Evaluating the School Strategic Plan Components Title I Neglected and Delinquent Programs Institution-wide Project Rubric Category Criteria Assurance Statements Certification and statistical data has been completed and signed by the superintendent and the state agency contact. Meets Compliance Needs Improvement Assurance statements are signed by the OIEP superintendent and submitted accordingly. Comments: Needs Assessment and Data Analysis Provide a summary of the results of the comprehensive needs assessment. The needs assessment must address the following: (1) provide a comprehensive assessment of the educational needs of all children and youth in the institution or program serving juveniles; and (2) provide a comprehensive assessment of the educational needs of youth aged 20 and younger in adult facilities who are expected to complete incarceration within a 2-year period. Data analysis has been completed annually includes a narrative summary for each of the student outcome indicators below: o External Trends o Student Achievement o Other Student Outcomes o Culture, Conditions and Practices The school has determined the root causes for the deficiencies and determined priorities. Comments: Revised for 12-13 school year 1 Category Plan for Pre-and Post-testing Criteria Meets Compliance Needs Improvement Describe a plan for pre- and post-testing at the institution to establish a consistent reporting method with this year setting the baseline data and continuing for a three year period. Comments: Goals Based on information from the needs assessment, along with the pre-and post-test data, determine growth goals for your institution. Comments: Program Overview Describe the steps taken to provide all children and youth under age 21 with the opportunity to meet challenging state academic content standards. Describe the instructional program, pupil services, and procedures used to meet the identified needs, including, to the extent feasible, the provision of mentors for the children and youth. Describe the measures and procedures used to assess student progress. This should include formative and summative assessments utilized by the institution. Provide a description of the overall program provided by Title I at your institution. Comments: Revised for 12-13 school year 2 Category Professional Development Criteria Meets Compliance Needs Improvement Provide a narrative description of how training will be provided to teachers to support the goals and objectives within the strategic plan. Complete the chart indicating specific information about the professional development: date(s), content, audience, and mode of delivery. Transition Plans Provide a description of the transition plan developed by the individual designated to be responsible for issues relating to transition of children and youth from the institutional facility to a locally operated program in accordance with NCLB Section 1418. Comments: Program Evaluation Describe how the institution-wide project will be evaluated in consultation with personnel providing direct instructional services and support services and with personnel from the state agency and the state educational agency (Title I coordinator). Comments: Budgets The budget narrative must specifically describe how the funds will be used for the allocated amount. An excel spreadsheet must be included indicating the planned expenditures. Comments: Revised for 12-13 school year 3