Solutions to End of Chapter Problems

Solutions to End of Chapter Problems
Problem 1:
#include <stdio.h>
int main( )
char init1, init2;
printf("Please enter your initials: ");
scanf("%c %c", &init1, &init2);
printf("Thank you %c%c for using the program\n", init1, init2);
Problem 2:
#include <stdio.h>
int main( )
float tempF, tempC;
printf("Please enter your Fahrenheit temperature: ");
scanf("%f", &tempF);
tempC = (5.0/9.0)*(tempF - 32.0);
printf("The equivalent Celsius temperature is %f. \n", tempC);
Problem 3:
See the picture of the directory structure on page 44. If we go up one directory (by
typing cd .. ) we arrive at the home directory. Typing ls shows us all the folders in
the /home directory. Each of these folders corresponds to a user. Thus, we see there are
four users: instructor , joe , mia , midshipman.
See the picture of the directory structure on page 44. If we move up from the /home
directory we arrive at the root directory. When I type ls I count 23 items.
Problem 4:
Line-by-line: (3 * 4) + (2 * 4) + (2 * 1) = 22 bytes total
Problem 5:
In the printf statement, the variable named favoriteNumber which we would like to print
out has been incorrectly typed in as favorite_Number (i.e., with an extra underscore).
Problem 6:
Problem 7:
(a) Machine code
(b) High-level code
Problem 8:
In the printf statement, the variables init2 and init1 are in the wrong order and
should be reversed.
This is a logic error.
(c) assembly code