Course Assessment Report Professional issues in Massage Therapy (HA-205) Gene Desepoli, LMT, D.C. Winter 2013 1. Course Description Prepares students to enter a career in massage therapy. Foundational business theory and skills needed to build and maintain a practice in a variety of settings will be discussed, including marketing strategies, networking and making appropriate referrals. Professional ethics and management of more complex client/therapist situations will ne addressed. 2. Prerequisite Courses HA-204 - Practicum 2 (co-requisite) 3. QCC General Education Objectives Students will: - Communicate effectively through writing, listening and speaking - Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions - Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study 4. Course Objectives/Expected Student Learning Outcomes a. To understand the regulatory structure and oversight function of various administrative agencies involved in licensing and regulation of the practice of massage therapy. b. To gain a working knowledge of legal issues surrounding the practice of massage therapy. c. To understand the various permissible forms of practice and the pros and cons of each. d. To develop and implement a viable marketing plan. e. To develop promotional material: business cards, brochures, etc. f. To develop communication skills in the form of target audience presentations, press releases, and professional correspondence. 5. Assessment Activities and Student Learning Outcomes Students were assessed with a final written examination, which included questions related to the course objectives listed above. 6. Data Collection instruments The data collected was from the same final examination. A breakdown of the questions on the examination that addressed each of the course objectives is as follows: Questions on the Examination Related to Course Objectives Course Objective A B C D E F # of Questions 6 16 8 7 4 4 Question Numbers 6, 9, 17, 40, 42, 43 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50 21, 28, 31, 33, 35, 41, 47, 48 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 20, 22, 3, 11, 19, 27 7, 8, 24, 34 7. Goals The goal was to have the class score at least a 75% overall for each question on the examination that related to a course objective. There were 21 students enrolled in the class (n=21). Results were: Course Objective A B C D E F Total Students 21 21 21 21 21 21 # of Questions 6 16 8 7 4 4 # of Correct Answers 111 256 154 138 82 82 Total Answers 126 336 168 147 84 84 Overall % Correct 88 76 92 94 98 98 Explanation: There was a total of 6 questions on the exam related to course objective A (“understand the regulatory structure of various administrative agencies…”). Since 21 students took the exam, there was an overall total of 126 responses for all of objective A’s questions. By tallying the total amount of correct answers for all of course A’s questions, a percentage of correct responses was calculated for the students overall. 8. Analysis and Interpretation of Assessment Results The results of the assessment suggest that students scored well in all areas (>80%) except for questions related to Ethics/Laws (76%), which is item B in the listed Course Objectives. 9. Evaluation of the Assessment Process The current examination adequately tests student knowledge of the course objectives. It will be used again the next time that the class is taught and reevaluated at the time. 10. Resulting Action Plan Will continue to use the same examination for the assessment. Additional “ethics/laws” quizzes will be created and given to students to reinforce that material and to attempt to raise the competency in that subject area. In-class dialogue/discussion groups will be added to the course that cover various topics concerning massage therapy ethics/laws. 11. See attached rubric/examination