Probabalistic quantification of intermittently ARCHIVES unstable dynamical systems MAAHSETTSL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY by OCT 01 2015 Mustafa A. Mohamad LIBRARIES B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2012) Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2015 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015. All rights reserved. A Author .............. Signature redacted Department of Mechanical Engineering August 7215 Certified by............ .... Signature redacted is P. Sapsis Th anical Engineering Assistant Professor of lc Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted . Accepted by David E. Hardt Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses MITLibraries 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 DISCLAIMER NOTICE Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. Thank you. The images contained in this document are of the best quality available. ii .Wgml N!~'IU $!i 'vllpmiwlFE 9iM1N'sR 1 Ikyp Probabalistic quantification of intermittently unstable dynamical systems by Mustafa A. Mohamad Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 7, 2015, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract In this work we consider dynamical systems that are subjected to intermittent instabilities. The presence of intermittent instabilities can be identified by large amplitude spikes in the time series of the system or heavy-tails in the probability density function (pdf) of the response. We formulate a method that can analytically approximate the response pdf (both the main probability mass and heavy-tail structure) for systems where intermittency is important to quantify. The method relies on conditioning the probability density function on the occurrence of an instability and the separate analysis of the two states of the system, the unstable state and the otherwise stable state with no intermittent events, according to a total probability law argument. In the stable regime we employ steady state assumptions, which lead to the derivation of the conditional response pdf using standard methods for random dynamical systems. The unstable regime is inherently transient and to analyze this regime we characterize the response under the assumption of an exponential growth phase and a subsequent decay phase until the system is brought back to the stable attractor. The separation into a stable regime and unstable regime, allows us to capture the heavytailed statistics associated with intermittent instabilities. We illustrate the method on three prototype intermittent systems and show that the analytical approximations compare favorably with direct Monte Carlo simulations. We consider the following applications: an intermittently unstable mechanical oscillator excited by correlated noise; a complex mode in a turbulent signal with fixed frequency, where nonlinear mode interaction terms are replaced by a stochastic drag and additive white noise forcing; and a stochastic Mathieu equation, featuring intermittent parametric resonance. Thesis Supervisor: Themistoklis P. Sapsis Title: Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering iii Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Themistoklis Sapsis for his invaluable guidance and encouragement. I have learned a tremendous amount from his supervision and this thesis would not have happened without his support. I would like to acknowledge the Naval Engineering Education Center (NEEC 3002883706), the Office of Naval Research (ONR N00014-14-1-0520) for supporting this research, and the Martin A. Abkowitz fund for a travel award. I thank the American Bureau of Shipping for gracious support through a fellowship and also support through a Pappalardo Fellowship made possible by A. Neil Pappalardo. I thank all my friends here at MIT and around Cambridge and Boston, they have made these last two years a pleasant and joyful experience. Last but not least, I thank my parents and two sisters for their unconditional support and encouragement, no words can describe how much gratitude I owe them. iv Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Probabilistic description of intermittent systems 5 Problem statement and formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Quantification of the stable regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 Quantification of the unstable regime . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3.1 Stochastic description of the growth phase . . . . . 9 2.3.2 Stochastic description of the decay phase . . . . . . 10 Probability of the stable and unstable regimes . . . . . . . 11 . . . . Instabilities driven by Gaussian processes 13 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.2 Average time below and above the zero level . . . . . . . . 14 3.3 Distribution of time below the zero level . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . 3.1 . 3 . 2.4 . 2.1 4 Application to a parametrically excited oscillator 17 Problem formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2 Probability distribution in the stable regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.3 Probability distribution in the unstable regime . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Asymptotics for the unstable probability distribution . . . . . 23 . . . 4.1 4.3.1 Envelope probability distribution in the stable regime . . . . . . . . 26 4.5 Probability distribution for the velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.6 Summary of the analytical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 v 29 4.7 5 6 . . . . . . . . 30 4.7.1 Comparison with Monte Carlo simulations . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.7.2 Parameters and region of validity . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 34 Discussion and comparison with numerical simulations Application to intermittently unstable turbulent modes 39 5.1 Probability distribution in the stable regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 5.2 Probability distribution in the unstable regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.3 Summary of the analytical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.4 Discussion and comparison with numerical simulations . . . . . . . . 44 47 Application to the stochastic Mathieu equation 6.1 Problem definition and formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Derivation of the slowly varying variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 6.1.1 6.2 Probability distribution for the slow variables 6.2.1 Stable regime distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 6.2.2 Unstable regime distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 6.3 Summary of the analytical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.4 Discussion and comparison with numerical simulations . . . . . . . . 56 Conclusions and future work 59 A Gaussian Process Simulation 61 7 vi List of Figures 2-1 An intermittently unstable system. The system (top) experiences a large magnitude response when the parametric excitation process (bottom) crosses the zero level. Dashed green lines denote the envelope of the process during the stable regime. The transient instability can be described by two stages, an exponential growth phase and then a subsequent decay phase that relaxes the response back to the stable regim e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 8 Comparison of the analytic distribution PT(t) (3.6) with Monte Carlo simulation, generated using 1000 ensembles of a Gaussian process with correlation R(T) = exp(-r 2 /2) from to = 0 to tf = 1000, for two different sets of parameters: m = 5.0, k k = 2.4 (right). 4-1 1.6 (left) and m = 5.0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Scatter plot and contours of the joint pdf of T and A, for r= -2.08 (m = 5.00, k = 2.40). Samples for A are drawn by inverse-sampling the cumulative distribution function and samples of T are drawn from realizations of a Gaussian process using 1000 ensembles of time length t 4-2 = 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exact integral in equation (4.15) compared to the asymptotic expansion given in equation (4.25), for a fixed uo and m 4-3 23 = 5.00, k = 2.00. ..... 25 For the computation of the velocity pdf, we approximate the envelope of the process during the extreme event with a harmonic function with consistent period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 28 4-4 Sample realization (top) and the corresponding parametric excitation process (bottom) demonstrating the typical system response during an intermittent event for position (in thick blue) and velocity (in thin red) for ri = -2.27 (k = 2.2, m = 5.0), c = 0.53. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 31 Typical superposition of the stable (in dashed blue) and unstable (in dotted red) part of the total probability law decomposition (2.6) of the full analytical pdf. 4-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Demonstration of the cusp phenomenon, which is prominent in regimes with very frequent instabilities and/or instabilities of long duration, due to approximations made in the unstable regime. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4-7 Analytic pdfs (4.41), (4.45) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations for position (left) and velocity (right), for parameters: k = 1.8, m = 5.0, c = 0.38, a. = 0.75. 4-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Analytic pdfs (4.41), (4.45) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations for position (left) and velocity (right), for parameters: k = 2.2, m = 5.0, c = 0.53, o, = 0.75. 4-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Analytic pdfs (4.41), (4.45) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations for position (left) and velocity (right), for parameters: k 2.6, m = 5.0, c = 0.69, a, = 0.75. = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4-10 KL divergence for position (left) and velocity (right) between analytic and Monte Carlo results for various values of damping (in terms of the number of oscillations N after an instability) and k, which controls the number of instabilities for a fixed m. For fixed m = 5.0. . . . . . . . . 5-1 Regime 1: Sample path (left) and analytic pdf (5.15) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations (right), for parameters: w a = 0.5, m = 2.25, k = 2.0, L = 0.125. 5-2 37 = 1.78, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Regime 2: Sample path (left) and analytic pdf (5.15) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations (right), for parameters: w = 1.78, a = 0.1, m. = 0.55, k = 0.50, L = 2.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii 46 5-3 Regime 3: Sample path (left) and analytic pdf (5.15) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations (right), for parameters: w = 1.78, a- 0.25, m = 8.1, k = 1.414, L = 4.0. 6-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oscillatory growth due to parametric resonance (left) for 6 > 0 and exponential growth (right) when 6 < 0 of the Mathieu equation. . . . 6-2 46 48 Ince-Strutt diagram showing the classical resonance tongues (shaded) for particular combinations of c and 6, for the Mathieu equation (6.1) non-dimensionalized by Q. Transition frequencies at 6 = w /Q2 (n/2)2 . Stability boundaries are computed via Hill's infinite deteriminant [1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Sample realization of the Mathieu equation (6.4) (top). The random amplitude forcing term #(t) (bottom) triggers intermittent resonance when it crosses above or below the instability threshold (dashed lines). 6-4 49 50 Comparison of Monte-Carlo results (6.25) (red curve) and analytic results (6.24) of the Mathieu equation for various intermittency levels with 6-4a being least intermittent and 6-4f most intermittent. .... ix 58 Chapter 1 Introduction A wide range of dynamical systems describing physical and technological processes are characterized by intermittency. In other words, the property of having sporadic responses of extreme magnitude when the system is "pushed" away from its statistical equilibrium. This intermittent response is usually formulated through the interplay of stochastic excitation, which can trigger internal system instabilities, deterministic restoring forces (usually in terms of a potential) and dissipation terms. The presence of intermittent instabilities can be identified by large amplitude spikes in the time series of the system or heavy-tails in the probability density function (pdf) of the response. It is often the case that, despite the high dimensionality of the stable attractor, where the system resides most of the time, an extreme response of short duration is due to an intermittent instability occurring over a single mode. This scenario does not exclude the case of having more than one intermittent mode, as long as the extreme responses of these modes are statistically independent. For this case, it may be possible to analytically approximate the probabilistic structure of these modes and understand the effect of the unstable dynamics on the heavy-tails of the response. Instabilities of this kind are common in dynamical systems with uncertainty. One of the most popular examples is modes in turbulent fluid flows and nonlinear water waves subjected to nonlinear energy exchanges that occur in an intermittent fashion and result in intermittent responses [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Prototype systems that mimic these properties were introduced in [9, 10, 11]. In recent works, it has been shown 1 that properly designed single mode models can describe intermittent responses, even in very complex systems characterized by high dimensional attractors [11, 12, 13]. Another broad class of such systems includes mechanical configurations subjected to parametric excitations, such as the parametric resonance of oscillators and ship rolling motion [1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Finally, intermittency can often be found in nonlinear systems that contain an invariant manifold that locally loses its transverse stability properties, e.g. in the motion of finite-size particles in fluids, but also in biological and mechanical systems with slow-fast dynamics [19, 20, 21, 22]. In all of these systems, the complexity of the unstable dynamics is often combined with stochasticity introduced by persistent instabilities that lead to chaotic dynamics, as well as by the random characteristics of external excitations. The structure of the stochasticity introduced by these factors plays an important role on the underlying dynamics of the system response. In particular, for a typical case the stochastic excitation is colored noise, i.e. noise with a finite correlation time length. Due to the possibility of large excursions by the colored stochastic excitation from its mean value into an "unsafe-region," where instabilities are triggered, extreme events may be particularly severe. Therefore, for an accurate description of the probabilistic system dynamics, it is essential to develop analytical methods that will be able to accurately capture the effects of this correlation in the excitation processes for intermittent modes. However, analytical modeling in this case is particularly difficult, since even for lowdimensional systems, standard methods that describe the pdf of the response (such as the Fokker-Planck equation) are not available or computationally too expensive. For globally stable dynamical systems numerous techniques have been developed to analyze extreme responses (see e.g. [23, 24, 25]). Various steps are involved that lead to elegant and useful results, however the starting point is usually the assumption of stationarity in the system response and this is not the case for intermittently unstable systems. Extreme value theory [26, 27, 28, 29, 30] is also a widely applied method that focuses on thoroughly analyzing the extreme properties of stationary stochastic processes following various distributions. In this case, however, the analysis does not 2 take into account system dynamics and is usually restricted to very specific forms of correlation functions [26, 27]. Approaches that place more emphasis on the dynamics include averaging of the governing equations and variations thereof. However, the inherently transient nature of intermittent instabilities makes it impossible for averaging techniques to capture their effect on the response statistics. Other modeling attempts include approximation of the correlated parametric stochastic excitation by white noise (see, for example [31] for an application to parametric ship rolling motion). However, even though this idealization considerably simplifies the analysis and leads to analytical results, it underestimates the intensity of extreme events, since instabilities do not have enough time to develop (i.e., the system spends an infinitesimal time in the unstable regime, which is insufficient for the system to depart from the stable attractor); in other words, the original system, with colored excitation, has stronger more intense instabilities, which a white noise idealization would fail to capture. For this case, heavy-tails can be observed only as long as the parametric excitation is very intense, which for many systems is an unrealistic condition. In this thesis our goal is to describe and develop a fundamentally novel method that will allow for the analytical approximation of the probability distributionfunction (pdf) of modes associated with intermittent instabilities and extreme responses due to parametric excitation by colored noise. This analytic approach will provide a direct link between dynamics and response statistics in the presence of intermittent instabilities. We decompose the problem by conditioning the system response on the occurrence of unstable and stable dynamics through a total probability law argument. This idea enables the separate analysis of the system response in the two regimes and allows us to accurately capture the heavy-tails that arise due to intermittent instabilities. The full probability distribution of the system state is then reconstructed by combining results from the two regimes. We illustrate this approach on several prototype systems with nontrivial statistics that arise in problems of turbulent flows, nonlinear waves, and mechanics. We will thoroughly examine the extent of validity of the derived approximations by direct comparison with numerical Monte Carlo simulations. 3 SL. .. . - We emphasize that the new method we describe here offers vast computational savings and accurate tail statistics. These two qualities, computational speed and accurate tail statistics, are typically at odds with each other when we look at other methods. For example, Fokker-Planck based methods become prohibitively expensive when we are interested in tail statistics and require very accurate numerical methods (since tail events have extremely low probabilities) to solve the resulting, usually high dimensional, differential equations. The method described in this thesis overcomes this contradictory condition (fast algorithm vs. accurate tails) by recognizing that tail events are governed by different dynamics than the dynamics of the typical response. Accordingly, we decompose the statistics in light of the fact that different dynamics govern the two regimes, stable and unstable, and make appropriate approximations in the two regimes to derive the response pdf for the system we are interested in. Here, we are interested in deriving analytical results for the equilibrium pdf, and thus the computational savings can be several orders of magnitude when we compare them with, say, Monte Carlo results, which is the most accurate but the most expensive technique. 4 Chapter 2 Probabilistic description of intermittent systems In this chapter we formulate our method for describing the probabilistic structure of the response pdf for intermittently unstable dynamical systems. We begin from a general dynamical system describing modes subjected to intermittent instabilities and show how to apply the idea of a probabilistic decomposition by conditioning on the two relevant dynamical regimes (stable and unstable regimes) through a total probability law argument. This requires several components including determining the conditional response pdf in the two regimes and also the probability of being in the two regimes; we show to determine these quantities in an analytical framework. The results from this chapter are the foundation for the applications we present in later chapters. 2.1 Problem statement and formulation Let (E, B, P) be a probability space, where E is the sample space with 6 E E denoting an elementary event of the sample space, B is the associated --algebra of the sample space, and P is a probability measure. We denote by Px the probability measure and by Px the corresponding probability density function, if appropriate, of a random quantity X. We are interested in describing the statistical characteristics of modes 5 subjected to intermittent instabilities. We consider a general dynamical system = G(x, t), x ER , (2.1) and assume that its response is an ergodic stochastic process. The analysis will rely on the following additional assumptions related to the form of the intermittent instabilities: Al The instabilities are rare enough that they can be considered statistically independent and have finite duration (localized). A2 During an extreme event the influenced modes have decoupled dynamics. Moreover, for each one of these modes, the instability is the governing mechanism; i.e., nonlinear terms are not considered to be important during these fast transitions; they are only considered to be important during the stable dynamics. A3 After each extreme event there is a relaxation phase that brings the system back to its stable stochastic attractor. Under these assumptions we may express each intermittent mode, denoted by u(t; 0) E R, where 0 E e (for notational simplicity, we drop explicit dependence on the proba- bility space for random processes whenever clear), as a dynamical system of the form ,it + a(t; )u)+ E((U, v) = Ec(t; 0), (2.2) where F > 0 is a small quantity and ((u, v) is a nonlinear term (nonlinearizable), which may also depend on other system variables v E R"'. Since E is a small quantity, we can assume that the nonlinear term is important only in the stable regime. The stochastic processes a(t; 0) and (t; 0) are assumed stationary with known statistical characteristics. For a(t) we will make the additional assumption that its statistical mean is positive a > 0 so that the above system has a stable attractor (we denote the mean value operator, the ensemble average, by an overbar E). The above equation can be thought of as describing the modulation envelope for a complex mode with a 6 narrowband spectrum, or one of the coordinates that describe the transverse dynamics to an invariant slow manifold. As motivation, the model (2.2) can be thought as an expansion of (2.1) in the form ,J= G((x2, .,XN -3) Zaijxj + E bijXj, + j,k j (aii + biix1 + b+X2 + (2.4) . )xb+ +abx + ++ -bikXx - , (2.5) where we model excitations from other system variables as external noise ((t; 0), quadratic interactions as parametric noise a(t; 0), and nonlinear terms are denoted by( The objective in this thesis is to derive analytical approximations for the probability distribution function of the system response, taking into account intermittent instabilities that arise due to the effect of the stochastic process a(t). In particular, these instabilities are triggered when a(t) < 0 and force the system to depart from the stable attractor. Therefore, the system has two regimes where the underlying dynamics behave differently: the stable regime where a(t) > 0 and the unstable regime that is triggered when a(t) < 0 (Figure 2-1). Motivated by this behavior, we quantify the system's response by conditioning the probability distribution of the response on stable regimes and unstable events, and reconstruct the full distribution according to the law of total probability, Ps(x) = Pa(x I stable regime)P (stable regime)+ Pu(x I unstable regime)P(unstable regime), (2.6) thereby separating the two regions of interest so that they can be individually studied. The method we employ relies on the derivation of the probability distribution for each of the terms in (2.6) and then the reconstruction of the full distribution of the system by the total probability law. This idea allows us to capture the dramatically different statistics that govern the system response in the two regimes. Essentially, we decouple the response pdf into two parts: a probability density function with rapidly decaying tails (typically Gaussian) and a heavy-tail distribution with very low probability close to zero. In the following sections, we provide a description of the method involved for the statistical determination of the terms involved in (2.6). 0 50 100 t 150 200 (t;) 15 instability triggered 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 Figure 2-1: An intermittently unstable system. The system (top) experiences a large magnitude response when the parametric excitation process (bottom) crosses the zero level. Dashed green lines denote the envelope of the process during the stable regime. The transient instability can be described by two stages, an exponential growth phase and then a subsequent decay phase that relaxes the response back to the stable regime. 2.2 Quantification of the stable regime During the stable reginme we have by definition a > 0; therefore, under this condition the considered mode is stable. Note that this condition is also true during the relaxation (decay) phase after an extreme event when a switches to positive values a > 0, but is not yet relaxed back to the stable attractor. To this end, we cannot directly relate the duration of being on the stable attractor with the probability (a > 0), but a correction should be made. We present this correction later in Section 2.3.2. Here we focus on characterizing the probability density function of the system under the assumption that it has relaxed to the stable attractor, and, moreover, we have a > 0. 8 As a first-order estimate of the stable dynamics, we approximate the original dynamical system for the intermittent mode by the stable system t + dja>OU + &((u,v) =l(t; 0), (2.7) where MaI>o denotes the conditional average of the process a(t) given that this is positive. The determination of the statistical structure of the stable attractor for (2.7) can be done with a variety of analytical and numerical methods, such as the FokkerPlanck equation if the process (t) is white noise (see, e.g., [32, 24]) or the joint response-excitation equations otherwise [33, 34]. Using one of these methods, we can obtain the probability distribution function for the statistical steady state of the system, that is P (x Istable regime). 2.3 2.3.1 Quantification of the unstable regime Stochastic description of the growth phase In contrast to the stable regime, the unstable regime is far more complicated due to its inherently transient nature. In addition, the unstable regime consists of two distinct phases: a growth phase where a < 0 with positive Lyapunov exponent, and a subsequent decay phase that starts when a has a zero upcrossing and is characterized by a > 0 with negative Lyapunov exponent. We first consider the growth phase, where we rely on assumption A2, according to which the dominant mechanism is the term related to the instability. Under this assumption, the first-order approximation of the dynamics during the growth phase is given by ,it + a(t; 0)u = 0, (2.8) where no is a random initial condition described by the probability measure in the stable regime, T is the random duration of the downcrossing event a < 0, and A is the random growth exponent, which for each extreme event, due to the rapid nature 9 of the growth phase, can be approximated by A ~ a(t; 0) dt, (2.9) where t* represents the time of the start of the instability and r the duration that a < 0. This implies the following representation for instabilities during the growth phase 'u(t; 9) = uoeT, (2.10) and therefore P(U > U* I a < 0) = P(UoeAT > u* I a < 0) = P(uoeAT > U* I a < 0, uo) P(uo), (2.11) where u* is the value of the response we are interested in. The right-hand side of (2.11) is a derived distribution depending on the probabilistic structure of A and T. The initial value uO is a random variable with statistical characteristics corresponding to the stable regime of the system, in other words by P(u I stable regime). Hence, to determine the required probability distribution we need only to know P(a, T Ia < 0), i.e., the joint probability distribution function of a (given that this is negative) and the duration of the time interval over which a is negative. This distribution involves only the excitation process a, and for the Gaussian case it can be approximated analytically (see Section 3). Alternatively, one can compute this distribution using numerically generated random realizations that respect the statistical characteristics of the process. 2.3.2 Stochastic description of the decay phase The decay phase is also an inherently transient stage. It occurs right after the growth phase of an instability, when a has an upcrossing of the zero level, and is therefore characterized by positive values of a, and drives the system back to the stable attractor. 10 6 9 1 -- Au6vw To provide a statistical description of the relaxation phase, we first note the strong connection between the growth and decay phases. In particular, as shown in Figure 21, for each extreme event there is a one-to-one correspondence for the values of the intermittent variable a between the growth phase and the decay phase. By focusing on an individual extreme event, we note that the probability of u exceeding a certain threshold during the growth phase is equal with the probability of u exceeding the same threshold during the decay phase. Thus over the total instability we have P(n > u* I unstable regime) = P(u > u* I instability - decay) = P(u > u* I instability - growth), (2.12) where the conditional distribution for the growth phase has been determined in (2.11). 2.4 Probability of the stable and unstable regimes In the final step we determine the relative duration of the stable and unstable regimes. To do so, we rely on the ergodicity of the system response. This allows us to quantify the probability of a stable and an unstable event in terms of their temporal durations. The probability of having an instability is not simply P(a < 0), because of the decay phase the duration of an instability will be longer than the duration of the event a < 0. To determine the typical duration of the decay phase, we first note that during the growth phase we have Up = oe"I <OT.<, (2.13) where Ta<o is the duration for which a < 0 and up is the peak value of u during the instability. Similarly, for the decay phase we utilize system (2.7) and obtain nO= upe-Zila>oTdecay 11 (2.14) ...................... ............... Combining the last two equations (2.13) and (2.14), we have Ta<o -610y>0 Tdecay dIO<O (2.15) The equation above (2.15) expresses the typical ratio between the growth and the decay phases. Thus, the total duration of an unstable event is given by the sum of the duration of these two phases Tinst (I - (2.16) l'>O) Ta<O. Using this result, we can express the total probability of being in an unstable regime by P(unstable regime) = (1 - I'>O) P(a < 0). (2.17) Note that since we have assumed in Al that instabilities are sufficiently rare so that instabilities do not overlap and that instabilities are statistically independent, we will always have P(unstable regime) < 1. Hence, the corresponding probability of being in the stable regime is P(stable regime) =1 - (I - T ">) 12 P(a < 0). (2.18) Chapter 3 Instabilities driven by Gaussian processes In this chapter we recall relevant statistical properties associated with Gaussian processes. First, we define what is a Gaussian processes, and then describe important statistical quantities associated with a Gaussian excitation mechanism; that is, systems where instabilities are driven by Gaussian processes. In particular, we note the importance of the zero-level of a(t) in the dynamical system (2.2). This threshold level is critical since it defines the boundary between a stable and an unstable response. We quantify the following statistical properties associated with the zero-level of a Gaussian excitation process: the probability that a(t) is above and below the zero-level, the average duration spent below the zero-level, and the probability distribution of the length of time intervals spent below the zero-level. These important quantities will be used in future chapters, where we assume a stationary Gaussian excitation mechanism. 3.1 Introduction A stochastic process is said to be Gaussian if all of its finite-dimensional distributions are normal. In other words X(t), where t E R is said to be Gaussian if for any choice 13 of n and t1, . . ,t E R we have X (3.1) X.)~ N(p, E), (X,. for some expectation vector ti and covariance matrix E. Gaussian process are completely determined by their expectation function p(t) = E(X(t)) and covariance function R(s, t) = Cov(X(s), X(t)). Furthermore, a Gaussian process is said to be stationary if its expectation function p(t) is constant and its covariance function is invariant under translations in time, i.e. R(T) = Cov(X(t), X(t + T)). In addition, an important property associated with R(r) is its relation with the so-called power spectral density function of X(t), Rx(T) J Sy(w)e ' dw. (3.2) -00 By the Wiener-Khintchine theorem, the functions R(r) and S(w) form a Fourier transform pair. Algorithms for simulating Gaussian processes can be found in Appendix A. We consider the case where a(t) is a stationary Gaussian process with mean m and variance k 2 , and for convenience write a(t) m. + ky(t), so that -y(t) has zero mean and unit variance. Therefore, the rare event threshold, in terms of the process -(t), is given by i = -mn/k. We assume that second order properties, such as the correlation function or power spectral density function, for a(t) are known. In addition, we denote by 0 ( -) the standard normal probability density function and by <D( -) the standard normal cumulative probability density function. Since 7(t) is a stationary Gaussian process, the probability that the stochastic process is in the two states IP(a < 0) and IP(a > 0) is ]P(- <'1) 3.2 = 41(q) and P(' > j) 1 - 4b(q), respectively. Average time below and above the zero level Here we determine the average length of the intervals that a(t) spends above and below the zero level. For the case a(t) < 0, that is y(t) < i, the expected number of 14 1 11,1111"'."11111,11,1 .... ............. I, ..... upcrossings of this threshold per unit time is given by Rice's formula [35, 36] (for a stochastic process with unit variance) -R )uP ( , ') d"( 0( ) exp(-4 2/2), (3.3) 0 where N+ (ij) is the average number of up crossings of level q per unit time, which is equivalent to the average number of downcrossings N (,j), Py is the joint pdf of y and its time derivative , and the primes denote differentiation. The expected number of crossings is finite if and only if -y(t) has a finite second spectral moment [36]. The average length of the interval that 7(t) spends below the threshold j can then be determined by noting that this probability is given by the product of the number of downcrossings of the threshold per unit time and the average length of the intervals for which 'y(t) is below the threshold q [37] - P( < q) (q) Tao = (3.4) Hence, using the result (3.3), we have Ta<00) = 27r exp(?2 /2)<() "(0) 3.3 (3.5) Distribution of time below the zero level Here we recall a result regarding the distribution of time that the stochastic process 7(t) spends below the threshold level r, that is the probability of the length of intervals for which -y(t) < q. In general, it is not possible to derive an exact analytical expression for the distribution of time intervals given 'y(t) < q, in other words the distribution of the length of time between a downcrossing and an upcrossing. However, the asymptotic expression in the limit il -+ -oo is given by [37] (henceforth we denote Ta<o by T for simplicity) 15 - wt PT(t) -T 2 exP(-wt2/4T ), 2T (3.6) 2T2 /ir, where T is given which is a Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter by (3.5). This approximation is valid for small interval lengths t, since the derivation assumes that when a downcrossing occurs at time t1 only a single upcrossing occurs at time t2 = t1 + t, neglecting the possibility of multiple crossings in between the two time instances. In Figure 3-1 the analytic distribution (3.6) is compared with numerical results, and as expected, we see that the analytic expression agrees well with the numerical results for small interval lengths, where the likelihood of multiple upcrossings in the interval is small. In addition, note that the only relevant parameter of the stochastic process -y(t) that controls the scale of the distribution in equation (3.6) is the mean time spent below the threshold level, which depends only on the threshold rj and R"(0). 101 101 - - Monte Carlo 10 10 10 10 10o2 10 -2 10 10 0 10 numeric mean 0.744 analytic mean = 0.737 1 0 1N0 -4 10-41 1 -Analytic - Monte Carlo -Analytic 2 3 t 4 5 6 10 0 7 numeric mean 1.03 analytic mean = 1.02 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 3-1: Comparison of the analytic distribution PT(t) (3.6) with Monte Carlo simulation, generated using 1000 ensembles of a Gaussian process with correlation R(r) m = exp(-r 2 /2) from to = 0 to tf = 1000, for two different sets of parameters: 5.0, k = 1.6 (left) and m = 5.0, k = 2.4 (right). = 16 7 Chapter 4 Application to a parametrically excited oscillator In this chapter we consider parametrically excited motions. In parametrically excited systems, excitations appear in the governing differential equations as time varying coefficients. We are interested in the realistic case of stochastic or random parametric excitations, which can lead to transient instabilities or transient resonances. We consider systems described by X + cx + K(t)X = (t), (4.1) where K(t) is in general a time correlated stochastic parametric excitation process, i.e. colored noise, and (t) is additive noise, which may also be time correlated. In Chapter 6 we discuss the intermittent resonance case, whereby even a small amplitude parametric excitation can produce a large response. Here we focus on parametric excitations the lead to transient instabilities. In this case, intermittent instabilities are triggered due to large excursions of the parametric excitation process K(t) into the region K < 0. We consider this as a rare problem, namely that these large excursions occur with relatively low probability, and consequently the instabilities they trigger are rare events, so that on average - > 0 and the response is stable. 17 Parametrically excited systems arise in many areas of engineering and physics. We mention but a few examples of physical systems where the governing differential equation is parametrically excited (see e.g. [38, 39, 1, 24] for additional examples and further details), they include: the transverse motion of elastic beams excited axially; electrical circuits, such as LC circuits (inductor connected to a capacitor in series) with time varying capacitance [40]; the motion of pendulums, including cases where the support is excited or the length of the rod is time varying; the transverse vibration of a taut strings undergoing variations in tension or torsion [41]. A particularly important example in ocean engineering is ship roll motion in the presence of random waves [31, 17, 423. Here random restoring forces, due to the action of irregular water waves, show up as parametric terms in simplified models describing the ship's roll response. The possibility of indirectly excited large-amplitude roll motions are a serious threat to the safety of a ship and human life. This requires understanding the action of stochastic terms and nonlinearity in the governing equations of motion. Several models and methods have been proposed in connection with the problem to predict large roll motions and capsizing probabilities, where we are pressed by the need for easy to use analytical results and inexpensive computational methods [43, 44, 45, 46, 47]. Nevertheless many deficiencies in various methods and models remain owing to the challenges associated with capturing the effects of the correlated nature of real ocean waves and system nonlinearities and, most importantly, quantifying the resulting non-Gaussian response statistics. The results here (see also Chapter 6) offer a novel strategy for efficiently quantifying large roll motions in an analytical setting, and is able to capture the effect of the correlated nature of real ocean waves. 4.1 Problem formulation With the presentation of the method in Chapter 2, we now proceed to our first application. We consider the following single-degree-of-freedom oscillator, under parametric 18 .............. stochastic excitation and additive white noise forcing, z(t) + czt(t) + ii(t; )x(t) = oXW(t; 0), (4.2) where c is damping, K(t) is a stationary Gaussian process of a given power spectrum SK(w) or correlation function R,(r) with mean m and variance k 2 , and W(t) is white noise with amplitude or. Here 77 --m/k defines the extreme event threshold. We can alternatively write equation (4.2) in state space form as dx 1 (4.3) =x2 dt dx 2 = -(cx2 + K(t)x1) dt + o-x (4.4) dW(t). The presentation will follow Chapter 2, although the analytical expressions for the pdf is computed directly for position and velocity (instead of the envelope process u) for instructive purposes. At the end of this chapter we present comparisons with direct numerical simulations and thoroughly examine the limits of validity for the approximations we have made. 4.2 Probability distribution in the stable regime We first derive the probability distribution for (4.2) given that the system is in the o. This stable regime. Following Section 2.2, we replace K(t) by the mean W 2 K approximation is valid since only small fluctuations of the process around the K(t) mean w occur in this state, and these fluctuations have a minor impact on the system's probabilistic response. Making this approximation, (4.3) becomes :z(t) + cg(t) + w2x(t) = Uo-W(t). (4.5) To determine the mean w., note that its probability density function is given by P, (x I r > 0) k (I 19 k <(()) (4.6) .............. and thus 2 WS Re~ m+ k OW___ .)n (4.7) The density in the stable regime can now be found by seeking a stationary solution of the Fokker-Planck equation of the form P(xI, X2) = P(H), where H = (W x + x2) is the total mechanical energy of the system. In this case the Fokker-Planck equation simplifies to [24] 1 dP =0 cP(H)+-o 2 dH > P(H)=qexp 2 2 H ar (4.8) where q = cw,/(7ro-x) is a normalization constant. Taking the marginal with respect to X2 gives the probability density for the system's position P.,(x I stable regime) = which is Gaussian with variance o 2 = a/ exp .5 -x 2 (4.9) (2cW2). Similarly, taking the marginal with respect to x, gives the probability density for the system's velocity P, (x Istable regime) = cc 2 exPy 2 2 , (4.10) where the variance is o 2 = o /(2c). 4.3 Probability distribution in the unstable regime Here we derive the probability distribution for the system's position x, during the growth stage of an instability. In the unstable regime, the system initially undergoes exponential growth due to the stochastic process ri(t) crossing below the zero level, which is the mechanism that triggers the instability. After a finite duration of exponential growth, which stops when K(t) crosses above the zero level, and due to the large velocity gradients that result, friction damps the response back to the stable attractor. Following assumption A2, we consider the parametric excitation as the 20 primary mechanism driving the instability during the growth phase, and therefore ignore the effect of friction during this stage of the instability. We treat the system response as a narrowbandprocess. This means that the response has a spectrum that is narrowly distributed around a mean frequency, i.e., q = u-,/w. < 1, where w, = f wS(w) dw and o- f(w - w,) 2S(w) dw [48]. We can therefore describe the instability in terms of the envelope u for the position variable by averaging over the fast frequency w,. During the growth phase we have u ~ uoeAT where uo is the random value of the position's envelope before an instability (to be determined in Section 4.4), T is the random duration of the event s < 0, and A is the random growth exponent, which will be the same for both the position and the velocity variables. Substituting this representation into (4.2), we find A2 + ~ 0,- so that the positive eigenvalue is given by A ~ - . To proceed, we set u = uoeAT and y = A; then, from a change of variables, Psy(u, y) = PAT(A, t) Idet[0(A, t)/0(u, y)] , (4.11) where we understand that the pdf is conditional upon K < 0 and uO. Next we assume that T and A are independent (see Figure 4-1) and thus we have PA(A)P(t) Py (U, Y) = PA(At) uO Aexp (At) _____/__ _1 uy PA (Y)PT ( u > iUo, y > 0. y (4.12) Taking the marginal density gives Pu(u) =- J-PA(y)P T (lo(/UO)) dy. U I0 y Now, since P(A) = P(\ PA(A) - (4.13) y < 0) from another change of variables we obtain -l, 2A <41r0) 2) P(-A2( - A 2 + in (4.14) k k~lb(,q) ( 2A ) A>0, since P(K.) is normally distributed. Combining this result and the fact that PT is given by the Rayleigh distribution (3.6), with (4.13) gives the final result for the probability 21 ....... MMMMM-'-"- density function I K < Oo) y2 +m) 7log(u/uo) 71 kT <(r) k I0 y x exp - I2 4T2y2 log(U/uo)2 dy, It > Ito, (4.15) where T is given in (3.5). Moreover, utilizing the expression for the duration of a typical extreme event (2.16), we have Tinst 1 (4.16) + 2XAo TK<O, where for the relaxation phase we have the rate of decay for the envelope being -c/2. To formulate our result in terms of the position variable, we refer to the narrowband approximation made at the beginning of this analysis. This will give approximately x, = I cos W, where 'p is a uniform random variable distributed between 0 and 27r. The probability density function for z = cos ' is given by Pz(x) = 1/(7/w XC 1 - x2), [-1, 1]. To avoid double integrals for the computation of the pdf for the position variable, we approximate the pdf for z by P2 ( x) = -(6(x + 1) + 6(x - 1)). This will give the following approximation for the conditionally unstable pdf: 1 P,(x I K < 0, uo) = -P(Ix I K, < 0, uo). 2 (4.17) We note that as presented in Section 2, the pdf for the envelope u may also be used for the decay phase. However, during the decay phase the oscillatory character (with frequency w,) of the response has to also be taken into account. Nevertheless, to keep expressions simple we will use equation (4.17) to describe the pdf for the position in the decay phase as well. We will show that this approximation compares favorably with numerical simulations. 22 - 3 2.5 2, 1 - 0.50 0 6 5 4 3 T 2 1 -2.08 Figure 4-1: Scatter plot and contours of the joint pdf of T and A, for r= cumulative (M = 5.00, k = 2.40). Samples for A are drawn by inverse-sampling the distribution function and samples of T are drawn from realizations of a Gaussian process using 1000 ensembles of time length t = 1000. 4.3.1 Asymptotics for the unstable probability distribution In the spirit of keeping our final expressions simple, here we derive an asymptotic expansion for the integral (4.15) that describes the distribution for the position's envelope during the growth phase of an instability, as u -4 oo, treating 1 0 as a parameter. For convenience in (4.15) let PL(tu 7 log(a/ao) ((u, y; uo) =2 v/2wkT <b(rj)uy 7r log(a//uo) = 2wkt2 V 27kT ( exp x < 0, < o) = Jo (u, y; 0o) dy, that is, (y 2 + r) 2 ~ 2k 2 7r -2 4T y 2 o1y/ao) (4.18) (4.19) exp(O(u, y; 'uo)), u{) 2 <b(,q),ty where O(u, y; ao) denotes the terms being exponentiated (we suppress the explicit dependence on the parameter 0o ,-No P ,( <0,ao) /(U, Y; -o) dy =2 0 for convenience). In other words 7rlog(U/Uo) J - exp(O(u, y)) dy. (4.20) V 27rkT <bguoy 0_ This integral can be approximated following Laplace's method, where in this case we have a moving maximum [49]. For fixed u the exponential is distributed around its peak 23 value y* = maxy exp(0(u, y; no)), so that we may make the following approximations to leading order ir log(u/uo) f(y 1 YrF -2U P,(u I V < 0, Uo) ~ exp O(u, y*) + ,I y v'2-7ikT <(n)u y*)2 - 2 dy YO(u, y*) + 2 (4.21) J (u, y*; Uo) 0 exp (Y - 2 *)T YY)O(U, Y*) +..-) dy (4.22) -00 C where (4.23) (U, y*; O) a is a normalization constant that is computed numerically. In order to arrive at a closed analytic expression for y* = maxy exp(O(u, y)), we find that the following expression is a good approximation for y* (see the note at the end of this section for details): /r y*(U; Uo) = 2 1/4 -2 log(qU/O) 1/ 2, m 2 > k2. (4.24) \4mT Hence, we have the following expression that approximates the original integral: 1 P(u IK < 0, 'O) C ((u, y* uo), m 2 > k2 . (4.25) In our case the assumption is that instabilities are sufficiently rare that the standard deviation k of the Gaussian process K(t) will be smaller than its mean m, and the condition m 2 >> k 2 in (4.25) will be satisfied. Indeed, the derived asymptotic expansion (4.25) and the exact integral (4.15) show excellent agreement, even for small values of u (see Figure 4-2). Note Here we provide some details regarding the asymptotic expansion. According to Laplace's method, this integral will be distributed near the peak value of the term being exponentiated: (y2 +2 rn) 2 (XY;XO 2k2 (xy;o) - 24 _ __ 4T 2y2 log(X/o) 2 . (4.26) Exact 100 -- Asymptotic 10 102 103 ) 2 4 6 U 10 8 Figure 4-2: Exact integral in equation (4.15) compared to the asymptotic expansion given in equation (4.25), for a fixed no andm = 5.00, k = 2.00. To find the maxima y* = max, exp(9(x, y; x 0 )), we differentiate (4.26) with respect to y: y2 --- 2y -+ + 0 k2 -+ (4.27) 2Tr log(x/xo) 2 . ay 2T 2y3 To arrive at a closed form analytic approximation for y*, we must determine the relative order of magnitude of y. To this end, investigating the terms in the integral in (4.13), we note that the maximum ymx of PA(y) will determine the order of magnitude of y, d -P(y) 2w exp (y 2 + n)2 dy k4b(rn)v/-2- - dy 2k2 0 )m) -> 2y4 + 2mny2 - k 2 = 0; thus if m 2 > k 2 , to leading order yka (4.28) ~ k 2 /2m so that y 2 ~ O(k 2 /"n). Using this result, we may approximate (4.26) by 2T2 log(XXO) z- 2 y*(X; XO) = ( rk2 4rk-2 25 1/4 log(x/xo)1/ 2 , k2 ) y M2 >> k2 . (4.29) 4.4 Envelope probability distribution in the stable regime In the derivation of the probability density in the unstable regime we conditioned the result on the initial value of the position's envelope right before an instability occurs. The stable regime's envelope is defined as the locus of local maxima of the stationary Gaussian process that governs the system before an instability. For a stationary Gaussian process of zero mean the joint probability density of the envelope and the envelope velocity is given by [50] P(-it) = (liu a exp 2 qAo 2wA2 2 it 2~ _+ qA 2 Ao , (4.30) where A, is the nth order spectral moment for the one-sided power spectral density of x, in the stable regime and q 2 =1 - A2/AOA 2 describes the extent to which the process is narrowbanded. In our case, we are interested in the pdf of the envelope for the position P(uo); marginalizing out it from (4.30) gives 00 P(u, it) du P(u) exp(-u 2 /2Ao), (4.31) -00 which is a Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter v/\O. The zeroth-order spectral moment is the variance of the Gaussian pdf in (4.9), i.e. A= o/(2cW2), and thus 2cw x PU(x) = 2 exp(-cw x 2 /or ). (4.32) The pdf above determines the distribution of the initial point of the instability uo. We use this result to marginalize out uO from the pdf of the unstable distribution derived in Section 4.3, which was conditioned on a fixed initial point of an instability. 26 . .. ............ ..................................... Using (4.17) and (4.25) this gives the final result for the density in the unstable regime: (X I K < 0) 1 P(xl (I <0, uo)P 0 (uo) duo = (4.33) 2 J((Ix1, y*(IxI;uo); uo)Pu(uo) duo, = (4.34) 0 In other words, Px1 (x I unstable regime) - J , y*(|xI; 'o); uo)Ps0 C(o) duo. (4.35) 0 4.5 Probability distribution for the velocity The probability density for the system's velocity x 2 in the stable regime can be found by marginalizing the solution obtained from the Fokker-Planck equation (4.10). The same result may be obtained by relying on the narrowband property of the stochastic response in the stable regime. In particular, we may represent the stochastic process for position x1 in terms of its spectral power density [25] 00 J= cos(Wt + (w)) 2Sx(w) dw, X (4.36) 0 where the last integral is defined in the mean square sense. Differentiating the above, we obtain 00 w cos(wt + W(w) + X2 2Sx(w) dw (4.37) 0 00 cos(wt + y(w) + 2 V)2Sx(w) dw, ws (4.38) 0 using the narrowband property of the spectral density around W,. Note that the integral in the last equation has the same distribution as x1 . Thus, it is easy to prove that the probability density function of x 2 in the stable regime is given by the pdf of WsX1. 27 In the unstable regime stationarity breaks down, and the envelope of the stochastic processes describing position changes with time. This has an important influence on the probabilistic structure for the velocity, which cannot be approximated as it was done in the stable regime. The reason is that we have an additional time scale associated with the variation of the envelope of the narrowband oscillation (see Figure 4-3). For the purpose of computing the pdf for velocity in the unstable regime, we approximate the envelope for position during the instability by a sine function with a half-period equal to the average duration of the extreme events (4.16): Tilst (1 + 2A,<o/c)Tco. This gives the following approximate expression for the unstable regime: '11=) sin(wat) J cos(wt + O(w)) (4.39) 2Sx(w) dw, 0 where up/uO is the ratio of the extreme event peak value for the envelope over the initial value of the envelope (before the extreme event), and w,, =r/TiSt. Assuming that up/uo >> 1 we have that the pdf for velocity during the unstable regime is also given in terms of x 1 but with the different scaling factor X2 +( S+ - -X1. 2( 1 (4.40) (1 + 2A.,scO/c)T) The last relation gives a direct expression for the pdf of velocity in the unstable regime. Using this scaling factorwi,,t --- (w, + wu)/2 for the conditionally unstable pdf and the correct scaling for the stable regime w., we can derive an approximation for the pdf of velocity (given in Section 4.6). 5- (t;O) 0 -----5 -0 50 100 t 150 200 Figure 4-3: For the computation of the velocity pdf, we approximate the envelope of the process during the extreme event with a harmonic function with consistent period. 28 4.6 Summary of the analytical results Combining the results of equations (4.9), Probability distribution for position (4.35), and (4.16) according to the law of total probability (2.6) gives the following heavy-tailed, symmetric probability density function for the position: P,, (x) =(i exp (1 + 2A,~o/c)+('q)) - 2x - 2 1~ xCE R. (4.41) x2 dxo. (4.42) z)do o;z)a (xy(x + (1 + 2Xc/)() 0 Writing each term explicitly, we have - (y*(Ix;x x exp j (I ) f VIcw 2 2 2i6or kT o) 2 +-M) 2 2k2 Probability distribution for velocity _ log(XI/XO) o (|x|/XO)y* (|~X O) / + (1 + 2XA<o/c)I(q) x2 exp P, (x) = (1 - (1+ 2Ax,<O/c)()) log(|IX/xo) 2 _. 4T2y*(Ix;XO) 2 cw! 2 02 To obtain the pdf for velocity we scale the probability distribution function for the position in (4.41). As noted in Section 4.5, the correct scaling for the first term in (2.6), which represents the stable regime, is given by w,, and for the second term, for the unstable regime, the scaling is given by Winst. Applying the random variable transformation P, (x) = P, (x/w)/w with the appropriate scaling for each of these two terms yields P 2 (x) =(i - (1 + 2AX IXI/win~t /c)i() C exp(- + (1 + 2A,.<o/c)() 1 winst x )o ) no (xo x wist X f x) 2winstc 29 x, xER. (4.43) For the integral in the second term in (4.43), making the substitution xo winst', we have w2 PX2(X IK< 0)=2u~T24 2 2 log(xf/xo) (Ixl/xo)y*(IxI; Xo) s k0)20 x exp((Y*(IXI; J lxi i7c 2 7 log( XIXO) 22 CW2 2 o2 +)2 2k2 4T y*(IxI; XO) dx0. (4.44) w;n2 Therefore, rewriting (4.43), gives the following pdf for velocity: P2 (x) C exp -C (1 - (1 + 2AK<o/c)4b('r) x2 lxi + (1 + 2Aso/c)<(r) 2 - (xl, y*(xI; xo); xo)P,0 (xo/wi.t) dxo, (4.45) where the integral in the second term is explicitly given in (4.44). 4.7 Discussion and comparison with numerical simulations Here we discuss the analytic results for the system response pdf given in Section 4.6, present comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations, and describe the effect of varying system parameters on the analytical approximations. In addition, we examine the region of validity of our results with respect to these parameters. First, in Figure 4-4 a sample system response is shown alongside the corresponding signal of the parametric excitation. This sample realization is characteristic of the typical system response for the case under study (rare instabilities of finite duration). During the brief period when K(t) < 0, at approximately t = 85, the system experiences exponential growth and when the parametric excitation process V.(t) returns above the zero level, friction damps the system response from growing indefinitely, returning the system to the stable state after a short decay phase. 30 -position-velocity 5- 0 -5 0t 40 60 80 60 80 t 100 12 1401TT- 100 120 140 10 5- 0 ----------------------40 60 ----------------- ~~--- -- ~-100 80 120 140 Figure 4-4: Sample realization (top) and the corresponding parametric excitation process (bottom) demonstrating the typical system response during an intermittent event for position (in thick blue) and velocity (in thin red) for rj = -2.27 (k = 2.2, m - 5.0), c = 0.53. In Figure 4-5, a typical decomposition of the stable and unstable parts of the full response pdf is presented. We emphasize that the tails in the system response pdf for are completely described by the term in the total probability law that accounts in the system instabilities, whereas the inner core of the pdf is mainly due to the term total probability decomposition that corresponds to the solution in the stable regime. Despite the fact that the system spends practically all of its time in a stable state, the stable part in the expression for the response pdf contributes essentially nothing to the tails of the distribution. The tails, in other words, completely account for the statistics of system instabilities, which are highly non-Gaussian and are described by a fat-tailed distribution. The analytical results for the system response pdf given in (4.41) and (4.45) have been derived under a careful set of assumptions. We observe that if the frequency of instabilities is large or if damping is weak (i.e., extreme events of long duration), pdf or if there is any parameter combination such that the conditionally unstable in the total probability decomposition (2.6) contributes significantly to the stable state, then our analytical results will likely overestimate the probability near the 31 -Full solution -- Stable part Unstable part 100 10 10 10-4 -6 -4 0 x -2 2 4 6 Figure 4-5: Typical superposition of the stable (in dashed blue) and unstable (in dotted red) part of the total probability law decomposition (2.6) of the full analytical pdf. Gaussian core and underestimate the tail probabilities. This behavior is expected, since our assumptions are no longer strictly valid. If this is the case, a cusp near the mean state may be observed in our analytical expressions for the pdf, which is due to the approximation made in Section 4.3, where we derive the conditionally unstable pdf for the position variable in terms of its envelope (4.17) (see Figure 4-6). This phenomenon is more pronounced in the pdf for the velocity x 2 , since the unstable part of the decomposition (2.6) is scaled by a frequency that is smaller than the stable part, which pushes more probability toward the Gaussian core. A minor contributing factor to the severity of this cusp is due to the integral asymptotic expansion made in Section 4.3.1; the asymptotic expression in (4.25) displays sharper curvature near uo when compared to the exact integral in (4.25), resulting in a slightly more pronounced cusp. 4.7.1 Comparison with Monte Carlo simulations Here we compare the analytic approximations in (4.41) and (4.45) with Monte Carlo simulations, when the stochastic parametric excitation 32 (t), with mean m and standard *~0 10 10 - - Full solution Stable part -- . Unstable part Unstable part 10101 102 -8 -6 4 2 0 2 4 -2 8 6 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 4-6: Demonstration of the cusp phenomenon, which is prominent in regimes with very frequent instabilities and/or instabilities of long duration, due to approximations made in the unstable regime. deviation k, is given by an exponential squared correlation function of the form R(T)= exp(-T 2 /2). We solve (4.3) using the Euler-Mayaruma method [51], from to - 0 to tf = 200 with step size At = 2-. Realizations of the Gaussian process K(t) are generated according to an exact time domain method following values for the system parameters: a. [52]. To preform simulations we fix the = 0.75, m 5.00. For the results in this subsection, we furthermore fix the value of friction at c = 0.38, which corresponds to an average of a single oscillation during the decay phase of an instability. Moreover, for this subsection, samples after 20 computational steps are stored and used in calculations, and 5000 realizations are used for k = 1.8 and 2500 realizations otherwise. In Figs. 4- 7, 4-8, and 4-9 Monte Carlo results for the pdf for position and velocity are compared with the analytic results given in (4.41) and (4.45) for various k values, which controls the mean number of instabilities for fixed m through the parameter rY. Observe that the analytical pdf for position and velocity match the results from Monte Carlo simulations for both extreme events and the main stable response, capturing the overall shape and probability values accurately (the figures for position are plotted out to 50 standard deviations of the stable Gaussian core). 33 -- Monte Carlo Carlo. 100 -Monte -Analytic 100 -- Analytic 10-2 10 - 10- - 10 10 -15 -5 -10 0 X -30 15 10 5 -20 -10 30 20 10 X0 Figure 4-7: Analytic pdfs (4.41), (4.45) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations for position (left) and velocity (right), for parameters: k = 1.8, m = 5.0, c = 0.38, o-x = 0.75. -- Monte Carlo -Analytic -- Monte Carlo - 10 -Analytic 10-2 102 10-4 10 10 -4 20 10-6 10-61 -5 -10 0 5 -20 10 -10 0 X 10 20 Figure 4-8: Analytic pdfs (4.41), (4.45) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations for position (left) and velocity (right), for parameters: k = 2.2, m = 5.0, c = 0.53, a-= 0.75. 4.7.2 Parameters and region of validity Here we quantify the effect of varying system parameters on our analytical approximations. In particular, we consider the effect of both friction c and the frequency of instabilities, controlled by rj, on our results by computing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence P(Pex, P) = J Pex(X) In PexW dx, ,P(x) -00 (4.46) which measures the relative information lost by using our approximate analytical pdf P instead of the "true" or exact probability distribution Pex of the system from Monte Carlo simulations. 34 -- Monte Carlo -Analytic -- Monte Carlo 10 - Analytic 10 10 10 2 10 -10 100 110 100-4 10 -10 -5 -20 10 5 0 0 -10 10 20 X X Figure 4-9: Analytic pdfs (4.41), (4.45) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations for position (left) and velocity (right), for parameters: k = 2.6, m = 5.0, c = 0.69, ox = 0.75. For a more physical interpretation of the effect of the friction parameter, we instead consider the typical number of oscillations the system undergoes during the decay phase of an instability, i.e., the number of oscillations before the system returns back to the stable regime. To determine the value of damping in terms of the average number of oscillations N during the decay phase, consider that in Section 4.3 we derived the approximation (4.16): Tims = (1 + 2A,<o/c)T,<o. In other words we have that the duration of the decay phase is given by Tdecay - (2AK<o/c)TK,<o. Thus, the average length of the decay phase is Tdeay = (2,K<o/c)T (where T denotes the conditional average Tco), and the corresponding value of damping that will give on average N oscillations during the decay phase is therefore W~dc 27r -s 2An<oW 27r WsA<oc irN where T is given in (3.5) and w, in (4.7). In Figure 4-10, we compute the KL divergence for a range of k and N parameter values. For the simulations we fix m = 5.0, store values after 40 computational steps, and use 4000 realizations for k < 2.0 and 2000 realizations, otherwise. In addition, we compute the divergence for every half oscillation number from N = 0.5 to N = 3.0 and every k value from k = 1.4 to k = 3.6, in increments of 0.2, and interpolate values in between. Overall, we have good agreement for a wide range of parameters, and even when the analytical results do not capture the exact probability values accurately, we 35 have qualitative agreement with the overall shape of the pdf. The analytical results deviate when we are in regimes with very frequent instabilities and instabilities of long duration, i.e., small friction values or large N values. This is expected; in such regimes the instabilities are no longer statistically independent, which we assume in Al. Furthermore, an average of N = 1 oscillation during the decay phase shows good agreement with Monte Carlo results for a large range values of the parameter 'q. We also observe that deviations of the analytical approximation from the Monte Carlo simulation become more prominent as k decreases. Note that for small k sampling the tails is very hard since the critical events occur very infrequently in this case. To understand the deviation of the analytical solution we recall that for this parametric regime the unstable region is characterized by rare events which are shorter and weaker and therefore harder to distinguish from the regular events. This explains the good analytical approximation properties as k increases (but not too large), where we have clear separation of the system behavior between the stable and the unstable regimes. Finally, we emphasize that the KL divergence may be (relatively) large despite the analytic pdf capturing the trend in the tails accurately; this is due to the fact that tail events are associated with extremely small probability values, which the KL divergence does not emphasize over the stable regime, where the probabilities are large and thus any deviations (e.g., due to a cusp) can heavily impact divergence values. 36 KL divergence log 10 KL divergence - position log10 - velocity -1.8 -1.5 -1.9 2.5P 2.5 -2 -2 -2.1 2 2 -2.2 -2.3 1.5 0 -T -2.5 1.5 -2.4 1 --3 -2.6 0.5 152 2.5 k 3 0.5 35 1.5 2 2. k 3 . -2.5 Figure 4-10: KL divergence for position (left) and velocity (right) between analytic and Monte Carlo results for various values of damping (in terms of the number of oscillations N after an instability) and k, which controls the number of instabilities for a fixed m. For fixed m = 5.0. 3'7 38 Chapter 5 Application to intermittently unstable turbulent modes In this chapter we discuss another application and apply the method formulated in Chapter 2. We consider a complex scalar Langevin equation that models a single mode in a turbulent signal, where multiplicative stochastic damping 'Y(t) and colored additive noise b(t) replace interactions between various modes. The nonlinear system is given by ) du(t dt dt (--y(t) + iw)u(t) + b(t) + f(t) + uW(t), (5.1) where u(t) E C physically describes a resolved mode in a turbulent signal and f(t) is a prescribed deterministic forcing. The process 'y(t) models intermittency due to the (hidden) nonlinear interactions between u(t) and other unobserved modes. In other words, intermittency in the variable u(t) is primarily due to the action of -y(t), with u(t) switching between stable and unstable regimes when -Y(t) switches signs between positive and negative values. The nonlinear system (5.1) was introduced for filtering of multiscale turbulent signals with hidden instabilities [53, 54] and has been used extensively for filtering, prediction, and calibration of climatological systems [13, 55, 10, 11, 9, 56]. This system features rich dynamics that closely mimic turbulent signals in various regimes of the turbulent spectrum. In particular, there are three physically relevant dynamical 39 regimes of (5.1); the three regimes are described by [55] (and are reproduced here for completeness): R1 This is a regime where the dynamics of u(t) are dominated by frequent, shortlasting transient instabilities, which is characteristic of the dynamics in the turbulent energy transfer range. R2 In this regime the dynamics of u(t) are characterized by large-amplitude intermittent instabilities followed by a relaxation phase. Here the dynamics are characteristic of turbulent modes in the dissipative range. R3 This regime is characterized by dynamics of u(t) where transient instabilities are very rare and fluctuations in u(t) rapidly decorrelate. This type of dynamics is characteristic of the laminar modes in the turbulent spectrum. We apply the method described in Chapter 2 to approximate the probability distribution for the dynamics of u(t) in the special case with no additive noise, i.e. b = 0, and no external forcing f = 0. This is the simplest case that incorporates intermittency driven by parametric excitation process -y(t) (the additive noise term b(t) only impacts the strength of intermittent events). The system we consider is given by ) du(t dt= dt (-(t) + iW)u(t) + uw(t), (5.2) where intermittent events are triggered when -y(t) < 0. The parametric excitation 2 process -y(t) will be characterized by a mean in and variance k , so that r -m/k represents the extreme event level, and also a time correlation length scale L. This application is a good test case of our method for the derivation of analytic approximations for the pdf of intermittent systems, since the dynamics of u(t) are such that it oscillates at a fixed frequency w, and therefore no approximations need to be made as in Chapter 4 for the growth exponent in the unstable state. However, the Langevin equation has the difficulty that the nature of its interactions with the parametric excitation process introduces "instabilities" of such small magnitude that they are indistinguishable from the typical stable response, and so a clean separation must be 40 enforced in the analysis of the unstable state. We present these differences and derive the system response pdf -for the real/imaginary parts of the response u = u, + i't, which statistically converge to the same distribution so that P(ur) and P(ui) are equivalent. We compare the analytical result for all three regimes R1-R3, but we note that the pdf in regime 3 is nearly Gaussian so the full application of our method is excessive. 5.1 Probability distribution in the stable regime Here we derive an approximation of the pdf for u(t) given that we are in the stable regime and, moreover, that we have reached a statistical steady state. In the stable regime, following Section 2.2, we replace ,(t) by the conditional average m -- Tn <n 011)(5.3) + Thus the governing equation in the stable regime becomes du (7K>o + iwt) t) + 7W(t), (5.4) dt with the exact solution u(t) = u(O)e(-lY>o+iW)(t-to) + J (5.5) e(or >o+iw)(ts) dW(s). to Since this is a Gaussian system, we can fully describe the pdf for u(t) in this regime by its stationary mean u(t) = 0 and stationary variance 2 Var(u(t)) = Var(uo)e~27>o(t-to) + (1 - 27a -27l>o(t-to)) -+ c(>O - 271|y>o 41 as t -+ oo. (5.6) Therefore, we have the following pdf for the real part of u(t) in the stable regime: 5.2 7ir 2 2 exp X2 (5.7) . Pu,(x I stable regime) = Probability distribution in the unstable regime In the unstable regime, as in the previous application, we describe the probability 2 distribution in terms of the envelope process. Following assumption A2, we ignore or in (5.2), which does not have a large probabilistic impact on the instability strength, so that the envelope of u (t) is given by - 2Re - -2y(t)lul [u* [dt 2 (5.8) , dtu|2 dt du(t) dt where LI* is the complex conjugate. Substituting the representation Jul ~ uoeAT into (5.8), we get A = -- y. Now since ?(A) = P(- PA(A) 1 0 (jA +m) k k4D (q) 1 P (-A) - y7 < 0), we have <}(Y) (5.9) A > 0. The conditionally unstable pdf will be exactly as in (4.13), with the minor modification that the distribution of the growth exponent is given instead by (5.9). Making this modification, we have the following pdf for the envelope in the unstable regime: 2kT <DIg)u f ' 1 7r log(u/uo) PIUO I -Y< 0, Uol) = y( ( x exp Y +rm k) 2 4T y2 log(U/o)2) dy, u > U0 , (5.10) where T is given in (3.5). Moreover, using (2.16), we have that the average length of an instability is given by Tdecay T,<o _ k (7) _ <(77) inst = m- + k,_4 42 (1 + P)T<O. (5.11) Finally, to construct the full distribution for the envelope of u(t) in the unstable regime, we need to incorporate the distribution of the initial point of the instability, which is described by the envelope of u(t) in the stable regime; this gives, (5.12) POUI I- < 0) = P(IuI I Y < 0, IuoD)P(uoI). The pdf for the envelope of a general Gaussian process was described in Section 4.4. However, as we noted in the introduction, the complex scalar Langevin equation has the property that its interaction with the parametric excitation gives rise to "instabilities" of very small intensity which are indistinguishable from the typical stable state response. To enforce the separation of the unstable response from the stable state requires us to introduce the following correction to the initial point of the instability iuol = Itol + c, where 1-hol is the pdf of the envelope of the stable response (4.31) and c is a constant that enforces the separation. We find that choosing c such that it is one standard deviation of the typical stable response (5.6) is sufficient to enforce this separation and works well. In addition, this choice is associated with robust performance over different parametric regimes. Therefore, we have that the distribution of the initial point of an instability is given by 2 Pi.O1 (x) - 471,Y> (x - c) exp yj (x - c)2) x > c. (5.13) As in the application to the parametric oscillator, we note that the oscillatory character during an instability has to be taken into account. However, to avoid the additional integral that would result should this be taken into account by an additional random variable transformation, we instead utilize the same approximation as in Section 4.3. Therefore, we have that the unstable regime pdf is given by P,.(x I unstable regime) = P,(x I < 0) =Pii(Ix I -Y < 0). (5.14) We show in the following sections that this approximation compares favorably with direct numerical simulations. 43 . ....... 5.3 Summary of the analytical results Combining (5.7), (5.10), (5.13), and (5.11) into the total probability law decomposition (2.6) and utilizing the approximation (5.14) gives the following heavy-tailed, symmetric pdf for the complex mode u(t) = ur(t) + ini(t), for x c R: (1 Pur(X)F- (1 i(1))1 2 + (1 + x exp ( 2k 2 2 ( e>o2 2 2 7Lo )D) ) exp 0-12 |>o 2&2kT io ff log(Ixj/Uo) y 2 (|x|/(uo - c)) _ 2 log(Ix|/uo) 2 _ 2*>o ('O - c)2 dy duo, 4T y (5.15) where the integral is understood to be zero when x < c. In this case, we do not use an asymptotic expansion for the integral in the unstable regime due to the fact that the resulting expression does not agree as precisely as the integral expansion for the parametrically excited oscillator application. However, the resulting expansion does follow the same decay as the full integral; thus should an asymptotic expansion for the integral be sought, the derivation follows the description given in Section 4.3.1 5.4 Discussion and comparison with numerical simulations Here we compare the analytic results (5.15) with direct Monte Carlo simulations in the three regimes R1-R3 described in the introduction of the current Section. Monte Carlo simulations are carried by numerically discretizing the governing system (5.2) using the Euler-Mayaruma method with a time step At = 10-4. We store results after 10 computational steps and use 500 ensembles of time length t = 700, discarding the first t = 200 time data to ensure a statistical steady state for the calculation of the response statistics. We prescribe the parametric excitation process to have 44 an exponential squared time correlation function, R(r) = exp(-T 2 /(2L)), with a time length scale L, and simulate the Gaussian process directly from the correlation function. In Figure 5-1, the results for regime 1 are presented alongside a sample realization. As previously mentioned, this regime is characterized by frequent short-lasting instabilities. We observe that the analytical results are able to capture the the heavy-tails of the response probability distribution accurately, including the Gaussian core. In contrast, in regime 2 (see Figure 5-2), we have large-amplitude instabilities that occur less frequently. Again the analytical results in this regime are able to capture the probability distribution of the response accurately. In both regime 1 and regime 2, the pdf of the response is plotted out to 200 standard deviations of the stable state's standard deviation to show the remarkable agreement of the tails between the analytical solution and Monte Carlo results. In Figure 5-3 we present the results for regime 3 for completeness, even though, as previously mentioned, this regime is nearly Gaussian and intermittent events occur very rarely, and under certain parameters almost surely no instabilities will be observed. 10, ---Monte Carlo - Analytic - 4 100 - 2 Z s -210 10- -4 -3 -1 -4 1-6 _______________________________ -5 0 50 100 150 200 t 250 300 350 -30 400 -20 -10 0 X 10 20 30 Figure 5-1: Regime 1: Sample path (left) and analytic pdf (5.15) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations (right), for parameters: w = 1.78, a = 0.5, m = 2.25, k = 2.0, L = 0.125. 45 r 10 Monte Carlo -Analytic --- - 4 100 3 10 2 10-2 - -2 10, - -3 -4 0 200 t 150 100 50 250 300 350 10 400 -10 10 5 0 -5 Figure 5-2: Regime 2: Sample path (left) and analytic pdf (5.15) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations (right), for parameters: w = 1.78, o- = 0.1, m = 0.55, k = 0.50, L = 2.0. 10 2 Monte Carlo -Analytic -- - 1 0.8 100 0.6 0.4 0.2 10-2 - -----0.4 -0.6 10-6 -0.8 -1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 -0.4 400 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Figure 5-3: Regime 3: Sample path (left) and analytic pdf (5.15) compared with results from Monte Carlo simulations (right), for parameters: w = 1.78, a = 0.25, m = 8.1, k = 1.414, L = 4.0. 46 Chapter 6 Application to the stochastic Mathieu equation In this chapter we consider the problem of intermittent parametric resonance. Parametric resonance has been extensively studied using the classical Mathieu equation, X + (6 + Ccos(Qt))x = 0, (6.1) because it represents the typical response of systems when excited by a periodic force. Time periodic forcing is found in many physical systems, examples naturally include those mentioned in Chapter 4. Additionally, the Mathieu equation (and the more general Hill's equation) has been studied in connection with orbital problems in astrophysics [57], wave propagation in periodic media [58], and many problems in fluid dynamics [59, 60], not to mention ship roll motion in regular waves [44]. Nevertheless, the problem of stochastic generalizations of the Mathieu equation remain less well understood [61, 57], especially tail statistics and non-Gaussian responses. Here we discuss a particular stochastic generalization, with time correlated random amplitude forcing (i.e., c is a random process) and quantify the corresponding response pdf. We analytically derive results for the response pdf when the system exhibits intermittent parametric resonance. Quantifying the response pdf in this case is important for 47 ............ "I'll", ........ ....... predicting rare event probabilities, since the corresponding large amplitude responses are considered extreme events in natural systems. For parametrically excited motions, parametric resonance can produce large responses even if the amplitude of the parametric excitation is small. For Mathieu's equation (6.1), when the frequency of the excitation Q is near twice the natural frequency of the system wo = VS the response becomes unstable even for small c (primary resonance). The Ince-Strutt diagram in Figure 6-2 shows resonance "tongues," where particular combinations of the forcing amplitude and natural frequency produce unstable solutions. The basic mechanism of unstable growth by parametric resonance is nicely explained in geometric terms in [62, Chapter 3.5.6]. The action of unstable oscillatory growth via parametric resonance, we consider different than the purely exponential unstable growth explored in Chapter 4; the differences, we illustrate in Figure 6-1. Namely, the intermittent instability case refers to events with 6 < 0 and exponentially growing solutions, where as intermittent resonance occurs when the system randomly enters the unstable resonance tongues, shown in Figure 6-2, and have solutions that grow oscillatorily with 6 > 0. The distinction is not too important, however the structure and nature of the excitation and modeling the noise appropriately can require different analytical methods, which we illustrate in this chapter. 78 2 1.5 6 5 0.5 4 0 -4 3 - -0.5 1 -1 -1.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 120 0 2 6 4 8 time time Figure 6-1: Oscillatory growth due to parametric resonance (left) for 6 > 0 and exponential growth (right) when 6 < 0 of the Mathieu equation. 48 10 2 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 6 Figure 6-2: Ince-Strutt diagram showing the classical resonance tongues (shaded) for particular combinations of E and 6, for the Mathieu equation (6.1) non-dimensionalized by Q. Transition frequencies at 6 = wo/Q2 = (n/2)2 . Stability boundaries are computed via Hill's infinite deteriminant [1]. 6.1 Problem definition and formulation We study the following stochastic generalization of the Mathieu differential equation: z(t) + 2E(owo (t) + W2(1 + 0 (t; 6) sin Qt)x(t) = (t; 0), (6.2) where (0 is the damping ratio, wo is the undamped natural frequency of the system, Q is the frequency of the harmonic excitation term and 0(t; 0) its random amplitude, S(t; 0) a broadband weakly stationary random excitation. As mentioned previously, the deterministic Mathieu equation J(t) + 2(owo.(t) + w0(1 + A sin Qt)x = 0, (6.3) has unstable solutions depending upon the parametric excitation frequency and amplitude parameters . Near Q/2wo = 1/n, for positive integers n, we have regions of instabilities, with the widest instability region being for n = 1. Damping has the effect of raising the instability regions from the Q/2wo axis by 2(2() 1/n. Therefore, for ( < 1 49 the instability region near n = 1 is of greatest practical importance [39, 1]. In the 2wo. The following we consider (6.2) tuned to the important resonant frequency Q case, where the frequency is slightly detuned can be generalized following the same approach, but for simplicity of the presentation we consider no detuning. In realistic systems the parameter A in (6.3) that controls the stability of the system for a fixed Q and (o may be a random quantity and not necessarily deterministic (e.g., in ship rolling models [31] and orbital problems in astrophysics [57]). If this is the case, intermittent resonance is a possibility since the stochastic process /(t) in (6.2) can randomly enter the instability tongue, triggering a large amplitude response (see Figure 6-3). In other words, we are interested in the case where #(t) on average lives in a "safe" regime, but can randomly enter a critical regime, where an intermittently unstable response is triggered. As we show, ignoring the random nature of the process /(t) would lead to severely underestimated tail probabilities, since the corresponding averaged equation have Gaussian statistics, whereas the actual response features heavy-tailed statistics. response 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 800 600 1200 1000 16 1400 )0 time 0(t) excitation 0 .5 - _-_-_- -_-_ - -_-__- _-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_- 0- -1 [ 400 - I 600 ~~ ~ ~ -~- ~ ~__ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ - -0.5 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 time Figure 6-3: Sample realization of the Mathieu equation (6.4) (top). The random amplitude forcing term 0(t) (bottom) triggers intermittent resonance when it crosses above or below the instability threshold (dashed lines). 50 Based on the discussion above, we consider the problem, z(t) + 2(owoi(t) + w0(1 + 0(t; 0) sin 2wot)x(t) = (t; 0), (6.4) where we additionally assume that 0(t) is a correlated stationary Gaussian process. To solve for the probability distribution for the response, a typical approach would be to first derive a set of equations for the slowly varying variables and then to apply the stochastic averaging procedure to arrive at a set of It6 stochastic differential equations for the transformed coordinates. The Fokker-Plank equation can then be used to solve for the response pdf [39, 63]. This standard approach, if applied to the problem (6.4), leads to Gaussian statistics. However, in certain parametric regimes, randomness in the amplitude 3(t) may lead to intermittent instabilities and, therefore, non-Gaussian statistics, which the averaging procedure would fail to capture. To account for the statistics due to intermittent events triggered by 13(t), we decompose the probabilistic system response by conditioning on the stable regime and unstable events. We remark that for the system (6.4) to feature intermittent instabilities, the correlation length of the process 0(t) should be sufficiently large compared the time scale of damping tdamping 6.1.1 ~1/(o so that instabilities have time to develop. Derivation of the slowly varying variables To proceed we average the governing system (6.4) over the fast frequency wo. We assume that correlation length of the process 13(t) varies slowly over the system's natural period 2wr/wo so that #(t) can be treated constant over one period; this assumption is naturally satisfied if the response features large-amplitude intermittent instabilities. We first introduce the coordinate transformation x(t) = xI(t) cos(wot) + x 2 (t) sin(wot), x(t) = -wox 1 (t) sin(wot) + wox 2 (t) cos(wot), 51 (6.5) for the slowly varying variables x 1 and X2. Inserting (6.5) into (6.4) and using the additional relation i1 cos(wot) + : 2 sin(wot) = 0, gives the following pair of differential equations for the slow variables: Xi(t) - [2(owo (x 1 sin 2 (wot) - X 2 (t) wo/3 - 2 X 2 sin(2wot) sin2 (wot) 2 - Wof1 / 1 sin(2wt) - - [2(owo ( x sin(2wot) - X 2 cos2(wOt) WO (6.6) sin(wot)(t), 2 wo3Xi cos 2 (wot) sin(2wt) + - - sin2 (2wt) sin2 (2wt) (6.7) cos(wot)(t). Averaging the deterministic terms in brackets over the fast frequency, "a f 2/j'w dt, in (6.6) and (6.7) gives, x1 - (o - 2- O9wox1 - - sin(wot) (t), (6.8) cos(wot)(t). (6.9) 4 WO 4 WO The equations above for x1 and X 2 provide good pathwise and statistical agreement with (6.4). Applying the stochastic averaging procedure to the random forcing gives the following set of Ito stochastic differential equations for the slow variables #()w 0x 1 + 4(t) wo/2 1- 2 with K -( 2K7rK IV 1 (t), (6.10) 2rK172 (t), (6.11) S (wo)/2wo, where S (wo) is the spectral density of the additive excitation S(t) at frequency wo, and Wi 1 and intensity + 2 are independent white noise processes of unit [39]. The slowly varying variables, after averaging the forcing term, transform to two decoupled Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) processes. The equations (6.10) and (6.11) are a good statistical approximation (but provide poor pathwise agreement) to the original dynamical system (6.4). We emphasize that we have not averaged the stochas- 52 tic process ,3(t) in any of this analysis, since it is randomness in the amplitude that is triggering transient instabilities; the random nature of 13(t) must be accounted for in order to capture the system's heavy-tailed probabilistic response. 6.2 Probability distribution for the slow variables The equations derived for the slow variables in Section 6.1.1 fully describe the system's probabilistic response. Therefore, we concentrate on deriving the pdf for the slow variables X 1 , x 2 starting from (6.10)and (6.11) by decomposing the probabilistic response on the stable regime and the unstable state according to (2.6). Now if /(t) is a zero mean process both x 1 and x 2 will follow the same distribution. Incorporating bias in the amplitude excitation term 0(t) is straightforward. However, we assume /(t) = 0, and write /3(t) = k(t), where '(t) is a Gaussian process with zero mean and unit variance, and k 2 is the variance of 0(t). We consider the following OU process, , which models either xi or x2 i~ ~ =O (6.12) X-#()s +a- VV(t), in other words - where -y(t) f - AI'(t) is a Gaussian process with mean ri = (owo and standard I kwo/4. From (6.13), it is clear that instabilities are triggered when deviation '(t) < 0. We define the extreme event threshold, as before, by i= fi-/ik. According Section 2.4, using (2.15), we have that the typical ratio between the growth and decay phase is given by Tdecay _ - k (6.14) __ T_, 7,:, M The total duration of an unstable event is the sum of the duration of the growth phase T)<o and the decay phase Tdecay, i.e. Tinst =(1 + /-t)Tx<o. Therefore, we have the 53 ...... .............. - -- .. . I - ............. following result for the probabilities of the unstable and stable regimes, respectively: P(unstable regime) = (1 + [)P(- < 0) = (1 + p)(I - <b(rj)), P(stable regime) = 1 - (1 + p)P(y < 0) = 1 - (1 + p)(l - ob(i7)). 6.2.1 (6.15) (6.16) Stable regime distribution In the stable regime, by definition, we have no intermittent events. We again approximate the dynamics in this regime by replacing T(t) with its conditionally positive average 7>0: T o (6.17) ?in + Making this approximation we have the following equation that describes the dynamics in the stable regime: =- o x + a- (6.18) The corresponding equilibrium pdf for (6.18) is a Gaussian distribution (by using the Fokker-Planck equation 124]) and thus the pdf that describes the response in the stable regime is, Px(x I stable regime) =Up 6.2.2 0expx 2 (6.19) Unstable regime distribution Next we derive the distribution for the system's response in the unstable regime. Following A2, we assume that the parametric excitation 7(t) is the primary mechanism driving instabilities and ignore the additive forcing term, which has minimal impact on the pdf of the response in this regime. We characterize the growth phase by the envelope of the response u ~ uoeAT. By substituting this representation into (6.13), we get A = -y, so that P(A) = P(-j I -y < 0). Therefore, the distribution of the 54 Lyapunov exponent is given by, PA (A) = (I - <b(rI))k (6.20) A > 0. +-( n, I The conditionally unstable pdf for u is the same as in (4.13), with the modification that the distribution of the growth exponent is instead given by (6.20): f!,1 r log(u/uo) 2kT2 (1 - <1(r))u ? y x exp - y+m k _2 log(U/uo) 2 dy, u > uO. (6.21) \ 4T 2y2 The random variable uO describes the initial condition right before an instability occurs. The pdf for uO is thus given by the envelope in the stable regime (see Section 4.4). However, as in Section 5.2, since the dynamics in this case are essentially governed by the same equation, we note that the OU process (6.13) has the pathology that its interactions with the parametric excitation give rise to "instabilities" that are indistinguishable from the typical stable state response. This requires us to enforce the separation of the stable and unstable regimes by introducing the correction no = 'Tt0 + x, where ho is the pdf of the envelope in the stable regime and c is a constant equal to one standard deviation of the stable response distribution, i.e., c = o.2/(27I,>o). From a simple random variable transformation, we have the following result for the pdf for aO: P 0 (x) = 2 @,>0 (x - c) exp - K (x - c)2), X > c. Using (6.22) we can marginalize out uO in (6.20) by P(u I - < 0) = P(n (6.22) ' < 0, uo)P(no). In the last step, we transform the envelope representation of the dynamics in the unstable regime back to the variable we are interested in by a similar narrowbanded argument as in the previous applications, giving P,(x I unstable regime) = Px(x -y < 0) 55 = 1 2 -PU(IxI I < 0), (6.23) from which the final result for the pdf in the unstable regime can be easily obtained. 6.3 Summary of the analytical results Using the results from Section 6.2, constructing the full probability distribution for the slow variable is straightforward and requires combining the pdf for the stable regime (6.19) and the unstable regime (6.23), with the appropriate weights (6.15), using the total probability law (2.6). Since we assumed that the noise term 13(t) is unbiased, i.e. a zero mean process, the corresponding distribution for the response of the Mathieu equation (6.4) will be given by the distribution of the average of the slow variable x1 and x 2 (which are equivalent), since the response is a narrowbanded process, according to x(t) = xI(t) cos(wot) + x 2 (t) sin(wot). Thus we have that pdf of the response for the Mathieu equation (6.4) is given by PX(x) (I - (1 + 20)(1 exp( - 2 + (1+ A) V7F21>o 4a-kT> x ex-p - 2k2 -- - 4T2 y2 l [I I 0(2)) 2 log(Ixl/uo) - 2 (Ix|/(Uo y - c)) C)2 O)2 dy duo, (6.24) C where the integral is zero for x < c. 6.4 Discussion and comparison with numerical simulations Next we compare the derived analytical results (6.24) with Monte-Carlo simulations of the original system (6.4). To perform comparisons we use white noise W(t) with intensity 3 for the additive forcing term (t) and furthermore non-dimensionalize time 56 by wo in (6.4) so that, z(t) + 2(o b(t) + (1 + /3(t) sin 2t)x(t) = 6W(t). (6.25) We solve the equation above (6.25) for 2500 realization using forward-Euler integration with a time step dt = 5 x 10-3 from t = 0 to t = 3500 and discard the first 500 time units, to ensure a statistical steady state. Moreover, we simulate the stochastic process 13(t) according to the method presented in Appendix A. For comparison we show six cases of varying intermittency levels in Figure 6-4. For the comparisons, we set the damping at (0 = 0.1, 6 = 0.002, the correlation length of 0(t) to be 50 times the time scale of damping Lcorr = 500, and show six cases where we vary the intermittency level through the variance of the random process 0(t). For the most intermittent regime we set the standard deviation of 0(t) = kj(t) to k = 0.40 so that rare event crossings occur with a 16% chance and for the least intermittent regime k = 0.178 with a 2.3% rare event crossing frequency. Overall we have good agreement between the analytic results and Monte-Carlo simulations for all of the presented cases, which are robust across a range of parameters that satisfy the assumptions. 57 Monte Carlo Analytic - - 102 100 L. Monte Carlo - Analytic 102 --- . LL100 10-2 f 10-2 0 -01 -00 -0.1 -0.05 01 00-.1 10-LL -41L -0.15 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 x x (a) k = (b) k 0.20 = 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.22 M 103 - -- Monte Carlo - Monte Carlo Analytic 102 102 -nlyi 101 101 Li. o 100 0 100 10.1 10.2 10.2 1031 -0. 15 -0.1 (c) k = 1 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 x -0.05 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 x (d) k = 0.29 0.25 'U 10, - - 10 Monte Carlo Analytic - Monte Carlo Analytic 102 102 101 101 L. U0 0 D_ a_ 100 100 10' 10-1 10.21 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 IV 0.1 .1 -4 E -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 x (f) k = 0.40 (e) k = 0.33 Figure 6-4: Comparison of Monte-Carlo results (6.25) (red curve) and analytic results (6.24) of the Mathieu equation for various intermittency levels with 6-4a being least intermittent and 6-4f most intermittent. 58 Chapter 7 Conclusions and future work We have formulated a method to analytically approximate the pdf of intermittently unstable dynamical systems excited by correlated stochastic noise. The conditions and assumptions we have used to derive the method presented in this thesis are applicable to a broad class of problems in science and engineering. The core idea relies on conditioning the dynamics on stable regimes and unstable events according to a total probability law argument. The full system response is then derived by combining the results of the analysis from the two regimes. We demonstrate how this decomposition into a statistically stationary part (the stable regime) and an essentially transient part (the unstable regime) can be performed in an analytical framework. This total probability law decomposition is able to accurately capture the heavy-tailed statistics that arise due to the presence of intermittent instabilities, and we show how it provides a direct link between the character of the intermittent instabilities and the form of the heavy-tailed statistics of the response. We applied the formulated method to three prototype intermittently unstable systems: (1) a parametrically excited mechanical oscillator, (2) a complex mode that represents an intermittent mode in a turbulent system, and (3) the stochastic Mathieu equation. In all three cases, we have made appropriate assumptions to arrive at analytical approximations for the response pdf. We show that the derived analytical results for all three prototype systems compare favorably with Monte Carlo simulations 59 under a broad range of parametric regimes, and demonstrate that the tails of the analytical results capture the trend (and probabilities) with the numerical simulations. In the parametric oscillator application, our analysis has furthermore unveiled the important fact that intermittency in the velocity variable does not obey the familiar scaling of the position variable with the stable state frequency. Instead, he conditionally unstable pdf must be scaled by a frequency that accounts for both the stable state frequency (fast) and a (slow) frequency associated with intermittent events. We have made appropriate approximations to account for this observation. In the complex mode application and the stochastic Mathieu equation, we observed that the nature of the Langevin equation (with no inertial terms) leads to interactions with the parametric excitation that give rise to instabilities that are indistinguishable from the typical stable state response; again, we have made appropriate modifications to account for this "mixing" between the two regimes for these types of systems. Future work will include the extension and generalization of the ideas developed in this thesis into a unified framework that can be used to study extreme events for general dynamical systems. In particular, effort will be aimed at applying the idea of a probabilistic decomposition to the study of extremes to more complex systems, including nonlinear water waves, multi degree-of-freedom vibrations, and also to the motion of finite-sized particles in fluid flows. 60 Appendix A Gaussian Process Simulation Here we describe exact methods for the numerical simulation of Gaussian processes. In particular, we provide details on how to simulate realizations of Gaussian processes on R, i.e. one-dimensional Euclidean space. Further details regarding the simulation procedures described here and additional methods can be found in [64]. To generate a realization of a Gaussian process with expectation A(t) and covariance R(s, t) at times t. .. , t. we can sample a multivariate normal random vector with the same mean and covariance, such that X = (X 1 ,..., X,) = (X(ti . . . ,X(t)) This leads to the following simple algorithm. Algorithm A.1 (Gaussian Process Simulation) 1. Construct the mean vector p and covariance matrix E by settings pi = p(ti), for i = 1, ... ,n and Ej -=R(tit ), forij 1,...,n. 2. Find the (lower) Cholesky factorization A of the covariance matrix E = AAT. 3. Generate Z 1 , . . . , Z, ~ N(0, 1), and let Z (Z 1 ,... , ZJ)T. 4. Output X = t + AZ It is always possible to find a Cholesky factorization of the positive definite covariance matrix E, however the issue with the algorithm A.1 is that a Cholesky decomposition of an n x n matrix takes 0(n 3 ) floating point operations. Simulating 61 a long realizations quickly becomes time-consuming and introduces large memory constraints. However, for stationary Gaussian processes we can take advantage of the FFT to perform a fast O(nlognr) exact simulation, according to the circulant embedding method originally proposed in [65]. The main idea is based on the fact that the covariance matrix E for a stationary Gaussian process X(t), which is a symmetric Teoplitz matrix, can be embedded in a symmetric circulant matrix and factorized via the FFT. We are interested in realizations at equidistant times 6k, k = 0, . . . , n, for some 6 > 0, and let Xk= X(6k), for a process with mean ft. Suppose that the first column of the covariance matrix E is given by s = (Uo,.. .,)T. This (n+1) x (n+1) matrix can be embedded in a 2n x 2m symmet- ric circulant matrix C, where the first column is given by c= (O-O, ... , O-, on-, ... ,1)T (remaining columns are obtained by circularly permuting the indices). The fundamental fact is that the discrete Fourier transform diagonalizes the symmetric circulant matrix C. If we let F be the 2n x 2n discrete Fourier matrix (with inverse F = F/2n, where the overline is the complex conjugate), then the vector of eigenvalues of C are given by A = Fc, or equivalently A = Fc since C is symmetric, and we have the fact that C = F- 1 AF, where A = diag(A). Therefore, if we let D =F diag(A/2'n), then DD = F diag(A)F/2n = FAF- 1 = C, and so D is a (complex) square root factorization of C. Using this factorization the adapted version of Algorithm A.1 is given in the following algorithm, which generates two realization X 1 , X 2 in O(n log n) floating point operations. Algorithm A.2 (Fast Stationary Gaussian Process Simulation) 1. Compute the eigenvalues A = Fc via the FFT. 2. Compute the vector Yik = Ak/2n. 3. Generate Y1,1..., Y, Y1 2 ,y' (Y.. yi)Ti ~N(0, 1), and let Z =Y+iY 2 , where Y= 1 2. 4. Compute the vector C with entries (k FFT. 62 = Z%l, and compute V = FC, via the 5. Let A be the first n + 1 components of V. 6. Output X 1 = p + Re(A) and X 2 =p + Im(A). 63 64 Bibliography [1] A. H. Nayfeh and D. T. Mook, Nonlinear Oscillations. New York: WileyInterscience, 1984. [2] J. Pedlosky, Ocean Circulation Theory. Springer-Verlag, 1998. [3] R. Salmon, Lectures on Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Oxford University Press, 1998. [4] T. DelSole, "Stochastic models of quasigeostrophic turbulence," Surv. Geophys., vol. 25, pp. 107-149, 2004. [5] A. J. Majda, R. V. Abramov, and M. J. Grote, Information Theory and Stochastics for Multiscale Nonlinear Systems, vol. 25 of CRM Monograph Series. American Mathematical Society, 2005. [6] A. J. Majda, D. W. McLaughlin, and E. G. Tabak, "A one-dimensional model for dispersive wave turbulence," J. Nonlinear Sci., vol. 6, pp. 9-44, 1997. [7] K. Dysthe, H. Krogstad, and P. Muller, "Oceanic rogue waves," Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., vol. 40, p. 287, 2008. [8] W. Xiao, Y. Liu, G. Wu, and D. K. P. 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