Raul Armendariz PhD Assistant Professor of Physics Queensborough Community College, CUNY October 26, 2014 QCC Assessment Institute - Spring 2014 Course Assessment Report for Physics Department Laboratories PH201 General Physics I Laboratory PH202 General Physics II Laboratory PH301 College Physics I Laboratory PH302 College Physics II Laboratory PH411 Calculus Physics I Laboratory PH413 Calculus Physics III Laboratory 1) Courses assessed, numbers of sections and students Six physics lab courses totaling nine sections were assessed including testing 134 students on a written math exam and 87 students in a visual laboratory exam of their ability to use lab equipment (see Table 1). The tests were conducted at the end of the Spring 2014 semester within the Physics Department. The courses PH201, PH202, PH301 and PH302 require students to know some algebra and right-triangle trigonometry and are taken by technology majors (PH201, PH202) and majors such as optometry and dentistry (PH301, PH302); the courses PH411 and PH413 require students to know some calculus and are taken by engineering majors. Each lab course corresponds to a lecture course, e.g. PH201 lab is typically taken concurrently with PH201 lecture. Artifact 1 the math, data and plotting exam tested students’ abilities to solve types of problems which are used in all physics labs being assessed including basic math, and generating and plotting data from math functions. Artifacts 2 and 3 the hands-on laboratory exams evaluated students’ abilities to setup and use experimental equipment. Course number Students tested in math, data and plotting (Artifact 1) 3 sections 45 Students tested using Mechanics lab equipment (Artifact 2) 1 section 10 Students tested using Electronics lab equipment (Artifact 3) PH201 Lab PH202 1 section 14 1 section Lab PH301 2 sections 36 2 sections 36 Lab PH302 1 section 10 1 section Lab PH411 1 section 7 Lab PH413 1 section 22 1 section Lab Total 9 134 3 46 3 Table 1: numbers of sections and students tested for the courses assessed 14 10 17 41 1 2) Expected Student Learning Outcomes and related General Education Outcomes Three Expected Student Learning Outcomes were assessed here; for these physics courses the Expected Student Learning Outcomes are the same as the “Course Objectives.” The first Expected Student Learning Outcome (which was assessed with Artifact 1 dimensions 1 and 2) is: “Use algebra, geometry and trigonometry to describe physical situations and to solve physical problems” (an outcome of PH201, 202, 301, 302), and “Use algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus to describe physical situations and to solve physical problems” (an outcome of PH411 and PH413). The second Expected Student Learning Outcome (which was assessed with Artifact 1 dimension 3) is: “Describe and analyze physical situations using graphical representations.” This is an outcome for all six courses. The third Expected Student Learning Outcome (which was assessed with Artifacts 2 and 3) is: “Perform experiments and draw meaningful conclusions from data and present them as part of a clear, well-organized lab report.” This is an outcome for all six courses. The three Learning Outcomes contribute to the following QCC General Education Outcomes: General Educational Outcome #2: Students will use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. General Educational Outcome #3: Students will reason quantitatively and mathematically as required in their fields of interest and in everyday life. General Educational Outcome #4: Student will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning General Educational Outcome #5: Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. General Educational Outcome #9: Students will employ concepts and methods of the natural and physical sciences to make informed judgments. Each outcome has a different number associated with it per course (see Table 2). Table 2 shows which learning outcome contributes to which General Education Outcome. 2 1st Expected Student Learning Outcome assessed using dimensions 1 and 2 of Artifact 1 PH201 Learning Outcome 2 PH202 Learning Outcome 1 PH302 Learning Outcome 1 PH301 Learning Outcome 3 PH411 Learning Outcome 3 PH413 Learning Outcome 1 Contributes to: 2nd Expected Student Learning Outcome assessed using dimensions 3 of Artifact 1 PH202 Learning Outcome 2 PH301 Learning Outcome 5 PH302 Learning Outcome 2 PH411 Learning Outcome 5 PH413 Learning Outcome 2 Contributes to: General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 General Education Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 3rd Expected Student Learning Outcome Contributes to: assessed using Artifacts 3 and 4 PH201 Learning Outcome 10 General Education Outcomes 2, 4, 5, 9 PH202 Learning Outcome 10 General Education Outcomes 2, 4, 5, 9 PH301 Learning Outcome 17 General Education Outcomes 2, 4, 5, 9 PH302 Learning Outcome 12 General Education Outcomes 2, 4, 5, 9 PH411 Learning Outcome 17 General Education Outcomes 2, 4, 5, 9 PH413 Learning Outcome 10 General Education Outcomes 2, 4, 5, 9 Table 2: three Learning Outcomes being assessed and their contributions to QCC General Education Outcomes 3) Student assignment artifacts used to assess courses and evidence gathering Two different types of assignments were given to students and used to assess the courses, a 3-part written exam (for math, data and plotting) and a hands-on laboratory practical exam to visually evaluate student ability to work with equipment. All students were given the math exam but not all students were given the hands-on lab exam; as the courses fall into two different categories (Mechanics and Electrostatics) two different lab exams were utilized but only one lab exam was given per section. The lab hands-on exam was proctored by Assistant Professor R. Armendariz, the written math exam was proctored by Asst. Prof. R. Armendariz and/or the respective Lab Course instructor. 3.1) Artifact 1: Basic Math, Generating, Tabulating and Plotting Data The first Artifact was a 20 minute math, data and plotting exam having three dimensions. The first and second dimensions assessed the first Expected Student Learning Outcome. The third dimension assessed the second Expected Student Learning Outcome. The first dimension tested the students’ ability with basic math commonly used in the physics 3 courses being assessed, without using a calculator, including: fractions, 3-variable algebraic equations (e.g. f = m∙a), powers of 10, recognition of geometrical formulae (e.g. c = 2πr, Atriangle = ½bh, Vsphere = 4/3πr3), Pythagorean theorem, converting units of measure, and adding vectors. The second dimension of the exam tested students’ ability to generate data using common physics formulae (e.g. x(t) = ½a∙t2, x(t) = xmaxcos(ωt)). The third dimension tested students’ ability to plot data. 3.2) Artifacts 2 and 3: Laboratory Practical hands-on Exam Artifacts 2 and 3 assessed the third Expected Student Learning Outcome. The hands-on 10 minute lab exam tests students’ ability with equipment they have already used in their lab courses. For mechanics courses PH201, PH301 and PH411 the students were asked to demonstrate their ability with mechanical equipment (this equipment was already setup for the students) from the experiment The Measurement of Gravity using the Air Track, glider, photo-gates and timer. For the courses involving electronics PH202, PH302 and PH413 the students were asked to both setup and demonstrate their ability with electrical equipment from the experiment The Electric Field Plot Lab, using the sensitized paper with parallel lines electrodes and sensitized paper with dipole electrodes, voltage supply, voltmeter and probes. The exam was graded at levels of Excellent, Good, Fair, and Needs Improvement, and the grading system is shown for each dimension in Appendix 1, Rubrics 2 and 3. Each course is designed to teach students how to use this particular lab equipment (see Table 3). Lab Course PH201 Name of lab exercise in lab book Incline Plane and g (lab #5) Dynamics (lab #6) Energy (lab #8) Equipment utilized Air Track, Photogates, timer Air Track, Photogates, timer Air Track, Photogates, timer PH301 Acceleration, Measurement of g (lab #5) Incline Plane (lab #5b) Dynamics (lab #6) Energy (lab #8) Air Track, Photogates, timer Air Track Air Track, Photogates, timer Air Track, Photogates, timer PH411 Incline Plane and g (lab #3) Dynamics (lab #4) Energy (lab #7) Air Track, Photogates, timer Air Track, Photogates, timer Air Track, Photogates, timer PH202 Electric Field Plot (lab #9) Parallel lines electrodes, Dipole electrodes, voltage supply, voltmeter, probes PH302 Electric Field Plot (lab #9) Parallel lines electrodes, Dipole electrodes, voltage supply, voltmeter, probes PH413 Electric Field Plot (lab #3) Parallel lines electrodes, Dipole electrodes, voltage supply, voltmeter, probes 4 Table 3: presented here are the names of the lab book exercises used to teach students how to use the laboratory equipment they were tested on in artifacts 2 and 3 4) Evidence used to determine how well students achieved outcomes, including instruments used to collect data The first dimension of artifact 1 which tested basic math assessed the first Expected Student Learning Outcome: 12 points were deducted if an answer was completely incorrect, 9 point if ¾ incorrect, 6 points if ½ incorrect, 3 points if ¼ incorrect. The second dimension of artifact 1 which tested ability to generate data from functions assessed the first Expected Student Learning Outcome: 33 points were deducted if an answer was completely incorrect, 24 point if ¾ incorrect, 16 points if ½ incorrect, 8 points if ¼ incorrect. The third dimension of artifact 1 which tested ability to plot data from functions assessed the second Expected Student Learning Outcome: 33 points were deducted if an answer was completely incorrect, 24 point if ¾ incorrect, 16 points if ½ incorrect, 8 points if ¼ incorrect. Artifacts 2 and 3 which tested ability to use laboratory equipment assessed the third Expected Student Learning Outcome. The exam was graded at levels of Excellent 90-100%, Good 80-89%, Fair 70-79%, and Needs Improvement less than 70%. The rubrics in Appendix 1 include explanation of how artifacts 2 and 3 were graded. 5) Results analysis and summary Tables 4 through 14 and Plots 1 through 6 show the results for how students scored on the three artifacts which test math, data and plotting skills (artifact 1), the ability to use the equipment of one particular mechanics laboratory (artifact 2), and ability to use the equipment of one particular electronics laboratory (artifact 3). Course Students Excellent Good tested 201 45 0 7 202 14 0 1 301 36 3 7 302 10 1 5 411 7 0 2 413 22 10 7 Total 134 14 29 Table 4: number of students that scored in each grading artifact 1 which tests basic math Fair Needs Improvement 16 22 9 4 13 13 4 0 3 2 5 0 50 41 category in dimension 1 of Course Students tested Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement 201 301 413 45 (3 sections) 36 (2 sections) 22 (1 section) 0% 8.33% 45.45% 15.56% 19.44% 31.82% 35.56% 36.11% 22.72% 48.89% 36.11% 0% 5 Table 5: percent of students that scored in each grading category in dimension 1 of artifact 1 which tests basic math (normalized data from Table 4) 50% PH201 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Plot 1: percent of PH201 students that scored in each grading category for dimension 1 of artifact 1 which tests basic math. Three sections of PH201 are included (data from Table 5) 50.00% PH301 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Plot 2: percent of PH301 students that scored in each grading category for dimension 1 of artifact 1 which tests basic math. Two sections of PH301 are included (data from Table 5) 6 50.00% PH413 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Plot 3: percent of PH413 students that scored in each grading category for dimension 1 of artifact 1 which tests basic math. One section of PH413 is included (data from Table 5) Course Students Excellent Good Fair tested 201 45 10 1 10 202 14 2 1 9 301 36 8 0 9 302 10 3 1 5 411 7 2 0 2 413 22 10 1 10 Total 134 35 4 45 Table 6: number of students that scored in each grading category for artifact 1 which tests ability to generate data using math functions Course Students tested Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement 24 2 19 1 3 1 50 dimension 2 of Needs Improvement 201 45 (3 sections) 22.22% 2.22% 22.22% 53.33% 301 36 (2 sections) 22.22% 0% 25.0% 52.78% 413 22 (1 section) 45.45% 4.54% 45.45% 4.54% Table 7: percent of students that scored in each grading category in dimension 2 of artifact 1 which tests ability to generate data using math functions (normalized data from Table 6) 7 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% PH201 30.00% PH301 20.00% PH413 10.00% 0.00% Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Plot 4: comparison of the percentages of students that scored in each grading category for dimension 2 of artifact 1 which tests ability to generate data using math functions. Included are 3 sections PH201, 2 sections PH301, 1 section PH413 (data from Table 7) Course Students Excellent Good Fair tested 201 45 0 1 13 202 14 2 0 4 301 36 3 0 16 302 10 0 0 8 411 7 1 0 3 413 22 8 1 11 Total 134 14 2 55 Table 8: number of students that scored in each grading category in artifact 1 which tests ability to plot data from functions Course Students tested Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement 31 8 17 2 3 2 63 dimension 3 of Needs Improvement 201 45 (3 sections) 0% 2.22% 28.89% 68.89% 301 36 (2 sections) 8.33% 0% 44.44% 47.22% 413 22 (1 section) 36.36% 4.54% 50.0% 9.09% Table 9: percent of students that scored in each grading category in dimension 3 of artifact 1 which tests ability to plot data from functions (normalized data from Table 8) 8 80% 70% 60% 50% PH201 40% PH301 30% PH413 20% 10% 0% Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Plot 5: comparison of the percentages of students that scored in each grading category for dimension 3 of artifact 1 which tests ability to plot data from functions. Included are 3 sections PH201, 2 sections PH301, 1 section PH413 (data from Table 9) Courses Needs Improvement 201,301 Understands 7 16 10 13 measurement (15.2%) (35.6%) (21.7%) (28.3%) 201, 301 Ability using 46 12 12 14 8 equipment (26.1%) (26.1%) (30.4%) (17.4%) Table 10: number of students and percent of students that scored in each grading category on the 2nd artifact which tests ability to use the mechanics Air Track Lab Courses Dimension Dimension Students tested 46 Students tested 41 Excellent Good Excellent Good Fair Fair Needs Improvement 6 (14.6%) 18 (43.9%) 202,302,413 Understands 8 11 16 measurement (19.5%) (26.8%) (39%) 202,302,413 Ability to 41 6 5 12 setup (14.6%) (12.2%) (29.3%) equipment 202,302,413 Ability using 41 7 11 12 11 equipment (17.1%) (26.8%) (29.3%) (26.8%) Table 11: number of students and percent of students that scored in each grading category on the 3rd artifact which tests ability to use the electronics E-Field Plot Lab 9 Courses Artifact 201,202, 301,302, 411, 413 201, 301 Students tested on artifact Students Excellent Good Fair tested on artifact multiplied by the number of dimensions 402 63 35 150 Needs Improvement Math, 134 154 data, plotting Mechanics 46 92 19 28 24 21 Lab 202, Electronics 41 123 21 27 40 35 302, 413 Lab Table 12: number of students that scored in each grading category on the three artifacts Courses 201,202, 301,302, 411, 413 201, 301 Artifact Students Excellent tested on artifact multiplied by the number of dimensions 402 15.67% Good Fair Math, 8.71% 37.31% data, plotting Mechanics 92 20.65% 30.43% 26.09% Lab 202, 302, Electronics 123 17.07% 21.95% 32.52% 413 Lab Table 13: percent of students that scored in each grading category on the (normalized data from Table 12) Needs Improvement 38.31% 22.83% 28.45% three artifacts 10 Artifact 1: Math - 201,202,301,302,411,413 Artifact 2: Mechanis lab - 201,301 Artifact 3: Electronics lab - 202,302,413 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement Plot 6: percent of students that scored in each grading category on the three artifacts (the artifact 1 results “Math” shown here include the results for all three dimensions of artifact 1 which are basic math, data and plotting). Data is from Table 13. 5.1) Analysis of results 5.1a) Artifact 1 Dimension 1 Plots 1 through 3 show that PH413 students scored significantly higher than both PH201 and PH301 students on the first dimensions of artifact 1 which tests basic math skills. There are multiple factors which contribute to this result. The first and most notable factor is that PH413 is the third physics course taken in sequence by engineering majors (PH413 follows PH412 which follows PH411), and thus typical PH413 students had already been exposed to math in physics courses for 3 academic semesters, whereas typical PH201 and PH301 students had only had one physics course before this assessment. The second factor is that PH413 is calculus based for engineering majors thus requiring a higher level of prerequisite math. The PH201 and PH301 results suggest a significant number of students need improvement with basic math. The math problems posed in this dimension include elementary fractions, powers of 10, unit conversions, right triangle trigonometry, and vector addition, all of which appear frequently in multiple chapters of the current PH201 and PH301 course textbook (Serway and Vuille 9th edition). Proficiency with these types of problems could better enable a student to solve physics problems and understand 11 physics concepts. It should be noted that only one section of PH413 was tested which included 22 students. 5.1b) Artifact 1 Dimension 2 Plot 4 shows that PH413 students scored significantly higher than both PH201 and PH301 students on the second dimensions of artifact 1 which tested ability to generate tables of data from three math functions. The same factors contributing to this result are those discussed above in section 5.1a. In each course a small percentage of students scored “Good,” and almost equal percentages of students scored “Excellent,” and “Fair.” A factor which contributed to this is that the test design was low resolution: students were only asked to work with three math functions and thus if a student did not know how to work with just one of the three functions their score dropped from excellent to fair. This dimension should be retested using a larger number of math functions and thus a higher resolution test. The PH201 and PH301 results suggest a significant number of students need improvement in working with math functions; two of the three math functions which 1 appeared on the test [𝑥(𝑡) = 2 𝑎 ∙ 𝑡 2 and 𝑣(𝑡) = 𝑎 ∙ 𝑡] are frequently used in the courses. 5.1c) Artifact 1 Dimension 3 Plot 5 shows how students scored on dimension 3 of artifact 1 which tests ability to plot data from functions. For the 3rd dimension of artifact 1 the students were asked to plot the data they obtained in the 2nd dimension of artifact 1 and therefore the test results for the two dimensions are correlated. To de-correlate these results the 3rd dimension should be retested asking students to draw plots from provided tables of data, and/or to plot the general shapes of functions. The PH201 and PH301 results suggest a significant number of students need improvement in plotting math functions; two of the three math functions which appeared 1 on the test [𝑥(𝑡) = 2 𝑎 ∙ 𝑡 2 and 𝑣(𝑡) = 𝑎 ∙ 𝑡] are frequently used in the courses. Results show that PH301 students scored higher than PH201 students in this dimension. 5.1d) Artifacts 2 and 3 Tables 10 and 11 are the results from Artifacts 2 and 3 which test the use of laboratory equipment. Only one section of each PH201, 202, 302 and 413 was tested, and two sections of PH301 (see Table 1); to get a better understanding of student performance more sections per course should be tested. The results shown are not broken down per course but rather for all six courses combined. Plot 6 includes the results for Artifacts 2 and 3 which shows the performance distributions are somewhat bell shaped; the Mechanics Air Track Lab grade distribution peaks about “Good” whereas the Electronics Lab grade distribution peaks about “Fair;” a probable reason is the Air Track lab is taught 3 to 4 times during the semester whereas 12 the E-Field map lab is only taught once during the semester (see Table 2) – thus the more students work with technology the better they know how to use it. 5.1e) Conclusions The PH201 and PH301 Artifact 1 results suggest a significant number of students need improvement with basic math (Plots 1 and 2), generating data from math functions (Plot 4) and plotting data (Plot 5). A comparison of the results in Plot 6 for Artifacts 2 (Mechanics Lab) and 3 (Electronics Lab) suggest that the more frequently students work with technology the more able they are to use it. The course outcomes having the highest need for improvement are in Table 14. A relatively high number of students of those tested need improvement with the following: 1) Evaluating and plotting a cosine function. 2) Identifying the equations for volume and surface area of a sphere. 3) Using the inverse tangent function to determine an angle on a right triangle. 4) Adding vectors. 6) Description of how assessment results affect or did not affect student learning outcomes identified. Plan to address areas where students need to improve. As stated in Section 2 of this report the three Expected Student Learning Outcomes assessed are expected for each of the six courses, and contribute to the General Education Outcomes appearing in Table 2. Table 14 is a summary of the results including the course outcomes having the highest need for improvement. The plan to address areas where students need to improve includes the following: 1) In the beginning of the semester during the first physics course taken include more instruction on basic math, unit conversion, vector addition, recognizing and plotting functions. 2) Determine the possibility of requiring students to pass an exam on math-for-physics before enrolling in any 2nd semester or higher level physics course. 2) Include visual lab hands-on exams as part of the laboratory courses. 3) Determine the benefit of reducing the different types of lab equipment used during a given semester but increasing the frequency of use of lab equipment most likely to be used in industry. 13 Expected Student Learning Outcome What the Artifact tested “Use algebra, geometry and trigonometry to describe physical situations and to solve physical problems” “Describe and analyze physical situations using graphical representations.” “Perform experiments and draw meaningful conclusions from data and present them as part of a clear, well-organized lab report.” Use [basic math], algebra, geometry and trigonometry to solve physical problems Describe physical situations using graphical representations Perform experiments General Education Outcomes Associated 2, 3, 5 2, 3, 4, 5 2, 4, 5, 9 Artifact used Percent of to test outcome students that Need Improvement 1st dimension PH201 49% st of 1 artifact PH301 36% (basic math) (from Table 5) 2nd dimensions 1st artifact PH201 53% PH301 53% (generating data) (from Table 7) 3rd dimension 1st artifact PH201 69% PH301 47% (plotting data) (from Table 9) 1st dimension 2nd artifact PH201, 301 combined: (understands measurement of mechanics lab) (from Table 10) 2nd dimension 2nd artifact PH201, 301 combined: (ability to use equipment of mechanics lab) (from Table 10) 2nd dimension 3rd artifact PH202, 302, 413 combined: (ability to setup equipment of electronics Lab) (from Table 11) 28% 17% 44% Table 14: the course outcomes having the highest need for improvement. 14 Appendix 1: Rubrics Rubric used to evaluate written exam (artifact 1): Basic Math, Generating, Tabulating and Plotting Data, for PH201, PH301, PH411, PH202, PH302, PH413 Dimension Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent Basic Math Scores < 70% Scores 70-79% Scores 80-89% Scores 90-100% Generation of Data Incorrectly generates data such that it cannot be used to generate plots Generates a minimal amount of the data correctly Generates most but not all data correctly Generates all the data correctly Plotting Data Does not plot the data correctly Plots a minimal amount of the data correctly Plots most of the data correctly Plots all of the data correctly 15 Rubric used to evaluate Mechanics Lab practical exam (artifact 2): Measurement of Gravity lab (utilizing air track and photogates), for PH201, PH301, PH411 Dimension Understanding of what is being measured Ability using equipment Needs Improvement Insufficient understanding of what is to be measured to conduct an experiment Fair Good Excellent Partially understands, but not clearly, what is to be measured Excellent understanding of what is being measured Does not understand how to use equipment to make measurements Understands how to use some of the equipment Has a good enough understanding of what is to be measured to carry out an experiment Has a good understanding on how to use most, but not all, of the equipment Clearly understands how to use all of the equipment 16 Rubric used to evaluate Electronics Lab practical exam (artifact 3): Electric Field Plot lab, for PH202, PH302, PH413 Dimension Understanding of what is being measured Ability to setup equipment to conduct experiment Ability to use equipment Needs Improvement Insufficient understanding of what is to be measured to conduct an experiment Fair Good Excellent Partially understands, but not clearly, what is to be measured Excellent understanding of what is being measured Does not setup enough of the equipment properly to make the measurements Does not understand how to use equipment to make measurements Setup a minimal amount of the equipment properly Has a good enough understanding of what is to be measured to carry out an experiment Setup most of the equipment properly Clearly understands how to use most, but not all, of the equipment Clearly understands how to use all of the equipment Understands how to use a minimal amount of the equipment Quickly and properly setup all equipment 17 Appendix 2: Artifacts Artifact 1: Basic math (dimension 1), generating data (dimension 2) and plotting data (dimension 3) Physics Department Labs Course Assessment: PH201, 202, 301, 302, 411, 413 QCC Assessment Institute 2014, Prof. Armendariz, Spring 2014 Survey quiz rules: Do not put your name on this quiz 20 minutes allowed time Only write on this sheet and show all your work No calculator, book, notes, cell phones or internet allowed See both sides of page Basic Math Exam Solve the following: 1) 1/2 + 4/5 = 2) 1/2 x 4/5 = 3)𝑓 = 𝑚 ∙ 𝑎, 𝑓 = 5, 𝑚 = 2, 𝑎 = ? 4) simplify this expression: 103 107 10−11 102 =? 5) The following formulae are to calculate what properties for which shapes? y = mx + b c = 2πr A = πr2 A = ½ bh A = 4 πr2 V = 4/3 πr3 6) How long is the hypotenuse and what is the angle of a right triangle having opposite side O = 5 and adjacent side A = 3? 18 7) How many yards are in 6 meters? Use 1m = 100cm, 2.5cm = 1 inch, 36 inches = 1 yard 8) vector C = A + B where A = -15x - 12y and B = -3x + 9y, what are the two components, magnitude and angle of C? Generating, Tabulating and Plotting Data: For each of the following functions create two columns of data over the period t = 0 seconds to t = 4 seconds, and draw a plot: 1) 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑣(𝑡) = 𝑎 ∙ 𝑡, where a = 5 m/s2 Data: Plot: 1 2) 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑥(𝑡) = 2 𝑎 ∙ 𝑡 2 , where a = 5 m/s2 Data: Plot: 3) 𝑥(𝑡) = 𝐴 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜔 ∙ 𝑡), where A = 3 and 𝜔 = 2 radians per sec Data: Plot: 19 Checklists used for artifacts 2 and 3 which were visual exams assessing student performance using lab equipment QCC Assessment of labs: Measurement of Gravity (Air Track) and E-Field Plot Prof. Armendariz Spring 2014 Lab Course and section: ______________ Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: Student number: ____ Understands what is being measured: Understands Equipment: Setup of Equipment: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Needs improvement: Fair: Fair: Fair: Good: Good: Good: Excellent: Excellent: Excellent: 20