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‘For the Greater Glory of God’
Parish Booklet 2015–2016
G`reetings From Our Pastor
As pastor of Saint Ignatius Church for the past 27 years, I have
seen this community continue to grow by welcoming new members of all ages and involving more and more parishioners in
parish life. Saint Ignatius affords many opportunities to get involved in liturgical, spiritual, educational, social, and outreach
The ongoing commitment to these ministries is essential for
the authentic Christian life of the parish. These programs are
optional only in the sense that they provide us with a variety
of options for exercising our responsibilities to one another and to the larger
community. For us, to be the “body of Christ” means to live out of Jesus’ compassion and care for those in need. Our Eucharistic celebrations are nourished
by our service as our service is nourished at the table of the Lord.
This brochure is an invitation to involve you in one or more of the many
opportunities for personal development and compassion for others here at St.
Ignatius. If everyone contributed two hours a week to just one ministry imagine what we could accomplish!
Because we are such a diverse and disparate community, these parish activities afford you an opportunity to know others by sharing prayer, scripture,
story, and service. There is a strong desire on the part of our Parish Pastoral
Council to endorse activities that will create a stronger sense of community
among our diverse and mobile parishioners. Our parish is so large, and our
people come from distances near and far. We need to build bridges between
people so that they can know, love, and serve with and in each other.
As Catholics, we are learning that our worship and service of God calls for
more than an hour on Sundays. The many activities we offer for involvement
in parish life can be wonderful opportunities for putting your faith into action. One of the rich inheritances we have here at Saint Ignatius is the Jesuit
tradition which invites us to “find God in all things.” Involvement in parish
ministries may help this Ignatian vision become a reality in your lives. We have
also included some classic Jesuit prayers to give you a sense of the richness of
this tradition.
It is a grace beyond words to be called your “pastor.” I am so grateful for all
of you who choose to come to Saint Ignatius to make our parish life such a rich
experience. Let us give thanks to God for all the good gifts we have received
and are invited to share.—Rev. Robert VerEecke, S.J.
    
Saint Ignatius Parish Miss`ion Statement
As a Jesuit parish community, animated by the spirit of Saint Ignatius, we welcome all to share in the joy of the Gospel and to come to “know, love and serve”
God and one another. 
Misión de la Parroquia de San Ignacio
Siendo una comunidad parroquial jesuita, animada por el espiritu de San Ignacio, les damos a todos la bienvenida para compartir la alegria del evangelio y
para “conocer, amar y servir” a Dios y a nuestros hermanos. 
Sacramental Life at Saint Ignatius
Upper Church: 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon, 5:30 p.m.
Lannon Chapel: 8 a.m., Family Mass (September–May)
Lannon Chapel: 10 a.m., Family Mass (all year)
12 noon Misa en Español en la Capilla Lannon
Monday Through Friday
Lannon Chapel: 12:15 p.m. (September to Mid-June)
Lannon Chapel: 5:30 p.m.
Lannon Chapel: 9 a.m. (Daily Mass)
Upper Church: 4 p.m. (Vigil Mass)
Friday: Lannon Chapel: 12:45–5 p.m. (September to mid-June)
Saturday: Upper Church: 3:15–3:45 p.m. (or by special arrangement)
THE GOOD SHEPHERD welcomes all with outstretched arms. Located above the
main entrance of Saint Ignatius Church, it is sculpted of Indiana limestone. On
either side of Our Lord is an angel on bended knee, holding a lit candle. In the
arch enclosing this scene are many other adoring angels. Above the arch on
the left is the seal of Pope Pius XII; the seal of Richard Cardinal Cushing is on
the right. In the ornamented border at the top is inscribed “IHS,” the first three
letters of the Greek name for Jesus.
Lord, teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your will. Amen.
–~Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Sacramental Life at Saint Ignatius
It is in the celebration of the Sacraments that we, as a parish, encounter the Risen
Lord in sign and symbol. We experience the fullness of life in Christ in our celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation, of Healing, and of Mission.
ADULT CONFIRMATION—Adult baptized Catholics who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation but have received First Communion
and are otherwise catechized, should attend With Open Arms which is offered
in eight sessions on Sunday evenings, beginning mid-September. For more information on With Open Arms, see the description under Faith Formation,
page 13.
Contact: Diana Gaillardetz, gailladi@bc.edu, 617-552-6103
ANOINTING OF THE SICK—Celebration of this sacrament takes place
twice a year. It is primarily for the elderly, but is also a source of spiritual
strength for other community members who are seriously ill. It is also administered in the homes of the sick or those who may be approaching death. Please
contact the parish office at 617-552-6102 if there is this need.
CONFIRMATION—Preparation for the celebration of this sacrament begins in the ninth grade religious education program and continues into the
tenth grade. Students who attend Catholic high schools may join the preparation program in grade ten. Preparation includes service opportunities and two
retreats. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered by one of the
local bishops in the spring of tenth grade.
Contact: Susan Stuart, langinst@bc.edu, 617-552-6105
for the celebration of First Reconciliation and Eucharist begins in first grade,
and the sacraments are received in second grade for children enrolled in our
Sunday Morning Faith Formation program. Children enrolled in Catholic
schools join us for two Saturday afternoon catechetical sessions during their
second grade year prior to receiving the Sacraments. In order for us to be prepared for First Eucharist in the spring, we ask all children, including those in
Catholic schools, to be registered by the fall. If you have any questions about
either of these sacraments, contact: Susan Stuart, langinst@bc.edu, 617-5526105
 Seek God in all things and we shall find God by our side. 
–~Saint Peter Claver, SJ
INFANT BAPTISM—Infant Baptisms are celebrated communally one Saturday a month at 11 a.m. First-time parents are expected to attend Baptismal
Preparation which is held on a Saturday as well.
Contact: Sr. Diane Vallerio, vallerio@bc.edu, 617-552-6107
RECONCILIATION—Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
takes place on Saturdays from 3:15–3:45 p.m. Other times can be arranged by
calling the parish office at 617-552-6102 for an appointment with one of the
priests. Communal Reconciliation services are celebrated in Advent and Lent.
R.C.I.A.—The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the normative way for
an adult to prepare for Baptism and entrance into the Catholic Church. The
RCIA is also used, with adaptation, for adults baptized into another Christian
church who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, and
also for those who were baptized Catholic but never catechized or made their
First Holy Communion. Volunteers are also needed as catechists and sponsors.
RCIA meets Sunday evenings beginning in November.
Contact: Diana Gaillardetz, gailladi@bc.edu, 617-552-6103
R.C.I.C.—The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children is a program for children who have reached the age of seven and have not yet been baptized. These
children receive special preparation for the reception of the sacraments of initiation.
Contact: Susan Stuart, langinst@bc.edu, 617-552-6105
WEDDINGS—The Sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated throughout the
year at Saint Ignatius for parishioners and graduates of Boston College. If you
are a registered parishioner or Boston College graduate, arrangements should
be made at least six months, preferably a year, in advance. Marriage preparation (Pre-Cana) is offered at Saint Ignatius through the program at Boston
Contact: Reenie Murphy, 617-552-6102, ignatius@bc.edu
THE ROSE WINDOW of limestone tracery above
the high altar, is dedicated to the Holy Trinity.
At the apex of an equilateral triangle is a hand,
symbolizing the creative power of God the Father.
Below the hand is a dove, symbol of the Holy
Spirit. Just under the dove is the cross of our
Savior, Jesus Christ. Three nails at the center are
tipped with ruby-colored glass signifying the
blood Christ shed for us.
Liturgy and Worship at Saint Ignatius
 When God’s people gather for prayer, the most intimate and allembracing aspect of their life together occurs: the moment when
they touch, taste, smell, hear, see, and share those hidden realities
that would otherwise remain imperceptible. 
–~USCCB, Built of Living Stone:
Art, Architecture, and Worship 140 (2000)
For more information on these ministries or to volunteer, please contact Paul Melley, Assistant to the Pastor, paul.melley@bc.edu, 617-552-6113.
LITURGY COMMISSION—The Liturgy Commission is open to all parishioners and meets on the first Tuesday of every month (except during the summer). The Commission is responsible for the overall planning of liturgy at the
parish, including weekly and special liturgies, Christmas and Holy Week. Participants meet for reflection on upcoming readings and liturgical sessions and
discuss ways of making communal liturgy at St. Ignatius prayerful and edifying.
Time commitment: 2 hours/month
    
Each liturgy at Saint Ignatius employs a wide variety of ministers to proclaim the
Word, to bake the bread we use, to welcome one another, and to serve the Eucharist.
In order to serve, each minister must complete a mandatory training session as well
as be certified under the Protecting God’s Children program (please see page 26).
EUCHARISTIC BREAD BAKERS—Our liturgies make use of specially
prepared unleavened bread. There’s no need to be a gourmet chef or even an
experienced baker. Training sessions in using an easy-to-follow recipe are held
Time commitment: 2 hours/month
HOSPITALITY MINISTERS—We need volunteers to greet people at the
doors of the church, to help with handicapped persons, and to extend a warm
welcome to members of the Saint Ignatius community at major feasts and regular Sunday Masses.
Time commitment: 1–2 hours/month
LECTORS—We welcome new and experienced Ministers of the Word.
Time commitment: 2 hours/month
LITURGICAL COORDINATORS—Behind the scenes of each liturgy at
Saint Ignatius is a liturgical coordinator who schedules lectors and Eucharistic
ministers, helping to ensure the smooth flow of liturgy. They also serve on the
Liturgy Commission.
Time commitment: 6 hours/month
are welcome to help decorate our beautiful church for the liturgical seasons.
No prior experience is necessary. In addition, volunteers are needed as Garden
Angels, who help care for the plants in the Upper Church and Lannon Chapel
during the year. Great for both individuals and families!
Time commitment: 3 hours/seasonally
FUNERAL MINISTRY—Working with the Presiders, this group assists in
the celebration of funerals in our parish by greeting family and friends, distributing Communion, and proclaiming the Word.
Contact: Maureen Saldarini, msaldarini@hotmail.com
ST. IGNATIUS DANCE MINISTRY—With the Boston Liturgical Dance
Ensemble, parishioners are invited to integrate liturgical prayer with movement and dance.
Contact: Rev. Robert VerEecke, S.J., 617-552-6102, frvereec@bc.edu
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION—Training for Eucharistic ministers takes place several times during the year. Those who desire
to serve are commissioned for a three-year period, renewable as desired. You
are welcome at any liturgy to serve as often or as seldom as your schedule allows. Eucharistic ministers must have already received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Time commitment: 1–2 hours/month
Music Ministry at Saint Ignatius
Liturgy at Saint Ignatius is enriched by a variety of ensembles. Each group serves primarily to enhance our liturgies and to support our assembly singing. Though we
offer a wide range of musical styles and different levels
of time commitment, all our musical groups prepare with
a desire to serve the liturgy and give praise with all their
hearts, minds, and voices for the Greater Glory of God!
THE 10 a.m. LITURGY CHOIR—Our dedicated 10 a.m. Liturgy Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. in the choir/media room of the lower church
from September to June. They prepare various styles of music, from chant to
spirituals, for the 10 a.m. Sunday liturgy and special liturgical celebrations,
concerts, and outreach opportunities. All voice parts are needed this year, especially tenors & basses! Contact Michael Burgo, burgo@bc.edu, 617-5526108, or see him after the liturgy.
THE 5:30 p.m. CONTEMPORARY MUSIC ENSEMBLE—Our very popular 5:30 Contemporary Music Ensemble rehearses on Sundays at 4:30 p.m. in
the sanctuary of the church. This high-energy group prepares contemporary
liturgical music for the 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass year-round. All singers and instrumentalists are invited to share their talents. Commitment level is flexible—
please inquire. For more information, contact Michael Burgo at 617-552-6108
or email burgo@bc.edu or see him after the liturgy.
THE CHILDREN’S CAROL CHOIR—Our well-trained Children’s Carol
Choir is conducted by our Associate Music Director, Timothy Zimmerman.
The choir is for children in grades three to six who would like to join in fun
musical activities including pumpkin caroling, acquire important musical
skills, and sing in a choir for special parish liturgies. (Second graders will be
considered by meeting with Mr. Zimmerman and a parent or guardian). The
Carol Choir rehearses every Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the choir/
media room from September until mid-May. Contact Timothy Zimmerman,
zimmerta@bc.edu, 617-552-6114, for more information.
THE ST. IGNATIUS SYMPHONIA—Our accomplished Saint Ignatius
Symphonia is for experienced student and parish instrumentalists who come
together and play monthly at the noon liturgy and some special parish celebrations, from October to May. Timothy Zimmerman coordinates and conducts
this group which rehearses the day of the liturgy. Call Timothy Zimmerman,
zimmerta@bc.edu, 617-552-6114, for more information.
THE YOUTH ENSEMBLE—Our energetic Youth Ensemble serves the 10
a.m. Family Mass every Sunday that Faith Formation classes meet. Involving
mainly sixth through twelfth graders, this group of singers/instrumentalists
rehearses at 9 a.m. in the Lannon Chapel. The Youth Ensemble sings mainly
contemporary praise music along with high energy renditions of more traditional music. Contact Mickey Zibello, mzibello@gmail.com or come visit our
Family Mass.
INSTRUMENTALISTS—Let us know you are out there. We’ll be happy to
involve you on a regular or occasional basis. Contact Michael Burgo, burgo@
bc.edu, 617-552-6108.
MINISTERIO DE MÚSICA LATINA—(Latino Music Ministry) spondiendo a nuestras maravillosas liturgias en español, hemos formado un grupo
nuevo para dirigir la música durante las misas que se celebran dos veces al
mes en la capilla Lannon a las doce del mediodia. Este grupo de cantantes y
músicos ensaya dos veces al mes los jueves antes de cada liturgia a las 7:15 de
la noche en la sala de coro situada en la parte de abajo de la iglesia. Estamos
particularmente interesados en encontrar personas que toquen instrumentos
de percusión, asĺ como instrumentos latinos tradicionales. Favor de contactar
a Michael Burgo al burgo@bc.edu, 617-552-6108.
 In my heart I hear a music that has no words, a harmony that
has no sound: yet so gladsome is what I hear that nothing in the
world can be compared thereto. 
Toma, Señor, y recibe toda mi libertad, mi memoria,
mi entendimiento y toda mi voluntad,
todo mi haber y mi poseer.
Tú me lo diste, a ti, Señor, lo torno.
Todo es tuyo.
Dispón de todo según tu voluntad.
Dame tu amor y tu gracia,
que ésta me basta. Amén.
–~Saint Ignatius of Loyola
–~San Ignacio de Loyola
Faith Formation at Saint Ignatius
Saint Ignatius is a learning community constantly seeking to find new ways to serve
the needs of its parishioners. Our faith formation opportunities extend across the
life span with the goal of helping children, parents, and families move their faith in
the direction of a deeper level of understanding, expression, and commitment. If
there is any program not currently offered that you would like to see, please contact
Susan Stuart, langinst@bc.edu, 617-552-6105, to discuss your ideas.
FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION—The Commission meets on the
fourth Tuesday of every month, September through May at 7:15 p.m. It advises the Director of Faith Formation about the various adult, family, and childcentered catechetical efforts of the parish.
Contact: Susan Stuart, langinst@bc.edu, 617-552-6105
Time commitment: 2 hours/month
SCRIPTURE STUDY—Small group programs begin twice a year using materials from the Little Rock Scripture Program. Programs usually begin in September and January. We meet on Wednesday evenings. At the end of each program (usually ten weeks) some participants continue to meet to discuss the
Sunday readings or other parts of the Bible. See the weekly bulletin for details.
Contact: John Dafarra, 781-899-9540
Time commitment: 2 hours/week
BOOK CLUBS—Throughout the year various book clubs meet to read and
discuss a topic of common interest. These clubs are not restricted to religious
themes and attempt to provide a forum for adults to discuss matters of importance in a context of faith. Please watch the bulletin for announcements about
beginning groups and how to join.
MINI COURSES—Expand your knowledge of different areas in Christian
faith and praxis. Reconciliation, Vatican II, the Trinity, and Catholic social
teachings are some of the topics to be treated. Courses designed to educate,
enrich, and support parents in fulfilling their role as primary faith educators
will be offered. Watch the bulletin for upcoming courses.
Contact: Rev. Robert VerEecke, S.J., frvereec@bc.edu, 617-552-6102
Time commitment: 2–5 hours/month
FAITH FORMATION—Catechetical sessions are offered for the children
and youth of the parish from pre-school to grade 10. Program options for faith
formation meet on Sundays from September to May as follows:
 Preschool–kindergarden, 8:45–9:45 a.m.; grades 1–5, from either 8:45–
9:45 a.m or 11 a.m.–noon (most Sunday mornings in age-level groups)
 An inter-generational, arts-based program also meets every other Sunday from 11a.m.–12:30 p.m. for children in grades 1–8
 Grades 6–8 from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. every other Sunday
 Just Youth, a book group for middle school students (grades 6–8), meets
once a month on Friday evenings, 6–7:30 p.m.
 Confirmation for grades 9 and 10 meets on Sunday mornings from
11a.m.–noon. More information is on page 6 under Sacramental Life.
 First Reconciliation is generally offered for children in grade 2 for participants in both our Sunday morning program and those attending Catholic
schools. There is one catechetical session for parents and children prior to
receiving the Sacrament.
 First Eucharist is generally offered for children in grade 2 for participants
in both our Sunday morning program and those attending Catholic schools.
There is one catechetical session for parents and children and one rehearsal
prior to receiving the Sacrament. First Eucharist liturgies are the first two
Saturdays in May each year.
 For children beyond grade 2, or the age of seven, who desire to receive
any Sacraments (Baptism, Reconciliation, or Eucharist) we offer Rite of
Christian Initiation for Children or individualized programming depending on circumstances.
 All participants have opportunities for training to participate in parish
life through serving as an altar server, Eucharistic minister, lector, host Family, singing and/or a musician in the Children’s Choir or Youth Ensemble.
 Catechists are always needed.
Contact: Susan Stuart, langinst@bc.edu, 617-552-6105
Time commitment: 2–3 hours/week
WITH OPEN ARMS—This program provides adult inquiry for all non-Catholics, returning inactive Catholics, and practicing Catholics who want a deeper
understanding of their faith. This eight-week program meets Sunday evenings
beginning mid-September. It explores the basics of the Catholic faith with
prayer, hospitality, input, and discussion.
Contact: Diana Gaillardetz, gailladi@bc.edu, 617-552-6103
    
Spiritual Life at Saint Ignatius
As a Jesuit parish, “animated by the spirit of St. Ignatius,” we seek to “provide opportunities to enrich the prayer and spiritual lives of our community members”
(Parish Mission Statement). Rooted in the experience of the Spiritual Exercises
of Saint Ignatius, we invite you to explore and encounter Ignatian spirituality and
opportunities for prayer, retreat, and renewal.
    
For more information about spiritual life programs contact Katherine Maher,
Spiritual Life Coordinator, at katherine.maher@bc.edu, 617-552-6112.
 Foundations of Ignatian Prayer: Experience the prayer forms that are
used in the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. These foundation sessions, starting in the fall of 2015, will provide an introduction to the
themes of Ignatian prayer as a starting point for those who may be considering the Spiritual Exercises (which will be offered in the fall of 2016). All
sessions are held Sunday afternoons from 3:30–5 p.m. in the choir/media
room: October 18, November 1, 15, 29, and January 24, February 7, 21,
and March 6.
 The Spiritual Exercises (19th Annotation Retreat): The Spiritual Ex-
ercises of Saint Ignatius are offered as a “retreat in daily life,” also known as
the 19th Annotation. This experience involves daily prayer, meetings with
a spiritual director, and bimonthly communal gatherings over a thirty-week
period beginning in October and concluding in May. This retreat will be
offered in fall of 2016.
 Living the Spiritual Exercises: For parishioners who have already
made the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (19th Annotation Retreat)
and would like to gather with others for prayer and faith-sharing to deepen
and renew their experience of the graces of the Exercises. Fall 2015 gatherings are on Sundays—October 4, November 8, and December 6 from
3:30–5 p.m.
 Advent Day of Prayer will be held on Saturday, December 5 from 9
a.m.–4 p.m. Pope Francis invites us to participate in a Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Come explore the invitation of “mercy-ing” in light of the Advent season.
 Spring Day of Prayer will be held on Saturday, April 23. On the occa-
sion of Earth Day, we will gather to pray and reflect on God’s love poured
out in creation and the challenge of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si, to care for
the poor and our common home.
 Women’s Retreat: Under the direction of experienced spiritual direc-
tors and retreat leaders, this retreat is offered at the Connors Retreat Center
in Dover, April 29–May 1.
 Parish Retreat: A silent guided retreat under the direction of the parish
staff will be offered at Eastern Point Retreat House in Gloucester, October
14–16, 2016.
INVITATIONS TO PRAY—The parish has existing prayer groups that meet
on various days and evenings, welcoming new members. Parishioners are also
invited to pray with the men and women of the Ignatian Spirituality Project.
The ISP offers retreats inspired by Ignatian spirituality to those who have been
homeless and are seeking recovery.
SPIRITUAL COMPANIONING—Opportunities for group faith-sharing
and individual spiritual direction are available to those with some experience
in making a directed retreat. Members of the staff are available by appointment.
FILM AND REFLECTION—Join us as we reflect on moments of spirit and
grace through film discussion. Fall Film Night is Saturday, October 17 from
5–8 p.m. in the choir/media room. Lenten Film Night is Saturday, March 12
from 5–8 p.m. in the choir/media room.
SPIRITUAL LIFE COMMISSION is open to all parishioners and advises and supports the development of
spiritual life programs. Meetings are held monthly on
the third Tuesday at 7:15 p.m.
Time commitment: 2 hours/month
    
O`utreach Ministries
 Bring food and clothing to those in
Jesus embraced and worked for the dignity
of every person. He lived and taught that
this is at the core of God’s relationship with
us. Everywhere, he said quietly and simply
that he was sent to announce good news to
the poor, to proclaim release for prisoners
and victims, to heal the sick and wounded,
and to proclaim God’s favor for all of the
people of God (Luke 4:18–20).
And everywhere, he asked his neighbors
to join him, to become active disciples, to
reach out and comfort the alienated and
marginalized, and to empower those who
have nothing. Many said yes; others were
overcome by fear or greed and turned on
him. We have the same choices.
Our community of faith at Saint Ignatius
strives to say yes; this is the mission of our
Social Ministries and Outreach Commission. We work to reach out to those whose
needs are greatest, to work against injustice,
and to support those who live with poverty,
hunger, and suffering. Come work with us!
We offer a variety of opportunities:
 Welcome the stranger—Assist refugee
 Work to alleviate hunger with Project
Bread’s Walk for Hunger and food drives
 Help the homeless at Pine Street Inn
Shattuck Shelter in Jamaica Plain, Cor
Unum Meal Center in Lawrence, and
 Help children and families in Boston through back-to-school programs for
Mother Caroline Academy and Julie’s Family Learning Program
 Build affordable housing with Habitat
for Humanity Greater Boston
families resettled in Boston with household
goods, apartment setup, English language,
 Brighten a family’s Christmas by
bringing gifts to children and families at
 Help us support our sister parish,
Saint Anne’s in Jamaica
 Bring a smile and a prayer and the Eucharist by ministering to the homebound
and hospitalized members of our parish
 Share with our elders—Join with us
to organize and serve at parish events with
our senior parishioners
 Become involved in healthcare for the
homeless by donating goods that enable
programs to provide quality healthcare for
individuals and families in greater Boston
 Join our Respect Life Committee—
Engage in prayer, education, and outreach
on life issues for all stages of life
Like what we have to say? We’ll sign you
up! We have lots of options, whether you
can commit to a one-time event or ongoing support. Check our page on the parish
website, www.bc.edu/bc_org/prs/stign/
social_outreach.html for updated information on upcoming events. Please contact Sr.
Diane Vallerio, vallerio@bc.edu, 617-5526107.
 Take care, take care,
never to close your heart to anyone. 
–~Saint Peter Faber, SJ
Saint Ignatius Parish Life
meet people? Our meetings are open to anyone who would like to work on
any aspect of parish life or who would like to help plan the various events to
build our parish community, including appreciation events for volunteers and
the annual fall parish celebration. The commission meetings are every second
Wednesday of the month at 7:15 p.m. in the parish offices. (There are three subgroups of this commission, which meet on a regular basis: the Hospitality Group ,
Technology & Communications Group, and Logistics Group).
 Hospitality Group: As you’ve nibbled on pastry and sipped punch at
various social gatherings at St. Ignatius, have you ever wondered who made
it all possible? Most likely the Hospitality Group has been hard at work. We
provide hospitality and support for events during the year, most notably
the reception following the Easter Vigil. Helping to open our parish home
to the community, we welcome all willing newcomers (of either gender).
Contact: Helena Alfonzo, villa74@comcast.net
Time commitment: 5–6 events/year, each approximately 2–4 hours
 Technology & Communications Group: Providing logistical planning,
implementation and support services to enhance use of technology in the
parish. Volunteers with experience and expertise in websites, software, and
social media are welcome.
Contact: Brian Maher, maher@bchigh.edu
Time commitment: 1–2 hours/month
 Logistics Group: If you love to plan and organize, this group is for you!
Providing logistical planning and support for events related to parish-wide
community building events, such as the yearly volunteer opportunity weekend. All levels of experience are welcome.
Contact: Catherine Downing, 617-782-5812, cfdesq@hotmail.com
Time commitment: 5–6 events/year, each approximately 2–4 hours
    
HISPANIC COMMUNITY—San Ignacio es una parroquia Catolica, Apostolica y Romana de la Arquidiocesis de Boston, con sacerdotes Jesuitas y animada por una espiritualidad Ignaciana que busca encontrar a Dios en todas
las cosas. Nuestros parroquianos son, principalmente, del este de Massachusetts e incluyen familias, adultos solteros, estudiantes; laicos y clero que continuamente colaboran para la mayor gloria de Dios. Nuestra comunidad latina,
desde hace un tiempo, cuenta con diversos espacios para cumplir con los sacramentos en el idioma castellano.
Contact: Rev. Robert VerEecke, S.J., 617-552-6102, frvereec@bc.edu
PASTA & PRAYER—A prayerful conversation with friends over dinner in
the parish dining room to discuss scripture readings related to the upcoming
liturgical season from Advent to Ordinary Time. Feed your body, mind, and
soul. Let us know that you are joining us, so we can set a place for you!
Contact: Catherine Downing, 617-782-5812, cfdesq@hotmail.com
October 15, 2015
November 19, 2015
January 14, 2016
February 18, 2016
March 17, 2016
April 14, 2016
May 19, 2016
“Leading in Joy” (Advent)
“Journeying to the Manger” (Christmas Season)
“Reaching Holy Ground” (Lenten Season)
“Moving From Table to Tomb” (Holy Week)
“Traveling in Discipleship” (Easter Season)
“Moving On” (Pentecost)
“Where Should We Go Next?” (Ordinary Time)
TRANSITIONS—The Transitions Group is for parishioners in career transition, and seeking to network, gain access to helpful resources or simply get
support and fellowship in a non-threatening and non-judgmental environment. It meets on a weekly basis, on Wednesdays after 12:15 p.m. Mass in the
Friary Room. The overall aim of the meetings is to support job search efforts
through mutual advice, networking, and practical support. There are occasional guest speakers or targeted sessions such as resume writing, LinkedIn
training sessions, and Wellness talks. If you are seeking work, please join us for
some or all of our meetings.
Contact: Frank Faggiano, 781-944-0720, frank@faggianoconsultng.com
 There are very few people who realise what God would make
of them if they abandoned themselves into his hands, and let
themselves be formed by his grace. 
–~Saint Ignatius of Loyola
SIYA!—Saint Ignatius Young Adults ministers to the spiritual needs of both
married and single adults in their twenties and thirties by providing a community in which young professionals, recent college graduates, and graduate
students can share their faith and support one another in their following of
Christ. Our events include: regular get-togethers and social times; “Theology
Untapped,” a monthly presentation and discussion on our faith based on a preannounced topic; regular small-group faith sharing; service opportunities;
and more! We hope to see you at one of our SIYA events soon, so please check
the parish bulletin regularly or email SIYA to be added to the SIYA contact list.
SIYA soon!
Contact: siyathere@gmail.com
ST. IGNATIUS BULLETIN—The parish bulletin is the weekly means of
communicating information to our parishioners. Submissions for the bulletin
should be sent to the rectory on the Friday of the week prior to the weekend in
which the announcement is to appear.
Contact: Reenie Murphy, 617-552-6102, ignatius@bc.edu
WEBSITE— Want to know more about our parish community? Our website
has useful information about all of the wonderful opportunities to share your
faith and to put your faith into action. Consult the parish calendar to learn
about upcoming events. On the road? Download a copy of the bulletin or read
a recent homily! Keep yourself connected to your faith home by bookmarking
the page: www.bc.edu/bc_org/prs/stign/
PARISH APP—You can take Saint Ignatius with you wherever you go! For
iPod and iPhone devices go to the Apple app store and enter “St. Ignatius” in
the search bar. The app store will then display the picture of the app. Select
the “free” button; the app will be downloaded and installed. The parish app
is also available for Android, Blackberry, and Google devices on the Android
and Google app stores.
THE REREDOS, the screen behind the main altar is a massive, richly carved
structure of fine-grained West Virginia oak. On it, the Crucifixion is depicted.
The life-size corpus of Christ is made of white bass wood. The smaller statues
of Our Lady and St. John are carved from coarse-grained New England oak. The
border of the central panel is carved to resemble grape branches, reminding
us of our unity with Christ who said, “I am the vine; you are the branches.”
Surmounting the canopy above the crucifix is the symbol of the papacy, the
tiara with crossed keys.
O Lord, I wish from now on to be the first to become conscious
of all that the world loves, pursues, and suffers;
I want to be the first to seek, to sympathize, and to suffer;
the first to unfold and sacrifice myself,
to become more widely human and more nobly of the earth
than any of the world’s servants.
 Grant me, O Lord, to see everything now with new eyes, to
discern and test the spirits that help me read the signs of the times,
to relish the things that are yours, and to communicate them to
others. Give the clarity of understanding that you gave Ignatius. 
–~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
–~Pedro Arrupe, SJ
Saint Ignatius Parish Administration
The pastor and associate pastor attend vicariate meetings as well as special programs offered by the archdiocese. The pastor and assistant to the pastor are in frequent communication with Boston College officials regarding issues that affect the
life of the parish, e.g., parking and special events. There is also a working relationship with the university campus ministry staff.
STAFFING—The ordained staff of Saint Ignatius parish consists of a pastor
and one associate pastor. Assisting the priests who are assigned to the parish
are many Jesuits from the university community, two diocesan priests, and a
Benedictine monk.
Other staff includes an Assistant to the Pastor who also functions as liaison with Boston College, a Parish Administrative Assistant, a Director of Faith
Formation, Assistant Director of Faith Formation, Adult Faith Formation/
RCIA, Director of Outreach, a Spiritual Life Coordinator, a Database Manager,
and a Facilities Manager. This staff meets once a week to facilitate the work of
the parish. Interns in Pastoral Ministry and Religious Education from Boston
College do their ministerial placements at the parish. In addition, a secretarial
staff and a maintenance crew tend to the concerns of the office and church.
Parish lists are computerized, and this organization of information has been of
critical assistance in facilitating communication within the parish.
Saint Ignatius has a number of commissions that effectively tend to the mission and ministry of the parish. These commissions are open to any parishioner who would like to participate. They are: Liturgy, Outreach Ministries,
Community Connections, Spiritual Life, and Faith Formation.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL—The pastor is assisted by members of the
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), which meets quarterly from September to June.
Saint Ignatius has had an ongoing parish council since the 1970s. Members of
the council serve for a three-year term that may be renewed once if desired. Any
registered parishioner is welcome to serve on the council, and we try to get a
representation from the many different groups within the parish. PPC nominations are made in May of each year. If you desire to serve on the Council, please
contact the pastor. The council intersperses prayer and social gathering with its
regular agenda. Many important works have been initiated and supported by
members of the council, especially educational, outreach, and social programs.
The PPC is an invaluable help to the pastor in assessing the needs of the parish,
ways of meeting those needs, and in planning for the future.
Contact: Rev. Robert VerEecke, S.J., frvereec@bc.edu, 617-552-6102
Time commitment: 3 hours/month
BOSTON COLLEGE—Saint Ignatius Church is a parish of the Archdiocese
of Boston, staffed by Jesuit priests. Although not the university’s church, Saint
Ignatius parish enjoys a special relationship with Boston College. In addition
to some financial support, the university provides the parish with Internet access, e-mail service, telephone and voice mail service, parking, and space for
the religious education program. Each year, several students teach in our religious education program. Jesuits who are professors and administrators at Boston College also preside at various liturgies. On our part, Saint Ignatius provides
a spiritual home for many students during their time at Boston College and as
alumni. The Church building is also used for university events.
    
FINANCE AND SUPPORT—Saint Ignatius is dependent on the contributions of parishioners for its maintenance and operation. We receive no operating income from Boston College, the Society of Jesus, or the Archdiocese of
Boston. To meet our financial obligations, we have instituted an annual parish support program called the “Pledge for the Greater Glory.” As part of the
pledge campaign, we are asking every household in the parish to pledge the
equivalent of one hour’s income per week for the support of our parish. Contributions can be made using a credit card, monthly electronic fund transfers
(i.e., “direct pay”), or traditional weekly envelopes.
 Seek grace in the smallest things, and you will find also grace to
accomplish, to believe in, and to hope for the greatest things. 
–~Saint Peter Faber, SJ
Saint Ignatius Parish Staff
Rev. Robert F. VerEecke, S.J.
Director of Faith Formation
Susan Stuart, M.Ed.
Associate Pastor
Rev. J. A. Loftus, S.J.
Assistant Director
of Faith Formation
Anabella Morabito
Assistant to the Pastor
University Liaison
Paul Melley
Coordinator of RCIA/
Adult Confirmation
Diana Gaillardetz
Administrative Assistant
Reenie Murphy
Director of Outreach Ministries
Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC
Director of Music Ministry
Michael L. Burgo, M.M.
Spiritual Life Coordinator
Kathy Maher
Associate Director of Music, Organist
Timothy L. Zimmerman, M.M.
Facilities Manager
Jamie Huggins
Database Manager
Kyle Crosby
Parish Pastoral Council Members
Helena Alfonzo
Santiago Alfonzo
Joe Dinatale
Amy Doherty
Catherine Downing
Portia Durbin
Frank Faggiano
Amanda Green
Pedro Guerrero
Ken Kavanaugh
Enid Levangie
Brian Maher
Andy Martin
Denny Martin
Reina Melendez
Jilliane Miller Sotelo
Michael Rafferty
Matt Schweitzer
Brenda Sheridan
Joe Sotelo
Maria Sullivan
Suzanne Palacino
 Love consists in sharing what one has and what one is
with those one loves. Love ought to show itself in deeds
more than in words. 
 Nothing is more practical than finding God, than falling
in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love
with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It
will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what
you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know, what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love,
stay in love, and it will decide everything. 
–~Saint Ignatius of Loyola
–~attributed to Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
Saint Ignatius Parish Finance Council
The Finance Council, which meets on a periodic basis, regularly studies income and expenses and makes recommendations to the pastor on the fiscal
health of the parish. The council is responsible for overseeing the fiscal demands of operating the parish and planning for the future. Its members are:
Peter Levangie*
Paul Meaney*
Chris Durbin
Amy Larson
Matthew Sliwa
William Miracky
* co-chair, 7-1-14 through 6-30-17
There are three different areas of concentration on the council: financial planning, development, and facilities. Anyone who would like to contribute their
services to these important areas should contact the pastor, Rev. Robert VerEecke, S.J., 617-552-6102, frvereec@bc.edu.
Protecting God’s Children
All parish volunteers are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children session and fill out CORI reports on an annual basis. Child Abuse Prevention
(CAP) team members are: Kathy Maher (Chair) 617-552-6112, Rev. J. A. Loftus, S.J., Mark Gervais, and Mary Santapaula.
Lord Jesus, from the start
You invite ordinary people to come to where you live.
When they come, you welcome them
and call them to labor and rejoice with you.
You are the most beautiful among all people,
and I hardly believe you want me for your friend.
You are powerful, Lord.
Draw me more and more into your friendship
and lead me along the way you took with friends.
–~Joseph Tetlow, SJ
Saint Ignatius Church, dedicated to the founder of the Society of Jesus, is a
striking example of modern Gothic architecture. On July 31, 1948, the cornerstone was laid, and one year later, the Church of Saint Ignatius was dedicated.
The interior of the church was designed to form a cross: the sanctuary being
the head of the cross and the nave the body of the cross. There are two side
altars: the Gospel side altar dedicated to Our Blessed Mother and the Epistle
side altar dedicated to Saint Joseph.
A tourelle, a feature of many an ancient cathedral, lends an Old World charm to
Saint Ignatius Church. Topped by a five-foot iron cross gilded with gold leaf, the
“little tower” originally housed the baptistery. After the installation of the new
baptismal font in the gathering space in the church, the baptistery has been
converted into a Chapel of Repose for the Blessed Sacrament, using the base
and housing from the original font. The base is made of Alabama stone and
covered by a lofty oak tourelle. Crowning the tourelle is the figure of a dove,
a symbol of the Holy Spirit, which recalls the baptism of Christ by Saint John
the Baptist. In the center window in the Chapel, we see symbols of the three
Persons of the Trinity, the four rivers of Paradise, and the flock of Christ. The
window on the right recalls the abrogation of the Old Law; the window on the
left depicts various symbols of Baptism and the beginning of the New Law.
Greetings From Our Pastor, 2
Saint Ignatius Parish Mission Statement, Misión de la Parroquia, 3
Sacramental Life at Saint Ignatius: Mass Schedule, 4
Sacramental Life at Saint Ignatius, 5
Liturgy and Worship at Saint Ignatius, 7
Music Ministry at Saint Ignatius, 9
Faith Formation at Saint Ignatius, 11
Spiritual Life at Saint Ignatius, 13
Outreach Ministries, 15
Saint Ignatius Parish Life, 17
Saint Ignatius Parish Administration, 21
Saint Ignatius Parish Staff, 23
Parish Pastoral Council Members, 24
Saint Ignatius Parish Finance Council, 25
Protecting God’s Children, 25
The Suscipe, back cover
The Church of Saint Ignatius, front cover
The Good Shepherd, 3
The Rose Window, 6
The Reredos, 20
The Tourelle, back cover
I beg of you, my Lord, to remove anything which separates me
from you, and you from me. Remove anything that makes me
unworthy of your sight, your control, your reprehension;
of your speech and conversation, of your benevolence and love.
Cast from me every evil that stands in the way of my seeing you,
hearing, tasting, savoring, and touching you; fearing and being
mindful of you; knowing, trusting, loving, and poss`ess`ing you;
being conscious of your presence and, as far as may be, enjoying
you.This is what I ask for myself and earnestly desire from you.
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty,
my memory, my understanding
and my entire will.
All I have and call my own
You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.
Everything is yours; do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace.
That is enough for me.
–~St. Peter Faber, SJ
–~Saint Ignatius of Loyola