.. March 1978 Report ESL-P-811 INVARIANTS OF OPTIMAL MINIMAL-ORDER OBSERVER-BASED COMPENSATORS* a P. Blanvillain Laboratoire d'Automatique et d'Analyse des Systemes (LAAS) BP 4036 7 Ave. du Colonel-Roche 31055 Toulouse Cedex, France T. L. Johnson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Electronic Systems Laboratory, Rm. 35-210 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Abstract A Ar --12 The relations characterizing the optimal minimal-order observer-based compensators for a linear time-invariant multivariable system in a21 certain canonical form, with a random initial state (or equivalently, known initial state with white driving noise) have been reported by Miller [l] and independently by others [2], [3]. In this note, we establish in general that the plant transfer function uniquely determines the optimal compensator transfer function, and that this characterizes precisely the degrees of freedom in the compensator design. Any two realizations of the optimal compensator dynamics yield the same performance. A = Rl xl x B = 2 - B 1 L _L i 1 -12 2 L I (3) The input u is constrained to be generated by a minimal-order state observer (4] with state z c , which may generally be expressed in the form R z .. Fz + Gy - Hz z(O) = 0 (4) (5) + so as to optimize, the standard performance index. * 1. Introduction J(F,G,H,M) The problem of optimally controlling a timeinvariant linear multivariable system x = - = Ax + Bu ; _ N0,(o) Cx nith , control s Ru C Ruldt} (6) 0 where the expectation is over the distribution induced by x , and =O > 0, R = R' > 0 (in the >' -sense of positive definiteness). (1) (2) 5 E(Jfx'up rIand output- Y E R (m, r < n) and random initial state x(O) = o on the semi-infinite interval t e [1O,), by means of a minimal-order observer-based compensator has been solved by Miller ll]in the case where C has the particular canonical form C = [I 01. Let A, B, I be parameters of a system wi;-h-this canonical form, partitioned in accordance with C, as Let T7 -A,B, ,Z,Q,R denote the parameters of the optimization problem characterized by (1)(6). Then under the additional assumptions that * {A,1C,} is minimal and E > O the optimal compensator of [11-[31 exists, is unique, and may be characterized as follows: Let _ _ -R BIP 17 where P is the unique** positive definite solution of the algebraic Riccati equation l-.(8) 0 = PA + A'P + Q - PBR-'P and let This research was performed at the M.I.T. Electronic Systems Laboratory and the LAAS, with support provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NGL-22-009-124) and by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of France. The latter part of this paper was prepared while the second author was visiting at the Department of Computing and Control, Imperial College. Note that the parameters of dependent, but are subject to explicit constraints, since z must be an observer of +x ** We assume - -l/2 A,Q I completely observable. .. .. 1` 11(9) 2'(WA'2 -+ 12 -WA2+ ---. 12-- l. 2)_ 11 L 2 n (n m ) positive unique is the where W E R - isthe positvedefnitedefinite solution of the reduced filtering equation !o -(A - -22 : Z1A )W + W(A' - -22 -12 -11-12 - r'i ~- moi' A12 - v- 1-12- -22 compensators with the same performance (after the re-transformation (d)) and that such optimal com- pensators are in fact always related by a similarity transformation (in R n-m) ). The conclu- )the As tl -12 -11-12 ,l -12-11-12 (10) Then the optimal gains are given by ZE22 -~ 12 F * I + (B1)-~2 - -2LA { )i + 2 42-2of .- -12)-21 -11 + (-2 ... l)-( -L) (13) _ _H -_ t(14) + KL -.And the optimal cost is (3]: M H . * tr-11a- lL +;22 - + tr-( z12 -;12-) (n m) where :equation A well-set compensator problem, P, consists a sextuple* of matrices {A,B,C,_Z,,R} (dimensioned as above) such that [A,B,C] is minimal,_, ' > 0, CEC > __, and R > 0 Q, R are symmetric and in the sense of positive definite matrices. Evidently, this corresponds to the problem (1), (2), (6) subject to the constraint that u is generated by an observer (4), (5) of the unmeasured states. Two well-set problems P , P having equal dimensions (n,m,r) are said to be equivalent if there exists a nonsingular matrix S E R , _+_2_problem such that - -SBC1 1 ' 2-=2= {SA S ___ -1-1 } where subscript (1) denotes , R1 ,S.1S ,(S') Q1 P1, Two minimal realizations i{A,B.,C.}i= 2 R(nm)is the solution of the Lyapunov _22_1_ Equivalence Relations for Compensation Problems II. 22 --- that for a given performance index, Kronecker invariants of the plant uniquely determine the Kronecker invariants of the optimal compensator, and that is all: the engineer is free to construct whatever realization of the optimal compensator suits him best, e.g. from the standpoint of reliability, component cost, etc. Further implications are discussed in Section IV. (11) (12) ..--.2. .. vc /? sion, then, is 2 22 -12) (--22 -12) The first term of (15), which will be denoted ~J*, °e l. er o 15 Th frs dity is the optimal performance assuming full-state feetdba'k through the IKalman control gains, K, and the second term [2] is the additional_cost incurred by the observer, denoted CJ-'* 1, 2 of compatible dimensions are equivalent (in the usual sense) if they are related by a similarwell-set compensation transform as above. AA well-set compensation as above. ity transform problem V (m < n) is said to be in state-output i.e., the first 0 canonical form if C = states are measured exactly and independently. We proceed to develop some simple consequences of In order to apply these results to an arbitrary (non-canonical) problem P = {A,B,C,E, ,R},on it is necessary tosition (a) transform the plant to canonical form (b) transform the performance index in a 'compatible manner (c) solve for the gains of the transformed problem using (7)-(14) (d) retransform plant and compensator to the original coordinates in an appropriate manner. One might infer from the prior works that this procedure is either trivial or uninteresting. We Partial shall demonstrate that it is neither. results pertaining to (a)-(d) are reported inependently in the theses of Blanvillain [3] and Rothschild (see (4]), and perhaps in other documents not known to the authors. these definitions. 2.1 2 Our procedure will be to expose in Section II the appropriate transformations (not uniquel) for accomplishing (a) and (b). We show that two equivalent realizations of the plant may be reduced to the same transformed problem (c). Because the transformation of a problem P to a problem P is unique. In Section III we show that although the compensator gains in step (c) depend on this transformation, that any two transformations yield ~~~~~~ ~~~~~-~-- For any well-set compensation problem, P there exists an equivalent problem, P, in stateoutput canonical form Cm < n). Proof (Yuksel and Bongiorno 15]) S T xn is any matrix which renders S where T E R nonsingular (i.e., rows of T linearly independent = I , C = CS Since SS of rows of C). - (I 01 as desired. Define the other parameters of *We have assumed zero-mean initial state for conciseness of exposition. See (3) for the case of nonzero mean initial state. ---- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P iising the definition of equivalence given above. Proposition 2.2 Assume that P1 and P are equivalent well-set Then the outm - n. compensation problems wit put feedback problems consisting of (1), (2) and (4)-(6) with F, G and H set of zero have the same optimal gains, same closed-loop dynamics, and numerically equal optimum optimum performances. performances equal Proof The optimal gainy for _qis problem are wellknown to be M. - -R -B!P.C. , i = 1, 2, where P denotes the solutioi of()with overbars replaced Let P 1 and P.2 be related by S by subscripts (i). as in the definition. Then it is a matter of al1 gebra to verify that P = (St)-lp s- (see [3, p. 17]), and by equivalence we see i-mediately that roots closed-loop the closed-B 2, and roots )I, Rop R!2, and that that the M1l = 2 '-2-2 =Z-- . AE2- CSs desir~ed. ElSt] ,l as triPi 7I = J 1 0 ~~~~desired,~ P1 is (in an appropriate sense) choice of T I .numerically Equivalence of Observer-Based Compensators The main result of this section is 'owing: lwn Theorem 3.1 The optimal compensators for these prob- p2 of of m m << n. n. Then placed by subscripts 1, 2 respectively). these optimal compensators are equivalent realizations of (4)-C5), and lead to the same closedloop performance, i.e. there exists a nonsingular 2 } - Iu 2 UGHu,1. full-state feedback; in a sense, the following sections generalize this proposition for the case The proof of this theorem requires some relinimary results, which (see are stated in for the proofs). followAppendix of lemmas ing sequence Proposition 2.3 Lemma 3.1 Suppose the equivalent well-set compensation problems P1 and P are related by the transformation S C R°u and suppose furthermore that P a transformation S which makes P2 equivalent to Palso. ! . ieif 2 f~or Silte inVerify, ,Simply take R2 = S S nd so on. = C -1 -ss-1 Thus, a (commutative) equivalence relation exists between P1 9 P2 and F. T is nonsingular (19) ' M+N Furthermore, if the irl, ~~~~~~~~~~then '1 t=[ IE ],he inverse of S is partitioned as C, 1 have the unique decompositions C ICC) - N'(NN')v (20) (21 N(NN Furthermore, if T (hence C- [£21 Lemma 3.2 R < n, be given. has a unique decomposition. chosen as in Proposition 2.1, there -l S --2 · --1-- such that S Rm) with N of full rank, n-i. -- 2 -1- = implies that A S A Sstance, that A --i -- 1 -CS d S C, S A A l S -A SS -- 2--1 --1 1- -AA-2~2-2-- is y is form through transformation S 1; then there exists implies t = c M of full ra Let C in state output canonical equivalent to problem -, exists T 2 the fol-- Let P be a well-set compensation problem Cn-m)xn 1 2 define (as in (m <n) and lee T , T £ R Proposition 2.1) equivalent state-output problems 2 2 2 H2 nm)such that (F ,G ,4 v E Rn~ :~U This proposition provides justification for our notion of equivalence in the special case of = S- independent of the lems are defined by C7)-(14) (with overbars re- 1 )IA4 -B R - BP ) are the same (identical closedj=--I n * bc l 4a ,-;ekciOS , ] = 1'op rransfe~--unctions), and J*, r-2 - --2 l0oa ,2 'rtriP2 tr[ (SC)'P1 problems P2 which may then be reduced to any equiv2 What remains, is merely to show problem V of P1 that the solution of any problem P derived from - -Ip 1S( -1-1 =1_ =11 )S- X of.PI' we may construct an equivalent compensation atS C(n-m) xnsch such thatC --2 1 T' Z2 plays the proper role in the proof above. From these propositions, it is readily seen that for a given well-set compensation problem, P. there above) of are uncountably many ways (choices of reducing it to an equivalent problem, P (depending on T i) in state-output canonical form; for any 1IemnaLet other minimal realization of the plant parameters 0 and ~ I m , in particular). 1 2 Let T ,T M < n, be given. Let C C X be as in Lemma 3.1 with unique decompositions of form (19). For any such matrices, there exists a 2 1UN R(n -m ) such that2 unique nonsglar U i Lemma 3.3 C, T be as in Lemma 3.1, and let ] denote the 'equivalent state-output problem resulting from 3 the transformation S. Then the dependence of the parameters in P upon T - VC + N is given by CAC CAiTh CB - F TAC c2- TAT (see (25)). .22-1 2 2 [+(V -L )C)[IA+BKN (from (201 (21)) Then - N-(NN . TB rioir=[_ -cc, czT1OU(L1 __ ~ C L "T ' tIOx ET'_'QC t - DEC, UC£c _ QJ ~Also, M -F12 (using (26)) as desired Ml, since 8 _-- -2 (22) R _R- (V -L )C IA+BKJN '(NN§ '-1) independent of V1 , V2 : em2- A I[N 2 +N2 , (N2N 2 ,)1 e" KC (CC') ' 1-N2 (N2 N2 )-4V ° K[C (CC')I+N, (N1Nlw)I (Lv L2 I with the consequence that in (7)-(10), K P 8 em t-o2 1C)D 1CZ) as desired. The equality of the costs H2 H1U is established in a similar manner; for instance, N(-'(C-WC')- lC-_)N 1 tr[C + 0O 10 tr [P - 1NA'C' (CZC)-CAN'(NN)INW(NN') ' 1 -PC CCC' 1 + C PT tr T' PC CZT1 ' + TpT 1 PTT (24) Evidently, we intend to make use of Lemma 3.2, but this requires us to show that the optimal VI, V2 as compensator gains are independent of V, well as having the desired dependence on N1 or N2 Let 2 W"-2 Let , W denote the solutions of (24) correspondand N . Then is is readily verified that W = UT U.' Applying (22) and the decomposition (19)-(21) to (9), some algebra yields 1 IW _(NN__. = I , twice along with a trace identity gives Proof of Theorem 3.1 L C'J T'ZT '1] and using the fact that C1C + TT ing to N m Similar algebra demonstrates that G2 = UG 1 and J; C)AN'(NN')-ii + W(1' S~NA(I-CI(CZCI) ) ) (23) where I denotes the Kalman gains for the original plant (solution of (17), (18) sans overbars), and W in (10) is the solution (independent of V) of N(I-EC'(CrC')' 1 ] )-NiA' + N3_.]C' C') -1 l + V1 (25) Then applying Lemma 3.2, one finds from a similar calculation that J1 = tr[p(ilTl).] + tr[p(tlT)El jjp tr 1 2* , obviously) independent of T.* The second term AJ is shown to be independent of N1 using (15), (16) and (26). Corollary 3.1 If P1 and P2 are equivalent compensation problems, then they have equivalent optimal compensators, i.e. any optimal compensator realization of one problem is also optimal for the other. Proof z2. gl i) 1 +1 2 (26) 2 1 -l We illustrate the proof that F e UF U . First Suppose that P and P2 are related by S, and that application of Si to Pi yields a state-output problem Fi which results in optimal compensator 1 F - e A 2LA 2 2+ ; 12 -!22 -- ( 2-1 l parameters 1 -1 1 11 1-1 TAT1 - LlCAT 1 + (TIB-LcB)KT (from (22), (23)) ri,GHiMi, -i-i-u *Or tr(P i 1, Sl) - - 2. These two ) rr giving a shorter proof. 4 compensators must be related by a similarity transformation, since Proposition 2.3 the state-output problems Pi are then equivalent, and the compen- 159 (Jams 1973). 2. sator of one merely corresponds to a different choice of T for the other, and Theorem 3.1 applies. - IV. 48 -- Discussion and Conclusions The degree of non-uniqueness of the solution of the optimal minimal-order observer-based compensator has been precisely displayed, and is in fact intuitively pleasing, because the engineer retains the freedom to choose a realization of the optimal compensator. Possibly this property is so pleasing that it has been presumed to hold by several authors, although in fact it represents a rather unusual special feature for a constrained optimization problem. We could in fact have based our proofs directly on the statement of the constrained optimization problem 13, p. 80-83] rather than on the (unique) solution of the necessary conditions for the canonical problem. This approach allows us to extract a problem formulation with a unique solution prior to the application of direct methods of computation and hence remove potential convergence problems for the problem stated in the 'original coordinates. In fact, an attempt to express the necessary conditions in the original coordinates leads to an underdetermined Riccati 2 equation [3, p. 901 of order n rather than 2 (n-m) as in (10): Oearly + C - ~~' Af~ -+-lA' AX + RA' + Z - (VA'+Z)C'(CEC') C(WA'+)' =- 0 (27) 2 n where I C R . The fact that equation (10), or more explicitly, equation (24), does have a unique solution (under the stated conditions) may be useful in the study of degenerate Riccati equations; (24) appears to be a type of projection of (27). While the observer-based compensator is known to satisfy the necessary conditions derived by Newmann [2] and by Levine, Johnson and Athans [61 for the case dim z = n-m, the "separation principle" for lower-order compensators has only been established by Jameson and Rothschild [4] and others under the assumption that the compensator is an observer of the optimal gains. The direct approach proposed above may be extended to examine uniqueness of observer-based compensators of any order. Our results suggest that a major feature of the observer-based compensator formulation is to eliminate unwanted degrees of freedom (viz. equivalent realizations of the plant and of the compensators) from the design procedure in order to obtain uniqueness. Newmann, M.M., "Specific Optimal Control of the Linear Regulator Using a Dynamical Controller based on the Minimal-Order Luenberger Observer", Int. J. Control, Vol. 12, pp. 33(J;an 1970). 3. Blanviliain, P.J., "Optimal Compensator Structure for Linear Time-Invariant Plant with Inaccessible States", MIT Electronic Systems 4. Jameson, A. and Rothschild, D., "Asymptotically Optimal Controllers", Int. . Control, Vol. 13, pp. 1041-1050 (June 1971). 5, Yuksel, Y.O. and Bongiorno Jr., J., "Observers for Linear Multivariable Systems with Applications", IEEE Trans. Auto. Control, Vol. AC-16, No. 6, pp. 603-613 (Dec. 1971). 6. Levine, W.S., Johnson, T.L., and Athans, M., "OptimalLimited State Variable Feedback Controllers for Linear Systems", IEEE Trans. Auto. Control, Vol. AC-16, pp. 785-793 (Dec. 1971). Appendix Proof of Lemma 3.1 If S is nonsingular its rows must be linearly iindependent; thus each row of T must be linindependent of all rows of C and all other rows of T. From linear algebra, the span of the rows of C forms an m-dimensional subspace of Rn; (19) is essentially a statement of the projection theorem, stating that each row of T may be uniquely decomposed into a projection on the span of the rows of C (rows of VC) and a vector orWe have explicitly thongonal to it (row of N). -1 V - TC' (CC,) N - T(I-C'(CC') - (Al) 1 (A2 C) - is both a left and right inverse of S, Since S C, T. e and § must satisfy (A3) I C TT = (A4) I -n-m - CT -m,n-m T 0 -nC + rrT (A ' (A6) .(A7) I References ~i, C admit unique decompositions 1. Miller, R.A., "Specific Optimal Control of the Linear Regulator Using a Minimal Order Observer", Int. J. Control, Vol. 18, pp. 139- admit unique decompositions CA N a Ci_ = O (A8) TCN L P CID + R I - C4 0 Using (A9) in (A3) gives i (AS) gives (A4), *N = I . imply ! + RV O 0. (A9TAT .- (CC')) (A6) gives NW + V (19) and (A9) in (AG) in (A9) a0E _~~_ . Using 0. Using From (19) and (A8) in Verify that these three rela- 'C)cT'[T(I-C'(CC')-lC)T-'1 _ [_-_]C_'(cc') -1 (Al0) (All) relating C and T to C and T. Proof of Lemma 3.2 . i Let N C R , i = 1, 2 correspond to the decomposition (19) of Ti . The matrices N are not completely arbitrary, in fact, but must both be of full rank and satisfy the (n-m)m constraints Nic IC 0. Thus there are exactly (n-m)2 degrees of freedom in the choice of Ni so that the conjecturc N =1 UN for some nonsingular U R(nm) makes sense. In fact using (A2) one finds that U is the unique solution of the (n-m) 2 independent linear relations (T2-uT ) -C'(CC') C) = 0 (A12) Proof of Lemma 3.3 Equations (22) are a straightforward consequence of the definition of equivalent compensation problems and the partitions of S, S-1 introduced above. Now also - ' = - __ R 1-B'P,[ 1 R B'S'(S ') =3p1::- 1] = K[_ _] PS 1 (A13) as desired, where the definition of equivalence and the expression for P (see proof of Pr 2 position 2.2) have been used. To prove (24), let W be as in (10) and apply the relations (22) with the decompositions (19)-(21). The first step gives (TAT-TC'(CEC') (VC+N)AN'(im') TZC_ CZC_) . 1 CA? . -VCAN'(NN')- NEC(CEC'I) CAN' (NN') - Then these results and (A7) . tions among W, , N and V are satisfied uniquely :(in view of '(Al), (A2)) by (20) and (21). We have in fact rather complicated expressions (I- CCc(CC - CAT)W + 1 W(T' A'T-TT'-AC' (CLC') - CT') - ii'A'C' (CEC')-CATW + TET' - TEC'(C.C') 1 CT' O0 (A14) We illustrate the procedure for simplifying the first term of this expression: since 1l' - 0. The sum of these two terms is independent of V and identical with the coefficient term of (24). Remaining details are of the first left to the persistent reader.