DODDRIDGE COUNTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL One Rural County-wide Elementary School In the 8th Year of Consolidation Grade Span Students PreK-4 455 Poverty Rate 61.83 Regular Classroom Staff Special Education Staff Special Education Aides Title I Staff Technology Integration Specialist Interventionists Counselor Assistant Principal Principal Secretaries TOTAL STAFF 28 7.5 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 49.5 Needs Assessment Identified as a Tier I School; DCES has not made AYP for three consecutive years and; On the 2009 WESTEST2 Test DCES did not make AYP in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics in the “All Student Category “ Root Causes Administrators and teachers Lack of a collaborative vision among staff Scheduling issues limit planning and PLC operations Curriculum and resources Lack of job-embedded professional development around RTI Data analysis has not consistently driven instruction for all classrooms Master schedule, classroom schedules and classroom management discipline School overcrowding (lack of space for intervention time) Three related arts teachers in rotation for teacher planning Common Gym/Cafeteria Area Lack of consistent use of Formative Assessment Student and Parent Involvement Serious Poverty Issues Lack of challenges and celebrations for students mastering CSO’s Doddridge County‘s Capacity Index was 18 out of the desired score of 20. One reason for this deficit is related to the fact that Doddridge County only has three (3) schools, two (2) being Title I Schools; with neither Title I School making AYP. An additional deficit area is due to required plan revisions which are frequently common throughout the State. Therefore, with technical assistance from the SEA , Doddridge County will be able to successfully implement the following: arranging professional development, identifying providers and consultants, developing job postings for a Transformation Coordinator and Academic Coaches, assistance with the grant writing process Continual oversight Doddridge County Elementary will be able to provide the following school improvement activities through the approval of the SIG application: Stipends and Incentives for Staff Embedded professional development will be provided by Outside Consultants in the following areas: Differentiated Instruction Response To Intervention Core Curriculum Aligned with WV Standards Additional Personnel Consisting of: (1) Technology Integration Specialist (2) Academic Coaches (2) Classroom Interventionists (1) Transformation Coordinator With the above listed supports, a positive impact on student achievement is expected. GRANT IMPLEMENTATION Meetings were held throughout the months of April and May with various stakeholders including: Board of Education Faculty Senate Parent Educator Resource Center DCES Staff Teacher Leadership Team Parent Advisory Council During these meetings various ideas were discussed and ultimately plan submission was approved by all stakeholders. Additionally, the plan was submitted to Doddridge County Board of Education on April 8, 2010 and approved unanimously for submission. GRANT INVOLEMENT With the supports outlined in this grant, a positive impact on student achievement is expected. The TIS will provide a focus on technology integration within the classroom. The (2) academic coaches will work in the classrooms within the framework of co-teaching model and assist with direct embedded staff development and assist in RTI process. The (2) interventionists will focus on data collection, assist the PLC’s with student placements within Tiers I, II, or III, and provide direct instruction to small groups of students within Tiers II and III. The Parent Educator Resource Center Coordinator will provide additional parental involvement activities which will encourage parental involvement, act as an informational resource for both parents and teachers, and link the school to the community. The SIG Grant Transformation Coordinator will collect, analysis, monitor, and evaluate the activities and implementation of the SIG Grant. Learning time will be increased creating a community oriented school. The direct daily involvement at the school level by additional support staff will insure stakeholder involvement throughout the implementation of this grant. ANNUAL SUMMATIVE *ACHIEVEMENTS Doddridge County Elementary School students, including Special Education and low SES, will meet or exceed a 3% annual increase in Reading/Language Arts as measured by WESTEST2. Doddridge County Elementary School students, including Special Education and low SES, will meet or exceed a 3% annual increase in Mathematics as measured by WESTEST2. ANNUAL GROWTH GOAL FOR MAINTENANCE The percentage of students who exhibit typical growth in grades K-4 in Reading /Language Arts will increase annually as measured by the WESTEST 2. The percentage of students who exhibit typical growth in grades K-4 in Mathematics will increase annually as measured by the WESTEST 2. Spring 2009-2010 WESTEST2 Results will be shared with DCES Faculty to establish student achievement baseline data for Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. GRANT ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE MODEL Provide for Substitute Orientation and Staff Training Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Classroom Incentives Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Consultants for Professional Development Years 1, 2, & 3of the Grant Transformation Teacher Leadership Team Stipend Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Mentorship Program for Long-Term Substitutes Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Staff Development – West Virginia Standards and Alignment to the West Virginia Core Curriculum Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation GRANT ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE MODEL Two (2) Classroom Interventionists Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Two (2) Academic Coaches Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Technology Integration Specialist Years 2 and 3 of the Grant Transformation Summer School and Extended Day School Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Parent Educator Resource Coordinator Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Transformation Coordinator Years 1, 2, & 3 of the Grant Transformation Actions discussed previously on the last two screens, will be funded through the braiding of funds from the SIG Grant and various other funding sources. Other identified funding sources to support the school improvement initiative include such sources as: Title I, Title II, RLIS, Doddridge County Elementary School Improvement Funding, and Special Education Funds. All activities supporting school improvement at Doddridge County Elementary School utilizing the above funding sources and are detailed within Doddridge County’s 5-Year Strategic Plan. MONITORING Teacher Leadership Team Parent Educator Resource Coordinator PLC’s Academic Coaches & Interventionists Transformation Coordinator EVALUATING ACTIVITIES PLC Meetings Reports comprised of data collected by various teams and PLC’s such as: Acuity, Dibles, QPS, PASI, and WESTEST 2 WVDE Growth Report Also the building administrator will determine if the teachers have achieved their grade level team action steps. The principal’s supervisor will in turn determine if the team’s action steps were met. Analysis of WESTEST2 scores will be reviewed for comparison with the county growth goals. As a result of these analysis, if positive, incentives will be awarded to all school staff members. With the approval and successful implementation of this grant we believe that Doddridge County Elementary School will continue to improve in the following areas: School Culture Delivery of the Core Curriculum Data driven instruction Establishment of Professional Learning Communities who Schedule and Hold Monthly Meeting x Parent Involvement x Extended Learning Time x RTI Framework x x x x Above all, we at DCES expect and will improve the academic achievement of all students. “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek. “ Mario Andretti