Spatial assessment of the effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginanus) browse in Sewanee, TN A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Biology The University of the South In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Honors in Biology by Meg Armistead on May 30, 2041 Certified by: Thesis Advisor Abstract: The impact of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) browse on forest structure and composition has become a major concern of natural area managers throughout the eastern United States. Browse impacts within a given management area are likely to be distributed in a heterogeneous pattern due to factors such as deer movement, landscape features, and habitat fragmentation. Thus, it is important that appropriate techniques be developed for assessing deer browse at large spatial scales. Our study assessed the effectiveness of a variety of metrics employed to examine of the spatial distribution of deer browse across a 2,300-acre, upland oak-hickory forest on the Cumberland Plateau. We used 46 transects distributed across the study area in a stratified, random design. The transects were compared to four fenced exclosures established in the study area prior to 2000. Browse intensity varied spatially within the study area. Average sapling density in the exclosures was significantly higher than average sapling density in transects, and the range of variation among transects suggested that sapling density as a metric was highly sensitive to browse. Based on this sensitivity, along with ease of sampling, we recommend the use of sapling density as a proxy for browse in future assessments. Latitude and distance to edge habitat were the best predictors of sapling density. This influence in combination with deer movement patterns, deer browse preference, and habitat fragmentation created a heterogeneous matrix of browse. To maintain the biological balance of forest regeneration and whitetail deer interactions, it is important to use a large spatial assessment with a suitable metric to allocate limited resources to manage high impact areas, preserving overall forest biodiversity. 2 Introduction: Across the eastern United States, rising white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations have become a major challenge to the management of natural areas (DeNicola et al. 2000). Many studies suggest that high levels of deer browse can drive considerable changes in plant communities and potentially lead to alternate stable states (Anderson et al. 2002, Côté et al. 2004, Millington et al. 2010, Ruzicka et al. 2010, White 2012). Deer acorn herbivory can cause mast event failure limiting reproductive success of hardwoods and negatively affect acorn dependent organisms (McShea 2012). Pastor et al. (1993) found that browse impacts woody plant species composition, affects understory structure, and inhibits or alters ecosystem processes. Deer can alter understory structure by decreasing sapling density, which may impact the future composition and density of overstory trees. Deer over-browse causes changes in stem morphology, stem development, vegetation spatial distribution patterns, and seedling and sapling survival rates (Russell 2001). Cardinal et al. (2012) found that in reducing understory cover, deer indirectly affect songbird abundance, richness, and diversity, but these effects may not be distributed homogenously. Deer browse can be spatially heterogeneous due to population densities in certain habitats, but also due to how deer use these habitats. Edge habitat (Ruzika et al. 2010), browsing preference (Long et al. 2007, Tremblay et al 2005, Stromayer and Warren 1997), and migration routes (Van Deelen et al. 1998) can cause deer browse to be 3 distributed in a heterogeneous matrix. Edge habitat is the optimal foraging habitat for deer due to low search cost, low predator threat, and a high concentration of younger stems; browsing pressure from deer increases with proximity to edge compared to the interior forest habitat (Williams 1985, Ruzika et al. 2010). The deer's preference to browse in an edge habitat causes a higher concentration of browse impacts in this edge habitat compared to the continuous forest (Kie et al. 2002). Likewise, browse becomes concentrated around deer paths because deer migrate within social groups along consistent pathways (Van Deelen et al. 1998). Complex geographic topography or urbanized landscapes may also potentially funnel deer movement into heavily used pathways (Quinn et al. 2013). Lastly, selective browse by deer can cause forest composition shifts to an alternate stable state dominated by browse-tolerant and deer unpreferred species (Long et al. 2007, Tremblay et al 2005, Stromayer and Warren 1997). High-intensity foraging in edge habitat and along migration paths combined with selective browse creates a patchwork of browse patterns across a forested landscape, which can lead to significant losses in biodiversity. Natural area managers concerned with maintaining forest regeneration in the presence of increasing deer populations require the ability to track the relationship of browse and community change across management units. According to the literature, long-term deer exclosure studies allow the researcher to understand what the ecosystem would be like in the absence of deer (Long et al. 2007, White 2012). However, these studies tend to be costly, time intensive, and establish artificially low baselines for deer assessment. Browse indices derived from field assessments are generally subjective and are used for assessing 4 the effect of deer on their food supply and are therefore not necessarily created to be a direct predictor indirect browse effects (Aldous 1944, Frerker et al. 2013). A direct measure of community composition should be used to access community change that is easily applicable at the landscape level. Rooney et al. (2000) found that sapling (30 cm–300 cm) density decreased as browsing pressure increased. Exclosure studies have also found significant differences in sapling density between browsed and nonbrowsed areas (Bressette et al. 2012, Martin et al. 2002, Opperman et al. 2001, Pellerin et al. 2010, Ross et al. 1970). In this study we compared sapling density, percent cover, percent recruitment, tree richness and tree diversity as metrics to assess the impact of deer browse from the plant community perspective across a large landscape. We hypothesize that (1) sapling density will be the most effective metric to quantify this variation across a landscape, and (2) browse will be distributed in a heterogeneous matrix across a landscape due to edge habitat, deer movement patterns, and browse preference. Methods: Study Site – The study area was a 2,300-acre tract of upland oak-hickory forest located on the surface of the Cumberland Plateau on the campus of The University of the South in Sewanee, TN. White-tail deer in Sewanee were hunted to local extinction during the Great Depression (1930s). They were reintroduced with great success in the 1940’s (Cheston 1953). Currently, with no natural predators, the only limiting factors on the population growth are the annual deer cull and limited food resources. Nate Wilson, Domain Manager, through distance spotlight sampling has estimated the population to be 117 (95% confidence interval; 37-287) deer mi-2 (McGrath Ecology Class 2012). The 5 range for overpopulation of deer in the study site area is greater than 20- 25 deer mi-2 given optimal habitat (K.V. Miller, pers. comm. 2003). Field Methods: Fieldwork was performed between June and August 2012. We located 46 randomly stratified, 20m x 50m box transects. Each transect contained 10 randomly distributed, circular plots. A plot consisted of two nested circles: 5m diameter circle for saplings (0.25m – 3m ht) and 1m-diameter circle for seedlings (<0.25m ht). All tree seedlings and saplings were recorded by species and density and ranked into 3 browse categories based on percent defoliation by deer (0%, 1-50%, >50%). Average browse rankings per plant, along with other visual evidence, was then used to assign each plot a overall browse index (0 -3 low, medium and high browse), and the plot indices within the box transects were then averaged to assign a single browse index for each of the 46 transects. A photograph was taken and used in the calculation of percent vegetative cover of each plot. Four fenced exclosures (2 – 16m2, 2 – 24m2), established prior to 2000 (by the Departments of Biology and Forestry and Geology), were used to assess the plant community condition in the absence of deer within the study site. After excluding a .5m buffer zone near the fence, the entire area within each exclosure was sampled in a similar fashion to plots described above. Vegetation in exclosure showed no evidence of browse and therefore received a browse index of 0. 6 We calculated sapling density, percent vegetative cover, percent recruitment, tree richness and tree diversity, within each plot and then averaged these metrics at the transect level. Using the photographs taken in each plots, percent cover was determined using Adobe Photoshop following the procedure of Luscier et al. (2006). Percent recruitment ( # Sapling ) was an indicator of successful seedling to sapling # Seedling + # Sapling transitioning within the community. Tree diversity was calculated using the ShannonWeiner index (Krebs 1985). Data Analysis Linear regression (ms-EXCEL) was used to examine the correlation between each of the community metrics and deer browse in the transects. We tested the effect of deer exclusion on each of the community metrics using Ttest and characterized the range of variation using box-plots where outliers were defined as greater than 1.5 times the interquartile range (R package R Core Team 2013). A useful metric for quantifying browse needed to be significantly different from the controls with little to no threshold effect. The spatial variation of each metric across the study area was examined using ordinary kriging in ArcGIS 10.1 (ESRI 2011). Because deer non-randomly use the landscape, we evaluated the roles of known or potential drivers of deer browse habits on landscape patterns on traditionally used metrics of browse and our most useful community metric of browse pressure. We chose to evaluate predictors of deer browse such as distance from edge (distance from forest edge or distance from building), distance from access to the browse area (distance to portal, 7 distance to stream), and latitude. Edge was defined as forest edge. A portal was defined in ArcMap as a location that had easy access for deer travel from the cove onto the plateau. Necessary factors were a change in topography below the plateau, and gradual elevation change that allowed for easy access. These parameters were calculated for each of our sampling points using ArcGIS. We used an information theoretic approach to evaluate the influence of each of these parameters on our observed landscape patterns of browse. To avoid multicollinearity, we did not include the two descriptive parameters for distance to edge (distance to edge, distance to building) or distance to plateau access (distance to stream, distance to portal) within the same candidate model. We developed candidate models that evaluated each of our predictive parameters and those parameters in combination with one another. To determine the relative plausibility of each model given our data, we used Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC, Akaike 1983) adjusted for small sample sizes using the smallsample bias adjustment (AICc; Hurvich and Tsai, 1989). Model weights were calculated for each candidate model and fit was assessed by ranking these models from highest (most likely) to lowest (least likely) model (Burnham and Anderson 2002). Models were only included in the confidence set if they had Akaike weights greater than 10% of the best fitting model’s Akaike weight (Royall 1997). Model fit was evaluated using the root mean square error. To evaluate the importance and influence of each predictive parameter, we calculated importance weights, scaled odds ratios, and scaled unit changes to assess the biological relevance of each parameter. 8 To examine how model predictions compared to observed measures of browse, we developed a composite model using unconditional parameter estimates that incorporate model selection uncertainty and parameter uncertainty (Burnham and Anderson 2002). This composite model was used to develop predictive maps in ArcMap through raster calculations using the equation derived in the linear models predicting sapling density and browse index. Results Hypothesis 1: Most of the community metrics showed a significant correlation with browse index: percent cover (p<0.001, R2=0.43), percent recruitment (p<0.001, R2=0.6), tree richness (p=0.006, R2=0.16), and sapling density (Fig. 1, p<0.001,R2=0.53). Tree diversity showed no significant relationship with browse within the study site (p=0.97, R2=0.004). Transects dominated by sassafras (Sassafras albidum) resulted in a low Shannon Weiner Diversity Index due to unevenness. As the exclosure data indicate, there is a wide range of variation in community metrics inherent in the landscape independent of deer browse effect. Sapling density and Percent Recruitment had significant mean difference between the transects and exclosures (Sapling Density: transect Percent recruitment: transect = .107 per m2, exclosure = 32%; exclosure = .56per m2; Ttest p=0.02; = 76%; Ttest p<0.001). Sapling density was the only variable for which the range of variation found within the exclosures existed above the maximum excluding outliers (Figure 2). 9 Indicator species can be a useful metric for quantifying browse. In this study we found two species that could serve as a metric, red maple (Acer rubrum) saplings and black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) sapling were significantly sensitive to browse without being completely eliminated from the landscape suggesting that they could serve as a potential indicator species for browse (Regression black gum saplings: p<0.001, R2=0.36, red maple: p=0.001, R2=0.19). Hypothesis 2: Although the study area was a continuous upland oak-hickory forest, there was varying gradient of browse. At a landscape level the highest intensity browse was centered around development and the surrounding edge habitat (Figure 3). This concentration formed a steady gradient increasing with the distance to edge. This gradient was consistent with literature suggesting that deer browse concentrates in low-density development habitat due to the superior foraging habitat (Williams 1985, Ruzika et al. 2010). Indices of browse varied relatively consistently across the landscape. Linear models using parameters to predict browse indices demonstrated fit with variation of 13.9% in root mean square error for sapling density and 13.0% for browse index (Table 1). For browse index, the best fitting model included distance to portal, distance to building, and latitude, which was only 1.07 times more likely than the next best fitting model that removed the parameter, distance to portal (Table 1). Conversely, for sapling density, Akaike model weights suggested that the model incorporating distance to edge and 10 latitude was 1.8 times more likely than the next best fitting model including distance to edge and stream and latitude (Table 1). For both browse index and sapling density, latitude was the most important parameter being equally as important as distance to building for browse index and 1.2 times more important than distance to edge for sapling density (Table 2). The distance to plateau access parameters including stream and portal were less important than distance to edge or latitude for both browse index and sapling density (Table 1). Sapling density was positively related to latitude, edge and stream (Table 1). The highest weighted parameter in the model was latitude and increased on average by 1.18 sapling per 196m2 with every 110m-increase latitude. Edge was the second most important parameter and increased sapling density by 1.85 with every 50 meters increase away from edge (non-forest habitat) (Table 2). Collectively, these results suggest that sapling density should be highest in northern regions further from edge habitat and plateau access (Table 2). Browse index was negatively related to latitude and distance to building and positively related to distance to portal as the weight of the 95% confidence interval is positive. Browse Index on average increased by 0.05 with every 110m increase in latitude and increased by 0.01 with every 50m away from building (Table 2). Collectively, we predict that the browse index should be minimized in northern areas further from development. So we assume as distance to building stream and latitude increase browse index decreases 11 and as distance to portal and edge increases browse increases; however, these relationships are weak (Table 2). The predicted browse index map shows the negative impacts of browse influenced by distance to portal, latitude and distance to building habitat (Figure 5). This produces more of a gradient effect due to the related vectors than does the map of predicted sapling density (Figures 4 and 5). The predicted sapling density map shows the negative impacts of browse concentrated in low latitude and close to edge habitat (Figure 4). Discussion The results supported our hypothesis that deer non-randomly use the landscape in a heterogeneous way and that sapling density would be the most effective metric to quantify browse. As in other studies, deer movement patterns, browse preference, and edge habitat influenced the intensity of browse across the landscape (Williams 1985, Ruzika et al. 2010, Van Deelen et al. 1998). Hypothesis 2: Deer movement is driven by variables such as season, reproductive status, and availability of food and water (Kie et al. 2002). The high intensity browse found in areas of potential deer migration routes onto the Cumberland Plateau confirmed greater deer usage of these areas. Two vectors that quantify migration routes, proximity to portal and stream, were good predictors of browse index and sapling density. Vectors that quantified edge habitat were also good predictors of browse. Like migration routes, the high degree 12 of browse in edge habitat confirms increased deer usage in these areas. Distance to building and distance to forest edge were used in the best predictive models of browse index and sapling density, respectively. Kie et al. (2002) also found that edge density affected deer movement patterns across a landscape and highlighted the importance of spatial heterogeneity in determining deer distribution. The fact that browse index is negatively correlated with distance from edge suggests that perhaps browse index used in this study is not the best quantifier of landscape level deer impacts. Latitude was highly predictive of sapling density and browse index; it was also included in both of the combined best-fit models. Latitude served as a proxy for a number landscape variables, which changed from south to north. This predictability could be due to the accessibility of deer to the south side of the study area (the southern side had a total of 16 portals, whereas the northern side had 8) and the direction of deer movement. This suggests greater deer activity or densities on the south side of the study area. Saïd and Servanty (2006) similarly concluded that spatial heterogeneity influenced the distribution and density of deer populations in their study area. This land use pattern further highlights the heterogeneous way in which deer use the landscape. Models that incorporated deer movement, quantified through portals and streams, were better predictors than those that just considered land use and should be used by managers throughout their range. Hypothesis 1: 13 Managers need an effective metric to quantify browse that is rapid and applicable across a large landscape to successfully manage for the effects of over-browse in forest ecosystems (Frerker et al. 2013). Our research shows that the simple metric of sapling density will detect these impacts. Frerker et al. (2013) found that tracking changes in the understory over time, specifically plant density, is also more effective in quantifying browse than percent cover, plant height, or quantifying reproductive structures. An effective metric is one in which you have the ability to quantify impacts across varying intensities of browse. We found that with some metrics (such as percent cover, diversity, and richness) there is a low browse threshold where the metric drops to zero; this is problematic because one cannot conclude if the elimination is due to deer effects or other environmental factors. This was not found to be the case with sapling density. A single browse event does not result in immediate mortality; it impacts saplings by inhibiting growth, eventually through repeated browse events saplings die thereby effecting sapling densities. These multistep outcomes allow sapling density to have a higher threshold and serve as a more effective metric for varying intensities of browse. Other metrics were not as effective to quantify browse and were not significantly different from the exclosures. Percent cover measured all vegetative cover; some of the vegetation, such as grass, is not affected by deer browse, explaining the low correlation. Factors such as soil type, microenvironmental gradients, and geometry of land surface could be confounding variables impacting vegetative cover, percent recruitment, species richness, and diversity. Tree diversity was the only metric that did not correlate significantly with browse because when clonal trees such as sassafras dominate the transect, it affects the evenness of the species representation in the diversity index. 14 Other studies have used sapling density to measure deer browse with similar results. Rooney et al. (2000) found that sapling (30 cm–300 cm) density decreased as browsing pressure increased. Exclosure studies have also found significant differences in sapling density between browsed and nonbrowsed areas (Bressette et al. 2012, Martin et al. 2002, Opperman et al. 2001, Pellerin et al. 2010, Ross et al. 1970). Although we used exclosures in our study to assess the effectiveness of metrics, we suggest the use of sapling density because it is less time intensive. Other studies have found significant deer browse effects with other metrics such as percent cover, tree richness, and tree diversity (Horsley et al. 2003, Kraft et al. 2004, Alverson et al., 1988 and Stockton et al., 2005). These results are not consistent with our data and this confirms that these metrics are not reliable across different landscapes. Conversely, sapling density can be dependent on other limiting resources such as light (Hubbell et al. 1999). One concern for the use of this measurement is that some sapling species are not eaten by deer, which can positively bias sapling density indicating low browse such as found by Trembley (2007), but black gum sapling density could be used as an indicator species because it is significantly correlated with browse intensity. We acknowledge the use of black gum may not be applicable to other regions because plants can respond differently to browse in different landscapes; therefore, we recommend that managers evaluate the efficacy of different sapling species to indicate browse intensity (Frerker et al. 2013). Although both percent recruitment and sapling density were significant, from a management perspective, sapling density is more useful due to the comparatively rapid sampling methodology. It is important to have an efficient method so that data can quickly go from field research to management application (Frerker et al. 2013). Sapling 15 density is not dependent on seasonality and can be measured year-round. Sampling sapling density requires very little training to be adept at the methodology. Due to its sensitivity, lack of temporal constraints, and ease of sampling, this study recommends the use of sapling density to quantify browse across the landscape. An effective metric such as sapling density is not only sensitive to browse but also a direct measure of forest regeneration. A metric that is practically applicable across a landscape is important to be able to apply successful management to conserve biodiversity (Cardinal 2012). Our study found that, due to the complicated and patchy distribution, deer over-browse can pose a challenge to land management. Kie et al. (2002) found that landscape heterogeneity affects deer movement and recommended incorporating these factors into management decisions. To limit negative browse effects on the landscape level, one must understand how browse impacts interact on a spatial scale. Deer browse impacts can limit woody plant species composition, affect understory structure, and inhibit or alter ecosystem processes (Pastor et al. 1993). Alverson et al. (1988) found that as few as 1.5 deer/mi2 can prevent regeneration of woody species. Understanding this inherent variation of browse distribution is an important guide to co-managing deer densities and forest sustainability (Millington 2010). It is important to recognize that the deer are affecting forests and to quantify the severity and distribution in a time efficient manner to focus limited resources in the high impact areas. Deer have created management problems for many parks by degrading forest habitat, inhibiting plant succession, changing plant composition, and preventing forest regeneration (DeNicola et al. 2000). Further research is needed to determine if lowering deer densities limits negative browse 16 impacts in high intensity areas. To maintain the biological balance of forest regeneration and whitetail deer interactions, it is important to use a large spatial assessment with a suitable metric such as sapling density to derive successful management plan. Understanding where the landscape is affected allows managers to protect biodiversity and increase landscape level resiliency. Using sapling density, kriging methodology, and predictive linear models to develop maps will allow land managers to apply appropriate and effective science-driven methods for managing deer populations. There are few cases of using GIS to spatially map deer browse; it has been only used to map population distributions (Millington et al. 2009, Massé and Côté 2012). However, using maps allows managers to assess the distribution and severity of deer impacts and predict where the impacts will be the most detrimental on the landscape. Because deer also cause humanwildlife conflict by causing economic losses, vehicle collisions, and increasing Lyme disease prevalence (DeNicola et al. 2000), maps of deer activity via indices of browse may be used by managers to reduce human-wildlife conflict as well as improve forest regeneration and diversity. 17 Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge the University of the South for providing funding and access to their property for field sampling. I am grateful for the assistance of Dr. Jon Evans for the assistance in the field and advising on this project. Special thanks for assistance from Dr. Chris Van de Ven, Dr. Kristen Cecala, Kevin Hiers, Nate Wilson, Ashley Block and Nathan Bourne. 18 Literature Cited Aldous, S. E. 1944. A deer browse survey method. Journal of Mammalogy 25(2), 130136. Alverson, W. 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Forest Ecology and Management 222–228. 24 Tables and Figures 160.0 140.0 Sapling Density 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 1 1.5 2 Browse Index 2.5 3 Figure 1: Sapling density in by browse index .5m in diameter plots Sewanee, TN ( p<.001,R2=.53)( p=6.48x10-5, R2=0.31). 25 Percent Recruitment P>0.001 Sapling Density P=0.02 Figure 2: Boxplots showing the variation of the significant metrics in the transects. Green squares represent control values. Significance values derived from Ttest. 26 Figure 3: Map of density of saplings in study area with transects and controls in Sewanee, TN. 27 Figure 4: Predictive map of browse index in study area with transects and controls based on linear models in Sewanee, TN 28 Figure 5: Predictive map of sapling density in study area with transects and controls based on linear models in Sewanee, TN 29 Model Δ AIC w Mean Error K AICc RMSE Edge + Latitude 3 280.65 0.00 0.51 21.75 21.01 Edge + Latitude + Stream 4 281.82 1.18 0.29 21.71 20.73 Latitude + Stream 3 284.62 3.97 0.07 22.73 21.96 Latitude 2 285.02 4.38 0.06 23.15 22.63 Browse Index Portal + Latitude + Building 4 -75.96 0.00 0.49 0.41 0.39 Latitude + Building 3 -75.83 0.13 0.46 0.41 0.40 Global 6 -71.35 4.61 0.05 0.42 0.39 Sapling Density Table 1: Akaike importance weights for parameters in confidence sets of linear regression models for prediction of sapling density and browse index. Bold values identify variables with best-fitting models. 30 Estimate Parameter (SE) Lower Upper 95% CI 95% CI Unit Scaled Importance Change Estimate Weight Sapling Density Intercept -93,960 - (17,537) 128,332 -59,587 - - - 0.001 Latitude 1,178 (498) 202 2154 degrees 1.18 0.44 Edge 0.037 (0.013) 0.0064 0.055 50 m 1.85 0.37 Stream 0.015 (0.013) -0.0097 0.039 100 m 1.50 0.18 1,737 (358) 1,034 2,439 - - - degrees -0.049 0.39 Browse Index Intercept 0.001 Latitude Building Portal -49.3 (11.0) -70.9 -27.7 -0.00028 - - (0.00003) 0.00034 0.00022 50 m -0.014 0.39 0.00027 - (0.0002) 0.00008 0.00063 100 m 0.027 0.21 Table 2: Modeled average parameter estimates, standard errors (in parenthesis), associated upper lower 95% confidence limits (Cl) for the best fitting linear regression models of predicting sapling density and browse index. Unit change was based on type of parameter and effect on deer behavior. 31