AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Rachelle S. Valverde for the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering presented on June 18, 2013 Title: Roughness and Geometry Effects of Engineered Log Jams on 1-D Flow Characteristics Abstract approved: ________________________________________________________________ Desirée D. Tullos The re-introduction of large woody debris (LWD) into streams and rivers for stream restoration purposes is rapidly growing. Engineered log jams (ELJs) are man-made structures intended to mimic natural LWD structures, designed and installed to protect stream banks from erosion while increasing habitat diversity. Several studies have evaluated the flow resistance of single cylinder wooden objects; however, limited information is available on complex ELJs. Design guidelines recommend using hydraulic models to evaluate the flooding impact of proposed ELJ designs and one-dimensional (1-D) hydraulic models are often used in the design of ELJs. However, while 1D models have contributed some new knowledge, their application in the design of ELJs is still underdeveloped. For example, ELJs are often represented in practice as high ground or increased roughness in one-dimensional hydraulic models, but the accuracy and influence of adjusting channel geometry or roughness to represent ELJs has not been evaluated. This study thus evaluates the performance and characterizes the hydraulic impacts of different ELJ representations in a 1-D hydraulic model. The objective of this study is to investigate how representation of ELJs in a 1-D hydraulic model influences a) accuracy of WSE predictions, and b) 1-D flow characteristics of velocity, area, and hydraulic depth. The analysis is conducted for a case study of an ELJ at which channel geometry and hydraulic flow properties were measured and calibrated in a 1-D hydraulic model. We also present a sensitivity analysis of roughness and geometry at high flows. Calibration results demonstrate that geometry has a greater effect on model accuracy than hydraulic roughness for the evaluated ranges. Results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that increasing the roughness associated with an ELJ is simulated as a backwater effect, increasing WSEs upstream of the ELJ. Increasing ELJ roughness also causes a reduced velocity upstream of and at the ELJ. In contrast, the effect of adding ELJ geometry reduces the hydraulic depth and increases the velocity at the ELJ cross section. When combined, the effects of ELJ geometry and roughness combine to lower the WSE and raise velocities at the ELJ and raise WSE and lower velocities upstream of the ELJ, and geometry appears to dominate effects of adding roughness. Designers may choose to represent an ELJ as a modified geometry or increased roughness depending on whether upstream flood risk or localized scour adjacent to the ELJ is of concern. ©Copyright by Rachelle S. Valverde June 18, 2013 All Rights Reserved Roughness and Geometry Effects of Engineered Log Jams on 1-D Flow Characteristics by Rachelle S. Valverde A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented June 18, 2013 Commencement June 2014 Master of Science thesis of Rachelle S. Valverde presented on June 18, 2013. APPROVED: ________________________________________________________________ Major Professor, representing Civil Engineering ________________________________________________________________ Head of the School of Civil and Construction Engineering ________________________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. _________________________________________________________________ Rachelle S. Valverde, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Desirée Tullos, for her encouragement, knowledge and time. I would also like to thank all my field assistants: Lisa Thompson, Alexis Mills, Julia Rask, YunJi Choi, Christopher Gifford-Miears, and Harrison Ko. Thank you to Arne Skaugset for providing crest gauges for this study. Cara Walter, who was a great resource, maintained the gauging station and provided invaluable knowledge of surveying, and GPS throughout this entire endeavor. Background information on the study site and support was provided by The River Design Group. This study would not have been possible without their cooperation. Lastly, I would like to thank my friends and family for their support from afar. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Background .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Geography of the Calapooia River Basin............................................................................... 4 2.2 Jam History, and Location ..................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Study Area ...................................................................................................................... 6 3. Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Field Surveys: Data Collection and Processing ..................................................................... 8 3.2 Model ELJ Representation: Geometry and Roughness ......................................................... 9 3.3 Hydraulic Model .................................................................................................................. 12 3.3.1 Calibration at Low Flows ............................................................................................. 13 3.3.2 Sensitivity Analysis for High Flows ............................................................................. 14 4. Results........................................................................................................................................ 15 4.1 Model Calibration ................................................................................................................ 15 4.1.1 Model Accuracy............................................................................................................ 15 4.1.2 Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities and Flow Areas ................................ 15 4.2 Sensitivity Analysis.............................................................................................................. 17 4.2.1 Effect of Geometry on Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities and Flow Areas ............................................................................................................................................... 17 4.2.2 Effect of Roughness on Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities, and Flow Areas ...................................................................................................................................... 20 4.2.3 Effect of Geometry and Roughness on Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities and Flow Areas ...................................................................................................................... 20 5. Discussion .................................................................................................................................. 23 5.1 Calibration of 1-D Hydraulic Model at Low Flow .............................................................. 23 5.2 Effect of Geometry and Roughness in a 1-D Hydraulic Model ........................................... 23 5.3 Relative Roles of Geometry and Roughness in a 1-D Hydraulic Model ............................. 25 5.4 Effect of ELJ on 1-D Flow Characteristics at Varying Stages (High and Low Flow) ......... 25 6. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 29 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 30 Appendix........................................................................................................................................ 35 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Location map of study area……………………………………………………...…….…….5 2. Engineered Log Jam on Sodom Ditch, Oregon……………………………..…….….……..6 3. Observed water surface elevations…………………………………………………..……...9 4. Model geometry and roughness configurations for XS2 and XS3…..…………...….……..10 5. Water surface elevations of best fit by discharge…………………...………..…………….16 6. Velocity and area for best fit models of Figure 5 by discharge………………..….….…….17 7. Effect of geometry on water surface elevation and velocity-area……………..….….….….19 8. Effect of roughness on water surface elevation and velocity-area…………………....…….21 9. Effect of geometry and roughness on water surface elevation and velocity-area……….…..22 10. Effect of geometry, roughness and combined geometry and roughness on WSE, velocity and area……………………………………………………………………..…...27 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Cross section 1-D flow characteristics at 9 cms…………………………………………….7 2. Observed flows and associated blockage values..………………….……………………….9 3. Roughness distribution for geometry, roughness and combined geometry and roughness comparisons……………………………..………………………..………...…..12 4. Sensitivity analysis flood frequency…………………………...…………………………...14 Roughness and Geometry Effects of Engineered Log Jams on 1-D Flow Characteristics 1. Introduction The re-introduction of large woody debris (LWD) into streams and rivers for restoration purposes is rapidly growing (Bernhardt et al. 2005; Brummer et al. 2006; Manners and Doyle 2008). The value of LWD as a restoration technique is increasingly recognized, with events such as the Wood in World Rivers Conference, US Bureau of Reclamation Large Wood Conference; and special issues of Geomorphology in March 2003, and Earth Surface Processes and Landforms in July 2007 (Lassettre and Kondolf 2011). Engineered log jams (ELJs) are man-made structures intended to mimic natural LWD structures, designed and installed to protect stream banks and increase habitat diversity (Abbe and Montgomery 1996; Herrera Environmental Consultants 2006; Shields et al. 2004). ELJs have seen a dramatic growth in use over the past two decades as a sustainable approach to bank protection (Herrera Environmental Consultants 2006). ELJs increase habitat diversity by altering channel morphology (Abbe and Montgomery 1996; Manners et al. 2007); pool formation, size and spacing (Manners et al. 2007); channel width and variability (Smith et al. 1993); and channel roughness (Buffington and Montgomery 1999). Furthermore, the addition of ELJs is associated with increases in fish species richness (Shields et al. 1994; Shields et al. 1995), and habitat diversity (Davidson and Eaton 2012; Lassettre and Kondolf 2011). In addition to geomorphic and ecological impacts, ELJs can be an important component of flow resistance (Hygelund and Manga 2003), contributing to channel roughness by influencing channel geometry, bedform, bank irregularities, stream meander, and bed material (Chow 1959). Total flow resistance in stream channels can be partitioned into distinct components that are related to channel features. Variables related to flow resistance can be partitioned such as bed shear stress, friction slope, Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, Manning’s n and flow depth (Wilcox et. al. 2006; Einstein and Barbarossa 1952; Rouse 1965). Among the four types of flow resistance classified by Rouse (1965), the wall surface and form resistance are the main contributors to ELJ resistance (Wilcox et al. 2006). Wall surface or skin friction resistance is the resistance due to the boundary layer (Yen 2002). The boundary layer represents the channel bed roughness that causes energy losses resulting from skin friction and drag from individual grains in the bed (Einstein and Barbarossa 1952). Form resistance is due to pressure drag on the irregular bed surface (Wilcox et al. 2006). For channels with ELJs, form resistance can be attributed to woody debris. 2 Due to the important implications for channel velocities, depths, and sediment transport capacity, several formulae have been developed using physical models and field investigations to evaluate the contribution of LWD to flow resistance. For example, several studies have attempted to quantify the hydraulic effect of woody debris by use of the flow resistance equation (Curran and Wohl 2003; Gippel et al. 1992; Shields and Gippel 1995), which represents debris resistance by a roughness coefficient or friction factor (Dudley et al. 1998; Gippel 1995; Hygelund and Manga 2003; Manga and Kirchner 2000; Manners et al. 2007; Shields and Gippel 1995; Wilcox et al. 2006). Alternately, an equation to determine the Manning’s n of ELJs was derived as a function of ELJ density, hydraulic radius and drag coefficient (Petryk and Bosmajian 1975). Similarly, a method for estimating debris resistance through the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor has also been developed using debris density, channel geometry, and the debris drag coefficient (Shields and Gippel 1995). These formulae assume that the cumulative effect of an ELJ in a channel may be treated as boundary roughness uniformly distributed along the reach, thus neglecting the effect of form resistance. These formulae are often applied to one-dimensional (1-D) hydraulic models in the design and evaluation of ELJs. For example, flood defense alternatives using dams made of ELJs were evaluated in a 1-D hydraulic model to aid in the selection of an effective downstream flood mitigation alternative (Thomas and Nisbet 2012). Flood risks associated with proposed ELJ obstruction alternatives, which were modeled as high ground, were evaluated through the use of a 1-D hydraulic model for selection of the alternative with the least flooding risk (Whitman n.d.). However, two key limitations of existing formulae exist. First, the effects of LWD and ELJs on flow resistance are known to vary with the architecture of the wood and the channel hydraulics. For example, field studies that have directly measured the drag coefficient of model woody debris find that it varies with factors such as log orientation, relative log size, depth of submergence, branches, leaves (Hygelund and Manga 2003). Single-cylinder flume studies highlight the relationships between flow, geometry, and log orientation (Gippel et al. 1992; Wilcox et al. 2006; Young 1991). However, most studies on localized hydraulic effects of wood have been performed on single cylinder objects (Manners and Doyle 2008). To bridge the gap between single cylinder woody debris and ELJs, Manners (2007) found that the assumption of nonporosity resulted in a 10-20% overestimation of ELJ drag coefficients. 3 Second, despite the recommendations from design documents to use hydraulic models in evaluating potential risk associated with proposed ELJs (Abbe et al. 2003; Herrera Environmental Consultants 2006; Oregon Department of State Lands 2010), the aforementioned formulae developed to represent the flow resistance of ELJs have not been thoroughly validated in a hydraulic numerical model. Guidelines recommend that hydraulic analysis include an evaluation of flow velocities, water surface elevations, shear stress, and bed deformation, but no guidance is given regarding how to represent ELJs to evaluate their effect on these hydraulic parameters. For example, current design methods developed to estimate debris resistance are based on uncertain empirically-derived coefficients for single cylinder objects (Gippel 1995). Parameterizing the roughness of an ELJ in a hydraulic model is difficult because models only parameterize roughness by a single factor, which does not account for the factors noted above that influence wood’s contribution to flow resistance (Warmink et al. 2013). Finally, while studies (Brummer et al. 2006; Herrera Environmental Consultants 2006; Whitman n.d.) report water surface elevation results of using 1-D numerical models to model ELJs as high ground in the channel cross section, the accuracy of the roughness coefficient and representation of the ELJ as high ground in a 1-D model has not been evaluated. Thus, we investigate how representation of ELJs in a 1-D hydraulic model influences a) accuracy of water surface elevation (WSE) estimates, and b) 1-D flow characteristics of velocity, area, and hydraulic depth. The primary objectives of this study are to evaluate the contribution of an ELJ to both boundary and form resistance, evaluate the performance and, characterize the hydraulic impact of different ELJ representations in a 1-D hydraulic model. In this study, we represent an ELJ as combinations of different roughness coefficients and channel geometries. The roughness model configurations are to evaluate the contribution to boundary resistance, while the geometry models are used to evaluate form resistance. The first component of this study involves the calibration of a 1-D ELJ hydraulic model using the various representations of the study ELJ’s geometry and roughness to evaluate the accuracy of different configuration for modeling ELJs at low flows. A sensitivity analysis is also performed at bank full flows, for which no calibration data is available, to investigate the hydraulic effect of ELJ roughness and geometry on 1-D flow characteristics at high flows. The analysis is conducted for a case study of a ELJ located on a bifurcation of the Calapooia River, Oregon, for which channel geometry and hydraulic conditions were monitored and simulated in a 1-D hydraulic model. 4 2. Background 2.1 Geography of the Calapooia River Basin The Sodom Ditch was excavated in the late 19th century as a bifurcation of the Calapooia River (Figure 1), and was intended to be a high-water diversion to minimize flooding along the Calapooia River (Calapooia Watershed Council 2013). The Sodom Ditch bifurcation is located downstream of Brownsville, Oregon on the Calapooia River at river mile 28.3 and rejoins the Calapooia River at river mile 19.6 (Calapooia Watershed Council 2013). From its headwaters in the Western Cascades of Oregon the Calapooia River flows north-west where it joins the Willamette River near Albany, Linn County (Runyon 2004). Elevations within the Calapooia watershed range from 1,580 meters at the summit of Tidbits Mountain to 61 meters draining an area of 947 km2. The geology of the headwaters are characterized by deeply eroded volcanoes comprised of basalt and andesite, which is indicative of the Oregon Western Cascades (Sherrod and Smith 2000). The Sodom Dam was located on the Sodom Ditch approximately 427 meters downstream of the bifurcation between the Calapooia River and the Sodom Ditch (Calapooia Watershed Council 2013). It was first built as a push-up dam, then a wooden crib dam and then a concrete structure (Calapooia Watershed Council 2013). The concrete dam was built in 1957 and integrated a weir and pool fishway (Calapooia Watershed Council 2013). The Sodom Dam was approximately 3.3 meters in height and 26 meters across, including the crest and the width of the fishway. Flashboards were installed during the summer to increase the reservoir elevation by 3 meters above the crest of the dam. The dam was a partial barrier to the fish passage of two federally-listed threatened species. The dam delayed migration of winter Steelhead moving upstream and presented a significant obstacle to spring Chinook salmon. The dam was also a safety hazard, with significant erosion at the outlet apron and concrete deterioration. The dam was removed during the summer of 2011and replaced with a grade control structures to stabilize the sediment in place and maintain an established flow split between the historical Calapooia and the Sodom ditch. ELJs were constructed for bank stabilization and habitat restoration. 5 a) b) XS1 XS2 XS3 XS4 Flow XS5 XS6 Figure1. Location map of study area. a) Map of the Calapooia watershed with the location of gauging station, b) Extent and layout of study reach with cross sections and ELJ in shaded gray. 6 2.2 Jam History, and Location 2.2.1 Study Area The post-removal site plan for the Sodom ditch included eight complex ELJs. For this analysis, we selected a meander jam located 200 meters downstream of the bifurcation on the right bank. The study ELJ consists of several key, stacked, and racked members (Figure 2). Key members are large logs embedded deep into the channel substrate to ensure a solid foundation during bankfull flows (Abbe et al. 2003). Over the key members, smaller logs are stacked to link individual members together. The smallest logs are then racked on top of the stacked members to decrease the permeability of the ELJ to deflect flow around the structure. Stacked Member Racked Member Key Member Figure 2. Engineered Log Jam on Sodom Ditch, Oregon The study area consists of a 73 meter reach that encompassed the study ELJ. The reach is represented by a series of six cross sections (Figure 1b); one upstream of the ELJ, one on each of the upstream and downstream faces of the ELJ and three downstream of the ELJ (Table 1). The first 14 meters of the study reach have the highest velocities as flow exits a riffle located directly upstream of the study reach. The subsequent 21 meters, XS2 and XS3, encompass the ELJ and are characterized by lower velocities and deeper hydraulic depths relative to XS1. Directly downstream of the ELJ, XS5, the channel forms a pool where the channel widens and the hydraulic depth is at its greatest. Flow then enters a riffle located immediately below the pool, which is the downstream extent of the study reach. 7 Table 1. Cross section 1-D flow characteristics at 9 cms Cross Section Station Area of (XS) (m) Influence 1 80 US 2 66 ELJ 3 52 ELJ 4 45 DS 5 24 DS 6 7 DS Hydraulic Depth (m) 1.69 3.31 3.95 2.96 3.75 1.79 Velocity (m s-1) 0.56 0.25 0.20 0.25 0.15 0.28 Width (m) 15 20 20 21 30 27 8 3. Methods 3.1 Field Surveys: Data Collection and Processing The river channel bathymetry was surveyed in February of 2013 and ground topography was surveyed in March of 2013. Surveys include six cross sections (Figure 1b) along the 73mlength reach, elevations along top members of the ELJ, ground elevations below the ELJ, and bathymetric points within the water prism. Topography outside of and within the wadeable portions of the channel was surveyed using a Topcon GR-3 Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS). In-channel bathymetry was surveyed using a raft-mounted Teledyne WorkHorse Rio Grande Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Cross sections were positioned to characterize the regions of flow influenced by the ELJ, including associated changes in channel geometry, gradient, and roughness. The regions influenced by the ELJ are upstream of the ELJ (XS1), adjacent to the ELJ (XS2, XS3) and downstream of the ELJ (XS4, XS5, XS6). From the field surveys a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) was developed in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)® ArcMap™ 10 in US feet in the Oregon North State Plane projection, North American Datum 83(ESRI 2010). HEC-GeoRAS, an ArcGIS extension, was used to prepare the GIS data for import into HEC-RAS. Using the HEC-GeoRAS toolbar, bank lines and flow paths were digitized by overlaying an aerial photograph on the data. HEC-GeoRAS produced an export file with river center line and cross sections. In addition to topographic surveys, WSEs were surveyed during several runoff events between February and April 2013. WSEs were obtained (Table 2 and Figure 3) from the ADCP, GPS or from crest gauges (Sauer and Turnipseed 2010) installed on the right and left banks of each of the six cross sections. The average of the left and right bank WSE was used as the observed WSE at each cross section. Blockage ratios were calculated as the ratio of the submerged ELJ area to the submerged area of the channel, including the ELJ, for each of the observed discharge events. Photographs of the upstream and downstream faces of the ELJ were collected, which were calibrated using a survey rod with one foot increments clearly marked. Photographs were stitched together using Microsoft Image Composite Editor (Figure 2). The composite images were loaded into Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012, scaled, and then used to determine ELJ area, porosity, and wetted perimeter. The area and wetted perimeter were used to define the ELJ cross sections for the full frontal area or preserved wetter perimeter representations. The 9 study ELJ was found to be non-porous with a porosity of 0%, as the multiple layers of the ELJ combine to form a solid object. Discharge is currently gauged approximately 2.25 km downstream of the study area on the Sodom Ditch at Linn West Road (Figure 1), with no stream junctions or significant inputs or diversions between the study area and the downstream gauge. To verify the downstream gauge as representative of the study site, a Teledyne StreamPro ADCP was used to directly measure the discharge at the study area using USGS standard methods (Mueller and Wagner 2009). The StreamPro and Linn West gauge were found to differ by 2.6%. Table 2. Observed flows and associated blockage ratios Collection Method Event Date Flow (cms) Blockage Ratio GPS & ADCP GPS GPS Crest Gauge Crest Gauge GPS 2/14/2013 2/22/2013 3/4/2013 3/20/2013 4/7/2013 4/8/2013 9 7 13 33 35 28 0.269 0.270 0.261 0.245 0.244 0.249 90 90 89 89 88 88 Elevation (m) b) 91 Elevation (m) a) 91 87 86 85 87 86 85 84 84 83 83 82 82 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (m) 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (m) 60 70 Figure 3. Observed water surface elevations. For 7 cms, 9, cms, 13 cms, 33 cms, and 35 cms. a) XS2, and b) XS3. Grey line to the right of the cross section represents the estimated bank line behind the ELJ. 3.2 Model ELJ Representation: Geometry and Roughness The ELJ is represented at XS2 and XS3 (Figure 1), the upstream and downstream faces of the ELJ, respectively, for three geometry configurations. The geometry configurations are used 10 to evaluate the form resistance contribution of the ELJ in the model. The first geometry omits the ELJ by making no modifications to the geometry (Figure 4a, 4b). The second geometry represents the ELJ by adjusting the vertical position of the channel invert to block out the frontal area of the ELJ (Figure 4c, 4d). The full frontal area geometry eliminates the entire area occupied by ELJ from the cross section, delineated by connecting high points along the ELJ, which may cause the area blocked out to be an over estimation of the actual ELJ area. The last geometry represents the ELJ by blocking out an area that has preserved the wetted perimeter of the actual ELJ (Figure 4e, 4f). The preserved wetter perimeter geometry preserves the wetted perimeter of the ELJ by using the AutoCAD scaled photographs of the ELJ. The preserved wetted perimeter geometry increased the wetted perimeter by 3.3 meters at XS2 and remained the same at XS3 as compared to the full frontal area cross sections. nELJ-F a) c) b) NGSR nELJ-F nELJ-F nELJ-P NGDR d) FGSR e) nELJ nELJ nELJ-P FGDR f) nELJ nELJ-P PGSR PGDR Figure 4. Model geometry and roughness configurations for XS2 and XS3. a) No Geometry Single Roughness (NGSR); b) No Geometry Double Roughness (NGDR); c) Full frontal area Geometry Single Roughness (FGSR); d) Full frontal area Geometry Double Roughness (FGDR); e) Preserved wetted perimeter Geometry Single Roughness (PGSR); f) Preserved wetter perimeter Geometry Double Roughness (PGDR). Remaining cross sections (XS1, XS4, XS5, XS6) in the model have no geometric changes and have a single roughness distribution, nc. 11 The ELJ is also represented as a roughness element, with roughness distribution in the ELJ cross-sections configured in two ways: 1) a single roughness coefficient for each cross section (Figures 4a, 4c, 4e); and 2) two roughness coefficients, horizontally distributed through the ELJ cross sections (Figures 4b, 4d, 4f). The two roughness configurations are used to evaluate the contribution of ELJ boundary resistance in the model. A Manning's n of 0.034 was calculated for the representative unobstructed cross section (XS1) of the Sodom Ditch, based on cross section and flow measurements surveyed on March 4, 2013. This representative value of Manning’s n, hereafter referred to as nc, was applied consistently to all model cross sections in HEC-RAS. For some models (Figure 4b, 4d, 4f), the upstream and downstream faces of the ELJ (XS2 and XS3) were represented in the model with two different roughness distributions (Table 3). The first roughness model (Figure 4a, 4c, 4e) applies a single Manning’s n (nELJ-F) to the full cross section (XS2 and XS3). The second model (Figure 4b, 4d, 4f) assigns a higher Manning’s n (nELJ-P) to the partial area occupied by the ELJ at XS2 and XS3, while the remainder of the cross section is assigned a Manning’s n of nELJ. In all models the remaining cross sections, XS1, XS4, XS5, and XS6, are assigned a Manning’s n of nc. The combinations of channel geometries and roughness coefficients result in six hydraulic models (Figure 4). First, the No Geometry Single Roughness (NGSR) model (Figure 4a), has no geometric representation of the ELJ and a single roughness coefficient. Second, the No Geometry Double Roughness (NGDR) model (Figure 4b), has no geometric representation of the ELJ and two roughness coefficients. Third, the Full Geometry Single Roughness (FGSR) model (Figure 4c), has the full frontal area geometry of the ELJ and a single roughness coefficient. Fourth, the Full Geometry Double Roughness (FGDR) model (Figure 4d), has the full frontal area geometry of the ELJ and two roughness coefficients. Fifth, the Preserved Geometry Single Roughness (PGSR) model (Figure 4e), has the preserved wetter perimeter geometry of the ELJ and a single roughness coefficient. Finally, the Preserved Geometry Double Roughness (PGDR) model (Figure 4f), has the preserved wetter perimeter geometry of the ELJ and two roughness coefficients. To evaluate the effects of geometry, roughness, and geometry plus roughness, the models are compared in the following ways. To evaluate the effect of ELJ geometry on simulated WSE, velocity and area in the model, NGSR is compared to FGSR, NGDR to FGDR, and FGDR to PGDR. To evaluate the effect of additional ELJ roughness NGSR is compared to NGDR, FGSR to FGDR, and FGDR to PGDR. To evaluate the combined effect of geometry and additional ELJ roughness, NGSR is compared to FGDR. The model configurations for the roughness, geometry 12 and combined roughness and geometry model comparisons are listed in Table 3. The six model scenarios were compared to a base model to determine the effect of geometry and roughness on the simulated WSE. The base model for each comparison is the model without geometry for the geometry comparison, with single roughness for the roughness comparison, and with single roughness and without geometry for the combined geometry and roughness comparison. Table 3. Roughness distribution for geometry, roughness and combined geometry & roughness comparisons Comparison Model NGSR FGSR Geometry NGDR FGDR PGDR NGSR FGSR NGDR Roughness FGDR PGSR PGDR Geometry NGSR & Roughness FGDR nELJ-F 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 - nELJ nELJ-P 0.034 0.04 0.034 0.04 0.034 0.04 0.034 0.06 0.034 0.06 0.034 0.06 0.034 0.06 3.3 Hydraulic Model HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center – River Analysis System) is a hydraulic model used to simulate WSEs (USACE 2010). In a HEC-RAS steady state simulation, water surface profiles are computed from the downstream cross section to the next upstream cross section by using the standard step method (Haestad Methods et al. 2003) to solve the energy equation. To determine total conveyance and the velocity coefficients for a cross section, HECRAS subdivides flow in the main channel from the over banks. Conveyance is calculated for each subdivision by applying the Manning’s equation (EQ.1). Where K is conveyance for the subdivision, n is Manning’s roughness coefficient for the subdivision, A is flow area of the subdivision, and R is hydraulic radius for each subdivision. The total conveyance for each subdivision is calculated as the sum of the conveyance from the left over bank, main channel, and right over bank. Flow in the main channel is subdivided only when 13 the Manning’s roughness coefficient varies across the channel. The composite main channel Manning’s roughness coefficient is defined as: Where is the composite or equivalent coefficient of roughness, P is the wetted perimeter of the entire main channel, is the wetted perimeter of subdivision i, and is the coefficient of roughness for subdivision i. Input parameters for the 1-D model include topographic data in the form of a series of cross sections, a roughness coefficient in the form of Manning’s n values across the cross section, flow rates, WSEs, and boundary conditions. Separate downstream boundary conditions were developed for the dual objectives of this study. For the first objective of low flow model calibration, the downstream boundary conditions at XS6 were defined as the observed WSEs (Table 2) for each calibration simulation. For the second objective of high flow sensitivity analysis, a lack of high flows over the study period resulted in no observed WSEs at high flows. Therefore the downstream boundary condition was specified as normal depth, applying a water surface slope of 0.000771, which was obtained from a survey performed by RDG during a 156 cms event that occurred on December 30, 2011. Some of the limitations of the calibration portion of this study include model error, instrument error, and measurement error. HEC-RAS can calculate WSE to within a user-defined tolerance, which was set at the maximum of 0.01 m for this study. The observed WSEs were measured with either RTK GPS or with crest gauges, both of which have an accuracy of 0.01 m. There is also the error introduced by the surveyor’s definition of the WSE location, which fluctuates in a natural channel. By repeating measurements at the same location at the same flow rate the surveyor introduced error was determine to be 0.01 m. The calibrated models cannot be calibrated to an accuracy of less than 0.01 m. 3.3.1 Calibration and Validation at Low Flows Manning’s n was used as the calibration parameter in all the low-flow model scenarios, with the directly calculated value of 0.034 applied at all cross sections for the initial simulation. Manning’s n was then adjusted in subsequent simulations, starting at the downstream cross section and working upstream until the best fit of simulated WSE to observed were obtained using goodness of fit parameters. The model was calibrated using the observed flow rates and 14 WSEs from five flow events. The remaining event of 13 cms was used to validate the calibrated model. Two goodness-of-fit statistics were calculated: Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), and bias (BIAS). The NSE is a normalized statistic that compares the residual variance to the measure data variance such that a value of 1 indicates a perfect fit (Moriasi et al. 2007). BIAS measures the average tendency of the simulated data to be smaller or larger than the observed, with positive values indicating model underestimation and negative values indicating model overestimation. A model was assumed to be calibrated when the goodness of fit statistics converged to a fixed value. 3.3.2 Sensitivity Analysis for High Flows A sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate how boundary resistance, represented by the Manning’s roughness parameter, and form resistance, represented by the geometric representation of an ELJ, affects model output. The sensitivity of the model was tested through a series of steady flow model examples. The six models, NGSR, NGDR, FGSR, FGDR, PGDR and PGDR were evaluated at flood events ranging from a 2 year to a 100 year event (Table 4). The Linn West gauging station has only been in operation since 2011 and, therefore, could not be used to determine flood frequencies for periods longer than the gauge has been installed. Therefore, linear regression equations for ungauged sites developed by the USGS were used to estimate the runoff events for the Sodom Ditch (Riesley et al. 2005). The USGS peak flow frequency regression equations are based on drainage area, mean basin elevation and mean annual precipitation. Table 4. Sensitivity analysis flood frequency Flood Frequency (yrs) Flow (cms) 2 113 5 170 10 226 25 283 50 340 100 396 15 4. Results 4.1 Model Calibration 4.1.1 Model Accuracy The directed-calculated roughness of 0.034 produced WSEs in the models that greatly overestimated the WSE compared to the observed. The roughness was therefore lowered until the best fit was achieved. All the models converged to a best fit with an unreasonably low Manning’s n of 0.005 for every cross section throughout the study reach (Appendix Table A.1). The fit parameters converged at this roughness and it was found that any Manning’s n lower than 0.005 produced no change in the model. For the lower calibration flows of 7 cms and 9 cms, the fit statistics are all identical. Therefore, it cannot be determined which model produces the most accurate fit to the observed WSEs for the lowest flows. However, for the higher calibration flows of 28 cms, 33 cms and 35 cms, the addition of ELJ geometry results in an NSE closer to 1 and a BIAS closer to 0 than when representing ELJ roughness. The better NSE and BIAS at these higher flows suggest that the addition of ELJ geometry results in a more accurate representation of the observed WSE than representing ELJ roughness. The 13 cms flow used to validate the calibrated model resulted in an NSE closer to 1 and a BIAS closer to 0 similar to 28 cms, 33 cms, and 35 cms. For the highest flows of 33 and 35 cms, the observed WSE at XS5 are omitted from NSE and BIAS calculations. At these high flows the crest gauges at XS5 were found to be defective as they did not meet USGS gauge standards. Therefore, the WSEs for these flows at this location were not used in the calibration of the model. The omission of these WSEs resulted in the calculation of modified fit parameters. At 33 cms the modified NSE is 0.972 and a -0.00027 m BIAS for NGSR, which is a much better fit as compared to 13 cms with an unmodified NSE of -0.430 and a -0.00013 m BIAS. 4.1.2 Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities and Flow Areas Observations indicate the ELJ cross sections generate a local increase in the WSE as the flow encounters the face of ELJ (XS2) and then lowers once it passes the ELJ (XS4) (Figure 5). This longitudinal trend is roughly simulated by all calibration models, though the accuracy of the WSE varies with the different geometry and roughness representations. Calibrated models with ELJ geometry representation produced WSEs that were lower at XS2 and XS3 than models without ELJ geometry (Figure 5). Comparing NGSR and NGDR to 16 b) 86.39 Water Surface Elevation (m) Water Surface Elevation (m) a) 86.35 86.34 86.33 86.32 86.31 86.3 86.29 86.28 86.27 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 d) 86.83 Water Surface Elevation (m) c) 86.51 Water Surface Elevation (m) 86.38 86.37 86.36 86.35 86.34 86.33 86.32 86.31 86.3 86.29 86.28 86.5 86.49 86.48 86.47 86.46 86.45 86.44 40 60 80 e) 86.98 f) Water Surface Elevation (m) 20 Water Surface Elevation (m) 0 86.82 86.81 86.8 86.79 86.78 86.77 86.76 86.75 86.74 86.73 86.72 86.71 86.96 86.94 86.92 86.9 86.88 86.86 86.84 86.82 87 86.98 86.96 86.94 86.92 86.9 86.88 86.86 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 Figure 5. Water surface elevations of best fit by discharge. Solid squares are the observed water surface elevations with instrument and measurement error bars . NGSR (□), NGDR (*), FGSR (○), FGDR (◊). Plot c is the validated model. a) 7cms, b) 9 cms, c) 13 cms, d) 28 cms, e) 33 cms, f) 35 cms. PGSR and PGDR were omitted from the results since their geometry is the same as for FGSR and FGDR during low flow events. 17 FGSR, and FGDR, the addition of geometry causes a localized drop in the WSE at the location of the ELJ geometry. For each flow rate (Figure 5) the WSEs for NGSR are identical to NGDR; and FGSR are identical to FGDR, illustrating that the influence of roughness is negligible relative to the influence of geometry. Although the WSEs for NGSR are the same as NGDR and FGSR are the same as FGDR, the models account for the change in ELJ geometry and roughness with changes in the velocity and area (Figure 6). For example, at the highest flow, 35 cms, upstream of the ELJ (XS1), a very small increase in velocity (+0.004 m s-1) is accompanied by a small decrease in area (-0.04 m2). More notably, at the upsream face of the ELJ (XS2), the velocity increases (+0.178 m s-1) and the area decreases (-15.78 m2) with the addtion of ELJ geometry. At the downsream face of the ELJ (XS3), the velocity increases (+0.096 m s-1) and the area decreases (-10.82 m2) with the addtion of ELJ geometry. For the remaing cross sections (XS1, XS4-6), there is no change in the velocity and area with or without ELJ geometry. 4.2 Sensitivity Analysis A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the effect of form resistance by geometry and boundary resistance by roughness of ELJs at high flows. NGSR is compared to FGSR, NGDR is compared to FGDR, and FGDR is compared to PGDR to evaluate the effect of form resistance by the addition of geometry to a hydraulic model. NGSR is compared to NGDR, FGSR is compared to FGDR, and PGSR is compared to PGDR to evaluate the effect of boundary resistance by the addition of roughness to a hydraulic model. 4.2.1 Effect of Geometry on Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities and Flow Areas Form resistance through the addition of ELJ geometry has the effect (Figures 7a, 7c) of locally lowering the WSE at the ELJ cross sections (XS2 and XS3) and raising the WSE upstream of the ELJ (XS1). The preservation of the wetted perimeter of the ELJ causes the WSE to rise at XS1, XS2 and XS3 for every flow rate (Figure 7e) as compared to FGDR. The changes in WSEs for all the geometry comparisons (Figure 7a, c, e) are accompanied by corresponding changes in velocity and area (Figure 7b, d, f). In general, the addition of ELJ geometry reduces velocity and increases flow area upstream of the ELJ (XS1), while the velocities increase and the area decreases at the ELJ (XS2 and XS3) with the addition of ELJ geometry (Figure 7b, d). 18 b) 0.6 70 0.5 60 0.5 60 20 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 20 10 0 80 0 0 20 40 60 80 d) 1.4 80 0.7 60 1.2 70 50 1 Velocity (m/s) 0.5 40 0.4 30 0.3 20 0.2 Velocity (m/s) 70 Area (m2) c) 0.8 0.6 10 0.1 0 20 40 60 60 50 0.8 40 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 0 0 10 0 80 0 0 20 40 60 80 90 1.4 80 1.4 80 1.2 70 1.2 70 60 50 0.8 40 0.6 0.4 0.2 30 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 60 1 50 0.8 40 0.6 30 20 0.4 20 10 0.2 10 0 0 Velocity (m/s) f) 1.6 Area (m2) 90 Velocity (m/s) e) 1.6 1 Area (m2) 30 0.2 0.1 10 0 40 0.3 Area (m2) 30 0.2 50 0.4 Area (m2) 40 0.3 Area (m2) 50 0.4 Velocity (m/s) 70 Velocity (m/s) a) 0.6 0 0 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 Figure 6. Velocity and area for best fit model of Figure 5 by discharge. NGSR (□), NGDR (*), RFGSR (○), FGDR (◊). Velocities are solid lines and areas are dashed lines. Plot c is the validated model. a) 7cms, b) 9 cms, c) 13 cms, d) 28 cms, e) 33 cms, f) 35 cms 19 b) 3.8 ELJ 210 3.5 89.5 89 88.5 150 2.3 130 2 110 20 40 90.5 60 80 40 60 80 215 3.5 89.5 89 88.5 88 190 3.2 165 2.9 2.6 140 2.3 115 2 1.7 20 40 60 80 90 0 f) 90.5 20 40 60 80 3.8 ELJ 215 3.5 Velocity (m/s) 90 89.5 89 88.5 88 190 3.2 165 2.9 2.6 140 2.3 115 2 87.5 1.7 0 20 40 60 Station (m) Area (m2) 90 0 Water Surface Elevation (m) 20 d) 3.8 ELJ 87.5 e) 90 0 Velocity (m/s) Water Surface Elevation (m) 2.6 1.7 0 c) 170 2.9 88 87.5 190 3.2 Area (m2) 90 Velocity (m/s) Water Surface Elevation (m) 90.5 80 Area (m2) a) 90 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 Figure 7. Effect of geometry on water surface elevation and velocity-area. Dashed lines are area, and solid lines are velocity. a)WSEs, NGSR (black) versus FGSR (grey), b) Velocity-Area, NGSR (black) versus FGSR (grey), c) WSEs, NGDR (black) versus FGDR (grey), d) VelocityArea, NGDR (black) versus FGDR (grey), e) WSEs, FGDR (black) versus PGDR (grey), f) Velocity-Area, FGDR (black) versus PGDR (grey). The roughness distributions for the model comparisons in Figure 7 are listed in Table 3. 20 The WSEs, velocities, and areas at cross sections downstream of the ELJ are not affected by the addition of ELJ geometry in any model comparison. 4.2.2 Effect of Roughness on Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities, and Flow Areas Boundary resistance simulated by increased ELJ roughness causes an overall rise in the WSE which propagates upstream of the ELJ. For every flow rate, the addition of ELJ roughness raises the simulated WSE at cross sections containing and upstream of the ELJ (XS1, XS2 and XS3). Accompanying increases in water depth at the ELJ and at upstream cross-sections, ELJ roughness reduces velocity and increases area (Figures 8b, 8d, 8f). The magnitude of differences appears to be relative to each other; smaller increases in area at XS1 are associated with smaller reductions in velocity, as compared to XS2 and XS3. As with geometry, the WSEs, velocities, and areas at cross sections downstream of the ELJ are not affected by the addition of ELJ roughness in any model comparison. 4.2.3 Effect of Geometry and Roughness on Simulated Water Surface Elevations, Velocities and Flow Areas When comparing a model representing a single roughness coefficient and no ELJ geometry (NGSR) to a model with double roughness and full frontal area geometry (FGDR), the WSE upstream of the ELJ (XS1) increases for every discharge (Figure 9a). For this same comparison, combining both geometry and roughness, the WSE decreases (Figure 9a) at the ELJ cross sections (XS2 and XS3). Velocities increase and areas decrease at cross sections with the ELJ (XS2 and XS3) (Figure 9b). At XS1, upstream of the ELJ, the velocity decreases while the area increases (Figure 9b). 21 200 3.5 89.5 89 88.5 180 3 160 2.5 140 120 2 88 100 1.5 0 20 40 60 80 80 0 20 40 60 80 d) 3.8 230 ELJ 3.5 89.5 89 88.5 88 87.5 210 3.2 190 2.9 170 2.6 150 2.3 130 2 110 1.7 0 20 40 60 80 e) 90.5 88.5 88 87.5 40 60 80 230 3.5 210 3.2 190 2.9 170 2.6 150 2.3 130 2 110 Velocity (m/s) 89 20 f) 3.8 ELJ 89.5 90 0 90 1.7 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 Area (m2) Velocity (m/s) 90 Area (m2) c) 90.5 Water Surface Elevation (m) 220 ELJ 90 87.5 Water Surface Elevation (m) 4 Area (m2) b) Velocity (m/s) Water Surface Elevation (m) a) 90.5 90 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 Figure 8. Effect of roughness on water surface elevation and velocity-area. Dashed lines are area, and solid lines are velocity. a) WSEs, NGSR (black) versus NGDR (grey), b) Velocity-Area, NGSR (black) versus NGDR (grey), c) WSEs, FGSR (black) versus FGDR (grey), d) VelocityArea, FGSR (black) versus FGDR (grey), e) WSEs, PGSR (black) versus PGDR (grey), f) Velocity-Area, PGSR (black) versus PGDR (grey). The roughness distributions for the model comparisons in Figure 7 are listed in Table 3. 22 b) 4 90 220 200 3.5 89.5 89 88.5 180 3 160 2.5 140 120 2 88 87.5 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 Area (m2) ELJ Velocity (m/s) Water Surface Elevation (m) a) 90.5 100 1.5 80 0 20 40 60 Station (m) 80 Figure 9. Effect of geometry and roughness on water surface elevation and velocity-area. NGSR (black) versus FGDR (grey). a) WSE by discharge; b) Velocity-Area for 396 cms, dashed lines are area, and solid lines are velocity. 23 5. Discussion 5.1 Calibration of 1-D Hydraulic Model at Low Flow While the calibrated Manning’s n value is unrealistically low (Chow 1959), the results from the calibration analysis can still be used to interpret overall effects of geometry on hydraulic models. The discrepancy between the calculated and calibrated channel roughness may be attributed to the geometry of the study reach. The entire 72 meter length reach of the study reach is located in a pool. Riffles are located immediately upstream and downstream of the study pool. The downstream boundary condition in the model is the upstream portion of a riffle immediately downstream of the study reach. WSE in riffles are generally used to validate the calibration of a HEC-RAS model as they and are considered to be locations of hydraulic control. Thus, while the calibration of Manning’s roughness parameter is unrealistic, we believe the patterns in the effect of roughness and geometry representations on the simulated WSE, velocity and area are still valid. Results indicate that the addition of ELJ geometry is more accurate for representing WSEs than a roughness-based representation when calibrating a hydraulic model at low flows. At low flows the geometry has a much greater effect on the WSE, velocity and roughness (Figure 5, Figure 6). The NSE for 7, 9, 13 and 28 cms indicate unacceptable model performance (Table A.1). NSE values less than 0 are considered unacceptable and values equal to or close to zero indicate that the mean observed value is a better predictor that the simulated value (Moriasi et al. 2007). Therefore, for all calibrated models at flows of 7, 9, 13 and 28 cms the mean of the observed is a better predictor than those simulated by the model. BIAS is a good indicator of model over or underestimation; however it is not a good indicator of model accuracy. For every calibrated model and flow rate BIAS indicates that the model is overestimating WSE compared to observed WSE (Figure 5). BIAS is calculated by dividing the difference of the sum of the observed and simulated WSE by the observed WSE. The WSEs are based on arbitrary datums which can change, thus altering the BIAS. Therefore BIAS is only a good indicator of model over or underestimation and not accuracy. 5.2 Effect of Geometry and Roughness in a 1-D Hydraulic Model Consistent with previous studies (Thorne and Furbish 1995; Daniels and Rhoads 2003; Shields et al. 2004), the flow resistance provided by the increase in ELJ roughness produced a backwater effect that increased WSEs upstream of the ELJ (Figures 8a, c, e, grey line); and 24 decreased the velocity and increased cross sectional area (Figure 8b, d, f) relative to models with no geometric or roughness representation of the ELJ (Figures 8a, c, e, black line). The increased roughness representation of the ELJ depicts the effect of boundary resistance in the model. The effect of reducing the cross sectional area with representation of ELJ geometry generates hydraulics similar to a partial dam or weir (Daniels and Rhoads 2003), resulting in higher velocities and lower cross-sectionally averaged water depths adjacent to the ELJ. This weir effect is associated with both the obstruction’s size relative to the width of flow, as well as the impermeable representation of the ELJ obstruction in HEC-RAS. In reality the actual ELJ is not impermeable, but permeability cannot currently be modeled in HEC-RAS. While the porosity of the study ELJ was low (0%), representing the effects of an ELJ as a geometric feature may be exaggerated for highly porous architectures. The geometric representation of the ELJ depicts the effect of form resistance in the model. For our study ELJ the contribution of form resistance was found to be greater than that of boundary resistance. Combining the Bernoulli’s and continuity equations explains the effect of ELJ geometry and roughness on WSE, velocity and area (Figure 10). In HEC-RAS, the WSE is calculated beginning at the downstream boundary (WSE1) and then progresses to estimate the WSE at the next upstream cross section (WSE2). The WSE upstream (WSE2) is calculated by adding the upstream velocity head (VH2) to the downstream WSE (WSE1), subtracting the downstream velocity head (VH1) and adding any head losses. Head losses are comprised of friction losses and contraction and expansion losses. For our study reach the modeled head losses contribute a small fraction to the calculation of WSE2 when compared to the effect of VH2 and VH1. Therefore we consider V1 and V2 to evaluate the effect on WSE2.When the velocity downstream (V1) is greater than the velocity upstream (V2) the WSE upstream (WSE2 = Y2 + Z2) will increase. Conversely, when the velocity downstream (V1) is less than the velocity upstream (V2) the WSE upstream (WSE2 = Y2 + Z2) will decrease. The addition of ELJ geometry causes a decrease in area, an increase in velocity (V1 < V2) and a corresponding decrease in the WSE for the ELJ cross sections (XS2 and XS3). In contrast, the addition of ELJ roughness causes a decrease in velocity (V1 > V2), an increase in area and a corresponding increase in the WSE upstream of the ELJ (XS1, XS2, XS3). The combined effect of geometry and roughness merges the effects of geometry and roughness such that geometry is the dominant parameter for every flow rate. 25 5.3 Relative Roles of Geometry and Roughness in a 1-D Hydraulic Model Combining ELJ geometry and roughness in a 1-D hydraulic model has the greatest effect on the simulated WSE, velocity and area as compared to geometry and roughness alone. The combination of geometry and roughness results in the greatest increase in WSE at XS1 as compared to geometry and roughness alone, and is therefore a 100% relative increase. Combined geometry and roughness also had the greatest effect on the simulated velocity and area at XS2 (Figure 10) as compared to NGSR. The large differences in WSE, velocity and area between NGSR and FGDR are the basis of comparison for the models compared in Figure 10. Geometry alone produced the next greatest effect on WSE, velocity and area at XS2 and XS3 when compared to combined geometry and roughness. The localized drop in WSE caused by the addition of ELJ geometry is illustrated in Figure 10 with a decrease in WSE of 72%, and 95% at XS3 and XS2 respectively. Roughness alone had the smallest effect on simulated WSE, velocity and area at XS2 and XS3. Roughness produced an increase in WSE of 14%, 44%, and 76% at XS3, XS2, and XS1 respectively (Figure 10). Figure 10 illustrates the effect of roughness on the WSE which grows in magnitude in the upstream direction. The effect of roughness is overall lower than the effect of geometry or combined geometry and roughness. This comparison highlights how the dominant effect of form resistance or geometry and boundary resistance or roughness representations on 1-D hydraulics varies with location. Whether representing the ELJ as geometry, roughness, or both, velocities increase and area and depths decrease upstream of the jam. However, at the ELJ (XS2 and XS3), the combination increases velocities and reduces flow area and depth, indicating that the effect of geometry dominates the contrasting roughness effects at the ELJ. The cross sections downstream of the ELJ are not affected by the addition of ELJ geometry in any model comparison. 5.4 Effect of ELJ on 1-D Flow Characteristics at Varying Stages (High and Low Flow) Results (Figure 8) are consistent with field studies (Thorne and Furbish 1995; Daniels and Rhoads 2003) that have observed reductions in velocity upstream of ELJs on meanders. However, results contradict previous research that demonstrated the effect of woody roughness elements decreases with increasing stage (Shields and Gippel 1995), rather than increasing with increasing stage as was simulated in this study (Figure 8). For example, Shields and Gippel (1995) found that ELJs dissipate energy at low flow through flow-contraction and pool-formation process, an effect that decreases as the ELJ is inundated (Shields and Gippel 1995). In the Shields and Gippel study the ELJs became fully submerged with increasing stage. In contrast, for 26 the ELJ analyzed for this study, the woody debris extends from the bed of the channel all the way up to bank full depth and is never fully submerged for the range of our study flows. Therefore, the effect of the ELJ is not reduced at higher stages, resulting in approximately equal effects at higher and lower stages (Figure 8). 27 Figure 10: Effect of geometry, roughness and combined geometry and roughness on WSE, velocity and area. The reference figure for Geometry is Figure 7c, d, for Roughness it is Figure 8e, f, and for Geometry & Roughness it is Figure 9. Figure 9, which produced the greatest magnitude difference between all model comparisons, was used as the basis of comparison. The magnitude of the differences in WSE, velocity, and area for each reference figure was evaluated, and then compared to Figure 9. The direction of the arrow in Figure 10, up or down, indicates a corresponding increase or decrease in the associated parameter. 28 WSE Velocity Area XS2 XS1 XS3 XS2 XS1 XS3 XS2 XS1 -72% -95% 6% 49% 86% -8% -51% -75% 1% 14 % 44% 76% -8% -9% -23% 2% 7% 7% -61% -48% 100% 62% 100% -38% -65% -100% 7% Geometry & Roughness Roughness Geometry XS3 Figure 10: Effect of geometry, roughness and combined geometry and roughness on WSE, velocity and area. 29 6. Conclusions An understanding of how to represent the influence of ELJs on stream hydraulics is important to modeling flow dynamics, flood inundation, and river restoration activities. We present results of an investigation into how the partitioning of ELJ flow resistance into boundary and form resistance as geometry and as roughness representations respectively, in a hydraulic model influences the accuracy and magnitude of calculated flow depths and velocities. A 1-D hydraulic model was developed for an ELJ on a bifurcation of the Calapooia River, Oregon. Results indicate that the geometry representation of ELJs is a representation of the form resistance associated with the ELJ and acts as a constriction, concentrating flow in a smaller area resulting in higher velocities and lower water depths than when the ELJ is not represented in any way. Results of adding additional roughness to represent the boundary resistance associated with the ELJ raises water depths at cross sections containing and upstream of ELJs while also reducing velocities at these locations. When roughness and geometry are combined, the effects of form resistance or geometry dominate in ELJ cross sections while boundary resistance or roughness dominates upstream of the ELJ. At both low and high flows, the model is more sensitive to representing ELJs as geometry than as roughness. These results assist designers in selecting how to represent ELJs in hydraulic models. 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NSE and BIAS of best fit for each calibrated model Q (cms) 7 Model NSE NGSR -0.527 NGDR -0.527 FGSR -0.527 FGDR -0.527 9 NGSR 0.044 NGDR 0.044 FGSR 0.044 FGDR 0.044 13 NGSR -0.430 NGDR -0.430 FGSR -0.382 FGDR -0.382 28 NGSR -2.128 NGDR -2.128 FGSR -1.659 FGDR -1.659 33* NGSR 0.972 NGDR 0.972 FGSR 0.977 FGDR 0.977 35* NGSR 0.961 NGDR 0.961 FGSR 0.972 FGDR 0.972 * Observed WSE omitted at XS5 BIAS (m) -0.00015 -0.00015 -0.00015 -0.00015 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00014 -0.00013 -0.00013 -0.00012 -0.00012 -0.00065 -0.00065 -0.00061 -0.00061 -0.00027 -0.00027 -0.00021 -0.00021 -0.00048 -0.00048 -0.00040 -0.00040