QCC COURSE ASSESSMENT FORM (SHORT) QCC COURSE ASSESSMENT FORM Fall 2004, Rev. 6/15/07 Date: December 26, 2012 Department: Music Course: MU 453 Collegium Musicum Curriculum or Curricula: FA PART I. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES For Part I, attach the summary report (Tables 1-4) from the QCC Course Objectives Form. TABLE 1. EDUCATIONAL CONTEXT One of the ensemble music performance courses provided for FA and MP programs. Students are required to take two credits from 400 performance course series. Therefore, this may be a required performance course for FA and MP student. An open level course, it comprises a variety of small instrumental and/or vocal ensembles. Through working with partner(s) in similar levels, students build listening skills in ensemble settings as well as regular rehearsals with one another. A connective and communicative musical partnership is formed to explore repertoire of their interests and capabilities. Regular constructive peer critiques are encouraged to promote healthy learning environment. Performance anxiety issues are discussed. The course is designed to integrate students’ knowledge of theory, piano class, history of music and performance skills in their program of study. TABLE 2. CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES Note: Include in this table curriculum-specific objectives that meet Educational Goals 1 and 2: Curricular objectives addressed by this course: 1. Students will demonstrate progressive understanding of the various elements and basic interrelated processes of creation, interpretation, and execution within their discipline 2. In written work, discussion and creation of art, students will appropriately utilize the vocabulary of their respective discipline. 3. Students will be able to place works and/or performances in historical and stylistic contexts and demonstrate appreciation of the cultural milieu in which they were created. 4. Students will form and defend fundamental value judgments about works of art within their major area of concentration. TABLE 3. GENERAL EDUCATION OBJECTIVES Gen Ed objective’s ID number from list (1-10) 1 5 8 10 General educational objectives addressed by this course: Select from preceding list. communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study use historical or social sciences perspectives to examine formation of ideas, human behavior, social institutions, or social processes apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of works in the humanities or the arts 1(7) TABLE 4: COURSE OBJECTIVES AND STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Course objectives 1. Students will interpret musical works. 2. Students will compare and contrast the musical styles of composers through different art and historical periods of the selection of works in the semester. Students will assess, evaluate and critique musical greatness. Students will show knowledge of the different techniques and sounds used in their voice, instrument and ensemble. Students will learn to collaborate with musicians of different voices and instruments. Students will cultivate listening and compositional skills within the ensemble setting. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Students will interpret musical works. Learning outcomes a. b. c. a. b. Students will recognize each assigned piece in its context and style Students will be listening to music of similar style and period by master musicians online or from the recording. Students will utilize the comments to practice for improvement. Students will describe the characteristics of musical compositions through a description of various ways composers have utilized the elements of music. Students will distinguish different musical styles by composers and exhibit that through their performances. a. Students will compare, employ their knowledge and discriminate the greatness of music selections they listen and perform. a. Students will analyze and identify the specific performance techniques in voice and instruments required for selected pieces. Students will include the terminologies from the musical score in discussion and interpretation. b. a. b. a. b. a. b. Students will gain experience working with different voices, vocal type, and instruments. Students will learn repertoire of specific ensemble combination like piano four hand, flute trio or guitar duet. Students will cultivate listening skill through understanding required elements of music like tempo, expression, rhythm, form, embellishments, and chord structure/theory in the composition. Some students will create their original composition based on their instrumental/vocal ensemble combination and theory knowledge. Students will cultivate listening skill through understanding required elements of music like tempo, expression, rhythm, form, embellishments, and chord structure/theory in the composition. Some students will create their original composition based on their instrumental/vocal ensemble combination and theory knowledge.. 2(7) PART II. ASSIGNMENT DESIGN: ALIGNING OUTCOMES, ACTIVITIES, AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS For the assessment project, you will be designing one course assignment, which will address at least one general educational objective, one curricular objective (if applicable), and one or more of the course objectives. Please identify these in the following table: TABLE 5: OBJECTIVES ADDRESSED IN ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENT Course Objective(s) selected for assessment: (select from Table 4) Students will show knowledge of the different techniques and sounds used in their voice/instrument and ensemble. Curricular Objective(s) selected for assessment: (select from Table 2) Students will demonstrate progressive understanding of the various elements and basic interrelated processes of creation, interpretation, and execution within their discipline General Education Objective(s) addressed in this assessment: (select from Table 3) integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study In the first row of Table 6 that follows, describe the assignment that has been selected/designed for this project. In writing the description, keep in mind the course objective(s), curricular objective(s) and the general education objective(s) identified above, The assignment should be conceived as an instructional unit to be completed in one class session (such as a lab) or over several class sessions. Since any one assignment is actually a complex activity, it is likely to require that students demonstrate several types of knowledge and/or thinking processes. Also in Table 6, please a) identify the three to four most important student learning outcomes (1-4) you expect from this assignment b) describe the types of activities (a – d) students will be involved with for the assignment, and c) list the type(s) of assessment tool(s) (A-D) you plan to use to evaluate each of the student outcomes. (Classroom assessment tools may include paper and pencil tests, performance assessments, oral questions, portfolios, and other options.) Note: Copies of the actual assignments (written as they will be presented to the students) should be gathered in an Assessment Portfolio for this course. 3(7) TABLE 6: ASSIGNMENT, OUTCOMES, ACTIVITIES, AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS Briefly describe the assignment that will be assessed: Students will perform at Student Convocation I and II scheduled regularly during the department concert time on Wednesday. Each student will perform the specific assigned piece with their ensemble members from the course. Music pieces of each ensemble level will be selected from Classical, Broadway, Pop, Jazz and/or contemporary repertoire. The criteria of performance collaboration, understanding, listening and techniques will be assessed on the stage in a live performance situation. The piece selected for live performance is rehearsed, practiced, coached and critiqued each week during their individual, ensemble and course hours. Desired student learning outcomes for the assignment (Students will…) List in parentheses the Curricular Objective(s) and/or General Education Objective(s) (1-10) associated with these desired learning outcomes for the assignment. Briefly describe the range of activities student will engage in for this assignment. Course Objective: 1. Students will show knowledge of the different techniques and sounds used in their voice/instrument and ensemble. a. Select a few pieces as the semester goal b. Compose an original piece for the specific ensemble voices/instruments c. Practice individually, rehearse together in the ensemble group, d. listen to recording, editing and improvise the original compositions. e. Come to weekly class coaching f. participate in Student Convocation I & II live performance with a short verbal presentation Curricular Objective: 1. Students will demonstrate progressive understanding of the various elements and basic interrelated processes of creation, interpretation, and execution within their discipline General Education Objective: 1. Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study 4(7) What assessment tools will be used to measure how well students have met each learning outcome? (Note: a single assessment tool may be used to measure multiple learning outcomes; some learning outcomes may be measured using multiple assessment tools.) a. Critique from ensemble members and instructor b. Grade and participation attendance from the instructor c. Post experience: sharing, discussion and verbal feedback d. Personal audio and departmental video recordings for assessment PART III. ASSESSMENT STANDARDS (RUBRICS) Before the assignment is given, prepare a description of the standards by which students’ performance will be measured. This could be a checklist, a descriptive holistic scale, or another form. The rubric (or a version of it) may be given to the students with the assignment so they will know what the instructor’s expectations are for this assignment. Please note that while individual student performance is being measured, the assessment project is collecting performance data ONLY for the student groups as a whole. TABLE 7: ASSESSMENT STANDARDS (RUBRICS) Brief description of assignment: (Copy from Table 6 above) Students will perform at Student Convocation I and II scheduled regularly during the department concert time on Wednesday. Each student will perform the specific assigned piece with their ensemble members from the course. Music pieces of each ensemble level will be selected from Classical, Broadway, Pop, Jazz and/or contemporary repertoire. The criteria of performance collaboration, understanding, listening and techniques will be assessed on the stage in a live performance situation. The piece selected for live performance is rehearsed, practiced, coached and critiqued each week during their individual, ensemble and course hours. Desired student learning outcomes from the assignment: (Copy from Column 1, Table 6 above; include Curricular and /or General Education Objectives addressed) Assessment measures for each learning outcome: (Copy from Column 3,Table 6 above) Course Objective: Students will show knowledge of the different techniques and sounds used in their voice/instrument and ensemble. a. Critique from ensemble members and instructor b. Grade and participation attendance from the instructor c. Post experience: sharing, discussion and verbal feedback d. Personal audio and departmental video recordings for assessment Curricular Objective: Students will demonstrate progressive understanding of the various elements and basic interrelated processes of creation, interpretation, and execution within their discipline General Education Objective: Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study 5(7) Standards for student performance: Describe the standards or rubrics for measuring student achievement of each outcome in the assignment. Give the percentage of the class that is expected to meet these outcomes If needed, attach copy(s) of rubrics. Live performance is assessed by tempo, notes, rhythm, musical interpretation, ensemble collaboration, memory, dynamics, expressions, understanding of the style, and the amount of time spent on individual practice and group rehearsal. 80% of students may meet the expected outcome 100% perfection 90% Above average with minor mistakes 80% Satisfactory with minor mistakes 70% Satisfactory with some mistakes 60% Average with audible mistakes 50% Fail of the course PART IV. ASSESSMENT RESULTS TABLE 8: SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT RESULTS Use the following table to report the student results on the assessment. If you prefer, you may report outcomes using the rubric(s), or other graphical representation. Include a comparison of the outcomes you expected (from Table 7, Column 3) with the actual results. NOTE: A number of the pilot assessments did not include expected success rates so there is no comparison of expected and actual outcomes in some of the examples below. However, projecting outcomes is an important part of the assessment process; comparison between expected and actual outcomes helps set benchmarks for student performance. TABLE 8: SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT RESULTS Desired student learning outcomes: (Copy from, Column 1,Table 6 above; include Curricular and/or General Education Objectives addressed) Student achievement: Describe the group achievement of each desired outcome and the knowledge and cognitive processes demonstrated. Course Objective: Students will show knowledge of the different techniques and sounds used in their voice/instrument and ensemble. Curricular Objective: Students will demonstrate progressive understanding of the various elements and basic interrelated processes of creation, interpretation, and execution within their discipline Students achieved average 80% from the rubrics in Table 7 as expected. Students demonstrated their improvement of techniques and sound generated from their specific voice, instrument and ensemble by executing the piece from the beginning to the end smoothly without interruption and with the incorporating of correct and accurate pitch, rhythm, notes, tempo and dynamics. Students utilized their pianistic, aural training and sight reading skills from other course within the program in the live performance. General Education Objective: Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study 6(7) TABLE 9. EVALUATION AND RESULTING ACTION PLAN In the table below, or in a separate attachment, interpret and evaluate the assessment results, and describe the actions to be taken as a result of the assessment. In the evaluation of achievement, take into account student success in demonstrating the types of knowledge and the cognitive processes identified in the Course Objectives. A. Analysis and interpretation of assessment results: What does this show about what and how the students learned? 16 students in six ensemble groups (one piano four hand, one vocal trio, two vocal duets, one viola duo, one flute/violin/piano trio) performed separately in the two Student Convocations this semester. As listed from Table 7, a few parameters are used for grading, such as tempo, rhythm, musical interpretation, ensemble collaboration, memory, dynamics, expressions, understanding of the style, and the amount of time spent on individual practice and group rehearsal. Majority of students achieved Satisfactory 80% of score. The projected results of this planned assessment showed that most students successfully executed their musical pieces with sufficient practice and rehearsal time. The students have gotten to know better at the piece of music they learned and their own voice/instrument as well as their ensemble overall sound. B. Evaluation of the assessment process: What do the results suggest about how well the assignment and the assessment process worked both to help students learn and to show what they have learned? This is a performance class that emphasizes daily individual practice of selected pieces and weekly rehearsals with members in the ensemble collaboratively. The goal set in the beginning for students to get ready and perform live in a public venue in front of live sitting audience was clear. The dates of the two Student Convocations were set approximately six weeks apart so students got to choose either date that suit their working progress and for readiness of their selected pieces. The component of rubrics were discussed and coached on the weekly basis. All students executed their part of voice/instrument within the ensemble and played through uninterruptedly the practiced pieces successfully which demonstrated that they have learned the new repertoire and worked well with one another within the specific ensemble they were assigned. C. Resulting action plan: Based on A and B, what changes, if any, do you anticipate making? I may assign some listening and reading homework in the context of their chosen repertoire to increase their knowledge and listening skill, while using great masters’ recordings to inspire them, if possible. QCC 12/3/04 7(7)