1. Promote CUNY
Flagship programs and strengthen premier campus programs, while ensuring that every college offers a coherent general education program.
Status CUNY
Summary of key hires in flagship/premier areas
University Targets
Outstanding faculty will be recruited to flagship/premier programs
QCC Strategic Plan
1. Complete the hiring of faculty lines approved under the CCIP and of replacement lines targeted to areas of greatest need. In a continued effort to strengthen the visual and performing arts, liberal arts, the
Nursing program, digital art and design program and the dual/joint education program, the 40 CCIP lines,
7 priority lines, and 30 replacement lines were allocated accordingly.
COMPLETED All the lines received through the CCIP were filled either with fulltime faculty or substitute faculty.
Recognition/ validation from external sources
CUNY’s most prominent programs will draw greater recognition.
2. In an effort to become a leader in community college pedagogy, Queensborough will launch its fully staffed Center for Excellence in Teaching &
Learning and collaborate with faculty at other CUNY campuses on research.
COMPLETED The CETL is launched. A Director and
Assistant Director are on staff and an advisory board in place. The College is establishing relationships with other
CUNY institutions, as well as the CCRC at Columbia
Teacher’s College to engage in applied pedagogical research.
3. Beginning of Fall 2004 semester, conduct the second recognition ceremony and publish the Excellence in
Faculty Scholarship brochure.
COMPLETED The Ceremony took place on 5/10/05. A committee of Chairs selected 3 faculty members: Profs. Patricia
Allaire, Linda Stanley, and Paris Svoronos
4. Determine an appropriate mechanism to recognize excellence among the adjunct faculty ranks.
IN PROGRESS Adjunct Integration Committee formed and meeting periodically.
5. Establish a process to review the College’s mission in its totality in light of new initiatives such as Gen
Ed, the Coordinated Undergraduate Experience
(CUE), writing intensive courses, learning communities, Honors program and distance learning.
COMPLETED New Mission Statement adopted at April meeting of the Academic Senate. A Task Force will recommend goals and objectives that will support the new
Mission Statement.
Research award and faculty publication summary
Faculty research awards/scholarship will increase from
20032004 levels
6. In conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, the Faculty Executive Committee will utilize the results of the Oct. 2003 Faculty Meeting to plan the second annual Conference of the College for Fall
COMPLETED A conference, Coordinated Undergraduate
Education (CUE): Making Connections, was held on
November 19, 2004. Over 125 faculty and administrators attended. All the evaluations were positive.
7. Using the information gathered at the Spring 2004
Conference, CETL will conduct a second Conference for Spring 2005.
COMPLETED A conference was held May 4, 2005 at which five faculty members presented research on innovative practices in teaching.
QCC cohosted the League for Innovation conference March
5 9, 2005 in New York City, at which 25 faculty and staff made presentations.
Promote CUNY
Flagship programs and strengthen premier campus programs, while ensuring that every college offers a coherent general education program.
Documented efforts to move flagship/premier college programs to the next level.
University Targets
New resources will be shifted into flagship/premier programs
QCC Strategic Plan
8. CETL and Institutional Research & Assessment will coordinate with interested members of the faculty on research projects designed to measure the impact of new curricular and pedagogical initiatives on our retention rate.
Both CETL and IRA are supporting faculty research projects (such as Bridge to Transfer and learning communities, collaboration with Community College Research
Center at Columbia), and the two offices are developing a more coordinated system for supporting faculty research. IRA has ordered an SPSS text analysis product to support qualitative research. CETL will help plan a F05 presentation for faculty on the use of this software to enhance research projects.
9. Utilizing a subcommittee of the College Advisory
Planning Committee, review with Institutional
Research, data that are necessary to assess institutional effectiveness and guide strategic planning.
COMPLETED Institutional Research presented a preliminary SWOT analysis at the opening meeting of the planning cycle. SWOT will be refined for the next cycle.
Implementation of college plan to strengthen undergraduate education.
All colleges will demonstrate a comprehensive approach to strengthening undergraduate education (CUE initiative).
10. Begin to implement the recommendations resulting from the General Education inquiry project, as approved by the Academic Senate. Implement the
Gen Ed pilot project with Queens College (Bridge to
Transfer). Using the findings of the Gen Ed inquiry project, the following initiatives will be supported through CUE: ePortfolios, “Teachers that Care,”
General Education and PreProfessional programs,
First Experiences/First Exposure, capstone and cornerstone experiences, General Education objectives and assessment.
The Office of Academic Affairs and the CUE steering committee will guide and monitor the progress and effectiveness of all CUE activities.
COMPLETED CUE goals were presented and discussed at the Fall 2004 Convocation in a breakout session (August
26, 2004); Bridge to Transfer fully enrolled each semester; reports from each General Education initiative will be presented at faculty fora in Fall 2005; CUE steering committee meets regularly to provide feedback on CUE initiatives and plans for the coming year.
Over 70 students enrolled in the Honors Program presented at the first annual QCC Honors Conference April 15, 2005.
11. The CETL Advisory Board will report to the
Academic Senate on CETL’s outcomes for the second year and goals for the next year.
COMPLETED A report was presented and accepted by the Academic Senate at the October 2004 meeting. This practice will be continued on an annual basis.
12. Create a design for a freshmen experience incorporating the outcomes of the general education inquiry so as to establish a community of learners.
IN PROGRESS Exploration of a design for a Freshmen
Experience that incorporates the outcomes of the general education inquiry project will be the theme for 200506
13. The Office of Academic Affairs, in conjunction with the Chairs, will establish up to 15 new learning communities, including five Basic Skills/ESL learning communities in Spring 2005. All new freshmen learning communities will be paired with the ST100 course.
SURPASSED 13 Learning communities ran F04, 15 in
S05, totaling 28 for the year. Fall 2005 basic skills learning communities are all linked with ST100.
14. In consultation with the Academic Senate, make a final determination as to how the College will implement the writing intensive requirement.
COMPLETED At the March 2005 Academic Senate meeting, a resolution mandating that all students entering the
College as of September 2005 must complete at least 2
Use program reviews and assessment outcome efforts to enhance and update programs, pedagogy and use of technology to improve instruction.
University Targets
QCC Strategic Plan
Status courses designated as writing intensive courses and/or one writing intensive course and a WI learning community. The
WI courses will be capped at 25 students.
Academic program review and followup reports filed by the college
Colleges will conduct external program reviews and implement action plans from external review recommendations.
15. Begin implementing the new timetable and revised guidelines for academic program reviews. Four A.S. programs to be reviewed: Environmental Health,
Health Sciences, Engineering Sciences, and Liberal
Arts and Sciences (Mathematics & Science).
16. Implement recommendations emanating from the
Middle States Periodic Review Report (expected in
October) and from the National League of Nursing review.
COMPLETED on May 13. Preliminary results are very positive. The final report is in the process of being prepared by reviewers.
The external reviewer completed their visit had minor recommendations and they have been implemented.
All recommendations contained in the
Periodic Review Report have been addressed. The Dept. of
Nursing received full accreditation (8 years); NLN report
Accreditations, licensures, certifications.
More CUNY professional programs will be certified/ accredited.
Evidence of progress on outcomes plan.
All colleges will show progress in implementing learning outcomes plans.
17. Support the development of new degree and certificate program proposals, such as Music
Therapy, Yoga Instruction, Rehabilitation
Engineering Technology, and others.
18. Identify at least three areas appropriate for potential certificate and licensure to be offered through the
Office of Continuing Education.
19. Using the course assessment form revised after the
200304 pilot course assessment project, write and implement learning outcomes for at least 15 additional courses.
20. In association with the Office of Academic Affairs,
CETL will sponsor at least two annual faculty workshops on assessment of student learning.
PARTIALLY COMPLETED Market analysis indicated that yoga teacher certification would best be offered through Continuing
Education. Work is progressing on Rehabilitation Engineering
Tech. The College is in conversations with York College regarding a jointly registered program in Music Therapy.
SURPASSED Currently running: Integrated Holistic Program for Amma Therapy, Reiki I & II certificate, Auto CAD certification, Construction Trades, Professional Engineering and
Land Surveying licensing; Summer 05: Certified First Responder,
Thai Massage Certificate; Fall 05 Reiki II Master certificate, Yoga certificate.
POSTPONED until course objectives are completed.
Course objectives project undertaken for 200405 (writing objectives for all active courses at the College); once this project is completed, a regular schedule for assessment of individual courses and reporting on assessment outcomes will be established.
COMPLETED Workshops on the course objectives form were given on February 9 and 16; several of the faculty presented best practices assessment research on May 4.
Student experience survey; college investments to enhance technology;
# Blackboard courses offered.
Use of technology to enhance instruction and student access to computer technology will increase
21. The Office of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Computer Resources Committee of the Academic
Senate, will determine a process for studying the effectiveness of integrating technology into instruction.
IN PROGRESS An educational technology survey was conducted in Spring 2005 and results were made available through the College website. This survey will be evaluated and other constituencies consulted to determine a process for studying the effectiveness of integrating technology into instruction.
The use of Blackboard to enhance courses continues to increase, while the number of fully online or partially (30%
75%) online courses has leveled off. During 200304 (fall and spring combined), 300 course sections used Blackboard;
2. Use program reviews and assessment outcome efforts to enhance and update programs, pedagogy and use of instructional technology.
University Targets
QCC Strategic Plan
Status during 200405 that number increased to 363. The number of faculty members using Blackboard has increased from 83 in 200304 to 85 in 200405. During 200405 (fall and spring combined) 16 fully online (FNET) course sections were offered and 15 ran, plus one section of ST100; 32 partially online course sections (PNET) were offered and 21 ran.
Show and pass rates on CUNY
Proficiency Exam.
3. Increase instruction by fulltime faculty.
Change in fulltime teaching faculty
Show and pass rates on the CUNY
Proficiency Exam will rise CUNY wide.
Instruction by full time faculty will increase incrementally.
Efforts to recruit underrepresented groups to the profession will be made.
22. Complete the project to make digitized reserve and
AV materials available for wireless and offcampus accessibility.
23. Explore ways to utilize wireless technology infrastructure.
Reserve materials have been digitized. AV materials will be completed during 200506.
IN PROGRESS T he campus is wireless, and the Library has laptops in reserve for student use. The original concept of providing a laptop for all students continues to be explored.
24. Frequency of student use of computer technology, as indicated on the 2004 CUNY Student Experience
Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 1.94.
The next CUNY survey will be administered in Spring 2006.
25. Student satisfaction with access to computer technology, as indicated on the CUNY Student
Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 3.03.
The next CUNY survey will be administered in spring 2006.
26. The percentage of required invitees taking the CUNY
Proficiency Exam will rise to 70%, above the 68.7%
[recalculated] reported for Fall 2003.
SURPASSED 76.7% of required invitees took the CPE
27. The percentage of required test takers passing the
CUNY Proficiency Exam will rise above the 88.4%
[recalculated] reported for Fall 2003.
28. Once ERI faculty and CCIP faculty have been appointed, the % of instruction by fulltime faculty should rise by at least 10%, from 50.2% to 60.2%.
SURPASSED 91.8% of required testtakers passed.
57.2% of instruction in Fall 2004 was by fulltime faculty .
29. In the College’s 200304 Affirmative Action Plan, specific areas of concern were identified. To date, we have been successful in meeting 53.5% of these goals. Nevertheless, QCC remains among the least diverse of the CUNY colleges in its full time faculty.
After consultation with the Academic Senate, the
Faculty Executive Committee and the Affirmative
Action Committee, the President and the Vice
President for Academic Affairs will meet with the
Chair of each department identified as being underutilized and institute a plan for the departments to meet the stated goals.
The President of the College made diversity a factor in the hiring process, and an experienced Affirmative Action
Officer was hired. In Fall 2004, 17.86% of QCC’s fulltime faculty were from underrepresented groups. Fourteen new faculty members have been hired or selected for hire (2 S05,
11 for F05, 1 for S06) and seven searches are near completion, for F05. Five of the fourteen are from underrepresented groups.
4. Increase retention and graduation rates.
University Targets
QCC Strategic Plan
Fall to fall retention rates.
Retention rates will rise incrementally.
[target changed from
“increase by an average of 2 percentage points”]
30. Student Activities with the Department of Speech
Communication and Theatre Art will create an interactive theater experience around diversity for the
College community.
COMPLETED Activity was held on April 6, 2005 in the
Humanities Theatre. Event topics included sexual harassment, diversity and academic integrity.
31. Implement expanded academic advisement program as agreed to by the Senate and administration. As part of this program and funded by the CCIP, establish an advisement center which will produce an
Academic Plan for each firsttime student during the first semester and assign an academic advisor to each freshman.
COMPLETED Effective July 1, 2004, the new Academic
Advisement Plan operating from the newly expanded
Academic Advisement Center has implemented all aspects of its intended purpose
32. Increase falltofall retention rate for entering freshmen (full time) above 63.9%. [new target and recalculated percentage from CUNY]]
COMPLETED Falltofall retention rate for entering freshmen
(full time) increased slightly , from 63.
9 % to 64.1
33. Increase falltofall retention rate for entering full time transfer students above 51.6%. [new target and recalculated percentage from CUNY]] The Office of
Institutional Research will conduct an analysis of factors contributing to the decline in retention rates of transfer students over the last 3 years. Using this analysis, the Vice President for Student Affairs will institute a plan during Spring 2005 designed to reverse this trend.
COMPLETED Falltofall retention rate for entering full time transfer students increased from 51.6% to 53.0%, reversing a three year decline. The new Academic Advisement Plan has contributed to this success.
34. Establish an endowed scholarship program to support student research in and scholarship activities.
PARTIALLY COMPLETED Faculty grants in excess of
$130,000 (CUNY Collaborative, Eppley Foundation, NIH) and some CUE funds were used to support student research and research presentations. Over 100 students presented in several venues in Spring 2005, including conferences at Rutgers and Stony
Brook, and at the QCC Honors Conference.
Six year AA, AS,
BA, BS graduation rates; fouryear MA,
MS & Certificate graduation rates
35. Create an endowment to support 30 scholarships per semester at a minimum of $500 each.
IN PROGRESS 10 endowed scholarships have been established and secured. $388,482 has been received as part of the capital campaign and designated for scholarships.
Awards will be distributed once these funds generate interest.
Graduation rates will improve incrementally [target changed from “ by an average of 1 point in associate programs.”]
36. Increase sixyear graduation rate above 23.4% [new target and recalculated percentage from CUNY]] for
1998 entering freshmen (firsttime, fulltime) cohort, and above 29.6% [new target and recalculated percentage from CUNY]] for the 1998 entering full time transfer students.
COMPLETED First time freshmen graduation rate increased 3.2 percentage points (from 23.4% to 26.6%); transfer graduation rate increased 2.5 percentage points (from
29.6 % to 32.1 %).
5. Improve post graduate outcomes
Status CUNY
Pass rates on licensure/certification exams
University Targets
All teacher education, nursing and accounting programs will improve performance on certification/licensing exams.
QCC Strategic Plan
37. Improve on the 2003 pass rate on the nursing licensure exam, 86.7%.
SURPASSED NCLEX pass rate was 87.7%
VTEA job placement rates.
VTEA job placement rates will continue at high levels or rise.
38. Improve the job placement rate to 76%, from the
74.3% of those responding to the CUNY Perkins graduation and placement surveys of 200102 graduates.
NOT COMPLETED The sixmonth job placement rate in vocational programs for 200203 graduates was 69.6%
6. Improve college readiness
Enrollment in immersion as % of freshmen who need basic skills work; % of immersion students who progress at least one level; pass rates on skills tests at end of remedial/ESL sequence.
# of College Now course/workshop participants; course completion and pass rates.
Associate colleges will increase the % of nonexempt freshmen in immersion, the % of immersion students who progress a level, and the pass rates on skills tests at end of remediation/ESL sequences.
39. Increase the % of students needing basic skills work on application to CUNY who enroll in USIP above
40. Increase the percentage of USIP participants whose placement level improved as a result of USIP above the 54.9% reported for 2003 (defined as those passing at least one exit from remediation test).
41. Increase pass rate on basic skills tests following remediation/ESL sequences above the Fall 2003 rates: Reading – 72.6%; Writing – 43.4%; Math –
52.4%. The College is giving serious attention to this goal. Remedial math courses are being revised; performance expectations are being reviewed by
Basic Skills & English; new ESL and mathematics faculty have been hired, and additional academic support services are being provided through CCIP hires and the CUE initiative.
15.9% of student needing basic skills work enrolled in USIP.
83.1% of USIP participants improved placement level.
PARTIALLY COMPLETED Pass rates for Writing increased to 55.9% and for Math to 61.0%, but rate for Reading declined to 69.3%. Learning community in MA005 and BE122 will be repeated in Fall 2005; S05 pilot with tutors in mathematics classes will be expanded to USIP mathematics classes; Math
Department put practice tests on dept. website and encouraged students to take them. CUE will include reading across the curriculum initiative. College will evaluate revisions in remedial mathematics, reading and writing courses, outcomes of basic skills learning communities and outcomes of academic support services targeted for exit from remediation.
Colleges will meet their College Now enrollment targets, and 70% of participants will complete courses and earn grades of A, B, or C.
42. Meet College Now enrollment targets and maintain a
70% or better success rate for College Now students.
In Fall 2003, 62% of College Now students were female; in Spring 2004, 61% were female. In an effort to increase high school male enrollments in
College Now, the College is offering ET710 (web design). College Now’s new full time Assistant
Director will be charged with assessing instructional methodology in all College Now courses and workshops.
COMPLETED Estimated enrollment for 200405 was 3,252.
Success rate is 74% for summer and fall 2004. (During 200405 the
College changed its special treatment of College Now students: unofficial withdrawals and failures are no longer omitted from
College Now transcripts.)
COMPLETED : ET 710 has 48% male enrollment, which is significantly higher than the average overall ratio of 39%.
IN PROGRESS : Instructional methodology is being assessed.
43. Assess the performance of all high school collaboration projects (College Now, Tech Prep,
Project Prize, Tech ASCEND) and determine their impact on the College enrollment and retention.
COMPLETED 35% of NYC public school graduates who enrolled at QCC in F04 were College Now alumni. CUNY College
Now research indicates CN alumni are retained at a higher rate than nonCN. 69 Tech Prep students entered QCC in F04; as of F05, 39 of this cohort were still enrolled at QCC (56%) and 20 (29%) had transferred to a CUNY baccalaureate college.
7. Improve quality of student support services
Status CUNY
Student survey results on satisfaction with academic and student support services.
University Targets
Student satisfaction with academic support services and student services will rise at all colleges.
QCC Strategic Plan
44. The Academic Senate committee Chairs will review the results of the QCC Student Survey and make recommendations to the College administration.
NOT COMPLETED administered in 2006
QCC Student Experience Survey to be
Next CUNY survey will be administered in spring 2006.
45. Student satisfaction with academic support services, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience
Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 2.96 reported in 2004.
46. Student satisfaction with student services, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will rise over the next two years, above 2.76 reported in 2004.
Next CUNY survey will be administered in spring 2006.
8. Meet enrollment goals
CUNY’s enrollment will rise incrementally while mean SATs and
CAAs of senior college baccalaureate entrants continue to improve.
47. Although the University allocation is down by 15%, the College hopes to increase enrollment through direct admits and start the Fall semester with the same enrollment as Fall 2003, 12,470 (with College
48. Determine effectiveness of our advertising on first time enrollees.
Fall 2004 enrollment was 12,798 (with College Now); Spring 2005 enrollment was 12,096.
Student surveys & informal focus groups will be conducted during summer 2005 of newly enrolled students.
49. Determine the effectiveness of the improved website and CD catalogs.
NOT COMPLETED Online polls will be incorporated into web site during summer 2005 on Future Students & Current
Students page. Use of CD catalog will be examined in sample of
ST100 classes during Fall 205. Report will be compiled by the
Marketing Office.
50. Percentage of admitted students who enroll will increase above the 59.3% reported for 200304.
COMPLETED The percentage rose to 59.7.
51. Increase the number of direct admits (freshmen and transfers; Fall and Spring) still enrolled after the fifth week) above 2,072.
Demonstrated actions to better coordinate student transfers from
CUNY associate to baccalaureate institutions.
All colleges will take actions to better coordinate and facilitate movement from the associate to the baccalaureate level.
52. To continue facilitating movement between associate and baccalaureate levels, the College will provide data on transfer patterns to academic departments for follow up analysis as part of program review; the new Bridge to Transfer program will facilitate transfers to Queens College.
53. The College will implement the CUNY Community
College Teacher Education Transfer Protocol and will work to enhance the existing TIME, a QCC program for mathematics education teachers with
Queens College.
NOT ACHIEVED 1995 students were admitted directly
( freshmen and transfers; Fall and Spring, still enrolled after the fifth week) .
COMPLETED Transfer data was supplied for programs undergoing review; Bridge to Transfer program is retaining students into second year. The percentage of AA and AS graduates who transferred to a CUNY senior college increased by 4.3 percentage points to 55.4%; AAS graduates who transferred to
CUNY senior colleges increased by 5.1percentage points, to 26.2%.
QCC is in dialogue with Queens College Education Department faculty about proposed joint program in secondary education.
TIME QCC enrollment was 10 in F04 and 7 in S05.
9. Increase revenues from external sources
Status CUNY
Alumni/corporate fundraising (CAE
VSE report)
University Targets
Alumnicorporate fundraising will increase 10%
QCC Strategic Plan
54. Increase private support as follows:
· Current operations by 10%, from $301,376 to
· Art work by 10% from $1,196,024 to $1,315,626.
· The total of the operational fund raising effort will increase by 10%, from $1,725,417 [recalculated] to
$1,897,959 [recalculated]
SURPASSED at $524,372.
From CAE Report in July
From CAE Report in July
NOT COMPLETED Donations to the Art Gallery totaled
· Complete the second phase of the capital campaign of $4.5M over five years. Increase private support for specific programs such as the Holocaust Center,
Port of Entry, Gallery and Scholarships.
IN PROGRESS At the April 14, 2005 meeting of the QCC
Fund Board, a proposal was accepted to clarify development goals. As the campaign raised $1,541,687 in cash and pledges over 2 years and as the development program matures, it was felt that establishing an annual campaign program targeted at alumns will enhance the effort.
55. Open the new Art Gallery with a major exhibit.
Assuming funding for the HRC, begin design of the new facilities.
COMPLETED Funding for the HRC has been allocated by the State & City. Meetings to select architects have begun.
9. Increase revenues from external sources
Contract and Grant
Awards (RF Report)
10. Improve productivity, service to students, and environmental health and safety.
Contract/grant awards will rise 10%
56. Increase the total of grants, contracts, and awards administered by the RF by 10%, from $2,630,048
[recalculated] to $2,893,053 [recalculated].
Indirect cost recovery as ratio of overall grant/contract activity
Indirect cost recovery ratios will improve
58. Increase the indirect cost recovery ratio above 5.6 reported for FY2004.
59. Increase Auxiliary Enterprises revenues above
$607,399. Explore ways to find aid for foreign and undocumented students.
Productivity Targets
57. Increase foundation grants by 10%, from $79,400 to
Surveys of student and faculty satisfaction with administrative services.
Each college will achieve its productivity savings target and apply those funds to student instruction related activities; the savings will total $ 10
[restated target] million CUNYwide.
Student satisfaction with administrative services will rise at all CUNY colleges; a faculty satisfaction baseline will be set.
60. Implement recommendations regarding the Queens
Initiative on productivity and meet the College’s assigned productivity target.
61. Student satisfaction with administrative services, as indicated on the CUNY Student Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above
62. Student satisfaction with facilities, as indicted on the
CUNY Student Experience Survey, will continue to rise over the next two years, above 2.91.
Total amount administered by the RF was $3,233,281.
Data to come in July
Foundation grants totaled $167,767
Data to come in July
COMPLETED Revenues of Auxiliary Enterprise increased through Bookstore, Passport and ATM revenue.
SURPASSED The Queens productivity initiative on standardized convenience copiers has been finalized. The contract (effective July 1) negotiated as a result of this project will provide a discount of 17% below existing state contract for lease or purchase of copiers. This will be available to all CUNY colleges. QCC exceeded its target
($186,000) for productivity for FY 05.
Next CUNY Student Experience Survey will be administered in spring 2006.
Next CUNY Student Experience Survey will be administered in spring 2006.
10. Improve productivity, service to students, and environmental health and safety.
University Targets
QCC Strategic Plan
63. Utilize Web Advisement, WebRegistration and
WebFinancial Services as tools to improve service to students.
64. Revise the scope and mission of the Financial
Services Office to ensure effective services to students.
COMPLETED operational and additional improvements are continually being explored and improved.
All Web enrollment services are
The Financial Services Office has become the lead office responsible for streamlining the overall student enrollment process.
65. Implement the on line course scheduler.
COMPLETED Effective May 25,2005, the online scheduler maps out a schedule of appropriate classes in the student's curriculum, and the student and/or academic adviser can click a button, converting the selected schedule into an official registration.
66. QCC will use the CUNY OIRA biennial faculty satisfaction survey to be offered in either the Fall of
2004 or Spring 2005 to identify areas for improvement.
67. Evaluate enrollments and services provided to international students and Port of Entry students at the CUNY Center for Higher Education in Flushing.
NOT COMPLETED issued but a UFS survey has taken place.
COMPLETED lending library.
CUNY OIRA faculty survey was not
POE enrollment grew from 367 students in
2004 to 532 in 2005. Additional services were added at the
Flushing Center, including admissions counseling and a
Percentage of budget spent on administrative services.
Every college will lower or hold constant the percentage of its tax levy budget spent on administrative services
68. Tax levy budget spent on Administrative Services for
FY 05 will decline by 1%, from 27.3 to 26.3.
69. With the input of the College Environment
Committee of the Academic Senate, initiate a campuswide assessment of the use of facilities to improve utilization of offices, classrooms and parking.
COMPLETED Percentage for administrative services declined to 26.5.
COMPLETED A report reflecting the utilization of classroom facilities was generated and provided to the
College Environment committee. Floor plans of all campus facilities were made available for review by the committee.
Although discussed in the Committee, no action to survey academic departments on faculty office space was taken. An additional 12 parking spaces in lots 5/6 were added.
70. Review and begin implementation of the recommendations of the ADA/504 Compliance
COMPLETED Assistive Technology to support classroom/lab instruction was expanded to provide all labs with at least one ADA compliant instructional station with assistive technology equipment/software. Based upon a field review of facilities by Campus Facilities office with the
Office of Disabled Student Services, several recommendations (signage and additional electronic door openers) were implemented.
Status CUNY
Percentage of instruction delivered on Fridays, nights and weekends.
University Targets
The University will increase the percentage of instruction delivered on Fridays, nights and weekends to better serve students and make fuller use of facilities.
QCC Strategic Plan
71. Review weekend program offerings so as to ensure the ability to complete degree programs. Increase the number of Friday, evening and weekend sections, so
FTEs will increase above 34.5% [recalculated].
COMPLETED The College hired a full time coordinator who reviewed the evening and weekend offerings.
NOT COMPLETED Percentage of FTEs offered on Friday, evenings and weekend declined to 31.5.
Evidence of compliance with environmental health and safety regulations.
All colleges will hire or assign a dedicated environmental health and safety officer to assess compliance and correct findings.
72. The College will comply with all environmental health and safety audit requirements.
SURPASSED with the lowest number of violations in