NU-201 Course Evaluation Anne Marie Menendez/Barbara Rome Student Learning Outcomes:

NU-201 Course Evaluation
Anne Marie Menendez/Barbara Rome
Student Learning Outcomes:
 Incorporate nursing best practice and professional standards into
the nursing care of adult and maternal/child client centered care.
(Gen Ed Objective 2)
 Integrate therapeutic communication
effectively utilizing
appropriate communication modalities when providing clientcentered care. (Gen Ed Objective 1)
 Perform comprehensive assessments on diverse client populations
with multiple complex medical problems utilizing the nursing
process, multiple data sources and incorporating developmental and
cultural influences to establish a foundation for the provision of
nursing care.
 Integrate critical thinking strategies, nursing course and general
education course content, and evidence-based best practice
information to plan, implement and evaluate safe, effective, quality
care for adult and maternal/child client(s) with complex medical
conditions across various healthcare settings. (Gen Ed Objective 5 &
 Integrate compassionate and respectful nursing behaviors into the
care of diverse populations of adult and maternal/child client(s) to
provide dignified care.
 Construct a teaching plan for the adult and maternal/child client(s)
in the acute care setting that incorporates teaching strategies to
promote health, inform decision-making, reduce risks, and achieve
positive client outcomes. (Gen Ed Objective 5)
 Collaborate professionally with clients and other members of the
healthcare team in shared decision-making to administer quality,
safe, effective care to diverse adult and maternal/child clients. (Gen
Ed Objective 7)
 Utilize agency management systems and effective basic leadership
skills to provide safe, effective, cost contained client-centered care
within the acute care setting for the adult and maternal/child clients.
 Students were evaluated based on 3 exams, a final exam and their
clinical performance. A passing grade in each of two components is
necessary to progress to the next nursing course These two components
1. Clinical/Laboratory – a passing grade is needed in each of the following:
clinical performance, essential competencies, math skills, written
assignments and critical elements.
2. Theory/Classroom - A student must successfully pass the course
examinations with a final average grade of 74% or above to pass the
Tests are constructed by the faculty in NU-201 utilizing the par-score test bank and
tests questions are mapped to test blueprints which include student learning
outcomes. Faculty review exams results as a group, item analysis is evaluated, the
textbook is referenced, and faculty as a group, decide whether the item is fair and
Course Assessment through the End of the Course Report summarizes exams,
recommendations, and actions taken. Further course evaluation is done biannual
during the Systematic Evaluation Plan meetings with the general faculty specifically
looking at Standard VI criterion 6.5 Program Completing: Expected levels of
achievement for program completion are determined by the faculty and reflect
program demographics, academic progression and program history.