1 Christopher D. Staysniak Boston College



Christopher D. Staysniak

Boston College



Boston College

-Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History

-Dissertation: “Called to Serve: Catholic and Protestant Youth Volunteerism, 1934-1975”

-Comprehensive Exams Passed with Distinction, December 2013.

-Major Fields: American Religion, American Political and Social movements

-Minor Field: Modern European Intellectual

-Faculty Adviser: James M. O’Toole

Boston College

-M.A., Department of History, 2014.

Peer Reviewed Publications

“Bringing Jesuit Bibliography into the Twenty-First Century: Boston College’s New Sommervogel

Online ” (Co-author with Kasper Volk). Journal of Jesuit Studies 3, no.1 (2016): 67-89.

“’We are definitely the pioneers of this movement’: The Regis Lay Apostolate and the Origins of

Postgraduate Volunteerism, 1949-1972.” American Catholic Studies 123, no. 4 (Winter 2012): 45-65.

Grants and Awards

Dean of Summer Session Teaching Fellowship, Boston College, Summer 2016 (declined).

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Summer Research Fellowship, Boston College, Summer 2014.

Donald J. White Award for Excellence in Teaching, Boston College, 2013.

Book Reviews

The Nones Are Alright: A New Generation of Believers, Seekers, and Those in Between , by Kaya Oakes.

National Catholic Reporter (April 22, 2015).

Transformational Leadership: Conversations with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious , by Annmarie

Sanders, IHM. Catholic Library World 86, no. 3 (March 2016): 196.

Structures of Grace: Church Organizations and the Global Common Good , by Kevin Ahern. Catholic Library

World 86, no. 3 (March 2016): 195-196.

The Bread of the Strong: Lacouturisme and the Folly of the Cross, 1910-1985 , by Jack Downey. Catholic

Library World 86, no. 2 (December 2015): 132.


The New Monasticism: An Interspiritual Manifesto for Contemplative Living, by Rory McEntee and Adam

Bucko. National Catholic Reporter (November 20, 2015).

A People’s History of the New Boston , by Jim Vrabel. The New England Journal of History 72, no. 1 (Fall

2015): 135-137.

The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam , edited by Douglas

Scutchfield and Paul Evans Holbrook, Jr. Catholic Library World 86, no. 1 (September 2015): 59-57.

Thomas Merton, Peacemaker: Meditations on Merton, Peacemaking, and the Spiritual Life , by John Dear.

Catholic Library World 86, no. 1 (September 2015): 46-47.

Loving Our Enemies, Reflection on the Hardest Commandment , by Jim Forest. Catholic Library World 85, no.

4 (June 2015): 275.

The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present , by John O’Malley. Catholic Library World 85, no. 3

(March 2015): 203-204.

The National Catholic Report at Fifty , by Arthur Jones . Catholic Library World 85, no. 2 (December 2014):


Teach Me to Be Generous: The First Century of Regis High School in New York City , by Anthony Andreassi and Sacrifice and Survival: Identity, Mission, and Jesuit Higher Education in the American South , by R. Eric

Platt. The Journal of Jesuit Studies 2, no. 1 (2015): 165-170.

Fluent in Faith: The Gift of Mary McCormick by Donald J. Mueller & Jacqueline Hansen Maggiore.

American Catholic Studies 125, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 59-60.

Other Publications

“New Perspectives to the War on Poverty.” History Matters! 27, no. 6 (February 2015).

“Card and Letters.” Commonweal 141, no. 17 (October 24, 2014).

“Talking Back: Graduate School and Jesuit Identity.” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 44 (Fall

2013): 37-39.


“The Boston College Jesuit Bibliography.” International Symposium on Jesuit Studies, Boston, MA,

June 2015.

“’The Task Ahead … is indeed tremendous’: 1940s and 1950s Protestant Youth Volunteerism.” 7 th

Annual Boston University Graduate Student American Political History Conference, Boston, MA,

March 2015.

“The New Sommervogel Project: Jesuit Studies Bibliographical Database .

” American Catholic

Historical Association, New York, NY, January 2015.


“The New Sommervogel Project—Jesuit Library Online .

” Sixteenth Century Society Conference,

New Orleans, LA, October 2014.

“Regis Lay Apostolate.” Regis College Lay Apostolate Lecture and Reception, Weston, MA, April


“‘I’m Not Going to be Able to Do It Without Some Help’: Lay Postgraduate Service and the

Postwar Church.” American Catholic Historical Association, Washington, D.C, January 2014.

“The Seeds of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.” New England Archivists of Religious Institutions,

Spring Meeting, Weston, MA, April 2012.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant, “Atlantic Worlds II,” Professor Charlie Gallagher, Boston College, Spring 2016.

Teaching Assistant, “Atlantic Worlds I,” Professor Alan Rogers, Boston College, Fall 2015.

Teaching Assistant, “Boston: History, Literature, and Culture II,” Professor David Quigley,

Professor Carlo Rotella, Boston College, Spring 2014.

Teaching Assistant, “Globalization I,” Professor Ian Delahanty, History Department, Boston

College, Fall 2013.

Teaching Assistant, “Europe and the World II,” Professor Thomas Dodman, History Department,

Boston College, Spring 2013.

Teaching Assistant, “Europe and the World II,” Professor Zachary Matus, History Department,

Boston College, Fall 2012.

Academic Service

Book Review Editor for Journal of Jesuit Studies , Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, Boston College,

July 2014-Present.

Assistant Editor for The Boston College Jesuit Bibliography: The New Sommervogel Online , Institute for

Advanced Jesuit Studies, Boston College, December 2013-Present.

Organizing Committee, “Catholic Peacemaking: Responding to the Globalization of Indifference,” to be held at Boston College, April 2017.

Editorial Committee, Catholic Library World , July 2015-Present.

Conference Representative, Institute of Jesuit Sources, Boston College, October 2014-Present.

Coordinator, Institute for the Liberal Arts Academia and Public Life Seminar, Boston College, July


Consultant, Voices of Activism Oral History Project, Mount Alvernia High School, Spring 2014-


Lead Organizer, Biennial Conference on the History of Religion: “Faith and Public Life,” Boston

College, 2016.

Organizing Committee, Biennial Conference on the History of Religion: “The Problem of Religion:

Faith and Agency in History,” Boston College, 2014.

Co-facilitator, Teaching Assistant Training, Boston College History Department, September 2014;

September 2015.

Curator of the Exhibition "Jesuit Survival and Restoration: 200th Anniversary Perspectives" June-

September 2014 at the Burns Library, Boston College.

Assistant for Lisa Hastings, Director of Integritas , Office of University Mission and Ministry, Boston

College, September 2012-September 2014.

Other Professional Experience

Board Member, Center for Ignatian Spirituality, Fairfield University, November 2013-Present.

Circulation Manager, Commonweal , August 2010-August 2011.

Professional Memberships

American Historical Association, Fall 2011-Present.

American Catholic Historical Association, Winter 2012-Present.


Professor James O’Toole, Boston College, james.otoole@bc.edu.

Professor Marilynn Johnson, Boston College, marilynn.johnson@bc.edu.

