West Virginia Department of Education
County Boards of Education
In response to
Tier 1 Identified Schools
County Boards of Education that have an identified SSOS Tier 1 or a Title I
SIG school agree to:
1. Meet with building principal and discuss the WVDE School Improvement Model.
2. Have principal discuss with the faculty of the school the purpose of the System of Support
technical assistance team visit.
3. Appoint a county team representative that will be a partner on the school team throughout
the improvement process and participate in all school professional development.
4. Post a position for a Turnaround Specialist, Leadership/School Improvement Specialist to
be housed in the school/county office in the need for such a position is determined from
the diagnostic review conducted by the State System of Support Team with the WVDE
Office of Organizational Effectiveness and Leadership (304-558-3199). Consult
recommended WVDE qualifications for job posting on Title I website.
5. Commit to assisting the school to revise the Five-Year Strategic Plan.
6. Set aside financial resources for school teams and the turnaround specialist,
leadership/school improvement specialist, (if employed in the county), for travel and
lodging for 8 days of professional development each year and for a two year period for the
team and 11 days for the turnaround specialist, leadership/school improvement specialist,
3 days in August which are separate from team trainings.
School Leadership Team Workshops: Each school must send a 5 person collaborative
team consisting of the principal, two representative teachers, the county Title I director,
another district or RESA representative and/or the turnaround specialist, leadership / school
improvement specialist, if applicable. These sessions will focus on the following areas of
curriculum and instruction:
October 18,19 and 20, 2010: Data usage, culture, vision, core beliefs, depth of knowledge,
prioritized focus from data, and action steps of the improvement plan. The turnaround
specialist will also receive IPI training.
February 16, 17 and 18, 2011: Shared leadership, the change process, collaboration,
teaming and IPI data review.
April 21 and 22, 2011: Strategic planning, evaluation of professional development and the
budgeting process.
7. Set aside financial resources for professional development costs for 11 days of
professional development for turnaround specialist, leadership /school improvement
specialist (if contracted in county or school) relating to the expenses for travel and lodging
each year for a two year period.
Turnaround Specialist, Leadership/School Improvement Specialist (August 16, 17
and 18, 2010). This training will focus on performance standards and indicators for the
turnaround specialist, leadership/school improvement specialist. In addition, the training
will focus on the evaluation of professional development and action steps of improvement
planning. This specialist will also attend all other SEA provided training in October 2010,
February 2011 and April 2011.
8. If the county elects to contract an “External Supporting Provider” they must choose from
the WVDE approved list, unless they have contracted with a provider in the past and
choose to renew that agreement.
9. Permit schools to attend all trainings, meetings, professional development that is
arranged by the System of Support Team and Title I, including those “Instructional Support
and Enhancement” and “Faculty Senate” days each year for a two year period.
10. Commit to the establishment of the essential components from the “System of Support”
model in the identified school over a two year period.
11. Monitor and assist the school in reporting the progress on the strategic plan monthly to the
State System of Support each year for a two year period.
12. Participate in the annual report to the State System of Support each year for a three year
Every identified SSOS Tier 1 or a Title I SIG school agrees to:
1. Convene a meeting of the faculty prior to diagnostic visit from the State System of Support
and convey the purpose of the visit.
2. Establish a School Leadership Team using recommendations regarding composition from
the WVDE improvement model.
3. Fully participate in all professional development for all team members including
requirements on “instructional Support and Enhancement” and “Faculty Senate” days.
4. Commit to completing all requirements of the WVDE State System of Support School
Improvement Model over a two year period.
5. Document growth on the “Measures of Performance” and “Progress Determinants”
identified on the WVDE School Improvement Model.
6. Revise the Five Year Strategic Plan according to the recommendations from the technical
assistance visit and with guidance from the school leadership team.
7. Implement a shared decision making model with the external supporting provider if one is
contracted by the county regarding issues of school improvement.
8. Implement the identified essential components that are specific to the school.
9. Report monthly via electronic format to the WVDE State System of Support on progress of
the strategic plan.
10. Present annually to the WVDE State System of Support.
11. Implement action steps, identified by the technical assistance visit, and monitored by the
WVDE through the Five Year Strategic Plan.
12. Meet frequently with school leadership teams to implement a system of shared leadership
and collective decision making to achieve the action steps identified in # 11.
The leadership team of the school will participate in scheduled professional development
meetings with the WVDE. The meetings may be face-to-face, webinar or conference call.
Conduct an orientation meeting for new staff members at the beginning of the school year
related to the WVDE School Improvement Model and the school’s implementation and
Implement all assessments as identified in pre-planning stage and aggregate data.
Communicate data to WVDE liaison.
Participate in an annual review and renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with
staff from the West Virginia Department of Education during June 2010 through June of
Provide a narrative report at the end of the first year to describe what activities have taken
place, the number of participants involved, accomplishments and the impact that the
WVDE School Improvement process has made.
Provide necessary data to update the site’s ongoing data profile.
Deliver annual report of progress to the WVDE System of Support.
West Virginia Department of Education agrees to:
Monitor and assist the school for a two year period.
Develop recommended qualifications for posting of turnaround specialist.
Assist in the revision of the strategic plan.
Provide professional development for:
o transformation specialist, leadership/school improvement specialist if one is
contracted by the county
o school and district leadership teams
Designate a WVDE liaison for the school.
Construct a “Request for Proposals” for external supporting partners who would institute a
model of improvement in schools following the protocols from the WVDE model.
Provide counties the approved list of external supporting partners.
Provide technical assistance for the administration of school assessments.
Provide contact information for purchasing of vendor assessments and
vendor services.
Consult with school to develop data tracking and monitoring system.
Consult and assist school with the implementation of essential components.
Archive monthly reports from the school.
Assist and consult regarding any issues the school is facing.
Assist and consult in the redirecting of federal and state funding to support school
improvement efforts.
Create opportunities for teachers and administrators to participate in state
sponsored institutes, workshops, and conferences.
Foster networking of sites through meetings, visits and electronic communication.
Convene sites regularly to share resources and solve common problems.
Link with other school improvement initiatives within the state. Identify and promote
opportunities for cooperative planning, joint staff development activities, and collaborative
Maintain accurate files and records.
The undersigned have reviewed this Memorandum of Understanding and accept it as the basis
for working together toward a common purpose through the “State System of Support” process.
This agreement is renewed annually with the County Superintendent and the West Virginia
Department of Education until such a time that the school is no longer identified as a Tier 1 Low
Performing School.
County Board President
County Superintendent
State Superintendent of Schools
West Virginia Department of Education
Deputy State Superintendent
Faculty Senate Chair
*Faculty Senate Chair signature verifies the MOU has been presented to and discussed with
entire faculty.