(20 pts) Exercise 2-18: Pseudo-instructions

(20 pts) Exercise 2-18: Pseudo-instructions
Below you will see several problems of the form:
li $t1, small
# $t1 = small
This is an example pseudo-instruction, with its meaning given as a comment.
The instruction should load ‘small’ into $t1, where ‘small’ means a constant
that fits within 16 bits. The constant is also called an ‘immediate’ – ‘li’ stands
for ‘load immediate’
Your job is to write the real MIPS instruction (or sequence of instructions)
that the compiler would produce for each given pseudo-instruction. For
instance, the solution for the above pseudo-instruction is:
addi $t1, $zero, small
In the problems, ‘small’ and ‘big’ refer to some arbitary constants (numbers).
A ‘big’ constant needs 32 bits to be represented. You will need some
notation to talk about the upper (most significant) 16 bits and the lower (least
significant) bits of this number. Use UPPER(big) to refer to the most
significant bits and LOWER(big) to refer to the other bits.
To make your answers simpler, you may make use of the ‘li’ psuedoinstruction
where helpful
li itself).
Do this
it will
NOTES: Remember
that branches
must take
two registers
– no–constants.
job easier!!
cannot be of the form “lw $t2, $t3($t4)” – the memory address must
be a register plus a base, not two registers added together.
Also, for temp space must use reserved register $at, so don’t clobber needed values in
other registers.
• clear $to
# $t0 = 0
add $t0, $zero, $zero
• beq $t3, small, L # if ($t3 == small) go to L
• beq $t2, big, L
# if ($t2 == big) go to L
• li $t2, big
# $t2 = big
• bge $t5, $t4, L
# if ($t5 >= $t4) go to L
li $at, small
beq $t3, $at, L
li $at, big
beq $t2, $at, L
lui $t2, UPPER(big)
ori $t2, $t2, LOWER(big)
slt $at, $t5, $t4
beq $at, $zero, L
• lw $t0, big($t2) # t0 = Memory[$t2+big]
li $at, big
add $at, $t2, $at
lw $t0, 0($at)
(5 pts) Exercise 2-21
f $s0
a.) What is the MIPS assembly code for the following:
g $s1
do {
h $s2
i $s3
g = g + j;
j $s4
} while (g <h);
Variables f to j are assigned to registers $s0 to $s4
Use $v0, $v1 as temporaries if needed
b.) Did your solution use any pseudo-instructions? YES or NO
add $s1, $s1, $s4
blt $s1, $s2, Loop
YES, blt is pseudo-instruction
(5 pts) Exercise 2-22
f $s0
a.) What is the MIPS assembly code for the following:
g $s1
do {
h $s2
i $s3
g = g + j;
j $s4
} while (g <100);
Variables f to j are assigned to registers $s0 to $s4
Use $v0, $v1 as temporaries if needed
b.) Did your solution use any pseudo-instructions? YES or NO
add $s1, $s1, $s4
slti $v0, $s1, 100
bne $v0, $zero, Loop
NO, no pseudo-instructions
# v0 = 1 if (g < 100)
# branch if v0 = 1
(5 pts) Exercise 2-23
Note different test at start
f $s0
a.) What is the MIPS assembly code for the following:
g $s1
while (g < i) {
h $s2
i $s3
g = g + j;
j $s4
Variables f to j are assigned to registers $s0 to $s4
Use $v0, $v1 as temporaries if needed
b.) Did your solution use any pseudo-instructions? YES or NO
Must test first, but many possible ways to do this.
Below is one possibility.
j Test
# need to test first
add $s1, $s1, $s4
blt $s1, $s3, Loop
YES, blt is pseudo-instruction
(10 pts) Exercise 2-24
f $s0
a.) What is the MIPS assembly code for the following:
g $s1
while (g > i) {
h $s2
i $s3
g = g + 3;
j $s4
Variables f to j are assigned to registers $s0 to $s4
Use $v0, $v1 as temporaries if needed
b.) Did your solution use any pseudo-instructions? YES or NO
j Test
addi $s1, $s1, 3
bgt $s1, $s3, Loop
# need to test first
YES, bgt is pseudo-instruction
(15 pts) Exercise 2-26
The MIPS translation of the C segment:
while (save[i] == k) i = i + 1;
is given on page 92-93 of the textbook as follows:
Loop: sll $t1, $s3, 2 # temp reg t1 = i *4
add $t1, $t1, $s6
# t1 = address of save[i]
lw $t0, 0($t1)
# temp reg t0 = save[i]
bne $t0, $s5, Exit
# goto Exit if save[i] != k
addi $s3, $s3, 1
# loop body: i = i + 1
j Loop
# repeat the loop
This code uses both a conditional branch and an unconditional jump
each time through the loop. Only poor compilers would produce
code with this loop overhead. Rewrite the assembly code so that it
uses at most one branch or jump each time through the loop.
You will have to think carefully about how to reorganize things to
make this possible. Make sure that your final version still computes
the same result as the original code!
Optimized version:
(Basically we want to change the ‘bne’ to be a branch to continue the loop,
instead of a branch to exit the loop followed by a jump. However, we then
have to move the add to $s3 instruction so that it is executed inside the loop,
but not in the first iteration (otherwise, $s3(i) would have the wrong value –
either when used for finding save[i] or for the value when the loop is
finished). Below is one possible way – move the add to the top of the loop
and skip it on the first iteration. Another way would be to place the add just
before the branch, and undo its effect by doing a subtraction to $s3 when we
exit the loop.)
j Test
# first time skip to the test
Loop: addi $s3, $s3, 1
# loop body: i++
Test: sll $t1, $s3, 2
# temp reg t1 = 4 *i
add $t1, $t1, $s6
# t1 = address of save[i]
lw $t0, 0($t1)
# temp reg t0 = save[i]
beq $t0, $s5, Loop
# repeat loop if save[i] == k
(20 pts) Exercise 2-27
(10 pts) Add comments to the MIPS code above. Assume that $a0 and
$a1 are used for the input and both initially contain the integers ‘a’ and
‘b’, respectively. You may assume ‘a’ and ‘b’ are both greater than
(10 pts) In one simple sentence, what does this code compute (in
terms of ‘a’ and ‘b’)?
The code computes a * b + 100