Chapter 16 - Sound Waves • • • • • • • • Speed of Sound Sound Characteristics Intensity Instruments: Strings and Pipes 2 Dimensional Interference Beats Doppler Effect Sonic Boom and shock waves Sound Speed v Air Bulk modulus B density Sea Water Bulk Modulus 1.4(1.01 x 105) Pa 2.28 x 109 Pa Density 1.21 kg/m3 1026 kg/m3 Speed 343 m/s 1500 m/s Variation with Temperature: Air Seawater m v 331 0.60T s m v 1449.05 4.57T .0521T .00023T s 2 3 Pitch is frequency Audible 20 Hz – 20000 Hz Infrasonic < 20 Hz Ultrasonic >20000 Hz Middle C on the piano has a frequency of 262 Hz. What is the wavelength (in air)? 1.3 m Intensity of sound • Loudness – intensity of the wave. Energy transported by a wave per unit time across a unit area perpendicular to the energy flow. Source Intensity (W/m2) Sound Level Jet Plane 100 140 Pain Threshold 1 120 Siren 1x10-2 100 Busy Traffic 1x10-5 70 Conversation 3x10-6 65 Whisper 1x10-10 20 Rustle of leaves 1x10-11 10 Hearing Threshold 1x10-12 1 Sound Level - Decibel I dB 10log I0 I0 1x10 12 W m2 Stringed instruments v nv fn n 2L n=1,2,3,4,.... Question 1 • A steel wire in a piano has a length of 0.9 m and a mass of 5.4 g. To what tension must this wire be stretched so that its fundamental vibration corresponds to middle C: i.e., the vibration possess a frequency 261.6. Wind instruments – Double open ended pipes Frequencies are identical to waves on a string fn v nv n 2L n=1,2,3,4,.... Wind instruments – Single open ended pipes Only odd harmonics are present v nv fn n 4L n=1,3,5,7,.... Question 2 – Pepsi Bottle • What is the fundamental frequency of a pepsi bottle 32 cm tall when you blow over it. Assume the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s. • 5 cm of water are added to the bottle. What is the new resonant frequency. 32 cm Waves on the surface of a liquid Two dimensional wave reflection i r Interference in Space When the path lengths from source to receiver differ by /2 destructive interference results. Interference in Time - Beats • Two sounds of different frequency: D1 x 0 D m sin k1 0 1t D m sin 2f1t D2 x 0 Dm sin 2f 2 t • Superposition: D D1 D2 Dm sin 2f1t Dm sin 2f 2 t Interference in Time - Beats D D1 D2 Dm sin 2f1t Dm sin 2f 2 t • Trig identity again: sin 1 sin 2 2sin 1 2 cos 1 2 2 2 f1 f 2 f1 f 2 D 2Dm cos 2 t sin 2 t 2 2 Amplitude varies in time at a frequency equal to the difference in the two frequencies Beat Frequency f beat f1 f 2 Beats f beat f1 f 2 Doppler Effect Doppler Effect – 4 cases • • • • Source moving toward receiver Source moving away from receiver Receiver (observer) moving towards source Receiver (observer) moving away from source. Source moving case vs T Away: 1 f f 1 vs v v T Towards: vs v s 1 v v 1 v v f f v 1 vs 1 s v v Receiver (observer) moving case Towards: f v vO vO f 1 v Away: v vO vO f f 1 v Source and receiver moving vO 1 v f f v 1 s v v vO f v vS • Numerator – Receiver (observer) – Toward + – Away – • Denominator – Source – Toward – – Away + Doppler Example • Intelligence tells you that a particular piece of machinery in the engine room of a Soviet Victor III submarine emits a frequency of 320 Hz. Your sonar operator hears the machinery but reports the frequency is 325 Hz. Assume you have slowed to a negligible speed in order to better hear the Russian. – Is the VIII coming toward you or moving away from you? – Assuming the Victor is either moving directly toward or away from you, what is his speed in m/s? Shock waves and the sonic boom vsound t vsound 1 sin vobject t vobject m Sometimes you hear 2 booms