The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Annual Publication Number 101 October 2009 Silage Test Results Summary of Evaluations of Corn Hybrids for Silage Blairsville, Calhoun, Griffin, and Tifton, Georgia, 2009 Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Short -Season AgraTech DeKalb DynaGro Pioneer 1777 DKC61-69(VT3) V5373VT3 33V16(YGCB/RR2) Average Quality Factors1 Milk Production2 lbs/ton Grain DM lbs/acre Portion % Dry Matter Yield Statewide Average Blairsville Calhoun Griffin Tifton ----------------------- tons/acre ---------------------- 2994 3145 3212 3325 32672 25134 28434 24357 49 56 52 50 . 9.8 9.2 9.7 . 10.7 10.6 11.3 . 10.8 8.2 10.4 . . . . 10.9 8.0 8.8 7.4 3169 27649 52 9.6 10.9 9.8 . 8.8 Mid-Season AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech 1801 1021RR 999aHx 999aRR x9910 3184 3017 3383 3466 3179 25740 34733 35082 32981 35771 49 39 40 39 43 10.8 . . 11.1 10.3 13.6 . . 10.2 10.0 10.7 . . 13.4 9.7 . . . . . 8.1 11.5 10.4 9.5 11.3 Croplan Genetics DeKalb DeKalb D K lb DeKalb DynaGro 8221VT3 DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) DKC67-87(RR2/YGCB) DKC68 DKC68-06(RR2/YGCB) 06(RR2/YGCB) 58V24 3232 3336 2739 2630 3225 32974 27188 33827 28320 21536 47 49 48 54 46 10.2 10.0 . 9 9.7 7 9.8 10.3 12.6 . 8 8.5 5 13.0 10.1 9.3 . 10 10.0 0 9.6 . . . . . 10.2 8.1 12.4 10 10.8 8 6.7 DynaGro DynaGro DynaGro Golden Acres Greenwood 58V50 58V69 V6263VT3 28Z89 EX3103RR 3218 3441 3135 3319 3226 32016 36130 25776 29465 29222 47 44 45 43 46 . 10.7 10.5 11.1 9.9 . 13.1 11.4 12.7 9.6 . 8.6 11.9 11.7 11.0 . . . . . 9.9 10.5 8.2 8.9 9.0 Greenwood Greenwood MC Mycogen Mycogen EX3113RR EX3280RR MC590 TMF2L844RR 3469 3388 3162 3325 2900 33839 30583 31435 35085 41146 48 48 49 43 40 10.1 10.0 9.9 11.2 11.1 11.2 12.0 10.0 12.6 10.8 9.4 8.9 9.6 10.3 8.4 . . . . . 9.8 9.1 10.0 10.6 14.2 31D58 31P41 31Y42(RR2) USDA A USDA B 3218 3341 3526 2946 3606 25507 26551 32701 39284 27832 46 47 43 45 41 . 10.0 10.1 . . . 12.2 11.6 . . . 9.9 9.5 . . . . . . . 7.9 8.0 9.3 13.3 7.7 3224 31389 45 10.4 44.4 10.1 . 9.8 3217 3 223 93 30873 4 4343 1811 46 3 1 10.2 5 N.S.6 0.3 11.3 1.3 1.5 10.1 1.6 0.7 . 9.7 1.3 0.6 Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer USDA USDA TMF2H917RR Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean Summary of Evaluations of Corn Hybrids for Silage Blairsville, Calhoun, Griffin, and Tifton, Georgia, 2009 (Continued) 1. Quality factors taken from the replicated silage trial at Tifton. 2. This variable is calculated using University of Wisconsin Corn Silage Evaluation System - Milk 2000 and reported at lbs milk/ton of dry matter (DM) and lbs milk/acre. 3. CV = 4.1%, and df for EMS = 28. 4. CV = 8.3%, and df for EMS = 28. 5. CV = 11.5%, and df for EMS = 180. 6. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries performing equally to highest performing entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Revised February 11, 2010. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Annual Publication Number 101 October 2009 Summary of Quality Factors of Corn Hybrids for Silage Tifton, Georgia, 2009 Quality Factors1 2 Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Short -Season AgraTech DeKalb DynaGro Pioneer 1777 DKC61-69(VT3) V5373VT3 33V16(YGCB/RR2) Average Milk Production lbs/ton DM lbs/acre Protein NDF % % ADF % TDN % Ash Dry Matter Yield Grain Portion Tifton % tons/acre 2994 3145 3212 3325 32672 25134 28434 24357 10.9 10.8 10.9 10.4 41.2 38.0 38.7 41.3 24.4 23.0 23.6 24.7 64.5 66.5 65.5 64.9 3.8 3.9 3.5 3.9 49 56 52 50 10.9 8.0 8.8 7.4 3169 27649 10.8 39.8 23.9 65.4 3.8 52 8.8 Mid-Season AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech AgraTech 1801 1021RR 999aHx 999aRR x9910 3184 3017 3383 3466 3179 25740 34733 35082 32981 35771 10.9 10.9 12.9 10.9 12.5 42.1 46.3 40.0 40.1 42.4 25.3 26.8 23.2 23.5 24.5 63.4 61.9 65.2 65.5 63.8 4.0 3.6 3.0 3.3 3.4 49 39 40 39 43 8.1 11.5 10.4 9.5 11.3 Croplan Genetics DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb DynaGro 8221VT3 DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) DKC67-87(RR2/YGCB) DKC68-06(RR2/YGCB) 58V24 3232 3336 2739 2630 3225 32974 27188 33827 28320 21536 12.0 11.3 12.3 9.8 11.1 36.3 39.8 42.5 38.8 39.8 22.1 24.1 25.2 23.7 23.7 66.6 65.0 63.4 65.8 65.6 2.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 47 49 48 54 46 10.2 8.1 12.4 10.8 6.7 DynaGro D G DynaGro DynaGro Golden Acres Greenwood 58V50 58V69 V6263VT3 28Z89 EX3103RR 3218 3441 3135 3319 3226 32016 36130 25776 29465 29222 11.1 11 1 12.6 11.4 12.4 12.3 36.8 36 8 39.0 43.2 39.0 42.4 22.0 22 0 22.9 25.7 23.3 25.2 67.0 67 0 65.7 63.0 65.0 63.4 3.5 35 3.4 3.7 3.7 3.3 47 44 45 43 46 9.9 99 10.5 8.2 8.9 9.0 Greenwood Greenwood MC Mycogen Mycogen EX3113RR EX3280RR MC590 TMF2H917RR TMF2L844RR 3469 3388 3162 3325 2900 33839 30583 31435 35085 41146 13.7 12.0 12.2 12.4 10.9 38.3 39.2 38.1 35.3 39.1 21.6 23.8 22.8 22.2 24.2 67.3 64.7 66.2 66.5 65.0 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.1 3.3 48 48 49 43 40 9.8 9.1 10.0 10.6 14.2 Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer USDA USDA 31D58 31P41 31Y42(RR2) USDA A USDA B 3218 3341 3526 2946 3606 25507 26551 32701 39284 27832 12.4 11.8 12.6 11.2 12.8 40.0 40.2 40.5 41.1 40.0 24.6 23.3 23.1 24.6 23.4 63.9 65.6 65.2 64.1 64.9 4.0 3.4 3.5 3.8 3.3 46 47 43 45 41 7.9 8.0 9.3 13.3 7.7 3224 31389 11.9 40.0 23.8 65.0 3.4 45 9.8 3217 3 223 93 30873 4 4343 1811 11.7 1.4 0.6 40.0 3.8 1.6 23.8 1.9 0.8 65.0 2.2 0.9 3.5 N.S.5 0.3 46 3 1 9.7 1.3 0.6 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean Summary of Quality Factors of Corn Hybrids for Silage Tifton, Georgia, 2009 (Continued) 1. Quality factors taken from the replicated silage trial at Tifton. 2. This variable is calculated using University of Wisconsin Corn Silage Evaluation System - Milk 2000 and reported at lbs milk/ton of dry matter (DM) and lbs milk/acre. 3. CV = 4.1%, and df for EMS = 28. 4. CV = 8.3%, and df for EMS = 28. 5. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries performing equally to highest performing entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Revised February 11, 2010. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Annual Publication Number 101 October 2009 Tifton, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2009, Irrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Forage Yield Dry Green tons/acre Short-Season AgraTech DynaGro DeKalb Pioneer 1777 V5373VT3 DKC61-69(VT3) 33V16(YGCB/RR2) 11.0 8.9 8.0 7.3 Average 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Plant Population Yield no. tons/acre Dry Matter % Grain Portion % 27.8 29.4 25.5 28.1 39.4 30.0 31.3 26.2 49 52 56 50 31799 33324 32017 30928 . 9.1 8.5 8.8 8.8 27.7 31.7 52 32017 8.8 Mid-Season Mycogen USDA DeKalb AgraTech AgraTech TMF2L844RR USDA A DKC67-87(RR2/YGCB) 1021RR x9910 14.2 13.3 12.4 11.5 11.3 35.3 28.9 27.8 30.9 28.8 40.2 46.1 44.5 37.2 39.1 40 45 48 39 43 32017 32670 33106 32235 29621 12.4 . 11.2 11.2 . DeKalb Mycogen DynaGro AgraTech Croplan Genetics DKC68-06(RR2/YGCB) TMF2H917RR 58V69 999aHx 8221VT3 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.2 22.6 30.2 32.2 30.1 30.4 47.8 35.0 32.7 34.7 33.6 54 43 44 40 47 29403 30057 31581 30056 32452 . 10.2 . . 10.1 MC DynaGro D naGro Greenwood AgraTech Pioneer MC590 58V50 EX3113RR 999aRR 31Y42(RR2) 10.0 9 9.9 9 9.8 9.6 9.3 25.1 27 27.8 8 26.3 29.4 31.9 39.6 36 36.0 0 37.1 32.4 29.0 49 47 48 39 43 29839 30710 30492 29839 31581 . . . 10.1 10.0 Greenwood Greenwood Golden Acres DynaGro DeKalb EX3280RR EX3103RR 28Z89 V6263VT3 DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) 9.1 9.1 8.9 8.2 8.2 26.5 29.6 29.4 29.7 26.5 34.3 30.8 30.2 27.8 30.9 48 46 43 45 49 30710 31581 32452 31363 32452 9.9 . . . 9.2 AgraTech Pioneer Pioneer USDA DynaGro 1801 31P41 31D58 USDA B 58V24 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.7 6.7 25.0 27.3 27.6 28.0 28.2 32.4 29.1 28.7 27.5 23.7 49 47 46 41 46 33541 31145 31364 30927 28532 . 9.0 9.1 . . 9.8 28.6 34.4 45 31189 10.2 9.7 1 1.3 0.6 28.5 2 2.8 1.2 34.0 3.3 1.4 46 3 1 31303 1636 696 9.9 1.1 0.5 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean Tifton, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2009, Irrigated (Continued) 1. CV = 11.6%, and df for EMS = 84. 2. CV = 8.4%, and df for EMS = 84. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: April 10, 2009. Harvested: July 28, 2009. Seeding Rate: 34,000 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Tifton loamy sand. Soil Test: P = High, K = Medium, and pH = 6.9. 70 lb N, 70 lb P2O5, and 210 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 162 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Soybeans. Subsoiled, bedded, and rototilled; Atrazine, Prowl, Basagran and one cultivation used for Management: weed control; irrigated 4.5 inches. Test conducted by A. E. Coy, R. E. Brooke, and D. G. Dunn. Revised February 11, 2010. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Annual Publication Number 101 October 2009 Griffin, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2009, Irrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Short-Season DynaGro DeKalb Pioneer V5373VT3 DKC61-69(VT3) 33V16(YGCB/RR2) Average Forage Yield 35% Moisture tons/acre Grain Portion % Plant Population no. 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Yield tons/acre 19.2 17.5 17.4 16 33 38 31944 31218 31702 . . . 18.0 29 31621 . Mid-Season DynaGro DynaGro Mycogen AgraTech Croplan Genetics V6263VT3 58V69 TMF2L844RR 825RR 8221VT3 22.3 21.4 20.9 20.9 20.5 37 31 30 33 33 30250 30492 30250 31218 31218 . . . . . AgraTech DynaGro Mycogen DeKalb Golden Acres 999aRR 58V24 TMF2H917RR DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) 28Z89 20.4 19.8 19.6 19.5 19.5 26 36 23 32 32 30492 31218 31944 31702 30976 . . . . . Greenwood AgraTech DeKalb Greenwood Greenwood Pioneer EX3103RR x9910 DKC68-06(RR2/YGCB) EX3113RR 31P41 19.1 18.5 18.2 17 6 17. 17.0 34 32 40 34 26 30492 29282 31460 29040 31460 . . . . . Greenwood AgraTech MC Pioneer EX3280RR 1801 MC590 31Y42(RR2) 16.8 16.1 15.8 15.0 33 27 18 26 29282 31702 30250 30250 . . . . 18.9 31 30683 . 18.8 1 2.4 1.0 31 8 3 30811 N.S.2 735 . Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. CV = 11.1%, and df for EMS = 63. 2. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: April 29, 2009. Harvested: September 9, 2009. Seeding Rate: 32,000 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Pacolet coarse sandy loam. Soil Test: P = Medium, K = High, and pH = 6.0. 75 lb N, 150 lb P2O5, and 225 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 100 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Soybeans. Moldboard plowed, disked and rototilled; Lasso, Atrazine and one cultivation used Management: for weed control; irrigated 11.0 inches. Test conducted by J. Gassett and G. Ware. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Annual Publication Number 101 October 2009 Calhoun, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2009, Irrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Forage Yield Dry Green tons/acre Short-Season DeKalb Pioneer DynaGro DKC61-69(VT3) 33V16(YGCB/RR2) V5373VT3 10.8 10.4 8.2 Average 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Plant Population Yield no. tons/acre Dry Matter % Grain Portion % 25.7 23.9 20.8 42.3 43.1 39.3 53 54 50 27661 24612 23958 10.3 10.4 . 9.8 23.5 41.6 52 25410 10.4 Mid-Season AgraTech DynaGro Golden Acres Greenwood AgraTech 999aRR V6263VT3 28Z89 EX3103RR 1801 13.4 11.9 11.7 11.1 10.7 28.0 25.8 27.1 26.2 26.4 47.9 46.2 43.2 42.8 40.7 49 59 55 52 50 26354 26572 23522 24829 26572 10.6 . . . . Mycogen Croplan Genetics DeKalb Pioneer AgraTech TMF2H917RR 8221VT3 DKC68-06(RR2/YGCB) 31P41 x9910 10.4 10.1 10.0 9.9 9.7 27.0 21.8 23.6 24.5 26.6 38.2 46.2 42.0 40.7 37.1 47 54 51 52 53 25265 26572 24176 25918 27661 . 9.9 . 9.9 . AgraTech DynaGro MC Pioneer Greenwood 825RR 58V24 MC590 ( ) 31Y42(RR2) EX3113RR 9.7 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.4 23.1 25.4 24.3 25.2 25.5 42.1 37.7 39.7 37.9 36.9 56 53 53 52 52 25483 26790 24829 23740 26354 . . . 10.1 . DeKalb Greenwood DynaGro Mycogen DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) EX3280RR 58V69 TMF2L844RR 9.3 8.9 8.6 8.4 24.4 21.3 23.8 25.1 37.9 41.5 36.3 34.0 54 54 52 53 26789 26136 26136 24611 . . . . 10.1 25.0 40.5 53 25700 10.1 10.0 1 1.6 0.7 24.8 2 N.S.3 2.3 40.6 3.9 1.6 53 5 2 25661 N.S. 1406 10.2 N.S. 0.5 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. CV = 13.8%, and df for EMS = 63. 2. CV = 17.9%, and df for EMS = 63. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: May 13, 2009. Harvested: September 14, 2009. Seeding Rate: 30,000 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Etowah loam. Soil Test: P = High, K = High, and pH = 6.3. 98 lb N, 72 lb P2O5, and 144 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 134 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Fallow. Moldboard plowed, disked and rototilled; Lasso, Accent, Atrazine and one cultivation used for Management: weed control; Warrior used for insect control; irrigated 12.0 inches. Test conducted by J. Gassett, G. Ware and J. Stubbs. The Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Annual Publication Number 101 October 2009 Blairsville, Georgia: Evaluation of Corn Hybrids for Silage, 2009, Nonirrigated Company or Brand Name Hybrid Name Forage Yield Dry Green tons/acre Short-Season Pioneer DeKalb DynaGro 33V16(YGCB/RR2) DKC61-69(VT3) V5373VT3 11.3 10.7 10.6 Average 2-Yr Avg Dry Forage Plant Population Yield no. tons/acre Dry Matter % Grain Portion % 31.4 31.7 30.9 36.4 34.1 34.3 53 54 59 27346 26378 27588 11.2 10.7 . 10.9 31.3 34.9 55 27104 11.0 Mid-Season AgraTech DynaGro DynaGro Golden Acres DeKalb 1801 58V24 58V69 28Z89 DKC67-23(RR2/YGCB) 13.6 13.1 13.1 12.8 12.6 35.0 36.5 41.8 38.8 35.9 38.9 35.9 31.4 33.0 35.4 57 58 52 50 56 27588 28072 28072 28072 27830 . . . . . Mycogen AgraTech Pioneer Greenwood Pioneer TMF2H917RR 825RR 31P41 EX3280RR 31Y42(RR2) 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.0 11.6 40.7 35.7 33.5 33.0 44.9 31.0 35.0 36.5 36.4 26.1 47 56 56 51 50 28072 28072 27104 26620 27104 . . 11.3 . 11.0 DynaGro Greenwood Mycogen p Croplan Genetics AgraTech V6263VT3 EX3113RR TMF2L844RR 8221VT3 999aRR 11.4 11.2 10.8 10.3 10.2 38.2 27.3 38.0 36.6 38.1 29.9 41.1 28.5 28.2 26.9 51 54 46 56 45 27830 27588 25894 28072 27830 . . . 10.7 10.1 MC AgraTech Greenwood DeKalb MC590 x9910 EX3103RR DKC68-06(RR2/YGCB) 10.0 10.0 9.6 8.5 31.6 32.3 29.5 26.7 31.6 31.1 32.9 31.7 58 54 53 59 23232 25894 25652 25410 . . . . 11.5 35.5 32.7 53 27053 10.8 11.4 1 1.3 0.5 34.9 2 3.5 1.5 33.0 3.7 1.6 53 3 2 27060 1373 582 10.8 N.S.3 0.4 Average Overall test averages and statistics: Average LSD at 10% Level Std. Err. of Entry Mean 1. CV = 9.5%, and df for EMS = 63. 2. CV = 8.4%, and df for EMS = 63. 3. The F-test indicated no statistical differences at the alpha = .10 probability level; therefore an LSD value was not calculated. Bolding indicates entries yielding equal to highest yielding entry within a column based on Fisher's protected LSD (P = 0.10). Planted: April 30, 2009. Harvested: September 9, 2009. Seeding Rate: 29,500 seeds/acre in 30" rows. Soil Type: Suches loam. Soil Test: P = High, K = Very High, and pH = 6.3. 83 lb N, 64 lb P2O5, and 32 lb K2O/acre as preplant; 119 lb N/acre as sidedress. Fertilization: Previous Crop: Soybeans. Moldboard plowed, disked and rototilled; Atrex, Simazine, Banvile and two cultivations used for Management: weed control. Test conducted by J. Gassett, G. Ware and H. Garrett.