Student Learning Outcomes and associated General Education Objectives

Cutrone – HE111 Stress Management – Assessment Institute, Second Deliverable
Student Learning Outcomes and associated General Education Objectives
1. Produce an essay upon the use and place of technology in your life.
A. communicate effectively through reading writing and speaking
B. use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence
in order to make informed decisions
C. differentiate and make informed decisions about issues on multiple value
2. Demonstrate the adoption a positive perspective (reframe) or “change of thought”
on at least three negative events or situations.
A. communicate effectively through reading writing and speaking
B. integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study
3. Describe five time management techniques that will/do work for you.
A. communicate effectively through reading writing and speaking
B. use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence
in order to make informed decisions
C. integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study
4. Develop a household or personal budget.
A. communicate effectively through reading writing and speaking
B. use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence
in order to make informed decisions
C. reason quantitatively and mathematically as required in their fields of interest
and everyday life
D. use information management and technology skills effectively for academic
research and lifelong learning
5. Write a stress management plan identifying how you changed a behavior or intend
to change the behavior associated with a stressful situation.
A. communicate effectively through reading writing and speaking
B. use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence
in order to make informed decisions
C. integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study
D. differentiate and make informed decisions about issues on multiple value
Discussion of the Assignments
HE111 Stress Management is a class that is taught by a rotating adjunct faculty member
and usually myself. There is a usually a total of three sections. I teach a proactive
approach which is quite different than the typical stress management class. My message
during the class is prevention and behavioral change geared towards eliminating or
lessening the stressor. All of the assignments are directed towards incorporating
proactive stress management techniques into their lives.
Students were required to complete a total of four assignments. The following three
assignments were mandatory.
1. Students viewed a movie, Caught in the Speed Trap: Information Overload. They
then wrote a reflective essay upon their own personal use of technology and its
effect on their life. The primary question was, “Is technology adding to your
quality of life or distracting from it?”
2. Incorporated into an exam, students were asked to provide three examples of
reframing a stressful situation or event. It is similar to the old question, “Is the
glass half full or half empty?”
3. Incorporated into an exam, students were asked to list and explain time
management techniques that work for them.
Students were required to choose between the following two assignments.
1. Developing a household or personal budget. Financial instability and lack of
financial control is a major issue to most people and one of the main reasons for
relationship failure. The students had a choice between an online budgeting
program and a hard copy budget sheet.
2. Developing a stress management plan. Students choose at least one event or
situation that causes them regular stress. Using the research, tools and techniques
presented during the class they were asked to develop a plan to help eliminate or
lessen the stressor.
Measuring the Outcomes
A rubric (see below) was used for each of the assignments. The three mandatory
assignments were weighed less than the choice assignment.
Two of the assessments were contained in the final exam.
Analysis of Assessment Results / Future Action Items or Modifications
1. Production of a “Technology Use “Reflective Essay
This is assessment never ceases to amaze me. All the students expressed strong
emotions towards technology. This is an assessment that has been modified many times.
Each modification results in a deeper reflection paper. I have noticed that when I
introduce the assessment verbally in class rather than as a paper assignment, I get a better
response. I hypothesize that the students place more value on an assessment the more
reference is made to it. In addition, each time a reference is made, the student has an
opportunity to process. I will expand the reflective essay to include, “What modifications
can be made in order lower stress caused by technology or its use?”
2. Provide Three Example of Reframing
This assessment, I must say was a failure. In many of the responses, I did not
receive what I asked for. I feel the reason is two fold. The material was not covered in
detail and often enough. The directions of the assessment should have been more
detailed. Perhaps, an example could have been given in the directions. Moving forward,
“reframing” will be discussed in more detail and the assessment directions modified.
3. List and Explain Time Management Techniques that Work for You
Overall, I was pleased with this assessment. All students did well. However, in
the assessment’s directions I will ask for specific examples of how they are incorporating
the techniques into their life. Some students provided this without asking and I believe it
would be beneficial for each student to examine implementation of the techniques.
4. Develop a Household or Personal Budget
This assessment was a hit or a miss. It was the first time that this assessment was
used. Students either embraced the assessment or skated through it. In the future, I need
to be MUCH more specific in the directions. I will also introduce the assessment earlier
during the semester. And similar to the “reframing” assignment, I will reference the
assessment through out the semester.
5. Develop a Stress Management Plan
This is a mainstay of the course. Students who elected this assessment were
emotionally invested in the plan. Any student who chose this assessment did fantastic.
In the future I am going to scaffold the assessment. I would like the students to have the
plan in place for a period of time so that they can do a more comprehensive analysis of
their plan.
Assessment Results and Learning Outcomes
1. Production of a “Technology Use “Reflective Essay
The essay addressed all three outcomes identified
2. Provide Three Example of Reframing
Since the assessment was not answered as asked, it failed to fully measure
integration. The assessment and the material for which the assessment was based needs
to be modified or cleaned up to eliminate the problem.
3. List and Explain Time Management Techniques that Work for You
All outcomes were addressed. In the future, the assessment will ask for specific
examples to further measure integration and evaluation.
4. Develop a Household or Personal Budget
Outcomes were measured. However, with better directions and more time, a more
through assessment can be made of all affected outcomes., especially using analytical
reasoning and evidence evaluation.
5. Develop a Stress Management Plan
This assessment hit upon all the measures. I will scaffold the assessment in the
future, emphasizing each part and allowing time for evaluation and analysis of evidence.
Assessment Rubric for HE111 – Stress Management
One Pt.
Two Pts.
used (Face
book, email,
twitter, etc.)
Do you feel
much time anxious when
per day
away from the
What were the
How did
events/situations you
during the
List and explain
one possible
technique or
and Notes
Four Pts.
Five Pts.
Pros and cons
of its use
Why or
why not?
Was the event
controllable or
How did you
reframe your
with the
How did
you feel
after the
List and
List and
explain three
techniques or
List and
explain four
techniques or
List and
Five Pts
Ten Pts
Twenty Pts
Thirty Pts
All income
sources listed
Described the
How did
Management events/situations you
Plan Essay
during the
Three Pts.
Thirtyfive Pts
All nonExamination
Surplus or
and discussion Deficient
expenses listed of expenses
and what
you are
doing to
rectify a
or plans
Was the event
How did you
controllable or change your
uncontrollable, behavior
with the
What is
the result
of your
plan? Any
Why or
why not?
Appendix - Assessment Tool in the actual typeface and font
A. Reframing
Explain how you might have in the past or will in the future reframe a
stressful event or situation. Follow the guideline below.
What were the
How did you
feel during
the event
Was the event
controllable or
How did you
reframe your
associated with
How did you
feel after the
B. Time Management
IN YOUR OWN WORDS, list and explain five time management
C. Budget Worksheet
Use one of the two "Budget Worksheets" below to calculate your monthly
expenses. Remember all of the "little things" like coffee, snacks, sodas,
newspapers, magazines. Try to be as accurate as possible.
When you are done please hand in a hard copy of your budget AND
answer the questions below on a separate sheet of paper attached to your
budget. Your answers MUST be typed. No text terminology or phrasing.
NOTE: to protect your privacy, you can alter the numbers in the hard copy
that you give me. For example, double all the numbers, or divide all the
numbers by a third. I will not know if you are handing me true or false
However, USE your real numbers when answering the questions.
Use can search terms such as, "designing a budget", "budget help",
"student budget", etc. if you need assistance.
D. Technology
In AT LEAST seven sentences please tell which character in the film, you
find having the most similarities and why.
THEN, explain in no less than TEN sentences, how technology effects
your life. Does it cause you stress or alleviate stress?
Some questions you might think about are below.
Does it help you? Is your life better or worse with technology? Do you
ever wish you could just shut your phone off? Which do you do more, talk,
text, tweet or email? How much time do you spend online? Is your phone
on all night for the wrong reasons? Do you feel that technology is getting
in the way of your life. Do you feel that most of your relationships are
online? If it is effecting your life negatively, how can you fix it?
E. Stress Management Plan
Stress Management Plan
(3 plus pages please)
+ really think about the project +
- the project is for you Choose your top one to three stresses.
Decide which, if any, can be managed.
Answer the following questions in paragraph format
What is the stress?
Is it a real or imagined problem?
What are the underlying causes of that particular stress?
(Similar to the exercise we did in class.)
What leads up to the stress?
Can you put roadblocks in between the steps?
What do you have to do to place the roadblocks in place?
Do you need help from others?
Will they help you?
If you cannot avoid/alleviate the stress…how can you change your perception?
What is the worst thing that can happen in the stressful situation?
Is it really possible that that will happen?
Your plan or how did you reduce that stress?