Evaluating the Resiliency of Ponderosa Pine Forests to Bark Beetle Infestations A Decade Following Fuel Reduction Treatments (WC-EM-F-11-02) Christopher J. Fettig and Stephen R. McKelvey Invasives and Threats Team, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Davis, California Figure 1. Mechanical thinning, California, U.S., 2005. Figure 2. Prescribed burning, California, U.S., 2005. Both thinning and the application of prescribed fire may influence the amount and distribution of bark beetle-caused tree mortality at various spatial and temporal scales. For example, the health and vigor of residual trees; the size, distribution and abundance of preferred hosts; and the physical environment within forest stands may be impacted (Fettig et al. 2007. For. Ecol. Manage. 238: 24-53). Furthermore, tree volatiles released during harvest operations, including monoterpenes, are known to influence the physiology and behavior of bark beetles and colonization rates of trees by bark beetles in ponderosa pine forests (Fettig et al. 2006. For. Ecol. Manage. 230: 55-68). We are monitoring levels of tree mortality a decade after the application of fuel reduction and forest restoration treatments, and determining the resiliency of these structures to bark beetle infestations during a period of time largely dominated by drought, elevated growing season temperatures, and elevated bark beetle populations. Studies are conducted at two sites in northern California: (1) Blacks Mountain Experimental Forest (BMEF; 40°40’ N, 121°10’ W; 1700-2100 m elevation) located on the Lassen National Forest, and (2) Goosenest Adaptive Management Area (GAMA; 41°30’ N, 121°52’ W; 1500-1780 m elevation) located on the Klamath National Forest. Both studies were originally established to evaluate the ecological consequences of such treatments on forest health and productivity. Portions of BMEF were divided into three blocks based on tree composition: (1) high pine, (2) pine and fir, and (3) high fir. Four plots were established within each block ranging in size from ca. 77 to 144 ha, and randomly assigned one of two structural types, high diversity (HiD) or low diversity (LoD). Each plot was subsequently divided in half with one half randomly assigned prescribed fire (B), resulting in four treatments. Fettig et al. (2008, Can. J. For. Res. 38: 924-935) describe the climatic conditions, fuel moistures and other parameters that occurred during prescribed burns. Oliver (2000, PSW-GTR-179) and Zhang et al. (2008, Can. J. For. Res. 38: 909-918) provide comprehensive accounts of treatments and forest conditions. A 100% cruise (census) was initially conducted on each plot to locate dead and dying trees two years after the application of prescribed fire. Methods are reported in Fettig et al. (2008). Fettig and McKelvey (2010, Fire Ecol. 6: 26-42) described responses of bark beetles to these treatments and resulting structures five years after the application of prescribed fire at BMEF. A total of 6,877 pine and fir trees (4.0% of all trees) were killed by bark beetles (all bark beetle species combined), the majority of which (41.5% of trees killed by bark beetles; 2,857 trees) occurred on HiD + B. Significantly higher levels of tree mortality were attributed to bark beetles on LoD + B (5.3%) and HiD + B (4.8%) than LoD (1.1%) (Fig. 3). Portions of GAMA were divided into twelve 10-ha plots randomly assigned one of four treatments with three replicates per treatment. Treatments included: (1) untreated control (C), (2) burn - prescribed burning in the fall (B), (3) thin - thinning from below and selection harvest with leave trees including all stems >76.2 cm dbh (T), and (4) thinning from below and selection harvest followed by prescribed fire (T + B). Our work is also associated with the Fire and Fire Surrogate study, a national network of 12 long-term study sites. Ritchie (2005, PSW-GTR-192) provides a comprehensive account of treatments and forest conditions. Fettig et al. (2010, For. Sci. 56: 60-73) described methods and responses of bark beetles to these treatments and resulting structures two and four years after the application of prescribed fire. A total of 1,822 pine and fir trees (5.1% of all trees) were killed by bark beetles. Significantly higher levels of bark beetlecaused tree mortality occurred on B (9.2%) than C (3.2%), T (<1%) or T + B (3.3%) cumulatively during the four year period (Fig. 4). Ten year assessments of tree mortality will be completed in September 2012. 12 A. Sample period 1 (2-yr) a 10 Control Burn Thin Thin + burn ab 8 10 5-yr HiD + B HiD LoD + B LoD a 8 ab ab a a a 6 a a a a a ab a a 4 a b b 2 a ab a a ab ab b b b Figure 3. Mean percentage of trees killed by diameter class (mid-point of 10-cm diameter classes shown except for largest) five years after the application of prescribed fire. Means (+ SEM) followed by the same letter within groups are not significantly different (P > 0.05). b 0 24.1 34.3 44.5 54.7 >59.7 Mean percentage (+ SEM) of trees killed by bark beetles Large and severe wildfires in the western U.S., and particularly in California, have aroused public concern and manifested the need for well-designed treatments to reduce their extent and severity. Creating more fire resilient stands generally requires treatment of surface and ladder fuels; reductions in crown density; and maintenance of large diameter trees (Agee and Skinner 2005. For. Ecol. Manage. 211: 83-96). A combination of thinning (Fig. 1) and prescribed fire (Fig. 2) has been shown to be highly effective for reducing the severity of wildfires in interior ponderosa pine forests (Ritchie et al. 2007. For. Ecol. Manage. 247: 200208). Goosenest Adaptive Management Area Ecological Research Project Blacks Mountain Ecological Research Project Mean percentage (+ SEM) of trees killed by bark beetles Introduction a 6 a a 4 b 2 ab b b b b b b b b b 0 b b b B. Cumulative a 15 ab 12 a 9 a a 6 ab ab ab 3 ab ab b b 34.3 44.5 b b a a b All DBH class (cm) a a a Figure 4. Mean percentage of trees killed by bark beetles by diameter class (mid-point of 10-cm diameter classes shown except for largest) for evaluations completed two and four years (cumulative) after prescribed burns were implemented. Means (+ SEM) followed by the same letter within groups are not significantly different (P > 0.05). b 0 24.1 >49.5 All trees DBH class (cm) The amount of bark beetle-caused tree mortality increased substantially on unburned split plots compared to burned split plots following our initial survey (i.e., during three to five years after the application of prescribed fire). Ten year assessments of tree mortality will be completed in May 2012 following surveys of plots 40, 48 and 49. We thank L. Fischer (FHP) for her support of this work. To date, R. Borys, C. Dabney, M. Patterson, and C. Stoll (PSW) have provided technical assistance, and J. Baldwin (PSW) has assisted with statistical analyses. We acknowledge the numerous contributions of our colleagues at the Redding Laboratory (PSW) and Lassen and Klamath National Forests to the maintenance of infrastructure at BMEF and GAMA. This research was supported, in part, by a Forest Health Monitoring-Evaluation Monitoring grant (WC-EM-F-11-02) and the Pacific Southwest Research Station. Poster presented at the 2012 FHM Workgroup Meeting, Tucson, AZ , 16-19 April 2012.