Course Assessment Report Foundations of Massage Therapy (HA-100)

Course Assessment Report
Foundations of Massage Therapy (HA-100)
Rezan Akpinar DDS, MS LAc, LMT
Spring 2015
Educational Objective
Brief description of course activities which
help students to meet each of the educational
A. Students will
effectively through
reading, writing,
listening, and
Through class assignments students will
- Reading assignments, followed by class
discussions, summarizations, exams for
- Writing assignments, low stake and high
stake assignments. Exploratory writing,
journaling, scaffold end of semester
research paper
- Class presentations, in class
- Group discussions
- respond to reading assignments and write
a research paper, present a report on this
paper to the class, and engage in informal
writing assignments.
B. Students will use
analytical reasoning
to identify issues or
problems and
evaluate evidence in
order to make
informed decisions
Research paper on Massage Therapy as a
Evidence based practice;
- research a topic related to the field
- evaluate the validity of the paper
- prepare a analytical point of view
- present findings in their research papers
C. Integrate knowledge
and skills in their
program of study
Relate information to their field;
- Ethics
- Professional development
- Self care practices
1. Student Learning Outcomes
a. Incorporate self care practices to support “centered” bodywork.
b. Students will demonstrate knowledge regarding the history of massage therapy,
Students will demonstrate knowledge of role of massage therapy in contemporary
health care
d. Ethics and personal characteristic and behaviors needed to practice massage
e. Define and explain the process and requirements for becoming a licensed
professional massage therapist in New York State.
f. Demonstrate understanding of boundaries, ethics, and communication skills
g. Describe the importance of research in the process of making Massage Therapy an
“evidence-based” and more widely recognized practice, and identify major sources
of published information about the massage profession, techniques and treatment
modalities, and research results.
h. Define and explain the essentials of various bodywork methods.
General Education Objectives Related to Student Learning Outcomes
Students will:
- Communicate effectively through writing, listening and speaking
- Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to
make informed decisions
- Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study
2. Assignments Completed by Students
Students writing assignments;
- Journaling assignments on conceptual presentations: Definition of health,
evaluation of self on physical, emotional, social, vocational well being, Boundaries,
permeable, semipermeable boundaries and professional boundaries, dual
relationships and its implication in professionalism, HIPPA rules
- Summarization assignment on History of Massage therapy, Main massage
techniques and their effects
- Research assignment on gathering information on licensing requirements
for massage therapy, research paper on efficacy of massage therapy as evidence
based practice.
Student communication skills;
- In class discussion groups on concepts covered such as health, well being,
holistic health, boundaries, dual relationship …
- In class role play to establish clear understanding of the subject matter
- Presentation of research paper and their findings.
Students took two written exams with multiple choice questions which covered the
material. Students writing assignments and in class presentations were evaluated
with rubrics which were also provided to students. Skills assessed were,
communication skills, professional demeanor, retention of the material covered
through tests.
3. Evidence used to Determine Students Achievements
Two fifty question exams comprised all material covered in class. Final exam was
cumulative take home assignment. Writing assignments were evaluated to see if the
students comprehend the subject matter at hand. Scaffolding assignments that lead
to the finalization of the research paper was an evaluation of the process of
identifying, analytical reasoning, identifying issues and problems and evaluate
evidence. Class presentation evaluation demonstrated the professionalism, as well as
verbal communication skills.
4. Summary of Assessment Results
Students demonstrated comprehension and retention of the information through
their test results. Scaffolding writing assignment was essential in gaging student
progress in analytical thinking and identifying issues and problems evaluation of
evidence. Majority of the students made considerable progress in both writing and
presentation skills.
5. Assessment Results Affects on the Student Learning Outcomes
a.Using self-care practices. Students were introduced into different breathing
techniques, postural self-care practices, and dietary guidelines which will be further
developed in their future classes.
b. Students demonstrated knowledge in course content, through their writing assignments
and their test results.
c. Clear understanding of history of massage, and its development in other countries.
Types of massage and their origin was evaluated through writing assignment which was
followed by a test.
d. Identifying the effects of basic massage applications. Verbal and written responses
were shared by the class, revealing the effects of massage therapy.
e. Describing the benefits, precautions and contraindications of massage and its effects
on different body systems. Students were able to identify indicative and contraindicative
conditions in multiple exams.
f. Code of Ethics and its implications were discussed in class room setting, and through
role play and written assignments..
g. Students learned basic theories that underly Western and Eastern techniques. Subject
matter was included into 2nd test and Final.
h. Student high stake writing assignment with all its components demonstrated
development of critical thinking, and evaluation of the research literature. Papers were
evaluated according to the rubrics . Majority of the class demonstrated a well written
document as an end product.
i. Students had an optional verbal presentation of the research document, which they were
graded according to the rubric provided. Majority of the class took the option to present,
which demonstrated the students skills in public speaking.
Over all, learning outcomes were achieved. This was observable in students writing
assignments as well as in class discussion groups, and their presentation at the end of the
class. One concern that I had with this class was, and will work on in the future is to
include more verbal presentation assignments, to be able to gauge student development
process in more detail.. Also due to time constraints I was not able to do the verbal
presentation mandatory, which later on will be mandatory. This course will continue to
be assessed, and changes will be made accordingly.