 A. The displacement value of 0.04 A was chosen after carefully checking the convergence of third-order force constants with respect to the displacement values. The size of the supercell was large enough to include the significant ninth-neighbor interaction. In addition, the large size of the supercell minimizes the effect from the periodic images of the displaced atom due to periodic boundary conditions. For the calculation, a cut-off energy of 30 Ry and a 3x3x3 k-mesh are used. We then calculate the 27 second-order force constants using density functional perturbation theory [46, 471. All of the procedures are repeated for another supercell with the displacement along the -R, direction. By taking the finite differences of the second-order force constants of the two different supercells, the third-order force constants with respect to the R1 direction are calculated. Rotational invariance with respect to the trigonal direction is then applied to calculate the third-order force constants with respect to the R 2 and R3 directions. Translational invariance is applied to the thirdorder force constants by modifying the self-interaction terms. We calculated the phonon dispersions and mode Groneisen parameters to validate the calculated second- and third-order force constants. In Fig. 2-2a, we plot the trace of the secondorder force constant tensors versus distance. Both Bi and Sb have the interactions of significant magnitude occurring at the ninth-neighbors, which agree well with the previous reports [39, 40]. In Fig. 2-3, the calculated phonon dispersions for Bi and Sb are compared with the experimental values. Both calculated phonon dispersions are similar to the experimental data, confirming the accuracy of the calculated second-order force constants. 28 1 (a) 1) 0 e* - ca. oo 0 -1 9th neighbors U- 0 -2 0 -3 LL -4 -5 *0 I 2 3 * I 4 5 Bi 6 0 Sb 7 8 distance (A) CO 10 (b) 8 C 6 0 - eB O Sb 0 0 -8 4 40 9th neighbors S2 0 '2 M I 2 0) 3 4 5 distance (A) 6 7 8 Figure 2-2 Force constants of Bi and Sb versus interatomic distance (a) Trace values of second-order force constant tensors and (b) two-body third-order force constants 29 (a) 3 I0 N 1 2 C 01 LL 000 N I 43- . 0 C.r (c) respectively. Dots are Figur'e 2-3 Phonon dispersion of Bi and Sb. (a) and (b) represent Bi and Sb cases, symmetry points in the experimental values from Refs. [48] for Bi and [49] for Sb. The location of high Brillouin zone are plotted in (c) for Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys. 30 Since the ninth-neighbors in Bi and Sb have significant second-order force constants, the third-order force constants at the ninth-neighbors should also be of interest. In Fig. 2-2b, we plot the two-body third-order force constants as a function of distance. Each dot represents a thirdorder force constant. As seen in Fig. 2-2b, the third-order force constants have substantial values The importance at the ninth-neighbors. of the ninth-neighbor interaction on crystal anharmonicity can be checked with the mode Gruneisen parameters. The Gruneisen parameter, y, of a phonon mode with wavevector (q) and polarization (s) is calculated with the calculated third-order force constants using the following expression[9]: y(qs) = - 6u 2 (qs) DbRRb1,Rzb 2 2 'MMb Xoabe(-qs, b1 /)e(qs, b2 y) (2.2) where o, T, and M represent the phonon frequency, third-order force constant, and atomic mass. Here, afly, R 1 , and b, denote the polarization, translational vector, and basis atom. Also, X and e are the atomic position and eigenvector, respectively. In order to investigate the effects of the ninth-neighbor interaction on the crystal anharmonicity, we used two different sets of the thirdorder force constants: one includes up to the fourth-neighbors and the other includes up to the tenth-neighbors. To evaluate the reliability of the third-order force constants, the reference mode Grlneisen parameters are also calculated. For the reference mode Gruneisen parameters, we used density functional perturbation theory to calculate the phonon frequencies for two different crystal volumes: a crystal at equilibrium and one with the volume increased by 1%. We then take the finite differences of the two different phonon frequencies and calculate the mode Grineisen parameters from the definition of the Grineisen parameter: Inw(qs) d nV y(qs) = 31 (2.3) where V is the crystal volume. Shown in Fig. 2-4 are the calculated acoustic mode Gruneisen parameters. In Fig. 2-4, we show that the acoustic mode Gruneisen parameters are underestimated over a wide range of wave-vectors when the third-order force constants are considered only up to the fourth-neighbors. Even after considering up to the eighth-neighbors, the mode Grnneisen parameters are relatively unchanged. This is consistent with the negligible third-order force constants at the fifth-, sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-neighbors as shown in Fig. 22b. However, when extending the range up to the tenth-neighbors, the calculated acoustic mode Griineisen parameters agree reasonably well with the reference Gruneisen parameters. This confirms that the ninth-neighbor interaction is playing a significant role in the anharmonic properties. The optical mode Gruneisen parameter was also determined from third-order force constants that included up to the fourth-neighbor and the tenth-neighbor interaction terms. Both cases yielded similar values for the optical Griineisen parameter. 32 (a) 10 8- E CL C: C Reference upto 4th neighbor upto 10th neighbor - L.. - 6 4 2 0 __ _ -2 -4 (b) - X K I- T W 1L X 6 --- i) - E 1 4 Reference upto 4th neighbor upto 10th neighbor cc L.. C 0 C 2 C 0 -91 X K U T XW L I X Figure 2-4 Acoustic mode Grflneisen parameters of (a) Bi and (b) Sb comparing inclusion up to the fourth- and tenth-neighbors, to the references. The reference Grineisen parameters are calculated using the difference of phonon frequencies of two different crystal volumes. 2.2.2. Scattering Rates and Peierls-Boltzmann Transport Equation The phonon thermal conductivity can be calculated from the distribution function of the phonon modes. We calculate the distribution function by solving the linearized Boltzmann equation with the scattering rates due to the three-phonon process and mass disorder. The scattering rate of the three-phonon process is given by [50] 33 W, = 21r|V3 (-q1 s1 ,-q 2s 2 ,q 3s 3 ) 2 N N2(N3' + 1)8(-W - W2 + W2, 3 = 2iV3 (-q1 s1 , q 2 S 2 , q 3 s 3 )I 2N 1 (N 2 + 1)(N3 + 1)6(-o 1 (3) + W2 + W3) (2.4) (2.5) where 1, 2, and 3 denotes phonon modes in the three phonon process. Here, 1 indicate a phonon mode with a wavevector (q 1 ) and polarization (sl). In addition, N' indicates the Bose-Einstein equilibrium distribution function. Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5) represent a coalescence and a decay process, respectively. The delta-function in Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5) represents energy conservation of the three-phonon scattering process. In addition to the energy conservation, the three phonon modes should meet the conservation of crystal momentum with the reciprocal primitive vector, G. This requirement can be expressed with the expressions given below for the coalescence process and decay process, respectively: q1 + q 2 = q 3 + G q + 2 q 3+G (2.6) (2.7) where G is a reciprocal primitive vector including a null vector. When G is a null vector, the three-phonon scattering is called Normal scattering (hereafter N-scattering), while it is called Umklapp scattering (hereafter U-scattering) when G is a non-zero vector. The N-scattering and U-scattering is schematically compared in Fig. 2-5. The three-phonon scattering matrix element, V3 , in Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5) is given by [50] ) V3 (q 1 s1 , 4 2 s 2 , q 3 s 3 8No 1 j 20 3 12 Ofy (Obl, R2b2, .mb Reb3)eiq2-R ? i3-R3 cabeflb2 eyb 3 1 blb 2 b 3 afly R 2 R 3 34 mbmb 3 2 (2.8) where IDfgy(Obi, R2 b2 , R 3 b 3 ) is a third-order force constant with Cartesian coordinates ay and Rb representing the lattice vector and basis atom. Here, eab 1 denotes the phonon eigenvector component of the basis atom b, along direction a while N is the total number of wave-vectors in the first Brillouin zone. (a) (b) (c) q, q3 q/2 N le q2G7 Normal scattering Umnklapp scattering mass disorder scattering Figure 2-5 Comparison of Normal, Umklapp and mass disorder scatterings. The squares represent the first Brillouin zone. To study the effects of alloying on phonon thermal conductivity, the virtual crystal approximation is used [51]. The atomic mass and the force constants of the virtual crystal were linearly interpolated between Bi and Sb, weighted by the composition ratio of each constituents. The lattice constant of the virtual crystal is also averaged according to the composition ratio, which is well justified by the fact that the Bi-Sb alloy follows Vegard's law [52]. Three-phonon scattering is calculated using the virtual crystal approximation while the atomic mass disorder is treated as an additional elastic scattering mechanism. This approach was very successful in predicting the Si-Ge alloy thermal conductivity[38]. The mass disorder scattering rate is e,* - eb mx203N10(N20 + 1) b 35 2 6(6 1 - 62 ) = (2.9) with the mass variance factor g, defined by g = ijfi (1 - Mi/Mavg 2 where fg is the fraction of element i. One of the numerical uncertainties in the scattering rate calculation is from dealing with the energy conservation. Due to the computational limitations, the Brillouin zone is sampled with a relatively coarse mesh. To find sets of three phonons satisfying the energy and momentum conservation, each point in the coarse mesh is usually broadened by a Gaussian function. However, numerical uncertainties arise from the tuning of two adjustable parameters, mesh size and Gaussian width. To avoid this artifact, a tetrahedron method is utilized for the Brillioun zone integrations of 5-functions when calculating the scattering rates according to Eqs. (2.4) to (2.9) [53]. With this method, the mesh size is the only adjustable parameter; consequently, the calculation should converge as the mesh size is increased. For our calculation of Bi, Sb, and BiSb alloys, the mesh size of 16x16x 16 was enough for convergence. Using the scattering rates that are calculated with the given expressions above, the Peierls-Boltzmann transport equation can be solved. The original form of the Peierls-Boltzmann transport equation is (q tNqs )scatt T (2.10) = k Nqs In most cases, the non-equilibrium distribution function, Nqs, deviates only slightly from the equilibrium distribution function, N' 5 . Based on this, the non-equilibrium distribution function can be linearized as follows: dN 0 Nq = No s+gqo (2.11) where I is a linearized deviation of the distribution function from equilibrium, defined as 'P = (N 0 - N)/(dN0 /3). Here, p is the phonon frequency normalized by temperature, defined as hw/kBT. Putting the scattering rates of the three-phonon process and mass disorder shown in 36 Eqs. (2.4) to (2.9) with the linearized distribution function in Eq. (2.11) into the PeierlsBoltzmann equation, we obtain: -Vqls, (aBN - VT I )T W32(T1 + T 2 - J3 ) +2W3(Pl-W 2 -l 3 ) (2.12) 2,3 2 ) + IW2(Tj1 2 The linearized Boltzmann equation above is basically a large set of linear equations. The size of the matrix is around 25000 x 25000 if we sample the Brillouin zone with 16x 16x 16 points and there are 6 phonon branches. We solve this equation iteratively to find the deviation of the phonon distribution function, P [35, 54]. In this iterative method, the deviation of phonon distribution can be separated into a zeroth-order solution, qif, given by the single mode relaxation time approximation, and a remaining part, AT. P -P0 (2.13) + AT We start from the zeroth-order solution, To , given by the single mode relaxation time approximation. The single mode relaxation time approximation assumes only one phonon mode is ever out of equilibrium and the time for the non-equilibrium mode to relax to equilibrium, represented by the relaxation time, which is then calculated. In this case, P 2 and T 3 in Eq. (2.12) can be set to zero, meaning that only phonon mode I is out of equilibrium while phonon modes 2 and 3 stay at equilibrium. This assumption will lead to a simple solution of Eq. (2.12) as follows: 37 (2.14) a = hw 1 N,(Nl + 1)via TQI where a is the direction in the Cartesian coordinate. Above, Q1 represents the total scattering rate of phonon mode 1, defined as: Q1 = W,2 + 1Wi'+LW (2.15) 2 2,3 Then, the remaining part of the solution, A'P, in Eq. (2.13) can be updated at each iteration step according to the modified form of Eq. (2.12) which is given below. 1+T)+1 3 3 [W 2(-% 2 P2 )+ 1 P 2 +' ) + W AT = (2.16) W2,3 ~ ~ W12~l W Q12,3 1 2 1 (.6 The above expression can be easily derived by putting Eqs. (2.13) and (2.14) into Eq. (2.12). When calculating AIP according to Eq. (2.16), values from the previous iteration step can be 2 and P 3 . used for Once we calculate the non-equilibrium phonon distribution function from the PeierlsBoltzmann equation, the phonon thermal conductivity can be calculated. The thermal conductivity tensor, icp, can be defined by the Fourier's heat conduction law: Kap VpT (qa 2.17) where qa represent the heat flux along the direction of a. The heat flux, qa, can be expressed with the non-equilibrium phonon distribution as follows, 38 q =Z Therefore, the thermal conductivity tensor, Kap = hwvaN0 (N 0 + 1)Y icg, (2.18) is simply 1hvNO(No + 1) We used both the full iterative method and the (2.19) single mode relaxation time approximation to calculate the phonon thermal conductivity from the Peierls-Boltzmann equation and we compare the results from the two methods. 2.3.Results and Discussions 2.3.1. Phonon thermal conductivity In Fig. 2-6a, we show that the ninth-neighbor interaction has a significant effect on the lattice thermal conductivity. Here, we compare the phonon thermal conductivity in the binary direction calculated with the two different force constant sets: one set includes up to the tenthneighbor and the other includes up to the fourth-neighbor for the third-order force constants. In both cases, the second-order force constants include up to the fourteenth-neighbor, otherwise, the phonon dispersion is not stable and the phonon frequencies of some modes have imaginary values. As shown in the mode Gruneisen parameter plot (Fig. 2-4), when the ninth-neighbor interaction is not included for the third-order force constants, the crystal anharmonicity is largely underestimated. Figure 2-6a explicitly shows that the phonon thermal conductivity is significantly overestimated when the ninth-neighbor interaction is not included for the thirdorder force constants. However, when the third-order force constants include up to the tenth- 39 neighbor interactions, the calculated phonon thermal conductivity is half of the value obtained when including only third-order force constants up to the fourth-neighbor. (a) 30 --- - p UPtO E -- Kph Kph - 10th (Full) upto 10th (SMRT) upto 4th (Full) .. KPh upto 4th 0 Kph (Gallo) o 20 0 0 E - Kph (SMRT) (Uher) 10 0 C 50 100 150 250 200 300 Temperature (K) binary (b)Kph - 3 o Z'20 U trigonal Kph binary (Gallo) Kph trigonal (Gallo) tot binary (Gallo) Ktot trigonal (Gallo) U 010 C 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Figure 2-6. Thermal conductivity of Bi (a) in the binary direction and (b) in comparison between the binary and the trigonal directions. Kph in (b) is calculated with the single mode relaxation time approximation and using third-order force constants up to the tenth-neighbors. The solid lines and dots represent our first principles calculation results and the experimental data from Ref. [32], respectively. The Full and SMRT in the legend represent solution of the Peierls-Boltzmann equation using the full iterative method and the single mode relaxation time approximation, respectively. 40 The calculated results with the ninth-neighbor interaction are validated by comparing these results to the previously reported experimental data [30, 31]. Figure 2-6a shows that our calculation results with the ninth-neighbor interaction agree well with the experimental data by Uher [30]. Our calculation is further confirmed by comparing to another measurement by Kagan [31], showing that the phonon thermal conductivity value is around 5 W/m-K at 250 K. In contrast, another reported value for the phonon thermal conductivity by Gallo [32], which is calculated from the difference between the measured total thermal conductivity and the calculated electron thermal conductivity as briefly discussed later, shows disagreement with our calculation near room temperature. Our calculated phonon thermal conductivity is twice the reported value[32] at room temperature. This disagreement could stem from the simple electron transport model used in the referenced work [32]. Instead of directly measuring the phonon thermal conductivity, Gallo obtained the electron thermal conductivity from an electron transport model using a parabolic band structure and an electron scattering rate that obeys a simple power law. The measured Seebeck coefficient and electrical resistivity determines the electron contribution to the thermal conductivity, and then the phonon thermal conductivity is calculated by subtracting the deduced electronic thermal conductivity from the measured total thermal conductivity. To reiterate, our calculation near room temperature is well validated by Kagan's direct measurement[3 I]. We also see in Fig. 2-6a that the results from the single mode relaxation time approximation are similar to the calculations from the full iterative solution of the PeierlsBoltzmann equation. This is because the temperatures in our calculations are high compared to the Debye temperature of Bi (120 K). When the temperature is not significantly smaller than the Debye temperature, Umklapp scattering is dominant over Normal scattering. In this case, the single mode relaxation time approximation is usually a good approximation. In Fig. 2-6b, we compare the binary and the trigonal directions of Bi in terms of their phonon thermal conductivity values. The previous work based on obtaining the electron thermal conductivity[32], mentioned above, estimates that the phonon thermal conductivity along the trigonal direction is half of the value of that along the binary direction in Bi at room temperature. Our calculation shows that the phonon thermal conductivity value along the trigonal direction is smaller than that along binary direction, but the difference is less than 10 %. 41 The relatively similar value of the phonon thermal conductivity along the trigonal direction compared to that along binary direction can be explained by the fact that the rhombohedral structure of Bi is close to the simple cubic structure. The structure of Bi is only slightly stretched along the trigonal direction from the simple cubic structure. Therefore, the atomic bonding is slightly softer in the trigonal direction than in the binary direction, resulting in the lower phonon thermal conductivity in the trigonal direction. However, the distortion from the exact cubic structure is very small: the rhombohedral angle of Bi (a in Fig. 2-1) is 57030, very similar to 600 for the exact cubic structure [52]. This very small distortion explains the almost isotropic phonon thermal conductivity of Bi shown in Fig. 2-6b. The almost isotropic phonon thermal conductivity of Bi is in contrast with its well-known highly anisotropic electron transport properties[25]. This shows that the small distortion of crystal structure of Bi affects the electron and the phonon transport to a very different extent. Even though the distortion of the Bi crystal structure is very small from the exact cubic structure, this small distortion causes highly anisotropic shapes to occur in the very small electron and hole pockets responsible for its electronic transport properties, giving rise to largely anisotropic electron transport behavior. However, the small distortion does not much affect the lattice vibrational properties, and thus the phonon thermal conductivity is observed to be almost isotropic. We also compare the calculated phonon thermal conductivity and the experimentally measured total thermal conductivity of Bi in Fig. 2-6b in order to estimate the relative contributions from phonons and electrons to the total thermal transport. In the binary direction, the phonon thermal conductivity value is around 60 % of the measured total thermal conductivity at 100 K, and its contribution decreases with temperature. In the trigonal direction, the phonon % contribution is more significant than in the binary direction, with a contribution of around 75 at 100 K. Based on this large contribution from phonons, we have large room in the trigonal direction to reduce the thermal conductivity effectively by enhancing phonon scattering, as was recently demonstrated in Bi1ASbO 6 Te 3 and PbTe [7, 55]. In particular, the large lattice contribution in the trigonal direction would be interesting because the electron transport in this direction of Bi has a favorable feature for a high thermoelectric power factor. It is known that the electrons in the trigonal direction of Bi have an extremely large value for the product of the 42 mobility and the density-of-states effective mass, p(m*/m)3/2, due to the high anisotropy in its electronic structure, which is directly related to the thermoelectric power factor [25]. Many features of the phonon thermal conductivity in Sb, presented in Fig. 2-7, show strong similarities to the thermal conductivity of Bi. The ninth-neighbor interaction in Sb is also significant, and the phonon thermal conductivity is significantly overestimated without including this contribution in the calculation. The single mode relaxation time approximation is valid for Sb since its Debye temperature is also small (- 200 K). The distortion from the exact cubic structure is also small for Sb, as it is in Bi, resulting in an almost isotropic phonon thermal conductivity. The most noticeable difference between Bi and Sb is the contribution of the phonon thermal conductivity to total thermal conductivity, comparing Fig. 2-6b and Fig. 2-7b. The phonon contribution is comparable to the electron contribution in Bi, but phonons contribute only a small portion of the total thermal conductivity in Sb. In other words, the electron contribution is very significant in Sb, because the carrier density in Sb is two orders of magnitude larger than that of Bi [56]. 43 (a) 60 upto 10th (Full) Kph --- ph upto 10th (SMRT) -K - ph upto 4th (Full) 16 CSM r ... ph Uptu 4 I C - ' 40 20 0 E I- I 0 100 250 200 150 (b)60 -- p - - - Kph 0 * * * 40 300 Temperature (K) a binary trigonal tot binary (Yim) Ktot trigonal (Yim) C 0 20 0 "Z -- L 0 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Figure 2-7. The thermal conductivity of Sb (a) in the binary direction and (b) in comparison between the binary and the trigonal directions. The solid lines and dots in (b) represent our first principles calculation results and the experimental data from Ref. [26], respectively. The Full and SMRT in the legend represent solution of the Peierls-Boltzmann equation using the full iterative method and the single mode relaxation time approximation, respectively. The phonon thermal conductivity of Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys is presented in Fig. 2-8. Our calculation for Bi88 Sb12 agrees well with the experimental data by Kagan[3 1], showing ~ 3 W/m- K at around 100 K and ~ 2 W/m-K at around 250 K for Bi87Sb 3 . Figure 2-8a shows that the 44 phonon thermal conductivity of Bi can be significantly reduced by alloying with small concentrations of Sb. The composition Bi 88 Sb1 2 , which has the highest thermoelectric figure-ofmerit among the Bi-Sb alloys [25], has four-times smaller phonon thermal conductivity value than Bi at 100 K. In order to study the anisotropy of phonon transport, we compare the phonon thermal conductivity values in the binary and the trigonal direction. The Bi-Sb alloy, like its Bi and Sb constituents, has smaller phonon thermal conductivity values in the trigonal direction, but the difference between the trigonal and the binary directions is very small, indicating a predominantly isotopic phonon thermal conductivity. 45 (a) -- 20 binary trigonal - T=100 K 15 =3 -) 10 C 8 5 E 0 20 0 100 80 60 40 Sb content (%) (b) pure Bi binary BMSb. binary A 40 >1 (Yim) A B pure Sb binary A 30 0 .) 0 U) -c E - .... A Kph * Kp Ktot (Gallo) Ktot (Yim) * Kph A Ktot (Yim) A A- 20 10- 100 50 300 250 200 150 Temperature (K) (C) 6 binary BisSbe C-) Kph 0 - Lib trigonal - 0 .0 C 8 (Y - - -Kpn 0 Ktot (y~m 4 e Ktot ) BSb,. tngonal - - Kph 0Ktot - - 0 0 e 00 0 2 E 0' 0 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Figure 2-8. Thermal conductivity of the Bi-Sb alloys. (a) The effect of Sb content on the thermal conductivity, showing that inclusion of even small amount of Sb significantly reduce thermal conductivity. (b) Comparison between the total and phonon thermal conductivity of Bi, Bi8 lSb12, and (c) an enlarged plot for the Bi88Sb12 data. The experimentally measured total conductivity values are from Ref. [26, 32]. 46 phonon phonon Sb, and thermal The comparison between the experimentally measured total thermal conductivity and the calculated phonon thermal conductivity in Figs. 2-8(b) and 2-8 (c) indicates whether electrons or phonons are the predominant heat carrier in Bi, Sb, and BiRgSb12. Unlike Bi and Sb, the total thermal conductivity of Bi88Sb]2 comes predominantly from phonon contributions at low temperature. Around 75 K, the calculated phonon thermal conductivity value of Bi8 8 Sb]2 is comparable to the measured total thermal conductivity value for either the trigonal or the binary direction. The electron thermal conductivity, in this case, is expected to be small due to the positive electronic band gap (-30 meV) of Bi88 Sb 2 [56]. The number of charge carrier in BiggSb12 is much lower than that in Bi and Sb, resulting in the smaller electron thermal conductivity. However, from comparing the measured total thermal conductivity and the calculated phonon thermal conductivity, the electron thermal conductivity increases with temperature. This can be explained by the increasing charge carrier density and also increasing bipolar thermal transport as temperature increases. From Fig. 2-8c, the electron contribution becomes comparable to the phonon contribution near room temperature. Another noticeable feature in the phonon thermal conductivity value of Bi88 Sb12 is that its insensitivity to temperature variation. This is because mass disorder scattering, a temperature independent process, is the dominant phonon scattering mechanism in this alloy. 2.3.2. Phonon Mean Free Path Distributions Finally, we show in Fig. 2-9 the accumulated thermal conductivity, Kac, versus phonon mean free path. The accumulated thermal conductivity we show in Fig. 2-9 is defined as [57, 58] Kacc(A) = KqsX qs 47 (A) (2.20) where Kqs represents the thermal conductivity of the phonon mode with wave vector q and polarization 2. Here, A is a phonon mean free path and X(A) is a step function: X(A) = 1 when Aqs < A, and X(A) = 0 otherwise. The accumulated thermal conductivity shows the range of mean free paths of the phonon modes that significantly contribute to thermal transport[57, 58]. From Fig. 2-9a, we see that most of heat is carried by phonons with mean free paths ranging from 10 nm to 100 nm at 100 K. However, the phonon mean free path range of the BigsSb12 alloy is slightly different from that of Bi in the 50 to 100 nm region in Fig. 2-9b: the mean free path range of the alloy is extended to longer mean free paths compared to Bi. This is because the alloy scattering is very effective for scattering high frequency phonons, but not as effective for low frequency phonons. If the alloy scattering is approximated by a point defect scattering mechanism, the Rayleigh scattering model shows that the scattering rate is proportional to the fourth power of phonon frequency. Fig. 2-9a shows that the nanostructures in the 10 to 100 nm range scale can significantly contribute to phonon scattering, ultimately resulting in a greatly reduced thermal conductivity in both Bi and the Bi-Sb alloy. In addition to the reduction in the phonon thermal conductivity, it is known that Bi nanowires becomes semiconducting and exhibit a high power factor when the diameter is on the order of 10 nm [28, 29]. If harmonic and anharmonic force constants of Bi nanowires are not drastically different from those of bulk phase Bi, the phonon mean free path distribution from bulk Bi calculations can guide the design of Bi nanowires for high ZT. To provide a strategy for reducing phonon thermal conductivity through nanostructuring, we present the phonon mean free path distributions of Bi at various temperatures in Fig. 2-9c. From Fig. 29c, we see that nanostructures having characteristic sizes of around 10 nm would be effective for suppressing phonon thermal conductivity in the temperature range of 100 K to 300 K as they are expected to reduce the phonon thermal conductivity by a factor of 10 at 100 K to 3 at 300 K if boundary scatterings are assumed to be completely diffuse. 48 (a) - Bi 20 .pure Bi Slb, -- pure Sb - E 15 binary - - ..- - T=100 K trigonal - binary - - - trigonal ..- - binary - - - trigonal binary- - - trigonal ure Sb M pure Bi cc =10 - 0 E Bi.S 5 0 (b) 1 10 - - -- - - (b) 100 Phonon mean free path (nm) 7: =3 1.2 -0 "a T=100 K pure Bi binary - Bi- Sb- 2 binary .0 0 .8 C E go .6 0 E a .4 E (-D CU Z U.2 0.0 10 100 Phonon mean free path (nm) (C) CU 50K 100K 200K 300K --- 1.2 1.0 binary - - -trigonal binary - - -trigonal binary - - - trigonal binary - - - trigonal pure Bi- E : 0.8 300K C, 80.6 N 0 ---1 Z 50K E 0.4 -4S0.2 0.0 L 1 10 --- 100 Phonon mean free path (nm) Figure 2-9. Phonon mean free path distribution (a) Bi, Bi4>Sb, BiggSb, and Sb at 100 K, (b) Bi and Bi88 Sb12 at 100K, and (c) Bi at 50, 100, 200, and 300 K for the binary and the trigonal directions. In (b) and (c), the accumulated thermal conductivity is normalized by the phonon thermal conductivity value. 49 2.4. Conclusion In conclusion, we calculate the phonon thermal conductivity values of Bi, Sb and Bi-Sb alloys from first principles. We explicitly show that the significant ninth-neighbor interaction is important for anharmonic interatomic force constants, phonon scattering, and phonon thermal conductivity. Our calculation agrees well with the experimental phonon thermal conductivity values for the binary direction. We also provide the phonon thermal conductivity values for the trigonal direction, which has not been directly measured. From our calculation, the phonon thermal conductivity values are almost isotropic in these materials, showing a significant contrast with the highly anisotropic electron transport in Bi. This implies that the small distortion in the crystal structure can affect the electron and the phonon transport to a much different extent. By comparing our calculated phonon thermal conductivity to the measured total thermal conductivity, we compare the relative thermal conductivity contributions from phonons and electrons. The phonon thermal conductivity is comparable in magnitude to the electron thermal conductivity in Bi. In Sb, however, the electron contribution to the total thermal conductivity is much more dominant because of the larger charge carrier concentration. In Bi88 Sb, 2 , the phonon thermal conductivity is the dominant contributor below 75 K, but becomes less significant as the temperature increases. Finally, we calculate the phonon mean free path distributions at various temperatures, which provide a useful guide in determining appropriate nanostructure sizes for achieving significant phonon thermal conductivity reduction. 50 3. Low Thermal Conductivity of IV-VI Materials from Resonant Bonding The long-range interaction that has been reported in Chapter 2 for Bi and Sb is also observed in other thermoelectric materials, such as group IV-VI and V 2-VI 3 materials. These group IV-VI, V2 -VI3, and V materials are the currently available best thermoelectric and phase change materials. In this chapter, we discuss a link between the low thermal conductivity and resonant bonding. Our first-principles calculations reveal that the long-range interaction along the <100> direction of the rocksalt structure exists in lead chalcogenides, SnTe, Bi 2Te 3, Bi and Sb due to the resonant bonding that is common to all of them. This long-range interaction in lead chalcogenides and SnTe causes optical phonon softening, strong anharmonic scattering, and a large phase space for three-phonon scattering processes, which explain why rocksalt IV-VI compounds have much lower thermal conductivity than zincblende III-V compounds. 3.1. Background , Most good thermoelectric and phase change materials are found in group IV-VI, V 2 -VI 3 and V materials. For example, PbTe, Bi 2Te3 , and Bi1 ,Sb, have been the best thermoelectric materials in the intermediate, room, and low temperature ranges, respectively [7, 25, 55, 59]. Alloys of GeTe and Sb 2Te 3 (GST) have been the most popular materials for optical storage technologies, such as compact disc and phase change random access memory [60, 61]. These 51 materials all have low thermal conductivity, which is crucial for thermoelectric and phase change memory applications. Usually, group IV-VI, V2-VI 3, and V materials have low thermal conductivity. This becomes particularly obvious when IV-VI materials are compared to III-V compounds. For example, the thermal conductivity of SnTe is only 4 W/m-K (Ref. [62]) while that of InSb, adjacent to SnTe in the periodic table, is 16 W/m-K at room temperature. The low thermal conductivity of rocksalt IV-VI materials (hereafter IV-VI materials) compared to those of zincblende Ill-V materials (hereafter Ill-V materials) have been attributed to their differences in the crystal structure. While 111-V materials have tetrahedral bonding, many IV-VI materials have octahedral bonding. The bond length is usually longer in octahedral structures than in tetrahedral structures, resulting in weaker bonding and lower thermal conductivity [15]. Our first-principles calculations show that there are more reasons for the low thermal conductivity of IV-VI materials than that discussed above. To compare the thermal conductivity of many different III-V and IV-VI materials, we normalize their thermal conductivity by their harmonic properties using the formula suggested by Slack [63]. The formula gives reasonable predictions for many materials with zineblende and rocksalt structures [14]. According to the formula, thermal conductivity, K, is roughly correlated to several parameters through the formula: B = n 1/5D 3 (3.1) Y2 where B is a numerical coefficient, M is the average mass of the basis atoms, n is the number of phonon branches, and y is the Gru-neisen parameter. The average volume per atom is denoted by 63, and OD is the acoustic Debyc temperature. Here, the harmonic properties include M, OD, and 6; these three properties determine the average group velocities of acoustic phonons and they reflect the bonding stiffness. In Fig. 3-1 we plot the thermal conductivity, K, of IV-VI and Ill-V materials normalized by the harmonic properties, Rn'/38SD 3 , as a function of the mass ratio of the basis atoms. There are two distinct differences between the thermal conductivity of IV-VI 52 and III-V materials: 1) overall, IV-VI compounds still have much lower thermal conductivity than Ill-V compounds even after normalization, and 2) the thermal conductivity difference between IV-VI and III-V materials is amplified when the mass ratio is small. C 0 0 16 N 2 PA' GaPbO AISbO GaPG ~ - InAsO - 3 V GaAs A0 InSbo 11 Pb~s s SnTe PbTe* 0 z 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Mass ratio Figure 3-1 Normalized thermal conductivity of binary I1-V and IV-VI compounds at 300 K. The solid lines are for a guide to the eyes. In this chapter, we show that those seemingly different IV-VI, V2-V 3 , and V materials commonly have long-range interactions along the <100> direction of rocksalt as a result of the resonant bonding. Then, we infer that the significant long-range interaction in IV-VI materials play a key role in their low thermal conductivity. 3.2. Resonant Bonding in IV-VI, V2-VI 3, and Element V Materials Resonant bonding can be understood as resonance or hybridization between different electronic configurations: three valence p-electrons alternate their occupancy of six available covalent bonds that exist between a given atom and its octahedral neighbors [64]. For example, 53 in PbTe, the sp-hybridization is small and the s-band is lower than the p-band by 1.5 eV [65]. Therefore, we can consider only p-electrons for valence states and each atom has three valence electrons on average. Given PbTe's octahedral structure and its three valence electrons per atom, the choice of bond occupation is not unique. This leads to a hybridization between all the possible choices of states for the three electrons forming the six bonds. This description for resonant bonding that is presented here is based on IV-VI compounds and their isoelectronic V elements for simplicity, but the resonant bonding exists in even more complicated materials such as V 2 -V 3 and many alloys of IV-VI and V2-V1 3 materials [66]. In general, the unsaturated covalent bonding by p-electrons with rocksalt-like crystal structures can be regarded as resonant bonding [67]. Materials with resonant bonding have several features. First, because of their , coordination number of six, they have rocksalt-like crystal structures. Many group IV-VI, V 2 -VI 3 and V compounds have rocksalt-like crystal structures, as shown in Fig. 3-2. 54 PbTe Bi .05 3 .49A 1b Bi Te2 (U 23 >: >4 Figure 3-2 Rocksalt-like crystal structures of PbTe, Bi 2Te3, and Bi. The number on each atom indicates the shell number. Bi 2Te3 , Bi and Sb have distorted rocksalt structures and have different numbers for shells than the exact rocksalt case. The numbers on the Bi Te and Bi atoms indicate the 2 3 equivalent shell numbers as for a rocksalt structure in the absence of lattice distortion. In addition, these materials have very weak sp-hybridization and the s-bands are well below the p-bands. Several past studies show that PbTe, Bi Te , and Bi satisfy this condition [65, 2 3 68, 69]. In order to confirm resonant bonding in those materials, we also calculated the electronic band structure of rocksalt IV-VI, Bi 2Te 3, Bi, and Sb using density functional theory calculation packages (Quantum Espresso and Abinit) [42, 70] with norm conserving Perdew-Zunger[71] and Hartwigsen-Goedecker-Hutter[43] pseudopotentials. In particular, the spin-orbit interaction is included in the calculation because the heavy elements, such as Bi, Pb, Te, Sb, and Se, exhibit strong spin-orbit interaction. The calculated electronic band structure and wavevector resolved density-of-states are presented in Figs.3-3 to 3-9. From these figures, it can be clearly seen that 55 the sp-hybridization in all of these materials is very weak, supporting the concept of resonant bonding. PbKe Projected density-of-states ib 4 2 0 -2 ..-...-....-. -. P band -4 LU -e -8 band - -10 -12 14 Total Pb s Te s Pb p Te p k-resolved projected densit -of-states C 5i s-baid r xw t. r KX r p-band x w t. r KX Figure 3-3 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of PbTe showing weak sphybridization 56 Projected density-of-states PbSe 4 4 band -12 band r x I W K X Total r s Ses Pbp Sep' k-resolved projected density-of-states C C p-band r x W r KX r x w i r KX Figure 3-4 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of PbSe showing weak sphybridization Projected density-of-states PbS 4 2' 0.................. ..... J, -2 }band C -10 }12band -14 x w K Total Pbs Ss Pbp Sp k-resolved projected densit -of-states C C io10 nd r x w p-band i r KX r x w L r Kx Figure 3-5 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of PbS showing weak sphybridization 57 Projected density-of-states SnTe b 4 2 0 a -2 band .4 C S -10 .12 AAi band I X W L K X Total Sns V Tes Snp Tep k-resolved projected densiV r-of-states v0 .5 C 0 U.J IC p-band V x W I I f, x W L I- K X Figure 3-6 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of SnTe showing weak sphybridization 58 rojected density-of-states Bi 2Te3 ..... ....... b} ....... -2 p band 54: w- 10- S band -14 r z UI L total I F Bi Tel Te2 S P k-resolved projected density-of-states 2C -24 'A U r- F z p-banc I-Z U L F F L Figure 3-7 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of Bi2Te3 showing weak sphybridization Projected density-of-states Bi 4 2 0 -2 -4 band 8 u- -10 band -12 -14 W T L Total Bus Bi2s Biip Si2p k-resolved projected density-of-states > s-ba K p-band I T W L K F W Figure 3-8 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of Bi showing weak sphybridization 59 Projected density-of-states Sb 4 b -2p band -4 .6 band r K L Total Sb1 s Sb2 s Sb1 p Sb2 p W T k-resolved projecte densit -of-states C 00 p-band s-_ U K W A L K I T W L Figure 3-9 Electronic band structure and projected density-of-states of Sb showing weak sphybridization One very important feature of resonant bonding is that the electron density distribution is highly delocalized. As a result, the materials in this group have a large electronic polarizability, large dielectric constants, and large Born effective charges [72, 73]. For example, the dielectric constants of PbTe and Bi2Te 3(l) are 33 and 50, respectively, while for Si this value is 11.76 [7476]. The large electronic polarizability from resonant bonding could explain certain electronic properties of thermoelectric and phase change materials [64, 67]. 3.3. Long-range Interaction due to the Resonant Bonding Along with the structural, electronic, and optical characteristics of resonant bonding discussed in the previous section, here we discuss the lattice dynamic characteristics in the resonant bonding materials. 60 We calculated the harmonic force constants of IV-VI, V2 -VI3, and V materials using firstprinciples density functional theory. We found that a common feature among these compounds is the presence of long-range interactions along the <100> direction of the rocksalt structure. In order to compare the long-range interactions of these different materials regardless of their detailed crystal structures and bonding stiffness, we normalized the traces of their interatomic force constant (IFC) tensors by the trace values of their self-interaction IFC tensors. The IFC tensor is i2E a 2E dRxdRx aRxdRy aRxaRz RYORx dRyORy a 2E dRyaRz a2 E (2E a 2E aRzaRX 3RZORy a 2E a2E tR a2E 1R j = (3.2) aRzOiRzi where E and Ra represent energy and atomic displacements along the a direction, respectively. By taking the trace of their IFC tensors, we can assess the bonding stiffness regardless of their crystal structure or coordinate system. Finally, we need to normalize the trace values of many materials to compare their interaction ranges since different materials have slightly different bonding stiffness ranges. The normalization is done by taking the trace value of their self- interaction force constants: a normalized trace of IFC = 2 E OxOR (12E a2_E + 3RO,xaROx + In the above expression, a2 a2E RO,yaRO y a + 2 E 2E (3.3) ORO,zaRO,7 represents the second-order force constant along the x- direction between the origin atom (described as "0" in RO,x) and the n-th neighbor atom (described as "n" in Rn,x). The a2E represents the self-interaction force constant along the x- direction, which means the force constant of one specific atom when the atom itself is displaced. 61 By taking the trace values and normalizing them, we could compare the interatomic interaction ranges of many materials with different crystal structures and different bonding stiffness. The long-range interaction is particularly very significant in IV-VI materials. From Fig. 3-10a, fourth-nearest neighbors, separated by 6 A (e.g. Pb-Pb and Te-Te), have interactions which are comparable to those of first-nearest neighbors, spaced 3 A apart, and are much stronger than second- and third-nearest neighbor interactions. In addition, eighth-nearest neighbors, separated by 9 A, have even positive force constants, giving them the behavior of "anti-springs". Fourteenth-nearest neighbors, separated by 12 A, also have non-negligible force constants. The force constants at the fourteenth-nearest neighbors are clearly distinguished from other force constants nearby when using finer q mesh in the electron response calculation to capture the long-range interaction more accurately. These first-, fourth-, eighth-, and fourteenthnearest neighbors form a chain along the <100> direction in rocksalt structures, as shown in Fig. 3-2. Other rocksalt IV-VI materials, such as PbSe, PbS, and SnTe, exhibit very similar behaviors. These behaviors were not captured by earlier works on the lattice dynamics of PbTe and PbSe within the shell model [77, 78]. To compare lead chalcogenides with other materials, in Fig. 310b we show that the IFCs of NaCl and InSb decrease with distance. NaCl and InSb are chosen as prototypes of ionic and sp-hybridized covalent bonding materials, respectively. The longrange interactions along the <100> direction in NaCl are much smaller compared to those in PbTe. In the case of InSb, interactions besides for first-nearest neighbor interactions are negligible. 62 Q 0.0 a b a) 4-) -0.1 -14t P PbTe(Pb) 4hg0PbTe(Te) I St a) IN h bor 0P~(b o PbSe(Se) 0 PbS (Pb) -02 o o NaCl (CI) 0 InSb (in) o InSb (Sb) * SnTe(Sn) o SnTe(Te) -0l3 0 0 NaCI (Na) PbS(S) ---0 5 10 0 %I0 1 0.0 8th neighbor 8 -0.1 equivalent 4th nelghbor equivalent 4th neighbor equivalent IN -02 0 z 0 BI 2Te 3(rel) o B 2Te3 (Te2) o B 2Te, (Bi) 10 O Bi 0 Sb 0 5 10 distance (A) Figure 3-10 Normalized trace of interatomic force constant tensors versus atomic distances. (a) lead chalcogenides and SnTe (group IV-VI), (b) NaCl and InSb, (c) Bi 2 Te 3 (group V 2-VI), and (d) Bi and Sb (group V). The element in the parenthesis indicates interaction between the corresponding atom and other atoms. For example, 'PbTe(Pb)' means interaction between Pb and other atoms in PbTe. We need to point out that the long-range interactions we observe are different from the long-range Coulomb interaction, which cannot explain why fourth-nearest neighbor interactions are stronger than second- or third-nearest neighbor interactions. The long-range and nonmonotonically decreasing interaction is due to the long-range electronic polarizability. The second-order force constant can be expressed by using the Hellman-Feynman theorem [79, 80]. 63 J dn dr+ nzdEnrn n dVe-n cIRIaRJJORJ dR1 f fR1R a2_E2 d E= -drV+ _ (3.4) _ where, R and n are respectively the atomic position and electron density distribution as a function of distance, r. Here Ven and E,_, refer to potentials of the electron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions, respectively. In the above expression, the second term on the right hand is non-zero only for the self-interaction terms (I = j) and the third term decreases monotonically with distance. Hence, the long-range and non-monotonically decreasing IFC with distance along <100> cannot be attributed to the second and third terms. Since V,V,/dR in the first term is also decreasing with distance, the an/dR, electron distribution change due to the atomic displacement, must be the only reason for the long-range interatomic interaction effect. We confirm that the electron polarization is long-range in PbTe, but short-ranged in NaCl, by calculating the electron density distributions in PbTe and NaCl. We carried out density functional theory calculations for two different cases: without any displacement and with a small displacement of one atom. The calculation results are shown in Fig. 3-11. We displaced a Pb atom and a Na atom for PbTe and NaCl, respectively. The displacement is 2% of the fourthnearest neighbor distance in the -x direction in Fig. 3-11. Since a periodic boundary condition is used in the electron distribution calculation, there is an effect from the periodic images of the displaced atom. Therefore, we calculated large enough superclls (24 atoms) to minimize this effect. After calculating the electron density of the two cases, we took a finite difference of these two cases to calculate the change in the electron density distribution by the displacement. In Figs. 3-1la and 3-11 b, we compare electron density distributions at the ground state of PbTe and NaCI. From the ground state electron density distribution, it is clear that PbTe has a largely delocalized electron density distribution due to resonant bonding, but electrons in NaCl are highly localized due to its ionic bonding. In Fig. 3-11 e, the electron polarization in NaCl is short-ranged and the electrons surrounding the fourth-nearest neighbors are not perturbed much. However, electron polarization in PbTe in Fig. 3-11 f is long-range and reach fourth-nearest neighbor. The electron density distribution surrounding the fourth-nearest neighbors is largely disturbed by the displacement of the center atom. 64 NaCI Electron density at ground state a e density change due to displacement 1,- total 4 bneighbor 3 b 0 2 . PbTe total 02 0.5 023 *0.2 04 .03 C 0.2 s-band 0.1 0.0 d I Ii 0- i 025 0.2 p-band 0.1' GA 0.05 . Figure 3-11 Electron density distribution and polarization in NaCI and PbTe. (a-d) the electron density distribution at the ground state. (e-h) the electron density distribution change by a displacement of the center atom. The plot is on the (100) plane and each black dot represents an atom. The unit is A- 3 The long-range polarization in PbTe can be explained by the resonant bonding. In resonant bonding, if one atom is displaced along the +x direction, it perturbs the px orbital of the adjacent atom. In other words, the bonding electrons on the -x side of the adjacent atom easily move to the +x side since both sides are in the same px orbital[8 1]. This perturbation can persist over long ranges due to the large electronic polarizability and the collinear bonding in resonant bonding materials. The band-by-band electron polarization analysis in Fig. 3-11 confirms that the long-range polarization is due to the resonantly occupied p-electrons. PbTe has very weak sphybridization and we plot the electronic polarization for s-band and p-band electrons separately in Fig. 3-11 f-h. From Fig. 3-11g, the polarization of the s-electron is short-range and does not reach the fourth-nearest neighbor. However, the p-electron distribution in Fig. 3-11 h exhibits the long-range polarization. This analysis shows that the easily polarized electrons in PbTe are 65 resonantly occupied p-electrons, rather than the lone pair Pb s electrons suggested in recent work [82]. The resonant bonding picture discussed above also applies to V 2-VI 3 (Bi 2Te 3) and V (Bi and Sb) materials. Bi 2Te 3 has a rhombohedral structure which can be understood as a deformed rocksalt structure with a layer spacing as shown in Fig. 3-2. This rocksalt-like structure contains five resonantly bonded layers of atoms (Tel-Bi-Te2-Bi-Tel), and is separated from the next quintuple layer by weak Tel-Tel van der Waals interaction. The structural deviation from the exact rocksalt structure within the quintuple layer is small. The lengths of the strongest bond (Tel-Bi), 3.03 A, and that of the second-strongest bond (Bi-Te2), 3.22 A, are similar. In addition, the angles of Tel-Bi-Te2 and Bi-Te2-Bi are 174.60 and 1800, making them similar to rocksalt in structure, since the rocksalt has an angle of 1800 exactly. Due to this small structural distortion, the resonant bonding exists in a weakened form. As shown in Fig. 3-10c, the IFCs of Bi 2Te 3 show a behavior similar to that of lead chalcogenides, but the long-range interactions are weakened due to the structural distortions, resulting in a weakened resonant bonding. Bi-Bi and Tel-Te2, both spaced about 6 A apart, have interactions which are equivalent to the fourth- nearest neighbor interactions in an exact rocksalt structure, and are less significant compared to the PbTe case. The interactions of Bi-Tel (at a distance of 9 A) separated by Te2-Bi, which are equivalent to the eighth-nearest neighbor interactions in PbTe, also have positive force constants, but their magnitudes are smaller than those of the PbTe case. However, it is noticeable that the force constants of Te2 atoms are very similar to those of the Te atom in PbTe, as predicted in previous work[73]. This is because the resonant bonding around the Te2 atom is well maintained: the Bi-Te2 and Te2-Bi bond lengths are same and they make an angle of 1800, as shown above. Another noticeable observation in Bi 2Te 3 is that there is no long-range interaction between atoms separated by Tel-Tel. It is well known that Tel-Tel has van der Waals type bonding due to the induced dipole-dipole interaction[68], prohibiting the long-range interaction caused by the longrange electron polarization shown in Fig. 3-11. Pure Bi and Sb have rhombohedral crystal structures which are Peierls distortions of the simple cubic structure [83]. With the two basis atoms, the structure can be understood as a rocksalt structure stretched along the <111> direction. Because of this distortion, the six first- 66 nearest neighbors in the rocksalt structure become the three first-nearest neighbors and the three second-nearest neighbors. The distances between the first- and the second-nearest neighbors are 3.05 A and 3.49 A, respectively (See Fig. 3-2). Considering that the distances between the firstand the second-nearest neighbors are 3.03 A and 3.22 A, respectively, in Bi 2Te3 , the distortion from the rocksalt structure is much larger in Bi and Sb than in Bi 2Te 3. Therefore, the resonant bonding is further weakened in Bi and Sb. This structural distortion further weakens the longrange interactions, as shown in Fig. 3-10d. However, the ninth-nearest neighbors, separated by 6 A, have interactions which correspond to the fourth-nearest neighbor interactions in rocksalt and which are thus expected to be significant, and are found to be significant in the calculation. 3.4. Strong Three-Phonon Scattering in IV-VI Materials 3.4.1. Large Anharmonicity of Ferroelectric Soft Phonon Modes The long-range interaction along the <100> direction is related to the existence of a soft transverse optical (TO) mode. This directional long-range interaction was also predicted and considered as a main reason for the ferroelectric behavior in perovskite BaTiO 3 and PbTiO 3 [84]. We use a simple lattice dynamics theory to show that the long-range interactions along <100> lead to the soft TO mode. The dynamical matrix in a diatomic crystal with basis atoms A and B is D(q) = OORe iq-R pOR iq.R #ieiqwhere each sub-matrix X 4OAeq-R eiq-R JpOR 1 eq-Rj R (3.5) q- is 3x3 matrix including x, y, and z direction. Here, the 0AA denotes a second-order force constants between the basis atoms A with the distance of R. As q 67 approaches zone center, the phase term, eiq-R, becomes unity. Therefore, in the limit of q -> 0, the dynamical matrix becomes a simple sum of force constants without the phase term: D(q -> 0) = (3.6) O In the above expression, the off-diagonal terms in each sub-matrix (OA", and X #/2), # 0 , OA, which show dynamical coupling between the transverse directions (i.e., x-y, y-z, and x-z directions), become exactly zero due to the cubic symmetry. Then, the non-zero terms in the dynamical matrix are only the diagonal terms in each sub-matrix and the most significant contribution to the diagonal terms is from interatomic interactions along the <100> direction as we show in Fig. 3-10. As a result, the lattice dynamics in the resonant bonding materials can be approximated with the lattice dynamics of a 1 D diatomic chain that contains the long-range interaction. Figure 3-12 shows a simple diatomic 1 D chain. The chain consists of two basis atoms with the equal spacing. One atom is assumed to be twice heavier than the other atom. We cut-off the interatomic interaction at the third-nearest neighbors and assume the interactions with atoms beyond this range are negligible. Also we assume that the basis atoms A and B are identical in terms of the force constants. Therefore, the force constants can be expressed as First-nearest neighbor force constant: q1 = -a# Second-nearest neighbor force constant: 02 = -#0 Third-nearest neighbor force constant: 03 = -yo (3.7) (3.8) (3.9) where 0 is a constant and a, fl, and y represent the relative strength of each force constant. The self-interaction term is decided by the acoustic sum rule, Self-interaction force constant: 68 45 = 2(a + fl + y)# (3.10) Basis atom A Basis atom B Figure 3-12 Diatomic ID chain. The numbers on the atoms indicate the shell number, with an increasing neighbor distance with increasing number. The black circles denote A atoms and white circles denote B atoms. Using the force constants above, in the limit of zero wavevector, a dynamical matrix in Eq. (3.5) can be written as D(q -+ 0) = 201 +203 (3.11) 00 +2 2 2 In Fig. 3-13a, we plot the phonon dispersion of the ID diatomic chain with varying values for a, fl, and y in Eqs. (3.7) to (3.10) to show the effects of the long-range interaction on optical phonon dispersion. The self-interaction force constant is kept constant. The numbers in the legend of Fig. 3-13a denote values of a, P, and y in Eqs. (3.7) to (3.10). In Fig. 3-13a, as the second- and third-nearest neighbor interactions in the I D chain (equivalent to fourth- and eighthnearest neighbor interactions in rocksalt) increased, the zone center TO phonon frequency decreased. When the long-range interaction is significant as represented by the case of '6/6/-2' in the figure, the long-range interaction spring constants, q2 and 0 3 , in Eq. (3.11) reduce the magnitude of each term of the dynamical matrix and thereby softening TO phonon mode. 69 a 20 613 4 .... PbTe (LA) ~ E 15 o00O ~ e--SnTe PbTe - d C b Bi2Tel 13 C Sb :10 ci) ID 14) L bse -- PbS chain model 2 1st/2nd/3rd - 8/2/0 * --- PbTe 5/5/0 1--5-PbSi - /6/-2 0.5 0.0 0.0 C5- ---- PbSe -- SnTej - Bi2Te 0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1 0 0.5 Figure 3-13 Near ferroelectric behavior due to resonant bonding. (a) Optical phonon dispersion in a model 1 D atomic chain, showing the softening of the optical phonons due to the long-range interactions. Three numbers in the legend represent relative interaction strength of first, second and third-nearest neighbors in the ID chain. (b-d) Soft TO phonon modes along the trigonal direction for lead chalcogenides, Bi2Te 3, and Bi and Sb, respectively, calculated based on first-principles. Lines and circles are calculation and experimental data, respectively. The experimental data are from Ref. [48, 49, 73, 77, 78]. The red dotted line in b is after removing the fourth, eighth, fourteenth-nearest neighbor interactions in PbTe, which do not show the soft TO mode. (b-d) are plotted on the same scale for the y-axis. (e) Calculated GrUneisen parameters of TO mode, showing strongly anharmonic behavior of the TO phonons of lead chalcogenides. The dotted line denotes the Gruneisen parameters of the LA mode in PbTe for comparison. The pronounced softening of the actual TO modes in lead chalcogenides, shown in Fig. 3-13b, is consistent with this ID model. To further confirm that the long-range interactions along <100> are the main reason for the near ferroelectric behavior, the phonon dispersion is calculated for a fictitious PbTe without the fourth- and eighth-nearest neighbor interactions. The TO mode in the fictitious PbTe is not softened as shown in Fig. 3-13b. By comparison, Bi 2Te3, Bi, and Sb have weakened long-range interactions due to distortion of the structure, and their TO modes are not as soft as those of IV-VI materials (Figs. 3-13c and 3-13d). The TO phonon softening leads to strong anharmonicity and phonon scattering by the TO modes [85]. To show the anharmonicity of the modes, we plot in Fig. 3-13e the calculated mode Griineisen parameters of TO modes in resonant bonding materials. The TO modes in lead chalcogenides and SnTe have remarkably large mode Gruneisen parameters. Bi 2Te 3, Bi, and Sb 70 also have increasing Grflneisen parameters as the zone center is approached, but the magnitude is not as large as in lead chalcogenides. The strongly anharmonic TO modes in IV-VI materials lead to their low phonon thermal conductivity and this was predicted and experimentally observed [85-89]. We further confirm using first principles calculations that the low thermal conductivity of IV-VI is due to the strongly anharmonic TO modes. In Fig. 3-14, we show detailed phonon transport characteristics in several Ill-V and IV-VI materials, calculated from first principles. We calculate the phonon transport of SnTe and InSb in addition to PbTe, PbSe and GaAs from the literature [36, 881. It is interesting to directly compare SnTe and InSb since these materials are close to each other in the periodic table, and therefore they have similar Debye temperature and mass ratio. The thermal conductivity calculation of InSb using first principles was reported by other group [37]. The calculated and experimental thermal conductivity values in Fig. 3-14a show large contrast between Ill-V and IV-VI materials. We further contrast the two different material groups by analyzing phonon mean free path and phonon life time. For the phonon mean free path, we present accumulated thermal conductivity as a function of phonon mean free path at 300 K, defined in Eq. (2.20). The accumulated thermal conductivity function shows the mean free path ranges of phonon modes that significantly contribute to thermal conductivity. From Figs. 3-14b and 3-14c, it is clearly seen that the IV-VI materials exhibit much shorter mean free path ranges and phonon lifetime compared to the Ill-V materials. The significant effect of soft TO mode on phonon thermal conductivity is also substantiated by the comparison between PbTe and Bi in Fig. 3-15. The thermal conductivity of PbTe is smaller than that of Bi by factor of two as shown in Fig. 3-15b, even though the group velocity of acoustic phonons of PbTe is smaller than that of Bi [30, 90] (Fig. 3-15a). 71 - a -PbTe -- -O 100 10 1 SnTe m *PbSe OInSb * * * 0 0 C b GAs 100. SnTe PbTe PbSe InSb GaAs 0A 10 0 10 0.2 200 ( 300 0 o 0 1 -GaAs 0.0 10 -STe *-.-PbTe -PbS. - - 0 - C 10- 5 400 61~ 1000 100 10 1 Phonon frequency (THz) Phonon mean free path(nm) Temperature (K) by first principles Figure 3-14 Analysis of phonon transport in IV-VI and 111-V materials and squares are results calculation. (a) Calculated and experimental phonon thermal conductivity. Lines and phonon distributions path free by experiments and calculations, respectively. (b-c) Phonon mean The accumulated thermal lifetime, showing significant three-phonon scattering in IV-VI materials. corresponding material. The conductivity in (b) is normalized by the thermal conductivity value of the [62, data in (b-c) are for the 300 K case. The experimental thermal conductivity values in (a) are from Ref. 88]. [36, Ref. from are 90, 91] and other calculation results for PbTe, PbSe and GaAs a b -PbTe -B Z 25 E U 20 13 3 PbTe (exp) PbTe (cal) aBi (exp) Bi (cal) 15 N C 2 0 E U- (D -5 0 L. F~ X 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) resonant Figure 3-15 Lower thermal conductivity of PbTe compared to Bi due to more significant phonons acoustic of velocity group smaller bonding. (a) Comparison of phonon dispersions showing the in Bi (b) Comparison of thermal conductivity showing the lower thermal conductivity of PbTe 72 3.4.2. Large Phase Space for Three-Phonon Scattering Along with the phonon anharmonicity, the phonon lifetimes also depend on the threephonon scattering phase space available that meets energy and momentum conservation requirements. The difference in the volume of the scattering phase space explains the second difference between the I1-V and IV-VI materials in Fig. 3-1 (i.e., the thermal conductivity difference between III-V and IV-VI materials is much increased when the mass difference between the two atoms is large). The phase space integral for three phonon scattering is the volume satisfying energy and momentum conservation in the three phonon process. Therefore, it can be defined as [92] Phase space volume = f(Ol + dq dq' 2 - (03) 1 (3.12) where 1, 2, and 3 represent phonon states defined in Chapter 2.2. The two 6-functions are for energy conservation of the phonon coalescent and decay processes. Fig. 3-16a compares the inverse of the three-phonon scattering phase space volume of IV-VI and III-V materials. Assuming constant phonon mode anharmonicity, the inverse of the three-phonon scattering phase space volume relates linearly to phonon lifetime and hence to the thermal conductivity. We calculate the phase space volume as defined in Eq. (3.12). For the integration of the 6-functions, we used a q-grid of 20x20x20 with the tetrahedron method which is introduced in Chapter 2. As seen in the expression for the phase space volume in Eq. (3.12), the calculation of phase space volume involves the integration of 6 -functions of phonon frequencies. Therefore, the phase space volume is inversely proportional to phonon frequency scale. To compare many materials with different phonon frequency scale, we normalized the phase space volume by the inverse of the maximum optical phonon frequency. We can see from Fig. 3-16a that III-V materials with dissimilar atomic masses such as AlSb and InP have much smaller phase spaces than other III-V materials. This is a common 73 behavior for many materials which have large atomic mass differences[931. The large mass difference causes a large gap to appear between the acoustic and optical phonon bands as shown in Fig. 3-16b. With such a large gap, low frequency acoustic phonons cannot couple to optical phonons and thus have fewer chances to be scattered. Only high frequency acoustic phonons, which are limited in a small region of reciprocal space, can be coupled with optical phonons. As the mass ratio is reduced from unity, the acoustic-optical phonon gap becomes larger and the scattering phase space is further reduced, leading to longer lifetimes and a larger thermal conductivity. As can be seen from Fig. 3-16c, the phase space in AISb is mostly due to (a,a,a) and the phase spaces of (a,a,o) and (a,o,o) are significantly suppressed. ('a' and 'o' in (a,a,o) indicate acoustic and optical phonons in the three phonon process.) Q -PbS --- AIS 05aA 45s, CL fcM CL 0 AISb r-PbS 0.4Cu M E2 Q. 0 0.3 - -C/ -C a GaP GaSb (DG 0.C In Sn~..N/e& PbTe/ m~ 0.0 2: 0.2 0 0.4 0.6 0 0 ~ 0.8 1.0 Z K X F L aaa aao aoo oo6 total mass ratio Figure 3-16 Phase space volume for three-phonon scattering. (a) Phase space volumes for three phonon scattering of IV-VI and III-V, showing a large scattering phase space for PbSe and PbS. The solid line is for a guide to the eyes. (b) Comparison of the phonon dispersion of PbS and AlSb, showing significantly dispersed optical phonons of PbS. (c) Contribution of each scattering process to total scattering phase space volume. The scattering phase space and phonon dispersion data are normalized by the inverse of the largest optical phonon frequency of each material for comparison. The three-phonon scattering pathway in IV-VI materials is much different from that of III-V materials since (ao,o) channel significantly contribute to the total phase space volume in IV-VI materials. The difference in the scattering pathway of Il1-V and IV-VI materials can be 74 easily observed in Fig. 3-16a; the phase space volume of IV-VI materials increases slightly as the mass ratio decreases, an opposite trend to the case of 111-V materials. The reason for this opposite trend is that (ao,o) channel is a large contributor to the total phase space volume in IV-VI materials, and this scattering channel is affected by the overlap between acoustic and optical bands. The significant (a,o,o) channel in IV-VI materials is due to the soft TO modes spanning a large band width, and lead to the large phase space volume of PbS and PbSe despite of their large mass contrast between Pb and S (or Se). As a result, PbS and PbSe have much larger phase space volumes than other Ill-V materials such as AlSb and InP, which have similar mass ratios as PbSe and PbS. For PbS, the phase space volume of (a,a,a) scattering is similar to the AlSb case, but (a,o,o) and (a,a,o) scattering channels have markedly larger phase space volumes. The large phase space volume of (a,o,o) process can be explained with the wide spectrum of optical modes. The bandwidth of the optical phonons is comparable to the band width of the acoustic phonons. As a result, most acoustic phonons from very low frequencies to high frequencies can participate in the (a,o,o) process, widening (a,o,o) channel in IV-VI materials. In particular, the (a,o,o) processes in PbS contribute more than half of the total phase space from Fig. 3-16c. The wide (a,a,o) process channel is due to the reduced phonon band gap by soft TO mode. With the reduced phonon band gap, most acoustic phonons, regardless of frequency, can be scattered by a TO mode contributing to the (a,a,o) process, while only high frequency acoustic phonons can participate in the (a,ao) process when the gap is large. The large (ao,o) and (a,ao) scattering phase space of PbSe and PbS suggests that acoustic phonons are effectively scattered by optical phonons, exhibiting low thermal conductivity values despite of the small mass ratio as shown in Fig. 3-1. 3.5.Conclusion We have presented the effects of resonant bonding on the lattice dynamics characteristics and thermal conductivity. We revealed that materials with resonant bonding (lead chalcogenides, SnTe, Bi 2Te 3, Bi and Sb) commonly have long-range interactions along the <100> direction in 75 rocksalt structure. This long-range interaction is significant in LV-VI materials due to the strong resonant bonding, and results in the near ferroelectric instability in these materials. However, the long-range interaction is less significant with increasing distortion of the crystal structures as in Bi. The near ferroelectric behavior caused by the resonant bonding reduces the phonon thermal conductivity through two mechanisms: strong anharmonic scattering and a large scattering phase space volume, both due to softened optical phonons, resulting in the lower thermal conductivity of IV-VI materials compared to III-V compounds. Therefore, the low thermal conductivity of these materials is traced back to their crystal structure and electronic occupation (the resonant nature of the bonding). Our findings have significant implications for designing better thermoelectric and phase change materials. The fundamental understanding of lattice dynamics from chemical bonding points to the potential to search for good thermoelectric materials through the resonant bonding picture. Also, we showed a deep connection among ferroelectric, thermoelectric and phase change materials. These insights help researchers to explore better thermoelectric and phase-change materials. 76 4. Experimental Characterization of Electron Filtering Effect in Nanocomposite Bi2 Te2 .7 Seo.3 So far, we have discussed phonon transport in bulk three-dimensional thermoelectric materials. In this chapter, we study electron transport in thermoelectric materials with twodimensional discontinuities, such as grain boundaries. We experimentally characterize the electron transport across grain boundaries by measuring the various transport coefficients of electrons. The electron transport across the grain boundaries in a Bi 2Te 2.7Seo. 3 nanocomposite sample is characterized by the method of four coefficients. The analysis of measured transport coefficients show that the grain boundaries preferentially scatter the electrons with low energy, leading to the electron filtering effect which can significantly increase the Seebeck coefficient. 4.1. Background The introduction of nanostructures in thermoelectric materials has led to significant improvements of the thermoelectric figure-of-merit over the past two decades [6, 7]. These improvements are primarily due to the reduced thermal conductivity. The nanostructures provide many discontinuities in the lattice, such as grain boundaries that strongly scatter acoustic phonons and thereby reduce thermal conductivity. The grain boundaries also can alter electron transport and possibly provide a way to increase the thermoelectric power factor. At the grain boundaries, there are many crystal defects such as dangling bonds, correspondingly causing surface states as shown in Fig. 4-1. If the surface state energy level is lower than the Fermi level, electrons are trapped in these surface 77 states and a space charge region occurs. These trapped charges bend the conduction band, forming an electrical potential barrier. e------------ states ~surface EC - - - - - - - EF EV an n-type Figure 4-1. A schematic picture of a potential barrier at a grain boundary in semiconductor. Ec, EF, and Ey represent a conduction band edge, Fermi level, and a valence band edge, respectively. This potential barrier can increase the Seebeck coefficient by scattering low energy 4-1. This electrons more strongly than high energy electrons as schematically shown in Fig. effect is called the electron filtering effect [94]. This preferential scattering of electrons with respect to the electron energy can increase the Seebeck coefficient because the physical meaning carried of the Seebeck coefficient is an average of the entropy (or energy divided temperature) the by electrons, as will be discussed in the following section. The more strongly scattered are electrons with low energy compared to the electrons with high energy, the larger is the average of the entropy that electrons carry, finally leading to the increase of the Seebeck coefficient. However, it should be noted that the potential barrier can also decrease the electrical an conductivity by increasing the overall electron scattering rates. Therefore, in order to increase overall thermoelectric power factor, the potential barrier should be carefully engineered such that the increase of the Seebeck coefficient is large enough to compensate for the decrease of the electron electrical conductivity. Developing such a potential barrier requires characterizing the 78 transport in detail, including the energy dependence of electron transport. In this chapter, we provide an empirical estimation of several important electron transport parameters, such as the electron mobility, density-of-state effective mass, Fermi level, and the energy dependence of the electron scattering rates, in a Bi 2Te 2 7 Seo. nanocomposite sample. For this characterization, we use the method of four coefficients, which is briefly explained in the following section. 4.2.The Method of Four Coefficients The method of four coefficients was developed to roughly estimate those transport parameters that cannot be directly measured [95]. This method was used for thermoelectric materials [16, 96] and also for other semiconducting materials [97, 98]. In this method, we first measure the four transport coefficients (electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, Hall coefficient, and Nernst coefficient). The four transport parameters (electron mobility, density-ofstates effective mass, Fermi level, and the energy dependence of scattering rates) are estimated by fitting the measured four coefficients. We briefly introduce the assumptions and models that are used for fitting the four transport parameters. We assume that transport of electrons is semi-classical, which means that electrons behave like particles with an effective mass. In many semiconductors with a wide band gap, a carrier pocket can be described with a single value of the effective mass because the electronic band structure is almost parabolic: E(k) = h21k1 2 2 2m* (4.1) where E(k) is a relative energy level of an electron with wavevector, k, from the band edge. In Eq. (4.1), we assumed an isotropic band structure, and the effective mass is represented by m*. 79 However, most of the good thermoelectric materials, in particular Bi2Te3..xSex that we study in this chapter, have a very narrow band gap of around 0.2 eV. Because of the narrow band gap, the electron and hole pockets in these materials cannot be described by a simple parabolic band structure. In order to describe the non-parabolicity of those carrier pockets, we use the Kane's non-parabolic model [99]: c~k) = = E(k) = E(k)(1 + aeE(k)) h 21k1 2 (42 2m* (4.2) where ae is an inverse of the band gap. Under the assumption of semi-classical transport, we use the Boltzmann transport equation to describe the transport of an electron: Vks ( LV Nk)kN, (VT aN s dk y Vt kscatt = (4.3) where Nks is the distribution function of the electron with wavevector, k, and band number, s. It is noteworthy that the Boltzmann transport equation for electrons (Eq. (4.3)) has one additional term, compared to the Peierls-Boltzmann transport equation for phonons (Eq. (2.10)). The additional term, (dk/dt) - VkNks, describes a driving force from an external electric or magnetic field. The scattering term of the Boltzmann transport equation can be simplified by the relaxation time approximation: v - VT ( T +- dt VNks k -- 90 (4.4) Tks 44 where N' is the Fermi-Dirac distribution, and Tr is a relaxation time. The relaxation time can be approximated with a simple power law with respect to the electron energy, rk = TOZr (4.5) where TO is a numerical constant representing the overall strength of electron scattering, and z is the electron energy in a dimensionless form, defined as E(k)/kBT. The scattering exponent, r, in Eq. (4.5) represents the energy dependence of the electron scattering rate. If the scattering exponent is positive, the electrons with low energy are more strongly scattered than the electrons with high energy. From the Boltzmann transport equation with a simple scattering model in Eq. (4.5) and using the Kane's non-parabolic band model in Eq. (4.2), the mathematical expressions for the four transport coefficients (electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, Hall coefficient, and Nermst coefficient) can be derived. The details of derivation can be found in the literature [100, 101]. Below, we present the physical meaning of and the mathematical expressions for the four transport coefficients. The electrical conductivity, Ue, is expressed as e = neepe where ne, e, and Me denote the carrier density, unit charge, and electron mobility, respectively. (4.6) The Seebeck effect occurs when a temperature gradient exists in electrically conducting materials, as shown in Fig. 4-2. In this figure, the hot side electrons have a relatively large kinetic energy compared to the cold side electrons, resulting in the accumulation of charge at the cold side. Here we assume that the material is n-type. This charge accumulation by the diffusion process is balanced with the electrostatic field resulting from the charge accumulation. We can then define the Seebeck coefficient, S, as the resulting electrostatic field per unit temperature gradient: 81 S = E (4.7) VaT where Ea is electric field along the direction a. In some thermoelectric materials with highly anisotropic electron transport features, the Seebeck coefficient tensor has large values for its offdiagonal components. However, in nanocomposite materials, many nanograins are randomly oriented and thus the off-diagonal terms are canceled out. Applying the definition of the Seebeck coefficient into the Boltzmann transport equation gives the expression for the Seebeck coefficient: k S = k ( /'1r e 312,1 EF -2 EF (4.8) kBT where EF denotes Fermi level and I!7,k is the Fermi-Dirac integral for a non-parabolic band, defined as N I ~k f =z fZ dz z'(z+aez2)n (4.9) (1 + 2a,. Z)k The term, IJg+T1//2+1, in Eq. (4.8) clearly shows that the Seebeck coefficient means an average of entropy that electrons carry. 82 I ( Thermal Gradient Electrochemical Potential Gradient Figure 4-2. A schematic picture of the Seebeck effect. The Hall coefficient describes the charge accumulation along the transverse direction when charge carriers flow under an external magnetic field. In Fig. 4-3, we schematically show the Hall effect. The charge flow is deflected by the Lorentz force, and charge carriers are accumulated at one side. The charge accumulation driven by the Lorentz force is balanced with the electrostatic force resulting from the charge accumulation. The Hall coefficient, H, is defined as this electrostatic field per unit magnetic field E,/B and the charge current density jp: _Ea H = --- where (4.10) j# is charge current density along the # direction and B is an external magnetic field. It should be noted that the Hall coefficient is defined under an isothermal condition; this isothermal condition avoids any thermoelectric effect in the Hall coefficient. The Boltzmann transport equation can give an expression for the Hall coefficient as follows [100]. H = 3/2,2 3/2,0 nee 83 Ir/2 (4.11) It is noteworthy that the expression for the Hall coefficient in Eq. (4.11) is slightly different from a well-known expression, 1 (4.12) ne e The well-known expression in Eq. (4.12) is based on the Drude model of electron transport in which the electron's relaxation time is assumed to be a constant and the relaxation time does not depend on electron energy. The Fermi-Integral term in Eq. (4.11), which is a difference of Eq. (4.11) from Eq. (4.12), includes the effect of the energy dependent scattering rate. electron electron Figure 4-3. A schematic picture of the Hail effect The Nernst effect is similar to the Hall effect described above. In the Nernst effect, however, the charge flow is driven by a thermal gradient, not by an electrostatic force. Figure 4-4 schematically describes the Nernst effect. First, when the electron scattering rate does not depend on the electron energy (r = 0), the hot side electrons and the cold side electrons have the same electron mean free path. Since the deflection amount of charge flow is roughly proportional to the square of electron mean free path, both hot and cold electrons have the same amount of 84 deflection in their trajectory, resulting in no charge accumulation along the transverse direction. However, when the electrons with large energy (or from the hot side) have a longer relaxation time (r > 0), the hot side electrons experience larger deflection in their trajectory, leading to the charge accumulation along the transverse direction. In the opposite case of r < 0, the electric field along the transverse direction is opposite the case of r > 0, as shown in Fig. 4-4. Therefore, roughly speaking, the transverse electric field direction in the Nernst effect indicates whether the scattering exponent is positive or negative. The Nernst coefficient, Ne, is defined as the electric field per unit temperature gradient and magnetic field: Ne = a VflTB (4.13) As in the definition of the Hall coefficient, the Nernst coefficient also assumes isothermal condition along the transverse direction to exclude any thermoelectric effect. Applying the Boltzmann transport theory to the definition of Nernst coefficient gives an expression: 11+2r N = H kB 3/2,Z e I- 85 2 1l+r 3/2L '3/2,1) (4.14) when r = 0 when r > 0 0B when r < 0 0B Figure 4-4. Schematic pictures of Nernst effect depending on the energy dependence of electron scattering rates. Note that there is no transverse electric field when r = 0; the hot electrons are preferentially deflected upward when r > 0 and the cold electrons tend to go downward when r <0. 4.3. Experimental Setup We use the method of four coefficients to characterize electron transport in a nanocomposite thermoelectric material. A nanocomposite sample of n-type Bi 2Te 2 .7 Seo. 3 was prepared by Dr. Weishu Liu in Prof. Zhifeng Ren's group at Boston College (now at the University of Houston). For the sample preparation, the bulk material is ball-milled into nanoparticles and then the nanoparticles are hot-pressed into a pellet-type bulk sample [7]. The pellet is diced with a diamond saw to prepare a rectangular shape sample with the size of Imm x 86 1mm x 6mm. The large aspect ratio of the sample was intended for the accurate measurements of the Hall and the Nernst coefficients. When the aspect ratio is less than 4, the Hall and the Nernst coefficients can be underestimated due to the edge effect [102]. Several wires are attached to the sample for the measurements as shown in Fig. 4-5a. Two sets of type-T thermocouple wires are attached on one side of the sample using silver epoxy paste. On the other side, two platinum wires are attached using a spark-welding method at the same height as the thermocouple wires. On the top and the bottom surfaces of the sample, two copper wires are attached using silver epoxy paste. All these wires are fine gauge wires with a diameter of less than 25 gm. These fine gauge wires have a relatively large thermal resistance and provide nearly thermal adiabatic condition to the sample. In addition, a miniature electric heater was attached on the top side using silver epoxy paste, and the sample-heater assembly is attached on a ceramic plate using silver epoxy paste. This ceramic plate serves as a heat sink. The prepared sample assembly is then mounted on the cold finger of a cryostat using thermally conductive epoxy paste to ensure good thermal contact between the ceramic plate and the cold finger (Fig. 4-6). The cryostat used for this experiment was an ST-300 cryostat by Janis and is equipped with two thermal radiation shields for thermal insulation. The cryostat including the sample assembly is placed between two electromagnets. A turbo vacuum pump (Agilent TPS81V) is used to provide a vacuum condition in the cryostat. The temperature of the cold finger in the cryostat is controlled from 77 K to 400 K with liquid nitrogen and a pre-installed electric heater. Using these wires and the miniature heater that we installed on the sample, we can measure the four transport coefficients. For the measurement of electrical conductivity, we use a four-point probe method. We apply an electric current using the copper wires and we measure the voltage difference between the two platinum wires. The applied current is AC to avoid any error from thermoelectric effects. The distance between the two platinum wires is precisely measured by using an optical microscope with a reticle. For the measurement of the Seebeck coefficient, thermal gradient is applied by the miniature heater, and the temperature difference between the two thermocouple wires is measured. The Seebeck voltage is also measured using the copper wires of the type-T thermocouples. For the measurement of the Hall coefficient, we apply an electric current using the copper wires and we measure a voltage difference between 87 For the one of the platinum wires and one copper wire of the type-T thermocouple wires. heater. measurement of the Nernst coefficient, we apply a thermal gradient using the miniature the Hall Then, we measure a voltage difference along the transverse direction as we do for coefficient. b a Current Magnetkc Raddation Shield Sample Thermocouple meter Voltage Probe Magn et TE Isothermr Magnet Cryostat Radiation Shield at Cold finger Figure 4-5. A sample with various probe wires and the configuration of the measurement setup. 88 Figure 4-6. A prepared sample assembly on the cold finger, showing the heater location and the ceramic plate. 4.4. Results and Discussions In Fig. 4-7, we present the measurement data of the four transport coefficients. The electrical resistivity values (Fig. 4-7a), an inverse of electrical conductivity, increases with temperature due to the stronger scattering of electrons by phonons as the density of phonons increases. The Seebeck coefficients also increase with temperature almost linearly up to ~ 200 K, but start to saturate above 300 K and have a peak around 350 K. The saturation of the Seebeck coefficients is due to the bipolar effect. As the temperature increases further, minority carriers, holes in this case, become more populated. Since the transport of holes contribute to the Seebeck coefficient with an opposite sign to the electron contribution, the overall Seebeck coefficient decreases. The expressions for the four coefficients in Eqs. (4.6) to (4.14) do not include this bipolar effect, and thus our analysis of the experimental data is limited to the range below 300 K. 89 b a 2 6x10 4 A A .1 0x10 OX10, IF2 e-0 01 5X10 4 'v .2 6x10' 100 200 300 100 400 Ton parature (K) d 1O C 300 200 Tomperature (K) 400 300 400 20x0 00 --2 OxIO 2 0x10 0% -4 0x10 -6 0x10 8 A OI 100 200 200 100 TemperatUre (K) 200 Tem perature (K) Figure 4-7. Measurement data of the four transport coefficients. (a) electrical resistivity, (b) Seebeck coefficient, (c) Hall coefficient, and (d) Nemst coefficient We fit the four transport parameters to the measured four transport coefficients using the expressions in Eqs. (4.6), (4.8), (4.11), (4.14). In Fig. 4-8, we present values for Fermi level with respect to temperature. The Fermi level in the figure is measured relative to the conduction band . edge. Figure 4-8 shows that Fermi level is located above the conduction band edge, confirming 3 19 that our sample is degenerately doped. The corresponding carrier density is around 2x10 cm~ We also plot the Fermi level of a similar material, Bi2Te2 .85 Seo.1 5, but with a slightly smaller doping concentration, Ix1019 cm-3, from the literature [103]. Since our sample has a larger carrier concentration, the Fermi level of our sample is located deeper into the conduction band than the Fermi level from the literature [103]. Another observation is that Fermi level decreases as temperature increases. This is a common behavior of most semiconducting materials. As the 90 temperature increases, the minority carriers, holes in this case, are thermally activated, and the Fermi level moves towards the valence band. ) Nanocomposite Bi 2Te 2 7Se0 3 (n=2x1O cm 0.020 0 0 Single Crystal Bi 2Te2.85 e0.1s (n=x10 9 cm 3 ) (by Kaibe et al.) -0.02 50 - 100 - - 150 0 0 I 200 250 . 0.00 - %ft.0 300 Temperature (K) Figure 4-8. Fermi level from the method of four coefficients. The black points are from Ref. [103] for comparison. Shown in Fig. 4-9 is the density-of-states effective mass from the method of four coefficients. The estimated density-of-states effective mass is 0.6mo to 0.8mO depending on temperature, where mo is the physical mass of a free electron (Mo-9. Ix 10-31 kg). The estimated effective mass is much larger than 0.27mo from other literature values [104]. This discrepancy can be explained by the second heavy band that was previously predicted for Bi2Te 3 [105, 106]. In Bi 2 Te3 , the second band with a heavy effective mass exists slightly above the first band with a light effective mass. The energy difference between the edges of the first and second bands is estimated to be only 10 to 30 meV, as schematically shown in the inset of Fig. 4-9 [105]. This second heavy band effect was not included in the literature reporting the small density-of-states effective mass because the samples used in the literature are lightly doped [104]. However, in 91 our case, the sample is highly doped and the second heavy band can be activated. As a result, the estimated density-of-states effective mass from the transport coefficients can be much larger than that of the first light conduction band. 1.0 I I nanocomposite Bi.Te Se 0.8 I4D i i 0.6 0 E(k) EI 0.4 -/ IO.O1-O.03eV 0.2 m'=027m, 0.01 ) 5 I I I 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Figure 4-9. Density-of-states effective mass from the method of four coefficients. The blue line is for eye-guide. The inset schematically shows the first light carrer pocket and the second heavy carrier pocket. 3 The density-of-states effective mass is in unit of mo, physical mass of a free electron (m6 =9. IIx 10~ kg). We plot electron mobility data in Fig. 4-10. The mobility decreases as the temperature increases due to the increasing scattering by phonons. We also plot electron mobility data for a relatively lightly doped polycrystalline Bi 2 Te 2 .7 SeO.3 sample from the literature [107]. Our mobility data is much smaller than the literature data. The much smaller electron mobility in our case is probably because 1) our overall effective mass is larger due to the second heavy band, 2) more dopants and/or grain boundaries strongly scatter electrons. 92 1 ) Polycrystal Bi 2Te2.7 Se0.3 (n=4x10' cm3 .1 E 0 0.1 -- Nanocomposite Bi2Te2.7 Se0. 3 (n=2x10 0.01 50 100 150 I 200 cm) 250 300 Temperature (K) Figure 4-10. Electron mobility from the method of four coefficients. The black line is from Ref. [107] for comparison. The energy dependence of the electron scattering rate is plotted in Fig. 4-11. In this figure, the y-axis shows the scattering exponent, r, in Eq. (4.5). The scattering exponent in bulk materials, where the scattering by phonons dominates over other scattering mechanisms, is theoretically estimated to be -0.5 [100]. This theoretical estimation is confirmed by the experimental data for single crystalline and polycrystalline samples in which the scattering by phonons is dominant [103, 107]. However, our Bi 2 Te 2 .7 Seo 3 nanocomposite sample exhibits much larger scattering exponents than those of bulk materials. The scattering exponent of the nanocomposite sample is positive, indicating that the electrons with high energy are less scattered than the electrons with low energy. This positive scattering exponent might lead to a higher Seebeck coefficient through the electron filtering effect. The large scattering exponent in the nanocomposite sample is probably due to the scattering by grain boundaries. 93 0.5- 4) I I I I I Nanocomposite Bi 2Te2 7Se 03 Ce o 0.0 C. X Bulk Polycrystal Bi2Te Se (by Kutasov) -0.5 ---1.0 (by Kaibe) - . -I 50 100 Scattering by Phonon Bi 2Te2.8 S eO1 s Single Crystal 0-~~~ U) - --- 0 0 200 150 I 250 - I 300 Temperature (K) Figure 4-11. Scattering exponent representing the energy dependence of the electron scattering rates from the method of four coefficients. The black line and the circles are from Refs. [ 103, 107] for comparison. The brown line represents the case where the scattering by phonons is predominant over other scattering mechanisms. In conclusion, we use the method of four coefficients to estimate the four important parameters regarding electron transport, such as the Fermi level, the density-of-states effective mass, electron mobility, and the energy dependence of electron scattering rates, in a Bi2 Te 2.7 Seo3 nanocomposite sample. These four transport parameters provide the details of electron transport, particularly the energy dependence of electron scattering rate. Our nanocomposite sample exhibits much larger scattering exponents than other bulk samples from the literature, probably due to the scattering by many grain boundaries in the nanocomposite sample. 94 5. Hydrodynamic Phonon Transport in Suspended Graphene In many materials like thermoelectric materials we have discussed in the previous chapters, scattering of phonons usually cause resistance of phonon transport. This resistive nature of phonon scattering is reflected in Fourier's law which describes diffusive heat flow at a given temperature gradient. In this chapter, we discuss hydrodynamic phonon transport where phonon scattering does not directly cause thermal resistance and thus the Fourier's law is not valid. We show using the first principles calculations that hydrodynamic phonon transport can be significant in a two-dimensional material, particularly in suspended graphene. The first principles calculations demonstrate the hydrodynamic phonon transport in suspended graphene through drift motion of phonons, phonon Poiscuille flow, and second sound. The significant hydrodynamic phonon transport in suspended graphene is associated with graphene's twodimensional features as well as its high Debye temperature. The hydrodynamic features of phonon transport that are not possible within the diffusive Fourier's law provide a new degreeof-freedom in manipulating heat flow. 5.1. Background The transport of phonons is usually diffusive and describable by Fourier's law of heat conduction. Regimes where Fourier's law breaks down, such as ballistic[108] and hydrodynamic[109] phonon transport, were discovered in bulk materials more than 50 years ago, but these phenomena were observed only at extremely low temperatures[l 10-112]. Recent studies of low-dimensional materials, however, have highlighted the practical importance of 95 ballistic phonon transport in applications such as thermoelectric materials[5] and electronic devices[ 113, 114]. In this chapter, we discuss how hydrodynamic phonon transport, as well as ballistic phonon transport, can be significant in a two-dimensional material, particularly in graphene. The term hydrodynamic phonon transport arose from its similarity with macroscopic transport phenomena in fluids. In fluid flow, mass transport is mainly due to the macroscopic motion of molecules with a drift velocity. Likewise, phonons in the hydrodynamic regime exhibit macroscopic drift motion. In this sense, hydrodynamic phonon transport is different from the more well-known diffusive or ballistic phonon transport. During diffusive transport, heat is transferred through multiple scattering events among phonons without macroscopic drift motion. During ballistic transport, it is assumed that there is no internal scattering. Hydrodynamic transport, on the other hand, includes many phonon scattering events. The drift motion of phonons in the hydrodynamic regime causes two interesting hydrodynamic transport phenomena that cannot occur in either diffusive or ballistic regimes: phonon Poiseuille flow (Fig. 5-1 a) and second sound (Fig. 5-ic), which are analogous to Poiseuille flow and ordinary sound in a fluid, respectively, which will be discussed later. 96 ab h drod namic diffusive N N N N C d hydrodynamic diffusive Figure 5-1. Different macroscopic transport phenomena in the hydrodynamic and diffusive regimes. (a-b) The steady state heat flux profiles in hydrodynamic and diffusive regimes, respectively, under a temperature gradient. (c-d) The propagation of a heat pulse in the hydrodynamic and diffusive regimes, respectively. The width and length of the sample are assumed to be much larger than the phonon mean free path. Despite the interesting features of hydrodynamic phonon transport, the temperature range where it was observed was too low and narrow to consider for practical applications. For example, the reported temperature range for phonon Poiseuille flow is 0.5 to 1.0 K [112] and for second sound the range is 10 to 20 K [115]. The extremely stringent temperature conditions for hydrodynamic phonon transport are due to U-scattering, which destroys crystal momentum. In contrast, scatterings between molecules conserve total momentum. As such, for hydrodynamic transport to occur, U-scattering should be negligibly weak compared to the other three-phonon scattering processes which conserves crystal momentum, N-scattering. One way to suppress Uscattering is to consider low temperatures, but at too low temperature transport becomes ballistic without internal scattering, leaving only a very narrow temperature range for hydrodynamic transport. In addition to U-scattering, the scattering of phonons by impurities such as isotopes 97 does not conserve crystal momentum, and isotope enrichment imposes another difficulty for hydrodynamic phonon transport (hereafter R-scattering denotes Umklapp and isotope scatterings). In this chapter, we show that suspended graphene (hereafter graphene), unlike threedimensional materials, is remarkably well-suited for hydrodynamic phonon transport. Using first principles calculations, we show drift motion of phonons, phonon Poiseuille flow, and second sound in graphene at significantly higher and wider temperature ranges compared to those seen in three-dimensional materials. Then, we discuss how the significant hydrodynamic phonon transport in graphene stems from its two-dimensional features. 5.2. Drift Motion of Phonons The most prominent feature of hydrodynamic transport is a drift motion of particles. The molecules in fluid flow move along seemingly random directions, but all those molecules in a small finite volume have a same average velocity regardless of their amount of momentum and moving direction. This average velocity is called a drift velocity and represents an actual flow velocity. The macroscopic drift motion can be found in the distribution function. For example, for molecules with a drift velocity, u, the displaced Maxwell distribution is considered an equilibrium one. (r Nd = (3/ - )2 1 exp k27mkBT - 27rmkB T (5.1) where m, T, and v are the mass, temperature, and velocity, respectively, of a molecule. Similarly, if there is no R-scattering, the displaced Bose-Einstein distribution is usually assumed as the equilibrium distribution for phonons with a drift velocity u [116]. 98 q (5.2) BE 1 exp h(o- u)) 1 where h, w, and q represent the Planck constant, phonon frequency, and phonon wavevector, respectively. The drift velocity is represented by the displacement, u, in the phonon distribution. In the displaced distribution, the displacement is a constant for all phonon modes regardless of polarization and wavevector, describing the macroscopic drift motion of phonons with the same velocity. Assuming a small drift velocity, this displaced distribution can be linearized by the Taylor's expansion to N.' = N&E +h NBE(NE + 1)q - u kaT (5.3) where NB0 E is the equilibrium Bose-Einstein distribution. Based on the assumption of the displaced phonon distribution in the absence of Rscattering, past work derived macroscopic governing equations that describe hydrodynamic phonon transport [117]. However, it has remained elusive to our knowledge whether the absence of R-scattering necessarily leads to the displaced distribution. Moreover, the validity of the displaced distribution in real materials, where R-scattering cannot be completely avoided, has not been explicitly confirmed. In this work, we demonstrate from first principles calculations that a displaced distribution of phonons can occur in graphene even in the presence of weak Rscattering, which validates the assumption of the displaced distribution used in the past studies [117, 118] and correspondingly shows hydrodynamic phonon transport in graphene. 5.2.1. Details of First Principles Calculations The calculation for graphene is similar to the details already discussed in Chapter 2. The second- and third-order force constants of graphene were calculated from density functional perturbation theory [46, 47] using the Quantum-Espresso package [70]. The pseudopotential contains 2s2p2 as valence states with the Perdew-Zunger exchange-correlation functional [71]. 99 The calculated force constants of graphene were validated by comparing the mode Grnneisen parameters as in previous studies [119, 120]. In Fig. 5-2, we show that the mode GrUneisen parameters from second- and third-order force constants are almost the same as those calculated by the finite difference of phonon frequency as the crystal volume is changed by 1%. The force constants of diamond were adopted from the literature [121]. 4 finite difference of frequency 0 second- and third-order force constants E 0 S -2 O. - 22D C- 4 ) -6 -~8 -10 . K M F Figure 5-2. The mode GrOneisen parameters of graphene. The circles are calculated from the finite difference of phonon frequencies with different crystal volumes by 1% and the lines are calculated using both second- and third-order force constants. The three-phonon scattering rates were calculated using perturbation theory as presented in Chapter 2. The strong renormalization effect for long-wavelength ZA phonons in graphene may affect the phase space of three-phonon scattering in graphene. In the quasi-harmonic approximation, the ZA phonon dispersion of graphene is exactly quadratic in the limit of long wavelength. However, the strong renormalization effect slightly stiffens the phonon dispersion and makes the phonon dispersion similar to linear rather than quadratic in the very long wavelength limit. The slightly changed phonon dispersion may affect the phase space of threephonon scattering. This renormalization effect is included by using phonon stiffening parameters 100 from Ref. [122]. For the isotope scattering calculation, the 13 C isotope was treated as a point defect [123]. For solving the Peierls-Boltzmann transport equation, we used the iterative method explained in Chapter 2 without the commonly used relaxation time approximation [54]. Use of the relaxation time approximation should be avoided in order to capture the significant role of Nscattering in graphene. For calculating scattering rates and solving the Peierls-Boltzmann equation, the first Brillouin zone was sampled with 70x70 and 30x30x30 meshes for graphene and diamond, respectively. 5.2.2. Displaced Phonon Distribution The first principles calculation results in Fig. 5-3 clearly show the drift motion of phonons in graphene (0.1 % concentration of isotope 13C) at 100 K under a static temperature gradient. The temperature gradient is required to maintain the drift motion since R-scattering cannot be completely ignored in real materials. In Fig. 5-3, we plot the normalized deviation of the distribution from the stationary equilibrium distribution, defined as (N - NaE)/{NBE(NBE + 1)}, to examine the existence of a drift velocity. It is clearly seen in Fig. 5-3b that the normalized deviation is linear in wavevector q., along the temperature gradient direction with the same slope for all three acoustic modes over a wide range of wavevectors. This indicates that the distribution is indeed displaced, giving the macroscopic motion of phonons with the same velocity as in Eq. (5.3). The nonlinear behavior in the large wavevector region of Fig. 5-3b is significantly exaggerated because the deviation is normalized by NBOE(NJBF + 1), which is negligibly small in this high phonon frequency range. Moreover, these phonon modes in the range where the normalized deviation is nonlinear to q, contribute negligibly to actual thermal transport, as presented in Fig. 5-4. 101 b a 6.0x10' TA normalized deviation of distribution IO LA M, L 0 0.0 p4 -X10,x E A XS Ad&0x1 1.5 0!5 140 -1 0050!0 - (A-) q, VT reciprocal space of a graphene Figure 5-3. The displaced distribution of phonons at 100 K in the normalized deviation of the sheet. The 3C isotope concentration is 0.1%. (a) A contour plot of the represents the first Brillouin distribution of flexural acoustic (ZA) phonons in graphene. The hexagon normalized deviation of the zone and a temperature gradient is applied along the x-direction. (b) The at %,=0(M-IF-M). The linear distribution of the three acoustic branches in graphene along the x-direction to Eq. (5.3). The same slope for all dependence on q-, indicates drift motion of acoustic modes, according drift velocity, regardless of three acoustic branches means that acoustic phonons have the same polarization and wavevector. a mode thermaI conductivity (Wm-K) P ZA . CIO10 7.5.10'~~ TA E un: LA- 8.Ox1w - 0 4** 00xx1 0 S 4.0x10 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 15 q, (A-,) 100 K. (a) A Figure 5-4. The phonon mode thermal conductivity of graphene with 0.1 % C at mode thermal contour plot of the mode thermal conductivity of ZA phonon modes in graphene. (b) The conductivity of the three acoustic modes in graphene along the x-direction at q,=O. 102 This strong correlation of the distribution among phonon modes in graphene is remarkably different from the usual cases without strong hydrodynamic transport features. In Fig. 5-5, we show the normalized deviation of the distribution from the stationary equilibrium distribution, (N - NBOE)/{NBE(NBE + 1)), of pure Bi along the trigonal direction. Unlike the case of graphene shown in Fig. 5-3, the phonon distribution in Fig. 5-5 does not show any correlation among phonon modes; i) the phonon distributions for the TA and LA branches are much different from one another and ii) the phonon distributions do not clearly show any linear dependence on the wavevector, q., within each branch. C 0 2.OxlO*" x1T --o- LA C 40 '4) 0 0 . ..... ............ ................... C S-1.Ox10- N -2.Ox1l r-0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8 Figure 5-5. The normalized deviation of the distribution of the acoustic branches in pure bismuth at 300 K along the trigonal-direction (T-F-T). A temperature gradient is applied in the same direction. Only one TA branch is included in the plot since the two TA branches are degenerate along the line, T-FT. The inset shows the first Brillouin zone of bismuth with the high symmetry points. The macroscopic drift motion of phonons can be explained by strong N-scattering compared to R-scattering shown in Fig. 5-6. The phonon distribution under a temperature gradient is slightly displaced, meaning that phonons gain excess momentum from the temperature gradient. Then, the excess momentum is affected by N- and R-scatterings in very 103 Through N-scatterings, the excess momentum is exchanged among phonons such that all phonon modes exhibit the same drift velocity and approach the displaced Bose-Einstein distribution in Eq. (5.2). However, R-scattering destroys the excess momentum and induces phonon modes to relax to the stationary equilibrium Bose-Einstein distribution. In different ways [124]. graphene, N-scattering is much stronger than R-scattering by at least two orders of magnitude over a wide phonon spectrum, as shown in Fig. 5-6. Therefore, the excess momentum gained from a temperature gradient is redistributed by strong N-scattering without any considerable reduction by R-scattering such that most phonon modes have the same drift velocity, regardless of polarization and wavevector. 1012 10 C]) 100 N-scattering 10,1 6 Uo ZA TA LA R-scattering <9 CO M 101 OM o 0n @o 10 4 0 10 5 Phonon frequency (THz) % Figure 5-6. Comparison of N-scattering and R-scattering rates in graphene with a 0.1 concentration of isotope 3 C at 100 K. The Matthiessen's rule is used to combine U-scattering and isotope scattering rates into the R-scattering rate. In addition to the macroscopic collective motion of phonons, it is also important to find the specific length and time scales for this hydrodynamic transport. If length and time scales approach infinity, the transport is not hydrodynamic unless R-scattering is completely avoided. Due to the existence of R-scattering, as we previously stated, a temperature gradient is required to maintain the drift motion of phonons in Fig. 5-3. In an infinitely large graphene sheet under a static temperature gradient, the drift velocity of phonons exhibits a uniform distribution across 104 the sample and its magnitude scales as the magnitude of the temperature gradient, both of which can be explained by the Fourier's law. However, roughly speaking, if the sample size is smaller than the phonon mean free path of R-scattering or the temperature gradient changes with time faster than the R-scattering rate, the transport cannot be described by the diffusive law. In such length and time scales, the transport having macroscopic drift motion shown in Fig. 5-3 can be hydrodynamic. These considerations regarding length and time scales for hydrodynamic transport lead to the discussion on phonon Poiseuille flow and second sound in the following sections. The displaced distribution we present here is the first explicit confirmation of the assumption used in past theoretical studies regarding hydrodynamic phonon transport [117, 118, 125, 126]. It also provides a theoretical basis that we will exploit to examine phonon Poiscuille flow and second sound in the following sections (Chapter 5.3-5.4), further highlighting the significant hydrodynamic phonon transport in graphene under certain circumstances. 5.3.Phonon Poiseuille Flow Phonon Poiseuille flow refers to steady-state hydrodynamic phonon transport under a temperature gradient in a sample. The temperature gradient plays a similar role as pressure gradient for the molecular Poiseuille flow. Here, it is assumed that the sample is long enough for the heat flux to be fully developed and to be invariant along the flow direction. Due to their differing sources of thermal resistance, the phonon Poiscuille flow is distinctly different from the more well-known diffusive phonon transport. In diffusive phonon transport, the thermal resistance is mostly due to R-scattering, which can occur anywhere inside a sample. Therefore, the heat flux in diffusive phonon transport is uniform, as shown in Fig. 5-lb. On the other hand, the thermal resistance in phonon Poiseuille flow is due to diffuse boundary scattering combined with many N-scatterings, analogous to viscous effects in fluid flow. The drift velocity is small near the boundary because of the diffuse boundary scattering, leading to the formation of a drift velocity gradient along the direction perpendicular to heat flow (Fig. 5-1a). The boundary scattering can be assumed to be diffuse rather than specular even at a low temperature, such as 105 100 K [127]. The excess momentum of phonons from the temperature gradient is then transferred to the boundary through the drift velocity gradient and many N-scattering events, and finally destroyed by diffuse boundary scattering. Therefore, the thermal conductivity largely depends on the rate of momentum transfer to the boundary, a quantity that is determined by the N-scattering rates and a sample width, just as resistance in fluid flow depends on viscosity and a pipe diameter. The significance of the extrinsic momentum loss mechanism in the hydrodynamic regime, diffuse boundary scattering, implies that a material's thermal conductivity largely depends on the sample shape and geometry in contrast to the diffusive case. This is also much different from the ballistic case since the sample size in the hydrodynamic regime is assumed to be much larger than phonon mean free path. 5.3.1. Criteria for Phonon Poiscuille Flow The momentum loss mechanism in phonon Poiseuille flow imposes constraints on sample width in order for phonon Poiseuille flow to occur [126]. If the width of a sample is too large, the excess momentum is more likely to be destroyed by R-scattering before being transferred to the boundary. In this case, the transport is close to the diffusive regime rather than to the hydrodynamic regime. On the other hand, if the sample width is less than the phonon mean free path, the transport is ballistic. These considerations determine the upper and the lower bounds, respectively, of the sample width for phonon Poiseuille flow, as formally described in the following paragraphs. If phonons exhibit the displaced distribution as shown in Fig. 5-3, the transport of all the phonon modes can be described by a single parameter, the displacement. Exploiting this feature, the macroscopic momentum balance equation can be derived from the Peierls-Boltzmann equation by taking crystal momentum as a moment [126, 128]. Assuming a two-dimensional material, the momentum balance equation is -(11V 2-rN12)V 2 a1(x) + (1ITR Il)a1 (x) = -(01V -VI1)ao(x) 106 (5.4) where v is a group velocity and an isotropic phonon dispersion is assumed. The above equation contains inner products of the eigenstates of the N-scattering operator, 10) and 11). The eigenstates, 10) and |1), represent the deviation of phonon distribution due to the temperature variation in real space and to a drift velocity, respectively [1251. Both eigenstates are expressed as [118, 125] ( X 10) = px (2sinh 2) ~ Ila) = (Oaqa/kBT) (2sinh (5.5) ) (5.6) where x is the dimensionless phonon frequency, hw/kBT. The Vp and 0 represent normalization factors for each state, and a denotes a direction. The ao(x) and a1 (x) in Eq. (5.4) are the weights of the two states in the actual distribution at position x in real space. The physical meanings of ao(x) and a1 (x) are temperature and drift velocity, respectively. The detailed derivation and discussion can be found in literature [118, 125, 126, 128]. Eq. (5.4) was originally derived for an isotropic and linear dispersion relation [118, 126], and was then extended to general cases [128]. Equation (5.4) looks similar to the Stokes equation, which is the macroscopic momentum balance equation for molecules when there is no change in the drift velocity along the flow direction, and thus the inertia term in the Navier-Stokes equation is removed. The right hand side of Eq. (5.4) shows the momentum gain by the temperature gradient, analogous to the pressure gradient term in the Stokes equation. The first term on the left-hand side means the momentum transfer by N-scattering, analogous to the viscous term in the Stokes equation. The second term on the left hand side reflects the momentum loss by R-scattering and does not have any counterpart in the Stokes equation. Therefore, for phonon Poiseuille flow to occur, the viscous effect, (1IV 2 rNI1)V2 , should be larger than the R-scattering effect, (11rR-'|1). In order to compare the strength of the first and the second terms on the left hand side, we estimate the V 2 operator as (L/2)- 2 , where L is a sample width. Then, the required condition for the viscous effect being larger than the R-scattering effect is 107 -2) > OR-1)(5.7) 1V2TN Adding the condition for non-ballistic transport to the above gives, L (1vYTN (11VTN < (TR 1 1/2 i))(5.8) where vy is a group velocity along the sample width direction. The above criteria in Eq. (5.8) can be qualitatively understood with a random walk picture of phonon transport [126, 129]. A phonon mode experiencing many N-scatterings can be described with a random walk picture in Fig. 5-7. We assume that the phonon mean free path, AN, is much smaller than the sample width, L, to avoid ballistic transport. Using the random walk picture, the required time for the phonon mode to encounter the boundary can be estimated to (. ) T N, where TN is the relaxation time of N-scattering. If the rate of R-scattering, TR- smaller than the boundary scattering rate, () TN'1, is the momentum loss by the boundary scattering is larger than that by R-scattering, indicating phonon Poiseuille flow. This condition together with the condition for non-ballistic transport leads to the criteria for phonon Poiseuille flow, AN 2 im t N N s which is similar to Eq. (5.8) obtained from the formal transport theory. 108 (5.9) A ~L/2 Figure 5-7. A schematic picture describing the random walk of phonons A window of sample widths for phonon Poiseuille flow, calculated from first principles, as a function of temperature is shown in Fig. 5-8. This figure shows that graphene has a much wider window of sample widths for phonon Poiseuille flow than diamond. The possible range of sample widths in diamond with an extremely enriched isotope content (0.01% 1C) is too narrow for phonon Poiseuille flow to occur even at the lowest temperature we examined (50 K). With a moderately enriched isotope condition (0.1% '3C), there is no possible sample width for which phonon Poiseuille flow would occur. The results for diamond confirm the significant difficulty in observing hydrodynamic phonon transport in three-dimensional materials [112]. In graphene, however, there is a large window of sample widths at temperatures below 100 K. When the isotope content is increased from 0.01 % to 0.1 %, the window becomes narrower, but is still wide enough at temperatures below 100 K. 109 VV" 10-2 0 Lower bound -- 0 diamond 10-3 - - 0 Upper bound (0.01%1 3 C) 0 Upper bound (0.1% C) <> Upper bound (1.1%"C) 0 104 graphene 0 4-J 10-5 E 100 50 150 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Figure 5-8. The wide window of sample widths for phonon Poiseuille flow in graphene as compared to diamond. Graphene's exceptionally wide range of temperatures and sample widths for phonon Poiseuille flow is due to the strong N-scattering shown in Fig. 5-9. We compare scattering rates of graphene and diamond in Fig. 5-9 to highlight the strong N-scattering in graphene. We chose diamond for the comparison since diamond features weak U-scattering compared to N-scattering owing to its large Debye temperature [35, 130]. The N-scattering rates in graphene are around 1010 s1 , whereas in diamond they are 108 s-' at 100 K. Owing to the strong N-scattering in graphene, R-scattering remains comparatively small even when the isotope content matches the naturally occurring case, 1.1% 13 C (Fig. 5-9b). In diamond, however, R-scattering rates are comparable to N-scattering rates at the same isotope content (Fig. 5-9d). The underlying reasons for the strong N-scattering in graphene will be further discussed later in this chapter. 110 a b 1012 10'0 1010 N-scatterin N-scattering 10 00x co 4-, C000t 0 graphene (1C 0.1%) 1lo 0 5 o0 ZA e0 TA o LA 100 Phonon frequency (THz) d 1 # ZA .*o (3 Cl.1%) eo TA LA Phonon frequency (THz) 10 in N-scattering S , N-scattering ,ee graphene 100 10 - ~.1t 1 Rscatterin R-scattering 0 106 <p ** 108 108 106 106 r C M. C U) 104 0 R-scattering 10 eo 0. diamond (OC 0.1%) 102 0 5 R-scattering 10 4 TA1 *0 TA2 10 102 10 Phonon frequency (THz) 5 TAI .0oLA TA2 1.1%) diamond(1C diamond 0 LA 10 Phonon frequency (THz) Figure 5-9. Comparison between N- and R-scattering rates in graphene and diamond at 100 K, showing extremely strong N-scattering in graphene. The condition of isotope content is specified in the plots. The isotope content of 1.1% 13 C in (b,d) represents the naturally occurring case. The figure (a) is duplicated from Fig. 5-6 for comparison. 5.3.2. Characteristics of Phonon Poiseuille Flow Phonon Poiseuille flow and molecular Poiseuille flow are very similar in terms of driving forces and damping mechanisms; in both cases, transport is driven by a gradient of thermodynamic forces (temperature gradient for phonons and pressure gradient for molecules) and the transport is damped by momentum transfer to the boundary and then diffuse scattering at the boundary. The total mass transfer rate of the molecular Poiseuille flow in the three111 of the tube. dimensional tube scales as the pressure gradient and as the fourth power of the radius phonon Poiseuille The previous work[126] already showed that the total heat transport rate of Poiseuille flow in a three-dimensional cylindrical sample follows the same trend as the molecular flow and flow in a circular tube. Here, we discuss the similarity between molecular Poiseuille phonon Poiseuille flow for the two-dimensional geometry case. per For the molecular Poiseuille flow in a two-dimensional duct, the mass flow rate (Qm) unit depth (d) is given by Qm d L3 i_ dP d (5.10) pressure gradient where L and it are the width of the duct and the viscosity, respectively. The in Fig. 5along the flow direction (x) is represented by dP/dx. The duct geometry is illustrated 10. ZZ d zx Flow, Q L V ZZ x duct are represented as L Figure 5-10 Geometry of two-dimensional duct. The width and depth of the and d, respectively. transfer in a For directly comparing the mass transfer in a molecular system to the heat system, the phonon system, we introduce the mass conductivity (Km) because for the phonon 112 thermal conductivity, rather than heat transfer rate, is typically used for describing the resistance to transport. The mass conductivity (KCm) for the molecular system is defined in the same way as the thermal conductivity (K) is defined for the phonon system. QM Km = (5.11) According to Eq. (5.10), the mass conductivity (Km) scales as the second power of the duct width, L. Like the molecular Poiseuille flow, the thermal conductivity in two-dimensional phonon Poiseuille flow scales as the second power of the sample width. The relation between thermal conductivity and sample width can be derived from the momentum balance equation, Eq (5.4). -(11v 2 TNI1)V'al(y)+(11rR'I1)aCy) =2-(OjvV1)a 0 (5.12) where y is perpendicular to heat flow direction as shown in Fig. 5-10. The physical meanings of a0 and a1 (y) are the local temperature and displacement in the phonon distribution, respectively. The first and second terms on the left hand side of Eq. (5.12) show the momentum transfer by Nscattering and the momentum loss by R-scattering, respectively. The right hand side of Eq. (5.12) shows the momentum gain from the temperature gradient. The above simple differential equation can be solved by assuming a no slip boundary condition at the boundaries, y=O and y=L. The solution is 113 exp(L/A) -1 exp exp(L/A) - exp(- L/A) where 1/A - 2 y (5.13) + y exp(- L/A) - 1 eXp(L/A) - exp(- L/A) exp =( Iv - V|1)ao -ITR~11) a,(y) = +V .______ The term in the first parenthesis of Eq. (5.13) represents the driving force due to the temperature gradient, Vao, and momentum loss due to R-scattering, (11R-1 1), both together determining the overall magnitude of the heat flux. The second parenthesis in Eq. (5.13) represents the shape of the heat flux profile. It is noteworthy that L/A shows the relative strength between R-scattering and the viscous effect by N-scattering. Therefore, the value of L/A affects the heat flux profile shape as plotted in Fig. 5-11 a. When L/A has a small value such as 0.1, the transport becomes close to the ideal hydrodynamic transport and the heat flux profile shows parabolic shape along the y-direction. In contrast, as L/A increases to 20, the actual transport becomes close to diffusive transport and the heat flux profile is almost uniform along the y-direction. In the limit as L/A goes to infinity, a,(y) shows a uniform heat flux profile, a feature of diffusive transport. Using the solution (Eq. (5.13)) of the momentum balance equation, the thermal conductivity is K ~f 1L 2 4exp(-L/A) al(y)dy ~-1 + LJ 1a-YL/A (L /A)(1 + exp(- L/A)) Then, the exponent, a, in the simple power law relation, _d a d( (logKx) ) d(log(L/A)) 114 (5.14) ~La, can be calculated by (5.15) The calculated a is plotted in Fig. 5-1 lb as a function of LIA. In the figure, as L/A becomes vanishingly small which implies significant hydrodynamic features, the exponent value, a, approaches to 2, which is the value for the ideal phonon Poiseuille flow without R-scattering and molecular Poiseuille flow. When L/A is around 1, the exponent value, a, is still much larger than 1, giving the superlinear dependent behavior of the thermal conductivity with respect to sample width. However, as L/A increases further, a becomes almost zero, indicating that there is no significant effect from diffuse boundary scattering and the actual transport is very close to the diffusive regime. 115 a Boundary L/..N=20 L/A=O.1 Boundary Shape of heat flux profile b diffusive hydrodynamic I- 2 0 1 0 A 10 3 102 101 10 10' 102 101 LIiA Figure 5-11 Effects of sample width on the heat flux profile and thermal conductivity (a) The shape of the heat flux profiles when transport is close to the hydrodynamic limit (LIA-A.l) and close to the diffusive limit (LIA=20) (b) Dependence of the thermal conductivity on sample width, L. The vertical axis represents the exponent value (a) in the simple power law relation, K~L". 116 5.3.3. Possible Experiments for Observing Phonon Poiseuille Flow For the experimental confirmation of the phonon Poiseuille flow, the thermal conductivity can be measured by varying the sample width. Here we briefly discuss several transport regimes in various sample widths. When the sample width is much larger than the mean free path of R-scattering, transport is diffusive and the thermal conductivity does not vary with sample width. As the sample width decreases such that it is smaller than the mean free path of Rscattering but larger than the mean free path of N-scattering, the phonon transport can be described by Poiseuille flow. It is well known that the mass flow rate of molecular Poiseuille flow in a two-dimensional duct scales as the third power of the duct width. Similarly, in phonon Poiseuille flow, the heat flow rate and thermal conductivity scale as the third power and the second power of sample width, respectively, as discussed in the previous section. The thermal conductivity that is superlinearly proportional to the sample width makes phonon Poiseuille flow distinguished from the diffusive transport. As the sample width is further decreased and comparable to the mean free path of N-scattering, the transport regime is in between the hydrodynamic and ballistic limits. In this case, the phonon system is similar to a rarefied gas in a molecule system and it may be possible to observe a phonon Knudsen minimum [131]. The phonon Knudsen minimum was observed in liquid helium where phonons carry most of heat at extremely low temperature [132, 133]. If the sample width is further decreased and much smaller than the phonon mean free path for N-scattering, the transport is ballistic. The thermal conductivity in the ballistic regime that is described by the Casimir limit cannot be superlinearly proportional to the sample width. The thermal conductivity should always be sublinearly or linearly proportional to the sample width. Therefore, the superlinear dependence of the thermal conductivity on sample width can be used for confirming the presence of phonon Poiseuille flow. However, there are several possible challenges in carrying out actual experiments. For example, one may need several graphene samples that have different sample widths but have the same quality in terms of isotope content or other defect density. The possible variations in the quality between several samples can make it untrustworthy to deduce any characteristic trend of the thermal conductivity as a function of sample width. In addition, the superlinear dependence of the thermal conductivity on sample width may not provide a decisive evidence for 117 hydrodynamic transport. The superlinear dependence was also observed in the ballistic transport regime in silicon nanowires with a roughened surface [134]. Another indication of the presence of phonon Poiseuille flow, which has been used for identification in the past work [112, 135, 136], is found in how the thermal conductivity changes with temperature. An increase in the thermal conductivity with an exponent in the temperature that is larger than that for the ballistic case is regarded as a direct evidence of phonon Poiscuille flow[126, 129]. In the ballistic regime, the thermal conductivity, K, can be expressed with a simple formula, K-cvL, where c is the specific heat, v is the group velocity, and L is the characteristic size of the sample that is limiting the phonon mean free path. Since the sample size, L , is not much changed with temperature, an increase of the thermal conductivity with temperature should be associated only with specific heat and group velocity, both together determining the thermal conductance in the ballistic limit. In the hydrodynamic regime, however, the effective sample size for the boundary scattering increases with temperature. This is because the N-scattering rate increases with temperature, leading to a longer travel distance of phonons to the boundary as discussed in the previous section (Chapter 5.3.1). The effective sample size for boundary scattering as well as the ballistic thermal conductance, cv, increase with temperature. Therefore, the thermal conductivity in the hydrodynamic regime should increase more rapidly than the ballistic thermal conductance increases with temperature. Considering that the thermal conductance of graphene in the ballistic limit increases as T .68 (Ref. [137]), an observation of the thermal conductivity increasing with an exponent in temperature much larger than 1.68 can indicate phonon Poiseuille flow. In recent years, there have been many successful measurements of the thermal conductivity of graphene, but more advances would be required to observe phonon Poiseuille flow. For thermal conductivity measurements using Raman spectroscopy, the temperature range was limited to temperatures above room temperature because of large uncertainties near room temperature [138-141]. Alternatively, a micro-fabricated heater-sensor-assembly was used [142144], but the samples were not isotopically enriched and were too small to observe phonon Poiseuille flow. 118 5.4. Second Sound 5.4.1. Criteria for Second Sound Second sound refers to the propagation of a temperature wave (or a phonon density wave) provoked by a heat pulse, analogous to ordinary sound in a fluid, which is the propagation of a pressure wave. The propagation of a heat pulse in the hydrodynamic regime is much different from the propagation of a heat pulse in the diffusive regime as shown in Fig. 5-1. The pulse in the hydrodynamic regime is transmitted by many N-scatterings [111, 115, 145, 146], whereas the pulse in the diffusive regime is largely damped by R-scattering and cannot propagate. The transmission of a heat pulse can also be observed in ballistic transport, but the sample size is limited to below phonon mean free path. Therefore, the phenomenon of second sound can provide a unique way to transmit a heat pulse without leaving a temperature trace behind the wave front in a sample larger than phonon mean free path. It is important to note that second sound is different from acoustic sound in a solid because the former is a phonon density wave which is a collective motion of phonons in a wide spectrum maintained by many N-scattering processes, whereas the latter is just ballistic transport of extremely long-wavelength phonons. The required conditions on temperature and sample size for second sound are determined from the relative strength between N-scattering and momentum-destroying scatterings [126]. The frequency of second sound or the inverse of a pulse duration time (D) should be larger than the combined rate of U-scattering, isotope scattering, and boundary scattering (TRB- 1 , hereafter RB- scattering refers to U-scattering, isotope scattering, and boundary scattering combined), but smaller than the N-scattering rate (TN-1)- TRB <0<TN~1 (5.16) The former condition minimizes the damping due to RB-scatterings. In particular, boundary scattering is not desirable for second sound while it provides an important feature of phonon Poiseuille flow. The latter condition in Eq. (5.16) allows enough time to form a welldefined phonon density pulse. Otherwise, the phonon excitation would be randomized by N119 scattering and would not form a pulse, analogous to the situation where an ordinary sound in a fluid is damped by a strong viscous effect when the sound frequency is high and comparable to the rate of scattering between molecules [147]. In Eq. (5.16), the N- and RB-scattering rates calculated from first principles were averaged with the displaced state, 11) (Ref. [126, 128]): TN TRBI = (lITu = O + Tisotope Tboundary (5.17) N41)1 Tboundary (1) (5.18) (5.19) In the above expressions, we made a small modification from the original expression given by Ref. [126]. In the second sound criteria given in Ref. [126], the effect of diffuse boundary scattering is taken into account by a geometrical factor that describes momentum loss by diffuse boundary scattering. However, the geometrical factor is defined for the fully developed phonon flow which cannot be usually assumed for the case where a temporal change in transport occurs on a fast time scale as in second sound. Therefore, instead of using the geometrical factor, we simply add boundary scattering rates, Tboundary-', to the Umklapp and isotope scattering rates. The boundary scattering rates are taken to be IvI/L, where v and L are a group velocity and a sample size, respectively. Unlike the phonon Poiseuille flow, we do not assume any specific shape of a graphene sample for second sound, and L represents the characteristic size of the arbitrarily shaped sample. The simple empirical formula for the boundary scattering rates largely overestimates the significance of boundary scattering in the hydrodynamic regime, giving a conservative estimation of the second sound frequency range. This is because the effective sample size for boundary scattering in the hydrodynamic regime is much larger than the actual sample size due to the many N-scattering processes[126, 129]. Unlike the ballistic regime, phonons in hydrodynamic regime experience many N-scattering processes and the travel 120 distance of phonons until they encounter a boundary is much longer than the actual sample width, as described by the random walk picture in Fig. 5-7. In Figs. 5-12(a) and 5-12(b), we show a wide range of second sound frequencies in graphene below 100 K. The frequency range of second sound in graphene becomes narrow upon the inclusion of isotope and boundary scatterings, but the frequency range is still considerable when the sample is larger than 100 pm and the isotope content is less than 0.1%. However, the frequency range of second sound in diamond does not exist for the given conditions, since Eq. (5.16) cannot be satisfied. Shown in Figs. 5-12(c) and 5-12(d) are contour plots of the second sound frequency range for various sample sizes, isotope contents, and temperature conditions. In the same examined range of sample sizes, isotope concentration, and temperature for Figs. 512(c) and 5-12(d), we found that second sound is not possible at all in diamond. Similar to phonon Poiseuille flow, the main difference between graphene and diamond is attributable to the extremely strong N-scattering compared to R-scattering in graphene. 121 b a 101 Ila Sample size: 1000im lsotope:0 01% "C 10 10' raphe dgraphene C 03 10' 10' 0 YV Ln 0 10 - - Upper bound 0 Lower bound (1000pm) Lower bound (100pn) 10b - 10e 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 50 150 100 200 250 300 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) d C o Lower bound ("C 001% o Lower bound V'C 0.1%) Lower bound VIC 1.1%) 1000 1000 bandwidth of second sound frequency 2S dB 100 E-,100 20 is E E 10 s 10 0.01 10o W. c 0.01 0.1 "C '"Ccontent (%) content(% Figure 5-12 The possible frequency ranges of second sound in graphene and diamond. (a) The content of isotope "C is fixed at 0.01 %. (b) The sample size is fixed at 1000 pm. (c-d) Contour plots of second sound frequency range in graphene with respect to sample size and isotope content for 50 and 100 are where fl,,, and 4 K, respectively. The second sound frequency range is defined as f,,/fo, a on plotted the upper and lower bounds of second sound frequency, respectively. The frequency range is log scale in the contour plots. Second sound in diamond is not possible in the given range of temperature, sample size, and isotope content. 5.4.2. Possible Experiments for Observing Second Sound The second sound has been experimentally confirmed by measuring the transient temperature response after applying a heat pulse [111, 115, 145, 146, 148]. One can apply a heat 122 pulse at one side of a sample and measure the temperature change with respect to time, dT/dt, at the other side of the sample. If a clear peak in dT/dt is observed, it can be attributed to either ballistic or hydrodynamic transport. The second sound peak can be distinguished from a ballistic pulse using the fact that the propagation of second sound is slower than the propagation of acoustic sound or ballistic phonon transport. For three-dimensional materials, it was theoretically estimated that the speed of second sound, vH, is v 1 /V3 where v, is the speed of acoustic sound in the Debye model [109, 149, 1501. In past experiments, a clear peak in dT/dt was observed with a delay time that could be explained well with the theoretical prediction of the speed of second sound, vl~ vi/Nf-. The second sound in graphene can be measured in a similar way as in the case of threedimensional materials. However, the speed of second sound cannot be estimated as vI/d because the Debye model is not valid for graphene due to the quadratic ZA branch. Instead of assuming a Debye model, we calculated the speed of second sound using the phonon dispersion determined from first principles. Here, we derive the wave equation for second sound from the Peierls-Boltzmann equation for the case of arbitrary phonon dispersion to estimate the speed of second sound. We assume that R-scattering is negligibly weak and thus crystal momentum is approximately conserved. We start from the Peierls-Boltzmann transport equation for phonon transport: aN &t aN -- _ ax N at+)V (ODc (5.20) where the right hand side represents the change in the phonon distribution due to scattering. Taking energy and crystal momentum along the flow direction as a moment leads to the macroscopic equations for energy and momentum balance, respectively. 123 a(IfqxNdq) f + =0 (5.21) qxvNdq =0 (5.22) v_,Ndq f foNd q + where s denotes the phonon polarization. The right hand side of Eq. (5.21) is zero because energy is always conserved upon scattering. The right hand side of Eq. (5.22) is also zero because here we assume R-scattering is negligibly weak and thus crystal momentum is also conserved. The actual phonon distribution ( N ) under very weak R-scattering can be approximated as the displaced distribution function (N displaced distribution (NgdE) d) as we confirmed in Fig. 5-3. The can be linearized because the displacement in the phonon distribution from the equilibrium value is very small: + NN ~z: dE N~N +kBT NBE(NBOE +1)qxu. (5.23) In addition, we can neglect higher order terms associated with the small displacement (ux) in Eqs. (5.21) and (5.22). The resulting equations are dqY T2+ f x d 0 N E(N + kN x ~f 124 =0 (5.24) dqy- =O0 (5.25) + 1)qxdq E0 d Taking the time derivative of Eq. (5.24) and the spatial derivative of Eq. (5.25), and then subtracting these two equations results in the hyperbolic wave equation for second sound. a2T t= 2 2 2T X2 (5.26) where vi represents the speed of second sound and can be expressed as s f qxvx V 1 =o aT dq) (Z f CVX NE(NE + 1) qxdq) aB sOT (Es) dq) E f (5.27) qxNBO(NBE + 1)qxdq) The above expression can be simplified using the notation, I0) and 11), which are defined in Eq. (5.5) and (5.6): V= (0|)( 11)2)/ 2 (5.28) Applying the Debye model for three-dimensional materials into Eq. (5.28) gives VI = v 1/V (5.29) as previously derived [109, 149, 150]. For graphene, we calculate the speed of second sound using Eq. (5.28) and the phonon dispersion of the ZA branch from first principles. We also calculated the speed of second sound by including all three acoustic branches for the inner products in Eq. (5.28), but the speed of second sound is almost the same as that obtained by including only ZA branch. The calculated speed of second sound in graphene is plotted in Fig. 5-13. In the figure, the speed of second sound ranges from 2000 to 3000 m s-1 and increases with temperature. The 125 dependence on temperature arises because the group velocity of the ZA phonon modes increases with frequency. At low temperature where the phonons with the highest probability are low frequency phonons, the average group velocity is small, resulting in slower propagation of second sound than that of the higher temperature. 3500 -o C . I I 100 150 3000- 0 2500 - 0 tA -0 2000- 15001 50 Temperature (K) Figure 5-13 The speed of second sound in graphene with respect to temperature It would be interesting to see how the speed of second sound compares to the speed of ballistic transport in graphene. In Fig. 5-14, we compare the delay time of the ballistic transport pulse and second sound in the heat pulse experiment mentioned above. For the delay time of a ballistic transport pulse, we suppose that an experiment for observing second sound is carried out that is similar to the past experiments that were done for three-dimensional materials [111, 115, 146, 148]. Suppose that we have a rectangular shape graphene sheet with a point heat source at the left edge and a point thermal sensor at the right edge, as illustrated in the inset of Fig. 5-14. At time t--O, a heat pulse is generated at the point source with a delta function profile with respect to time. Assuming that all phonon modes are transported ballistically, then the temperature change at the sensor can be expressed using Landauer's formalism [151]: 126 dT dt f(t)~AT f hov,8(vy) og 'S T t- W dq (5.30) X, where W is a distance between the source and the sensor, while AT is the temperature difference between the source and the sensor at t-O. The delta function of vy is included because phonon modes propagating with an oblique angle to the x-direction cannot contribute to the ballistic thermal transport between the point source and the point sensor. This constraint prevents any additional broadening of the ballistic heat pulse from the finite size of the source and the sensor. In the actual cases where the source and the sensor have a finite size, the temperature signal should be broader than that given by Eq. (5.30). Using Eq. (5.30) and the phonon dispersion of ZA modes obtained from first principles calculations, we plot the temperature signal for ballistic transport in Fig. 5-14. In the figure, there is a significant broadening in the ballistic transport pulse because the group velocity of the ZA phonon modes largely depends on frequency. In addition, the ballistic heat pulse becomes faster at higher temperature because higher frequency phonons with larger group velocities are excited at higher temperature. We also plot the delay time of second sound based on the calculated speed of second sound in Fig. 5-14. The delay time of second sound is around three times longer than that of the peak of the ballistic heat pulse. The difference in delay time by a factor of three, together with the estimated speed of second sound, then can be used to separate the second sound signal from the ballistic heat pulse. 127 W~ Y E - ballistic (100 K) f-7sample ballistic (50 K) x second sound (100 K) U second sound - - (50 K) 0.0 4.0x10 2.0x104 6.0x10 8.Ox10 Time delay (s) second sound Figure 5-14 Comparison between the delay time by ballistic transport and source and the the between distance per propagation in the heat pulse experiment. The delay time is and a point sensor, W, in [m]. The inset illustrates the configuration of the sample with a point heat source heat sensor for observing second sound. 5.5. Origin of the Hydrodynamic Phonon Transport in Graphene The large contrast between graphene and diamond regarding the occurrence of hydrodynamic transport indicates that there are more reasons for the significant hydrodynamic that the transport in graphene, in addition to its large Debye temperature. Here, we show extremely large anharmonicity and density-of-states of the long-wavelength ZA phonons, both originating from their two-dimensional characteristics, are responsible for the significant hydrodynamic transport in graphene. The strong three-phonon scattering in graphene reflects a large phonon mode and anharmonicity. The mode Grdneisen parameters give a measure of this anharmonicity [152], extremely their magnitudes become large as the phonon wavelength increases (Fig. 5-2). The 128 large magnitude of the Gruneisen parameters of the ZA modes near the zone center is a characteristic of two-dimensional materials as explained by elasticity theory [122]. The elasticity theory predicts the divergence of the mode Gruneisen parameter, as yq~ -1/|q1 2 where yq is a mode Grineisen parameter at wavevector, q. The actual divergence, however, is prevented by the strong phonon renormalization effect or any in-plane strain that stiffens the ZA phonon dispersion very near the zone center [122, 153, 154]. In general, at large wavelengths, the threephonon scattering processes are dominated by N-scattering, since U-processes by definition require large-wavelength phonons. In particular, due to the high graphene Debye temperature, phonons in graphene are predominantly populated in the large-wavelength region, further making N-scattering much stronger than U-scattering. This strong N-scattering is consistent with the behavior of the Gruneisen parameters for the ZA phonon modes in Fig. 5-2 and this behavior is also confirmed in Fig. 5-9, and also has been previously reported [23, 1201. The large gap between N- and R-scattering rates in graphene shown in Fig. 5-9 is further highlighted when considering the frequency range that mostly contributes to the thermal transport. The transport regime, such as hydrodynamic or diffusive, is determined by comparing the average scattering rates of the N- and R-processes as seen in second sound. It is noteworthy that the frequency ranges largely contributing the average scattering rates are different for graphene and diamond, because of their strongly differing phonon density-of-states. The densityof-states is a constant for the quadratic dispersion in two-dimensional materials, while it increases with the square of frequency for the linear dispersion in three-dimensional materials. Therefore, the density-of-states of low frequency phonons in the former case is much larger than that of the latter case, implying that the role of low frequency phonons in graphene is very significant relative to the situation in diamond. In Fig. 5-15, we present the cumulative weighting factor for averaging the scattering rates as a function of phonon frequency. In the macroscopic transport equation like Eq. (5.4), the scattering rate is averaged using the displaced state, 11): (1Ir-1 1) =2 f tm -1x (2sinh X dx (5.31) 0 xf (2sinh z) 129 dx Similarly, we define the cumulative weighting factor for averaging scattering rate as X X -2 (1I1)X = f~'xf (2sinhf2 dx 0' xf (2sinhx) where the exponent 2 (5.32) dx is one in Eqs. (5.31) and (5.32) for quadratic dispersion in two- dimensional materials and is four for linear dispersion in three-dimensional materials. The values of can be derived from the definition of the state, 11), in Eqs. (5.5) and (5.6) by assuming an isotropic phonon dispersion. In fact, for the case of perfectly quadratic dispersion in twodimensional materials ( =1), the low frequency contribution to the averaged scattering rate diverges as the frequency approaches zero. Such a singular behavior is prevented by phonon stiffening from the renormalization effect. The spectral contribution in Fig. 5-15 includes the renormalization effect by using phonon stiffening parameters given in Ref. [122]. The cumulative weighting factor shows that the frequency ranges that are important for the averaged scattering rate are very different for diamond and graphene. From Fig. 5-15, we see that low-frequency phonons are most important for the quadratic dispersion in two-dimensional materials, whereas mid-frequency phonons give a larger contribution for the linear dispersion in three-dimensional materials. The significant role of low frequency phonons in graphene results in a robust hydrodynamic phonon transport since low frequency phonons in graphene exhibit a larger gap between N- and R-scattering rates as shown in Fig. 5-9. 130 I I 0 1.0 U) .. C (> 0.8 0.6 4-J '4- CU E U 0.4 0.2 quadratic in 2D linear in 3D nn 0 < 5 10 Dimensionless phonon energy (hw/kB 7 Figure 5-15 Cumulative weighting factors for averaging scattering rates for quadratic dispersion in two-dimensional materials and for linear dispersion in three-dimensional materials. 5.6.Conclusion In conclusion, we predict hydrodynamic phonon transport in suspended graphene that is clearly distinguishable from the usual diffusive or ballistic phonon transport. The significant hydrodynamic transport in graphene is attributed to two-dimensional features such as extremely large scattering rates for momentum conserving N-processes and a large density-of-states of long-wavelength ZA phonons. The significant hydrodynamic phonon transport in graphene provides a new perspective beyond the diffusive and ballistic transport pictures on how to understand thermal transport in two-dimensional materials. In this work, we have focused on the sub-room temperature range, where hydrodynamic transport dominates over diffusive transport, but the hydrodynamic transport is also important for room temperature cases. The phonon transport in graphene at room temperature cannot be solely described by the diffusion limit due to strong N-scattering [23], and the hydrodynamic transport presented here indicates another limit one may need to consider to fully understand phonon transport in graphene at room temperature. In addition, the significant hydrodynamic features imply practical importance. For 131 example, considering the importance of boundary scattering shown in phonon Poiscuille flow, thermal rectification would be achievable in a tapered graphene sheet. The fast thermal transport without damping featured in second sound also shows a potential usage of graphene for thermal interconnects or thermal signal transmitters. 132 6. Summary and Future Directions 6.1. Summary In this thesis, we have made contributions towards better understanding of transport of phonons and electrons in thermoelectric materials and graphene. Our study covers phonon transport in three-dimensional bulk materials, electron transport across or near two-dimensional discontinuities, and phonon transport in an atomically thin two-dimensional material. Combined, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 provided an in-depth understanding of phonon transport in many good thermoelectric materials. In Chapter 2, we began by showing that a strong long-range interaction exists in Bi and Sb along a specific crystallographic direction. The inclusion of the long-range interaction is necessary to accurately predict phonon thermal conductivity values for Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys. Using the set of force constants including the long-range interaction from first principles calculations, we could accurately calculate phonon thermal conductivity values for Bi, Sb, and Bi-Sb alloys. By comparing the calculated phonon thermal conductivity to the total thermal conductivity that is experimentally measured, we discussed the relative contributions from phonons and electrons to the thermal transport in those materials. We also provided phonon mean free path distributions, which can be used to develop nanostructures that can significantly reduce thermal conductivity. Chapter 3 was concerned with establishing a relation between low thermal conductivity and chemical bonding. We showed that the long-range interaction observed in Bi and Sb is also observed in many good thermoelectric materials, such as group IV-VI and V2 -V1 3 materials. The long-range interaction commonly observed in those seemingly different materials was explained with resonant bonding. The easily polarizable p-electrons in resonant bonding cause the longrange interaction. We established a connection between resonant bonding and low thermal 133 conductivity of the rocksalt IV-VI materials, where the long-range interaction is most significant among the materials we examined. The significant long-range interaction causes the softening of the transverse optical phonon modes. The soft transverse optical phonon modes finally lead to a low thermal conductivity through their large anharmonicity and large phase space for threephonon scattering, both of which contribute to the strong three-phonon scattering. Chapter 4 characterized electron transport in a nanocomposite thermoelectric sample. In particular, we examined the effect of two-dimensional discontinuities, such as grain boundaries, on the electron transport. We examined the electron transport across many grain boundaries in Bi 2 Te 2 .7 Se. 3 nanocomposite materials. We measured the four transport coefficients (electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, Hall coefficient, and Nernst coefficient), then we roughly estimated the energy dependence of electron scattering rates by fitting the measured four transport coefficients. The estimated energy dependence of electron scattering rates indicate that many grain boundaries in the nanocomposite sample preferentially scatter the electrons with low energy rather than the electrons with high energy, thereby contributing to the large Seebeck coefficient through the electron filtering effect. Chapter 5 disclosed a new regime of phonon transport in an atomically thin material, graphene. The phonon transport in suspended graphene had been previously studied in the ballistic and diffusive phonon transport regimes, but the previous study could not provide a complete explanation for the extremely high thermal conductivity of graphene. We showed that hydrodynamic phonon transport, in which the intrinsic thermal resistance is very small compared to the diffusive transport case, is the reason behind this extremely high thermal conductivity. The hydrodynamic phonon transport in graphene is possible due to the fact that most of phonon scattering in graphene conserves crystal momentum unlike the phonon scattering in most threedimensional materials. The strong momentum-conserving scattering gives rise to several features of hydrodynamic phonon transport, such as a drift motion of phonons, phonon Poiseuille flow, and second sound. We associated the hydrodynamic phonon transport in graphene with graphene's two dimensional features, such as large anharmonicity and large phonon-density-ofstates of long wavelength flexural acoustic phonon modes. 134 6.2. Future Directions Our study in Chapters 2 and 3 discovered a close relation between good thermoelectric materials and displacive-type ferroelectricity. The displacive ferroelectric behavior, soft optical phonon modes, can strongly scatter acoustic phonons, leading to very low thermal conductivity. In this regard, it is worthwhile to study several ferroelectric materials for thermoelectric applications. However, there are several possible challenges. One possible challenge is that most ferroelectric materials are electrical insulators with a wide band gap. Finding ferroelectric materials with a narrow band gap would be important. Another challenge is to check whether the ferroclectricity is preferred for achieving a high thermoelectric power factor. Most ferroelectric materials have extremely large dielectric constants because the large dielectric constant is closely related to their ferroelectric behavior. The large dielectric constant can lead to a high electron mobility by strongly screening the impurity potential, and thus can be advantageous for achieving a high thermoelectric power factor. On the other hand, the soft transverse optical modes have a large amplitude for atomic vibrations and can strongly scatter electrons, possibly reducing electron mobility. In-depth study of these two opposite effects using first principles will help to develop a better understanding of electron transport in potential thermoelectric materials with ferroelectric behavior. The experimental work presented in Chapter 4 can be further pursued to increase the thermoelectric power factor. As we discussed in Chapter 4, the electron filtering effect by grain boundaries can increase the Seebeck coefficient, but has an adverse effect on the electrical conductivity. In order to increase the thermoelectric power factor, the potential barrier at a grain boundary needs to be carefully engineered so that the Seebeck coefficient is largely increased, while the electrical conductivity remains high. One possible way to engineer the grain boundary would be by adding some elements with low solubility to the thermoelectric materials. The elements with low solubility will be dispersed homogeneously when the material is processed at high temperature. Then, once the material is cooled down, the elements with low solubility will be segregated at grain boundaries and would affect the shape and height of the potential barriers. The hydrodynamic phonon transport presented in Chapter 5 needs further research to be experimentally confirmed. The hydrodynamic phonon transport can be experimentally confirmed 135 by observing second sound or phonon Poiseuille flow as we discussed in Chapter 5.3.3 and Chapter 5.4.2. For the experimental observation of the hydrodynamic phonon transport, it is essential to have a graphene sheet with large area (> 1 pm) and minimized defects, such as grain boundaries and surface contaminations. The recent success in exfoliating a large area graphene sheet would be one possible way to achieve this [155]. Finally, the investigation of phonon transport under phase instability condition can bring innovations in engineering phonon transport. An important lesson we learned from this thesis work is that phase instability can lead to extraordinary phonon transport. Chapter 3 showed that the low thermal conductivity of the resonant bonding materials is due to a ferroelectric instability and Chapter 5 showed that the high thermal conductivity of graphene is due to the intrinsic structural instability of two-dimensional materials, represented by the diverging anharmonicity in the long wavelength limit. An interesting future direction would be in-situ control of phonon transport in materials with phase instability. Several materials, such as ferroelectric materials and liquid crystals, have phase instability that can largely affect thermal transport. 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