Assessment Report - Allison Crutchfield The Assessment Institute - Fall 2015

Assessment Report - Allison Crutchfield
The Assessment Institute - Fall 2015
Final Report: TH 134 Stage Make Up
Surrealist Final Make Up Project for TH 134 Stage Make Up
The Surrealist Makeup Project is culminating project for the TH 134 Stage Makeup
class. Craft based art, such as makeup design, has always been an important part of
the Theatrical Arts. TH 134 students are assigned a famous surrealist artist and are
asked to create a makeup design inspired by that artists work. The assignment
requires students to integrate techniques from previous class projects into this final
An integral part of the design process is the schematic. Each student is asked to
create a drawn design schematic to outline his or her project plan. Understanding
whether students are able to translate their planned design for their schematic to their
final makeup application is an important part of craft based art.
Course Enrollment
This assessment will included work from two sections of TH 134 from the 2015 fall
semester at Queensborough Community College.
F1: 13 Queensborough Community College students
21C: 21st Century; 5 students; an assembly of high school students from two outside
campus, who through the 21 Centaury Learning Center, take college level class at
Queensborough Community College.
Student Learning Outcomes
The following student learning outcomes will be addressed by this assignment:
Students will demonstrate technical proficiency in basic to intermediate make-up
concepts and application procedures.
Students will complete practical makeup application projects based on their own
Programmatic Learning Outcomes
The following programmatic learning outcomes will be addressed by this assignment:
In praxis, students will demonstrate progressive development and competency in
the technical skills requisite for artistic self-expression in at least one major area of
performance (for example acting, design/technology).
General Education Outcomes
The following general education outcomes will be addressed by this assignment:
Students will apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of
works in the humanities or the arts.
Assessment Assignment
Final Surrealist Project – Students have been randomly assigned a surrealist artist in
class. They must research their artist’s work and history, and choose at a minimum
five inspirational research images at minimum.
Using these research images, and referencing techniques learned through class
lectures and readings, students will create drawn makeup schematics on already
developed templates.
Students then use this schematic to create their finalized makeup look on their own
features. (See Attached Appendix 2).
Assessment Tool
While teaching this course over the last several years, I have been able to identify
several key components of student learning for makeup design assignments that
relate directly back to the student learning outcomes.
These included preparation, research, schematic, application accuracy, technique,
creativity, effort, and presentation. These have been outlined in the Makeup
Assignment Rubric. (See Attached Appendix 1) The rubric tracks students’ ability to
translate information taught in lectures and readings, through the design and
schematic process, into the final makeup application.
For the purpose of this assessment I will be focusing specifically on the schematic,
application accuracy, and technique sections of the rubric.
Evidence for Assessment
When scoring the Surrealist Makeup Assignment I will use the attached Makeup
Assignment Rubric (See Attached Appendix 1), concentrating specifically on the
schematic, application accuracy, and technique sections of the rubric.
The expectation is that by final surrealist project students in TH 134 students will be
able to achieve:
Schematic – Class Level (2): A finished Color Schematic that shows a general
understanding of facial structure and makeup placement. There are some notations on
specific makeup placement. Technique is only vaguely explained or illustrated.
This category focuses on the student’s ability to create a physical plan for their
assignment. Using their knowledge of facial structure and makeup techniques learned
in class, students can create a clear visual representation of their intended design,
including drawn and written notations.
Technique – Class Level (2): Ability to use materials, tools, and makeup to create a
basic design, well executed with some flaws. Students show a good general
understanding of methods of application.
This category focuses on application technique. This includes the physical presentation
of the makeup, and the student’s capacity to use materials to create their intended
Application Accuracy – Exceeds Standards (3): Design relates back to schematic and
is 100% accurate.
This category focuses on the translation from the schematic to the final application.
Students should be able to plan and strategize a makeup design that they can
accurately execute in the given amount of time in class with provided materials.
Analysis of Assessment Results
I have recorded the scores of each student enrolled in both sections of TH 134 during
the Fall 2015 semester, totaling 18 students. Included in this report is a sampling of
excellent, average, and bellow average student artifacts for each section of the class.
(See attached Appendix 3 and 4.)
Table A: TH 134 Section F1
Standards (3)
Class Level
Bellow Basic
Table B: TH 134 Section 21C
Standards (3)
Class Level
Bellow Basic
Table C: TH 134 Combined Data
Standards (3)
Class Level
Bellow Basic
Of the 18 students sampled in the two sections of TH 134, 45% achieved Exceeds
Standards on their Surrealist Makeup Schematic, with 50% achieving Class Level (2),
0% achieving Basic (1), and 5% achieving Bellow Basic (0).
Of the 18 students sampled in the two sections of TH 134, 72% achieved Exceeds
Standards on their Surrealist Makeup Technique, with 23% achieving Class Level (2),
5% achieving Basic (1), and 0% achieving Bellow Basic (0).
Of the 18 students sampled in the two sections of TH 134, 73% achieved Exceeds
Standards on their Surrealist Makeup Application, with 17% achieving Class Level (2),
5% achieving Basic (1), and 5% achieving Bellow Basic (0).
The results of this assessment indicate that student’s learning outcomes have been
achieved or surpassed. Students have demonstrated their ability to excel at make up
techniques and application accuracy. The schematics present as class level for the
majority of students.
The need for improvement lies in schematic design and execution.
Moving Forward
My first recommendation from tracking this assessment for TH 134 would be to add a
student-learning outcome to the official class syllabus. The learning outcome would
specifically address the students’ ability to create a design schematic.
Students will create schematics of each makeup assignment, some of which
will include research material that is relevant to the theme of the assignment.
I would also recommended reevaluating the Makeup Assignment Rubric in regards to
the Application Accuracy; evaluating student work at more gradual intervals. It would
also be helpful to included standards for impromptu design choices and creative
design expression, made during the application.
For the needed improvement in schematic design and execution, more class time and
support can be given during the design process. This can included presenting a
sampling of excellent, average, and bellows average schematics. This may also
involve early submission of planned schematics for critique, to be evaluated and
returned to students before final grading.
Ideas for Future Assessment
While assessment for this semester proved successful in evaluation of the schematic
as a tool for student design and accuracy, there may be further assessment needed of
student learning in regards to lecture and demonstration as it translates into design
Attached Assessment Materials
Appendix 1: Makeup Assignment Rubric
Appendix 2: Surrealist Makeup Design Assignment
Appendix 3: TH 134 Section F1 Sample Artifacts
Appendix 4: TH 134 Section 21C Sample Artifacts
Appendix 1: Makeup Assignment Rubric
Exceeds Standards
TH 134 Stage Make Up
Grading Rubric
Class Level
Below Basic
Student has all the correct
Student has most of the correct
materials needed to complete the materials needed to complete
the assignment. Missing one
Does not have all the correct
materials needed to complete
the assignment. Missing many
Student is completely
unrepaired with none of
the necessary materials
needed to complete the
Correct number of research
images, printed in color that relate
completely to the theme of the
Less than the correct number of
research images, printed, some
in color that relate completely to
the theme of the assignment.
Only one research image
printed, Or images not in color.
No research images.
# of Research Images :
# of Research Images:
# in Color:
A finished Color Schematic that
shows a clear understanding of
facial structure and makeup
A finished Color Schematic that
shows a general understanding
of facial structure and makeup
Unfinished Color Schematic
No schematic submitted.
Notations on specific makeup
Some notations on specific
makeup placement.
No explanation of intended
Schematic clearly illustrates or
explains intended technique.
Technique is only vaguely
explained or illustrated.
Design relates back to schematic
and is 100% accurate.
Design relates back to
schematic and is 75% accurate.
Design relates back to
schematic and is
50% accurate.
Design does not relate
back to schematic.
Ability to use materials, tools, and
makeup to create a strong,
exceptionally executed design,
with no flaws.
Ability to use materials, tools,
and makeup to create a basic
design, well executed with some
Ability to use materials, tools,
and makeup to create a
marginal design, executed with
many flaws.
Unable to use materials,
tools, or makeup in the
correct way.
A clear understanding of methods A good general understanding
of application.
of methods of application.
A limited understanding of
methods of application.
Exhibits creative choices based
on research and techniques
learned in class.
Exhibits some creative choices
based on research and
techniques learned in class.
Exhibits only one creative
choice based on research and
techniques learned in class.
No creative choice made
in design process.
Original and imaginative design
Semi-Original and imaginative
design ideas.
Student is actively engaged in all
aspects of the project including
research, design, and execution.
Student is mostly engaged in all Student is partially engaged in
aspects of the project including all aspects of the project
research, design, and execution. including research, design,
and execution.
Student participation is 75%.
Student participation is 50%.
Student does not engage
in one or more aspects of
the project.
Student can somewhat articulate Student can barely articulate to
to classmate their design
classmate their design process
process during verbal
during verbal presentation.
Student is unable to describe
Student is able to generally
how research and techniques
describe how research and
were used in design choices.
techniques were used in design
Student fails to present
design to the class.
Student participation is 100%.
Few to no specific notations on
makeup placement.
Student can clearly articulate to
classmate their design process
during verbal presentation.
Student is able to describe in
detail how research and
techniques were used in design
Appendix 2: Surrealist Makeup Design Assignment
Surrealist (Fantasy) Makeup Assignment
You have all been assigned a surrealist artist. Based on the research materials you
took out from the library today and the research you will do on your own, please
design a makeup look inspired by your artist.
The look can be anything, 3D or 2D, inspired by one painting, several painting, a style,
or even your artist’s history.
Be creative, remember the surrealist’s interest in the subconscious, and make bold
Minimum five printed color research images
Color schematic, fully completed, with clear design notations explaining intended
techniques. (Remember, you are graded on how closely your realized makeup design
matches your schematic, so be sure to practice at home.)
Makeup Application:
Finished Surrealist Fantasy makeup look based on research and schematic
You will be asked to give a 5 minute presentation on your design, so make sure you
are able to discuss your artist and how he inspired your work. Presentations will be
Final Due: Monday 12/14/15
Appendix 3: TH 134 Section F1 Sample Artifacts
TH 134 F1 Artifact 1: Rubric
TH 134 F1 Artifact 1: Schematic
TH 134 F1 Artifact 1: Photo Final Makeup Application
TH 134 F1 Artifact 2: Rubric
TH 134 F1 Artifact 2: Schematic
TH 134 F1 Artifact 2: Photo Final Makeup Application
TH 134 F1 Artifact 3: Rubric
TH 134 F1 Artifact 3: Schematic
TH 134 F1 Artifact 3: Photo Final Makeup Application
Appendix 4: TH 134 Section 21C Sample Artifacts
TH 134 21C Artifact 1: Rubric
TH 134 21C Artifact 1: Schematic
TH 134 21C Artifact 1: Photo Final Makeup Application
TH 134 21C Artifact 2: Rubric
TH 134 21C Artifact 2: Schematic
TH 134 21C Artifact 2: Photo Final Makeup Application
TH 134 21C Artifact 3: Rubric
TH 134 21C Artifact 3: Schematic
TH 134 21C Artifact 3: Photo Final Makeup Application