NU 102 Course Assessment Report Introduction:

NU 102 Course Assessment Report
Assessment Institute
Georgina Colalillo
Spring 2014
NU 102 Course Assessment Report
NU 102 Safe and Effective Nursing Care of Clients Level 2 is a second semester nursing
course. NU-102 provides the student with the theoretical basis and application of nursing
concepts underlying the safe and effective practice of nursing as it relates to self-care needs
- across the life cycle - with a focus on the adult and pediatric client. Psychosocial, end-oflife, spiritual and cultural aspects of care are included. Teaching-learning principles are
utilized for clients across the life span. Relevant therapeutic nutrition, pharmacology and
holistic healing modalities are presented. Students continue to develop communication and
assessment skills as well as critical thinking strategies. Professional practice is further
developed utilizing evidenced-based research. Clinical experiences take place in the
college laboratories, hospitals and community settings. A pediatric clinical experience is
All students are responsible for knowledge of course -related National Patient Safety Goals
related to Ambulatory Health Care, Behavioral Health Care, Hospital Care, Long Term
Care, and Medicare/Medicaid Long Term Care.
There are 3 sections of this course and a total of 72 students will be assessed.
Student Learning Outcomes and General Education Objectives
1. Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking
2. Employ concepts and methods of natural and physical sciences to make informed
3. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to
make informed decisions
4. Use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and
lifelong learning
5. Integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study
6. Differentiate and make informed decisions about issues based on multiple value systems
Student Learning Outcomes - Aligned with General Educational Objectives
1. Incorporates knowledge obtained in biology and microbiology courses to describe normal
physiologic functions and health deficits.
2. Evaluate evidence from policies, procedures and practice guidelines to make informed
decisions for safe and effective client care.
3. Use information management and technology skills effectively to research current
nursing practice issue.
4. Utilize research findings to support the use of evidence based practice in the provision of
nursing care.
5. Analyze nursing research findings to develop interventions to improve patient care
NU 102 Course Assessment Report
Assessment Institute
Georgina Colalillo
Spring 2014
Description of the Assignment;
 Students will select an issue or topic taking into consideration The National Patient
Safety Goals (NPSGs) and NU-102 course content. Students will select the related
hospital policy, procedure, or protocol from the clinical agency site that best exemplifies
the issue.
 Students will research the topic and select a current professional nursing journal article
(2009-2012) that discusses evidence-based practice related to this content and related
 Utilizing any of the nursing textbooks, students will obtain additional resources and
information on the topic.
 Submit a draft - attach a copy of the journal article you used, hospital policy/procedure
 Revise paper and incorporate suggested revisions and feedback
 The Final paper is due one week AFTER your instructor returns the draft
 Read the article, your textbook, and hospital policy/procedure.
 Utilizing appropriate references in APA format, write a 3-4 page essay supporting one of
the following (select one):
A. Utilizing NPSG,,
explain the importance of adhering to the hospital policy/procedure regarding
the assigned topic. The audience for the writing assignment is directed to nurses
on orientation to your assigned clinical facility.
B. Identify steps in the procedure that appear to be omitted in the hospital
policy/procedure. Explain the possible problems/consequences caused by this
omission and possible resolutions.
Students will participate in an oral presentation of their evidence-based findings and
recommendations to peers and staff at healthcare facility.
Evidence of Student Achievement:
Faculty in the Nursing Department have developed a rubric to be used for assessment of
student’s writing. The Writing Assignment Grading Rubric will be used to evaluate the draft of
the assignment. The student will be provided feedback from the draft and the rubric will again
be utilized to assess the final completion of the writing assignment.
NU 102 Course Assessment Report
Assessment Institute
Georgina Colalillo
Spring 2014
Student achievement of the learning outcomes will be determined by utilizing the rubric to assess
the student’s ability to:
Develop an essay that presents a coherent, organized analysis or point of view and
contains a focused response to the questions asked. Research the topic and conduct a
formal, organized analysis of the latest research findings related to the topic.
o Demonstrate ability to select and interpret appropriate evidence-based resources
for analysis.
o Describes the interrelationship between all parts of the assignment
Develop and support ideas
o Demonstrate critical thinking and understanding of the reading and topic
o Describe the National Patient Safety Goals related to topic or issue
o Identify application to clinical practice supported with evidence from the
Demonstrate a critical use of resources and reference incorporation
o Integrate references to background reading into essay
o Identify reference consistently in context of essay
o Correct utilization of APA format including title page, abstract and reference list.
Demonstrate appropriate mechanics and sentence structure
o Appropriate use of grammar, syntax, spelling, logical compositional structure
(into, body, conclusion)
o Utilization of format, charts and illustrations.
The student research essays are collected and evaluated utilizing the Writing assignment Grading
Criteria. The rubric assessment instrument is utilized to determine how well students achieve the
outcomes of the course. The grade on the writing assignment is a numberical grade and a set
percentage is computed into the student’s final theory grade.
Analysis and Summary
During Spring 2014, faculty in the three sections of NU 102 utilized the Writing Assignment
Grading Rubric to assess student writing.
NU 102 Course Assessment Report
Assessment Institute
Georgina Colalillo
Spring 2014
Learning Outcomes
Develop an essay that
presents a coherent,
organized analysis or
point of view
Idea support and
Incorporation of
resources and references
Mechanics and sentence
Assessment Results:
The writing assignment of eighteen (18) students were analyzed. According to the student
learning outcomes related to the assignment, performance in the categories ranged from good to
excellent. Areas needing improvement were found to be development of the essay in a coherent,
organized, analytical fashion which translates to answering the questions in the guidelines of the
assignment. Another area where students need more support is incorporation of resources and
references. This is particularly true in reference to utilizing APA format in the context of the
essay and developing a comprehensive reference list utilizing APA format.
The Nursing Department will discuss the results and utilize finding to develop workshops and
resources to assist students to meet learning objectives.
In analysis of all student writing in NU 102 (all sections), the final numerical grade ranged from
74-100%. About 50% of student achieve a grade of 90% or better, 35% received a grade of 8090% and 15% 74-80%. By scaffolding the assignment and allowing students to submit writing
in draft form for feedback, utilizing the grading rubric is a very effective strategy for assisting
students to meet the required learning outcomes.
NU 102 Course Assessment Report
Assessment Institute
Georgina Colalillo
Spring 2014